Peacock Dictionary Draft
Peacock Dictionary Draft
Peacock Dictionary Draft
Note o n t h is dr aft: This is still a very rough draft, with many entries only partially checked or examined, and
plenty of typing and spelling errors waiting to be corrected. In addition, there is a persistent feature of the
software used that misplaces the second pronunciation when there is one. This will be corrected only in the
final draft. Similarly, the = entry should come before Syn/Ant/cf, but we have not moved them for the draft.
We welcome all comment&particularly want to know two things:
Should we put pronunciation in Bse script as well?
Should we mark all split verbs, or only those which are not obviously noun-verb compounds?
Should we mark them in the entry word, or within the pronunciation?
Please let us know what you think at <[email protected]>
Starting toward the end of the 20th century, the Burmese language has gained many new words,
reflecting a newly intensified exposure to international political, economic, and social concepts
(e.g., eZ;kXk\s^;pXa;er; market economy). Many writers and scholars are still defining these new
concepts, and searching for the words to convey them. Some of the new words have not firmly
entered the common vocabulary yet, and some will undoubtedly be superseded. However, the
intention of the compilers is to include as many new words that may be found in contemporary
books and magazines as possible. As an excellent scholarly dictionary is widely available, we have
excluded archaic and obsolete words which are not found in well-known sayings or proverbs, in satire, or
in popular historical writing.
This dictionary is made with the language learner in mind. For example:
Ø it contains many synonyms, antonyms, count words, and groupings of related words.
Ø there are explanations of usage, including notes about common confusions and pitfalls for both
native speakers of Burmese in English, and for Burmese language learners
Ø all examples are translated, as are many references and antonyms
Ø definitions are given under non-standard forms (along with a reference to the currently accepted
form), eliminating the need to look up a word in two places
Ø many proverbs, sayings, and expressions have been included, with similar English phrases where
found, or translation and indication of the usual meaning. They are listed under the first main
word, i.e., AKulk\Pmiu; AKulk\Pwå; would be found under lk\Pmiu;
Definitions are given in simple English wherever possible. Easily misunderstood terms are avoided in the
definitions as far as possible, or explained (e.g., 'lover' is not the first definition of K¥s\q¨' Riu; is usually
'honest, upright', not 'simple', rc\;Nx^; is usually 'close' rather than 'intimate'). Words that have become or
remained common among English language learners, but which are not currently used the same way
among native English speakers are pointed out (e.g., 'my native' for 'my hometown'; 'generation' for
The purpose of this bilingual dictionary is not to prescribe correct spelling or preserve original usage, but
to assist communication. If a word is used 'wrongly' (e.g., eBa\då from the English 'boarder', now more
often heard as 'friend, mate'), both original and current definitions will be given. However, when an
English word has been used differently than in English, the original word is shown only in brackets, e.g.,
piuka n variation of rummy [Engl poker]
Many words are duplicated under older spellings, to allow readers of pre-1986 materials ease of use, and
to allow forgetful Myanmar users to find words quickly. Such words contain a reference to the current
spelling (e.g., kutc\ªKutc\, Binp\ªPinp\).
Many words, like ”k^;' n^' ekac\; can be used like English verbs, but can also combine with and modify
other words, as in qs\pc\”k^;' wn\”k^;' qa;”k^; Despite the various forms which can modify nouns,
fundamentally ”k^; is a verb in Burmese – but the functions of a verb are wider in Burmese than in
English, and overlap with English adjectives. Verbs will not be double-listed under both parts of speech.
[The Intro will also include some general explanations about a few common transformations in Bse:
Ø un/aspirated pairs, e.g., PXc\. and pXc\.
Ø creaky tone for possessive, and some other situations
Ø pairs with A - that can be substituted e.g., AsAn, ÚsÚn to lk\slk\n' As^;Anc\; bad
influence (in astrology), to “gioh\s^;“gioh\nc\; bad influence of a planet. Aer;Ara matters, affairs
ss\er;ss\ra military affairs ®pv\er;®pv\ra politics. Every possible combination cannot be
covered, but the more common ones are included in the entries, and the basic form is shown in
its entry
Ø all words beginning with A- alone as the first syllable will be included throughout the dictionary
as though they did not have an initial A- (as well as in the A - section)
Ø repetition Asit\ to Asit\sit\
Ø abbreviations such as e_aM for e_ak\' j for erX>
Regular future revised editions are planned, and the wishes, criticisms, corrections, additions, and suggestions
from users will be incorporated as far as is in our power to do so. Send all to <[email protected]>
Symbo ls: †computer, ¬literature, literary term, ™colloquial term, ∞slang, ßastrology, ©astronomy, ¥eco–
nomics, µ male, ƒ female, ∂ art, ∑marine, ∏politics or geography, πprinting, ≈technical/scientific term,
Ãliterary form, Œbotany/plant names, œmusical term, ◊medical term, ‹ Buddhist term, Óhistorical or obsolete
term, Ímilitary term, Îvulgar or offensive, π proverb. Still need: royal, animal/zoology/animal names, law
Ab br evi atio ns
Ant antonym excl exclamation neg negative relig religion
abbr abbreviation fig figurative (connotation) Syn synonym
cf see also fml formal orth orthography = same as, variation of
cosm cosmology gram grammar palm palmistry
cw count word inf informal phil philosophy
derog derogatory int interjection pos psitive
drama drama, play law legal term (connotation)
Lashi Maru Atsi (Yaw, Rakhine, Dawei/
Tavoyan, Intha, etc)
Compiled from David Bradley. Essays in honour of Eugénie J. A. Henderson, South-east Asian Linguistics, School of Oriental and African Studies: 1989, and
other sources.
English – Burmese dictionary (Judson). 1866. A. Judson. (reprinted 1992 by Languages-of-the-World Publications, New Delhi.)
Pali – English dictionary.
The Judson Burmese – English dictionary, 2nd ed. 1921. A. Judson, R. C. Stevenson, F. H. Eveleth.
sM®p®mn\maABiDan\k¥m\;" 1309" Arxc\ÂqBaqaBiwMq, eTr\" bma®pv\lXt\lp\er;Amx^pMuNxip\' rn\ kun\"
The University English – Burmese Dictionary. 1951. Dr Ba Han.
quetqnqRup\®pABiDån\" 1955" U^;Piu;lt\" pvanN∂pMuNxip\tiuk\' rn\kun\"
Burmese Proverbs. 1962. Dr. Hla Pe. John Murry, London.
tk¶qiul\®mn\maABiDan\" 1962_4" U^;wn\" rn\kun\tk¶qiul\ Baqa®pn\Nxc\.saAup\Tut\ewer;@an"
BaqaNxc\.saep" 1966" U^;tc\lx" eAac\e®msaep' rn\kun\"
Hobson-Jobson: a glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, eytymological, historical, geographical
and discursive. 1968 (2nd ed.). Col. Henry Yule, A. C. Burnell. 2nd edition ed. William Crooke. Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi.
påLiqk\ ewåhar ABiDan\" 1968" Ë;TXn\;®mc\." tk˚qiul\m¥a; saAup\‘psuTut\ewer;eka\m^t^" rn\kun\"
®mn\masa!^ka" 1968" U^; qin\;Niuc\(wizΩa)" ®mkn\ qasaep' mN|el;"
®mn\mamOABiDan\" 1969" emac\ zniy" q^taT∑n\;pMuN˙ip\tiuk\"
ss\ewåharm¥a;" 1970" el.k¥c\.er;VWn\Âka;er;mØ;RuM;"
®mn\maNiuc\cMf AK¥io>Niuc\cMrc\;Nxc\.Niuc\cM®Ka; eS;wå;Nxc\.AqMu;wc\eqaApc\m¥a;" Some medicinal and useful plants, both indigenous and exotic, of Burma.
1970. U^;sMKc\' q^rip¥MK¥^U;qa®mt\" rn\ku n\"
påLiqk\ewåharABiDan\" 1978" tk¶qiul\m¥a;saAup\‘psuTut\ewer;eka\m^t^"
The Universal Burmese–English–Pali Dictionary Am¥a;qMu; ®mn\ma-_Agçli p\_-påLi ABiDan\" 1978" U^;hu t\sin\"
®mn\maABiDan\Ak¥U\;K¥op\" 1978 _ -80" ®mn\masaAP∑´>" pvaer;wn\”k^;@an" rn\kun\"
edqekalip\ qMu; ®mn\matiuc\;rc\;qa;ska;pMum¥a; dutiyNxs\" 1980" edÅlx®mt\' U^; eAac\qn\;' edÅpiu" pvaer;wn\”k^;@an' ATk\tn\;pvaU^;s^;@an"
pvarp\ewåharm¥a; Scientific and Technical Terms. 1980. Ministry of Education, Dept of Higher Education.
A Burmese – English Dictionary. 1940 – 81. J. A. Steward, C. W. Dunn, Khin Maung Lat, Hla Pe, H. F. Searle, A. J. Allot, J. W. A. Okell.
Rangoon and London Universities.
®bhµniRuti†nyqgçh eKÅ ®mn\maska;lMu;e®pac\;TMu;k¥m\;" 1985" Sraeta\ U^;ekaql¬"
®mn\masalMu;epåc\;qt\pMuk¥m\;" 1986" ®mn\masaAPX´>" pvaer;wn\”k^;@an" rn\kun\"
Synonym Finder. 1986. Warner Books.
Uncles and aunts: Burmese kinship and gender. 1989. David Bradley. Essays in honour of Eugénie J. A. Henderson, South-east Asian
Linguistics, School of Oriental and African Studies:147–162. (kinship terms and sino-tibetan chart)
®mn\maska;pMu" 1990" ®mn\masaAPX´>"
Mian Han Ci Dian [Myanmar – Chinese Dictionary]. 1990.
®mn\maABiDan\" 1991" ®mn\masaAP∑´>" pvaer;wn\”k^;@an" rn\ kun\"
®mn\ma–Agçlip\ ABiDan\" 1993" ®mn\masaAP∑´>"
ema\dn\ ®mn\ma–Agçlip\ ABiDan\" 1996" U^;siu;eqX;"
®mn\maSiuRiu;ska;" ®mn\masaAPX´>" 1996"
Upedewåharepåc\;K¥op\" 1996" U^;ek¥a\ezy¥" rn\kun\"
liK\baqXk\ekan\mU\" na´eGaqit" BalXiMman\qaqna' muduM"
®mn\ma Kr^;eSac\ABiDan\\" 1999" ®mn\masaAP∑´>" rn\kun\"
Tet Toe Dictionary English-Myanmar Mini-Dictionary. 1999. tk\tiu;saep" rn\kun\"
A Dictionary of Buddhist Terms. budÎedqnaeta\ewåharABiDan\" 2000" qaqnaer;wn\”k^;@an" rn\kun\"
®mn\ma.ANuquKumABiDan\ Dictionary of Myanma Performing and Plastic Arts. 2001" yU\ek¥;mOwn\”k^;@an"
Burmese/Myanmar Dictionary of Grammatical Forms. 2001. John Okell and Anna Allott. Curzon. Richmond, Surrey.
Burma's Armed Forces. 2002. Andrew Selth. EastBridge, Connecticut, USA.
Pali-Myanmar-English Dictionary of the noble Words of the Lord Buddha. 2002. eTrwåd budÎBaqa ®mt\budÎpåwsnABiDan\" ®mt\ek¥a\' sMlXc\"
quetqnqRup\®pABiDan\" 2002" Arxc\ÂqBaqaBiwMqmeTr\®mt\" qaqnaer;wn\”k^;@an"
lk\etX>AqMu;K¥e S;Pk\Apc\m¥a;epåc\;K¥op\ Collection of commonly used herbal plants. 2002. k¥n\;maer;wn\”k^;@an" rn\kun\"
®mn\maNiuc\cM cxk\m¥a; Birds of Myanmar. eek¥a\VXn\ÏlXc\' Kc\mmqXc\' (pn\;K¥^) eAac\qn\Ï" 2003" BirdLife International. K¥ioet;qMsaep" Rn\kun\"
k1 [ka.] n the first consonant in the Myanmar script time sthg begins Ω (2)-nar^k (3)-nar^Ti-Aip\my\" I will sleep
kk [ka. ka.] n [inf] cab (inf), taxi from 2 till 3 o'clock. A NT Ti 3) from, particle suffixed to
k”k^; [ka. gyi:] n name of k L IT : ‘great k’ place Ω Niuc\cM®Ka;k lat´.-Ev\.qv\ guest from abroad
k”k^;KeKX;' k”k^;erk [ka. gyi: kha. gwe:, ka. gyi: ye ka.] n Ω ATk\ k- lat´.- Ami n\Ï-Arpå" According to orders from
[fig] ABCs (inf) Ω d^Alup\mxa kX¥n\eta\ha k”k^;erkp´´ above. A NT kiu
Rxipåeq;ty\" I am still just a beginner at this work. kt´k' kT´kªktv\;k [gådE; ga.] part ™(ever)
kp¥k\yp¥k\ [ka. bye' ya. bye'] adv in order to frustrate; since (-ing), (right) from, all the way from: suffix to
destructively, obstructively Ω By\ q¨e®pae®pa q¨k noun or verb Ω cy\c y\- ktv\;k ever since he was a child
kp¥k\yp¥k\- liuk\e®paty\" No matter what anyone says, he Ω A´´d^-ktv\;k since that time Ω ngi-u ktv\;k from the start,
has to disagree. Ω kp¥k\yp¥k\lup\ [? examples] already Ω esaesa-ktv\; k -qti-ep;ty\" I warned you from
k2 [ka.] v dance the beginning. CF (AK¥in\)mx-sj [ ph]
— n dance = Ak k6 [ka. (ga.)] part if [ ph]
k”kio;⁄ [ka. gyo:] n œ1) dance phrase, system of k7 [ka.] n [in comb] fish
movements for a type of dance S YN kkXk\ 2) music for kktiu; [ka. gådo:] n fork-tailed catfish, silvery catfish
a specific type of dance kkts\ [ka. gådi'] n giant sea perch
kkXk\ [ka. gwe'] n 1) dance phrase, system of kk¨rM [ka. ku yan] n tassel fish; threadfin (source of
movements for a type of dance S YN k”kio; isinglas) S YN [“mit\] kÁ´rc\' [rKiuc\] cå;lk\KXa
2) œchoreography, dance movements accompaning kB^l¨; [ka. bålu] n mullet
particular piece music kqepåc\; [ka. dhåbaun:] n giant sea perch
kkXk\Pn\t^;mOpva [ka. gwe' hpan di; hmu. pyin nya] n kqPiu; [ka. dhåbo:] n bar-eyed goby
œchoreography, art of planning dance movements to k8 [ka.] v be equal to (usu negative mk) Ω (2000)mk'
accompany music (2500)-ep;rty\" I paid 2500, not just 2000. Ω (5)rk\mk'
kKun\ [ka. khon] v œdance with leaps in time with music ts\pt\- enK´.ty\" Not only five days – I stayed a week. Ω Sn\-
eZ;klv\; ecX (10000) etac\k kmx-kpåÏ-mla; mqiB¨;"
keK¥qv\ [ka. gye dhE] n (professional) dancer The price of rice has gone up; I don't know if even 10,000
kKXc\ [ka. gwin] n 1) initial posture of a dancer,before kyats will be enough.
the dance begins 2) part of a stage seen by audience mk [måka.] adv more than, over Ω (1000) mk (1200)
kzat\ [ka. za'] n œ1) drama presented with music and ep;rty\" It was more than 1000; I had to pay 1200.
dance 2) drama with dancing, arranged to last all night k9 [kå] part ™title prefixed to a man's name to express
S YN enak\piuc\;zat\Tup\ close relationship CF kiu
kedåc\; [ka. daung:] n ∏dancing peacock, symbol of the kkuqn\ [ka. ku. (kau' kå) than] n ‹the first of five Buddhas
non-violent student movement protesting British to spread enlightenment in this world CF Bd»km±a [ bh
colonialism CF KXp\edåc\; fighting peacock [ bs pe] ph]
kp^ [kApi] n œThai-style music played for certain k”k^keÂkac\lup\ [gågyi gågyaung lo'] v be difficult,
Ramayana dances, in which the timing bells and disagree with sb for vague, unpredictable, or unstated
clappers are played together, but there is no short drum reasons, be slippery Upsa [ ph]
keva. [kånyaw.] v 1) slip up, do or say sthg without
k®p [ka. xpya.] v dance (for sb, in public, etc), perform (a meaning to, blunder 2) be playful S YN St\eSa.
dance) kK¥la [kåchåla] n (of person) good-for-nothing, trash
kpX´ [ka. bwE:] n variety show (Am); (of object) worthless thing, (piece of) junk,
kpX´RuM [ka. bwE: yon] n theatre; concert hall CF zat\RuM rubbish CF Aapla
Ak [åka.] n 1) dance Ω Ak-mekac\;' P¥akiu A®ps\tc\" keK¥a\kKÁt\ [kåchaw kåchu'] adv sloppily, unsytematically,
Blaming the mat when the dance is bad. 2) dancer carelessly
AkAKun\ [Aka. Akhon] n dance kK¥c\ [kåchin] n Kachin, Myanmar word for Wunpawng, a
k3 [ka.] v harness a draft animal group of seven ethnic groups living mainly in northern
— n saddle, howdah (illus) Myanmar g¥in\ePa. Jinghpaw, mR¨ Maru, Azi, Zi, Atsi,
k”kio;Ÿ [ka. gyo:] n harness; howdah straps lrx^, Lashi, l^S¨, Lisu, rwm\ Rawang, la;h¨ Lahu
k”kio;tn\Sa [ka. gyo: dåza] n ornamental harness, Aks [a. ka. sa.] abbr Prison Department (until 2004)
trappings (illus) = Ak¥U\U^;s^;@an
k4 [ka.] part ™1) particle suffixed to subject of sentence ksl [ka. sa. la.] abbr ¥∏abbreviation for A”k^;sa;-sk\mO-
Ω kÁn\ mk q¨ >kiu na;mlv\ B¨;" I don't understand him. S YN ¬ lup\cn\;, Heavy Industries Corporation, a state-owned
qv\ CF kiu object marker 2) from, particle suffixed to enterprise
klna; [kålåna;] n 1) woven edging or trim on cloth pup, puppy eKX;kel; dog
sv\;km\;-klna; [ tx] 2) œend of a song or dance
CF kit, kitten eÂkac\kel; cat
the end
foal, filly ƒ, colt µ ®mc\;kel; horse, zebra, etc
NXa;kel;' cattle, water
kllrv\Âkv\ [kålåla. ye gyi] n embryo at the moment of calf, heifer ƒ
buffalo, bison,
large herbivores
conception [ bs]
k¥a;' ®Keqç.' lion, tiger, bear,
kleAa\ [kålå aw] n crowbar, claw [Engl] S YN t¨¨rXc\; wk\wM large carnivores
= kela\ (illus) lamb qiu;kel; sheep
kli [kålI] v 1) annoy, irritate; exasperate 2) provoke, piglet wk\kel; pig, swine
duckling B´kel; duck
tease Ω klititi' rititie®pa tease sb (verbally), try to
gosling cn\ goose
provoke sb CF eT.' ri' elxac\ 3) fiddle with
cygnet cn\ swan
klikli®Ps\- [kAlI kAlI hpyi'] v be exasperated, be chick birds
kelac\eqX; [kålaung thwe;] v practice writing [ wr] kwiel;m¥io; [kAwI le myo;] n four kinds of the wise:
kliuc\ [gålain] n 1) hollow, cavity 2) hand bell 3) tool used siN|akwi_-”kMtt\qv\ by reasoning, qutkwi _- Âka;-
in gathering toddy sap [ ph] tt\qv\ by listening, AtÊkwi _- Ank\ADipJay\kiu mx^-
kliuc\eKåk\ [gålain khau'] v ring the school bell tt\qv\ by grasping meaning, p!iBankwi _ -T;TXc\;-
kls\ [kåli'] n clip; paper clip; binder clip; hair clip [Engl] tt\qv\ by intuition
(illus several) kew [kåwe] n 1) wise woman, same as kwi but more often
used for women 2) enchantress [ bs]
kln\kSn\ [gålan gåhsan] adv rebelliously [ ph]
kln\kSn\e®pa [gålan gåhsan pyaw;] v talk back; speak
kwin\ [kåwein] n 1) man of letters; wise man = kwi 2) poet
[ wr bs pt]
kln\kla; [gålan gåla;] adv with gangling, lanky, or rangy
kqikeAak\®Ps\ [kåthi kåau' hpyi'] v feel uneasy; feel
uncomfortable, feel awkward
(build) Ω Arp\k kln\kla;n´Ï miu; Tiu;entap´" With his
gangling height, he's touching the sky. CF ln\Ba; [ ph] kq^ [kåthi] v be hectic, be overtaxed and hurried
cards) CF K¥io; cut 2) [fig] manipulate conditions to one's k¨qy\eKåk\qy\ [ku dhE khau' the] adv to and fro, back
advantage; machinate; secretly create dissent, and forth
dissatisfaction for one's advantage Ak¨ [Aku] n 1) help, assistance, aid 2) helper, assistant,
kula;®Pø [kålåhpyu] n white man, white, Caucasian, aide
person of European ancestry Ak¨tp\ [Aku ta'] n Íreinforcements
kula;me®KeTak\ [kålåma. chi dau'] n stilts (for walking) Ak¨Av^ [Aku Anyi] n 1) help, assistance, aid 2) helper,
L IT : ‘foreign woman's feet’ assistant, aide
kula;eRW [kålåshwe] n tinsel Ak¨ApM. [Aku Apan.] n material help or support
kula;eqkula;ema [kålådhe kålåmaw;] adv [fig] (sleep) Ak¨Am [Aku Ama.] n support
like a log Upsa, k¨2 [ku] v coo = K¥io;k¨
(be) dead to the tk¨k¨;k¨ [tAku ku; ku] n coo coo, sound of doves, etc
world Upsa cooing
kula;hc\; [kåla; k¨Tiu;biu; [gu hto; bo;] n Kayah harvest festival
hin;] n (Indian k¨pXn\ [ku pun] n coupon [Engl] Ω wn\Tm\;m¥a;-k¨pXn\ep;s^;Niuc\qv\"
style) curry Government employees can pay (bus fare) with a coupon.
kula;eAa\ [kålåaw] k¨mc\tn\ [ku min tan] n ∏Kuo Min Tang, Nationalist
n kind of very hot Chinese Army
chilli pepper L IT : k¨rxc\ [ku shin] n cushion [Engl]
‘Indian shout’
k¨l^ [ku li] n Ócoolie Ó, porter, labourer
kula;Aut\ [kålåo'] kula;Aut\ camel k¨l^k¨malup\ [kåli kåma lo'] v mislead, deceive; cheat
n camel CF cxk\-
S YN kl^kmalup\' klim\kk¥s\
kula;Aut\ ostrich
k¨wit\ [ku wei'] n ∏Kuwait
kuql' kuqiul\ [ku. tha. la., ku. tho] n ‹action with
— adj Kuwaiti
beneficial results; good deed, virtuous action (which
will make one's future better) BOX!! [ bh]
k¨; [ku;] v 1) cross; cross over; cross from (side, building,
etc) one to another Ω hiuBk\km\; kiu elxn´Ï A“m´k¨;enrta"
kuqiul\kM [ku. dho kan] n 1) ‹good effect of past deeds
We are always taking a boat to the other bank. Ω Burc\
2) good luck, good fortune
eSac\eta\k¨; the king goes from the house of one
kuqiul\ekac\; [ku. tho kaung;] n good luck Ω kuqiul\
concubine to another [? trans ok?] 2) swim
ekac\; liuk\ta" What good luck!
Ω ¯erk¨; tt\ la;"˘ ¯mk¨; tt\ B¨;"˘ ’Can you swim?‘ ’No, I
kuqiul\T¨; [ku. dho htu;] v be born under a lucky star Upsa, can't.‘ 3) copy, recopy, transcribe; reproduce CF mit†ø
be lucky; be a better person because of good deeds in
4) develop (a photograph) CF Dat\pMuk¨; 5) spread,
past lives
transmit Ω eragåpiu; k¨; spread germs 6) spread; light a fire
kuqiul\nv\; [ku. dho nE;] v have bad fortune because of using a candle or other light Ω m^;k¨; 7) pollinate
having done very few good deeds
Ω wt\ mOn\k¨; CF cross pollinate 8) change (from one form or
kuqiul\®Ps\eS;RMu [ku. dho hpyi' hse; yon] n charity hospital, mode to another); be reincarnated, be reborn;
free hospital S YN estnaeS;RuM
metamorphose Ω Bwk¨; life, job, season 9) graft Ω kiuc\;k¨;
kuqiul\y¨ [ku. tho yu] v ‹earn merit k¨;Kp\ [ku; kha'] v swim
kuqiul\r [ku. tho ya] v ‹get merit (for) Ω kuqiul\lv\;r' k¨;K¥ [ku; cha.] v 1) copy 2) imitate
wm\; lv\;w" (Of a public service or humanitarian job, such as
k¨;K¥v\qn\;K¥v\ [ku; gyi than; gyi] adv back and forth, to
teacher, nurse, relief worker) You make merit, and can make
Ω hc\; T´ mxa Acn\ k´Ta;ty\" There was far too much salt in also, as well (as), too Ω msn\;eka liuk\mla;" What about
the dish. 2) add more 3) oversee; direct; command Ma San? Is she coming too? 2) particle used to make a
= kX p\k´ list (when nouns end in _k\ _s\ _t\ _p\ Ω kb¥a-saAup\eka'
— n 1) ability, quality 2) chief CF A”k^;Ak´ 3) mood, wtÊ o -s aAu pe
\ ka' A”kiok\SMu;-saAup\ekX Aa;lMu-;-pålaty\" She
disposition came with poetry books, novels, all her favourite books.
k´´Âkv\. [kE; kyi>] v crane (one's neck) (to see sthg)
tk´k´ [dågE; gE;] adv impatiently; eagerly eka3 [kaw;] part particle placed at or near the end of a
Ak´ [AkE;] n 1) ability, quality 2) chief CF A”k^;Ak´ phrase or sentence for emphasis Ω kÁn\eta\ d^Alup\kiu
3) mood, disposition RF Ak´el;. lk\mKM-Niuc\B¨; liuÏ e®pa-“p^;“p^eka" But I already said I could not
Ak´kiuc\ [AkE; kain] v put on airs accept this work!
Ak´Kt\ [AkE; kha'] v observe, take a good look (around, ekaza [kaw; za] abbr short for ekazaqk¶raz\, present year
at sthg, etc), size up (sb, situation, etc), get a feel for (in Myanmar calendar)
[? last ok? if so, add to re] ekaza“gioh\ [kaw; za gyo] n ßpresent position of planets of
Ak´sm\; [AkE; san;] v test sb's ability; sound sb out the zodiac = egåza“gio h\
Ak´St\ [AkE; hsa'] v be oversensitive; be testy, be ekazaqk¶raz\ [kaw; za the' kåyi'] n the present year, esp
quick-tempered according to the calendar CF Krs\Nxs\'
Ak´på [AkE; pa] v 1) be grudging 2) be high and mighty, qaqnaqk¶raz\
put on airs, be highfaluting [? check] 3) be over- eka%agMu [kaw; na gon] n ‹name of the second of the five
sensitive Buddhas to spread enlightenment in this world
Ak´®Pt\ [AkE; hpya'] v assess, appraise, evaluate; CF Bd»km±a
estimate ekank\ [kaw; ne'] n cornet, small brass wind instrument
Ak´®Pt\l¨”k^; [AkE; hpya' lu gyi;] n (in contests) judge with keys [Engl]
Ak´mr [AkE; mAja.] v 1) be doubtful, be suspicious 2) be ekalahl [kaw; la håla.] n 1) proclamation of an coming
uneasy event 2) rumour [? what is this with la. gyi?]
kMSiu; [kan hso;] v be unfortunate, be unlucky Ω kMSiu;m — pron 1) title used to address a novice in the sangha
qXa;ra miu;-liuk\liuÏrXa" The rain follows Miss Unlucky wherever CF emac\rc\' emac\ rxc\ 2) title used to address a male
she goes. younger than oneself
kMSiu;kMekac\; [kan hso; kan kaung;] n situation in which kiurc\wt\ [ko yin wu'] v be novitiated into the sangha
all depends on luck, uncertain or indeterminate CF Bun\;”k^; wt\' l¨TXk\
situation Ω lup\eta.lup\rmxap´ ROM; mla; ®mt\mla; Siutaeta. Akiu [Ako] n 1) older brother 2) older µ cousin = As\kiu
kMSiu; kMekac\;p´" We will go ahead and start, but whether CF emac\' v^' Am
we have a profit or loss just depends on luck. Ω kMSiu;- — pron you (familiar, to a man of a similar or older age
kMekac\;-qireAac\ eKåc\; pn\;-lxn\-Âkv\.my\el" I’ll flip a coin to the speaker)
to test my luck. Akiu”k^; [Ako gyi;] pron you (to a man somewhat older
kMSiu;miu;emxac\k¥ [kan zo; mo; hmaung kya.] v be extremely than the speaker)
unlucky, unfortunate ki2u [ko (go)] part 1) (optional) suffix to the object of a
kMSiu;q¨emac\rxc\ [kan hso; dhu maung shin] n [fig] person verb, marking objective case; induces creaky tone when
chosen for an unpleasant duty L IT : ‘unfortunate one: (in suffixed to a low-tone pronoun Ω cåÏkiu me 2) (compulsory)
traditional story) sailor chosen by lot for sacrifice to the suffix marking indirect object
sea nat’ ki3u [ko (go)] part emphatic particle = kiu;
kMzata [kan za ta (zåda)] n luck, fortune, lot, fate ki4u [ko (go)] ppm ™marker suffixed to nouns to indicate
kMt¨Ak¥io;ep; [kan du åkyo; be;] n persons, nations, etc destination = ¬ qiuÏ
with similar destinies kiukiu; [ko ko;] n cocoa [Engl]
kMtk\ [kan te'] v get lucky CF kM”k^;' kMnim\. kiukc\; [ko kin;] n cocaine [Engl]
kMT [kan hta] v (of luck) to turn kiuDUped [ko da. u. både] n [law] code, system of laws
kMnv\; [kan nE;] v have ill fortune becuase of kiur^;ya; [ko ri; ya;] n ∏Korea Ω etac\kiur^;ya; Republic of
insufficient deeds in previous life Korea, South Korea Ω e®mak\kiur^; ya; Democratic Republic of
kMnim\. [kan nein.] v 1) have back luck, be unlucky Korea, North Korea
2) ßhave a period of ill fortune CF kM”k^;' kMtk\
— adj Korean [ cr]
kMepÅ [kan paw] v 1) be lucky after failure 2) [fig] to kiurn\ [ko ran] n Qur'an, Koran, sacred text of Islam
have a pregnancy late in life
= kur\Aan\
kMep; [kan pe;] v [? def?] kiuliun^ [ko lo ni] n ∏colony [Engl] S YN ny\K¥´>
kMq^ [kan thi] v get good luck kiuliun^lk\qs\wåd [ko lo ni le' thi' wa da.] n ∏neo-
kMeqkMm [kan dhe kan ma.] adv surely, definitely colonialism
kMqMu;på; [kan thon; ba;] n the three entitlements: deeds, kiuliun^wåd [ko lo ni wa da.] n ∏colonialism
words, thoughts
kMAa;el¥a\sXa [kan a; lyaw zwa] adv as fate, luck would kiulMB^ya [ko lan bi ya] n 1) ∏Colombia 2) Colombian
— adj Colombian [ cr]
have it, according to destiny, according to one's fate
AkMc [Akan gna.] n Ómiscreant [? check] kiu;1 [ko;] v 1) refer to 2) rely on
CF Aa;kiu; depend on, rely
on 3) make an offering to a nat or spirit 4) dedicate
kM.k¨ [kan. gu] n steatite, soapstone, kind of soft stone
some money as a token offering to a nat nt\ or spirit
which is good for carving
[ bs]
kM.k¨SM [kan. gu zan] n small soapstone stick used for
writing on purpiuk\ (parabaik palm leaf) or wooden qc\pun\;
kiu;ka; [ko; ka;] v refer to an authoritative work; cite;
quote CF VWn\;
(chalkboard) [ wr]
kM.k¨tM [kan. gu dan] n soapstone stick in a wooden kiu;kXy\ [ko; gwE] v 1) believe in Ω BaBaqa kiu;kXy\l´"
What religion do you believe in? [? ask an
holder (illus)
uncontaminated English speaker] 2) worship, revere
kM.k¨lk\lxv\.Sra [kan. gu le' hle. hsåya] n childhood 3) admire
penmanship teacher, [fig] one's first teacher
kiu;kXy\mO [ko; gwE hmu.] n reverence, worship, practice
kM.eka\ [gan. gaw] n gangaw, leafy evergreen hardwood tree of one's religion
with sweet-scented yellow and white flowers. Symbol of
kiu;kXy\ra [ko; gwE ya] n holy person; revered person
kiu;sa; [ko; za;] v rely on
ki1u [ko] n 1) (older) brother 2) (older µ) cousin
Akiu;Aka;' Akiu;AeTak\ [Ako; Aka;, Ako; Ahtau'] n
= A(s\)kiu CF eSXmi¥o;suz ya;' emac\' v^' m
reference CF AVWn\;
Pt\liuÏ-ekac\;ty\" This is a good poem. 2) be abundant mekac\;tt\liuÏ [måkaung; da' lo.] adv ™unavoidably, as it
3) be right, be proper, be suitable 4) be clean couldn't be helped; reluctantly Ω mekac\;-tt\liuÏ
Ev\.qv\etXkiu ska;-e®pa-enrta eKåc\;-kiuk\enliuÏ sit\-mpåB¨;"
— part suffix to verb, indicating what should be done As it couldn't be helped, I stayed to talk with the guests,
Ω me®paekac\; mSiuekac\; PXh´.-lX´påes Py\påes rXaU^;- even though I didn't feel like it because I had a headache.
Bun\;”k^; qa p¥Meta\mOqXa;K´.rc\ kÁn\eta\tiuÏeta. dukƒp´" I mekac\;mkn\; [måkaung; måkan;] adv badly, wrong
shouldn't mention it, but, God forbid, if our village monk mekac\;mO [måkaung; hmu.] n bad deed; sin
dies, we will be in big trouble. Úekac\;Úmy\ […kaung; … mE] part particle pair
ekac\;ekac\; [kaung; gaung;] adv well; properly suffixed to a repeated verb to indicate probability or
ekac\;ekac\;kn\;kn\; [kaung; gaun; kan; gan;] adv as if it suitability Ω ®Ps\ekac\;-®Ps\my\ probably CF ÚK¥c\Úmy\
were good Ω lup\mx-lup\-rc\lv\; ekac\;ekac\;-kn\; kn\;-lup\på" Aekac\; [Akaung;] n 1) goodness 2) sthg pure, good,
If you do it, do it well. = Aekac\; Akn\; unspoiled, pristine 3) sthg enjoyable or pleasant, etc
ekac\;k¥io; [kaung; gyo;] n reward, merit; benefit, the 4) sthg said in all seriousness 5) sthg normal
good of Aekac\;pkti [Akaung; bAgAdI] n good condition,
ekac\;k¥io;K¥m\;qa [kaung; gyo; chan; tha] n good (perfect) working order; (of person) state of fitness and
consequences (e.g., be well off because of past good good health, fine fettle
deeds) — adv in good repair, in good condition
ekac\;k¥io;ºep; [kaung; gyo; pe;] v bring prosperity, make Aekac\;qa; [Akaung; dha;] n sthg one should have
sb prosperous Ω elac\;ksa;-Alup\k ekac\; k¥io;-mep;B¨;" done, sthg that would have better (to do) Ω AKueta.
Gambling doesn't bring prosperity. eKåc\;kiuk\“ p^' Ask miu;erT´-elYak\mqXa;mirc\ Aekac\; qa;" I
ekac\;K¥^; [kaung; gyi; (chi;)] n 1) praise; acclaim have a headache – I should never have gone out in the
2) blessing rain.
ekac\;K¥^;ep; [kaung; chi; pe;] v bless, give blessing Aekac\;Akn\; [Akaung; Akan;] adv as if it were good
Ω Bu ra;qKc\e kac\;K¥^;ep;påes God bless you = ekac\;ekac\;-kn\; kn\;
ekac\;K¥^;ÂqBaep; [kaung; gyi; (chi;) aw; ba pe;] v publicly ekac\;kc\ [kaung; kin] n sky = miu;
acclaim; cheer on ekac\;kc\BMu [kaung; kin bon] n ÈÇheaven, paradise
ekac\;sa; [kaung; sa;] v prosper, do well; be in material CF nib`an\' BMup¥M
comfort, be well off Ω d^eKt\”k^; T´mxa s^;pXa;er;-ekac\; ty\- kiuc\ [kain] v 1) hold in the hand, handle, grasp RF kiuc\s.X´
Siuta epåkƒrwœmiu; rXaqliupåp´" l¨tK¥io>p´ ekac\; sa;ta" In 2) use; dabble in Ω Riu;Riu;-kc\mrap´ kiuc\ty\" I just use an
these times, prosperity is like a magical rain falling on only ordinary camera. 3) keep (books, accounts, etc)
the few. Ω sarc\; kiuc\ keep the books, do accounting Ω eqa. kiuc\ have
ekac\;sa;er; [kaung; za; ye;] n welfare, prosperity the keys (to), keep the keys 4) set right, repair; prepare
CF ”k^;pXa;er; meat or fish for cooking Ω Aqa;kiuc\enliuÏ ty\l^Pun\; larc\
ekac\;Niu;rara [kaung; no; ya ya] n sthg suitable, nc\p´kiuc\Ta;" As I am preparing the meat, if the phone
appropriate, or preferable rings, you answer it. 5) handle, deal with Ω ek¥ac\; qa;-
ekac\;®mt\®Kc\; [kaung; mya' gyin;] n goodness er;rakiu kÁn\eta\p´-kiuk\ty\" I handle all student affairs.
