Remote Sensing: Deep Learning For Precipitation Estimation From Satellite and Rain Gauges Measurements
Remote Sensing: Deep Learning For Precipitation Estimation From Satellite and Rain Gauges Measurements
Remote Sensing: Deep Learning For Precipitation Estimation From Satellite and Rain Gauges Measurements
Deep Learning for Precipitation Estimation from
Satellite and Rain Gauges Measurements
Arthur Moraux 1,2,∗ , Steven Dewitte 1 , Bruno Cornelis 2 and Adrian Munteanu 2
1 Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Avenue Circulaire 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium; [email protected]
2 ETRO Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium;
[email protected] (B.C.); [email protected] (A.M.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: This paper proposes a multimodal and multi-task deep-learning model for instantaneous
precipitation rate estimation. Using both thermal infrared satellite radiometer and automatic rain
gauge measurements as input, our encoder–decoder convolutional neural network performs a
multiscale analysis of these two modalities to estimate simultaneously the rainfall probability and
the precipitation rate value. Precipitating pixels are detected with a Probability Of Detection (POD)
of 0.75 and a False Alarm Ratio (FAR) of 0.3. Instantaneous precipitation rate is estimated with a Root
Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of 1.6 mm/h.
Keywords: rain detection; rain rate estimation; QPE; MSG SEVIRI; rain gauge; deep learning;
convolutional neural network; semantic segmentation
1. Introduction
Instantaneous precipitation rate estimation is an important problem for meteorological,
climatological and hydrological applications. It also forms the basis for short-term precipitation
forecasting, also called nowcasting [1].
Rain gauges are considered to be the reference devices for the measurement of the amount of
precipitation at ground level. Climatological rain gauges are simple recipients, manually read out
once per day. There are also networks of automatic stations, able to report rainfall quantity every
5 or 10 min. The main drawback of rain gauges is their lack of spatial representativity, being only
point measurements.
Ground-based radars scan the atmosphere by emitting an electromagnetic beam and measuring
its reflection caused by particles in the air. The amount of beam reflection depends on both the
density and the size of the particles, allowing estimation of the amount of precipitation. By scanning
the atmosphere at 360 degrees around them at different heights, radars are able to produce rainfall
estimates in a radius of about 100 to 150 km at a high spatial resolution (∼1 km) and temporal resolution
(∼5 min). This good spatial and temporal resolution makes them a popular tool for instantaneous rain
rate estimation and nowcasting. However, radars come with a limited spatial coverage and a large
amount of error sources, e.g., the uncertainty about the droplets size distribution and the hydrometeors
type (rain, hail, snow), beam blockage by obstacles (mountains, hills, wind turbines), electromagnetic
interferences and ground clutters. Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) from radar observations
requires a complex processing including a calibration with rain gauges [2].
Satellite radiometers are passive measurement devices measuring the earth’s electromagnetic
radiation at different wavelengths. Estimating precipitation from them is more difficult than with
radars but they have the advantage of having a larger spatial coverage, e.g., the sea, the mountains
and all isolated regions with no radars available. Operational satellite precipitation remote
sensing has been mostly relying on a combination of microwave instruments on Low Earth Orbit
(LEO) satellites and geostationary window infrared images at wavelengths around 11 micron [3–5].
Microwave measurements are directly related to large-size hydrometeors since non-precipitating
small-size cloud particles are transparent for microwave radiation, while the large-size hydrometeors
are attenuating the microwave radiation. The direct observation of precipitation at the LEO
overpass times are then extrapolated in time through their correlation with geostationary window
brightness temperatures. There is a negative correlation between window infrared cloud top brightness
temperature and the amount of precipitation.
For the best estimation of precipitation from geostationary satellite imagery, the three independent
cloud physical properties needed are cloud optical thickness, cloud top temperature, and cloud particle
size [6,7]. In particular the cloud particle size is the most relevant parameter, since it allows remote
sensing of the growth of non-precipitating small-size cloud particles into precipitating large-size
hydrometeors. The remote sensing of cloud particle size requires the use of near-infrared measurements.
These near-infrared measurements were not present on the Geostationary Earth Orbiting (GEO)
Meteosat First Generation, but they are on the GEO Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). This allowed
the development of a ’direct’ estimation of precipitation from MSG, which was pioneered by [8].
In this study, a daytime only retrieval of the particle size and optical depth was used, so only daytime
precipitation estimates were obtained. As in most studies made on precipitation estimation from
satellite imager data [6,7], the method in [8] relies on many assumptions made on the underlying
physical processes describing precipitation, and in the end, different parameters still need to be
calibrated on ground truth measurements. These methods provide interpretable results, but their
performance is limited by the assumptions made on the physical models behind these algorithms.
