Welding Procedures Specification For Flux Cored Arc Welding of Wind Towers
Welding Procedures Specification For Flux Cored Arc Welding of Wind Towers
Welding Procedures Specification For Flux Cored Arc Welding of Wind Towers
Current Weld Heat Deposition
feed Voltage
(typical) speed input rate
Pass speed
[V] [A] [cm/min] [kJ/mm] [kg/h]
HV10 One parameter of paramount importance is the
400 angle of the torch in all passes but especially on
350 root and cap passes, by controlling the torch
300 angle a good penetration or fill can be obtained.
For root passes it was found that a downward
angle, about 15º with horizontal plane, provided
200 the correct amount of penetration and good joint
Heat Input KJ/mm For cap passes the decision of what angle
was more appropriate was difficult because not
Figure 5 - Maximum Hardness for each
only the welding speed and torch angle
heat input value tested.
influenced the cap but also weaving frequency
400 Max. y = 364,35e-0,062x
Hardness and amplitude.
R² = 0,9715
350 The preferred angle for fill and cap pass was
an angle of 0º with horizontal plane, with a 0.2
seconds dwelling right and left with a frequency
250 of 1Hz, as for the width of the weaving was
normally 2mm shorter than the gap of the joint in
1,57 3,13 4,70 6,26 7,83 9,39 11,90 the actual pass.
Cooling times T8-5 Mechanized test pieces were subjected to
ultrasonic testing and if any imperfection was
Figure 6 - Max. hardness relation with cooling detected welding parameters and procedures
times obtained with Rosenthal analytical solution. were refined until flawless welding bead was
All specimens presented acicular ferrite,
polygonal ferrite, in the weld material, in the low
heat input specimens some formations of
martensite, and bainite were detected. The
unaffected parent material presented ferritic and
perlitic structures.
Microstructural differences were best seen in
the heat affected zone as it was expected.
Specimens with lower heat input (A, B, C, H, I) Figure 7 - Completed welding joint. Left: front
have martensitic and bainite structures in the side, right: back side of welded joint.
grain growth and in the refined grain areas as
Most problematic imperfection found was
well. Traces of perlite and some aggregated
porosity. Welding parameters and conditions
carbides are present in the subcritical region. In
were check and arrived at the conclusion that
the specimens with Hi higher than 2.5KJ the
that the cause was incorrect gas flow rate. By
grain growth region has ferrite with aligned M-A-
consulting gas flow efficiency information in “
C and ferrite carbide aggregates, in the
Wilkinson, M. E., Direct Gas Shield Analysis to
subcritical region ferrite and spheroidized pearlite
Determine Shielding Efficiency. Report of The
are present.
Welding Institute (TWI), Cambridge, England;”
3. Third trial and applying, the Reynolds number (Re) from
The first and second trials gave the fluid mechanics, a flow line was plotted which
opportunity to initiate mechanized welding with facilitated the establishment of a new and more
well-defined parameter boundaries. Few efficient flow rate however the exact transition
changes were needed to achieve sound welding will be dependent on the diameter of torch used,
beads with good penetration and morphology.
this study provided some perspective and There are two hypotheses to explain the slag
cautions on the use of too high a flow rate. inclusion:
Flow Rate 1st used flow 1- The cut made by the grinder entrapped
30 (l/min) 2nd used flow slag in the small groove of the cut and the
25 Flow Line 26 26,9 second pass did not melted adequately the root
22,7 pass leaving slag embedded in the bead.
20 20
17,5 2- The cut originated a small groove that
15 Turbulent
was enough to entrap the slag of the second
10 Laminar pass by disturbing the weld flow.
5 6,6
Not being sure which one was the defect
0 cause, slag removal procedure and welding
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 procedures were altered in order to eliminate all
Nozzle Size (mm)
possible causes. Conventional slag cut was
Figure 8 - Shielding gas flow regions.
made on left and on right instead of being
4. Fourth trial centered, the cut did not touch the weld bead.
Similarly to the third trial mechanized samples Welding speeds were increased in order to avoid
with no imperfections were welded with the a cushion effect and provide a better penetration
purpose of being submitted to mechanical tests. by the arc travelling on the edge of the molten
Even with all the trials done before and welding material.
procedure well established some imperfections After all welds quality was confirmed by
were detected in some samples. In twenty nine ultrasonic and radiographic testing, Charpy and
samples four showed presence of imperfections tensile tests were also carried out on several test
such as intermittent undercut, slag inclusions pieces.
and gas pores. Yield Tensile Elongation
Strength Strength after
Three test pieces, despite the imperfections Reference
Mpa MPa fracture %
found, are classified by ISO 5817 as class B ST004_T1 531 614 25,3
(highest quality level). Only one test piece had ST004_T2 540 650 27,1
none of the other three test pieces with ST006_T1 476 596 29,0
ST006_T2 524 644 26,2
imperfections required repair.