A NT Siu;yut\®Kc\; 6) answer (telephone, call, etc) Ω Aqa;kiuc\enliuÏ
ekac\;emXSiu;emX [kaung; mwe hso; mwe] n legacy, ty\l^Pun\; larc\ nc\p´kiuc\Ta;" As I am preparing the meat,
inheritance (good or bad); inherited responsibility if the phone rings, you answer it. 7) keep a tight hold
ekac\;mXn\ [kaung; mun] v be good, virtuous over s.o. 8) be suddenly afflicted with 9) be possessed
ekac\;raekac\;eÂkac\; [kaung; ya kaung; gyaung;] n one's
own good kiuc\sX´ [kain swE;] v 1) believe strongly in, hold (a belief)
strongly 2) hold in the hand, handle, grasp
ekac\;raqugti [kaung; ya thu. gåti>] n better future
existence kiuc\eSac\ [kain hsaung] v hold; carry (in the hand)
ekac\;erac\;ekac\;wy\ [kaung; yaung; kaung; wE] n kiuc\SX´ [kain hswE;] v pick up, grab Ω rra-lk\nk\kiu kiuc\SX´j
honest or legitimate trade A NT misÍas^;pXa;' ss\T´liuk\qv\" He grabbed whatever weapons he found and
went to war.
Âka;vp\ [kya: nyi'] n be caught in the middle mÂka;wM.mnaqa [måkya; wun. måna dha] n dirty language,
Âka;vHp\ [gya: hnya'] v intersperse; interleave; sandwich obscene language, swearing, cursing = mÂka;ekac\;-
Âka;en [gya: ne] v stay neutral, remain neutral; not take mnaqa
AÂka;kt\ [Akya; ka'] n sthg that grates on the ear,
kaRiuk\”kiya cau sative verb qudΔkiya passive verb
®mHc\. raise ®mc\. be high AÂka;A®mc\ [Akya; Amyin] n 1) (general) knowledge
K¥ drop k¥ fall 2) clairvoyance; extrasensory perception; power to see
K¥k\ cook k¥k\ be cooked the future, power of divination
elYa.\ reduce el¥a.\ be less ”kiya [kårI ya] n [gram] verb CF wåsgç part of speech
sides, be neutral ∏ S YN Bk\mliuk\ ”kiyawieqqn [kårI ya wI the thåna] n [gram] adverb,
Âka;ener;wåd [gya: ne ye: wa da.] n ∏non-alignment; word that describes a verb CF wåsgç part of speech
policy of neutrality Ω Âka;enNiuc\cM non-aligned country ”k^; [kyi:] v 1) be large, be big; be grand; be high
Ω Âka;ener;-lOp\rxa;mO the Non-Aligned Movement A NT eq; 2) rise; increase A NT k¥ 3) to grow up, to be
CF Bk\ mliu k\wåd [ pe] raised Ω rn\kun\mxa-emX; ty\' ®ms\”k^;na;mxa-”k^; ty\" 4) be older,
Âka;epåk\ [gya: bau'] n sideline, source of extra income be elder; be old Ω ”k^; q¨kiuRiueq' rXy\t¨kiuel;sa;'
S YN eB;pn\;' eB;epåk\ cy\q¨kiuqna; Esteem your elders, respect your peers, be
Âka;epåk\wc\ecX [gya: bau' win ngwe] n income from kind to your juniors. A NT cy\ 5) be hallowed, be holy, be
sideline S YN eAak\Siud\mn\;n^; noble S YN ®mc\.®mt\ 6) be great; be powerful, be mighty
Âka;epåk\Alup\ [gya: bau' ålo'] n sideline (job) Ω sa”k^;ep”k^; classic literature, classics [kyi; (gyi;)]
Âka;ePak\ [gya: hpau'] v come between, interpose; — part 1) particle suffixed to words for emphasis, esp
interject neg Ω Atu”k^; fake Ω eKX;”k^; m”kio k\B¨;" I don't like the dog!
Âka;P¥U\ [gya: hpyin] v mediate, intercede A NT el; 2) suffixed to some replicated verbs to form
Âka;P¥n\ [gya: hpyan] v mediate, intercede adverbs
Âka;®Pt\ [gya: hpya'] [gya: bya'] v intercept [ ph] ”k^;k´ [kyi: kE:] v lead, control, govern CF kXp\k´' Aup\K¥op\'
— adj interim; provisional eKåc\;eSac\
Âka;®Pt\Asiu;r [gya; phya' åso; ya.] n ∏provisional ”k^;ekac\wc\ [kyi; kaung win] v reach puberty
government; interim government ”k^;k¥y\ [kyi: kyE] v 1) be great, be grand;be vast, be
Âka;l¨ [gya: lu] n broker, middleman; non-partisan; extensive 2) [neg] be arrogant, be haughty, be superior
mediator; diplomat; go-between, intermediary, CF Pc\eKåc\;k¥y\' AnM”k^;kXc\; k¥y\
interlocutor ”k^;Âkp\ [kyi: gya'] v supervise
Âka;lm\; [gya; lan;] n alley S YN d¨;lm\; ”k^;siu; [kyi: zo:] v 1) administer, take control (of), rule
Âka;wc\ [gya: win] v intervene, come between; interfere (over); dominate 2) predominate
AÂka; [Akya;] n break, gap, time or space between ”k^;sU\cy\liuk\ [kyi: zin ngE lai'] adv 1) in (ascending or
— part suffix to noun: between, among, amongst (Br), descending) order 2) [math] in descending order
amid, amidst (Br) A NT cy\sU\”k^;liuk\
Âka;2 [kya;] v 1) hear CF na; fi;ear 2) inform; communicate ”k^;eta\ [gyi: daw] n aunt, elder sister of one's mother
CF AeÂkac\;Âka; CF eSX;m¥io;suzya;
Âka;ska; [kya; zåga;] n outside comment, comment by a ”k^;TXa; [kyi: htwa:] v grow, develop
person not concerned S YN eB;ska; ”k^;Niuc\cy\vHU\; [kyi: nain ngE hnyin:] v bully
Âka;®pc\; [kya; byin;] v find offensive (to the ear), not be ”k^;®pc\; [kyi: byin:] v come of age; get older
able to stand (to hear) ”k^;pXa; [kyi: bwa:] v prosper, do well; thrive; flourish
Âka;®pc\;kt\ [kya; byin; ka'] v be offensive (to the ear) ”k^;pXa;er; [kyi: bwa: je:] n prosperity
S YN na;Kå;' na;kela ”k^;ma; [kyi: ma:] v be big, be large, be huge; be grand; be
Âka;P¨;na;w [kya; bu; na; wa.] n knowledge acquired strong CF Kn\;na;' ®mc\.ma;
through hearing ”k^;®mc\. [kyi myin.] v (of prices) be high
eÂkac\ [kyaung] v 1) be odd; be dissonant; be discordant; be eÂkac\lYa [kyaung sha] n ŒIndian trumpet, tree with
disconnected 2) be dazed; look puzzled, look lost; be long, edible pods
befuddled, be confused, be disconcerted 3) [inf] be out eÂkac\wMpiuc\. [kyaung win bain.] n palm civet
of touch, act strangely, have no idea (inf) 4) feel shy, eÂkac\q¨eta\ [kyaung thu daw] n [fig] hypocrite
odd, or awkward (in unfamiliar circumstances), feel out eÂkac\Aim\ [kyaung ein] n larder, meat safe (illus)
of place A NT r´ CF rxk\ 5) be cowardly CF q¨r´eBaeÂkac\' AeÂkac\tiuk\ [Akyaung tai'] v talk, act, etc offensively,
qti†eÂkac\' eqX; eÂkac\ 6) be tainted, be contaminated atrociously, outrageously, shamelessly Ω Aim\rxc\ k
7) have insomnia, not be able to sleep, be sleepless q¨>Aim\mxaenta m”kiok\mxn\; qiepm´. q¨keta. AeÂkac\tiuk\“p^;
CF enenta-ts\lek¥a\“p^" Even though he knew the owner
— n 1) cat Ω πeÂkac\mrxiliuÏ ÂkXk\®mø;" The mice play when didn’t like him staying there, he has been shamelessly
the cat is away. (Discipline must be constantly imposed.) staying on for over a month.
2) cat's eye (gemstone) RF eÂkac\m¥k\rX´. AeÂkac\Riuk\ [Akyaung yai'] v pretend, fool Ω “mio>”k^;etXmxa
eÂkac\ktiu; [kyaung gådo:] n civet ts\eyak\kiu-ts\eyak\ mqiÂketa. Bura;l¨”k^; påliuÏ
eÂkac\kel; [kyaung gåle:] n kitten; kitty, pussycat AeÂkac\Riuk\“p^; AlØKMt´.q¨etX Am¥a;”k^; p´" As people don't
eÂkac\k¥k¥ [kyaung gya. kya.] v 1) [fig] land on one's feet know who is who in the big cities, there are many people
2) [fig] fall gracefully from position of power or prestige pretending to be pagoda trustees, and collecting donations.
CF eKX;k¥k¥
AeÂkac\qa; [Akyaung dha;] adv in a daze; in shock; in a
eÂkac\eÂkac\k¥a;k¥a; [kyaung gyaung kya: gya:] v be haze, in a fog
multicoloured, be variegated, be motley AeÂkac\Ak¥a; [Akyaung Akya;] n loud design or pattern
eÂkac\Âkv\. [kyaung kyi>] v look blank eÂkac\ .(miuÏ(liuÏ)) [kyaung. (mo. (lo.))] part because of, due to,
eÂkac\s^s^ [kyaung si zi] adv 1) in a daze 2) in a confusion thanks to, on account of: suffix to noun or phrase,
3) (feel) out of place indicating reason or cause CF ABy\.eÂkac\.Siueqa\'
eÂkac\tMcå [kyaung tånga] n fishing cat TiuÏeÂkac\.' ®Ps\eqaeÂkac\.' qiuÏ®Ps\j' ™ (A´)dåeÂkac\.
eÂkac\tk\tk\ [kyaung te' te'] adv eÂkac\.Âk [kyaung. gya.] v worry, be anxious S YN siu;rim\
S YN eÂkac\etac\etac\ 1) in a daze 2) in confusion eÂkac.\Âksiuk\ [kyaung. gya. sai'] v do something out of
3) (feel) out of place concern for another
eÂkac\etac\ [kyaung daung] adv in public, in broad eÂkac\.ÂkmO [kyaung. gya. hmu.] n anxiety, worry
daylight AeÂkac\.Âk [Akyaung. gya.] n anxiety
eÂkac\etac\kn\; [kyaung daung gan:] n 1) gutta serena, a eÂkac\; [kyaung:] n 1) route (followed) Ω ereÂkac\; water
kind of blindness 2) person with gutta serena 3) [int] route, eleÂkac\; airway 2) cause, circumstance
interjection equivalent to ‘Idiot! Look what you're 3) reason, purpose 4) line Ω saeÂkac\; line of writing
doing!’ 5) tradition; way, means
eÂkac\etac\etac\ [kyaung taung taung] adv 1) in a daze — v lead, show the way
2) confusedly, disconcertedly 3) (feel) out of place — part 1) particle suffixed to verbs to form nouns
S YN eÂkac\ tk\ tk\ 4) be confused, be muddled, be 2) sentence ending marker used in reports, and reported
Âkp\mt\ [kya' ma'] v supervise closely [? can't read the unprocessed materials CF AeK¥aTv\
note] AÂkm\;ptm\; [Akyan; bAdan;] adv roughly, violently
AÂkp\ [Akya'] n 1) supervisor 2) Ícollective term for AÂkm\;pk\si [Akyan; be' zI] n bad, dirty, or obscene
sergeants, corporals and lance-corporals 3) ÓÍsoldier language
in charge of a squad of 10 troops in the royal army AÂkm\;Pk\ [Akyan; hpe'] v use violence, use force, use
violent means; terrorise ∏
AÂkp\ASc\. [Akya' Ahsin.] n 1) forcibly 2) rigidly AÂkm\;Pk\qma; [Akyan; hpe' thAma;] n sb who used
Âkp\Tup\ [kya' hto'] n cloth bag filled with heated salt, violence; terrorist ∏
turmeric, etc, used in home remedies AÂkm\;P¥c\; [Akyan; byin;] n 1) outline (of a story, etc)
Âkp\Tup\Tiu; [kya' hto' hto:] v use Âkp\Tup\ 2) approximation, (rough) idea Ω AÂkm\;P¥c\;
AÂkop\ASc\. [Akyo' Ahsin.] n Ótier; sthg stacked, sthg in By\elak\k¥ml´" About how much will it cost?
tiers, sthg nested [? ok, or is it the stack?] — adv around, about, roughly, more or less,
Âkmµa [kyåma] n 1) karma, kamma = kMÂkmµa 2) fate (usually approximately; in general
negative) ”kim\1 [kyein] v Ómeet; coincide
Âkmµacc\ [kyåma ngin] v have an ill fate, suffer misfortune — part count word used to count frequency, number of
times Ω By\Nxs\-”kim\l´" How many times? Ω (3)-”kim\-e®mak\-
ÂkmµaRiuc\; [? need def] eta\lxn\er;en-Ï pX´ third Revolution Day Festival CF Kå' Pn\'
Âkm\;1 [kyan:] n 1) floor 2) weighted bamboo net used to e®mak\ [ nc]
push fish into a weir ”kim\NOn\; [kyein hnon:] n frequency
Âkm\;Âka;elÂka; [? def, pron, everything] ”kim\Pn\m¥a;sXa [kyein hpan mya: zwa] adv many times, over
Âkm\;Kc\;eZ; [kyan: khin: ze:] n ¥floor price and over
Âkm\;tiuk\ [kyan: tai'] v [gyan: tai'] 1) scrub, polish a floor A”kim\ [Akyein] n frequency, number of times, (where
2) trawl (for fish) time is specified) rate
Âkm\;piu; [gyåbo:] n 1) bedbug 2) vagrant, hobo (Am) ”kim\2 [kyein] n cane, rattan
[ ph] ”kim\tiuÏ [kyein to.] v goad, prod
Âkm\;piu;Tiu; [gyåbo: hto;] v 1) (of bedbug) bite ”kim\d%\ [kyein dan] n punishment by caning Ω ”kim\d%\-
2) S YN el¥ak\qa;el¥ak\lup\ [? need def: the syn is also AK¥k\tSy\ ten strokes of the cane CW K¥k\ stroke
not in the dictionary] ”kim\NXy\ [kyein nwE] n Œrattan (vine); liana
Âkm\;®pc\ [kyan: byin] [gyåbyin] n floor (of house, ocean, ”kim\lMu; [kyein lon:] n cane, length of cane (for striking)
etc.); open extension of the floor of a house, perron
= k®pc\ ”kim\; [kyein:] v 1) challenge, boast 2) scold CF S¨
Âkm\;®pc\tMKå; [kyan; byin dAga;] n trapdoor [? new ko ni 3) threaten 4) be afraid
ta] ”kim\;emac\; [kyein: maung:] v scold sharply, berate, tell sb
Âkm\;2 [kyan:] v 1) be rough, be harsh, be nasty (inf); be off, dress sb down
violent, be vicious; be severe, be tough (inf) 2) be ”kim\;wå; [kyein: wa:] v 1) threaten 2) challenge
coarse, be rough; be unprocessed A”kim\;Aemac\; [Akyein; Amaung;] n scolding, dressing
Âkm\;Âkot\ [kyan: gyo'] v 1) harsh, cruel (treatment, etc) down, telling off, wig (Br ∞)
2) ferocious (tiger, etc) ”kMo1 [kyon] v 1) meet or happen by chance or by accident
Âkm\;tm\; [kyan: dan:] v be violent, be harsh or unintentionally or coincidentally 2) be opportune, be
Âkm\;eTa\ [kyan: htaw] v (of texture) be coarse, be rough a good chance
”kMo”kiok\ [kyon gyai'] v meet or happen by chance or by
AÂkm\; [Akyan;] n 1) sthg rough, unrefined or accident or unintentionally or coincidentally CF tiuk\Siuc\
unprocessed; sthg coarse, sthg crude A NT AeK¥a
2) violent or rough person, character, treatment, ”kMo”kiok\liuÏ [kyon gyai' lo.]
adv by chance, by accident,
manners, act, etc CF AÂkm\; Pk\ 3) (of poem, report, unintentionally, coincidentally CF tiuk\Siuc\liuÏ
story, etc) (rough) draft, outline; (of estimates, ”kMora [kyon ya] adv whatever (one finds, sees, etc)
calculations, etc) (rough) estimate, (rough) guess; (of CF k¥ra
design, drawing, painting, etc) draft, sketch, rough ”kMoqliu [kyon dhAlo] adv without planning,
drawing A NT AeK¥a 4) oolong tea = ereNX;Âkm\; spontaneously, ad hoc CF k¥pn\;
kX´®pa; [kwE: bya:] v be distinct from, be different from, AkXk\ekac\; [Akwe' kaung;] n 1) right moment, perfect
vary moment (for sthg) 2) right situation, advantageous
kX´lX´ [kwE: lwE:] v differ, vary CF “cim\;K¥m\;sXaqeBakX´lX´KXc\. situation (for sthg)
pluralism AkXk\k¥ [Akwe' kya.] v 1) be exact, be accurate 2) be
kX´Ak\ [kwE: e'] v crack apt, be appropriate, be fitting 3) be advantageous, be
AkX´ [AkwE;] n 1) (broken) pieces 2) crack, cleft, fissure favourable
(esp in stone) 3) split, fissure 4) slit, long narrow AkXk\K¥ [Akwe' cha..] S YN AkXk\Riuk\ v 1) plan
opening, esp a cut systematically 2) divide (land) into plots, mark out
AkX´k´X [AkwE; gwE;] adv differently, in different ways, (plots) 3) apportion, allocate, assign
styles, etc AkXk\eK¥ac\; [Akwe' chaung;] v wait for the right
AkX´A“p´ [AkwE; ApyE;] n 1) cuts and bruises 2) [fig] moment, a chance, an opportunity, etc
rupture, break, rift, falling out; dissension, discord AkXk\es. [Akwe' sI (se.)] v (usu for planning) be
AkX´Arx [AkwE; Asha.] n 1) cuts and abrasions 2) breakage thorough, be careful, be meticulous S YN es.sp\
AkXk\Siuk\ [Akwe' hsai'] v be favourable, be oppurtune
kX2´ [gwE:] n mooring post for rafts [ ph] S YN AkXk\epÅ
kX´qt\ [gwE: tha'] v secure a raft to the mooring post AkXk\Sc\ [Akwe' hsin] v plot, scheme
kX´> [kwE.] part ™term of familiarity used as a final marker AkXk\epÅ [Akwe' paw] v be favourable, be opportune
kXk\ [kwe'] v 1) circle, mark a circular or square figure; AkXk\etX> [Akwe' twe.] v find an opportunity [ .]
tonsure (shave head so a circle of hair remains) 2) be AkXk\ePa\ [Akwe' hpaw] v 1) carve, embroider, draw,
marked with a circular or square pattern; be confined to etc pattern or design onto sthg 2) create an opening,
a certain area 3) be tainted 4) sympathise, be opportunity, chance, etc; pave the way (for)
considerate AkXk\mepÅ [Akwe' mApaw] v be dingy, be discoloured
— adv (do or say sthg) selectively, within limits; with (Br), discolored (Am), be stained, be grimy
partiality Ω Am¥a;T´k l¨ts\eyak\tv\; kiup´ kXk\“p^;- AkXk\Riuk\ [Akwe' yai'] S YN AkXk\K¥ v 1) plan
m¥k\Nxaqa mep;n´Ï" Don't favour one more than the others. systematically 2) divide (land) into plots, mark out
— n 1) square, chequered design, checks; facet (of (plots) 3) apportion, allocate, assign
gem) 2) blot 3) ward; plot (of land) 4) [fig] opportunity AkXk\rxa [Akwe' sha] v 1) look for opportunity, opening,
5) [in comb] area, field CF Niuc\cMtka-eZ;kXk\ international etc 2) look for an excuse
market; lup\kXk\ worksite; area of; kXc\; AkXk\lv\ [Akwe' lE] v 1) clear up, become clear,
kXk\k¥a; [kwe' kya:] adv irregularly, sporadically; in become understandable 2) (of problems) clear up, (of
patches situation) be all right
kXk\k¥a;miu; [kwe' kya; mo;] n scattered rainshowers AkXk\wc\ [Akwe' win] v happen as planned, go as
CF®pn\k¥miu;' epåkƒrwœmiu; expected, fit into one's plan, scheme, etc
kXk\ek¥a\ [kwe' kyaw] adv one step ahead, one move AkXk\AkXc\;k¥ [Akwe' Akwin; kya.] v be strategically
ahead placed, be well placed
kXk\ek¥a\®mc\ [kwe' kyaw myin] v to see one step or move kXc\;1 [kwin:] v 1) loop, ring, draw (metal) into a circle
ahead [gwin:] 2) circle (around); avoid
kXk\ek¥a\Riuk\ [kwe' kyaw yai'] v beat, do first (before — n 1) circle; ring, hoop; loop RF AkXc\;. 2) field, open
another) field, sports field RF kXc\;®pc\. 3) bracket (Br), parenthesis
kXk\kXk\kXc\;kXc\; [kwe' kwe' kwin: gwin:] adv distincly, (Am, pl. parentheses), ( or ) 4) ∞condom [ ph] 5) [in
clearly, vividly comb] field, area; site CF lup\kXc\; worksite; area of work;
kXk\sip\ [kwe' sei'] n 1) closed pattern (of textiles) Riuk\kXc\; setting (in a movie); kXk\
2) telling of religious or historical stories with one kXc\;s [gwin: za.] n open bracket, open parenthesis
person acting all the rôles CF saeha CF kXc\;pi t\
kXk\sip\Riuk\ [kwe' sei' yai'] v [fig] do things in detail, dot kXc\;Sk\ [gwin: ze'] n link
the i's and cross the t's Upsa kXc\;Sc\; [kwin: hsin:] v go on field study, do fieldwork
kXk\tik¥ [kwe' tI kya.] v be exact S YN eBac\kiuk\ kXc\;tiuk\ [gwin; tai'] v ε masturbate, wank (Br), jack
kXk\lp\ [kwe' la'] n 1) space, blank (space) 2) vacant or jerk off (inf)
area; gap kXc\;Tiu;Pinp\ [gwin: do: hpåna']
n a kind of sandal with a
kXk\lp\®Pv\. [kwe' la' hpye.] v fill in the blank loop over the foot (illus)
kXc\;pit\ [gwin: bei'] n close bracket, close parenthesis
kXc\;lMu;kÁt\lXt\ [gwin: lon: gyu' lu'] v be acquitted, get kXn\Ï [kun.] v 1) embellish, elaborate (on) 2) over do, do to
off scot-free (inf) excess 3) Ógo forth, set off (on a journey)
kXc\;lMu;kÁt\lWt\ [gwin lon: kyu' hlu'] v (of a court) acquit 4) Óradiate upward; shine; sparkle; be inspired
(sb), let sb off (inf) kXn\Ï®mø; [kun. myu:] v 1) (of sacred objects) radiate a
kXc\;elYa [kwin: shaw:] n noose (illus) brilliant light 2) sparkle 3) be inspired (with
AkXc\; [Akwin;] n circle, ring, hoop; loop imaginative ideas) Ω cy\sU\-kalha ANupvaˆa%\kXn\Ï®mø;-
AkXc\;qa; [Akwin; dha;] adv plainly, clearly, distinctly Niuc\t´. AK¥in\-®Ps\ty\" When you are young is the time to be
AkXc\;A®Kv\ [Akwin; Achi] n jewellery in the form of a inspired as an artist.
circle, e.g., ring, bracelet, etc AkXn\Ï [Akun.] n (rhetorical) flourish, embellishment (of
kXc\;2 [kwin:] n queen (in playing cards) [Engl] writing, speech, etc)
kXioc\1 [kwain] n coil [Engl] S YN rs\eKX AkXn\Ïtk\ [Akun. te'] v 1) comment (to a superior)
kXioc\2 [kwain] n 1) coin [Engl] 2) [sl] condom 2) do sthg in a new or different way
kXt\ [ku'] n quart [Engl] kXn\; [kun:] n 1) temporary rest house for royalty 2) shrine
(for nats)
kXit\ [kwei'] n sex worker, prostitute S YN ®pv\.tn\Sa
kXn\ [kun] v Ósoar kXn\;Kiu [kun: kho] v take shelter (while travelling)
— n net, casting net, cast net CF piuk\
kXp\ [ku'] v 1) supervise; control; hold together
2) discipline; suppress 3) admonish; warn 4) Óexecute
kXn\K¥a [kun cha] n 1) handle of cast net 2) netting or (a person by royal order) RF kXp\m¥k\. 5) (of human)
screen bell-shaped cover; cage Ω qMkXn\K¥a iron cage
castrate, (of animal) geld, neuter, fix (inf) 6) line,
3) [fig] holiness Ω gu%\eta\kXn\K¥a
border, bind edges
kXn\K¥k\ [kun gye'] n 1) place with many fish, fishing kXp\k´ [ku' kE:] v 1) administer, manage, supervise
ground Ω π hc\;sa;-qaep;my\' kXn\K¥k\eta. m®pNiuc\på" I
2) Ícommand
will serve you fish, but I can't show you the fishing ground.
2) [fig] trade secret
kXp\vHp\ [ku' hnya'] v 1) administer, manage, supervise
2) discipline
kXn\ps\ [kun pyi'] v cast net kXp\p¥s\ [ku' pyi'] n a low wooden or bamboo bed
kXn\rk\ [kun ye'] n 1) netting; network 2) [fig] network kXp\m¥k\ [ku' mye'] v Óexecute (a person by royal order)
CF på;kXk\- Aa%a- qa; Nxc\. lk\mrXM> qa; executioner
kXn\rXk\ [kun ywe'] n netting; network AkXp\ [Aku'] n 1) hem, edging 2) cap, boss 3) rim of
kXn\krs\ [kun gåri'] n concrete [Engl] Ω qM k¨kXn\krs\
cartwheel (to which iron is attached) 4) Ólower-level
reinforced concrete CF Bilp\e®m
official, supervisor
kXn\grk\ [kun gåre'] n 1) congress, discussion meeting
AkXp\AvHp\ [Aku' Ahnya'] n ÍÓcommand and control
Ω kX n\grk\ påt^ Congress Party, formed in India to gain
kXm\ [kun (kwan)] v open a spot in the crust of a jade-
independence from British 2) ∏Congress, US legislative
bearing stone, to reveal the jade inside
body, consisting of an upper house (Senate) and a lower
house (House of Representatives).) [Engl] [ pe]
kXm\; [kun: (kwan:)] n 1) Œbetel vine leaves of which are
daubed with slaked lime and used to wrap betel quids,
kXn\tium¥U\; [kun to myin:] n contour line [Engl] containing slices of areca palm nut, pieces of tobacco,
kXn\giu [kun go] n ∏Congo [ cr] and spices CF kXm\; q^; areca palm nut, betel nut 2) betel leaf
— adj Congolese = kX m\;rX k\ 3) betel quid = kX m\;ya CW ya
kXn\Saebts\ [kun hsa be ti'] adj conservative CF ls\Bry\ kXm\;“KM [kun; gyan] n betel nut orchard, areca palm
liberal orchard [? new me]
kXn\på [kun pa] n 1) compass (magnetic device to show kXm\;ska; [kun: zåga:] n polite small talk in advance of
direction) 2) compass (device for drawing curves) [Engl] negotiations
(illus both) kXm\;sa; [kun: sa:] v 1) chew a betel quid 2) ∞bleed
kXn\påB¨; [kun pa bu;] n pencil box Ω m%i kXm\;sa; one's head is bleeding
kXn\p¥øta [kun pyu ta] n computer [Engl] kXm\;vHp\ [kun: hnya'] n betel cutter, tool used to slice
kXn\p¥øtasas^ [kun pyu ta sa si] n computer typing service areca nuts
kXn\p¥øtaRiuk\ [kun pyu ta yai'] v type (inf, on a computer), kXm\;etac\ [kun daung] n 1) ‹betel-leaf spire, given as
input or enter (with computer keyboard), keyboard a religious offering 2) ornamental utensil for carrying a
betel box 3) pyramidal temple spire on a square base
kXn\Prc\. [kun hpårin.] n conference [Engl] (illus)
kXn\®møns\ [kun myu ni'] n ∏communist [Engl] Ω kXn\®møns\ kXm\;etac\kiuc\ [kun: daung gain] n 1) girl carrying the
eta\lxn\er;-qma; communist revolutionary betel offering in a novitiation ceremony 2) [fig] village
really part of previous entry?] Kmv\;Kmk\ [khåmi: khåme'] n relationship between the
AKeÂk;ecX [Akha. kye; ngwe] n payment, remuneration respective parents of a married couple
AKsa; [Akha. za;] n paid worker Kmv\;eta\ [khåmE: daw] n 1) father of royalty
AKm´. [Akha. mE.] v be free (of charge), be gratis, be 2) ‹father of a monk CF my\eta\ [ bh ry]
complimentary Kmv\;etac\; [khåmE: taung:] v request a Kmv\; charm
— adv free, gratis from an older relative or friend for protection or cure
K% [khåna.] n 1) moment, short while Ω K%el;" Just a Kmv\;ep; [khåmE: pe:] v 1) give a Kmv\; charm to a child
as a charm for well-being 2) give a present to a young
minute. 2) the time it takes to snap fingers ten times, or
person to mark an occasion
blink ten times CF ®mn\manar^
K%K% [khåna. khåna.] adv often, frequently Kmv\;liu [khåmE: lo] v 1) (of a child) show sign of
needing a Kmv\; charm to cure some distress 2) (of a
K%K¥c\; [khåna. gyin:] adv 1) within a short time, shortly
person) show some sign of needing a Kmv\; charm to
A NT errx v\ long term 2) for a short time A NT Tawr'
bring fulfullment of a personal desire
A“m´tn\; eternal
K%ta [khåna ta] n (menstrual) period S YN raq^' Dmµta Kmn\; [khåman:] part particle suffixed to verbs to convey the
sense of 'very nearly', 'almost'
K%ts\®Pot\ [khåna. tåhpyo'] adv for a while, for a
moment Km¥a [khåmya] part suffix to name or pronoun, expressing
K%ta [khåna. ta] n period sympathy: poor thing, poor … Ω kiueAac\-K m¥a' menk
K%pn\; [khåna. ban:] n [fig] the transient moment ktv\; k K¥s\q¨kiu-esac\.enrta qna;påty\" I feel sorry for
poor Ko Aung, he has been waiting for his love since
Ω K%pn\;påkXa" It is just for a moment.
ts\K%K¥c\; [tåkhåna. gyin:] adv within a short time, at
once S YN K¥k\K¥c\;
Keyac\; [khAyaung;] n [in comb] very rough or difficult
Kn´ [khå (gå)nE:] part particle denoting an abrupt happening
Ω Ae®pac\; l´®mn\ liuk\ta ®Pt\Kn´ p´" Changes happened so
Keyac\;eta [khåyaung: daw:] n rough terrain, uneven
stretch of land; wasteland
suddenly. = KNiu;Kn´ CF St\K n´' Rup\Kn´
Kn´Ï [khånE.] v 1) mock 2) make pointed remarks, nettle, Keyac\;lm\; [khAyaung; lan;] n very difficult path
needle CF kli' ri
Kra1 [khåya] n 1) trumpet-shaped wind instrument
2) bugle 3) whistle 4) conical fish trap made from a
Kn´Ït.´t´. [khåne. tE. dE.] adv ironically
single length of bamboo [ ms]
Kena\Kn´Ï' Kena\n^Kena\n´Ï [khånaw khånE., khånaw ni khånaw nE.] v
be rickety, be wobbly, be unstable
Kratut\ [khåya to'] v 1) blow a bugle, whistle, etc.
2) [fig] be the right time
— adv (constructed) flimsily; cheaply
Kra2 [khåya] v behave endearingly, sweetly S YN ta'
Kenak\sim\; [khånau' sein:] n antimony, an easily broken t^t^tata
white metal = Ac\t^miun^
Kra3 [khåya] n Œprickly poppy
KNiu;Kn´ [khAno; khå nE:] part particle denoting an abrupt
happening Ω Ae®pac\; l´ ®mn\liuk\ta ®Pt\K Niu;Kn´p´" Changes
Kra4 [khåya] n measure of time equal to 10 ly or 100
K% CF ®mn\manar^
happened so suddenly. = Kn´ CF St\K n´' Rup\Kn´
KNW´ [khåhnwE:] n long-handled device for bailing water out of Kra5 [khåya] n abbreviation of the word Akƒra (alphabet,
script) [ wr]
a boat, or irrigating a paddy field (illus)
Kmr [kha. ma. ya.] abbr light infantry battalion = e®K®mn\tp\rc\; Kraesak\Ac\; [khåya zau' in:] n ßtabular form as used
Klut\ [khålo'] n 1) switch, button, key 2) trigger; catch Kå;q^; [kha: thi:] be very bitter
3) obstacle, [fig] stumbling block Kå;qk\ [kha: the'] v be pleasantly bitter
Klut\KMu [khålo' khon] n switchboard; keyboard Kå;2 [kha:] n 1) waist 2) lower back CF ek¥a
Klut\tiuk\ [khålo' tai'] v 1) stumble, trip 2) [fig] hit a Kå;kiuk\ [kha: kai'] v have a backache, have lumbago
snag Kå;kiuc\; [kha: kain:] v stoop (with old age)
Klut\Nxip\ [khålo' hnei'] v press a button Kå;kun\; [kha: kon:] [kha: gon:] v be bent (with old age)
Klut\pit\ [khålo' pei'] v switch off, turn off — n hunchback
Klut\®Pot\ [khålo' hpyo'] v pull a trigger, release a catch Kå;k¥io; [kha: kyo:] v [fig] break down suddenly; come to a
Klut\PXc\. [khålo' hpwin.] v switch on, turn on Kå;Âka;vHp\ [kha: gya: hnya'] v tuck sthg in at the waist
Kly\ [khålE] n middle, centre, midst Ω lk\Kly\ middle Kå;K¥v\. [kha: chi>] v 1) (of a person) be thin and feeble
finger = Aly\ looking 2) [fig] be exhausted
Kly\ekac\ [khålE gaung] n middle, centre, midst Kå;K¥v\.eAac\lup\ [kha: chi> aung lo'] v [fig] do back-
Kwå [khåwa] n laundry breaking work
KwåK¥ [khåwa cha.] v 1) launder, wash and hang out clothes Kå;K¥p\wt\ [kha; cha' wu'] v wear one's TB^ (htamein)
2) [fig] clease oneself of sins; change one's ways, turn around the waist, Ie., exposing the breasts CF rc\rxa;wt\
over a new leaf Upsa [? check]
Kwåqv\ [khåwa dhE] n launderer, laundress Kå;esac\;tc\ [khåzaung tin] v 1) carry sthg on the hip
Kw´ [khåwE:] n Œridged gourd 2) [fig] have sb under one's thumb; to have at one's
Kå1 [kha] v 1) shake, shake off CF eKåc\;Kå shake one's head (no) disposal
2) refuse 3) clean (out), empty Ω eTac\Kå release of Kå;sv\;KM [kha: si: khan] v [fig] withstand all troubles
prisoners Ω RuMKå empty a hall Kå;etac\;k¥iok\ [gådaung kyai'] v tuck up the longyi short
Kå2 [kha] n 1) time; duration, period; moment 2) frequency; S YN enak\piu;k¥iok\
time Kå;etac\;k¥iok\lup\ [gådaung kyai' lo'] v [fig] work very
— part count word for number of times Ω nxs\Kå
na;eTac\P¨;ty\" I listened to it twice. [ nc] Kå;tut\ [kha: do'] v have a large waist A NT Kå;qim\
Kåeta\m^ [kha daw hmi] adv in time (for an occasion); on Kå;eTak\ [kha: htau'] v place hands on hips
time Kå;Ts\KXc\K¥^ [gådi' khwin chi] v carry a child one one's hip
Kåtiuc\; [kha dain:] adv always, every time
Kåtiuc\;liu [kha dain: lo] adv as usual Kå;na [kha: na] v sprain one's back
Kån^; [kha ni:] part particle suffixed to a verb to indicate Kå;piuk\ [gåbai'] n pouch formed by fastening the upper
some activity is about to take place, about to part of a longyi in a certain way
ts\Kå [tåkha] adv once Kå;piuk\eSac\tp\ [gåbai' hsaung ta'] n pocket army [ pe]
ts\Kåk [tåkha ga.] adv at one time; once, on one Kå;piuk\T´Tv\. [gåbai' htE: htE.] v [fig] have sb in one's
occasion = ts\Kåtun\; k pocket Upsa, to have control over sb
ts\Kåts\Kå, ts\Kåts\el' ts\Kå-ts\rM' [tåkha tåkha, Kå;piuk\NOik\ [gåbai' hnai'] v pick (sb's) pocket
tåkha tåle, tåkha tåyan] adv sometimes, at times, Kå;pt\ [gåba'] n belt
occasionally, (every) once in a while, now and then, Kå;pt\eKåc\; [gåba' gaung:] n belt buckle
now and again, from time to time = ts\rM-ts\Kå' ts\rM- Kå;pn\;”kio; [gåban: gyo:] n belt used by Buddhist monks
ts\Ss\ Kå;pn\;kXc\; [gåban: gwin:] n loop of belt used by Buddhist
ts\Kåtv\; [tåkha dE:] adv 1) (only) once 2) ™right monks
now, immediatly, at once Kå;pn\;q^; [gåban: dhi:] n button used to fasten belt used
ts\Kåmx [tåkha hma.] adv never, not even once, not ever by Buddhist monks
ts\KåqMu; [tåkha thon:] v be disposable, be single-use, be Kå;pMus [gåbon za.] n flap formed by fastening men's longyi
Kå3 [kha] n 1) partridge 2) Chinese francolin Kå;®pt\ [kha: pya'] v [fig] have a break in continuity; be
Kåtin\vc\ [kha tånyin] n tame partridge decoy used to interrupted
snare partridges Kå;Pumun\la [no ko u.] n kohlrabi S YN NiukiuU
KåK¥U\ [kha gyin] n large red biting forest ant Ω KåK¥U\PXp\ smoke Kå;qim\ [kha: thein] v be wasp-waisted,
have a slender
out ants waist A NT Kå;tut\
Kå;1 [kha:] v be bitter Ku1 [khu.] v 1) prop up, place a support underneath
ts\Kulp\ [tåkhu. la'] n divorcee, person who has been K´kt\ [khE: ka'] v be difficult, hard
divorced CF ts\lc\kXa K´ts\ps\ [gE: dåbyi'] n [fig] a short distance, a stone's
Ku3 [khu. (gu.)] n ™now; the present = yKu AKu [ ph] throw Upsa
Kutela [khu. (gu.) tålaw:] n nowadays, these days K´Piu; [gE: bo:]
n money demanded by young men for a
Kutc\k [gu. de' hti>] adv still, up till now, so far = Kunk' feast at the time of a wedding, as a 'bribe' not to throw
Kuntc\k stones at the house in the night CF mgçlaeÂk; [ bs]
Kun [gu. na.] n just now, a moment ago
Kuntc\k' Kuntc\k [gu. de' hti>] adv still, up till now, so K´yU\; [khE: yin:] v be difficult, be hard
far = Kutc\k K´raK´Ss\ [khE: ya khE: zi'] n difficult matter
Kuen [gu. ne] adv now, at present — adv with difficulty
KuNxs\Ÿ [gu. hni'] n ™this year = ¬ yKuNxs\' d^Nxs\ ts\K´nk\ [tåkhE: ne'] adv all together, at the same time,
Kuel;tc\ [gu. le: din] n a little while ago in unison
Kulup\Kusa; [gu. lo' gu. sa:] v live hand to mouth Upsa, earn K´2 [khE:] n 1) lead (soft grey metal) Metallic element Pb
only enough to live CF meqRMutmy\ 2) graphite, soft grey stone used in making pencil leads
Kutc\ [gådin] n bed, bedstead CF Aip\ra [ ph]
Kuns\ [khun hni'] n seven K´salMu; [khE: sålon:] n π(lead) type
Kuns\sU\Âky\ [khun hnåsin kyE] n © Ursa Major, The Great K´SM [khE: zan] n pencil lead
Bear, The Plough, The Big Dipper = Âky\ermOt\ K´SMeBapc\ [khE: zan baw: pin] n mechanical pencil
Kuns\eTXk [khun hnåhtwe ga.] n the seven kinds of K´tM [khE: dan] n pencil Ω erac\sMuK´tM coloured pencils
traditional Myanmar dances: yogi (eza\g¥^), ogre K´P¥k\ [khE: bye'] n rubber (Br), eraser (Am) S YN ePa.P¥k\
(B^l¨;), monkey (em¥ak\), minister (wn\), long one- CF p¥k\
headed drum (bse), short double-headed drum (), great K´m®Pø [khE ma. hpyu] n tin S YN Bc\' qM®Pø
drum () or two-headed drum () [? still need bse for K´ym\;m^;ek¥ak\ [khE: yan: mi: kyau'] n 1) ¬shot,powder,
most] and flint 2) ammunition
Kuns\rk\Kuns\l^ [khun hnåye' khun hnåli] adv [fig] for a long K´3 [khE:] v 1) bite, clamp sthg between the teeth; clench
time (jaw, teeth) 2) be determined (to do sthg), be bent on
Kuns\rk\qa;qm^; [khun hnåye' tha: dhåmi:] n everyone L IT : (doing sthg)
‘children of seven weekdays’ K´´PXy\ [khE: bwE] n ‹food other than rice, other grains,
Kuns\lWaAk [khun hnåhlwa åka.] n striptease L I T : ‘dance fish, and meat; special food. CF eBazU\ [ fd bs]
of seven veils’
Kuns\qMK¥^hs\ [khun hnåthan gyi hi'] v yell at the top of one's K´´PXy\eBazU\ [khE: bwE baw: zin] n food offered to monks
voice [ fd bs]
K¨ [khu] n 1) caterpillar 2) jellyfish, mimosa = cå;Pn\KXk\' erK¨ K´Aiu [khE: o] n brother-in-law husband of a woman's elder
sister, or elder brother of a woman's husband CF mt\2
K¨na [khu na] n abcess on the tip of a finger
K¨; [khu:] v 1) (of flowers, fruit, leaves, etc.) pluck, pick; cull K´. [khE.] part particle suffixed to verbs to emphasize
crap (inf), shit (expl), dung (animal) eK¥asa [chaw: za] n dispatch
eK¥;på [chi: pa] v defecate, shit Î, take a dump (inf), eK¥aSX´ [chaw: hswE:] v 1) sieze by force, commandeer
crap (inf), poop or poo (child) (vehicle, etc); press sb into service, shanghai
eK¥;piu;Tiu; [che: bo: do:] n scarab, dung beetle 2) requisition, make a formal demand (for use of
eK¥;yiu [chi: yo] v defecate, shit Î, take a dump (inf), facilities, etc)
crap (inf), poop or poo (child) eK¥aeTak\ [chaw: htau'] v relay (supplies, messages,
eK¥;3 [gyi:] n grime, dirt, filth = eÂk; etc) successively from one place to another
eK¥;tXn\; [gyi: tun:] v scrub off eK¥aTup\ [chaw: do'] n parcel, (postal) package, packet
eK¥;T¨ [gyi: htu] v 1) be grimy, be filthy 2) [fig] be full of eK¥apiuÏ [chaw: po.] v (of requisitioned transport) deliver
excuses 3) [fig] be choosy, be picky official mail, supplies, etc CF A®mn\eK¥apiuÏ express
eK¥;m¥a; [gyi: mya:] v 1) be grimy, be filthy 2) [fig] be eK¥ami [chaw; mI] v [inf] 1) lit 2) [fig] be pressed into
full of excuses 3) [fig] be choosy, be picky; complain service Ω Sram eZ;kA®pn\ psßv\;etX-mNiuc\mnc\;n´ÏmiuÏ kÁn\eta\
excessively eK¥ami“p^; liuk\piuÏrty\" My teacher couldn't carry all the
eK¥;4 [che: (chi:)] n Œmarking nut tree things she had bought at the market, so I was pressed into
K¥´1 [chE:] v space (out), spread out, scatter, place farther service to take her home. [? really lit? hit? don't
apart (in space or time) CF ®Ka;' KXa understand connection]
K¥´2 [chE:] n Thai lottery (usu starting the 1st and 15th of the eK¥a klk\ [chaw: kåle'] n chocolate [Engl]
month) CF T^ eK¥a. [chaw.] v 1) persuade, entreat, coax 2) soothe, calm
K¥´Tiu; [chE: hto:] v play the (Thai) lottery (sb down), pacify, lull
K¥´diuc\ [chE; dain] n person running the K¥´ lottery eK¥a.ema. [chaw. maw.] v tenderly persuade or soothe sb
K¥´ [chE;] v ∞fight against [? in what sense? struggle
eK¥a.®mHø [chaw. hmyu] v 1) coddle, amuse, soothe 2) charm;
K¥k\®pot\ [che' pyo'] v cook K¥k\ts\®Pot\ [che' tåhpyo'] adv instantly; abruptly
K¥k\Ark\ [che' åye'] n 1) spirits
(Br), (distilled) liquor
ts\K¥k\Tv\; [tåche' htE:] adv simultaneously, at the
same time; as soon as [? placement ok for this and
(Amer), hard liquor (Amer) 2) moonshine (Amer),
next? Should this and previous be combined anyway?]
