Coronavirus Checklist Manager English - v07
Coronavirus Checklist Manager English - v07
Coronavirus Checklist Manager English - v07
“Following the World Health Organizations categorization of COVID-19 as a pandemic, it was critical that Forwood expand on current fatality
prevention measures and create specific checklists for this virus” said Steve Wood, CEO of Forwood Safety.
Critical Control Checklists aid business continuity through the prevention, early identification and containment of COVID-19.
These checklists were developed to assist in maintaining the health and wellbeing of employees and contractors and minimize
production impacts in the event of an outbreak within the workplace.
COVID-19 checklists for Manager, Supervisor, and Operator can be downloaded from
Founded in 1995, Forwood Safety is a world leader in fatality prevention for high-risk industries. The company offers a range of products to
eliminate and totally eradicate fatalities from the workplace so all employees and contractors can return home safe each day.
Site: Time:
D 1.1 Is there a site standard (policy, procedure or protocol) in place covering the prevention
controls for the infectious disease (e.g. COVID-19)?
D 2.1 Ensure a site standard exists and contains the following elements as a minimum:
- general awareness of COVID-19.
- educational posters and notifications describing the companies preventative measures. Yes No N/A
- regular sanitisation of workstations and equipment.
- adequate supply of Personal Protective Equipment (masks, gloves, etc.).
- general requirements on hygiene & hand sanitisation.
- good respiratory hygiene in the workplace.
- managing meetings, events and gatherings.
- travel guidelines including places to avoid and safe travel routes.
- internal and external communication (closures, health advisories, etc.).
D 1.2 Is there a reliable and sustainable source for procurement of key components?
D 2.2 Verify that plans are in place for timely purchase and replacement of key prevention items, as Yes No N/A
outlined in site standard.
Ensure adequate supplies of personal protective equipment, sanitary materials and cleaning
D 1.3 Is there a "preparedness plan" in place to minimise exposure and prevent infection at
meetings and group events?
D 2.3 Check:
- the plan considers and follows the advice of local authorities or recognised bodies such as WHO.
- whether face-to-face or in person meetings and events can be replaced by remote means such Yes No N/A
as teleconferencing or online events.
- if the meetings/events can be scaled down to reduce the number of participants.
- that information and communication channels with public health and health care
authorities have been verified in advance.
- that sufficient sanitizing and hygiene supplies (tissues and hand sanitizers) and surgical masks,
for people who develop respiratory symptoms, will be on hand.
- the plan requires all participants to provide complete contact details and agree that their
information will be shared with local health authorities in the event any participant becomes ill.
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Manager Verification
Task: Name:
Site: Time:
I 1.1 Are sanitizing hand rub dispensers placed prominently in the workplace and are they regularly
filled? Yes No N/A
I 1.2 Are surfaces (e.g. desks, workstations and tables) and objects (e.g. telephones, keyboards
and other equipment) being wiped with disinfectant regularly? Yes No N/A
I 2.2 Verify that surface cleaning is included in a documented maitenance and inspection program.
I 1.3 Do staff, contractors and customers have access to places where they can wash their
hands with soap and water?
Yes No N/A
I 2.3 Verify that hand wash stations are included in a documented maintenance and inspection
Field check that wash basins and stations are operational and supplied with soap and hot water.
I 1.4 Are face masks and paper tissues available at workplaces for those who develop a runny
nose or cough at work, along with closed bins for hygienic disposal? Yes No N/A
I 1.5 Is there a company-wide communication and messaging system in place to provide advice
and to keep employees and contractors informed of the latest developments?
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Manager Verification
Task: Name:
Site: Time:
I 1.6 Are procedures being followed before and during meetings and group events (when they
cannot be avoided) to minimise exposure to potential illness?
I 1.7 Are employees and contractors aware of the prevention measures the company has put in
place to prevent COVID-19 virus from entering the workplace?
Yes No N/A
I 2.7 Conduct a random sample of checks in the workplace and ask people if they are aware of
what the company has done to prevent the COVID-19 virus from entering the workplace.
Ensure the sample size is adequate for the number of people in your work area.
T 1.1 Are hand washing and good respiratory hygiene promoted throughout the workplace?
Yes No N/A
T 2.1 Verify that:
- educational posters are displayed prominently.
- guidance is offered by occupational health and safety officers.
- health briefings / information are provided at employee meetings and on the company network.
T 1.2 Are employees trained to sanitize workstations and equipment prior to use? Yes No N/A
T 1.3 Are all employees and contractors trained and competent to follow local and national health
authorities advice? Yes No N/A
T 2.3 Check that workplace messaging and daily briefings include the necessity and the
importance of following the local and national health advisories in the event of an outbreak.
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Page 6 | March 2020 © 2020 Copyright Forwood Enterprises Limited
Critical Risk: COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Critical Control: Early Identification & Containment
Purpose: To prevent the spread of disease in the workplace when
someone becomes ill
Manager Verification
Task: Name:
Site: Time:
D 1.1 Is there a site standard (policy, procedure or protocol) in place covering the controls for early
identification and containment of the infectious disease (e.g. COVID-19)?
D 2.1 Ensure a site standard (policy, procedure or protocol) exists and contains the following
elements as a minimum:
- early identification and testing methods for COVID-19. Yes No N/A
- procedures for preventing the spread in infection once a person has been identified as
having the COVID-19 virus.
- procedures for the quaratine of individuals once a person is infected with the COVID-19 virus.
- regular sanitisation of quarantined areas.
- mandatory use of Personal Protective Equipment (masks, gloves, etc.) for medical staff,
cleaners, etc., entering quarantined areas.
