Question and Answer15
Question and Answer15
Question and Answer15
Lecture :
Group 1st :
Lia Arisanti (16.04.0127)
Nurul Hikmah (16.04.01271)
Rahmatul Fitriah (16.04.01272)
Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing
the English paper assignment entitled “Question and Answer”.
In this writing paper, we feel there are still many shortcomings both in
technical writing and material, given the capabilities we have. To that end,
criticisms and suggestions from all sides are expected by us to improve the
manufacture of this paper.
In this paper the authors thanked profusely to the parties who assist in
completing this paper, particularly to our lecturers who have given tasks and
instructions to us, so that we can complete this task.
Table of Content.......................................................................................................................ii
Chapter I Introduction
A. Background......................................................................................................................iii
B. Problem formulation........................................................................................................iii
Chapter II Discussion
A. The Definition of Question-Answer Test.......................................................................1
B. Advantages & Disadvantages.........................................................................................3
C. Characteristics ................................................................................................................5
D. Level of Using Test ........................................................................................................6
E. How to Make the Test ..................................................................................
F. Catagories ....................................................................................................
G. Types ...........................................................................................................
H. Examples .......................................................................................................
A. Background
In schools, teacher-made tests are often used. One of the functions of
this test is to assess student progress in terms of achieving the material that
has been learned. This model test requires answers that are discussion or
description of words. The characteristics of the question are preceded by
words such as; describe, explain, why, how, compare, conclude, and so on.
This type of test is then called the Subjective Test which is usually not much
in number, only about 5-10 pieces, but the questions require quite a long time,
about 90-120 minutes. In addition, this test also requires students' ability to
organize, interpret, connect the notions that they have
By Richard Nordquist, Accessed on 15
September 2019
By Arif Muslimin. Accessed on
15 September 2019
b. Does not give many opportunities to speculate or chance
c. Encouraging students to have the courage to express their opinions and
give them a good sentence
d. Give students the opportunity to express their intentions in their own style
and style.
e. Can know the extent to which students explore a problem being tested /
Disadvantages of Subjective Tests are:
a. Limited scope of subject matter being assessed and the difficulty of
correcting answers with an objective (Sudjana, 2001: 262)
b. The level of validity and reliability is low because it is difficult to know
which aspects of the student's knowledge are truly mastered.
c. Less representative in terms of representing the entire scope of subject
matter to be tested because the problem is only a few (limited)
d. How the examination is influenced by subjective elements
e. The examination is more difficult because it requires more individual
consideration from the assessor.
f. The time for correction is long and cannot be represented by others.
C. Characteristics
Characteristics of subjective tests
a. The number of questions arranged is not too much
b. The results obtained are not accommodating because the range of material
is not too broad
c. Much influenced by factors: the language used by the testimony, the
density of the writing made by the testimony, the attitude of the assessor
towards the testimony, the casting is relative, the answers are very long,
influenced by the emotions of the examiner, the questions asked are broad
and complicated, while the available time is limited
The instructions for preparing subjective tests are as follows:
a. Test questions should include the main ideas of the material being tested
b. The question should not take sentences that are copied directly from a
book or note.
c. At the time of compilation, the questions were already equipped with
answer keys and assessment guidelines
d. It should be endeavored that questions vary between "explain", "why",
"how", "how far", so that students' mastery of the material can be
known further.
e. It should be confirmed what kind of answer the test compiler wants. for
this question may not be general, but must be specific.
F. Categories
G. Types
According the breadth of the material in question, the test form description can be
divided into two forms, namely limited description (restricted response items) and free
description (extended response items) (Arifin, 2009: 125).
1. Limited Description
In answering questions about the form of this limited description, students must express
certain things as their limits. Although the sentence answers to students vary, but there
must be important points contained in the systematic answer in accordance with the limits
that have been determined and desired in the problem.
a. Explain how the operating procedures of a computer
b. Mention the intrinsic elements of a novel!
2. Free Description
In this form students are free to answer questions in their own way and systematic.
Students are free to express their opinions according to their abilities. Therefore, each
student has a different way and systematic. However, teachers still must have a reference
or benchmark in correcting students' answers.
a. How is the development of literature in Indonesia, explain briefly!
b. What is the role of literature in life?
According to Hidayat, et al. (1994: 82) description tests are divided into two forms.
According to Arifin (2009: 125-126) these two forms are part of a limited description
form, because the grouping is only based on the approach / method of giving a score.
students. So, questions in the form of problems must be solved, explained, analyzed, and
solved by students.
According to Arifin (2009: 127) free description forms can be used to assess learning
outcomes that are complex, such as the ability to produce, organize and express ideas,
integrate various learning outcomes from various studies, engineer original forms (such
as designing an experiment) , and assess the meaning of the meaning of an idea.
In scoring questions about the form of non-objective description, the scores are spelled
out in a range. The size of the score is determined by the complexity of the answers, such
as 0-2, 0-4, 0-6, 0-8, 0-10, and others. The minimum score must be 0, because students
who do not answer will get the minimum score, while the maximum score is determined
by the compiler of the questions and the state of the answers demanded in the problem
(Arifin, 2009: 127).
J. Nitko in Arifin (2009: 126) explains the form of limited description can be used to
assess complex learning outcomes, namely in the form of abilities: explain the causal
relationship, describe the application of principles, propose relevant arguments, formulate
hypotheses appropriately, formulating appropriate assumptions, delineating data
limitations, formulating conclusions appropriately, describing methods and procedures,
and similar things that demand the ability of students to complete answers.
In scoring the form of objective description matter. Scores are only possible using two
categories, i.e. true or false. For each correct keyword given a score of 1 (one) and for
keywords that were answered incorrectly or not answered given a score of 0 (zero). In
one answer can contain more than one keyword so that the maximum score of answers
can be more than one. These keywords can be sentences, words, numbers, symbols,
pictures, graphics, ideas, ideas or statements. It is hoped that with this division, the
subjectivity element can be avoided or reduced (Arifin, 2009: 126).
we do not know what to do. Then, one of my cousins told us to run, we all
ran, and suddenly we heard the sound of skin. Then we know that
homeowners allow dogs to chase us. And we were struggling to run as fast
as her as we can.
But, I tell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg.
it really heart me. Then the dog ran back into the house. My cousin took
me to the doctor and told my parents. In the end, the doctor said that I was
exposed to rabies. Then I was hospitalized for one week more.
That’s a terrible day of the week for me, may not happen to me
again in next week Sunday.
The question !
1. What is the title of the story above?
2. Why last week was a terrible day for the author?
3. What the doctor said at author?
The answer !
1. Sunday The Terrible
2. For kicking the ball too strong, so that the ball is kicked into the
window and broke the window.
3. The doctors say that the author is exposed to rabies