ST006_T3 496 599 24,8
The case of the test piece with not
ST013_T1 552 680 27,5
acceptable is present below.
ST013_T2 559 699 27,4
ST013_T3 558 715 29,9
ST020_T1 495 625 28,1
ST020_T2 516 632 28,8
ST020_T3 536 664 27,6
project. These wires were valid choices as they besides stickout (which is limited) is wire feed
are all-position wires for structural welding of mild speed that also has a limit. More current implies
and some alloy steels but also suitable for single- hotter molten metal and more wire fed, in these
and multi-pass welding however self-shielded conditions it is impossible to the molten metal
wires were not capable of matching mechanical solidify quickly enough to sustain the following
properties of S460M steel. metal deposited by the weaving motion.
All gas-shielded filler materials that have Pure carbon dioxide is not an inert gas
been tested are 1.2mm diameter all-position because the heat of the arc breaks down the
rutile wires which differ among them mainly on CO2 into carbon monoxide and free oxygen. The
nickel content and corresponding toughness use of pure CO2 as welding gas, instead of 20%
properties of the weld metal. All gas-protected CO2 argon-based mixtures, results normally in
rutile flux-cored wires tested, PZ6113 (with lower values of hydrogen as CO2 react at these
Ar/CO2), PZ6113S, PZ6114S, PZ6116S and high welding temperatures producing a hotter
PZ6138, all match entirely the properties of puddle than truly inert atmospheres. The thermal
S460M steel. conductivity of the gas at arc temperatures
Not only gas-shielded wires are capable of a influences the arc voltage as well as the thermal
much better overall weldability but also have energy delivered to the weld. As thermal
deposition rates notoriously higher than their conductivity increases, greater welding voltage is
self-shielded counterparts. necessary to sustain the arc. For example, the
It is known that as the cross sectional area thermal conductivity of helium and CO2 is much
of a conductor decreases, the resistance to higher than that of argon, because of this they
current flow increases. This resistance to current deliver more heat to the weld. As result the use
flow will cause considerable heating of the of CO2 improves the molten puddle flow
conductor if the current is relatively high and the characteristics and hydrogen diffusion, since the
conductor is small in cross sectional area. In elevated solubility of hydrogen allows hydrogen
other words, at a given current in amperes, the to diffuse out of the metal while this is at elevated
current density within the conductor will increase temperatures.
as the diameter of the conductor is reduced. In spite of the need to provide protection
It is this high current density that makes flux from wind in the immediate vicinity of the welding
cored wires the success they are. The high area, gas-shielded wires are strongly
resistance heating of the wire is confined to a recommended for mechanized FCAW
small area, and the electrode reaches its' melting applications within the scope of the project, the
point very quickly, producing a concentrated final choice of FCAW filler material fell on
deep penetrating arc. The deposition rate and PZ6113S due to lower cost related to welding
the efficiency are very high. (gas type) and very similar properties with the
The current density is considerably higher in remaining PZ wires.
the small diameter flux cored wire and therefore S460M Weldability Test
the deposition rate will also be somewhat higher. The microstructural changes between
For example the smallest self-shielded (SS) wire different heat input samples can be explained by
tested was 1.6mm and gas-shielded (GS) was the cooling time. A high heat input will result in a
1.2mm, the resistive area of SS is 77% bigger slow cooling rate, for a carbon steel, a slow
than GS and even increasing the stickout length cooling time over the temperature range of 800
to its limit it was proven impossible to to 500º C, results in a predominantly ferrite and
compensate the resistance difference, as it can pearlite microstructure.
be seen in Table1 were the best SS wire has a A low heat input will result in a high cooling
deposition rate of about 75% of any GS. rate. A fast cooling time over the temperature
To match GS wires performance SS wires range of 800 to 500º C, results in a
must increase its welding current however the predominantly ferrite and equal quantities of
only parameter which increases the current bainite and pearlite in the microstructure.