Instead, a direct relation between the satellite data and observed precipitations can be made
using Machine Learning (ML) techniques, reducing the need for any physical assumption. The fully
connected Neural Network (NN) developed in [4] is a pioneer in the ML approach, but relies on
microwave measurements made from LEO satellites suffering from low temporal resolution. Thanks to
the near-infrared measurements from MSG, more recent studies have been developed to use exclusively
this GEO satellite and benefit from his high temporal resolution (15 min for the complete disk scan
and 5 min for the rapid scan of Europe) and spatial resolution (3 km at nadir). Using the MSG
data, [9] developed a 24 h precipitation estimation method relying on random forest and [10] used a
fully connected neural network.
However, all these studies used radar data recalibrated on rain gauge data as training target,
which is not as accurate as rain gauge measurements. Also, none of these studies used modern
Deep-Learning (DL) techniques [11], where multiple processing layers representing multiple levels of
abstraction exist between the input and the output of a DL NN.
The differences and complementarities in QPE capabilities between rain gauges, radars and
satellite radiometers favors the use of multimodal approaches. For example, methods combining
radars with rain gauges are often used and offer better performance than the use of radars or gauges
alone [12]. In this paper, we will focus on the combination of geostationary satellite radiometers,
providing wide spatial coverage of uniform quality, and rain gauges, providing a local ground truth.
The idea behind this multimodal merging is that rain gauges provide point measurements of the
precipitation field, from which interpolation accuracy is limited by both the sparsity of the rain
gauges and the spatial variability of the precipitation event. On the other hand, the higher spatial
resolution of the satellite data provides information where rain gauges are missing. With the correct
DL architecture, the satellite images can serve as a guided filter for the rain gauge measurements,
allowing increase of the resolution and accuracy compared to a simple spatial interpolation of the rain
gauge measurements.
Compared to the above-mentioned studies, we propose to introduce some key innovations:
• As satellite inputs, we will only use the three Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) [13] Spinning
Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) spectral channels that contain the information
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on the optical properties that are relevant for precipitation estimation, and that are useable in all
illumination conditions. These channels are the 8.7, 10.8 and 12.0 micron channels. These are the
channels used in the well-known “24 h microphysics RGB” [7].
• We will also include automatic rain gauge measurements as an additional input to our model.
Rain gauge interpolation with geostatistical method, e.g., kriging [14], is the most widespread
method for precipitation estimation on long periods (≥1 day). For instantaneous precipitation
estimation, rain gauges interpolation becomes ineffective because the spatial variability becomes
too large compared to the density of even the densest network of automatic rain gauges. In our
case, our model will learn to use the satellite data as a guided filter to further improve the rain
gauge interpolation and increase its spatial resolution.
• We will use a DL NN, consisting of a multiscale convolutional network. In our design we follow a
multiscale encoder–decoder paradigm that consists of several resolution-reduction steps in which
low resolution contextual information is derived, followed by several resolution-enhancement
steps, where the final output has the same resolution as the input. The proposed multiscale
convolutional network model was motivated by the high performance and accuracy obtained
with the Hourglass-Shape Network (HSN) in [15]. The design of HSN proved to be particularly
efficient for semantic segmentation of aerial images.
• We will train our DL model with rain gauges measurements as target data, eliminating the
intermediate step of using radar data recalibrated by rain gauges. The rain gauge data was
provided by different networks of rain gauges located in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
• We use multi-task learning to improve performance and to allow both precipitation detection
and precipitation rate estimation at once [16]. This lies in contrast to single-task learning typically
employed in encoder–decoder architectures, including the previous HSN design [15].
• For the same network architecture we will separately use (1) only rain gauges; (2) only satellite
data; (3) both rain gauges and satellite data as input. This will allow the separate quantification
of the benefits of both modalities (rain gauges and satellite data), and the added value of
their combination.
• The performance of the three models mentioned above will be evaluated on an independent
automatic rain gauge dataset for instantaneous precipitation rate estimation, and on daily
measurements coming from manually daily checked gauges. The performance will also be
compared to the kriging interpolation of the rain gauges, which is the traditional geostatistical
method for rain gauge interpolation.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the source and the preparation of the
data. In Section 3, we describe in more detail how our data is used as input by our model, the data
splitting into a training, a validation and a test set, the model architecture and the training strategy.
In Section 4, the performance of our model is assessed for both instantaneous precipitation rate and for
daily rainfall quantity estimation. Then, we discuss these results and compare our work to previous
studies in Section 5. Finally, we draw conclusions of our work in Section 6.