homemade spirits
K¥k\2 [che'] v shine
K¥k\K¥k\ [che' che'] adv (shine) brilliantly, glitteringly ts\K¥k\lWt\ [tåche' hlu'] v be irrevocable, be impossible
to retract Ω ts\K¥k\lWt\Amin\Ï irrevocable order
K¥k\3 [che'] n 1) navel, belly button (inf) CF umbilical cord K¥k\5 [che'] n cheque (Br), check (Am) [Engl]
2) punt (of bottle) [gye'] 3) depression left in some fruits
CFlk\k¥n\sarc\;' sarc\; rxc\
and vegetables after the stem has fallen off 4) bolt (of
door) 5) centre, central point, key point [ ph]
K¥k\5 [che'] adj ∏Czech
K¥k\qmµtNiuc\cM [che' than mAda. naing gan] n ∏Czech
— part 1) particle suffixed to verb to form a noun, esp
K¥k\kiusliubk\k^;ya; [che' ko sålo ve' ki: ya:] n
suffixed to a repeated verb to indicate possibility or lament, sad song; lXm\;K¥c\; song about missing sb
uncertainty, indescision, ambiguity: maybe, probably, K¥c\;Nxs\Sy\.el;K¥c\; [? want them?]
possibly, potentially Ω ®Ps\K¥c\®Ps\mv\ possibly, maybe AK¥c\; [Achin;] n song or poem for reciting
Ω ASc\®pv\. rc\ qXa;K¥c\-qXa;my\" If everything is okay we will eK¥ac\1 [chaung] v 1) have plenty of room, be uncrowded
probably go. Ω eKt\epÅ--kb¥aketa. Pt\rc\”kio k\K¥c\-”koik\my\' Ω ka;eK¥ac\-enty\" There is a lot of room in the bus.
AlXt\-rta mrxiB¨;" I like reading some modern poetry well A NT k¥p\ 2) be slack, be loose; (of person, face, etc) be
enough, but I don‘t have any memorised. haggard Ω eBac\; B^eK¥ac\ loose trousers Ω m¥k\Nxa-eK¥ac\-
K¥c\mx [chin (gyin) hma.] part suffix to a repeated verb to haggard face 3) have an easy time, be comfortable 4) be
indicate doubt, uncertainty: probably will not Ω d^enÏ loose Ω Klut\eK¥ac\-enty\" The switch is loose. Ω wk\A¨-
liuk\K¥c\mx liuk\my\" I probably can't come with you today. eK¥ac\enty\" The screw is loose. 5) [fig] have a screw
K¥c\pc\z^em¥ak\ [chin pin zi myau'] n chimpanzee, chimp (inf), loose Upma, not be right in the head Ω U^;eNxak\eK¥ac\
African ape [Engl] CF em¥ak\wM
K¥c\. [chin.] v 1) measure (volume or weight) 2) calculate; eK¥ac\K¥i [chaung gyi>]
v 1) be spacious, be roomy 2) be
estimate; weigh (in mind) CF ®Kc\2 comfortable, live easily Ω rt´.ecXn´Ï miqa;su-Nxs\eyak\Tv\;-
K¥c\.K¥in\ [chin. gyein] v deliberate, consider rxitun\; k eK¥ac\K¥ipåty\" We could live easily on this income
when there were only two of us in the family.
K¥c\.etX; [chin. twe:] v deliberate, consider
CF qk\ qaeK¥ac\K¥ier; welfare 3) be loose
K¥c\.tXk\ [chin. twe'] v calculate, ponder, think about,
eK¥ac\Tiu; [chaung hto;] v put sthg aside (out of lack of
interest), procrastinate
K¥c\.e®mHa\ [chin. hmyaw] v deliberate; consider, ponder;
think about possible results or consequences
eK¥ac\lv\ [chaung lE] v be in comfortable circumstances
K¥c\.sPXy\ [chin. såhpwE] part ¬particle suffixed to a verb to AeK¥ac\ [Achaung] n 1) bargain, good deal 2) the easy
denote desireability or possibility (equivalent to -able)
Ω Tmc\; pX´-®pc\ Ta;ta sa;K¥c\.sPXy\p´" S YN ™ sraekac\;'
AeK¥ac\liuk\ [Achaung lai'] v 1) do sthg the easy way;
take it easy, make no effort CF erqaKiu 2) be an
sK¥c\.PXy\' sPXy\ [? trans? possibility? ]
K¥c\;1 [chin:] v penetrate, go through S YN KXc\;
K¥c\;nc\;wc\erak\ [chin: nin: win yau'] v invade; intrude; AeK¥ac\qma; [Achaung dhAma;] n opportunist
enter by force
eK¥a c\2 [gyaung] n corner, nook; secluded place; religious
retreat [ ph]
AK¥c\;⁄ [Achin;] n 1) placenta, afterbirth 2) mettle,
quality 3) [math] diameter
eK¥ac\kup\ [chaung ko'] v withdraw, seclude oneself
K¥c\;2 [chin:] pron he, she, third person pronoun. = qc\' q¨ eK¥ac\k¥ [gyaung kya.] v be out of the way, be remote; be
K¥in\;SiumO [chein: hso hmu.] n appointment bond 2) [in comb] head, chief, prime, etc CF wn\” k^;K¥op\
K¥in\;etX> [chein twe.] v have a date with sb, rendezvous, prime minister; @anK¥op\ headquarters, central office;
meet sb (usu secretly) by arrangement VWn\Âka;er;mØ;K¥op\ director general; tra;q¨”k^;K¥op\ chief justice;
K¥in\;Ta; [chein; hta;] v have an appointment Ω senenÏmxa kakXy\er;U^;s^;K¥op\ (Defence Services) Chief of Staff 3) [in
g [ga.] n third consonant in the Myanmar script horses, etc. CF kNut\' kp^' nar^ (illus) [ bs]
gGn% [ga. ga. na. na.] adv definitely; precisely, exactly; g%n\;1 [gånan:] n 1) number; numeral (the symbol of a
explicitly Ω AeÂkac\;Ara-ts\Ku kiu gGn%-mqip´ ®cc\;KMurc\ number) Ω g%n\;-(6)-lMu;Kn\ÏeZ; price in six figures Ω mg%n\;
Ak¥io;-mrxiNiuc\B¨;" No good can come of arguing about odd number Ω sMug%n\; even number CF kin\;' nMpåt\
something that you don’t know much about. 2) arithmetic, maths (inf) Ω g%n\; tXk\tt\la;" Can you
gcy\ [ga. ngE] n name of g L IT : ‘small ga.’ do maths? [ ph]
gcy\ekX> [ga. ngE gwe.] n U-turn S YN pesak\ekX> g%n\;e®K [gånan: gye] n numeral, symbol used to
gza [gåza] n ∂traditional style of depicting elephants, represent a number
g%n\;tXk\ [gånan: twe'] v calculate, compute,
egzk\ [ge ze'] n gazette, newspaper [Engl] the match, neither side yet had scored a goal. CF giu; wc\
egzk\t^;ya; [ge ze' ti: ya:] n gazetteer, geographical gk\s\ [ge'] n (natural US) gas [Engl] Ω gk\s\m^;Piu gas cooker
dictionary [Engl] egåk\1 [gau'] n golf [Engl]
egha [ge ha] n 1) house 2) home, place of refuge egåk\kXc\; [gau' kwin:] n golf course, golf links
egåza“gioh\ [gaw: za gyo] n ßpresent positon of planets in the egåk\q^; [gau' thi:] n golf ball
zodiac [ bs] egåk\q^;Riuk\ [gau' thi: yai'] v golf, play golf, go golfing
egåtm [gaw: dåma.] n ‹fourth of the five Buddhas of the egåk\qma; [gau' dhåma:] n golfer
current era, Gautama Buddha, the most recent Buddha egåk\Ait\Tm\; [gau' ei' htan;] n caddy
to achieve enlightenment CF Bd»km±a egåk\2 [gau'] v be eccentric, be quirky; be cracked, be a
egådn\ek¥ak\ [gaw: dan kyau'] n 1) Óquartz 2) gypsum little crazy, be a little strange
g¥k\2 [gye'] n ™bolt S YN kn\Ïln\Ï g¥s\Kn´ [gyi' khAnE] adv Ω Úg¥s\Kn´ AsASMu; SX´Ks\pstt\ty\
g¥k\Tiu; [gye' hto;] v fasten a bolt [? what about open, [? ?? pettily? sulkily? impulsively?]
or is this both?] g¥s\ka; [gyi' ka:] n jeep [Engl]
g¥k\elyaU\ [gye' le yin] n jet plane [Engl] CF elyaU\p¥M g¥s\kn\kn\ [gyi' kan gan] adv offensively
eg¥ak\1 [gyau'] n jobbing (in printing) [Engl] g¥s\pSn\ [gyi' påhsan] n gypsum [Engl]
eg¥ak\2 [gyau'] n [comb] trouble = eK¥ak\ g¥t\' g¥t\ekac\' g¥t\e®mX [gya', gya' kaung, gya' mwe] n
eg¥ak\k¥ [gyau' kya.] v be in trouble poisonous sea-snake found in warm, shallow seas
eg¥ak\epåk\ [gyau' pau'] n [fig] matter which will cause g¥ot\ [gyo'] n 1) rake, tool for collecting loose debris, such
trouble or harm, hornet's nest Upsa as fallen leaves 2) spokeshave 3) razor, razorblade
eg¥ak\g¥k\ [gyau' gye'] n 1) gambling game played with holder 4) plough used in sugarcane cultivation
three dice, each with pictures of six animals [ bs] 2) toy
rattle g¥in\ePa. [gyein hpaw.] n Jinghpaw, the largest Wunpawng or
g¥iok\ [gyai'] n jack, device for lifting heavy objects such as Kachin ethnic group, living mainly in Kachin State,
cars, houses [Engl] CF duM;kla; Northern Shan State and the Katha area of Sagaing
g¥iok\qiu; [gyai' tho:] n rubella, German measles Division = qin\;epå' g¥c\;ePa [? check spelling in big dic]
g¥c\1 [gyin] n 1) top (spinning toy) Ω q¨g¥c\epåk\rc\
mWt\entap´" When he plays with a top, it spins very fast. g¥in\;Baqa [gyein: ba dha] n Jain religion, founded by
2) gambling game in which a top with four animal Mahavera, a contemporary of the Buddha
figures is spun on a board with the same figures g¥p\ [gya'] n backstrap loom [ tx]
= el;ekac\g¥c\ 3) [fig] expert, crackerjack, best in one's g¥p\ekac\ [gya' kaung] n crab louse, crab ∞
field g¥p\Kut\ [gya' kho'] v 1) (of person) weave on a backstrap
g¥c\ksa; [gyin gåza:] v play el;ekac\g¥c\, a gambling loom 2) (of cloth) be hand-woven [ tx]
game in which four animal figures on a top are matched g¥oM [gyon] n wheat = kula;spå;
to the figures on a game board [? check match] g¥oMsk\ [gyon ze'] n flour mill
g¥oMmOn\Ï [gyon hmon.] n wheat flour
g¥c\e®Klv\ [gyin gyi lE] v 1) [fig] be very busy 2) [fig]
top of one's class, best in one's field “gioh\ [gyo] n 1) ©9 known planets of the solar system,
g¥c\Tiu; [gyin hto:] v bet on a game of el;ekac\g¥c\ i.e. Mercury budÎh¨;, Venus eqaÂka, Earth km±ae®m”k^;, Mars
g¥c\epåk\ [gyin pau'] v spin a top, as a children's game Ag:, Jupiter Âkaqpet;, Saturn sen, Neptune nt\pkÁn\;,
g¥c\2 [gyin] n gin (spirit flavoured with juniper) [Engl] Uranus y¨er;nt\, Pluto pl¨tiu CF nkƒt\ 2) ß9 celestial
g¥c\kli' g¥c\gli [gyin gAlI] n slender, sharpened metal rod, bodies which determine the fate of humans and their
fixed with feathers and shot from a catapult (Br), world, i.e., Mercury budÎh¨;, Venus eqaÂka, Earth
slingshot (Am) as an improvised weapon [? def ok?] km±ae®m”k^;, Mars Ag:, Jupiter Âkaqpet;, Saturn sen,
g¥c\gly\ [gyin gålE] n 1) trifle, small and insignificant thing Rahu rahu, Ketu kit\, sun en, moon l CF ebdc\ [ bs]
2) hamlet, very small village 3) expert, skillful person
“gioh\ekac\ [gyo gaung] n 1) ßone of the animals
g¥c\nerta [gyin nåre ta] generator [Engl] associated with celestial bodies that have a bad
g¥c\;ePa [gyin: hpaw;] n ÓJinghpaw, the largest Wunpawng or influence on human affairs 2) [fig] jinx, someone who
Kachin ethnic group, living mainly in Kachin State, brings trouble
Northern Shan State and the Katha area of Sagaing “gioh\k¥ [gyo gya.] v [fig] 1) cause trouble 2) be in
Division = qin\;epå' g¥in\ePa. trouble
g¥s\ [gyi'] v (esp of child) be demanding, cause trouble, “gioh\KXc\ [gyo gwin] n place of a planet in the zodiac
be offensive CF g¥^k¥' rs\ CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^sk\wn\;
“gioh\KÁt\ [gyo chu'] v ßblock the bad influence of a
G [ga.] n fourth consonant in the Myanmar script equivalent Grawåq [gårawa tha.] n matrimony, the state of being
to gh married
G”k^; [ga. gyi:] n name of G L I T : ‘great ga.’ eGaq [gaw: tha.] adj (of consonant) voiced, e.g., b, v, z, z,
GnaNiuÏSXm\; [gåna no. hsun:] n ‹milk rice soup offered to g, d A NT AeGaq
monks [ bs fd]
c1 [nga.] n 1) fifth consonant in the Myanmar script 2) name cKÁt\ [ngåchu'] n 1) kid, boy or girl [? ok?] 2) kid (fig),
of c sb who is young and inexperienced
c2 [nga.]part particle prefixed to a man's name, now mainly csU\;l´ [ngåsin: lE:] n sly, wily, crafty person or animal
country style, or derogatory Used in teasing to ascribe a cti [ngåtI] n [derog] fellow
quality to a person, e.g., cA fool, cTMu idiot cet [ngåte] n rascal, rogue, trouble-maker
ceÂkac\ [ngAkyaung] n sb who is out of touch; sb who ctMu; [ngAdon;] n imbecile, sb ignorant
doesn‘t know what to do (in a situation), sb who has no cTMu [ngåhtoun] n numskull, bonehead, blockhead,
idea Ω rv\; sa;etX>my\-AK¥in\mxa Ark\eqak\ty\ d^ l¨- dunderhead, idiot, cretin
ceÂkac\p´" That guy has no idea –– he gets drunk before he cepå [ngApaw] n simpleton, airhead, muttonhead, sb who
meets his girlfriend. does not think
s1 [sa.] n sixth consonant in the Myanmar script suffix to neg verb Ω mK¥s\sP¨; K¥s\mity\" I fell in love for the
slMu;⁄ [sa. lon:] n name of s Ω slMu;ers just the beginning first time. Ω Niuc\cM®Ka;- erak\eta. Alup\- m”kio;sa;-sP¨;-”kio;sa;“p^;
CF k”k^;erk lup\ty\" When I went abroad, I worked hard as never
s2 [sa] [sa.] v begin, start before.
— part particle suffixed to a noun or verb to indicate slMu;Ÿ [sålon] part particle indicating that all are
the smallness of the amount involved included: all, the whole, the entire Ω Nxs\Ku-slMu; both Ω cå;B¨;-
ssrara [sa. za. ya ya] n everything, all = Ass(Arara) slMu; eqak\K´.qla;" Did you drink all five bottles?
Ω qMu;eyak\- slMu; Pi t\my\" We will invite all three of them.
stc\ [sa. tin] v begin, start
sP¨; [sa. hpu;] part for the first time, as never before: CF luM;
ska;hp\ [zåga: ha'] v to match one's words to another's sÂka®Pn\Ï [se' kya hpyan.] v ‹(of the Buddha or royalty)
start a journey [ ry bh]
ska;AeK¥Atc\ [zåga; Ache Atin] n (oral) debate CF ®cc\;KMu sÂkartna [se' kya ya dåna] n precious stones and
ska;APt\tc\ [zåga: åhpa' tin] v waste breath, waste weapons which seek out the sÂkarxc\
words sÂkarxc\ [se' kya shin] n king of the four islands of the
ska;A¨epåk\ [zåga: u pau'] n desultory small talk, talk universe, possessing a mythical chariot and weapons,
about nothing in particular cakravartin (Pali), cakkavattin (Skt) S YN sÂkwet;mc\;
ska;U^;qn\; [zågåu: than:] v 1) hint, give a hint sÂkaqiuk\ [se' kya thai'] n book of legends and predictions
Ω piu k\SMmrxi B¨;liuÏ ska;U^; qn\; Ta;eta. AeÂkX;y¨liuÏ (in verse)
mekac\; B¨;epåÏ" It's not good to hint that you don't have any sKn\; [såkhan:] n 1) camp 2) stage (in development)
money because you want to borrow some. S YN ska;rip\®p sKn\;kun\lm\;kun\ [såkhan: gon lan: gon] adv to the utmost,
2) suggest or reveal what will happen to the fullest extent
ska;Aiu; [zåga: o:] n chatterbox, talkative person, talker; sKn\;”k^; [såkhan: kyi:] v be proud, be arrogant, be
windbag (neg) haughty, be snobbish, be stuck up (inf)
ska;Aup\ [zåga: o'] v defeat with bigger words sKn\;K¥ [såkhan: cha.] v camp, bivouac, pitch or make camp
msp\ska; [måsa' zåga:] n irrelevant comment, remark,
contribution, etc sKn\;K¥(et;) [såkhan: gya. (de:)] n song by male character
ska;2 [zåga:] n Œfrangipani, tree with fragrant flowers before a sad part of a dance
=sMgaa; sKn\;K¥´> [såkhan; chE.] v overdo, exaggerate, make much
sek; [såke:] n scale, e.g., of map, music, salary, etc [Engl] of (sthg small), play up, be histrionic, make a
Ω lsasek; salary scale CF k^; œkey production of
sekakrc\ [zågaw: kåyin] n Sgaw Karen, one of the major sKn\;SMu; [såkhan; son;] v finish (job, affair, etc)
Pwakanyaw (Karen) ethnic groups CF krc\ S YN sKn\;®pt\
sekask®Ps\ [zågaw: zåga. hpyi'] v be in between, fall in sKn\;T [såkhan: hta.]v 1) bivouac, set up a camp (on a
between, not fit (a standard), be neither one thing nor journey) 2) [fig] be resurgent, become active again,
another Ω d^wt†o k saAup\Tut\PiuÏ qip\tiuty\' mg©zc\;T´Tv\.PiuÏ- regain popularity; come back into fashion Upsa 3) [fig]
k¥lv\; qip\rxv\enty\" sekask-®Ps\en-taepåÏ" This story become powerful; become popular CF ts\sKn\;T
is too short for a book. but too long to put in a magazine.
It falls in between. CF sk' eqac\mtc\ermk¥ [ ph] sKn\;eTak\ [såkhan: htau'] v break a journey, rest during
a journey
seka.tln\ [såkaw. tålan] n ∏Scotland sKn\;eTac\. [såkhan: htaung.]
v 1) (of a journey) find it
sk¥c\ek¥ak\ [zågyin kyau'] n alabaster, a white translucent hard going 2) (of a place) be out of the way
stone S YN Kr^;eTac\.
sÂkwet;mc\; [se' kyåwåde: min:] n ‹Cakkavattin (Pali), sKn\;epåk\ [såkhan pau'] v achieve success, develop, attain
Cakravartin (Skt) king of the four islands of the universe,
possessing a magical chariot and weapons S YN sÂkarxc \ sKn\;®pt\ [såkhan; son;] v finish (job, affair, etc)
CF mNÎa t\' sÂka [ bh pl] S YN sKn\;SMu;
sÂkwLa [se' kya wåla] n 1) [cosm] cosmological system of a sKn\;qim\; [såkhan: dhein:] [såkhan: thein:] n duet dance
spherical or circular barrier surrounding the world, which ending a traditional drama [ ms]
is centred on ®mc\;miur\ (Mount Meru). Four oceans surround — v 1) strike camp 2) [drama] close a scene; [fig]
Mount Meru, each with a great island continent and its come to an end
own sun and moon Ω pub`wiedh' Aerx>kÁn\; eastern island, sKn\;qXa; [såkhan: thwa:] v 1) perform a duet dance in a
home of ??, koko tree; Ω zbµød^på' zm`ødip\' lkç¥a' etac\kÁn\; traditional drama, symbolising faithfulness 2) [fig] work
southern island, home of humans, eugenia tree Ω egåya' (together) with, put up with (neg), deal with, go on
Apregåyan western island, ??, Nauclia parviflora tree Ω Alu p\k AROM;®pen“p^' By\ liuSk\“p^; sKn\; qXa;Âkml´" We are
Ω Ut† rku Ru' e®mak\ kÁn\; northern island, ??, ?? tree 2) such losing money; how will we deal with this? Ω l¨etX-Aa;lMu;
a cosmological system, an infinite number of which are Alup\TXk\-qXa;liuÏ cå--ts\eyak\Tv\; sKn\; qXa;rlv\; Bamx-
in the universe 3) the extent of such a cosmological m®Ps\B¨;" Everyone quit, but it is alright if I have to go on
system 4) universe alone.
sÂka [se' kya] n 1) circle 2) chariot of the sÂkwet;mc\; ts\sKn\;T [tåsåkhan: hta.] v [fig] contribute a competing
cakkavattin CF sÂkwet;mc\; 3) powerful weapon or objecting point of view; take a different course; come
4) ‹sole of the foot of the Buddha, which has 108 up with a new idea L I T : ‘put up another camp’
sam¨Âkm\; [sa mu gyan;] n draft goes on, the more problems there will be. Better to just fire
sam¨K [sa mu ga.] n payment to the writer of an article,
book, poem, etc; payment to illustrator, designer, etc
sarc\;qXc\; [såyin; xthwin;] v enter (item in a ledger, file,
saem;p´X [sa me; bwE;] n examination, test
saem;p´Xss\ [sa me; bwE; xsi'] v conduct, hold, have an sarc\;Ac\; [såyin; in;] n 1) (table of) data 2) statistic
examination, test, etc
sarc\;Ac\;pva [såyin; in; pyin nya] n statistics
saem;pX´e®P [sa me; bwE; xhpye] v sit or take an sarc\;Ac\;pvarxc\ [såyin; in; pyin nya shin] n statistician
examination, test, etc saRXk\ [sa ywe'] n piece of paper
sam¥k\Nxa [sa mye' hna] n page (of book, magazine, etc) sarXk\satm\; [sa ywe' sa dan;] n documents,
documentation, papers relating to a certain matter
saer; [sa xye;] [såye;] v write
— n clark (Br), clerk (Am)
saluM; [sa lon;] n letter (of alphabet, script)
saer;kiriya [sa ye; kårI ya] n stationery, writing saluM;esac\; [sålon; zaung;] n italics CF salMu;T¨ bold;
saluM;på; light (typeface)
saer;saK¥^ [såye; såchi] n secretarial staff, clerical staff, salMu;T¨ [sAlon; du] n boldface S YN piu; CF saluM;på; light
(typeface); saluM;esac\; italics [? really po:? if so add to p
secretary, clark (Br), clerk (US)
syn ok? pa: ok?]
saer;Sra(m) [sa ye; hsåya(ma.)] n writer, author
saer;tM [såye; dan] n ‹lots drawn to decide who will salMu;på; [sAlon; pa;] n light typeface CF saluM;esac\; italics;
salMu;T¨ bold
receive which gift in an offering to monks [ bh]
saer;tMm´ [såye; dan mE;] n ‹ [? same as above?] saluM;epåc\; [sa (så) lon; xpaung;] [sa (så) lon; baung;] v spell
— n spelling
saer;tMlØpX´ [såye; dan hlu; bwE;] n ‹donation of writing
materials to monks
saluM;epåc\;qt\puM [sa (så) lon; baung; tha' pon] n
orthography, correct spelling
saer;AK¥^ [sAye; Achi] n Óscribe
sMNOn\; [san hnon:] n standard, norm slowly Ω eKÁ;siuÏty\ sweat 3) (of humans) nurse,
breastfeed; (of animals) suckle Ω kel;-NiuÏ-siuÏenty\" The
sM®p [san bya.] n model
baby is nursing.
sM®plup\qa; [san pya. lo' tha:] n model worker [ pe]
— n 1) sprout, shoot (of a young plant) S YN AsiuÏ
sM®po [san hta:] v 1) take sthg or sb as an example to
2) chisel 3) peg, wood or metal pin used to hold things
follow, as an ideal; take (sb) as a rôle model 2) idealize,
together; dowel, wooden rod = tMsiuÏ
think of sthg as perfect or ideal, overlooking
imperfections S YN sMTa;
siuÏsiuÏpiuÏpiuÏ [so. zo. po. bo.] adv plentifully, sufficiently
sMm^ [san hmi] v come up to standard (of quality) msiuÏmpiuÏ [måso. måpo.] adv scant(ily), hardly enough
sMerX; [zan ywe:] v be hard to please, be picky, be AsiuÏ [åso.] n sprout, shoot
particular, be finicky AsiuÏTiu;' AsiuÏepåk\ [åso. hto:] v germinate, begin to
sM2 [san] v 1) enjoy, delight in 2) ›stay, live Ω eTac\nn\;sM
serve a prison sentence Ω ts\kÁn\;sM serve a life sentence
AsiuÏAevHak\ [åso. åhnyau'] n sprout, shoot, radicle, very
beginning of growth on a seed S YN A®ms\elac\;
CF nn\;sM reign
Asiu;rAPX´> [åso: ya. åhpwE.] n ∏council of ministers sk\psßv\; [se' pyi' si:] n machine parts
siu;s^siu;s^ [so: si so: si] n twitter, tweet, sound of birds sk\pn\; [se' pan:] n machine embroidery
siu;sU\; [so: zin:] n a little CF (tsiu;)tsi sk\pun\;Kut\ [se' pon: kho'] v [fig] do things
surreptitiously; plot behind the scenes
sk\1 [se'] [ze'] v touch one after the other, in a chain;
spread CF k¨; sk\
sk\®pc\ [se' pyin] n repairman
— n drop; small amount, mite, trifle Ω miu; sk\ raindrop
sk\B^; [se' bein:] n bicycle, bike, cycle
sk\sk\ [se' se'] adv in drops sk\m´.elyaU\ [se' mE. le yin] n glider
sk\lk\ [se' le'] adv in drops Ω A´d^Rup\rxc\kiu sk\emac\; [se' maung:] n engine operator
m¥k\rv\sk\lk\n´> Âkv\.rty\" I watched that movie
sk\mO [se' hmu.] n industry [ pe]
through my tears.
sk\mOeta\lxn\er; [se' hmu. taw hlan ye:] n Industrial
Revolution [ pe]
Ask\ [åse'] n 1) drop, drip (of liquid) S YN Aepåk\
2) speck, small spot; dot S YN Aepåk\' Ae®pak\
sk\mOpva [se' hmu. pyin nya] n mechanical engineering
sk\2 [se'] v sleep Ω Aip\sk\®Kc\;ha Aekac\;SMu; Ana;y¨®Kc\; sk\mOlk\mO [se' hmu. le' hmu.] n industry [ pe]
®Ps\ty\" Sleep is the best kind of rest. sk\mOlk\mOeek¥ac\; [se' hmu. le' hmu. kyaung:] n technical
sk\eta\eKÅ [se' daw khaw] v (of royalty, monks) sleep
Ask\ [åse'] n [of royalty, monks] (period of) sleep, rest sk\mOly\ya [se' hmu. lE ya] n mechanised farming [ ag]
sk\yN|ra; [se' yan: dåya:] n machinery
sk\3 [se'] v weigh against, or compare with sthg sk\Rup\ [se' yo'] n robot
sk\4 [se'] n 1) circle; wheel; cycle 2) weapons sk\RuM [se' yon] n factory; workshop
3) machinery; mill 4) authority; controlling power,
sk\lt\ [se' la'] n [milit] medium machine gun
ruling power CF Aa%apiuc\ 5) distinguishing marks of the
sk\elx [se' hle] n powerboat
Buddha [ bh] 6) [cmb] mechanical sk\elxka; [se' hle ga:] n escalator, moving stairway
sk\kel; [se' kåle:] n Ílight machine gun sk\wiuc\; [se' wain:] n circle
sk\kiriya [se' kårI ya] n machinery, parts of machines sk\wn\; [se' wun:] n circumference, the measurement
sit\lk\ [sei' le'] n mind, heart sut\1 [so'] v 1) tear, rip 2) be torn, be ripped, be tattered,
sit\liuk\man\på [sei' lai' man ba] adv 1) recklessly, be in tatters, be ragged, be seedy, be shabby
impetuousy 2) in the heat of anger
sit\lv\ [sei' lE] v revert to (previous opinion, sut\p´. [so' pE.] v 1) be torn, be tattered, be ragged and
condition, etc) dirty; be chipped, be broken, be battered 2) be
sit\lup\ [sei' lo'] v pretend to be dissatisfied contemptible, be despicable, be shabby, be mean
sit\lMu [sei' lon] v have a clear conscience Ω kÁn\eta\k sut\“p´ [so' pyE:] v be torn, be ripped; be tattered, be
S1 [hsa.] n seventh consonant in the Myanmar script Slim\ [hsa. lein] n name of S
eSac\;yU\sXn\;K¥in\ [hsaung: yin zun: gyein] n December Siuc\;tX [hsain twa.] v be delayed, wait due to a delay
solstice, shortest day of the year CF mSiuc\;mtX
eSac\;U^; [hsaung: u:] n 1) beginning of the cool season Siuc\;Tm\; v wait, pause; keep pending, suspend, defer
2) (outside of tropical regions) autumn, fall (Amer)
Siuc\;enak\T [hsain: nau' hta.] n vocalist–comedian of
eSac\;U^;epåk\ [hsaung: u: bau'] n beginning of the cool traditional orchestra
season, early in the cool season Siuc\;mSc\.bMumSc\. [hsain: måhsin. bon måhsin.] adv [fig]
eSac\;på; [hsaung: ba:] n 1) article (in newspaper, magazine, unannounced, unexpectedly, without prior notice,
etc), piece, story (inf) CW pud\ 2) Óletter, message, without fanfare (Upsa) L IT : ‘without calling on drums to
missive, etc sent by courier or intermediary CW esac\ strike up’
Siuc\;wiuc\; [hsain: wain:] n œdrum circle S YN pt\wiuc\;
eSac\;på;lk\eSac\ [hsaung; ba; le' hsaung] n present CF Nxs\Ss\lMu;' dMu;' d¨;lMu;
sent to sb far away (usu with a letter) Siuc\;qma; [hsain: dhåma:] n œmusician in traditional
Siuc\ [hsain] v 1) stack (rice sheaves) 2) meet, come face orchestra
to face with 3) concern 4) have the right to; belong to Siuc\;2 [hsain:] n sign, signature [Engl] S YN lk\mxt\
5) negotiate a sale Siuc\;Tiu; [hsain: hto:] v sign (one's name) S YN lk\mxt\Tiu;
— n shop (Br), store (Am); stall, stand for selling Siuc\;But\ [hsain: bo'] n sign, noticeboard, billboard
Sp\®pa [hsa' pya] n soap SMu>Sv\; [hson. zi:] n [poet] sthg epitomising grace and
Sp\®pamOn\Ï [hsa' pya hmon.] n soap powder (usu detergent) beauty
SMu; [hson:] v 1) come to an end Ω lm\;SMu; dead end (of road)
2) lose RF SMu; ROM;. 3) die, pass away RF SMu;qX a;.