Martensite is rare in weldments with 0.1 to 0.25% Consulting the standard ISO TR 15608 –
C and 1.0 to 2.0% Mn carbon steel welded with 2005 the steel S460M belongs to the group 2.1
suitable fillers, a cooling time of less than 1 as it is a thermomechanically treated fine-grain
second over the temperature range of 800 to steel with a specified minimum yield strength 360
500º C would be necessary to form martensite. /mm2 < ReH ≤460 /mm2 and consulting ISO
The application of Rosenthal analytical 15614-1 2004 section 7.4.6 Table 2 the
solutions for this kind of experimental work is maximum permitted hardness value (HV10) for
always a rough approximation to real welding this type of joint and steel group cannot exceed
conditions, however with the necessary 380HV10.
precautions when analyzing the data obtained Even with the lowest heat input the
some conclusions can be associated with the maximum HV value obtained was 363 therefore
real case. according to the standards any of the welding
The predicted range of cooling times for a parameters used are acceptable, however lower
0.5 kJ/mm weld sample was found to be around values of hardness ensure a less brittle structure
1.6s, this translates to mean cooling rates of and HI higher than 1.5KJ/mm should be used to
approximately 192ºC/s. On the opposite for a safeguard a more ductile fracture.
heat input of 3.8KJ/mm the cooling time As expected test pieces with lowest HI such
increased to 12s and the cooling rate was about as A, B, E,I with microstructures rich in bainite
25°C/s. and martensite which has limited slip possibilities
In Figure 6 the maximum hardness versus and a high yield strength, these test pieces also
cooling times were plotted and a trend lines was show higher hardness and brittleness in WM up
added using an exponential equation, this trend to refined grain growth than all the others test
line has a R2=0.9715 which is a fairly good pieces. The other test pieces with higher HI and
accuracy to the values plotted. slower cooling rates have small amount of
( ( polygonal ferrite and acicular ferrite,
This equation can be used to back track characterized by needle shaped crystallites with
from a hardness value desired up to the HI chaotic ordering, in the WM which confers a
necessary to achieve it. more ductile microstructure than martensite.
With cooling times less than 4.7s there is a Ferrite with aligned M-A-C was also found and
high probability to find martensite on the weld although this kind of microstructures is not
metal and also on the HAZ, these hard beneficial due to the presence of martensite and
microstructures are above de 300HV since the carbides which contribute to the embrittlement,
supersaturated solid solution of carbon and hardness values were very alike to test pieces
alpha ferrite are not maintained between 800 and without this type of microstructures which leads
500ºC have enough time to promote the grain to think that there is only a small amount of M-A-
growth and carbon diffusion. C.
Test pieces C, D and M had cooling times It was also found that for same values of
between 5 and 9s, this higher cooling time heat input obtained by higher wire feed speed
translated in the complete microstructural result in slight lower values of hardness. This can
transformation of the weld metal in acicular and be seen in Figure 5 where hardness values of
polygonal ferrite and long enough cooling time to 0.49 KJ/mm and 1.03KJ/mm, respectively test
transform austenite in bainite, avoiding pieces H and I welded at 9cm/min, were 20HV10
martensite, in the HAZ. lower than when the two test pieces welded at
For the remaining test pieces, G and N, 6cm/min. One reason for this to happen is the
with cooling time, above 9s, allowed the cushion effect, at a slower welding speed the arc
attainment of ferrite and spheroidized perlite in force is damped by the extra weld metal
the subcritical zone very similar with the parent deposited this translate to a lower heat
material whilst in the grain growth zone was transmission to the piece as heat is partly
identified ferrite with aligned M-A-C. dispersed by the weld bead itself, although the
heat input is equal. As seen before lower to unsettle. Same scenario was found in PF
temperatures are accompanied by higher cooling position with the welding speed limit being
rates which lead to harder structures. 11cm/min.
Mechanized welding trials Mechanized welding samples
It was decided maintain constant the wire Although some defects were detected in the
feed speed, therefore torch alignment, stick-out, ST samples, according to ISO 5817, no repair
welding speed and torch angle would be was mandatory, except for one. The results
adjusted in order to compensate changes in joint obtained by NDT confirmed not only the quality
geometry. The parameters obtained from the of welded joints but also the ability to detect any
manual testing were very accurate working as kind of imperfection.
guide lines needing just some corrections case Methodology and welding parameters were
by case as it is impossible to guarantee identical very alike with the ones used in the mechanized
joint geometry of every test pieces and the trials and in twenty nine test pieces only one
mechanized system does not compensate failed the standard requirements this shows that
unforeseen situations like a skilled technician the welding procedure is robust and easily
does. repeatable with high quality welds.