- internal and external communication on the number of infected people.
- tracing and testing of all personnel who have been in direct vicinity of infected individuals.
D 1.2 Does the company have procurement procedures in place to ensure appropriate equipment
that confirms the infection of COVID-19?
Yes No N/A
D 2.2 Ensure testing procedures and mechanisms are in place. For remote locations and sites these
may be test kits, and for offices and workplaces in metropolitan areas this may be an established
medical facility or Doctor.
Ensure an adequate supply of equipment considering the number of people in the workplace.
D 1.3 Are there emergency procedures in place describing the actions that must be taken after an
individual or multiple people have been identified as contracting the COVID-19 virus?
D 2.3 Ensure that the following steps are included in any emergency action plans as a minimum:
- retain names and contact details of all participants for at least one month. This will help public
health authorities trace people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 if one or more
Yes No N/A
participants become ill shortly after the event.
- all participants are notified if someone at the meeting or event was isolated as a suspected
COVID-19 cases. They should be advised to monitor themselves for symptoms for 14 days and
take their temperature twice a day.
- notify all participants to stay home should they develop even a mild cough or low-grade fever
(i.e. a temperature of 37.3 C or more). This means avoiding close contact (1 meter or nearer)
with other people, including family members. They should also telephone their healthcare provider
or the local public health department, giving them details of their recent travel and symptoms.
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Manager Verification
Task: Name:
Site: Time:
D 1.4 Has a "response plan" been developed in case someone becomes ill with symptoms of
COVID-19 (cough, fever, malaise)?
I 1.1 Is there an administrative / management team in place to ensure good coordination and timely
actions? Yes No N/A
I 2.1 Check that there is an emergency management team in place with clear guidelines and
I 1.2 Has a room or area been designated and prepared for safe isolation of persons feeling ill or
showing symptoms? Yes No N/A
I 2.2 Check that a room or an area is designated, appropriately equipped and sufficiently isolated to
temporarily hold persons feeling ill or showing symptoms.
I 1.3 Has a hospital / health facility been identified where the person showing symptoms can be
safely transferred to?
Yes No N/A
I 2.3 Ensure that:
- a health facility is designated.
- it is reasonably located.
- it is equipped and prepared to handle COVID-19 patients.
- a safe means of transportation to a designated hospital or quarantine facility.
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Manager Verification
Task: Name:
Site: Time:
I 2.4 Ensure that each department, in coordination with human resources, has identified staff
with pre-existing conditions and that there are plans in place to eliminate or minimise travel or in-
person meeting requirements.
I 1.5 Are employees and contractors aware of the steps they need to take if they suspect they may
have the COVID-19 virus and they start developing flu like symptoms?
Yes No N/A
I 2.5 Conduct a random sample of checks in the workplace and ask people if they are aware of
what to do in the event they suspect they may have the COVID-19 virus.
Ensure the sample size is adequate for the number of people in your work area.
I 1.6 Does the company have in place the necessary equipment to confirm infection of COVID-19?
Yes No N/A
I 2.6 Check equipment and ensure adequate supplies based on the number of employees and
contractors working on site.
T 1.1 Have the staff been made aware of early detection and quarantine procedures?
Yes No N/A
T 2.1 Ensure that staff are informed through company network and at department team meetings.
T 1.2 Has there been training sessions for staff at all levels to familiarise them with the "Response
Yes No N/A
Plan" in case of a potential infection?
T 2.2 Check that required staff are trained in the "Response Plan".
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Page 10 | March 2020 © 2020 Copyright Forwood Enterprises Limited
Critical Risk: COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Critical Control: Business Continuity
Purpose: To ensure uninterrupted business operations in the event of
COVID-19 outbreak in the workplace
Manager Verification
Task: Name:
Site: Time:
D 1.1 Does the company have a documented business strategy in place that specifically deals with
the event of a COVID-19 outbreak in the workplace?
Yes No N/A
D 1.2 Have you developed a "contingency and business continuity plan" for an outbreak in the
community where your business operates?
- communicates to the employees and contractors about the plan and ensures they are aware of
what they need to do – or not do – under the plan.
- emphasizes key points such as the importance of staying away from work even if they have
only mild symptoms or have had to take simple medications (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen) which
may mask the symptoms.
- addresses the mental health and social consequences of a case of COVID-19 in the workplace
or in the community and offers information and support.
- develops partnerships and plans with the local health and social service providers in advance of
any emergency.
I 1.1 Have the employees and contractors been informed of the "contingency and business
continuity plan"?
Yes No N/A
I 2.1 Review:
- internal and external communications about the plan.
- supporting documentation on established procedures for remote work during the emergency
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Manager Verification
Task: Name:
Site: Time:
I 1.2 Is the business equipped with appropriate communication tools to facilitate remote access and
teleworking? (networks, meeting softwares, remote access, etc.)
Yes No N/A
I 2.2 Check that:
- employees are set up to access the company network and to meet electronically to perform
their daily work.
- there are contingency plans at all business units to function even if many employees are forced
to stay home due to health warnings or local restrictions.
- communication systems and remote services are adequate and functional.
I 1.3 Is there a "support system" set up to provide technical assistance to employees and
contractors when working remotely? Yes No N/A
T 1.1 Have employees been trained and do they understand the operational changes while the
contingency plan is in effect? Yes No N/A
T 2.1 Review:
- communication, training and informational material distributed to employees and contractors.
- trial runs are conducted to ensure the system readiness.
T 1.2 Are the employees sufficiently trained in using the tools to work remotely? Yes No N/A
T 2.2 Examine employee readiness and competency through audits and field review.
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