Sp\®pa®mHup\ [hsa' pya hmyo'] n suds, lather, bubbles
Sp\®paemW; [hsa' pya hmwe:] n scented soap — part suffix indicating superlative, -est, most Ω ptmSMu;
Sp\qXa; [hsa' thwa:] n 1) dried screw-pine fruit, used for first Ω enak\SMu; last
combing yarn 2) screw pine tree SMu;Kn\;tiuc\eAac\ [hson: gan: tain aung] adv till the end, to
Sp\qXa;P¨; [hsa' thåpu:] n 1) screw pine 2) part of pagoda the end, to the last
below the finial, resembling the fruit of the screw pine SMu;på; [hson: ba:] v 1) lose 2) die, pass away
SMu;®Pt\ [hson: hpya'] v decide
Sip\1 [hsei'] n 1) wharf, dock, pier, jetty 2) port, harbour, SuM;®Pt\K¥k\ [hson; hpya' che'] n decision
terminal, stand 3) pier on river or stream, used for SMu;ROM; [hson: shon:] v 1) lose (sthg) 2) ¥lose (money)
swimming, bathing, etc A NT ®mt\ 3) be unsuccessful, be fruitless, have no result;
Sip\km\; [hsei' kan:] n harbour, port; wharf, jetty be detrimental A NT eAac\® mc\
Sim\km\;KXn\ [hsei' kan: gun] n wharfage, port dues, SM ;
u m [hson: ma.] v 1) tell (child, etc) what to do or not to
harbour tax do, scold, tell off 2) punish, discipline
Sip\km\;“mio> [hsei' kan: myo.] n port, seaport SMu;mska; [hson ma. zåga:] n (spoken) homily, guiding
Sip\KM [hsei' khan] n pontoon; pier; jetty (illus) advice, teaching
Sip\2 [hsei'] n 1) poison, venom 2) [fig] power to do harm SMu;msa [hson: ma. za] n (written) homily, guiding advice
z [za.] n eighth consonant in the Myanmar script zya;”k^; [zåya: kyi:] v be meticulous, be punctilious, be
zkX´ [za. gwE:] n name of z L I T : ‘split z’ a stickler for details (inf)
znkzat\ [zånåka. (zåne' ka.)] n second of the ten great jatakas zya;kXk\ [zåya: gwe'] n 1) column (in a tabular form)
(Jataka 539). CF zat\”k^; Sy\BX´> 2) table
znpud\ [zånåpou' (bou')] n hamlet, small village S YN ek¥;lk\ zya;K¥ [zåya: cha.] v 1) enter (data in a form), make an
CF ek¥;rXa village; eta country, rural area entry (in a form) 2) calculate 3) draw up a detailed and
zn^; [zåni:] n [formal] wife CF Kc\pXn\; husband' Am¥io;qm^;' definite plan
min\; m zya;tn\Ï [zåya: dan.] n set of mathematical formulas
zn^;emac\NxM [zåni: maung hnan] n husband and wife, married zya;ROp\ [zåya: shou'] v [fig] (of inventory, account, etc)
couple be muddled, be in chaos, be a mess [? def check: not to
zn^;qv\ [zåni; thE] n [formal] wife interfere?]
zytu [zåjåtu.] v win, be victorious, be successful [? be zeya\zy [zåyaw zåya.] adv any old way, carelessly, however
successful in general, or only in competition?] (one can)
zya; [zåja:] n 1) table (for presenting data, etc); schedule, zra [zåya] n old age
tabular form 2) system and order zraeTac\; [zåya htaung:] v have the problems of old
zya;kiuk\ [zåja: kai'] v 1) (of accounts, lists, age, become infirm
inventories, etc) agree, tally S YN sarc\; kiuk\ 2) be zralkƒ%a [zåya le' khåna] n signs of old age, such as
profitable; give a good profit white hair, missing teeth, unsteady walk
zya;k¥ [zåya: kya.] v be systematic, be methodical zradub`l [zåya dou' båla.] n senility, dotage, mental
zya;ek¥ [zåya: kye] v be thorough, be systematic weakness of old age
zraAiu [zåya o] n elderly person
zk\ ferry
z^ra ª zat\
z^yXn\wåd [zi yun wa da.] n ∏Zionism [ pe] zk\⁄ [ze'] n ferry
z^ra [zi ya] n Œ1) cumin, herb with seeds used as a spice zk\Ÿ [ze'] n nape, back of the neck
2) purple fleabane zk\kiuc\ [ze' kain] v [fig] hold the reins (fig), keep sb
z^w [zi wa.] n life; soul [? add soul?] under control
z^wsk\ [zi wa. se'] n ≈life cycle zk\kun\ [ze' koun] adv full speed (ahead), flat out
z^wziu; [zi wåzo:] n 1) ‹mythical peacock-like bird with zk\kun\lWt\ [ze' koun hlu'] v [fig] go flat out, go full
coloured wings 2) swiftlet, swallow with edible nest tilt, go at full speed, put the pedal to the metal
S YNpc\ly\p¥MlWa; (illus from file) zk\”kio; [ze' kyo:] n reins
z^wDatu [zi wa. da tu.] n biochemistry zk\K¥op\ [ze' chou'] v hold back, restrain, rein in, check
z^webd [zi wa. be da.] n biology zk\KXM> [ze' khun.] v bridle (a horse) [? def check]
z^witdån [zi wI ta. da na.] n act of sparing life, mercy; act of zk\SX´ [ze' hswE:] v 1) hold back, rein in, check, curb
saving life S YN zk\ qt\' zk\K¥op\; A NT zk\pMuep; 2) [fig] delay,
z^win\eÂkX [zi wein kywe] v die restrain, control, check
z^win\K¥op\ [zi wein chou'] v die zk\pMuep; [ze' poun pe:] v [fig] give free rein to (fig),
z^; [zi:] n foetus (of animal); gravidity, pregnancy (of give sb his head (fig), set sb loose (fig), give full
animals) control, give freedom of action A NT zk\SX´' zk\qt\
z^;kp\ [zi ka'] v (of animals) conceive, become pregnant zk\r´lk\r´ [ze' yE: le' yE:] adv daringly, recklessly; boldly
z^;elYa [zi shaw:] v (of animals) miscarry
z^;kXk\ [zi: gwe'] n spotted owl zk\qt\ [ze' tha'] v 1) pull up; hold back, rein in,
check, curb 2) [fig] delay, restrain, control, check
z¨liuc\ [zu lain] n July [Engl]
S YN zk\SX´
eztwn\ [ze tåwun] n 1) monastery built in the gardens of
prince ezt, where Gautama Buddha stayed 2) monastery
zk\qXa; [ze' thwa:] n bit CF bridle? (illus)
Z [za.] n ninth consonant of the Myanmar script Zm¥U\;sX´ [za. myin: zwE:] n name of Z
U ˆ
U' ˆ [nya.] n tenth consonant of Pali [ bh]
Ukel;' Ucy\ [nya. gåle:, nya. ngE] n name of -ˆ and U ˆa%\sm\; [nyan san:] [nyan zan:] v test (sb's) wisdom or
L IT : ‘little v’ knowledge
ˆa% [nya na.] n intellect, wisdom — n intelligence test, IQ test, brain teaser (inf); quiz;
ˆa%bl [nya na. båla.] n intellectual power, mental puzzle, riddle
capacity blcå;tn\
CF ˆa%\sm\;pusÍa [nyan san: pou' sa] n IQ test, intelligence
ˆa%lup\qa; [nya na. lou' tha:] n white-collar worker test
ˆatka [nya dåga] n relatives ˆa%\sXm\; [nyan zwan: (zun:)] n intellectual ability, mental
ˆati [nya ti>] n relatives acuity, acumen
ˆaU\ [nyin] n habit; nature, bent, tendency ˆa%\sXm\;ˆa%\s [nyan zwan: nyan za.] n intellectual ability,
ˆa%\ [nyan] n intellect, mind, power of thinking; wisdom, mental acuity, acumen, sapiency
comprehension, power of knowledge Ω mxt\ˆa%\ memory, ˆa%\Sc\ [nyan hsin] v plot, conspire, scheme, devise [?
ability to recall; Ω zwnˆa%\ cleverness, quickness, connive?]
intelligence; Ω ebaDiˆa%\ enlightenment of the Buddha [? ˆa%\eta\ [nyan daw] n ‹height of a Buddha image or
check] pagoda [ bh]
ˆa%\\ksa; [nyan gåza:] v 1) contemplate, consider the ˆa%\tim\ [nyan tein] v have a shallow intellect, be a
reasons for an against sthg, prospects for success, lowbrow, be an intellectual lightweight
potential alternatives, etc 2) use one's mind in various ˆa%\TuM; [nyan toun:] v be slow, be dull(-witted)
ways, play with ideas ˆa%\n^ˆa%\nk\ [nyan ni nyan ne'] n devious means,
ˆa%\k¨ [nyan ku] v be ingenious, be inventive, be cunning way, craft, guile
resourceful, be imaginitive ˆa%\nv\; [nyan nE:] v be witless, be half-witted
ˆa%\ekac\; [nyan kaung:] v be clever, be brainy, have a ˆa%\p¨eza\K [nyan pu zaw ga.] n honorarium, symbolic
keen mind payment for intellectual services (usually public
ˆa%\k¥y\ [nyan kyE] v be learned, be erudite, have a speaking)
broad range of knowledge, have a comprehensive ˆa%\\pXc\. [nyan pwint.] v (of mind) expand
intellect ˆa%\m^ [nyan hmi] v comprehend, grasp (argument,
ˆa%\\”k^;rxc\ [nyan gyi: shin] n (usually sarcastic) great concept, etc), get (inf)
mind, wise man, sage ˆa%\m¥a; [nyan mya:] v [fig] be tricky, be crafty, be
ˆa%\\sU\ [nyan zin] n level of attainment in meditation clever and untrustworthy
ˆa%\rv\ˆa%\qXa; [nyan yi nyan thwa:] n intellectual
v1 [nya.] n tenth consonant in the Myanmar script examples]
v”k^; [nya. gyi:] n name of ‘v’ L IT :
‘big v’ vwå [nya. wa]n ‹lectures on Buddhist scriptures given
v2 [nya.] n night = vU\. to monks in the evenings CF enÏ wå [ bh]
vkal [nya. kala.] n nighttime vqn\;eKåc\ [nya. than; gaung] n midnight, 12:00 at night
vek¥ac\; [nya. gyaung;] n night school, evening classes
v”k^;mc\;”k^; [nya. gyi; min; gyi;] n dead of night, small vqip\er [nya dhei' ye] n water collected overnight
hours of the morning, untimely hour vU^;yM [nya. u; yan] n late evening, from about 9pm to
— adv in the dead of (the) night, at an untimely hour yM
midnight CF
vAip\ven [nya ei' nya ne] adv overnight = vU\.Aip\vU\.en
vK¥m\; [nya. gyan;] n evening, approximately 7:00– va1 [nya] n right (hand side) Ω vaBk\kiu-ekX>my\" We turn
10:00pm right here. S YN ya; A NT By\ CF w´
vcxk\ [nya. hnge'] n prostitute L IT : ‘night bird’ valk\RMu; [nya le' youn:] n [fig] right hand man (fig),
vsa [nya. za] n dinner, supper, evening meal trusted person who knows one's affairs; one's right hand
vsasa;pX´ [nya. za sa; bwE;] n (formal) dinner (fig), person one relies on = lk\yarM CF lk\w´rM
veZ; [nya. ze;] n night market vaqM [nya dhan] n treble, high note A NT By\qM [ ms]
vta [nya. ta (da)] n one night long, (duration of) a vaqn\ [nya than] v be right-handed
night va2 [nya] v lie, tell a lie; fib, tell a small lie for personal
vtXc\;”k^; [nya. dwin; gyi;] n dead of night, small hours of advantage; bluff, pretend to be in a better position (esp
the morning, untimely hour in gambling, negotiation)
vtXc\;K¥c\; [nya. dwin; gyin;] adv the same night vatapået; [nya ta pa te:] adv on the sly, slyly, secretly
ven [nya. ne] n afternoon, approximately 3:00–6:00pm valMu; [nya loun:] n deception, bluff, pretense, trick
va; [nya:] v 1) meet with, have happen to one [? check
venKc\; [nya ne gin;] n afternoon clarify] 2) marry, get married CF r' lk\Tt\'
venK¥m\; [nya. ne gyan;] n evening, near sunset Aim\eTac\k¥
venesac\; [nya. ne zaung;] n late afternoon va;Kåslc\mya; [nya ga za. lin måya:] n newlyweds, a
vemW;pn\; [nya. hmwe; pan;] n Œqueen of the night, recently married couple Ω va;enq¨ lover? [? how to deal
fragrant flower that blooms at night, fragrance of which with]
is thought to be mildly toxic vi [nyi>] v catch (fire), start to burn
ver;vta [nya. ye; nya. da] n items prepared for use at v^1 [nyi] n 1) younger brother (of a male) 2) younger
night, tasks done at night Ω ' She kept a torch and a stick male cousin (of a male) CF emac\' kiu' v^m eSXmi¥o;suz ya;
by the door in case she had to go out at night. v^enac\ [nyi naung] n brothers; male cousins
vl¨ [nya. lu] n prowler (at night); night owl Upsa CF eSXmi¥o;suz ya;
vlMu;epåk\ [nya. loun; bau'] n the whole night v^puel; [nyi pu. le:] n little finger, pinkie (inf) = lk\qn\;
— adv overnight, all night (long), through(out) the
night Ω vlMu;epåk\ -lk\ Pk\rv\Siuc\ all-night teashop v^m [nyi (nyå) ma.]
n 1) younger sister (of a woman)
Ω vluM;epåk\ lu p\tt\ ty\" She works all night. [? new 2) younger female cousin (of a woman) CF Nxs\m' m' kiu'
v^' eSXmi¥o;suz ya;
!^kaK¥´> [ti ga chE.] v go into details (in speech, writing),
! [ta.] n eleventh consonant in the Myanmar script expound (on), explicate, elucidate
!qn\l¥c\;K¥it\ [ta. tålin: gyei'] n name of ! !^kaPXc\. [ti ga hpwin.] v go into details (in speech,
!^ka [ti ga] n extensive and detailed explanatory work, writing), expound (on), explicate, elucidate
usually about religion CF g¤i' d^pn^' pkapni' mDu!^ka'
A™kTa ANu!^ka
@ [hta.] n twelfth consonant in the Myanmar script @apnatiuk\ [hta påna dai'] n ‹building where @apna
@wm\;B´ [hta. win bE:] n name of @ (relics of the Buddha and other holy objects) are kept
@an [hta na.] n 1) place 2) department Ω @anSiuc\raKX´tm\; @^ [hti] n ‹ 1) period between two states of existence,
amount allotted to a department moment of transition 2) period of existence CF tv\'
@anK¥op\ [hta na. gyo'] n headquarters, HQ, main office, Upåd\' Bc\ [ bh]
central office e@; [hte:] v be rich, be wealthy CF ÂkXy\' K¥m\;qa' epå
@ansu [hta na. zu.] n division [? of what?] @an\ [htan] n [ling] place of articulation CF kRiu%\
@ansit\ [hta na. zei'] n section @an\kRiu%\;k¥ [htan kårain kya.] v 1) be pronounced
@aen [hta ne] n 1) birthplace; home 2) one staying at a correctly 2) [drama] correctly pronouned dialogue
place for a long time 3) [fig] be systematic, do carefully, dot the 'i's and cross
— adj country, in country the 't's (Upsa)
@aenkiuy\sa;lxy\ [hta ne kozålE] n agent @an\cå;på; [htan nga; pa;] n five places of articulation:
@anN|r [hta nan dåra.] n official rank lv\eK¥ac\; throat, Aaesak\ hard palate (roof of the
@apna [hta påna] v 1) ‹enshrine (relics of the Buddha in a mouth), lYaTip\ tip of the tongue, qXa; teeth, NOt\Km\; lips
pagoda) 2) fill, stuff, put inside S YN qXt\
— n ‹relics of the Buddha, and other holy objects,
esp those which have been enshrined in a pagoda
# [da.] n thirteenth consonant in the Myanmar script
#rc\ekak\ [da. yin gau'] n 1) name of # L IT : ‘# with a
curved chest’ 2) Œkind of climbing fern
$ [da.] n fourteenth consonant of the Myanmar script
$ermOt\ [da. ye hmo'] n name of the $ L IT : ‘dipper cup $’
% [na.] n fifteenth consonant of the Myanmar script
%”k^; [na. gyi:] n name of %
t1 [ta.] n sixteenth consonant of the Myanmar script tKiKiry\' tKs\Ks\ry\ [tåkhi> khi> yi' tåkhi' khi' yi]
v giggle,
tqm\;p¨ [ta. win: bu] n name of t L IT : ‘bulging stomach
titter, laugh lightly and quietly
t’ tKn\;tna; [tAkhan; tAna;] adv on a grand scale
t2 [ta. (tå)] part affix or infix used to form adverbs tK¥io> [tåcho.] pron some = AK¥io>
t3 [tå] n short form of number ts\ — n some; certain
t4 [ta.] v 1) long for, yearn for, wish for (sb or sthg) tK¥io>tel [tåcho. tåle] pron some
2) recall, reminisce, remember 3) invoke tK¥io>twk\ [tåcho. tåwe'] pron half, some of
ttiuc\;emW; [ta. dain: hmwe:] n evergreen magnolia t®Ka; [tåcha:] adj different, other, another; separate;
= ktt\c n\; irrelevant, unconnected = A®Ka;
tq [ta. tha.] v long for, pine for t®Ka;s^ [tåcha: zi] adv separately; apart
tqq [ta. tha. tha.] adv longingly — n state of being different, unlike
tqqe®pa [ta. tha. tha. pyaw:] v be nostalgic (in speech) tecX>ecX> [tångwe. ngwe.] adv smoulder intensely (also fig),
tqq®Ps\ [ta. tha. tha. hpyi'] v become attached to burn very slowly (usu without flame)
tkt´ [dågådE:] int expression of exasperation or blame ts®pc\ [dåza. byin] n cemetery, graveyard, burial ground
tkt´mxp´ [dågådE: hma. bE:] int expression of exasperation S YN qu œan\' qKä¥oc\;
or blame tsasa [dåza za] adv (of sound) persistently and stridently
tkq [ta. ka. tha.] abbr ∏acronym of Yangon University tsi [dåzi>] n little, bit
Students' Union rn\kun\-tk¶qiul\-ek¥ac\; qa;-qmg© ts^s^ [dåzi zi] adv 1) (of sound) high-pitched and
tka [dåga] part particle suffixed to nouns to indicate annoyingly 2) continuously, constantly
'every' Ω Niuc\cMtgaa international l¨tgaa everyone ts^ttn\; [tåzi tådan:] adv (standing) in a long queue;
tka; [dåga:] part particle placed at the end of a phrase or (lined up) in a long row
sentence for emphasis (in classical literature and satire) ts^;tesac\; [dåzi: dåzaung:] adv (have) rough, uneven
tk¨k¨;k¨ [tAku ku; ku] n coo coo, sound of doves, etc cooing ts¨;sa; [dåzu: za:] adv stubbornly, persistently S YN ts\zXt\Tiu;
tk¨;tk' tk¨;tkn\Ï [dågu: dåga., dågu: dågan.] adv out of tes [tåze] adv Óalways = A“m´tes
one's way, particularly tes.tesac\; [dåze. dåzaung:] adv (study, think about, etc)
tk´k´ [dågE: gE:] adv impatiently; eagerly casually, in a general way; (look at, observe) furtively,
tekak\ekak\liuk\ [dågau' gau' lai'] v keep following sb, surreptitiously, secretly
tag along with sb tsiu;tsi [dåzo: dåzi>] n a little = tsi
tekac\; [dågaun:] n jug, pitcher = ertekac\; (illus) tesac\; [tåzaung:] adv 1) askew, aslant 2) on one's side;
tkup\kup\lup\ [tako' ko' lo'] adv try hard, work hard (at, for), sideways
be persistent tsv\; [dåzi:] n file, rasp = tMsv\;
tky\ [dågE] adv really, actually; definitely, certainly, tsim\.sim\. [dåzein. zein.] adv slowly and steadily; wistfully
surely, in fact = [¬] Aky\ tsim\; [dåzein:] n stranger = q¨sim\;
tky\tm\; [dågE dan:] adv really, actually; definitely, tsXt\sXt\ [dåzu' zu'] adv often, again and again, time and
certainly, surely
again S YN sXt\ky\sXt\ky\
tky\liuÏ [dågE: lo.] adv in case, if = [¬] Aky\j teS; [tåhse:] n yeast, small fungus used to make bread
tky\liuÏm¥a; [dågE lo. mya:] adv in case, if rise
tky\liuÏqa [dågE: lo. tha] adv in case, if tezak\kn\; [dåzau' kan:] n daredevil, reckless person
tky\. [dågE.] v be real, be true, be genuine, be bona fide — adv recklessly; thoughtlessly
Ω tky\. tky\Siurc\ if really, if in fact
tvc\; [dånyin:] n hardwood tree bearing a strong-smelling
tk¥k\k¥k\®Ps\ [dågye' gye' hpyi'] v bicker, quarrel most of starchy fruit, djenkol bean, favoured by starchy, strong-
the time
smelling people, with starchy, strong-smelling minds
teÂka\eÂka\ [tåkyaw kyaw] adv loudly
teÂka\eÂka\eAa\ [tåkyaw kyaw aw] v bellow, shout tvc\;luM; [dånyin: lon:] n spool (of thread), reel (of line,
Ω teÂka\eÂka\ eAa\eKÅty\" He called out loudly.
string) (illus)
tk¥v\k¥v\ [dågyi gyi] adv clamorously; constantly t%xa [tåhna] n lust, desire; excessive craving; hedonism
tkX [dågwa.] adv with, (Tmc\;K¥ioc\.n´>tkX with a tiffin box), ttiy [ta' ti> ya.] adj third
by ( Pit\san´>tkXtkX with a shoe), in ( wt\sMun´>tkX in
ttiykm±a [ta. ti> ya. gåba] n ∏Third World
ttXt\tXt\ [dådu' du'] adv (speak) incessantly, without t®pk\ [dåbye'] n Œkind of vine with edible leaves
letting up; (say sthg) repeatedly [ ph] [? add to which t®pXt\ [dåbyu'] n kind of bush, the dried and stripped fruit
tu'?] of which is used to scrub the skin when bathing
teTratv\; [tåhte ya di: (de:)] adv (resemble) exactly,
(look) just like S YN KÁt\sXp\ t®pXt\tM [dåbyu' dan] n dasher (of churn) CF ®pXt\ (illus)
teTac\;eTac\; [tåhtaung: daung:] adv (of dust, steam, t®ps\etak\etak\e®pa [dåbyi' tau' tau' pyaw:] v harp
vapour, etc rise) thickly sthg, talk about a subject for too long
teTac\;eTac\;T [tåhtaung: daung: hta.] v (of smell) be tP¥U\;P¥U\; [tåhpyin; hpyin;] adv pricklingly [? check]
thick, (of dust, steam, vapour, etc) rise thickly tP¥t\P¥t\ [tåhpya' hpya'] adv flickeringly
tTs\K¥ [tåhti' cha.] adv definitely, surely, certainly t®Pø;®Pø; [tåhpyu: byu:] adv (of breeze, blow) gently, softly
tdgç [tådin ga.] n moment te®P;e®P;' t®Pv\;®Pv\; [tåbye: bye:] adv slowly,
— adj momentary, short-lived, ephemeral; evanescent unhurriedly; gradually; gently
tngçeNX(enÏ) [tånin: gånwe (ne.)] n Sunday CF chart at “gioh\ te®P;e®P;K¥c\;' t®Pv\;®Pv\;K¥c\; [tåbye: bye: gyin:] adv
tngçeNXeTac\. [tånin: gånwe daung.] n north-east step by step, gradually
tnlça [tånin: la] n Monday t®Pot\®Pot\ [tåhpyo' hpyo'] adv (drop, fall, etc) one by one
tnlçaArp\ [tånin: la åya'] n east tPXPXe®pa [tåhpwa. bwa. pyaw:] v repeatedly urge, admonish,
warn, remind, give advice
tNuMÏNMuÏ [tånon. non.] adv (suffer, grieve, etc) for a long time,
endlessly, interminably tbla [tåbåla] n tabla, pair of small kettledrums played
with the fingers (illus) [ ms]
tny\e®m [tånE mye] n rich dark soil, black earth
tNOn\; [tåhnon:] part particle attached to a noun to indicate tBk\ [dåbe'] n 1) towel CF m¥k\Nxaqut\pwå face towel'
comparison, like
erqut\pwå' emX;sup\tBk\ f terrycloth towel 2) shawl
S YN erxaesac\ 3) wrap S YN “KMopwå [ pr]
tpq^ [tåpåthi] n rishi, ascetic, hermit, person who lives
apart from society for spiritual reasons
teBac\ [dåbaung] n random words of children, lunatics,
performers, etc, taken as prophecies, omen CF snv\; [ bs]
tpå [tåba] n 1) kind of sailboat used on rivers [tåba]
2) vertical bamboo screen in a fishing weir (illus)
tpiutpå; [dåbo dåba:] n somewhere (else) tmln\; [tåmålan:] n tree with fine-grained dark red wood
— adv away
tmlXn\ [tåmålun] n next life, next existence, future state of
existence CF m¥k\emxak\Bw [ bs bh]
tpiutpå;qXa; [dåbo dåba: thwa:] v relieve oneself
tpiuÏtX´ [dåbo. dwE:] n Dabodwe, eleventh month of the lunar
tma [tåma] n Œneem tree, margosa tree, with glossy
paired leaves. The tree has medicinal properties;
year, with 29 days, February–March CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^
extracts are widely used as antiseptics
tepåc\; [dåbaung:] n Dabaung, twelfth month of the lunar
tm^l\ [tAmi] n ∏Tamil CF DmiL' DwiL [? check spelling of cfs
qip\mÂkaeq;B¨;" Tmc\;sa;-ereqak\-elak\p´ req;ty\" I
T1 [hta.] n seventeenth consonant in the Myanmar script haven't been learning Burmese for very long, I know just
enough to get by. 2) [fig] piece of cake (Upsa)
TSc\T¨; [hta. hsin du:] n name of the T L IT : ‘elephant — n piece of cake (Upsa), easy task Ω ska;®pn\Alup\k
fetter ‘ T’’ lup\taÂkaeta. Tmc\; sa;ereqak\ ®Ps\qXa;“p^;" I've been
T2 [hta.] v 1) get up; rise; stand Ω q¨Aip\raepÅmx-TTiuc\rc\; working as an interpreter for a long time, so it is easy for
m¥k\siew.Âkv\.qv\" CF mt\tt\rp\ be standing 2) rise, come me now.
up, arise Ω Pun\T 3) misbehave, act up; become angry Tmc\;Sit\tk\ [htAmin; hsei' te'] v [fig] be sleepy after a
Ω cåkiu edÅqTX k\e Aac\ mlup\n´Ï" cåsi t\Tlarc\ mlX y\B¨;" big meal
Don't make me angry, once I get started [? check trans] Tmc\;Sup\ [htåmin: zo'] n 1) ball of rice 2) flowering bush
4) break out, erupt, emerge (suddenly); appear (on with roots used in traditional medicine S YN pn\; Sv\; lv\;
surface); (of disease) act up Ω eragåT [? check trans] 3) a period of light rains in March–April S YN Pk\SXt\
5) sprout; thrive; (neg, of disease, crime, etc) be
rampant, be rife 6) become (sexually) aroused Tmc\;n´ [htåmånE:] n snack made of sticky rice, sesame,
— part particle prefixed to eqa for elegance in the and peanuts = Tmn´
forming of adjectives Tmc\;Nxp\ [htamin: hna'] v give soft heat, to get well-
Tka;ra;Tiuc\ka;ra;Nxc\. [hta. ka: ya: htain ka: ya: nE.] adv (of cooked rice
movement, position, etc) awkwardly, clumsily Tmc\;epåc\; [htåmin: baung:] n steamed rice served with
TÂkX [hta. kywa.] v 1) become active 2) rebel 3) become fried vegetables (and meat) on top
(sexually) excited, aroused Tmc\;pX´erx>erak\ [htåmin: bwE: she. yau'] adv [fig] living in
Tenac\; [htånaung:] n thorny tree with pale bark, comfort, with all needs provided for
growing in dry regions Tmc\;®Pø [htåmin: byu] n (white, cooked) rice
TB^ [htåmein] n 1) sarong, women's longyi CF puSiu;' lMuK¥v\ Tmc\;B¨; [htåmin: bu:] n lunch box, tiffin box, food
2) traditional dancer's htamein with a long white hem carrier
TB^na; (illus both) Tmc\;rv\ [htåmåye] n rice water, water drained off from
TB^na;Kiusa; [htåmein na: kho sa:] v [fig] (of a man) be cooked rice
dependent on a woman, live on a woman's income Tmc\;rv\eK¥ac\;s^; [htåmåye chaung: zi:] adv [fig] (serving
TB^na;Kt\ [htåmein na ga'] n style of dance in which the food) bountifully, plentifully L I T : ‘with a river of rice
dancer kicks aside the white hem of her costume water’
CF e®KKt\ Tmc\;rv\p¨sv\; [htåmåye bu si:] n line drawn in the game
Tmn´ [htåmånE:] n snack of sticky rice, oil, sesame, peanut Tup\S^; tiu; (do si do)
= Tmc\;rv\p¨lalYalW´ [htåmåye bu la sha hlE:] v [fig] avoid
Tmc\; [htåmin:] n (cooked) rice Ω Tmc\;ts\np\ one meal (with responsibility in a crisis L IT : ‘tongue turns to avoid the
rice) CF Sn\' spå; hot rice water’
Tmc\;eÂka\ [htåmin: kyaw] n fried rice Tmc\;lut\ [htåmin: lo'] n mouthful of rice
Tmc\;Âkm\; [htåmin: gyan:] n leftover rice Tmc\;lMu; [htåmin: lon:] n grain of (cooked) rice
Tmc\;K¨; [htåmin: khu:] v 1) serve rice 2) lay the table (for Tmc\;lMu;s^ [htåmin: lon: si] v [fig] rest after a meal
a meal) Tmc\;lMu;tesÍe®Kak\ [htåmin: lon: tåhse chau'] v [fig] 1) be
Tmc\;KM [htåmin: gan] n rice bowl in terror (of sthg) 2) have a nightmare L IT : ‘be afraid of
Tmc\;K¥io; [htåmin: kyo:] n crust of browned rice at the the rice ghost’
bottom of the pot Tmc\;U^;epåc\; [htåmin: u: baung:] n rice that has taken the
Tmc\;K¥k\ [htåmin: kye'] [htåmin: gye'] v cook rice shape of the lid of an earthenware pot it has been
— n cook cooked in
Tmc\;K¥ioc\. [htåmin: gyain.] n food carrier, tiffin box Tmc\;Aiu; [htåmin: o:] n 1) rice pot, pot for cooking rice
S YN SX´K¥ioc\. 2) [fig] bread and butter Upsa, regular source of income,
Tmc\;K¥U\ [htåmin: gyin] n Shan dish of rice, tomatoes,
and spices Tmc\;Aiu;kX´ [htåmin: o: kwE:] v [fig] be ruined, be
Tmc\;e®Kak\ [htåmin: (htåmå) gyau'] n dried cooked rice destitute L IT : ‘rice pot is broken’
Tmc\;sa;pX´ [htåmin: sa: bwE:] n 1) reception (with meal Tmc\;Aiu;KX´ [htåmin: o: khwE:] v [fig] ruin sb, destroy sb
L IT : ‘break (sb's) rice pot’
served) [htåmin: zåbwE:] 2) dining table
Tmc\;sa;ereqak\ [htåmin: za: ye dhau'] adv 1) [fig]
Tmc\;Aiu;ts\lMu;K¥k\ [htåmin: o: tålon: gye'] n [fig] a short
while L IT : ‘the time it takes to cook a pot of rice’
(know, speak) just enough to get by Ω bma;ska;-el.lata
(visible, etc) Ω Tc\;Kn´® mc\' Tc\;Kn´epÅlXc\eAac\ eTac\d%\K¥ [htaung dan cha] v sentence (to prison), pass
Tc\;eKX [htin: khwe] v gather firewood a (prison) sentence S YN Amin\ÏK¥ [ rc]
Tc\;eKXerKp\ [htin: gwe ye ga'] n 1) [lit] gathering wood eTac\nn\;sM [htaung nan; san] v [inf]serve a prison
and carrying water 2) household chores, errands sentence
Tc\;Siuk\ [htin: hsai'] v use as firewood eTac\NOt\Km\;nc\; [htaung hnåkhan: nin:] v [fig] risk being
Tc\;epåk\ [htin: pau'] [htin: bau'] v split firewood sent to prison, flirt with a prison sentence L IT : ‘walk on
— n kindling, small pieces of wood used to start a fire the edge of the prison’
eTac\piuc\(”k^;) [htaung bain (gyi;)] n prison superintendent
Tc\;rxø; [htin: shu:] n Œpine, fir: trees bearing needles [ rc]
and cones, conifer eTac\piuc\el; [htaung bain le;] n deputy superintendent
Tc\;rxø;S^ [htin: shu: zi]n 1) turpentine S YN tapc\tiuc \ (of a prison) [ rc]
2) resin, pitch 3) resinous wood (which catches fire eTac\e®p; [htaung bye:] n escaped prisoner, escaped
easily) convict CF r´Bk\e®p; [ rc]
Tc\;pn\;2 [hnin: ban:] v [arch] look alike, be similar to eTac\ePak\ [htaung hpau'] v make a break, attempt
= Nxc\;pn\;Niu;' Nxc\; pn\;' Nxc\;Niu; escape
eTac\1 [htaung] v 1) stand, set upright; hold upright, raise eTac\Pm\; [htaung hpan:] v 1) set a trap 2) ensnare (by
up Ω lk\vHio;eTac\ raise one's hand 2) set up (business, trickery)
organisation, etc) 3) lay a trap, set a snare eTac\B¨; [htaung bu;] n main prison gate; space
CF eTac\eK¥ak\ 4) frame (sb for a crime, etc) 5) [fig] be between the double gates of a prison
arrogant, be proud 6) start a fight eTac\B¨;w [htaung bu: wa.] n small (wicket) gate built
— n prison; gaol (Br), jail (Am), penitentiary, penal into the main prison gate (illus)
institution, correctional institution, jailhouse, brig (esp eTac\mØ;⁄ [htaung hmu:] n gaoler (Br), jailer (Am)
∑Í), nick (inf), slammer (inf), stir (inf), clink (inf), big eTac\lxn\Ï [htaung hlan.] v alert; sound the alarm (in a
house (Am inf), college (Br inf), keep Ó = Ak¥U\;eTac\ prison) CF tl¥as^
CF AK¥oup\ detention, lockup, r´ Bk\ sKn\; labour camp, eTac\lWa; [htaung hlwa:] v be arrogant, be haughty
Bwqs\sKn\; New Life Camp, ts\kÁn\; penal colony eTac\wc\\sa [htaung win za] n prison visit
eTac\wc\saKM [htaung win za khan] v ask permission to
eTac\k¥ [htaung kya.] v be (convicted and) sent to visit a prisoner
prison; be gaoled (Br), be jailed (Am), be (convicted eTac\wc\sala [htaung win za la] v visit (a prisoner)
and) sent to gaol/jail, be imprisoned A NT lWt\ eTac\wc\saetX> [htaung win za twe.] v meet (during a
CF AK¥op\k¥' Alup\Âkm\; k¥' ts\kÁn\; k¥ prison visit)
eTac\”k^;K¥op\ [htaung gyi: gyo'] v detain in prison during eTac\qa; [htaung tha:] n µ prisoner, convict
school, but doesn't have a job. 2) be tipsy, be slightly ago. 5) speak; state, say 6) be published Ω dgun\;mg©zc\;
drunk Ω Ark\eTXenty\" He's tipsy. CF m¨; 3) complicated mTXk\eta.B¨;" Dagon Magazine isn't published anymore.
