Faradic Foot Bath
Faradic Foot Bath
Faradic Foot Bath
• Water reduces the resistance of the part significantly, if soaked for some
duration ;thus producing more effective stimulation of musculature, or
• Water makes perfect contact with the tissues of the body, assuming the
intricate contours of the anatomy, which is difficult to adapt through
electrodes otherwise.
• Wash of electrolytes formed under the electrodes, gives a metabolic
advantage and reduces fatigue.
• Water provides a medium for the current, so lower intensity current is
therefore used (surged faradic current).
• Current cannot be localized to a particular muscle or a part of muscle or a
particular nerve.
• Superficial muscles contract more than deeper ones.
• Chances of electrical shock are high, as water is a good conductor of
Placing the ions under the electrodes having same charge i.e. negative
ions are placed under cathode and positive ions under anode
electrode. The electrode under which ions are placed is called active
(Using water as a medium, without therapeutic ions, requires no such
EXAMINATION:(preparation of patients and
Checking for any general and local contraindications:
• Fever
• Hypertension
• General cardiac and renal conditions of the body
• Open wounds
• Hypersensitive skin
• Metal implants in the tissue or in surrounding
• Loss of sensation
• Infection of nails
• Recent metatarsal fracture
• Eczema or fungal infection
• Cracked (heels of)feet
• Open-unhealed wounds
• Flexible Flat foot (Pes Planus)
• Chronic retro-calcaneal bursitis
• March fracture
• Pott’s fracture
• Metatarsalgia
• Plantar fasciitis
• Plantar digital neuritis
• Sudeck’s atrophy
• Hallux valgus
• Hallux rigidus
• Osteochondritis
• Rheumatoid arthritis of foot
• Poor musculature of arch of foot.
#treatment tray
☆patient should be asked to wash their feet before the treatment.
Treatment tray:
– Lint pads
– Mackintosh sheets
– Tray with distilled water
– Straps
– Pad electrode and pen electrode
– Leads
– Vaseline
– Salt
– Therapeutic electrical stimulator
– Wooden footstool.
The therapist must be free to reach the patient and machine. Sitting on stool and
treating the patient is ideal. Sit on the stool in front of patient at the controls of
the machine and at the same time observe the muscle contraction.