The most delicate and troublesome pass The major imperfection found on ST005
was the cap, not only because it was the surface reveals that the welding position PA is more
one but also because it was the transitions from prone to develop this kind of imperfection than
a weld bead starting within the joint and ending the PF position, this is related to the less efficient
on the surface of the test piece. convection in the molten pool when welding in
Shielding gas flow rate is often a neglected PA making any failure in the joint preparation is a
factor in FCAW, the assumption that more gas possible triggering defect. The key to eliminate
flow results in better protection is misleading. the imperfection was the homogeneous
High gas flow surge at weld start causes preparation of the joint to receive the second
turbulence in the shielding gas stream. This pass as it is nearly impossible to control weld
turbulence causes air to be mixed into the flow conditions.
shielding gas stream until the flow rate stabilizes The disturbance of the weld flow can be
to the preset level. This entrained air causes, in explained by two types of flow generated.
addition to wasting shielding gas, excess weld The surface temperature of the weld pool
spatter and can cause internal weld porosity. The will usually be maximum in the center of the weld
gas flow required to efficiently protect the molten pool and decreases with increasing distance
puddle cam be directly related to the welding gun from the center creating a temperature gradient
nozzle size and distance to work piece First flow which in turn will generate a surface tension
rate value used, which lead to some porosity, is gradient. The negative gradient of the surface
marked as a red triangle in Figure 8. As can be tension generates outward directed flow called
seen it was not an excessive value however for Marangoni flow (Figure 10), on the opposite side
the gas type and nozzle size being used it was is the Lorentz flow (Figure 11) which generates
too much. After plotting a flow line that separates electromagnetic forces in the weld pool due to
approximately the turbulent regime from the divergency of the electric current causing
laminar a new and conservative flow rate was pressure differences and resulting in downward
tested, marked in the graph with a green square, directed flow.
with this new value the incidence of porosities
cause by inadequate gas flow rate dropped to
virtually zero.
In PA position with 10mm thickness was
found to be impossible to make the root pass
Figure 10- Figure 11-
with welding speed higher than 7cm/min as the
Marangoni flow Lorentz flow
electric arc overtakes the molten bath and begins
As result of these reversals, undesirable One explanation is that longitudinal test
variations in penetration depth can occur and the metal across the grain of steel and have higher
existence of the small groove can be enough to notch toughness than transverse.
produce the imperfection above described. Thermomechanically rolled material possess
Tensile test results confirm the mechanical long grain boundaries in rolling direction and
properties expected when welding with the another reason for the anisotropy is the
chosen wire and these types of steel, the lowest elongation of non-metallic inclusions like
value of yield strength registered was 476MPa manganese sulphide. At high temperatures the
above minimum value in the wire certificate as sulphide inclusions are harder than the matrix
well in the steel certificate. material, but in the temperature regime of the
The values for these properties vary even thermomechanical treatment the inclusions are
between specimens of the same test sample, the softer. During the rolling process they stretch in
maximum variation is about 81 MPa and this can the rolling direction and elongate resulting in
be explained by some changes in the welding anisotropic toughness behavior as a consequent,
parameters to compensate inhomogeneous joint the Charpy impact values in the transverse
zones. These changes modify the heat input and direction are usually inferior to those in the rolling
joint filling, this can originate different direction.
microstructures consequently different
mechanical properties. Ductility can be Conclusions
assessed by the other two parameter, area Although self-shielded FCAW wires have
reduction and elongation after fracture. A evolved greatly they are still a step behind the
material that experiences very little or no plastic gas-shielded wires Self-shielded wires seemed
deformation upon fracture is termed brittle and to have good potential for application in the
the converse is also true. The minimum scope of SAFETOWER as mobility being the
elongation belongs to S460M steel with a value best property however self-shielded FCAW wires
of 17% from tensile test done the lowest of all do not match mechanical properties of S460M
specimens was 24.8%, regarding the values of steel and presented a very harsh and difficult arc
reduction of area and using once again behavior translating into an additional difficulty
ISO6892-1 this type of fracture is considered when trying to mechanize the procedure
ductile. Gas-shielded surpassed in every way their
Charpy impact tests determine the amount self-shielded counterparts, with mechanical
of energy absorbed by a material during fracture. properties similar to S460M, better deposition
All results obtained while testing confirm the rates, steady behavior on ceramic backing
predicted behavior, supplied by the wire and provided a good start point to mechanize.
steel manufacturers, at all temperatures including Parameters found manually needed very
at -50ºC which is an extreme temperature for few corrections when mechanized, nevertheless
both steel and filler wire. All test pieces absorbed constant oversight of the welding procedure is
amounts of energy above the minimum value in mandatory. A good joint preparation minimizes
the wire and steel certificate for all temperatures. the corrections during welding and reduces the
One other aspect of Charpy results is the energy probability of imperfections as shown above.
difference between longitudinal and transverse S460M weldability test demonstrated the
specimen. Generally in the longitudinal specimen steel behavior when subjected to certain heat
the energy absorbed increases along the inputs, results show arising of some detrimental
distance from the weld metal in other words structures like martensite and carbides but in
FL+5 will absorb the most amount of energy of small quantities and the hardness values show
all the locations followed by FL+2 then FL and that even with very low HI, according to ISO
finally WM, on the other and the transverse standard, all welds are acceptable. However the
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