7) (of aircraft) take off Ω elyaU\ TXk\“p^;" The plane has
— part 1) count word used to count varied items [ nc]
already taken off. CF siuk\ land [? new from me]
2) count word used to count melds of playing cards [ nc]
TXk\kun\ [htwe' kon] n 1) product, produce (of a place)
2) export CF Tut\kun\ [ pe]
eTXeTXT¨;T¨; [htwe dwe htu: du:] v be important, be
relevant, be special TXk\Kt\Kt\ [htwe' kha' kha'] v 1) cause trouble as one
is leaving 2) [astrl] suffer last malign influence before
eTXeTXrara [htwe dwe ya ya] n variety, miscellany,
one's luck turns
various kinds of things
eTXeTXly\ly\ [htwe dwe lE lE] adv in various ways TXk\K¥k\ [htwe' che'] n [law] statement made in court
eTX®pa; [htwe pya:] v be complicated, be complex TXk\KXa [htwe' khwa] v leave, depart, go
eTXrael;på; [htwe ya le: ba:] n variety, miscellany, TXk\sa [htwe' sa] n 1) letter of resignation 2) out-going
various kinds of things
eTXla [htwe la] v be diverse TXk\satc\ [htwe' sa tin] v submit one's resignation,
submit a letter of resignation
eTXl^kal^ [htwe li ka li] adv ™ all kinds of things
AeTXeTX [Ahtwe dwe] n 1) variety, miscellany, TXk\epÅ [htwe' paw] v appear, come out
assortment CF Am¥io;m¥io;' pedqa 2) [in comb] general
TXk\epåk\ [htwe' pau'] n 1) exit, way out 2) escape,
d [da.] n eighteenth consonant of the Myanmar script d®m [dåmya.] n bandit, robber, dacoit = Da;®p
deTX; [da. dwe:] n name of the d L IT : ‘wrapped d’ dy^;dyiuc\ [dåyi: dåyain] adv with a stagger S YN dyim\;dyiuc\
dka [dåga] n ‹µ donor, sponsor, who supports a Bun\;”k^; dyU.t \ iuk\' dyU\.q^ [dåyin. tai', dåyin. thi] adv (wear) with hem
(monk) = dåyka' rhn\;dka CF dkam' dåyikam [? add dragging CF yU\.' trXt\tiuk\
to monk entry?] dyim\;dyiuc\ [dåyein: dåyain] adv staggering S YN dy^;dyiuc\
dka”k^; [dåga gyi;] n you (from a Bun\;”k^; (monk) to a drwm\ [dåråwan] n durwan, guard, watchman
man) deraem¥apå; [dåyaw: myaw: ba:] adv helter-skelter, hurriedly,
dkaKM [dåga khan] v 1) donate, sponsor, underwrite (a hastily S YN deraeqapå;
charitable undertaking) 2) treat (sb to sthg), stand deraeqapå; [dåyaw: myaw: ba:] adv helter-skelter, hurriedly,
(round of drinks) hastily S YN deraem¥apå;
dkam [dågåma.] n ‹ƒ donor, sponsor who supports a dRiuc\Ba [dårain ba] n driver, chauffeur [Engl] S YN ka;Sra'
Bun\;”k^; (monk) = dåyikam CF dka' dåyka ka;qma;
dvc\; [dånyin:] n Œtree bearing strong-smelling starchy dry\ [dåyE] n deer
edible seeds = tvc\;
dlha [dålåha] adv in an opened, unpartitioned state
dutiybuil\ [du. tI ya. bo] n Ísecond lieutenant CF raT¨; edl^ya [de li ya] n dahlia [Engl] (illus)
dutiybuil\K¥op\”k^; [du. tI ya. bo gyo' gyi;] n Í1) [army] edw [de wa.] n ‹celestial being, residentof one of the
lieutenant general 2) [air force] vice admiral CF raT¨; levels of heaven = edewå CF nt\
dutiybuil\mØ;”k^; [du. tI ya. bo hmu; gyi;] n Í1) [army] edwdt\ [de wåda'] n ‹Bun\;”k^; (monk) who defied
lieutenant colonel 2) [air force] commodore CF raT¨; Gotama Buddha [ bh]
dutiywåSiu [du. tI ya. wa zo] n second month of Wazo, edwDM [de wådan] n decorum, propriety
inserted in wåTp\ (leap year) CF wåTp\' wå”k^;Tp\' edwål^KM [de wa li khan] v ¥apply for legal bankruptcy
Sy\.Nxraq^ S YN l¨mX´saKM
dusRiuk\ [du. zåyai'] n vice, evil edw^ [de wi] n 1) ‹goddess 2) queen
duyc\ [dåyin] n 1) flame-like shoulder decoration on the edewå [de wa.] n ‹celestial being, resident of one of the
jackets of king and princes 2) jacket with duyc\ levels of heaven = edw CF nt\
decorations (illus) edwsÍra [de wi' hsåra] n lead dancer of the celestial dancers
duqneqa [du. tha. na. thaw:] n adultery (commited by [? edq [de tha.] n ∏region
husband or other man? Include in family tree? include edqKM [de tha. gan] n person native to or living in a
under ku.?] certain region CF ny\KM
d¨epnaepKM [du be na be khan] v withstand wear and tear, be edqsar^ [de dhåza yi] n ‹journey made by the Buddha
tough or rhN|a (arhats)
d¨la [du la] n rheumatic disorder (of a man) CF m^;yp\ [? edqsit\⁄ [de tha. zei'] n area of a region
really? seems awfully strange. Maybe gonorrhoea] edqsit\Ÿ [de tha. zei'] n ∏provinciality
d¨lapådrk\ [du la pa dåre'] n rheumatic disorder (of a edqsX´ [de tha. zwE:] n regional bias; localism
man) edqsX´sit\ [de tha. zwE; sei'] n chauvinism about one's own
d¨wå [du wa] n ∏duwa, Kachin hereditary leader = d¨;wå; region [? new from your notes]
d¨; [du:] n 1) knee 2) second of five blocks of seats assigned edqna [de thåna] n ‹teachings of the Buddha, sermons
to courtiers for royal audience CF enracå;qXy\ RF d¨;enra. given by the Buddha [ bh]
edqiyska; [de thI ya. zåga:] n dialect, regional variation of
d¨;eKåc\; [du: gaung:] n 1) knee 2) kneecap, patella ◊ a language [ wr]
d¨;eK¥ac\ [du: chaung] v be weak in the knees edqiyewåhar [de thI ya. waw: ha ra.] n dialect word
d¨;Ss\ [du: zi'] n knee (joint) edqN|r [de than dåra.] adj regional
d¨;tiuk\eSX;eNX; [du: tai' hswe: nwe:] v discuss freely and edqN|rbhuqut [de than dåra. båhu. thu. ta.] n knowledge
openly L IT : ‘with knees touching’ gained from one's travels
D [da.] n nineteenth consonant in the Myanmar script Da;Tk\ [da: hte'] v be ruthless; be powerful, be
DeAak\“Kiok\ [da. au' chai'] n name of the D L IT : masterful
‘underneath concave D’ Da;eNxac\. [dåhnaung.]n back of the blade of a knife or
Dn [dåna.] n property; wealth sword, blunt edge of a blade
Dnrxc\ [dåna. shin] n person of great wealth [? and Da;®p [dåmya.] n bandit, robber, dacoit = d®m
influence? If so, personage, worthy] Da;®pa; [dåbya:] n 1) blade 2) flat of a blade
Dnqhay [dåna. thåha ya.] n Commonwealth of Nations Da;m [dåma.] n chopping knife, knife with a broad blade
[ pe]
DnqidÎ' DnqidÎi [dåna. thei' da.] n © a constellation of four Da;mK¥p\ [dåmåcha'] n 1) loop for holding a Da; (on a
stars; the 23rd lunar mansion; Delphinius [? just add cart, belt, etc) 2) small of the back, where the Da;
second version? other meaning?] holder is carried
Dni [dånI] n dhani, nipa palm, palm with vertical fronds, Da;meS;k¥ [dåma. hse: kya.] n knife which has become
growing in wetlands (illus) brittle after repeated exposure to high heat
DniTiu; [dånI hto:] v stick the nipa fronds into thatch Da;menak\pit\eKX; [dåma. nau' pei' khwe:] n 1) iron collar
Dnip¥s\ [dånI byi'] n segments of nipa frond thatch (illus) between a blade and handle 2) [fig] useless person,
Dnimiu; [dånI mo:] v thatch a building with nipa fronds chump, clod
Dnimiu;TrMka [dånI mo: htåyan ka] n hut with nipa frond Da;mU^;K¥e®m [dåmåu: gya. mye] n homestead, land legally
thatch and woven bamboo walls claimed by the first person to clear it for cultivation
Dnirv\ [dånI ye] n alcoholic drink made from nipa palm Da;emak\ [dåmau'] n knife with a broad blade and a
CF Tn\;rv\' eKåc\rv\ curved point
DnitAkƒra [dånI ta. e' khåya] n aspirated consonants such as Da;mc\; [dåmin:] n tang, part of a blade that extends into
K, S, P [? how to say unaspirated?] the handle = Da;eSac\;' Amc\;
DNu1 [dånu.] n Danu, an ethnic group livign mainly in Da;e®mHac\ [dåhmyaung] n dagger, small sharp knife
southern Shan State, near Inle Lake Da;er; [da: ye:] n swordplay, fencing
DNu2 [dånu.] n Sagittarius, ninth sign of the zodiac Da;Riu; [dåyo:] n hilt, handle of a knife, sword, etc
DNun\; [dånon:] n kind of thorny palm which grows in creeds Da;lXt\ [dålu'] n naked blade, bared sword, unsheathed
and streams in the delta area
DmkRiu%\ [dåmåkårain] n water filter One of the eight items
Da;lXy\ [dålwE] n sword in sheath, slung from shoulder
a Bun\”k^; (Buddhist monk) can own CF prikƒra
Dmc\; [dåmin:] n funnel-shaped trap for fish and prawns, Da;lXy\Kut\ [dålwE go'] adv diagonally
used in shallow coastal waters and river mouths
Da;lx^;K¥U\ [da: hli: gyin] n cakes of preserved shrimp
Dmc\;cå;pi [dåmin: ngåpI] n cå;pi (fish paste) made of small Da;q [dåtha.] v recondition a blade by reforging
fish and shrimp
Da;qa;m¥a; [da: tha: mya:] n Swiss (army) knife, pocket
knife with multiple blades and tools
Del. [dåle.] n custom, tradition S YN TMu;sM
Datu [da tu.] n ‹relic of a Buddha or rhn\; (arhat) Da;qXa; [da: thwa:] n (knife-, sword-) blade
CF Dat\Kn\;' Dat\nn\;' Dat\pMu
Da;eqX;eqX;ek¥ak\ [da: thwe: dwe: gyau'] n whetstone, for
sharpening blades
Datuest^ [da tu. ze di] n ‹pagoda in which a relic of a
Buddha or rhn\; (arhat) is enshrined [ bh]
Da;Aim\ [dåein] n sheath
Datupsßv\; [da du. pyi' si:] n chemical(s), (chemical) agent D¨tc\ [du din] n adherance to a regimen of asceticism, to
extinguish desire CF pi‹påt\D¨tc\ [ bh]
Ω rX k\e®KX-Datu psßv\; defoliating agent Í
Datuebd [da du. be da.] n chemistry D¨wM [du wun] n Polaris, North Star, polestar, lodestar
Da; [da:] n dah; knife; sword C W eK¥ac\; Di™an\ [dei' htan] v 1) resolve, swear, vow, pledge (to do a
certain thing, in order to attain a certain goal)
Da;Kut\ekac\ [da: go' kaung] n praying mantis
2) affirm, assert the truth of one's deeds for the
S YN rxiKiu;ekac\' piu;ARiu;ekac\ (illus)
fulfilment of one's goals
Da;saKM [dåza gan] n 1) hostage 2) scapegoat, one who
is made to bear the blame of others
Dat\ [da'] n 1) basic properties of matter, such as solidity,
heat, cohesion or fluidity, and volatility (embodied in
Da;eSak\ [dåzau'] n hilt, handle (of a knife or sword) elements of earth, fire, water, air) RF Dat\”k^;el;på;'
Da;eSac\; [dåzaung:] n tang, extension of the knife ?Sy\.rxs\på;. [? BOX: on the 18 da'] 2) essence, force, or
blade in the handle = Da;mc\;' Amc\;
quality of sthg, essential element Ω d^zc\Bar´.
n1 [na.] n twentieth consonant in the Myanmar script uncertainty S YN sNiu; senac\.
nkn\;ts\lMu;mxmqi [na. gan: tålon: hma. måthi>] exp [fig] in ngTa [någåhta] n filigree work on cloth (illus)
the dark (fig), completely ignorant (of sthg), know ngBar^ [någåba yi (ri)] n small coconut with
thick meat,
nothing about sthg grown on the Nicobar Islands
ncy\ [na. ngE] n name of the n L IT : ‘young n’ ngå; [någa:] n 1) naga, mythical water serpent = nag (illus)
ncy\na;pc\;pit\ [na. ngE nåbin: bei'] n cabalistic signs of n2) dragon
drawn with its tail encircling it (illus) ngå;k¥s\ [någågyi'] n solidified mud from a mud volcano
ncy\A“m^;tiu [na. ngE åmi: to] n name of N L I T : ‘short-tailed
ngå;ecX>tn\; [någångwe. dan:] n the Milky Way
n’ ngå;sk\ [någa: se'] n naga's fiery breath
n2 [na.] v be stupid, be dumb, be dull(-witted) CF l¨n ngå;pt\ [någåba'] n coil, spiral, sthg wrapped several
nlpin\;tMu; [na. låbein: don:] n moron, cretin, idiot times
nkn\ [någan] n switch used to drive cattle, etc S YN lxc\kn\ ngå;pt\ek¥a.kXc\; [någåba' kyaw. kwin;] n snare
= NXa;kn\ ngå;p¥M [någåbyan] n flying naga
nkn\n´ÏtiuÏ [någan nE. to.] n goad, spur ngå;pXk\etac\ [någåbwe' taung] n mud ‘volcano’, formed
nkmJti [na. kan påti>] v be unmoved, remain cool, stay calm by natural gas escaping through a sandy or muddy area
and collected (illus)
nk¥y\ [någyE] n hardwood tree with a fluted trunk ngå;m¥k\esac\; [någåmye' saung:] n glance of the naga,
nk¥y\ekac\ [någyE (gyi) gaung] n wasp (illus) which can set fires
nk¥y\Aim\ [någyE (gyi) ein] n wasp's nest (illus) ngå;RMuBura; [någåyon hpaya:] n ‹Buddha image
neKÅnK¥v\ [nåkyaw nåchi] adv 1) with a feeling of uneasiness sheltered by a coiled, hooded naga [ bh]
or anxiety 2) with a feeling of suspicion, doubt, or ngå;lxv.\ [någåhlE.] n ßdirection the home guardian naga
p1 [pa.]n 1) twenty-first consonant of the Myanmar script the tongue
2) symbol for ellipsis, ... S YN y' l CF epy¥al p2 [pa.] v 1) not have, be devoid of; be bereft of 2) dispel,
pesak\ [pa. zau'] n name of p quash; banish, get rid of 3) ignore, leave (sb) out;
pesak\ekX> [pa. zau' kwe.] n u-turn S YN gcy\ekX> exclude, omit, avoid 4) dismiss 5) exempt
pesak\Riu; [pa. zau' yo:] n p-shaped bone at the base of — n outside; sthg or somewhere beyond; sthg other
the skin
p´2 [pE:] n 1) one-twentieth of the old kyat CF erX;' m¨;' mt\ p´.TXk\(la) [pE. htwe' (la)] v (of a smaller group within a
2) anna, one-sixteenth of a rupee, during British period group) break away, break off, split off
CF piuk\SM' piuc\' ®pa; 3) one-sixteenth of a tical [? p´.(TXk\)qXa; [pE. (htwe') thwa;] v splinter, break up
calculate] 4) one-sixteenth of an inch [? calc] p´.tc\ [pE. tin] n [in comb] echo CF eta\qM' “mioc\qM' qM®pn\
p´es. [pE: ze.] n one anna coin from British period p´.tc\Kt\' p´.tc\Tp\' p´.tc\®pn\' p´.tc\Riuk\ [pE. tin kha', pE.
p´tc\;p´eÂk [pE: tin: pE: gye] n [fig] quits, even Ω ? tin hta', pE. tin pyan, pE. tin yai'] v echo; reverberate; resound,
p´3 [pE: (bE:)] part 1) even, very; only, just: particle suffixed ring
to a word or phrase for emphasis Ω dåpåp´" That's all. That's p´.tc\qM [pE. tin dhan] n echo, repercussion, reverberation
it. Ω ®mc\p´®mc\P¨; ty\' mPt\req;B¨;" I've only seen it; I
haven't read it yet. 2) really: gives emphasis to the epå [paw:] v 1) be plentiful, be abundant Ω ema\l“mioc\mxa
important element of the sentence Ω erp´ AuM;pc\epåty\" There are many coconut palms in
eqak\K¥c\påty\" A drink of water is all I want. 3) at least, Mawlamyain. 2) be cheap, be inexpensive Ω ema\l“mioc\mxa
at any rate; indeed, after all: particle at the end of a Aun\; q^;-epåty\" Coconuts are cheap in Mawlamyain. 3) be
sentence for emphasis Ω q¨ha pårm^‰xc\p´" He is really a silly, be foolish [? check: also lead a life without value?
genius. BOX explaining when to use p´ vs B´ = pc\ [ ph] be worthless?]
mÚp´ªmÚB´ [må…pE: (bE:)] part without, in spite of, — part count word for bundles of seedlings [? put in
although, even though, before: marker at the end of word for seedling]
phrase Ω Bamx-me®pap´ qXa;liuk\ty\" He just left without epåry\ [paw: yE] v Óbe profuse, be copious, be
saying a thing. plentiful
p´K¨;Sa; [bågo: hsa:] n 1) salt (made from brine), considered epåela [baw: law:] adv buoyantly, afloat [ ph]
to be the highest quality CF epåk\Sa; 2) brine, salty epåelaepÅ [baw: law: paw] v come to light, come out;
water 3) [fig] person with connections to many projects surface [ ph] [? check def, use]
Ω Kp\ tiuc\;cn\ e qa p´K¨;Sa; brine salt, salty every time epåeqa [baw: thaw:] n dolt, idiot, lout [ ph]
Ω U^;®mheta. p´K¨;Sa;B´" We can't do without U Mya. [? epåzs\ts\ [paw: zi' ti'] n (of film, electric charge, test results,
check above and below: the essential element, the etc) positive [Engl]
critical ingredient? or someone dependable?] epåra% [paw: ra na.] n archaic word, archaism, obsolete word
p´KXp\ [pE: gu'] n adz(e), sharp tool used in rough shaping of CF ewåhar
wood epåÏ1 [paw.] v 1) be light, not heavy A NT el; 2) be mild,
p´n^ [pE: ni] n penny [Engl] not strong A NT k¥' ®pc\; 3) not be very sweet or salty; (of
p´.1 [pE.] v ∑steer (boat, plane, etc) flavour) be mild, be delicate CF K¥io' cn\ 4) careless,
— n ∑1) stern, back end of a boat, plane, etc A NT U^; inefficient, not serious [? ? + check def] 5) easy, loose
2) helm, used to steer a ship S YN tk\m [? only about sexual/flirting behaviour? and check 6]
p´.kiuc\ [pE. gain] n ∑helmsman, sb who steers a boat, etc 6) empty-headed, crazy [? ?] 7) light (on one's feet),
CF p´.s^; quick (-tongued, -witted) [? ?]
— v ∑steer [? fig?] epåÏk¥ [paw. kya.] n strong, bittersweet tea with milk
p´.K¥it\ [pE. gyei'] n ∑1) outboard motor 2) motorboat epåÏsim\. [paw. sein.] n light tea with extra milk
(with an outboard motor) epåÏS [paw. hsa.] v be careless, be negligent
p´.s^; [pE. zi:] n 1) ∑helmsman, sb who steers a boat, etc epåÏSmO [paw. hsa. hmu.] n carelessness, negligence
S YN p´. kiuc\ 2) rear rider on an elephant epåÏpå; [paw. ba:] v 1) be lightweight 2) be nimble, be
p´.sc\ [pE. zin] n ∑helmsman's seat; helm quick [? use check]
p´.tun\; [pE. don:] n ∑decorative stern-piece on a epåÏepåÏSS [paw. baw. hsa. za.] adv (treat matters, do sthg)
traditional ship lightly, superficially, carelessly, negligently
p´.nc\; [pE. nin:] n ∑1) helmsman, coxswain 2) master (of a epåÏepåÏtn\tn\ [paw. baw. tan dan] adv heedlessly; flippantly
boat) epåÏepåÏp¥k\p¥k\ [paw. paw. pye' pye'] adv worthlessly,
p´.piuc\; [pE. bain:] n ∑stern; helm inefficiently [? use check]
p´.®pc\ [pE. byin] v 1) ∑steer (boat, plane, etc) 2) [fig] give epåÏ [paw. shu' shu'] adv insipidly, vapidly, emptily [? what
guidance, give sb a lecture S YN SMu; m [? check tone] situ?]
epåÏel¥a. [paw. shaw.] adj remiss; slack, lax
p´.rv\ [pE. yi]
n fermented sticky-rice drink from the epåÏ2 [paw. (baw.)] part of course, obviously, naturally, by all
bottom of the vat CF U^;rv\' eKåc\rv\ means, presumbly, undoubtedly, no doubt, you know:
pc\e®K [pin chi] n base of a tree pc\3 [pin] n (in compounds) pen [Engl] Ω eBapc\ biro, ball-
pc\esak\ [pin zau'] n tree with no low branches point pen Ω K´SMeBapc\ mechanical pencil Ω eSaP\pc\ felt-tip
pc\sv\ [pin zi] n trunk pen
pc\sim\; [pin zein:] n Œbasil pc\ gXc\ [pin gwin] n penguin [Engl]
pc\tera\ [pin tåyaw] n Œtree with bark used in making pc\sc\ [pin sin] n pension [Engl]
shampoo pc\sc\sa; [pin sin za:] n pensioner CF A“cim\;sa;
pc\tiuc\ [pin dain] n 1) regular Ω pc\tiuc\eSac\på;‰xc\ columnist; pc\sc\rikƒa [pin sin yei' kha] n pension [? no more pension
regular contributor 2) main (dish) Ω pc\tiuc\hc\; main dish words? and what is the other word?]
S YN keK¥qv\ [? check use really syn? not professional pc\mc\; [pin min;] n laundry CF diuB^' Awt\elYa\
dancer?] pc\nyn\ [pin nåyan] n small gear wheel, pinion [Engl]
pc\tiuc\sM [pin dain san] adj [? translation please] pc\n^slc\ [pånåsålin] n penicillin [Engl]
pc\eTac\ [pin daung] n 1) sapling, young tree pc\epåc\ [pin paung] n table tennis, ping-pong [Engl]
2) unharvested crops, crops in the field sa;pX´tc\tc\; ns\
pc\etac\eK¥; [pin daung che:] v ¥borrow money until pc\ly\ [pin lE] n 1) sea, ocean CF erK¥io [? what is the Pali
harvest, using crops as collateral word for sea? and check 2 with example] 2) [fig] sea
pc\eTac\srit\ [pin daung zåyei'] n government Upsa, ocean(s) Upsa, mountain(s) Upsa, plethora, sthg
agricultural loan, which comes due at harvest time vast, huge
pc\eTac\tiu; [pin daung do:] n interest to be paid at — adj marine, salt-water, ocean, sea Ω pc\ly\cå; salt-
harvest water fish; Ω pc\ly\k¨; qeBça ocean liner; Ω pc\ly\km\;e®K
pc\eTac\rit\ [pin daung yei'] v harvest standing rice seashore [? is this really adj in bse? put it marine
CF pc\lx´rit\ biology in bse]
pc\TXk\ [pin dwe'] v beoriginal, be natural; be inborn, be pc\ly\kbX^; [pin lE gåbwi:] n Œcasuarina, whistling pine
innate = pc\ly\Tc\;‰xø;' pl¬c\pc\
— n 1) plant product 2) sap which can be fermented pc\ly\kqs\ [pin lE kåthi'] n Œcoral tree, large tree with
and drunk 3) Œyoung toddy palm 4) origin; nature clusters of red flowers
— adv originally; by nature pc\ly\k¨; [pin lE gu:] n part of a rosary where the ends
pc\n^ [pin ni] n 1) Œcotton plant with reddish fibres of the string join 2) person very knowledgable in pi! k
2) cloth woven with cotton from this plant (Buddhist scriptures)
pc\p¥p\ [pin pya'] n small tree pc\ly\k¨;qeBça [pin lE gu: thin: baw:] n ocean liner
pc\pXa; [pin bwa:] n seed of holy basil pc\ly\km\;e®K [pin lE kan; gye] n seashore; beach
pc\®Pø [pin byu] n 1) Œcotton plant with white fibres pc\ly\ek¥ak\pXc\. [pin lE kyau' pwin.] n Œkind of edible
2) cloth woven with undyed white cotton white seaweed
pc\®Pt\piu; [pin bya' bo:] n caterpillar which eats rice pc\ly\Âkm\;®pc\ [pin lE kyan: byin] n sea floor, seabed
stalks = ce®mHac\etac\' piu;etac\.t´ pc\ly\ekX> [pin lE gwe.] n gulf
pc\m [pin ma.] n 1) trunk S YN pc\sv\ 2) main one, pc\ly\K¨ [pin lE khu] n jellyfish
principal one pc\ly\cå; [pin lE nga:] n salt-water fish
pc\mska;lMu;' pc\mAeKÅAewÅ [pin ma. zågålon;, pin ma. pc\ly\sun\; [pin lE zon:] n phosphorescence, glowing in
åkhaw åwaw] n general term Ω ¯saer;kiriya˘Siuta sea water
'Stationery' is a general term for pens, pencils, paper, ink, pc\ly\tim\ [pin lE dein] n shallow waters
etc. [? new from teacher, finish Bse example] pc\ly\Da;®p [pin lE dåmya.] n pirate
pc\mers^; [pin ma. ye si:] n mainstream pc\ly\p¥MlWa; [pin lE pyan hlwa:] n swiftlet, swallow with
pc\mxv\. [pin hmE.] n 1) Œpassion fruit 2) tree-ripened fruit edible nest = z^wziu;
pc\ly\P¥M [pin lE hpyan] n 1) seal 2) sea otter
pc\rc\; [pin yin:] n 1) foot of a tree 2) original, main, pc\ly\mOi [pin lE hmo] n sea anemone
basic thing, matter, etc S YN Ae®KKM' pc\m' m¨l [? check
pc\ly\er®mHop\ [pin lE ye hmo'] n sponge
syn] 3) (main) source, wholesale distributor
pc\ly\rp\®Ka; [pin lE ya' cha:] n overseas
pc\elac\; [pin laung:] n seedling, young plant S YN p¥io; [? pc\ly\lk\Âka; [pin lE le' kya:] n strait CF erlk\Âka;
check syn]
pc\ly\w [pin lE wa.] n river mouth, place where river
pc\lim\ [pin lein] n lianas, intertwining vines, ropes, etc meets the sea
pc\lMu;kÁt\ [pin lon: gyu'] adv (tree covered with fruit, pc\ly\ew [pin lE we] v be overwhelmed with (sadness,
epåc\e®mHac\ [paung hmyaung] v hang on, attach oneself to epåc\;eK¥ac\pt\ [paung: gyaung ba'] n cloth wrapped
gain sthg around join between parts of steamer
epåc\Aiu; [paung o:] n size of the top of the thigh epåc\;K¥op\ [paung: gyo'] n 1) sum; anthology, compilation,
epåc\2 [paung] n 1) pound, 0.45 kilogramme 2) pound; unit collection; consolidation 2) cart with an arched canopy
p¥io;qk\ [pyo: the'] n age of rice seedlings Ap¥c\;e®p [Apyin; bye] v kill time; relieve boredom
p¥k\ [pye'] v 1) be destroyed, be ruined, be wrecked RF ep¥ac\; [pyaung:] v 1) [poet] wane, fade, grow weaker 2) be
p¥k\s^;. 2) lose; be disturbed Ω Aip\er;p¥k\ty\" I'm losing supple, be lithe, be sinuous [? both poetic? how
sleep. 3) turn, go bad, go off Ω ' Yesterday's curry's gone important is soft? add to re?]
off. 4) break down; be broken, be out of order 5) fall — adj 1) soft, easily shaped, malleable, workable,
through, break down Ω ' negotiations broke down 6) (of pliable, pliant 2) soft, feeble, weak
feelings, etc) run out, disappear, cease to exist [? ep¥ac\;NX´> [pyaung: nwE.] adj 1) lissom, lithe, sinuous 2) (of
check] 7) fail to do sthg; break sthg off; be interrupted music) be soft and pleasant [? check - easy?]
RF p¥k\kXk\. ep¥ac\;Ai [pyaung: i>] adj 1) lissom, lithe, sinuous 2) (of
p¥k\kin\; [pye' kein:] n bad omen, sign that sthg will not music) be soft and pleasant
go well p¥s\ [pyi'] v 1) be close, be together 2) make roofing
p¥k\ky\p¥k\ky\ [pye' kE pye' kE] adv in jest, just thatch 3) be thick, be viscous
kidding = ®pk\ky\®pk\ky\ [? check] — n [? ?]
p¥k\kXk\ [pye' kwe'] v break off, be interrupted [? drop — part count word for counting mats of thatch
out?] p¥s\KÁ´ [pyi' chwE:] adj thick and sticky, gummy [? used for
p¥k\eK¥a\eK¥a\ [pye' chaw gyaw] adv frivolously what kinds of things? or slimy?]
by receding tide after, care for, take care of, give care to RF ®posu.
“p^ [pi] v Óvie with, rival [ ph] [? also tease?] — part and so on: suffix to a verb, for emphasis, or to
— part 1) -ing; already, yet: suffix to a verb, indicating broaden the meaning, including similar types of action
that sthg is happening or has been done Ω la“p^" I'm Ω Ai m\kiu Âkv\.®po-Ta;U^;" Keep an eye on the house.
coming. Ω Ark\m¨;en“p^-la;" Is he already drunk? BOX: ®pok¥c\. [pyu. kyin.] v 1) live by certain principles; conduct,
explaining use of present perfect tense similar to pI.. carry out 2) commit (crime, indiscretion, etc); do wrong
and that pi cannot be used in negative answers. Also
contrasting the uses of “p^ vs “p^;, e.g., that “p^; is often ®posa; [pyu. za:] v 1) curse, bewitch 2) charm, captivate,
followed by liu>, j... or different meaning wth eta., enthrall, bewitch, enchant
qa;, rc\, mx See Okell book for lots of useful distinction ®po®pc\ [pyu. byin] v 1) improve, reform; amend; set right,
-- maybe this would be a good things for U Mya Hla to rectify 2) repair
explain? [? isn't this the one used like 'if', 'then' 'when' ®pom¨ [pyu. mu] v act, behave, conduct
too? Hey, and check pronunciation!] 2) ¬no longer, ®polup\ [pyu. lo'] v 1) carry out, do 2) make
not … anymore: marker following a negative verb, ®pø1 [pyu] v come into view slowly, appear gradually, peep
indicating sthg will not happen Ω eKåc\;m®pør Keep head in. [? check bus sign]
®pøts\®pøts\ [pyu ti' pyu ti'] adv popping in and out
“p^t^t^ [byi ti ti] adv promiscuously CF ®pv\tv\tv\ [? not ®pø2 [pyu] v (of deer) bark CF ®pot\
the same ? Are you sure of this?] ®pø;1 [pyu:] adj 1) bulging, protruding, popping 2) bold [?
“p^; [pi: (pyi;)] v 1) finish, (come to an) end, be done; type?] 3) large
complete (sthg) RF “p^;s^;. 2) be immune to (disease); be ®pø;kl¨;®pakla [pyu: gålu: pya gåla] adv hectically [?
resistant to (medicine, disease); be invulnerable to frantically feverishly wildly ?]
(weapon) ®pø;Âkv\. [pyu: kyi>] v [? ?]
— part 1) suffix to a verb indicating completion, ®pø;t¨;eÂkac\etac\ [pyu: du: kyaung daun] adv with eyes
similar to past tense in English 2) conjuction indicating popping out (because of awe, amazement, etc)
timing: after(wards), and then; and, in addition, also ®pø;t¨;®p´t´ [pyu: du: pyE: dE:] adv wide-eyed (with fear,
= “p^;eta.' “p^;mx' “p^;rc\' “p^;lYc\' “p^;qa; [? check, and check shock, etc)
all pron following] ®pø;2 [pyu:] v be close together; be stuck together = p¨;
“p^;kps\ [pyi: (bi:) gåbyi'] adv sloppily, carelessly — part count word used to count pairs, twos, etc
“p^;“cim\; [pyi: (bi:) nyein:] v end well e®p [pye] v 1) be appeased, die down, fade edåqe®p; be
“p^;slXy\ [pyi: (bi:) zålwE] adv casually, unconcernedly, satisfied; be relieved Ω Ap¥c\;e®p relieve boredom, kill time
offhandedly; indifferently; perfunctorily Ω Aemae®p refresh 2) be loosened, be slackened 3) (of
“p^;s^; [pyi: (bi:) zi:] v finish, come to an end, be done poison, alcohol, etc) wear off 4) (of debt, bill, tax, etc)
“p^;eS; [pyi: (bi:) ze:] n medicine that protects one from be settled, be paid up
®pc\k¥y\ [byin gyE] n expanse, wide-open space e®pac\eK¥a [byaung chaw:] v (of surfaces) be plain and
®pc\v^ [byin nyi] n 1) [geom] plane 2) (flat, level) smooth [ ph]
surface; face; plane Ω er®pc\v^ the surface of the water e®pac\tlc\;Kå [pyaung tålin: kha] v (of money, funding,
CF m¥k\Nxa®pc\ etc) be exhausted, run out
®pc\p [pyin pa.] n outside e®pac\tiuk\ [byaung tai'] v be blatant = e®bac\tiuk\
— adj external, outside; extra Ω ®pc\pAlup\ second job e®pac\e®pac\ [pyaung byaung] v (of surface) glisten, shine;
Ω ®pc\ psarc\; ss\ external auditor CF moonlight sparkle S YN e®pac\lk\ [? check not pyaung pyau']
®pc\®pc\ [pyin byin] adv completely, totally; absolutely
S YN p^p^qq — adv frankly, bluntly, without mincing one's words;
— adj complete, total; absolute brusquely; sharply; rudely
®pc\qalip\ [pyin dha lei'] n green sea turtle e®pac\e®pac\tc\;tc\; [pyaung byaung tin: din:] adv
shamelessly; unabashedly
®pc\qalip\”k^; [pyin dha lei' kyi:] n leatherback sea turtle
P [hpa.] n twenty-second consonant of the Myanmar script, Peyac\;sk¶ø [hpåyaung: se' ku] n stencil paper,
also used to represent ’f‘. Many words previously spelled mimeograph paper Ω Peyac\;sk¶øePak\ make the original
with B are now spelled with P, e.g., Bt\ªPt\ and for the mimeograph
some words still spelled with B are pronounced as Peyac\;tiuc\ [hpåyaung: dain] n candle
though spelled with P, e.g., BXA; Peyac\;tiuc\Aa; [hpåyaung: dain a:] n candlepower,
PU^;Tup\ [hpa. o' hto'] n name of the P L IT : ‘hat P’ strength of light measured in candelas
P2 [hpa.] part male: particle suffixed to some nouns to show Peyac\;Rup\tu [hpåyaung: yo' du.] n wax figure
male sex Ω Âkk\P A NT m CF T^;' Piu' B Peyac\;puSiu; [hpåyaung: påhso:] n 1) linoleum
PKc\ [hpa. gin] n 1) father S YN AeP CF B' emX;P' PeTX;' 2) cerecloth, cerement, waxed cloth, oilcloth
miKc\' miB 2) founder, founding father ¬ Peyac\;pn\; [hpåyaung: ban:] n 1) yellow oleander 2) kind
PKc\Aa;qt\mO [hpa. gin a; tha' hmu.] n parricide, murder of of orchid with yellow waxy flowers 3) wax plant
one's father CF l¨qt\mO
PtSiu; [hpa. tåhso:] n child whose father died CF mitSiu;' Peyac\;wå; [hpåyaung: wa:] n kind of bamboo used for
miBm´.kel; splitting and weaving CF Nx^;
PeA [hpåe] n father S YN AeP' ePeP Pr%ap^ti [hpåråna pi tI] n euphoria, overwhelming delight
P3 [hpa.] v Óexchange, barter PRuœwåsa [hpåro' tha. wa sa] n rough or abusive language
Prv\ [hpåyi] n Ó [? what is the ye? and add to the] [ ph]
Plxy\ [hpålE] v exchange (things, ideas, thoughts, Pr´ [hpåyE:] n watermelon
opinions, experiences, etc); barter, trade (goods or Pr´A¨ [hpåyE: u] n deep red tourmaline
services for other goods or services, without involving PRiuPr´ [hpåyo hpåyE:] adv in disarray, in a mess [? can you
money) S YN nl´' (l´/ P)lxy\ [? really nalè? not in na.] say this about a person: upset?]
Prc\; [hpåyin:] n Óiron teeth of a harrow CF TXn\qXa;
P4 [hpa.] part particle prefixed to words for parts of hands Prc\;K¥a; [hpåyin: gya:] n œtype of song adapted from Thai
and esp feet CF e®K tradition = Pin\;K¥a
Pesac\ [hpåzaung] n outer edge of feet Prn\> [hpåran.] n ¥franc, unit of money used in some
Penac\. [hpånaung.] n heel, back part of foot French-speaking countries
Penac\.Pk¥v\; [hpånaung. hpågyi:] n heel PRuM [hpåyon] n Œpumpkin; term for several kinds of marrows
Pmiu; [hpåmo:] n 1) instep, top of the foot 2) back (of or squashes = erWPRuM
the hand) PRMuKå; [hpåyon ga:] n Œbitter white marrow
Pm¥k\ [hpåmye'] n ankle PRMusit\ [hpåyon zei'] n 1) claw setting for gemstone (illus)
Pwå; [hpåwa:] n 1) sole (of the foot) 2) palm (of the 2) split firewood
hand) 3) (measurement the length of a) foot CF ep PRMuyiu [hpåyon yo] n candied pumpkin
Pwå;kÁn\ [hpåwa: gyun] n faithful servant [? check all] Pla; [hpåla:] n 1) bowl; cup Ω erPla; 2) round end of the
Pwå;e®KTp\' Pwå;Tk\Âkp\ [hpåwa: che da', hpåwa: hte' cha'] esac\;ekak\ 3) trophy, cup
adv (follow sb) closely Pla;sMukXm\;As\ [hpålåzon kun: i'] n betel box with four
Pwå;®pv\. [hpåwa: bye.] n flat foot, fallen arch (of instep) shallow bowls (illus)
PTiuc\ [hpådain] n 1) couch with a headrest 2) seat with four PlM1 [hpålan] n moth = piu;PlM CF lip\®pa
legs for ceremonial occasions [? check] PlM®Pø [hpålan byu] n whitish blight affecting rice and
PSpl [hpa. hsa. pa. la.] abbr AFPFL, Anti-Fascist People’s peppers
Freedom League, founded in 1945, and the party of PlM2 [hpålan] n 1) Œkind of vine with long flat seed pods
government from 1948–58 Ω Pk\Ss\-tiuk\P¥k\er;-®pv\q¨>- which are used in traditional medicine 2) Œsmall tree
lXt\lp\er;APX´> [? ok?] with a bent trunk, drooping branches, and light-yellow
Ptpl [hpa. ta. pa. la.] abbr early abbreviation for AFPFL, Anti- flowers 3) [fig] small thin person, shrimp
Fascist People’s Freedom League Ω Pk\Ss\-tiuk\P¥k\er;-
®pv\q¨>-lXt\lp\er;APX´> [? new gustaaf] PlMetac\ewx; [hpålan taung mwe:]n Œkind of herb used in
Peyac\; [hpåyaung:] n wax Ω p¥a;Peyac\; beeswax cooking = ®pc\etac\U^;
Peyac\;K¥k\ [hpåyaung: gye'] n medicine placed over Plc\ [hpålin] n film [Engl]
injury Pln\ny\ [hpålan nE] n flannel, soft cotton cloth used for
b [ba.] n twenty-third consonant in the Myanmar script — adj Burmese, Burman ™; ∏Myanma, Myanmar ¬
bTk\“Kiok\ [ba. låchai'] n name of the b Ω diu>bmaAsv\; ARuM; We Burmese Association
bTk\“Kiok\liuk\ [ba. låchai' lai'] v be hollowed by long use; bmaska; [båma zåga:] n (spoken) Burmese, language of
be old and worn the largest ethnic group in Myanmar CF ®mn\masa
bTk\“Kiok\eqnt\ [ba. de' chai' thåna'] n Greener gun, byaeÂka\ [båya gyaw] n fried ball of ground yellow beans
often carried by police and spices, similar to falafel
bkr^As\ [bågåri: i'] n Id al-Bakri, Muslim holy day on the bya;Ait\ [båya: ei'] n Ólarge shoulder bag
70th day after Ramadan [? check in relig dic] beyak\byk\ [båyau' båye'] adv restlessly; in a confused
bzibzp\ [båzi> båza'] n (talk) inconsistently way
btc\;epåk\ [bådin: bau'] n window = ®ptc\;epåk\ br [bårå] part 1) prefix to some verbs and adjectives to form
CF elqaepåk\' tMKå; adverbs 2) prefix to verbs and adjectives for emphasis
bma [båma] n 1) Burman, Bama, Bamar, member of the
largest ethnic group in Myanmar, native to the central brK¥a [båråcha] adv poorly, shabbily, in tatters
lowlands Ω bmaAsa;Asa Burmese food; Ω bmal¨m¥io; Burman brK¥aliuk\ [båråcha lai'] v be poor, be scruffy, be
2) ÓBurma, Myanmar, the people, customs, kingdoms, tattered
colony, country, etc Ω bma-liuwt\ wear Burmese clothes brNxM> [båråhnan.] adv (scattered) all over
CF ®mn\ma 3) language of the bma ethnic group, especially brp¥s\ [båråbyi'] adv 1) with a profusion of 2) saddled
the spoken form Ω biul\l-iu me®pan´Ï' bmaliu-e®pa" Don’t speak a with, weighed down by, burdened by
foreign language, speak Burmese! CF bmaska;' ®mn\masa
B1 [ba.] n twenty-fourth consonant in the Myanmar Byankrq [båya nåka. ya. tha.] n ¬quality of arousing
script. Many words previously spelled with B are now fear, dread, fright, etc CF rqkiu;på;' eÂkak\rXM>' Tit\ln\Ï
spelled with P, e.g., Bt\ªPt\, Binp\ªPinp\ and some Bya;Ait\ªbya;Ait\ [båya; ei'] n Ólarge shoulder bag
words still spelled with B are pronounced as though CF lXy\Ait\
spelled with P, e.g., BXA; Byk\ [båye'] n kind of necklace CF SX´”kio;' dXådra
Bkun\; [ba. gon;] n name of the B Byk\KXk\ [båye' khwe'] n large flat pendant, medallion
B2 [ba.] n father L I T : ‘The father is like the grandfather.’ Br%^ [båråni] n 1) ©three-star constellation in Aries
Ω Bm¥io; Biu; t¨" Like father, like son. S YN AP' AeP' PKc\' 2) second lunar mansion [? check what is this lunar
BKc\ CF P' miB' B' Biu;' eB;' B^' Bc\' B´' eBa mansion!]
Bras^ya [båra si ya] n brassiere [Engl] CF eBa\l^' rxc\m^;
— part polite title sometimes used for an older man Niu”t^ [no tAri] n notary (public), sb authorised to certify the
CF U^; authenticity of documents, copies, signatures, etc
B”k^; [ba.. gyi;] n 1) uncle 2) uncle (father's older [Engl] [? ok? ]
brother) 3) uncle (mother's older sister's husband) Bra;qa; [bA ra; dha;] n (in company names) brothers
=BB CF eSXm¥io;suz ya;' U^;”k^;/el; BR¨en [bAru ne] n ∏Brunei
— pron you, used to address a man older than one's BRiukit\ [båro kei'] n brocade [Engl]
Brc\g¥^ [båyin gyi] n 1) Roman Catholic 2) white person, esp
BKc\ [hpa. gin] n father = PKc\' AeP' AP' B Portugese
Bts\®pn\k¥a;ts\®pn\ [ba. dåbyan kya; dåbyan] adv [fig]
Brc\;gn\; [bårin; gan;] n Bren gun, machine gun [Engl]
alternately, back and forth (as in an evenly matched
Brit\ [bårei'] n brake [Engl]
fight, where neither side can maintain an advantage)
BeTX; [ba. dwe;] n 1) uncle (father's younger brother) Brit\Aup\ [bårei' ok'] v 1) brake, step on the brake(s)
2) [fig] put on the brakes Upsa, restrain, control
2) uncle (mother's younger sister's husband) 3) uncle
eSXm¥io;suz ya;' U^;”k^;/el;
Brn\d^ [båran di] n brandy [Engl]
BB [ba. ba.] n 1) uncle 2) uncle (father's older brother) Belak\ [bålau'] n 1) block, distance between two streets
(in Yangon) Ω 52lm\; Aly\Belak\ 52nd Street, middle
3) uncle (mother's older sister's husband) = B”k^;
block 2) πblock 3) blouse, woman's shirt [Engl]
CF eSXm¥io;suz ya;' U^;”k^;/el;
— pron you, to a man older than one's father, or to Bw [båwa.] n 1) life Ω s^;pXa;er;Bw economic life Ω rv\;sa;-Bw-
one's B”k^;
tun\; k enÏ tuic\; q¨®ptc\;e®pak\ eAak\mxa q^K¥c\; laSuity\"
Before we were married I used to sing underneath her
Bqa;eK¥a [ba. dha; gyaw;] pron pronoun used to tease a
window every day. [? example ok?] 2) ‹state of
young man, or express mild disapproval S YN d^ekac\'
existence, being Ω Atit\-Bw' Arc\-Bw' erx;Bw past life,
past existence; Ω prMpr-Bw' psßo pJn\-Bw present life, present
BgN»iol\na [bågan do na] n haemorrhoids, bleeding piles existence; Ω psßkƒBw' enak\-Bw' gti next existence, next
CF lip\eKåc\;' ®mc\;qRiu k\
Bz¨ka [båzu ka] n bazooka, rocket launcher [Engl] Bwk¨; [båwa. ku;] v die, pass from one existence to
Bnn\; [bånan;] part nearly, almost S YN AM.lBnn\;' lun^;på; another
ByeS;ªpreS; [(pårå, båya.) pålåhse:] n medicinal herbs, BwÂkmµa [båwa. kyan ma] n destiny
pharmaceutical herbs Bw®Ka; [båwa. cha;] v 1) lead different lives 2) die, pass
Bya [båya] n 1) danger S YN AN|ray\' eB;rn\ 2) fear [? away
check good syn] BwSn\ [båwa. hsan] v ¬be realistic, esp of portrayal of
Bwg\ [båwe'] n 1) the highest of the 13 planes of existence BaBavava [ba ba nya nya] n anything
enwqvanaqvaytn-BMu CF BMu 2) [fig] apex, zenith,
S YN BamSiu [ba måhso] n anything (at all) CF mSiu
highest point, heights BamT^ [ba måhti] n daredevil
Braz^; [bAra zi;] n 1) ∏Brazil 2) Brazilian Bamx' BamY n [with neg verb] anything, nothing
Ω Bamx me®pan´Ï" Don't say anything. Ω Bamx mpåB¨;" There's
(A)eB;3 [(a)be:] n great grandfather CF B' eSXm¥uio;suzya; eBa2 [baw;] n 1) ball Ω eBa\l^eBa volleyball RF eBalMu;.
(A)eB;m [(å)be; ma.] n great grandmother 2) ball bearing 3) ∞ball (inf), testicle S YN ewx;es.
CF eSXm¥uio;suz ya; eBak¥ [baw; kya.] n hernia CF A¨k¥
B´1 [bE;] n 1) duck 2) ∞young man, bloke (Br), guy eBaek¥a. [baw; kyaw.] v be arrogant [? new kyaw]
(Am); boyfriend 3) ploughshare shaped like a duck's bill eBakXc\; [baw; gwin;] n 1) football field, playing field;
RF B´ NOt\q^;. pitch 2) inflated inner tube (for floating in) Ω eK¥ac\; qamxa
B´k¥a; [bE; gya;] n (common) teal = B´etac\k¥a; eBakXc\;epÅ lOic\; s^;my\" At Chaungtha, I'll ride the waves
B´cn\; [bE; ngan;] n goose = cn\; on an inner tube.
B´cn\;T^; [bE; ngan: hti:] n gander, µ goose eBaSM [baw; zan] n steel ball, ball bearing
B´cn\;m [bE; ngan: ma.] n goose, ƒ goose eBam [baw; ma.] v ∞ brown nose, toady, suck up,
B´sa;B´eK¥ [bE; za; bE; gye] adv break even, come out bootlick, kiss ass Î [? new kyaw]
even eBalMu; [baw; lon;] n 1) inflated ball, esp football (Br),
B´etac\ [bE; daung] n 1) gunwale (of a boat) soccer ball (Am) 2) football (Br), soccer (Am) Ω eBalMu; pX´
2) battens (for the roof of a house) 3) part of a power football/soccer match 3) balloon
loom eBalMu;kn\ [baw; lon; kan] n play football (Br), play
B´etac\k¥a; [bE; daung gya;] n (common) teal = B´k¥a; soccer (Am)
B´T^; [bE; hti;] n drake, µ duck CF B´m eBaAim\ [baw; ein] n ball bearing, track containing hard
B´NOt\q^; [bE; hno' thi;] n 1) duck's bill 2) ploughshare metal balls S YN By\yarc\
shaped like a duck's bill 3) broad, curving teeth of a eBa”kio; [baw; gyo;] n rope attached to the sail, to adjust
harrow its angle according to the wind CF rXk\elx
B´epåk\ [bE; bau'] n duckling (illus from file) eBag [baw; ga.] n wealth, riches [ pl]
B´m [bE; ma.] n ƒ duck eBagbl [baw; ga. båla.] n power of wealth CF blcå;tn\
B´“m^; [bE; mi;] n crew cut hairstyle [? check again: there's eBaebd [baw; ga. be da.] n ¥economics
no tail in a crew cut, but there is in a ducktail!] eBaskiuc\; [baw; zågain;] n Œlead tree
eBazU\(K´PXy\) [baw; zin (kE; hpwE)] n ‹food, provisions
B´rs\ [bE; yi'] n northern pintail (for Buddhist religious community) [? check whether it
B´lip\ [bE; lei'] n manta ray includes nuns]
B´U [bE; u.] n 1) duck egg 2) ∞traffic police (whose eBaly\ [baw; lE] n œkind of sorrowful song popular in
uniform includes a white helmet) the Konbaung period [ ms]
m1 [ma.] n 1) twenty-fifth consonant in the Myanmar script infixed verb Ω qeBamepåk\ B¨;" I don't get it.
2) name of the m Ω na;mlv\ B¨;" I don't understand.
mkrelap' mts\lMu;ek¥ [måka ra. law: pa., ma. tålon: gye] n mÚB´((l¥k\)(Nxc\.)(n´Ï)) [må…bè: ((lye')(hnin.)(nE.))] conj
1) highly knowledgeable person 2) [neg] Mr Know-it-all, without Ω mK¥s\B´n´>menNiuc\B¨;" He can't live without love.
smarty-pants (Am) m Úm^ [må…mi] conj before [? what are all the words
mqMu;lMu; [ma. thon: lon:] exp satirical motto of government that må can be used with?]
workers: Ω mlup\-' mROp\-' m®pot\ Don't do anything, don't get mÚeq; [må…the:] part not yet Ω msa;eq;B¨;" I won't eat
involved in anything, and you won't get fired. yet. I won't eat now. Ω msa;r-eq;B¨;" I haven't eaten yet.
mk [måka.] adv more than, over Ω (1000) mk (1200)
m2 [ma.] adj 1) main; original 2) big; adult, mature 3) female ep;rty\" It was more than 1000; I had to pay 1200.
mekamk [måkaw: måka.] adv neither here nor there; not
— n 1) female 2) woman, female, women's, ladies' enough [? where to double-list? ]
(abbreviation of min\;m) A NT k¥a; [? do we want to put in mkc\;tra; [måkin: tåya:] n law of cause and effect
the wheel?] CF p@an\; [? isn't there another way to say this too?]
— part 1) polite title for a young (esp Burman) woman mkc\;ramkc\;eÂkac\; [måkin: ya måkin: gyaung:] n
near the same age as the speaker CF ena (krc\)' nn\; 1) matters of mutual interest; peciprocal considerations
(rxm\;)' miuc\ (K¥c\;) 2) particle suffixed to words to denote 2) sb close enough to deserve favourable consideration
the female Ω muSiu; m widow; Ω wk\m sow; Ω NXa;m cow; Ω Âkk\m
hen A NT T^;' Piu mekac\;Siu;wå; [måkaung: hso: wa:] n evil spirits
mk¥m\;ek¥ [? ?] S YNAsim\;Awå; CF Âkt\' tesÍ' “pit†esÍ' Put\' e®mPut\' mxc\sa'
mqM [ma. dhan] n mating call (of a female) CF PiuqM qr´' mÂta' mar\nt\' Asim\; [? check all and order]
m3 [ma.] n 1) lift Ω mmNiuc\B¨;" I can't lift it. 2) support, assist, mekac\;terac\; [måkaung: dåyaung:] adv in an
help 3) supervise, guide; gather, drive, herd Ω NXa;Aup\kium uncomplimentary way, in a bad way Ω ' I say he's stupid,
herd cattle 4) [fig] pamper, shower attention on but I don't mean that in a bad way.
mekac\;t´.min\;m [måkaung: dè. mein: ma.] n [inf] prostitute,
ms [ma. za.] v help, assist; support, aid (with) Ω AmAs sex worker®pv\.tn\Sa
muni [mu. ni>] n saint, holy man m¨tv\qM [mu ti dhan] n œkeynote (of a scale) CF k^;
munirxc\ [mu. ni> shin] n the Buddha m¨tv\qMt¥a [mu ti than tåya] n œkey (of a scale) [? new
from music dic]
muena [mu. naw:] n Ó mannerliness, grace, dignity
muenalc\pn\; [månaw: lin ban:] n decorated tray used by m¨Ta; [mu hta:] v make policy, lay down principles,
articulate principles S YN m¨K¥
mueya [måyaw:] n barley, kind of grain used in brewing beer m¨nv\ [mu ni] n Ó disposition, habit S YN Ak¥c\.
S YN Bal^ m¨piuc\ [mu pain] n 1) copyright, patent 2) copyright
holder, patent holder
mura;”k^; [måyågyi:] n Œherb, ingredient in pêcå;på; medicine
mura;qim\ [måyådhein] n Œherb, ingredient in pêcå;på; medicine m¨piuc\KXc\. [mu pain gwin.] n [law] copyright, patent
Ω m¨ piuc\KXc\.U ped copyright law
m¨p¥k\ [mu pye'] v 1) deviate, be different (from the
muRiu; [måyo:] n Œswallow-wort, plant with white sap used
original) 2) be deviant, act oddly
to harden milk S YN c®Pø”k^; [? can we leave this out]
m¨e®pac\; [mu pyaung:] v 1) change policy or principles
2) change appearance, behaviour, etc
muRiu;sv\ [måyo: si] n small drum with tapering ends m¨mmxn\ [mu måhman] v act oddly, be strange, be peculiar
murc\;spå; [måyin: zåba:] n kind of dry season rice which needs (esp becauseof bad conscience)
m¨mxn\ [mu hman] n standard, norm; original (version) [?
muel; [måle: (mya' lè:)] n Spanish jasmine = ®mt\el; no verb: conform to standard]
muel;pXa; [måle: bwa:] n paper streamer designed to look m¨mxn\e®mak\ [mu hman myau'] n true north CF qMliuk\e®mak\
like a flower
muqawåd [mu. dha wa da.] n misrepresentation, lying m¨ramaya [mu ya ma ya] n feminine wiles, tactics used to
lim\lv\e®paSiu®Kc\; CF muqa;
S YN catch a man
muqa; [mu. dha:] n falsehood, lie, misrepresentation m¨rc\; [mu yin:] n original A NT mit¶ø
S YN li m\lv\e®paSiu ska; CF mu qawåd [? check] m¨erX>' m¨j [mu ywe.] part ¬[with neg verb] without, not
muqa;qk\eq [mu. dha: the' the] n perjurer (law), person Ω ereNX; k¥m\;etac\ mtiuk\m¨j without even offering tea
who gives false evidence in court m¨wåd [mu wa da.] n policy S YN epÅls^
muqa;qk\eqKM [mu. dha: the' the khan] v perjure oneself m¨eq [mu dhe] n constant, sthg fixed, set Ω m¨eqmrxiB¨;"
muqa;qk\eqKMmO [mu. dha: the' the khan hmu.] n [law] It isn't fixed.
perjury m¨eqTa; [mu dhe hta:] v be a core part
muhut\ [mu. hou'] n [? ?] m¨”kio [mu gyo] abbr preschool, abbreviation of
m¨ [mu] v 1) act, make, pursue (course of action) Ω gRumm¨- m¨ltn\;”kioek¥ac\;
g¨m®mc\ gRum¨-® mø®mc\" If you don't observe, you won't see a mkiu [mågo] n ∏Mog(h)ul [? new from Judson]
cave; if you do observe, you will see a speck. CF qtim¨'
m¨l1 [mu la.] n 1) origin, first thing 2) principle thing,
gRum¨ 2) face (towards) 3) dissemble, feign, affect, sham, main thing 3) [phil] thesis CF m¨l^' p!i' qm¨h
fake [? check -- also used to describe royal actions?? ]
m¨ltn\; [mu la. dan:] n primary school, grade school, first
four standards in the education system [? check]
— n 1) behaviour, conduct, way(s)
m¨ltn\;”kioek¥ac\; [mu la. dan: gyo kyaung:] n
Ω q¨ m¨n´>kiu y\.m¨mt¨Â kB¨;" She has her ways and I have mine.
miuk\Tut\ [mai' hto'] v pan gold from miuk\ (waste from mgçlaeÂk; [min gåla gye:] n 1) wedding gift; donations
goldsmith's shop) made by the bachelors of the community on a wedding
miuk\4 [mai'] n crucible, container for melting metal or ore night S YN K´Piu; 2) dowry, payment by the bride's family
miuk\KXk\ [mai' khwe'] n crucible, container for melting when she marries; bride price, payment by the groom's
metal or ore family when he marries
miuk5\ [mai'] n mike, microphone [Engl] mgçlaska; [min gåla zåga:] n 1) words of blessing [?
muK\ [mo'] n 1) (pagoda) gateway 2) decorated archway check] 2) speech made at an engagement or wedding
muK\KMu; [mo' khon:] n arched gate mgçlaeSac\ [min gåla hsaung] [min gåla zaung] v marry
muK\epåk\' muK\w [mo' pau', mo' wa.] n archway [? check] (formally)
muK\U^; [mo' wa.] n facade of a pagoda entrace arch or — n wedding, marriage ceremony
decorated arch mgçlatra; [min gåla tåya:] n (source of) good fortune,
mg\ [me'] n 1) path, way; passage 2) ‹path leading to prosperity, blessing, anything festive, joyous 2) way or
teaching of avoiding evil and gaining good
renunciation of desire [ bh]
mg©c\ [me' gin] n ‹eight-fold path to nirvana; eight mgçlaenÏ [min gåla ne.] n auspicious day
constituents of the path: Ω mxn\kn\sXa-RO® mc\®Kc\; right views mgçlapå [min gåla ba] exp formal greeting, esp in schools
Ω mx n\kn\ sXa-” kM sv\®Kc\; right resolve Ω mxn\kn\ sXa-e®paSiu®Kc\; right
and to large groups, crowds, etc
speech Ω mxn\kn\sXa-‘ plup\®Kc\; right behaviour Ω mxn\kn\sXa-Aqk\- mgçlay¨ [min gåla yu] v get sthg good; grasp the chance
emX;®Kc\; right occupation Ω mxn\kn\sXa-lMu;l-Tut\®Kc\; right effort (to get a good thing)
Ω mx n\kn\ sXa-eAak\ em.®Kc\; right mindfulness Ω mx n\kn\ sXa-sit\- mgçlarxi [min gåla shi>] v 1) be auspicious, be promising,
tv\tn\Ï®Kc\; right concentration mg©c\rxs\på; have signs of success 2) feel wonderful, feel blessed
mg\tra; [me' tåya:] n renunciation of desire CF Arht†mg\' mgçlalk\PX´> [min gåla le' hpwè.] n wedding present
Piul\tra; mgçlaAKå' mgçlaAK¥in\ [min gåla åkha, min gåla åchein] n
mg\el;tn\ n ‹the Four Paths: Entering the Stream, moment of marriage, correct time for a marriage
oneself (used by women) RF emac\el;. 2) dear, darling, emac\lv\Nxmlv\ [maung lè hnåmålè] n double marriage,
term of endearment for boyfriend or husband CF kiukiu between two pairs of sisters and brothers
emac\;1 [maung:]v 1) run, operate (a machine, engine, etc);
— part 1) polite title for a boy, or man younger than drive (car, motorcycle, etc), fly (aeroplane, helicopter,
oneself 2) title prefixed to one's name to express etc) RF emac\;Nxc\. 2) drive sb hard, work sb hard, goad [?
humbleness [? little bit hard here: like U Nu used to also of animals?] 3) drive out; drive away, shoo (away)
sign his letters to UN, leaders, etc Maung Nu] RFemac\;Tut\' emac\;Nxc\.
emac\”k^; [maung gyi:] pron you, term of address for an emac\;Tut\ [maung: htou'] v 1) drive out; drive away,
elder brother, or husband (used by women) S YN kiukiu [? push out 2) shoo (inf), scare off, drive off
syn check] emac\;Nxc\ [maung: hnin] v 1) run, operate (a machine,
emac\sMuNxmsMuemX; [maung zon hmåmåson mwe:] n sibling, engine, etc); drive (car, motorcycle, etc), fly (aeroplane,
brother or sister = emac\Nxm [? really siblings?] helicopter, etc) 2) drive out; drive away, shoo, scare off
emac\Nxm [maung hnåma.] n 1) brother and sister; brothers
and sisters Ω emac\Nxm By\Nxs\eyak\rxiql´" How many emac\;m´ [maung: mè:] v scold harshly, rebuke angrily,
brothers and sisters do you have? 2) cousin(s) reproach bitterly Ω ®ps\tc\emac\; m´ accuse and condemn [?
check tone, etc]
emac\;tc\ [maung: tin] v 1) cock (weapon, to be ready to miuc\ [main] n mile, 1.6 km [Engl]
fire) 2) prepare (oneself) for action, prime (oneself) miuc\tiuc\ [main dain] n milestone, milepost
miuc\NOn\; [main hnoun:] n speed in miles, miles per hour
emac\;tiuc\ [maung: dain] n posts holding up a boom, Ω kn\Ïqt\ miu\c\ NOn\; speed limit
sweep, etc miuc\; [main:] n 1) mine, quarry, pit 2) Ímine; bomb,
emac\;tuM; [maung: don:] n 1) S YN emac\; tM' emac\; lk\ explosive device Ω anti-tank mine CF l¨qt\miuc\; anti-
2) bolt (of a gun) personnel mine; er®mHop\miuc\; naval mine; e®m®mHop\miuc\; landmine RF
emac\;eTac\; [maung: htaung:] v pound rice, corn, etc miuc\;bMu;.
with a emac\; miuc\;kXc\; [main: gwin:] n Íminefield
emac\;eTac\;Sn\ [maung: daung: hsan] n unmilled rice miuc\;eTac\ [main: htaung] v Íay or set or plant a mine,
CF sk\Sn\ bomb, booby trap, etc
emac\;eTac\;qM [maung: daung: dhan] n œfolk song sung miuc\;bMu; [main: bon:] n Ímine; bomb, explosive device
while pounding rice in a emac\; miuc\;®mHop\ [main: hmyo'] n Íplant or lay a mine
emac\;Tin\; [maung: dein:] n safety, catch miuc\;rxc\; [main: shin:] v Íclear mines, detonate mines
emac\;nc\; [maung: nin:] n 1) treadmill (illus) 2) [? check Ω miuc\;rx c\;qeBç a minesweeper
??] 3) œalternate beat of bells and clapper [ ms] miuc\;kiuc\sk¶ø [main: gain se' ku] n mulberry paper (from Mong
emac\;®pn\eqnt\ [maung: byan thåna'] n automatic firearm Kain, Shan State) [? check spelling with Nan Thida]
miuc\;qa [main: tha] n Maingtha, ethnic group living mainly in
emac\;®Pot\ [maung: hpyo'] v 1) pull the trigger 2) [fig] put Kachin State
in a difficult situation msÍriy' msÍrisit\ [mi' hsåri> ya., mi' hsåri sei'] n envy S YN mnaliumO
emac\;lk\ [maung: le'] n S YN emac\; tM CF emac\;tMu; [? get = IœamsÍriy [ pl]
from others]
misÍa [mei' hsa] v (of religious belief) be heretical, be wrong
emac\;lk\tMKå; [maung: le' dåga:] n barrier, boom gate CF di™i [ pl] [? heretic?]
— n devil CW ekac\
emac\;Aiu; [maung: o:] n 1) part of the arm near the
m¥k\kXy\ [mye' kwè] n someplace out of sight, behind m¥k\sits\SMu; [mye' si> tåhson:] adv in one's field of view;
one's back, hidden from view CF m¥k\emxak\ [? in a blind as far as the eye can see CF m¥k\emX; ts\SMu; [? check field
spot? and what about below?] of view]
m¥k\kXy\®po [mye' kwè pyu.] v [fig] 1) pretend not to see, m¥k\sits\mxit\ [mye' si> tåmei'] n moment, second, very
ignore, turn a blind eye to (Upsa) A NT m¥k\emxak\®po short time, in the blink of an eye
CF m¥k\simxit\ 2) die, close one's eyes (Upsa) m¥k\sieTac\. [mye' si> htaung.] v dislike [? check more]
m¥k\eKåk\ [mye' khau'] n (upper) eyelid CF m¥k\KXM m¥k\siedåk\eTak\Âkv\. [mye' si> dau' htau' kyi>] v prop
m¥k\eKåc\; [mye' khaung:] n eye socket CF m¥k\tXc\; one's eyes open (i.e., because bored, sleepy)
m¥k\Km\; [mye' khan:] n edge of the eyelid m¥k\sin^ [mye' si> ni] v have bloodshot eyes
m¥k\Km\;sp\ [mye' khan: za'] n trachoma m¥k\sienak\ [mye' si> nau'] v be annoying, be disturbing
m¥k\KuM; [mye' khon:] n eyebrow (to see) CF m¥k\siROp\
m¥k\KuM;emX; [mye' khon: mwe:] n (hair of the) eyebrow(s) m¥k\sip¥k\m¥k\Nxap¥k\ [mye' si> bye' mye' hna bye'] v show
m¥k\KMu;lOp\ [mye' khon: hlo'] n have a twitch in one's emotion (on one's face)
eyebrow (foretelling bad luck) m¥k\si®pa [mye' si> pya] v be blinded by flash, strong
m¥k\ sunlight, etc; (of vision, eyes, etc) go dark
m¥k\eK¥ac\k¥ [mye' chaung kya.] v have sunken eyes m¥k\sipXc\. [mye' si> pwin.] v be enlightened; be sophisticated
m¥k\K¥s\eS; [mye' chi' hse:] n magic charm to make sb fall
in love on sight [? something eaten/drunk?] m¥k\siPn\ [mye' si> hpan] v (of eyes) be tired
m¥k\®Kv\®pt\ [mye' chi pya'] v [fig] lose sight of sb/sthg m¥k\sim®mc\ [mye' si> måmyin] v be blind S YN m¥k\sikn\;
CF m¥k\m®mc\ the blind
m¥k\KXM [mye' khun] n eyelid m¥k\sim¥k\Nxamekac\; [mye' si> mye' hna måkaung:] v feel
m¥k\KXk\ [mye' khwe'] n face CF m¥k\Nxa sad, be dejected; be disturbed, be upset
m¥k\sps\ [mye' sa. pyi'] v raise one's eyebrow(s) [? to m¥k\sim¥k\Nxamlx [mye' si> mya' hna måhla.] v be embarrassed
indicate.... and look at def 2] 3) make eyes at (sb), flirt CF m¥k\Nxa(pn\;)lx
with sb with one's eyes 4) show an intention to get sthg m¥k\simX´ [mye' si> mwè:] v have bad eyesight CF m¥k\simOn\'
[? explain again] Aew;mOn\' +?? [? ?? plus bad eyesight above?? ]
m¥k\sm¥k\n [mye' sa. mye' na.] n any sign made with eyes m¥k\simxa; [mye' si> hma:] v mistake (sthg/sb for another)
and/or eyebrows S YN m¥k\ sie mxa k\' m¥k\ silX´
m¥k\si [mye' si>] n 1) eye CF skƒo' m¥k\lMu; 2) (eye)sight, m¥k\siemx;Âkv\. [mye' si> hme: kyi>] v narrow one's eyes
vision, ability to see Ω m¥k\s-i mekac\;B¨;" I have poor vision. m¥k\siemxak\ [mye' si> hmau'] v mistake (sthg/sb for
CF skƒo pqad 3) eye (of certain fruits and vegetables) another) S YN m¥k\simxa;' m¥k\silX´
CF m¥k\kXc\;' cå;m¥k\ si wart, corn m¥k\simxit\ [mye' si> hmei'] v 1) blink, close one's eyes
m¥k\siksa; [mye' si> gåza:] v make eyes (at), flirt (with) 2) [fig] die, close one's eyes forever 3) go against one's
m¥k\sikuSra [mye' si> ku. hsåya] n eye specialist, oculist, better judg(e)ment
optometrist, opthamologist [? check new] m¥k\simxit\®p [mye' si> hmei' bya.] v wink or blink as a signal
m¥k\sik¥ [mye' si> kya.] v admire or sign
m¥k\sik¥y\ [mye' si> kyè] v [fig] 1) be sleepless 2) have m¥k\simOn\ [mye' si> hmon] v have poor vision CF An^;mOn\'
eye S YN m¥k\eK¥; em¥ak\“m^;K¥ [myau' myi; cha.] [? check whether to put this
m¥k\wn\; [mye' wun:] n iris and pupil S YN m¥k\Sn\' m¥k\nk\ in from travel]
CF q¨cy\Aim\ em¥ak\“m^;lW [myau' myi hlwa.] n keyhole saw [? check]
m¥k\qa; [mye' tha:] n white of the eye, ◊ sclera; em¥ak\emX; [myau' mwe:] v (of a woman) commit adultery
capillaries of the white of the eye CF m¥k\® Pø S YN em¥ak\mTa;
m¥k\qa;tk\ [mye' tha: te'] v inflammation of the sclera em¥ak\lk\ [myau' le'] n hasp (illus)
m¥k\Aiu; [mye' o:] n (jewellery) collet S YN ek¥ak\Aiu; em¥ak\elac\; [myau' laung:] n brat, child with bad
Am¥k\ [Amye'] n 1) gem(stone), jewel, precious stone RF behaviour
Am¥k\ek¥ak\. 2) knot (in wood); flaw (in gemstone) em¥ak\lut\ [myau' lo'] n Œmonkey jack, kind of timber
3) burl, node (on tree) 4) fury, rage, anger Ω AK¥s\”k^; rc\ tree with edible fruit
Am¥k\”k^; ty\" The greater the love, the greater the anger. em¥ak\elxka; [myau' hle ga:] n Œa flowering vine with
RF Am¥k\edåq. a twisted stem
em¥ak\ [myau'] n 1) monkey CF em¥ak\wM ape 2) heads (of em¥ak\lW´ek¥a\ [myau' hlwE; gyaw] n gibbon, a kind of
coin) S YN eKåc\;; A NT pn\; tails CF em¥ak\pn\;lxn\ 3) potato small ape
or sweet potato plant [? check] em¥ak\wM [myau' wun] n ape, large tailless primate, e.g.
em¥ak\eKåc\; [myau' gaung:] n œbulge between the egÅr^laem¥ak\wM gorilla, K¥c\pc\z^em¥ak\ chimpanzee
tailpiece and butt of the Burmese harp CF esac\; (illus em¥ak\qa; [myau' tha:] n 1) monkey meat Ω πem¥ak\qa;-
parts of harp) sa;K¥c\rc\ em¥ak\-m¥k\Nxa mÂkv\.n´Ï" If you want to eat monkey,
em¥ak\KMuvc\; [myau' gon nyin:] n vine with hairy pods don't look at a monkey's face. 2) consort of a prince or
containing a round seed princess CF Âkc\raeta\
em¥ak\K¥io;wå; [myau' cho: wa:] n [fig] good-for-nothing em¥ak\q¨eta\ [myau' thu daw] n capuchin monkey,
em¥ak\ciu [myau' ngo] n Œkind of tree with very smooth hooded monkey with a long tail, native to Central and
bark South America
em¥ak\sp\ [myau' sa'] n rhesus macaque (illus) em¥ak\qs\kiuc\;lXt\ [myau' thi' kain: lu'] adv [fig] fail
em¥ak\Sip\ [myau' hsei'] n Œtall timber tree with thick while trying to improve one's situation L IT : ‘monkey
bark, used to make boats misses the branch’ [? check]
em¥ak\tMcå [myau' tånga] n fisher monkey em¥ak\U [myau' u.] n yam, several kinds of edible tuber
em¥ak\Tiuc\ [myau' htain] n 1) kind of sickle 2) œlow stool CF kd¨U' ekak\rc\pn\;
with a backrest, used by Nx´Ï player in the Siuc\;wiuc\; em¥ak\Aun\;q^;rqliu [myau' on: dhi: ya. thålo]
exp puzzled,
(traditional orchestra) 3) œkind of esac\; (Burmese perplexed, flummoxed (because of having/working
harp) arm with/recieving sthg which one does not know how to
em¥ak\N´xes; [myau' hnE: ze;] n birdlime, very sticky sap use) L IT : ‘like a monkey with a coconut’
used to snare birds and other animals CF Nx´eka m¥U\; [myi; (myin:)] v doze, drowse, sleep Ω ciuk\m¥U\;
em¥ak\pn\;lxn\ [myau' pan: hlan] v flip/toss a coin (to see — n 1) line, long mark Ω sit\mxn\; m¥U\; imaginary line,
invisible line Ω l¨k¨m¥U\k¥a; pedestrian crossing, zebra
if it comes up heads or tails) CF eKåc\;' pn\;' eKåc\;pn\; lxn\'
eKåc\;pn\; lxv\. crossing (Br), crosswalk (Am) RF m¥U\;eÂkac\;. 2) Ómilitary
em¥ak\mTa; [myau' ma. hta:] v (of a married woman) have uniform CF m¥U\; tiu' m¥U\;rxv\
a lover S YN em¥ak\emX; [? check about this prominent m¥U\;ekak\ [myin: gau'] n curve CF m¥U\;e®Pac\.
m¥U\;k¥a; [myin: gya:] n pedestrian crossing (fml), zebra
®mc\®pc\;kt\ [myin byin; ka'] v hate the sight of CF mun\;k¥io; ®mc\;k [myin; ka.] n tack, harness, bridle and saddle for a
®mc\®mc\kra [myin myin gåya] n everything in sight
®mc\®mc\Tc\Tc\ [myin myin htin din] adv 1) openly, in full ®mc\;kel; [myin; gåle;] n foal; µ colt, ƒ filly
view 2) in clear light A NT mOn\wå; ®mc\;ekac\erAa; [myin; kaung ye a;] n horsepower, a unit
of mechanical power measurement equal to 745.7 watts
®mc\lWa [myin hlwa] n ◊retina
per minute
®mc\qa; [myin dha;] n meat of animal slaughtered within
one's sight Ω ®mc\qa;-Âka;qa;-msa;B¨;" CF Âka;qa; [? check
®mc\;ekac\;KXalip\ [myin; gaung; khwa lei'] adv [fig] make a
mistake, slip up, err L IT : ‘even a good horse can
®mc\siuc\; [myin zain;] n œF scale on the esac\; (Burmese harp)
®mc\siuc\;duM; [myin zain; don;] n œsecond string from the top ®mc\;kt\ [myin; ka'] n bronco, horse which is difficult to
of the esac\; (Burmese harp)
®mc\SM' ®mc\®Pø [myin zan, myin byu] n kind of bamboo often ®mc\;kun\;(Nx^;) [myin; kon; (hni;)] n (horse) saddle
used to make rafts = wå;®Pø
®mc\;kun\;pt\”kio; [myin; kon; pa' gyo;] n cinch S YN ®mc\;wm\;pt\
®mc\wå; [myin wa;] n male bamboo; solid bamboo CF wå;na;pc\ ®mc\;k¥a; [myin; gya;] n zebra
®mc\. [myin.] v 1) be high Ω pupJa;etac\-eta\eta\-®mc\.ty\" Mount ®mc\;KM [myin; gan] n groom [?check royal?? or a horse-
Popa is quite high. A NT nim\. 2) be tall Ω Arp\®mc\.ty\" He is
breaker?? something in cavalry????]
tall. A NT pu 3) [fig] be deep; be fine, be grand
Ω AetX; AeKÅ®mc\. ty\" (Those are) deep thoughts. [? check
®mc\;Kc\;(eta\pX´' pX´eta\' qBc\) [myin; gin: (daw bwE;,
bwE; daw, dhåbin)] n Ócavalry exhibition, to display the
excellent?? imposing, even exalted??] 4) (of time) be
horsemanship of the troopers [? isn't this more?? check
long Ω Âka®mc\. A NT tiu RF ®mc\.“ m´.
®mc\.ma; [myin. ma;] v 1) be very high, be towering, be ®mc\;eKåc\; [myin; gaung;] n Óadministrator of the cavalry
soaring 2) be many; be strong [? check grey dictionary]
3) be high-minded, be principled Ω sit\Dat\®mc\.ma;ty\"
She is principled. CF ”k^;ma; [? what about principles,
®mc\;KuM [myin; gon] n 1) trestle table 2) carpenter's horse
3) vault, vaulting horse (illus all)
moral, honest, scrupulous, pure, ethical, upright,
®mc\;KXa [myin; khwa] n 1) (horse) hoof 2) horseshoe
= ®mc\;qMKXa 3) ◊pennywort, kind of edible plant
®mc\.emak\ [myint mau'] v 1) be heaped (up, high) 2) be
Ω ®mc\;KXarX k\qut\ pennywort salad (illus all)
elevated, be high
®mc\.“m´ [myint myE;] v be long CF Âka [? also neg, e.g., ®mc\;sa;g¥Mo [myin; za; gyon] n oats
protracted, lengthy]
®mc\;s^; [myin; zi;] n rider; jockey; equestrian [? check do
you have a word for a statue of sb on horseback?]
®mc\.®mt\ [myint mya'] v (of rank, honour, etc)
®mc\;s^;q¨r´ [myin; zi; thåyE;] n Ótrooper, member of a
®mc\;ezac\; [myin; zaung;] n stable, barn where horses are ®mc\;miur\ta [myin; mo ta] n Óunit of measure equal to 7
kept etac\, about 320 cm
®mc\;tara [myin; ta ya] n ©constellation Cepheus ®mc\;miur\etac\ [myin; mo taung] n Mount Meru
®mc\;ta; [myin; ta;] n 1) rail fence 2) Óthorny barrier ®mc\;miur\pit\ [myin; mo bei'] n gable end (of a roof)
put up to block a cavalry CF ®mc\;tp\ ®mc\;miur\p´X [myin; mo bwE;] n three-day festival from the
®mc\;tk\ [myin; te'] n œsong about horse riding full-moon night of Thadingyut, in which lights are
®mc\;tp\ [myin; ta'] n cavalry, section of the army arranged in the shape of Mount Meru CF m^;TXn\;pX´'
fighting on horseback CF ®mc\;s^;q¨r´ trooper q^tc\; kÁt\
®mc\;T^;' ®mc\;Piu [myin; di:, myin; bo] n stallion CF ®mc\;m' ®mc\;qRiuk\ [myin: dhåyai'] n haemorrhoids, piles S YN lip\eKåc\;
®mc\;la;' ®mc\; qiu;' ®mc\;sc\ [? check pron] CF BgN»iol\na
®mc\;pX´ [myin; bwE;] n horserace ®mc\;q^la [? really put this in? what is it?]
®mc\;m [myin; ma.] n mare CF ®mc\;sc\' ®mc\;T^;' ®mc\;Piu' ®mc\;qiu;' e®mac\ [myaung] n ravine, steep valley between two hills
®mc\;la; e®mac\; [myaung;] n 1) ditch, drain; gutter; trench 2) canal
®mc\;mkel; [myin; ma. gåle;] n filly CF ®mc\;kel; = t¨;e®mac\; CF Sv\e®mac\;' ®ms\' eK¥ac\; 3) groove, flute [?
®mc\;“m^; [myin; mi;] n 1) horsehair, hair from a horse's tail trench??]
2) horsehair whisk 3) catgut e®mac\;t¨; [myaung; tu;] n woman in her 30s
®mc\;rTa; [myin; yåhta;] n horse-drawn coach [? check e®mac\;Tiu; [myaung; hto;] v 1) clear a (blocked) drain,
when, for what] gutter, canal, etc 2) make grooves in wood, flute
®mc\;er; [myin; ye;] n horsemanship, equestrian skills e®mac\;ePak\ [myaung; hpau'] v dig a ditch, drain, etc
®mc\;la; [myin; la;] n stud, breeding stallion e®mac\;e®mac\; [myaung; myaung;] v be long and narrow,
®mc\;elac\; [myin; laung;] v bet on horses be elongated
CF Aelac\; Asa; “mioc\ [myain] v be lively, be diverse, have a variety
®mc\;lm\; [myin; lan;] n bridle path; pathway left unbuilt Ω q^K¥c\;“mioc\ Siuc\;“mioc\ Ak“mioc\ RF “mioc\ Siuc\. [? put in
and uncultivated, for the passage of cattle, buffaloes, sentences]
etc — n large, thick forest, old-growth forest CF eta' rgMu'
®mc\;lxv\; [myin; hlE;] n horse cart, pony cart ehwn\
®mc\;wM' ®mc\;wn\ [myin; wun] n 1) bear S YN wk\wM 2) collared “mioc\k¥ [myain kya.] v 1) (esp of elephant, deer µ) rut; (of
scops owl = “m^;wn\ CF z^;kXk\ ƒ animals) be in heat; be in mating season 2) (of large
®mc\;wm\;Sv\ [myin; wun; hsE] n kind of fishing weir which animals) mate
used a current to trap fish “mioc\sin\ [myain sein] n quartz
®mc\;qM [myin; dhan] n œnote corresponding to E “mioc\Siuc\ [myain zain] v be lively, be diverse, have a
S YN e®Kak\e påk\ qM [ ms] variety
®mc\;qiu; [myin; dho;] n stallion CF ®mc\;sc\' ®mc\;T^;' ®mc\;Piu' “mioc\T [myain da.] n œsong about the beauty of nature or
®mc\;qiu;' ®mc\;m of a woman, sung by a character on a forest journey
®mc\;qXa; [myin; dhwa;] n ßmethod of completing
cabbalistic squares by moving two up and one over, as “mioc\TAk [myain da. Aka.] n œduet and dance by male
the horseman moves in ss\turc\ and female characters on a forest journey
®mc\;Aa; [myin; a;] n horsepower, a unit of mechanical “mioc\epÅ [myain paw] v (of ƒ animal) be in heat
power measurement equal to 745.7 watts per minute “mioc\liuk\ [myain lai'] 1) (esp of elephant, deer µ) rut; (of ƒ
= ®mc\;ekac\e rAa; animals) be in heat; be in mating season 2) (of large
®mc\;2 [myin;] v [in compounds] be old Ω ehac\;®mc\; animals) mate
®mc\;sgMun^ [myin; zågon ni] n Œ 1) kind of vine with medicinal “mioc\qM [myain dhan] n echo, esp in forest; reverbration of
properties 2) Jerusalem thorn S YN ®mc\;sgMun^ sounds in a forest CF p´.qM
®mc\;Pu [myin bu.] n cyst ◊(on the skin or scalp), slowing ®ms\1 [myi'] n 1) river Ω qtiTa;' Be careful, this river has a
growing lump on skin or scalp, filled with fatty material strong current. CF eK¥ac\; stream, e®mac\; canal CW sc\' qXy\
2) Ónorth S YN e®mak\ RF ®ms\eAak\.
®mc\;miur\ Mount Meru geography ®ms\k¨;eK¥ac\;®Ka; [myi' ku; chaung; gya;] n [fig] distant place
Aerx>kÁn\;' pub`wiedh" ??" kuk¶io" ecXerac\"
eastern island, ??, koko tree; silver colour
®ms\km\; [myi' kan;] n riverbank, riverside
etac\kÁm\;' zbµø d^på' zm`ødip\' lkç¥a" l¨" pt††®ma;erac\" ®ms\k¥io; [myi' kyo;] n truncated branch of a river which
southern island, humans, eugenia tree, ruby-red
“mit\lXt\ [myei' lu'] n Ókind of ladies' headdress with a secret, keep mum; be closed, be reticent Ω k¥op\tiuÏ k
tassel (illus) e®pasrarxirc\ “mMomentt\B¨;" ehaehadiuc\;diuc\; p´" If we have
®mn\(Sn\' Tk\) [myan (zan, hte')] v 1) be fast, be quick, be something to say, we can't keep still, we have to say it at
rapid, be swift, be speedy (inf) Ω AK¥in\ qip\mep;-Niuc\B¨;" once. A NT PXc\.e®pa 3) (of disease, etc) be latent, be
®mn\eAac\-lup\ep;på" I haven't much time. Please be quick. asymptomatic; (of volcano) be dormant, be inactive
Please make it fast. 2) be prompt Ω ®mn\®mn\Sn\Sn\ A NT epÅ
Ω ®mn\ Tk\ Tk\ S YN l¥c\ [? check give examples] “mMosisi [myon sI si>] adv quietly, silently, secretively, without
®mn\ma [myåma (myan ma)] n ∏1) ¬Myanmar (people), speaking Ω “mMosisi-mlup\n´Ï e®pasrarxitae®pa" Don't just sit there
people who live in or are citizens of Myanmar, Burmese silently – say what you have to say!
(inf), Myanmarese (Ind, Bang) 2) ¬Myanmar, Burma “mMo2 [myon]
n 1) litter (of mice, rats, etc); brood (of birds)
(inf) RF ®mn\maNiuc\cM(eta\). 3) Burman, Bama, member of the 2) nest S YN qiuk\“ mMo
largest ethnic group in Myanmar = ™ bma CF pugMqa; “mMo3 [myon] n 1) pommel (of saddle) 2) withers (of horse)
4) language of the bma ethnic group, esp the written “mMo>ƒ [myon.] v chew and savour Ω kXm\;ya“mMo>enty\" He's
form CF ®mn\masa' bmaska; 5) Marama, Rakhine-speaking savouring a betel quid.
ethnic group in south-western Myanmar [ pe lm] mX [mwa.] v 1) be soft 2) be flaky, be easily crumbled; (of
®mn\masa [myan ma sa] n Myanmar literature Ω ®mn\masaAPX´> soil, etc) be loose Ω mXmXeÂk crushed to bits, pulverized
Myanmar Language Commission Ω ®mn\masa@an Myanmar 3) (of a place) be cluttered; (of things) be abundant, be
Literature Department/Faculty CF bmaska; Burmese plentiful
language [? Myanmar Agriculture Produce Trading emXeta\ [mwe daw] n ‹relics of the Buddha or of rhn\;
(agency which trades rice) Myanmar Petroleum Products arhats [ bh]
Enterprise Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise] emX> [mwe.] v enjoy S YN qeBaeKX> CF ep¥a\emX>' qim\emX>
®mn\maSiurxy\ls\lm\;sU\påt^ [myan ma hso shE li' lan; zin pa ti] emX>yaªemX>ra [mwe. ya] n mattress
n ∏ÓBurma Socialist Programme Party, BSPP, in emX>el¥a\ [mwe. lyaw] v enjoy
power from 1974–1988, abbreviated mSl [? new me] emX;1 [mwe;] v 1) (of mother) give birth, have a baby; (of
®mn\manar^ [myan ma na yi] n Ótraditional time system baby) be born Ω rn\kun\mxaemX;ty\' mN|el;mxa ”k^; ty\" I was
®mn\maNiuc\cM(eta\) [myan ma nain gan (daw)] n ∏Myanmar, born in Yangon, raised in Mandalay. CF epåk\ RF emX;PXa;.
ÓBurma CF bma®pv\
®mn\ m anar^
®mn\ma®pn\ [myan ma byan] n translation, book translated
Term Length Current Translation
into Myanmar CF Baqa®pn\ equivale nt
®mn\mamO [myan ma hmu.] n Myanmar tradition Nxs\ 12 _ 13 l year
®mn\ma AP´X> [myan ma wun tha nu AhpwE.] n Ó∏Myanmar l =2 pkƒ 28–30 days lunar month
pkƒ =14 _ 15 rk\ phase of the fortnight (waxing,
Nationalist Organisation, associated with Dr Ba Maw in (Sn\' Sut\) moon waning), phase of moon
the 1940s [? need bse -- explanation ok?] rk\ =60 nar^ 24 hours day (and night)
®mn\maAqc\K¥op\”k^; [myan ma Athin cho' kyi;] n nar^ =4 påd\ 24 minutes hour
Ó∏General Council of Burmese Associations, a påd\ =15 b^zna 6 minutes quarter
b^zna =6 ®pn\ 24 seconds
leading nationalist organisation in the 1920s ®pn\ =10 Kra 4 seconds breath
®mn\l¨ [myan lu] n Óstranger S YN l¨sim\; = ®ml¨ Kra =10 _ 12 ly' [term not fixed]
®mn\; [myan;] v 1) (of parents of a man) make marriage ly =4 _ 10 K% [term not fixed]
negotiations [? check] 2) go (and reach the K% [term not fixed] [term not fixed]
destination) 2) (of pets) keep, have; (of animals) raise Ω Aim\mxa
— part suffix to a verb, for emphasis eKX;Nxs\ekac\emX;ty\" We have two pet dogs at home.
“min\(rxk\) [myein (mein) (she')] v (of food) enjoy, appreciate, 3) bring up, raise; adopt; nurture 4) cultivate, foster,
take pleasure in Ω Tmc\; sa;liuÏ “min\r´.la;" Are you enjoying nurture 5) cultivate, form and refine, e.g., by education
your meal? Ω tpv\. emX; 6) culture Ω pu l´e mX; [? check also bacteria?]
“min\errxk\er [myein (mein) ye she' ye] adv (of food, emX;kc\;s [mwe; gin; za.] n newborn (baby), infant
conversation, etc); with relish, appreciatively S YN emX; qs\s
“min\Ï“min\Ï [myein. myein. (mein. mein.)] adv grandly; condescendingly emX;ek¥;z¨; [mwe; kye; zu;] n gratitude to one's parents
closed 2) nap 3) [fig] keep one's thoughts to oneself, AmOMªAmOn\ [Ahmon] n 1) dimness; obscurity 2) anger;
not say what one is thinking sullenness 3) fine particles, motes, dust, powder; spray,
mxin\;Sc\ [hmein; hsin] n untrained young elephant mist, haze
mxin\;2 [hmein;] n two-pronged spear, harpoon, etc (illus) ®mXaª®mWa [hmwa] n 1) segment (of sthg round, e.g., lemon)
mOn\ [hmon] v 1) be dim Ω m^;erac\mOn\ty\" The firelight was dim. 2) twins 3) multiple births, i.e., triplets, quadruplets,
A NT lc\; 2) (go, become) dim 3) [fig] (of day, sky, quintuplets, sextuplets, etc
expression, face, etc) be gloomy, be dark(ened); be e®mX [mwe] n 1) snake 2) [sl] trouble
angry, be sullen, be glum Ω m¥k\Nxa”k^;k mOn\entap´" e®mXk¥c\ekac\ [mwe kyin gaung] n kind of small snake
rn\®Ps\laqla;" S YN Viu; A NT rWc\ 4) be indistinct, be e®mX”k^;lc\;e®mX [mwe gyi; lin; mwe] n children's game in
unclear A NT rxc\; lc\; 5) (of vision, eyes, eyesight, etc) be which the players hold hands in a line, and the first
poor, be dim, be bad CF An^;mOn\' Aew;mOn\ 5) be fine tries to catch the last
Ω qnp\Kå; mO n\e n-e Aac\ li m\;-Ta;ty\" She has put on e®mXsim\; [mwe zein;] n green viper, a venomous snake
thanakha and she looks so fine. Ω e®p;qXa;tamOn\liuÏ" e®mXsim\;“m^;e®Kak\ [mwe zein; mi; gyau'] n bamboo pit-viper,
Ω mO n\e neAac\eK¥aty\" [? better trans, and where does the venomous snake with a brown tail
running one go?] e®mXsXy\k¥io; [mwe zwE gyo;] n [fig] sb harmless (like a
— n 1) dimness; obscurity 2) anger; sullenness snake with broken fangs), pussycat
mOn\kup\kup\ [hmon ko' ko'] adv glumly, sullenly e®mXSiu; [mwe zo;] n venomous snake
mOn\timOn\mWa;' mOn\mOn\mWa;mWa; [hmon tI hmon hmwa;, hmon hmon e®mXtXn\ [mwe tun] v (of snake) hiss
hmwa; hmwa;] adv hazily, blurrily; dimly, indistinctly e®mXna;pc\;pit\ [mwe nåbin; bei'] n kind of viper
Ω m¥k\simekac\;eta. Aa;luM; kiu mOn\mOn\mWa;mWa;p´" My eyes are e®mXptMuÏ [mwe bådon.] n kind of non-venomous snake;
bad, so everything is all blurry. when threatened, it keeps its head down and raises its
mOn\mWa; [hmon hmwa;] v 1) be blurry, be hazy, be tail to fool the attacker
indistinct 2) be very small, be tiny e®mXpå [mwe ba] n mongoose
mOn\wå; [hmon wa;] v 1) be blurry, be hazy 2) be doubtful, e®mXpå;kc\;på; [mwe ba; kin; ba;] n place likely to have
be uncertain; be indecisive snakes and scorpions
mOn\wå;wå; [hmon wa; wa;] v 1) be blurry, be hazy, be e®mXp¨rakc\;emxac\. [mwe pu ya kin; hmaun.] v [fig] one
indistinct 2) [fig] be directionless trouble on top of another L I T : ‘when you are worried
mOn\qiu;qiu; [hmon tho; dho:] adv sullenly, glumly about the snake, the scorpion comes too’
AmOn\ [Ahmon] n 1) dimness; obscurity 2) anger; e®mXepåk\ [mwe pau'] v (of snake) bite
sullenness 3) fine particles, motes, dust, powder; spray, e®mXpup\m [mwe bo' ma.] n kind of non-venomous water
mist, haze CF ®mø' mX' mOn\Ï' wt\mOn\' ermOn\' ®mømOn\' AKiu; AmOn\ snake
e®mX®pdå; [mwe båda;] n sunbeam snake, non-venomous
AmOn\AmWa; [åhmon Ahmwa:] n 1) particle, mote snake with a silvery skin
Ω Aew;”k^;mxa rxi t´. Âky\ekX AmOn\AmWa;etXliup´" The far away e®mXepX; [mwe bwe;] n viper, esp Russell's viper
stars are like motes. 2) [fig] sthg or sb obscure, e®mXepX;Kå;piuk\piuk\ [mwe bwe; gåbai'pai'] v [fig]
undistinguished, inconsequential unknowingly shelter a dangerous person
AmOn\ASn\' AmOn\Any\ [åhmon Ahsan, åhmon AnE] n e®mXepX;piu;Ti [mwe bwe; po; htI] exp [fig] the swindler is
sediment swindled L IT : ‘the snake is bitten by insects’ [? check
AmOn\AmOik\ [åhmon Ahmai'] n dust and dirt double-crossed?]
mOn\Ï [hmon.] n flour (p´mOn\Ï bean flour; g¥MomOn\Ï wheat flour), powder e®mXPm\; [mwe hpan;] v [sl] look for trouble
(cRup\q^; mOn\Ï chilli powder), dust CF ®mø' mX' mOn\' mOn\; e®mXmeqtut\mk¥io; [mwe måthe do' måkyo;] adv [fig]
(compromise) so neither side will be hurt
e®mHac\. [hmyaung.] n 1) sharp edge 2) side Ω (3)e®mHac\. [? check sweet; bougainvillea has no scent. S YN Âkø' qc\; CF AnMÏ
y [ya.] n 1) 26th consonant in the Myanmar script S YN erx;erx; kal
2) symbol for ellipsis CF epy¥al ygc\ [yågin] n kind of ancient hairstyle
ypk\lk\ [ya. pe' le'] n 1) name of the y 2) [sl] yti [yådI] n (in Pali, ¬) place to pause when reading
Thailand (from yiu;dya;) aloud
ypc\. [ya. pin.] n name of the ¥ CF rrs\ yti®pt\ [yådI bya'] adv definitely, for sure
ykXc\; [yågwin;] n square fishing net rigged on a bamboo A“p^;A®pt\
pole, which is mounted on a boat yti®Pt\ [yadI hpya'] adv [? check meaning, part of
ykXc\;eTac\ [yågwin; htaung] v set a ykXc\; for fishing speech, etc]
yKu [yåkhu.] n present, current time; often used as a ytimxt\ [yådI hma'] n (in Pali, ¬) mark showing where
modifier noun Ω yKueKt\ the present time, our times to pause
Ω yKu AK¥in\ just now = AKu yÂta [yådåya] n ßritual, donation, or other action done to
— adv now, currently, at present, at this time avert misfortune or fulfil wish, often involving
yKuK¥k\K¥c\; [yåkhu. che' chin;] adv immediately, at once, symbolizing the event feared or wished for CF k¥in\;ek¥
now = ™ AKuK¥k\K¥c\; [ ph pl]
yKutiuc\ [yåkhu. tain] adv until now, up to now yÂtaek¥ [yådåya kye] v be an effective ritual
yKutXc\(k) [yåkhu. din (ga.)] adv just now yÂtaeK¥' yÂtaSc\ [yådåya che, yådåya hsin] v
yKuTi [yAkhu. htI] adv up till now, until now ßperform yÂta, perform a ritual, donation, etc to
yKuTk\Ti [yAkhu. hte' htI] adv even now, up till now prevent misfortune or fulfil wish
yKun [gu. na. (yåkhu. na.)] adv just now Ω yKun-e®pat´.-Atiuc\; as yÂtaAs^^Arc\ [yådåya Asi Ayin] n preparations for yÂta
you just said S YN Kunk' AKun [ ph] yTaB¨t [ya. hta bu ta.] n objectivity [? check in Pali Thet
y(Ku)enÏ [yå(khu.)ne.] n ¬today = ™ d^enÏ' kenÏ again]
yKuAKå [yåkhu. åkha] n just now yTaB¨tk¥ [ya. hta bu ta. kya.] v be objective; be right, be
yKc\ [yåkhin] adv before, in the past, previously = Arc\ just S YN qBawk¥ CF DmµDi™an\k¥
— n past, previous times yTaB¨tk¥k¥ [ya. hta bu ta. kya. gya.] adv objectively
Ω yTaB¨ tk¥k¥ sU\;sa;rc\ if you think it over objectively
yKc\.yKc\(k) [yåkhin. yåkhin (ga.)] adv at some time in
the past ynªqkçayn [yAna.] n doubt, suspicion
yeKåc\ [yåkhaung] n Óantiquity, far past, ancient times ynkc\; [yAna. kin;] v be beyond doubt, (of a person) be
above suspicion [? check]
yaesac\.t´ [ya saung. dE;] n hut for sb who watches over Ω ADipJå y\ kiu
ÈqiuÏy¨l¥c\rs\ S YN lk\KM [? I have no idea
a field what this means] 5) have (child) Ω kel;my¨B¨; la;"
yaeta [ya daw;] n farmland on the edge of a forest Don't you want to have children? 6) marry Ω eyak\¥a;-y¨ta--
yaTXk\ [ya dwe'] n (farm) produce Âka“p^" She got married a long time ago. S YN lk\Tp\'
yae®m [ya mye] n farmland (for crops other than rice) Aim\eTac\®po 7) accept (religion or other belief system) [?
how is this different from no 8] 8) accept, believe (in)
ya2 [ya] v make betel quids CF kXm\; ya
S YN yuMÂ kv\ CF Ay¨ religion
— part count word for betel quids [ nc]
y¨k¥Mo;mr [yu gyon; måya.] adv inconsolably
ya3 [ya] n right, right-hand side A NT w´ = lk\ya y¨cc\ [yu ngin] v ¬1) take S YN y¨qXa; 2) bring
yagu [ya gu.] n rice porridge S YN Sn\®pot\ S YN y¨la
yaska [ya zåka] n beggar, mendicant S YN q¨etac\;sa; y¨S [yu hsa.] v think, have the opinion; deduce; assume,
yama [ya ma] n third of the six levels of heavens inhabited presume S YN Tc\®mc\' qeBar
by nats CF nt\®pv\-e®Kak\Tp\ y¨SK¥k\' y¨SmO [yu hsa. gye', hu hsa. hmu.] n judg(e)ment,
yay^ [ya yi] adj temporary, provisional A NT tawr' A“m´ opinion; assumption CF Tc\®mc\K¥k\' Ay¨AS
r1 [ya.]
n twenty-seventh consonant in the Myanmar script, education!Ω kÁn\e ta\.-k¨v^ ta lk\ eSac\ psßv\; rekac\;es
sometimes pronounced as ‘r’ qeBa-mhut\B¨;" It's not because I wanted a present that I
rekak\ [ya. gau'] n name of the r L I T : ‘bent r’ helped out. 2) suffix to a verb (when denying): because
rrs\ [ya. yi'] n ®_ CF ypc\. rk¥io;ºnp\ [ya. gyo; na'] part suffix to a verb, indicating sthg
r2 [ya.] v 1) get, receive, acquire; earn, gain; reach is worth doing, worthwhile Ω qXa;-rk¥io;np\ty\" It's
Ω sarqla;" Did you get a letter? Ω rt´. Alup\lup\my\" I'll worthwhile going. Ω q¨tiuÏ- na;eTac\rk¥io;-mnp\B¨;" They are
do whatever job I get. 2) marry Ω By\q¨n´Ï rql´" Who did not worth listening to.
she marry? S YN va; 3) have (a child) Ω By\q¨n´Ï kel;- recX [ya. ngwe] n receipts CF ep;ecX expenditures
rtal´" Who did she have a child with? 4) capture, rsramrxi [ya. såya mAshI] adv 1) with no possible benefit
occupy Ω “mio>kiu rty\" The city is occupied. Ω rn\q¨- 2) totally (destroyed) Ω Aim\kiu m^;elac\ta Bamx rsra-mrxi-
eKåc\;eSac\kiu rty\" We have captured the enemy leaders. eta.B¨;" The house was totally destroyed in the fire.
definitely need BOX explaining the uses of ya. rsramrxieAac\ [ya. såya mAshI aung] adv (destroy)
— part 1) suffix to verb, indicating obligation: have to, completely, totally
must, be obliged to Ω kiuKiuc\zc\ mgçlaeSac\pX´kiu rNiu; [ya. no;] adv hopefully, expectantly Ω rv\;sa;sakiu
qXa;rtaepåÏ" Of course I have to go to Ko Khaing Zin's rNiu;rNiu;n´Ï esac\.-enty\" He waits hopefully for a love letter.
wedding. 2) suffix to verb, indicating that one can do repåk\rlm\; [ya. pau' ya. lan;] n chance(s), prospects,
sthg: be able to, can, have the chance to, have the or possibility (of getting sthg)
an opportunity to, have the possibility to; be allowed rpiuc\KXc\. [ya. bain gwin.] n right, entitlement CF AKXc\.Aer;'
to; may Ω eretac\- meqak\-req;B¨;" I haven't even had a e®papiuc\KXc\. lup\piuc\KXc\.' etc
chance to drink some water. Ω qXa;liuÏ r“p^la;" May I go rmirra [(ya. mI) ya. ya] n whatever is available, whatever
now? Ω qXa;-rk¥io;np\ty\" It's worth going. 3) suffix to one can get Ω rraAlup\lup\rty\" I have to take whatever
verb+liuÏ be able to, manage to, succeed in; be work I can get.
permitted, be all right to Ω sa;liuÏ rla;" Can you eat it? ry¨ [ya. yu] v 1) take over, take possession of
Ω Pi np\ s^; liuÏ rla;" Is it all right to wear shoes? Ω rpåty\" Ω raT¨; kiu lW´e®pac\; ry¨ take over a position 2) take; get;
That's or It's all right. That's okay. Ω qMu; liuÏr“p^la;" Did you win Ω Sukiury¨ take the prize, win the prize Ω lXt\lp\er;ry¨
manage to use it? get independence Ω budÎBaqawc\tiuÏ r´. m´kiu ry¨ get or win the
rksu [ya. gåzu.] n (saved) odds and ends Buddhist vote CF Ary¨
— adv randomly, haphazardly rrsa;sa; [ya. ya. sa; za;] adv just survive, barely make both
rka; [ya. ga;] part ¬because, since, as Ω TiuqiuÏ-®Ps\rka; ends meet Upsa, live from hand to mouth
that being so, as that is the way it is CF tan´Ï' eta.' ®Ps\j' S YN lk\lup\lk\sa;
m¨' liuÏ' q®Pc\.' (eqa)eÂkac\.' qv\.-AtXk\ rra [ya. ya] n whatever is available, whatever one can
rekac\;es [ya. gaung; zi (ze)] part 1) suffix to noun (usu get Ω rraAlup\lup\rty\" I have to take whatever work I
when denying): intend, have in mind, because can get. = rmirra
Ω pva”kio;sa;taha
Niuc\cM®Ka;kiu qXa;rekac\;es Siut´.-qeBa rrxi [ya. shI] v get, receive; achieve
mhut\B¨;" pvatt\eAac\på" I didn't have going abroad in rld\ [ya. la'] v 1) [maths] result CF ld\ 2) effect,
mind when I was studying hard. I wanted to have a good consequence; end, outcome S YN Ae®P = Ak¥io;rld\
Ω Rud»rq arousing savage, barbarian feelings Ω kRu %a-rq — n 1) [in comb] place, site; mark left by Ω enra
pathos, arousing compassion or sympathy Ω Byank-rq location, position, place Ω Aip\ra bed Ω d%\ra wound
arousing fear, dread, fright, etc Ω ' etc [? still need the Ω erÂkv\ra-® mk\Nura greener pastures, i.e., a better place
rest -- put inbox] where the water is clear and the grass is tender 2) thing
rqsaep [ya. tha. (ra. dha.) sa pe] n poetry, descriptive 3) issue, matter S YN Aer;(Ara) = Ara
essays and fiction, literature for enjoyment CF qutsaep — part 1) when, while CF ka' “p^;' l¥k\' j 2) suffix to
a verb: whatever or wherever is; thing or place that does
rqpva [ya. tha. pyin nya] n aesthetics Ω ”kio k\ ra-lup\" Do whatever you please. Ω ”kio k\ra--y¨" Take
Arqa whichever one you like. S YN ta' t´.ha 3) ¬suffix to
rqmc\g¥^nt\ [ya. thAmin gyi na'] n nat which is the patron of verb: should, ought to, must be Ω lup\qc\.ra-lup\" Do what
weavers you should. 4) suffix to name or pronoun, used when
calling or pleading Ω A´d^liu mlup\eta.n´Ï kiukiura" Please
rqaRMu [ya. dha yon] n (sense of) taste CF AaRuM-e®Kak\på;
don't do that any more, Ko Ko. 5) conjection: as, because
req. [ya the.] n holy man who chooses seclusion, hermit,
Ω pu gM“mio>qv\
®mn\maNiuc\cMAly\piuc\; tXc\ rxiqv\®Ps\ra p¨elac\-
e®Kak\-eqX>f" Bagan is dry and hot, as it is in the central
req.s¨; [yAthe. zu:] n goldsmith's drill part of Myanmar. 6) suffix to verb: amount to, mean
req.sit\e®P [yAthe. sei' hpye] n 1) game, puzzle or other
Ω kel;-kiu Aliuliuk\ta K¥s\ramerak\p´ Nxs\raerak\ty\"
activity done just for the amusement or the sake of
Spoiling a child does not amount to love; it is doing him
doing it, i.e., without competition, reward, etc
2) distraction, diversion, sthg done to take one's mind
off troubles, worry, etc, e.g., counting the stars
rak [ya ka.] part stop and; from S YN ramx
rak¥ [ya kya.] part suffix to a verb: amount to Ω ecXkiu
mk\ema-rak¥my\" S YN raerak\ [? trans]
rhiuc\; [yAhain;]
n Œkind of rice with a medium-length
ÚraÚeÂkac\; […ya…kyaung;] part for, so it will be; (a
growing season
means or way) to Ω ekac\;ra-ekac\;eÂkac\; for one's own
rht\ [yAha'] n 1) rotor, or sthg else that rotates around a good Ω ep¥a\raep¥a\eÂkac\; so it will be fun
horizontal axis CF elrht\ windmill, errht\
ratXc\' raÒ [ya dwin, ya hnai'] part suffix to a verb: in the
waterwheel 2) Ferris wheel (illus) 3) [weav] swift rotating
place of, in the time of S YN ramxa
around a horizontal axis CF K¥a;
raT¨; [ya du:] n 1) Írank 2) post, designation, official
rht\yaU\ [yAha' yin] n helicopter, chopper (inf) position
= hy\l^eka.pta
raT¨;K¥ [ya du; cha] v 1) dsimiss (from post,
rhN|a [yAhan: da] n ‹arhat, higher monk who has attained
appointment, position, etc) CF raT¨;®pot\ 2) demote (to)
A NT raT¨;tui; 3) suspend from duty (for)
rhn\; [yAhan;] n ‹monk, member of the sangha
raT¨;tiu; [ya du; to;] v 1) promote (sb) 2) get a
S YN Bun\;”k^; CF qMGa promotion, be promoted (to)
rhn\;kisß“p^; [yAhan; kei' sa. pyi;] v ‹become an arhat raT¨;®pot\ [ya du; pyo'] v be dismissed (from post,
CF rhN|a appointment, position, etc) CF raT¨;®pot\
rhn\;KM [yAhan; khan] v ‹be ordained as a monk raT¨;mk\ [ya du; me'] v be overly ambitious (for
rhn\;dka [yAhan; dAga] n ‹µ sponsor of a monk promotion)
CFrhn\;-Am raT¨;elYa [ya du; shaw;] v 1) demote (sb) 2) be
rhn\;®po [yAhan; pyu.] v ‹be a monk S YN rhn\;wt\ demoted (to)
rhn\;eBac\ [yAhan; baung] n ‹domain or world of the ra®pt\ [ya bya'] n appraiser
monkhood S YN qaqna.eBac\ CF l¨>eBac\
ra®Pt\ [ya hpya'] v appraise, value
rhn\;elac\; [yAhan; laung;] n ‹novice (studying to rarass' raraqq [ya ya sa. za., ya ya tha. dha.] adv
become a monk)
raek¥a\spå; [ya gyaw zAba] n Œkind of high-yield fast- razwc\K¥p\ [ya zAwin gya'] n annals of events not found in
growing rice which can produce a harvest of over 100 chronicles [? check facts or events?]
baskets per acre razwc\tXc\ [ya zAwin twin] v make history
ra(Kiuc\)NOn\; [ya (gain) hnon;] n per cent, percentage razwc\e®pac\ [ya zAwin pyaung] v be historic, be
rasu [ya zu.] n century, 100 years momentous, be of lasting importance
rasuNxs\ [ya zu. hni'] n turn of the century CF eTac\suNxs\ razwc\Riuc\; [ya zAwin yain;] v be a great disgrace
rasv\; [ya si;] n (bundle of) one hundred Ω eS;lip\- razwc\l¨Siu; [ya zAwin lu zo;] n man with a long criminal
rasv\; bundle of 100 cheroots record
ratXc\; [yAdwin;] n one hundred ta (for ®mc\.miuta 315 razwt\ [ya zAwu'] n 1) law; royal edict 2) crime
metres, 0.2 miles. See table at Atiuc\;Ata for others 3) Óduties and morals (in a feudal state) [? check]
raNOn\; [ya hnon;] n percentage, per cent (Br), percent razwt\ekac\ [ya zAwu' kaung] n criminal
(Am) razwt\k¥c\.TMu; [ya zAwu' kyin. hton;] n criminal code
raNOn\;®pv\. [ya hnon; bye.] n one hundred per cent Ω rXarn\- razwt\eÂkac\; [ya zAwu' kyaung;] n Óaction to be taken
raNOn\;-®pv\. 100% chance of rain in criminal cases
rapMuTiu; [ya bon hto;] v count by the hundred razwt\eB; [ya zAwu' be;] n punishment [? check]
ra®pv\.Nxs\ [ya bye. hni'] n 1) turn of the century 2) 100th razwt\mO [ya zAwu' hmu.] n 1) criminal case CF ®ps\mO'
anniversary Ω mn\; ra®pv\. 100th anniversary of the founding tra;mmO 2) Ólèse majesté, lese majesty, offence against
of Mandalay a monarch
raer [ya ye] n lot of 100 (identical items) razwt\qa; [ya zAwu' tha;] n person charged with a
rawc\Aiu; [ya win o;] n jar, pot, etc with a capacity of 100 criminal offence CF tra;KM
viss of oil, etc CF piœa razwt\qc\. [ya zAwu' thin.] v be punished (according to
raqk\pn\ [ya the' pan] n (one's) whole life Ω raqk\pn\- law) CF d%\qc\.' mc\;d%\qc\.
AK¥s\ the love of my life Ω raqk\pn\-AlØrxc\ donor or patron razwt\Aiu; [ya zAwu' o;] n [fig] highly controversial
who commits to a certain donation for his whole life issue, storm Upsa, hornet's nest Upsa [? check]
rag [ya ga.] n lust; passion razqM [ya zAdhan] n 1) royal order 2) ultimatum
raz' raza [ya za., ya za] n 1) monarch, ruler, sovereign, king razqt\ [ya zAdha'] n Ócriminal or penal law
or queen (regnant) 2) ©lunar mansion [? check which CF Dmµqt\' ®ps\mOUped
no.] razIe®N» [ya za. ein dåra.] n royal dignity S YN razie®N»
razeÂkac\; [ya za. gyaung;] n matters relating to raz¨ [ya zu] n large scales
monarchs and government CF DmµeÂkac\; razie®N» [ya sein dåre] n royal dignity = razI®N»
razgiu%\;qc\. [ya za. gain; thin.] v offend or insult a raBa [ra ba] n rubber [Engl] S YN Âkk\epåc\es;
monarch raBakXc\; [ra ba gwin;] n rubber band S YN qerkXc\;
raz@an^ [ya za. (zA)hta ni] n royal capital = razDan^ raBk\RuM; [ya be' yon;] n [law] additional criminal court
raztiuc\ [ya zAdain] n ∑stem ramdn\' ramzn\ [ra mAdan, ra mAzan] n Ramadan, ninth month
razd%\ [ya zAdan] n punishment according to a of the Islamic year, month of fasting CF Upuq\enÏ [? new
monarch's law kyaw]
razDan^ [ya za. da ni] n royal capital = raz@an^ rarxc\ [ra shin] n ration [Engl] Ω rarxc\sns\ rationing system
razDM [ya zAdan] n rules of royal conduct S YN mc\;k¥c\.tra; Ω rarxc\ Tut\e p;enty\" They are giving out rations.
raq^ [ya dhi] n 1) season CF miu;raq^' eSac\;raq^' eNXraq^
razn^ti [ya za. ni tI] n royal ethics 2) sign of the zodiac [see box] 3) (lunar) month
r´sa;ªrv\;sa; [yE; sa;] n boyfriend; girlfriend well, too, also S YN ry\' ¬ lv\;ekac\; or &c\; 2) particle
r´yiu [yE; yo] n ŒIndian mulberry, kind of tree with edible used to end a sentence, esp for emphasis in
fruit, leaves of which are used to wrap fish for steaming storytelling,or for a series of events 3) suffix to a verb
to show closeness in time and action: just as, as soon as
r´. [yE.] part 1) suffix to a noun to indicate possession, -'s CF “p^;era that's the end of that; lX n\era It's extreme;
Ω q¨ r´. his or hers Ω kiue Aac\ r´.-rv\;sa; Ko Aung's girlfriend AM.era I am astonished or It's beyond me! 4) also, as
S YN ¬ f'' k´. [ BOX on various possessive issues, well (as), too, as for Ω Aim\mxa Tmc\;era hc\;era-rxity\" We
including creaky tones, and the times when it is not have rice and also curries at home.
used, e.g., children's literature kale: sape] 2) particle — int [? exclamation for what? and what are these
inserted before sentence ending particle, to add other notes?]
emphasis, insistence, or confidence [ we need a big BOX eraek¥a\ [yaw; gyaw] n 1) mix(ture), assortment
to explain all the uses, particular idioms and exceptions 2) [fig] sb who drifts with the crowd
with this word!] 3) particle inserted before question erasp\ [yaw; sa'] v blend, mix
particle, to express doubt Ω K¥s\r´.la;" Do you really love erasXk\ [yaw; swe'] v 1) add to, blend into, mix with
me? Ω hut\r´.la;" Can that be true? 4) particle suffixed to 2) meddle (in)
a name or pronoun when calling sb CF r' ra' ra.' er' eratierara [yaw; tI yaw; ya] n assortment
er.' r´' ry\' ry\.' cy\' cy\.' c´. eraeTX; [yaw; htwe;] v 1) be confused, be muddled, be
mixed up Ω ek¥ac\;mxa qc\liuk\t´. Baqarp\etX sit\T´mxa
era [yaw;] v 1) mix, blend (esp of food); join (up) 2) put eraeTX;-enty\" Everything I learned at school is all mixed
together; mix (up), jumble Ω menÏk Tut\Ta;t´.-saAup\m¥a; up in my mind. 2) be jumbled, be mixed up Ω Kr^;qXa;rc\-
d^enÏ®pn\eraenty\" The books we took out yesterday are all liumy\-Tc\t´. psßv\;Aa;lMu; Ait\T´mxa eraeTX;“p^;
mixed in with the others today. [? check xv] 3) mix Tv\.laK´.ty\" I came with all the things I thought I would
(sthg/sb) up (with), confuse (different things or need for the trip thrown together in my bag.
people), mistake (one thing/person for another) 4) get eraeNxa [yaw; hnaw;] v mix, mingle
involved with, keep company with, associate with era®pXm\; [yaw; pyun;] v be mixed
eraeyac\ [yaw; yaung] adv (imitate, do as, follow, etc)
— part 1) particle used to list items or people: and, as without knowing what it is about
people, you will have many people hating you. 3) danger — part 1) (in order) to, (so as) to, with the intention
CF eB;rn\ of, conjuction showing intention 2) count word for pairs
rn\Kiuk\edåq [khai' yan daw: dha.] n quarrel; fight Ω Pi np\ ts\ rn\ a pair of shoes 3) suffix to verb to form noun
= Kiuk\rn\edåq [? need example]
rn\“cio; [yan hnyo;]n grudge, spite, resentment Ω qmiuc\; mxa rn\eka [yan kaw;] part suffix to a verb, indicating
®Ps\pXa;K´.t´. ss\pX´etXha l¨m¥io;etXAÂka; annoyance or indignation (because sthg was
rn\“cio;etXTa;esK´.ty\" There is still resentment between the inappropriate)
rxM [shan] n wool-cotton blend (cloth, fabric, material, etc) one has not understood 3) ‹title for a monk or µ
rxMesac\' rxMtBk\ [shan zaung, shan dAbe'] n wool-cotton noble, prefixed to his name 4) prefix to a ƒ name [?
blend shawl or other cloth check both of these -- not a title for women?]
rxMqa; [shan dha;] n kind of very thin cloth [? check bse
bse] rxc\ksßv\; [shin ki' si;] n Œkind of medicinal plant
rOi> [sho.] v 1) burn, set fire (to), ignite 2) [fig] incite a S YN l´l¨m CF rxc\påk¨
fight, instigate a problem rxc\“cim\; [shin nyein;] n Œvariety of csin\ rice
ROi>m^; [sho. mi;] n 1) arson, burning a building, home, etc rxc\esa [shin saw;] n ‹Virtuous Lord Buddha CF Aesa
for malicious reason 2) fire set to burn stubble in fields rxc\eta\ [shin daw] n ‹Lord Buddha CF Bura;
(after harvest) CF tiuÏ m^;ROi>m^; arson, incitement rxc\påk¨ [shin ba gu] n Œkind of medicinal plant
ROi; [sho;] n show [Engl] Ω stit\ROi; stageshow, live show S YN l´ l¨Piu CF rxc\ksß v\;
ROi;Tut\ [sho; hto'] v be dressed up, be decked out, be rxc\pc\ [shin pin] n ‹Lord Buddha CF Bura;
tricked out, look slick rxc\pc\;epåc\;lv\; [shin pin paung; lE;] n ‹reclining
ROi;ep;' ROi;®p [sho; pe;, sho; pya.] v show off, pose, strut Buddha with the head to the south CF el¥ac\;eta\m¨
(one's stuff) (sl), grandstand [? check last 2, and pose] reclining Buddha [? head to S? facing S?]
rxc\®po [shin pyu.] v ‹initiate a boy into the sangha
ROi;tiu;rxn\Ïtn\Ï [sho; do; shan. dan.] adv timidly, hesitatingly, rxc\®popX´' rxc\®pomgçla [shin pyu. bwE;, shin pyu. mingala] n
abashedly = rxn\Ïtn\Ïtn\Ï ‹novitiation ceremony [? check meaning same? also
rxk\ [she'] v 1) be embarrassed; be ashamed 2) be shy pron]
rxk\kiu;rxk\kn\; [she' ko; she' kan;] adv shyly, timidly rxc\Burc\ [shin bAyin] n king, µ monarch
rxk\“pM;“pMo; [she' pyon; pyon;] v smile shyly rxc\m [shin ma.] pron ƒ you (between women of the same
age and status); you (from a husband to his wife)
rxk\rm\;rm\; [she' yan; yan;] v act recklessly or rudely to
cover shame or embarrassment rxc\emX;lXn\; [shin mwe; lun;] n Œreed-mace, an edible
plant S YN pit\sXy\pc\
rxk\eqX;®Pn\; [she' thwe; hpyan;] v (of young person) blush
(when speaking about love) rxc\eyac\ [shin yaung] n ‹1) man impersonating a
monk 2) monk who does not follow the rules of the
rxk\Am\;Am\;®Ps\ [she' an; an; hpyi'] v feel shy or
Arxk\ [Ashe'] n shame CF AeÂkak\ fear rxc\l¨TXk\' rxc\lic\®pn\ [shin lu htwe', shin lein pyan] [shin lu
dwe', shin lu byan] v ‹(of a novice) leave the sangha
erxak\1 [shau'] n Œlemon
erxak\K¥io [shau' cho] n Œsweet lime — n ‹novice who has left the sangha [? been
erxak\S¨;piu; [shau' hsu; bo;] n rice-swarming caterpillar
S YNe®mHac\etac\
rxc\elac\; [shin laung;] n ‹novice-to-be, the future
novice at the beginning of the novitiation ceremony
erxak\S¨;qM [shau' hsu; than] n iron nail
CF rxc\®po [? check def]
erxak\Nu [shau' nu.] n warted lime
erxak\pn\; [shau' pan;] n pomelo rxc\elac\;lxv\. [shin laung; hlE.] v ‹make a round of
visits at the beginning of the novitiation ceremony [?
erxak\q^;eS;®pa; [shau' thi; hse; bya;] n sweet and sour check def]
lozenges made from lemon pulp
rxc\qame% [shin tha mAne] n ‹novice S YN kiurc\
erxak\2 [shau'] v Ó1) cling, cleave to Ó 2) err rxc\q¨cy\gmun\; [shin thAngE gAmon;] n Œornamental plant
ROik\ [shai'] v 1) breathe in or inhale deeply; take or draw a with leaves similar to banana leaves, thought to bring
deep breath CF rxø 2) sob 3) (esp of stomach) be
good luck
concave, curve in, be hollow RF ROik\pk\.
rxc\2 [shin] v 1) live, be alive 2) (of eyes, eyesight, vision)
— part count word used for breaths, sighs, etc Ω qk\®pc\;- be sharp, be good 3) (of gems) flash
ts\ROik\ ROik\ty\" She drew a heavy sigh.
rxc\rxc\ [shin shin] adv 1) freely 2) sharply Ω m¥k\si-rxc\rxc\-
ROik\kun\; [shai' kon;] n sb with a sunken chest Ta;my\" We have to keep a sharp eye out.
CF rxønaROik\kun\; rxc\qM [shin dhan] n platinum S YN plk\t^nm\' erW®Pø
ROik\cc\ [shai' ngin] v sob Ω ROik\”k^;cc\”k^;-ciu sob bitterly [? rxc\qn\ [shin than] v 1) thrive, flourish 2) survive, remain
example okay?]
alive; live through
ROik\pk\ [shai']
v (esp of stomach) curve in, be hollow,
rxc\m^; [shin mi;] n chemise, women's undergarment [Engl]
be concave
S YN AtXc\;KMAkǥ
rxc\1 [shin] n 1) owner, master 2) ‹monk, novice rxc\. [shin.] pron you (familiar, used by women) S YN rxc\.
— pron you (familiar, used by women) S YN rxc\.
precious or noble Ω erWT^; golden parasol, symbol of be nostalgic for the golden days of your youth.
Burman monarchy erWdg:; [shwe din; ga;] n gold coin
erWkiuy\el; [shwe ko le;] n sb's weight in gold erWdg:;Âkk\ [shwe din; ga; kye'] n kind of small chicken
erWk¥c\ [shwe kyin] v pan for gold erWdg:;pn\; [shwe din; ga; pan] n Œkind of marigold
erWk¥c\Kp\ [shwe gyin kha'] n cloth with gold threads S YN Mema\l“mioc\pn\;
CF k¥c\Kp\ erWdg:;erac\ [shwe din; ga; yaung] n golden orange
erWk¥c\giu%\; [shwe gyin gain;] n ‹Shwegyin sect, erWna; [shwe na;] n kind of small chicken CF Âkk\
prominent Buddhist sect founded by a monk from erWNXy\ [shwe nwE] n Œkind of plant with a reddish
Shwegin village [? is this enough and right detail?] twining stem, white flowers, and no roots or leaves [? I
erW”kio [shwe gyo] n tout want to see one!]
erW”kio;qt\ [shwe gyo; tha'] v Ómark the boundary of a erWpusXn\e®Kak\ [shwe bAzun gyau'] n kind of high-quality
royal area such as the royal city dried prawns
erWK´ [shwe gE;] n typical pet name for a parrot, Polly erWep [shwe pe] n 1) palm leaf with gold edges CF epsa
CF Âkk\t¨erX; 2) royal order written on a palm leaf
erWKt\ [shwe kha'] v beat gold into gold leaf erWepla [shwe pe la] n 1) golden palm leaf 2) chain
erWK¥ [shwe cha.] v gild letter
erWeK¥ac\; [shwe gyaung;] n gold bar, gold brick erWeplWa [shwe pe hlwa] n Ógolden tablets in the shape
erWK¥v\Tiu; [shwe gyi do;] v embroider with gold thread of palm leaves, used to write special texts since Pyu
times [? def okay?]
erWcå; [shwe nga;] n goldfish
erWcxk\ep¥a [shwe hngApyaw;] n Œkind of banana, fruit of erWp´ [shwe pE;] n Œmange tout (Br), snow pea, sugar
pea, kind of pea with a flat, edible pod
which has red skin
erWsc\ [shwe zin] n pure gold erWepŮmtc\ [shwe paw mya. din hta;] v pamper, coddle,
handle sb with kid gloves
erWsc\Rup\Su [shwe zin yo' hsu.] n trophy given in annual
Film Academy Award ceremony
erWpiu;ekac\ [shwe po; gaung] n irridescent green-gold
beetle, Spanish fly, blister beetle, used in traditional
erWsXn\vioksa;nv\; [shwe sun nyo gAza; ni;] n snap the
medicines S YN piu;K¥c\;m
whip, children's tag game in which the player who is It
tries to catch the player at the end of a line of players
erWpn\; [shwe ban;] n 1) Œyellow ginger lily 2) [fig] male
genitals S YN cy\på
holding hands
erWSiuc\; [shwe zain;] n gold leaf packet (usu of 100 erWpn\;Tim\ [shwe bAdein] n goldsmith [ ph]
erWpin\; [shwe bein;] adv (cover, etc) completely, totally
(with gold)
erWzwå [shwe zAwa] n gold on lacquer, metal, iron, etc
CF zwå erWpin\;K¥ [shwe bein; cha.] v gild, cover with gold leaf
erWt¨ [shwe du] n Œkind of yellow orchid CF qs\KXpc\ erWpin\;ep [shwe bein; pe] n palm leaves with gilded edges
S YN erWm¥U\;ep [? check parabai']
erWtMtiuc\; [shwe dAdain] n Œkind of medicinal plant with
yellow flowers with five petals, blooking after the end of
erW(®pa;)Kt\ [shwe (bya;) kha'] v beat gold into gold leaf
the rainy season erW®pv\siu; [shwe byi so;] n 1) Ó∏official registrar of
erWtiuecXs [shwe do ngwe za.] n gold and silver jewellery property under the Burman kings 2) [inf] ring finger,
third finger S YN lk\q¨ÂkXy\ CF lk\eK¥ac\; 3) kind of
erWtiuecXs [shwe do ngwe za.] n gold jewellery
small bird
l1 [la.] n 1) twenty-eighth consonant of the Myanmar — part Ó1) short form of particles el' lim\.' lt\
script 2) name of the l RF lcy\. 3) '…' symbol for 2) prefix to verbs for emphasis or euphony
ellipsis CF epy¥al lcy\ [la. ngE] n name of the l, to contrast with L
lulc\ [lu. lin] n unmarried young man, about the age of 15- l¨”k^;q¨m [lu gyi; thu ma.] n 1) µ elders (and betters), sb
25 CF Tn\; lulc\' enlulc\ one's senior CF l¨”k^; q¨”k^; 2) an old woman who can
lulc\ek¥a\ [nAlin gyaw] n tree with roots used as a remember the past, (old and) wise woman
painkiller = nlc\ek¥a\ l¨eÂkac\ [lu gyaung] n eccentric, nonconformist, sb
lulc\tiuc\ [nAlin dain] n Ípost on a military cart for quirky, sb who is unconventional, peculiar or
hanging battle drum or gong CF elxa\ka; idiosyncratic, oddball (Am)
lulc\®pn\ [nA (lu.) lin byan] n about 11pm, i.e., the time l¨Âkm\; [lu gyan;] n 1) tough, rowdy, roughneck, punk
when young men return home 2) (esp in movies) villain, bad guy, black hat S YN bilin\
l¨ [lu] n 1) human (being) CF nt\' ®bhµa 2) person; 3) unskilled worker
individual CF q¨ 3) one's man, one's supporter, sb's l¨Âkm\;sit\Âkm\; [lu gyan; sei' kyan;] adv with a tendency to
creature (neg), sb who can be relied on 4) people, men violence, with aggressive tendency
and women Ω mgçlaeSac\mxa l¨sv\ty\" There were many l¨”kMo [lu gyon] n sb going to a place where one needs
people at the wedding. 5) [inf] (of ƒ) husband; boyfriend to send sthg, sb who can carry sthg, sthg with or
6) burglar CF q¨Kiu; through whom sthg can be sent
— v (of smoke, leaves, etc) rise, climb l¨”kMopå; [lu gyon pa;] v send sthg with a |{l¨”kMo}
l¨kel; [lu gAle;] n boy; pet name for a son CF eRWeqX; l¨KM [lu gan] n 1) local, native S YN l¨rc\;' edqKM 2) sb on
l¨K´Kt\ [lu gE; kha'] v size sb up whom one can depend 3) sponsor, sb who gives support
l¨K´Kt\pva [lu gE; kha' pyin nya] n physiognomy, use of [? check changed defs]
someone's features to judge character, abilities, etc l¨K¥s\l¨Kc\epÅ' l¨K¥s\l¨Kc\m¥a; [lu gyi' lu gin paw;, lu gyi' lu
l¨ekac\ [lu gaung] n 1) body, build, physique gin mya;] v be well loved, be popular (with); be well-liked
Ω l¨ ekac\” k^; have a large build Ω l¨e kac\ e q; be slight, be (by), be a favourite (of)
petite 2) corpse, dead body l¨K¥m\;qa [lu chan; dha] n wealthy or rich person
l¨ekac\;(q¨ekac\;) [lu gaung; (thu gaung;)] n good l¨e®Ktit\ [lu gye tei'] v (of a place) empty; (of traffic)
person, decent person, sb of good character, good sort die off, slow
l¨e®Ktit\K¥in\ [lu gye tei' gyein] n time (esp in a village, at
l¨kuMTM [lu gon dan] n rich person S YN q¨e@; about 9:00pm) by which everyone is at home
l¨k¥k\ [lu gye'] n familiar person A N T l¨sim\;' q¨sim\; l¨e®Kak\ [lu gyau'] n stillborn foetus which appears to
= q¨k¥k\ be dried out
l¨k¥y\ [lu gyE] n 1) pushy or domineering person l¨KX´ [lu gwE;] n persons who acts in one's stead, sb to
2) bully take over, stand-in, replacement Ω Aim\mxa l¨KX´-mrxiliuÏ eZ;-
l¨”k^; [lu gyi;] n 1) adult, grown-up, grown person mqXa;Niuc\B¨;" I can't go to the market because there is no
A NT kel; 2) elderly person, older person A NT l¨cy\ one to take over from me at home. S YN kiuy\KX´
3) elder, leader, person in charge, sb with authority, l¨KXn\ [lu gun] n poll tax, capitation tax, a flat-rate tax
responsible person 4) sb with high rank, authority to be paid by everyone in a population CF B^;KXn\
l¨”k^;sa [lu gyi; za] n easily digestible food, soft food, l¨cy\ [lu ngE] n young person (from about 15 to 35 or
e.g., noodles, porridge 40) CF l¨”k^;
l¨”k^;sit\ [lu gyi; zei'] n maturity l¨cxa; [lu hnga;] n 1) hired hand, sb hired to work on a
l¨”k^;sit\emX; [lu gyi; sei' mwe;] v try to become more farm 2) tenant, sb who farms rented land
tolerant; actualise oneself l¨cxa;K¥ [lu hnga; cha.] v 1) work land with hired hands
l¨”k^;sMura [lu gyi; son ya] n (at family occasion, esp 2) have tenants
marriage) whole family, esp parents and grandparents l¨sl¨n [lu za. lu na] n 1) sb's potential, sb's ability
l¨”k^;miB [lu gyi; mI ba.] n those one regards as one's 2) (usu neg) glimpse of sb Ω dåenak\piuc\; l¨sl¨netac\
parents m®mc\reta.B¨;" We haven't seen hide nor hair of him since
l¨”k^;mc\;m¥a; [lu gyi; min; mya;] exp ladies and gentlemen, then. [? check!]
expression used to address an audience [? new from l¨sa; [lu za;] v (of river, pond, lake, etc) be the scene
speech] of many accidental drownings; (of tiger, etc) be a man-
l¨”k^;l¨ekac\; [lu gyi; lu gaung;] n gentleman; µ eater, be man-eating
patrician, person with wealth, prestige, good — n 1) type or kind of person 2) replacement;
connections substitute, stand-in, surrogate
l¨”k^;l¨k¥y\ [lu gyi; lu gyE] n µ influential person; sb in l¨sa;Tiu; [lu za; hto;] v replace sb, put a substitute (in
an important position; boss sb's position)
l¨”k^;lup\ [lu gyi; lo'] v 1) lead, take responsibility l¨sa;Tiu;Riuk\ [lu sa; hto; yai'] n stunt double
2) play the man l¨s^;tX´ [lu zi; dwE;] n (train) passenger coach (Br)
passenger car (Am) CF kun\tX´ [? ask brit]
l¨wc\S.M [lu win zan.] v be sociable, be a good mixer, be l¨ANÎ [lu an; da.] n ignoramus, cretin
friendly l¨>k¥c\.wt\ [lu. kyin. wu'] n 1) ethics; morals 2) rules of
l¨wc\mO”k^;Âkp\er; [lu win hmu; kyi; kya' ye;] n Immigration conduct S YN k¥c\.wt\ CF kiuy\.k¥c\.tra;
(Department) abbr lwk l¨>®pv\ [lu. pyi (pyi)] n (down on) earth, mundane world
l¨wc\l¨TXk\ [lu win lu dwe'] n 1) migration, immigration CF nt\®pv\' cr´®pv\
and emigration 2) comings and goings l¨>eBac\' l¨>elak [lu. baung, lu. law ka.] n human world,
l¨wt\ [lu wu'] n 1) layman's clothing (i.e., not monk's human society
robes); civilian clothing (i.e., not military or other l¨>APX´>Asv\; [lu. AhpwE. Asi;] n society
uniform) [? chck last] 2) layman l¨zc\;Bt\ [lu zin; ba'] n 1) ∏Luxembourg 2) Luxembourger
l¨wt\eÂkac\ [lu wu' kyaung] n layman's clothing (which
has various colours, as opposed to religious clothing of — adj Luxembourgian
one colour) l¨> [lu.] n [in comb] human; earthly
l¨wt\l´ [lu wu' lE;] v become a layperson, (and thus no l¨>k¥c\.wt\ [lu. kyin. wu'] n 1) ethics; morals 2) rules of
longer wear clothing of a religious order) conduct S YN k¥c\.wt\ CF kiuy\.k¥c\.tra;
l¨qamn\ [lu tha man] n ordinary person; everyman l¨>®pv\ [lu. pyi (pyi)] n (down on) earth, mundane world
l¨qa; [lu dha;] n 1) humanity, humankind; mankind Ó CF nt\®pv\' cr´®pv\
2) human flesh l¨>eBac\' l¨>elak [lu. baung, lu. law ka.] n human world,
l¨qirxc\Âka; [lu dhI shin gya;] adv openly, publicly human society
l¨q¨ [lu dhu] n people (in general), everybody or l¨>APX´>Asv\; [lu. AhpwE. Asi;] n society
everyone (inf), humanity; the people CF l¨q¨el;på; l¨;1 [lu;] v 1) daub (paint, etc); put on (makeup,
l¨q¨ew;ra [lu dhu we; ya] n secluded place thanakha, etc); smear (sthg on, over); besmear (sthg
l¨q¨eta\¨ [lu thu daw] n assistant to a monastery who with) S YN lim\; CF Riuk\ 2) be smeared with, be full of, be
l´ªlv\; [lE;] part ™suffix to phrase: too, also, as well, in elakDmµta [law; ka. dAmAda] n sthg which is to be
addition; suffix to parallel phrases: both … and …; expected in life in this world, sthg unavoidable, sthg
suffix to negative parallel phrases: neither … nor … inevitable
elakn^ti [law; ka. ni tI] n ‹instructions on ethics [?
l´. [lE.]v [in comb] clear, transparent, limpid ¬ CF Âkv\l´.' really? or is this more like maxims for ...? shouldn't the
Arv\l´. [? bright?] destruciton of the world be in here someplace:
l´.l´. [lE. lE.] adv weakly, feebly; wearily lokanirodha]
— part particle suffixed to some colours and verbs for a elaknt\ [law; ka. na'] n 1) spirit worshipped by the
lighter colour: pale Ω sim\; l´.l´. pale green [? pastel?] whole world 2) peacemaking nat, traditionally shown in
a dancing position, with timing cymbals held in the
ela1 [law;] v 1) rush sb, hurry sb, hustle sb 2) hasten, be toes; symbol of peace
in a great hurry, be in a rush Ω Alup\-lup\ta qip\melapån´Ï" elaknib`an\ [law; ka. nei' ban] n heaven on earth, bliss
Don't rush when you are working. (in this life) CF elakcr´
— part count word for number of times S YN ”kim\2 elakpåltra; [law; ka. pa la. tAya;] n shame and fear,
2) ¬particle used to end a yes-or-no question S YN ™ principles that govern human society CF AeÂkak\'
la; Ayxk\ [? def okay?]
elak¥m\; [law; kyan;] n treatise on medical treatments, elakb¥øhant\ [law; ka. byu ha na'] n nat or deva who
written as a series of questions = lak¥m\; warns people when the end of the world is near
ela”k^; [law; kyi;] v be hasty, be too quick, be rash elaker; [law; ka. ye;] n worldly affairs, social matters
elaeSa\ [law; hsaw] v egg sb on, push sb CF Dmµer;' razer;
elaelalt\lt\ [law; law; (la' la')] adv 1) at once, elakewåhar [law; ka. waw; ha ra.] n common or general
immediately, right now, right away, straight away, distinction, term established through popular use [? def
directly 2) just (now), most recently, last 3) instantly, okay?]
instantaneously elakwt\ [law; gAwu' (ka. wu')] n social duties
elaelaSy\ [law; law; hsE] adv for now, for the elakqBaw [law; ka. dhAba wa.] n the way the world is,
moment, for the present the reality
elaelap¨ [law; law; pu] v be burning, be fiery, be elakqa; [law; ka. dha;] n 1) human being, person with
blazing all his shortcomings S YN elak^qa; 2) person from a
elaelalt\lt\ [law; law; la' la'] adv 1) at once, certain circle
immediately, right now, right away, straight away, elakqekçt [law; ka. thin ke ta.] n universally accepted
directly 2) just (now), most recently, last 3) instantly, conventions [? like what?]
instantaneously elakqmµotint\ [law; ka. thAmu. dI na'] n monarch by
ela(®Kc\;)2 [law; (gyin;)] n 1) Ókind of birdcage 2) bird trap popular acclaim, monarch chosen by the people [? ask
which uses a decoy Cho Cho]
elak [law; ka.] n 1) world, three spheres of existence elak^ [law; ki] n mundane world, secular world
comprising the universe CF kmµelak sinsuous world' elak^k¥m\; [law; ki kyan;] n treatise on worldly affairs
Rup\elak fine material fiiworld, ARup\elak immaterial elak^pva [law; ki pyin nya] n 1) humanities and sciences
world 2) society, community Ω ANupva--elak art world 2) occult sciences 3) practical education, education in
[ ph] skills, for living in this world CF elakut†ra
elakek¥ac\; [law; ka. gyaung;] n worldly affairs, secular
affairs CF DmµeÂkac\;' rzaeÂkac\; elak^mO [law; ki hmu.] n worldly matters
elakcr´ [law; ka. ngAyE;] n hell on earth, torment (in elak^er; [law; ki ye;] n worldly matters and
this life) CF elaknib`an\ obligations
elakzat\KMu [law; ka. za' khon] n world stage elak^qa; [law; kI dha;] n human being, person with all
elakDM [law; gAdan] n way of the world, good and bad; his shortcomings S YN elakqa;
conditions that arise in connection with worldly life, elakut†ra [law; ko' tAra (ya)] n ‹way to escape from
i.e., gain and loss, honour and dishonour, happiness worldly ties and attachments
and misery, praise and blame, all of which prevent elakut†rapva [law; ko' tAra (ya) pyin nya] n ‹education
in spiritual matters
Black tea is normally drunk with varying amounts lk\mXn\ [le' mun] v Óbe first
of strong tea (Nxp\ rv\' Ak¥rv\), evaporated milk — n Ó very beginning, earliest beginning,
(NiuÏSim\.), sweetened condensed milk (NiuÏS^), and commencement
sugar. The chief types are as follows:
lk\mXn\mSX [le' mun mAhswa.] adv firstly, at the very
K¥ioepåÏ sweet and weak beginning
K¥ioSim\. sweet and milky
lk\mO [le' hmu.] n handiwork, handwork, handicraft
CF sk\mO
epåÏSim\. weak and milky lk\mOpva [le' hmu. pyin nya] n handcraft, handicraft,
craft or trade of skilled practice
ek¥ak\pn\;etac\; very sweet and milky lk\miOc\K¥ [le' hmain cha.] v give up or quit in despair,
puMmxn\ hopelessness, etc
‘regular’ sweet and milky
lk\mxt\ [le' hma'] n 1) ticket Ω elyaU\-lk\mxt\ plane
K¥iok¥ sweet and strong ticket 2) signature Ω lk\ mxt\Tiu; på" Please sign.
3) certificate, credential [? for example?]
Pn\K¥io slightly bitter but still sweet
lk\mxt\ss\ [le' hma' si'] n ticket inspector, conductor,
k¥Sim\. strong and milky guard (Br)
lk\mxt\Tiu; [le' hma' hto;] v sign (one's name) S YN Siuc\;Tiu;
epåÏk¥ strong and light on sugar
= lk\rv\ t¨ [? part of sp ok? ] lk\RMu;Aa;kiu; [le' yon; a; ko;] n sb who solves problems by
lk\er;tiu [le' ye; do] n shorthand, stenography force
lk\erm¨ [le' ye; mu] n manuscript, hand-written lk\erX; [le' ywe;] n the pick, sb or sthg hand-picked or
document hand-chosen
lk\er;lk\qa; [le' ye; le' tha;] n handwriting, hand, lk\erX;sc\ [le' ywe; zin] n (of people) the élite; (esp of
script = lk\er; things) choice, pick, selection
lk\er;lx [le' ye; hla.] n 1) best penmanship, fair hand lk\rxi [le' shI] v 1) be present, be on hand 2) be current
2) copybook writing 3) calligraphy [? div ok?] (e.g., situation, standing, etc) Ω lk\rxi-Alup\ current job,
present job 3) be in hand, be readily available CF lk\m´.
lip\qv\;ek¥ak\ gneiss
lip\ ª lup\
‘egg’ is hidden for the ‘mother tortoise’ to find premeditation) [? only of prominent person?]
lip\4 [lei'] abbr abbreviation of Agçlip\ [? new me] lup\kXk\(lup\kXc\;) [lo' kwe' (lo' kwin;)] n 1) field, plot of
lip\®pa [lei' pya] n 1) butterfly CF piu;PlM moth 2) spirit, soul, land being farmed 2) (business) opportunity;
consciousness opportunity for endeavour 3) worksite
lip\®pak¨; [lei' pya gu;] n butterfly (stroke) lup\ekÁ; [lo' kywe;] v support, be breadwinner of; care for
lip\®pakp\ [lei' pya ka'] v be compatible, suit
lip\®paeKÅ [lei' pya khaw] v conjure (the dead), summon lup\ekÁ;qmO®po [lo' kywe; dhAhmu. pyu.] v (fulfil one's
the spirit of sb who is dead responsibility to) take care of, look after, care for
lip\®paK¥op\ [lei' pya gyo'] n protective amulet for children lup\K [lo' kha.] n (sb's) pay, wages; fee, charge (for
CF ln\ÏP¥a [? see grey for details] service, work performed, etc) CF lk\K
lip\®paKX´ [lei' pya khwE;] v 1) drive away the soul of sb lup\Ksa; [lo' kha. sa;] v be employed, have a job
who has died recently (to prevent haunting) 2) astral lup\Kc\; [lo' khin;] n 1) work to be done, sthg to do,
projection, sending one's spirit out of one's body task, job 2) fields being farmed S YN siuk\kXk\siuk\Kc\;
lip\®pacy\ [lei' pya ngE] v 1) feel timid 2) feel inferior lup\Kc\;kiuc\Kc\;' lup\Kc\;lup\kXk\ [lo' khin; kain gin;, lo' khin;
CF Aa;cy\ lo' kwe'] n business prospects
lip\®pasU\mtt\ [lei' pya sin mAta'] v be scared to death, be lup\cn\;(kiuc\cn\;) [lo' ngan; (kain ngan;)] n work, business,
terrified, be frozen with fear; have a bad shock field, line (of work, business, etc), occupation,
S YN lip\®palXc\.mtt\ enterprise Ω cå;lup\cn\; fisheries Ω saeplup\c n\; qip\-m®mt\-
lip\®paetac\ [lei' pya daung] n 1) hinge 2) V-shaped eta.B¨;" There’s not much profit in the publishing field
roof, lower at the centre than at the sides 3) building anymore. Ω lup\c n\; kiu e®pac\;K¥c\ty\" I want to get into a
with a V-shaped roof new line of work. [? really also task, job? if not combine
lip\®paNu [lei' pya nu.] v be easily possessed by spirits with next. more examples, check these of course. Also
lip\®palMu [lei' pya lon] v have a clear conscience sector, eg service sector?]
S YN lip\®paqn\Ï lup\cn\;KXc\ [lo' ngan; gwin] n 1) workplace, work, job
lip\®palXc\.mtt\ [lei' pya lwin. mAta'] v be scared to death, 2) work environment
be terrified, be frozen with fear; have a bad shock lup\cn\;KXc\AetX>A”kMo [lo' ngan; gwin Atwe. Akyon] n work
S YN lip\®pasU\mtt\ experience (in a certain field), experience on the job
lip\®paqn\Ï [lei' pya than.] v have a clear conscience lup\cn\;sU\ [lo' ngan; zin] n 1) agenda, work schedule,
S YN programme (for work) 2) procedure
lup\1 [lo'] v 1) do; carry out (task, assignment, etc) lup\cn\;eSac\ta [lo' ngan; hsaung da] n work
Ω Balu p\rc\-e kac\; ml´" What should we do? Ω mlu p\req;B¨;" I responsibility [? check - changed according to grey.
haven’t done it yet. Ω eqK¥a-lup\på" Do it carefully. 2) work need example for clarity]
(as), be occupied as, do (for a living), be lup\ska; [lo' zAga;] n lie, pretense, fiction, fabrication
Ω mc\; qm^;lu p\K¥c\ ty\" I want to be an actress. 3) behave, lup\sa [lo' sa] n earnings, income CF wc\ecX
act, do 4) make, create 5) play (the rôle of) 6) make up, lup\sa; [lo' sa;] v 1) do (for a living) Ω cy\cy\ktv\;k
invent, fabricate, cook up (inf) (story, reason, eSak\lup\er;p´ lup\sa;enty\" I’ve been in construction
explanation, etc) CF lup\ska;' lup\zat\ 7) beat sb up, ever since I was young. [? check ex, fine tune next -- be
thrash 8) ∞have sex, do it corrupt?] 2) [neg] take (dishonest) advantage of a
— part prefix to noun or verb, to indicate that sthg is situation, position, etc; exploit one's position for
forced, insincere, faked, made up, unreal, artificial, personal gain
phon(e)y, false Ω lup\“pMo;ty\ force a smile Ω lup\em;ty\ ask lup\sa;kiuc\sa; [lo' sa; kain za;] n sb with barely enough
(pretending ignorance) [? new JO -- need noun example money for basic needs, sb living from hand to mouth
too] lup\eSac\ [lo' hsaung] v do, carry out, perform
lup\kiuc\ [lo' kain] v 1) do (for a living), be occupied as, lup\eSac\K¥k\ [lo' hsaung gye'] n completed task, sthg
work (as) 2) take responsibility for finished, sthg done (inf)
lup\”kM [lo' kyan] v 1) endeavour (to), make a great or lup\zat\ [lo' za'] n (trumped-up) story (inf), line (inf)
special effort (to), try one's best 2) try to be victorious; Ω ——— Don't give me that line again. Nobody believes
try to win [? check -- only military?] 3) assassinate; her stories anymore.
murder with premeditation 4) scheme, plot against lup\TMu;lup\nv\; [lo' hton; lo' ni;] n method, procedure,
5) fabricate, concoct, make up 6) sham, fake, pretend way sthg is done
7) cheat lup\nv\;(lup\hn\) [lo' ni; (lo' han)] n technique, style;
— adv lacking in sincerity, true feeling, truth, etc, with method
false, phony, faked, put-on, false Ω lup\”kM“pMo; with a phony lup\piuc\KXc\. [lo' pain gwin.] n right or authority (to act)
smile Ω lup\”kMsiu;rim\ with faked concern [? ok?] Ω lu p\piuc\KXc\.- mrxi B¨;" That’s outside my authority. [? ok?]
lup\”kMmO [lo' kyan hmu.] n 1) fabrication, falsehood, lup\ePa\kiuc\Pk\' lup\ePa\lup\Pk\ [lo' hpaw kain be', lo'
fiction, lie 2) assassination, murder (with hpaw lo' hpe'] n colleague (in professions), co-worker,
— adv all at once, in a lump lMu;eTX;qt\pup\ [lon; htwe; tha' po'] v wrestle; fight [?
— part 1) count word for counting rounded or irregular
things; count word for bamboo poles and lengths of
lMu;TXc\;(elx) [lon; dwin; (hle)] n dugout canoe, boat
made from a single tree trunk
rattan Ω KXk\-ts\lMu; a cup (the cup or glass itself, as
opposed to a cup of something) Ω qrk\q^;cå;lMu; five lMu;på;på; [lon; ba; pa;] v decline, wear down; waste or
mangoes Ω wå;ts\lMu; a bamboo pole Ω ”kim\lMu; (rattan) cane dwindle away
Ω Ai m\ts\ lMu; a house Ω Ekƒ raqMu;lMu; three letters or characters lMu;piu [lon; bo] n unnecessary word (esp in poem, speech)
[ nc] 2) particle indicating that an entirity is included: [? in _a_ speech, or in talking? extra? flourish, bad
style? wrong rhythm???]
l¥k\en [ye' (lye')ne] part suffix to verb: (in the process standing Buddha; rxc\pc\;epåc\;lv\; reclining Buddha with head
of) …ing S YN l¥k\rxi to south [? ok?]
l¥k\på' l¥k\p´ [ye' (lye')pa, ye' (lye')pE;] part suffix to l¥s\l¥ø(®po/RO) [li' lyu (lAyu) (pyu./shu.)]
v neglect; ignore;
verb: still …ing, as before, without change overlook; turn a blind eye to Upsa, look on or regard
l¥k\rxi [ye' (lye')shI] part suffix to verb: (in the process of) with indifference, be unmoved, be unconcerned
A NT gRu siuk\' gRu®po [ ph]
…ing S YN l¥k\en' ™ en
l¥k\qa; [ye' (lye')tha;] part suffix to verb: already …ed l¥U\;på; [lAyin; (yin;) ba;] v Ó1) be intermingled 2) be
ambiguous [ ph]