2. Data
to the three physical cloud properties that are relevant for precipitation estimation—namely cloud
optical thickness, cloud top temperature and particle size—and (2) that have a similar behavior during
daytime and night time [7] (Figure 1). With these three channels we can discriminate all possible
precipitation types, and quantify the precipitation amount. Convective precipitation can easily be
recognized using only cloud top brightness temperature. The most challenging case is the one of
so-called warm rain, in which the inclusion of cloud particle size is essential [17].
Figure 1. The 24 h cloud microphysics RGB image made from the 8.7, 10.8, and 12.0 µm channels
spanning our studied area, i.e., Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. This image allows
distinguishing of different microphysical properties of the clouds. The red component relates to
cloud optical thickness, the green component relates to cloud particle size and the blue component
relates to the cloud top temperature. Red colors in the RGB indicates thick cold clouds with large
particles, which are likely to produce precipitation.
The viewing angle from the geostationary orbit of MSG results in a non-negligible geometrical
deformation around the latitudes of interest (between 47◦ N and 56◦ N). To remove this deformation,
the satellite images are reprojected on an equal area sinusoidal grid with 3 km resolution. For the
interpolation, we used the griddata package from the Python library Scipy, constructing a piecewise
cubic interpolating Bezier polynomial on each triangle, using a Clough–Tocher scheme [18].
In total, the measurements from 1176 different rain gauges were used.
All these rain gauges measure rain accumulation during a period from 5 up to 10 min. From the
precipitation quantity measurements, we estimated the average rain rate precipitation in mm/h and set
a minimum and maximum between 0 and 100 mm/h. The rain rate was then interpolated linearly on
the same temporal grid as the SEVIRI scans, using only measurements that are close enough temporally
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to the targeted timestamps. The rain gauges were then assigned to the location of the closest pixel
on the interpolated satellite images. Using this scheme, a few rain gauges are sharing the same pixel.
For these gauges, the measurements were aggregated by taking their mean, reducing the number of
gauges to 1166.
Additionally, we used the RMIB climatological network of rain gauges for the performance
evaluation of our models. This network consists of more than 250 manual rain gauges located in
Belgium that provide the daily total precipitation.
2.3. Topography
The weather being influenced by the topography, we also added it to the model’s inputs. The data
was provided by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM).
3. Methodology
To develop and test our method, we used the common ML approach which consists of using three
independent datasets: a training set, a validation set and a test set. The training set, as denoted by
its name, is used to train the model by optimizing its learnable parameters with the back-propagation
algorithm [11]. To evaluate our model performance, we use an independent validation dataset,
to assert its ability to generalize well to new data, i.e., to make sure that our model is not overfitting
the training data. This happens when the model is performing well on the data used during training
but performs poorly on new unseen data. Evaluating the performance on the validation set is done
to determine and optimize different network architectures and training strategies (this step is also
called hyper-parameters tuning). Selecting the model and training method performing the best on the
validation set introduce the risk of overfitting this dataset, so an independent test set is needed for the
final evaluation of our model.
Our model is trained to estimate both rain probability and rain rate simultaneously (Figure 2, left).
After training, we use the rain probability estimation to compute a rain/no-rain mask that we combine
with the rain rate estimation using the Hadamard product (Figure 2, right).
update Deep learning
Rain probability Rain rate
Figure 2. Flowchart for the training phase of the model (left) and its use to estimate precipitation rate
after training (right).
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In the following section, we will describe in more detail how the data is prepared before being fed
to our model and how we split the data in a training, a validation and a test set. Then, we will present
the architecture of our model and its training strategy.
Table 1. List of all input channels, with their modality and timestamp. t corresponds to the time at
which the model is making an estimation of the precipitation rates.
Figure 3. An example of some of rain gauges channels used as input. The left channel alone
renders pixels with rain gauges measurements of 0 indistinguishable from pixels lacking rain
gauges measurements. The right channel allows for making this distinction by indicating the locations
of the rain gauges measurements.
Table 2. The fraction of non-null precipitation events and the mean and standard deviation for the
non-null precipitation rate measurements of the training, validation and test set.
Figure 4. Location for the training, validation and test automatic rain gauges.
Table 3. The number of filters for each type of convolution in the Inception modules. The “n × n
reduce“ stands for the 1 × 1 convolutions preceding the concording n × n convolutions.
Total # Filters Output #1×1 # 3 × 3 Reduce #3×3 # 5 × 5 Reduce #5×5 # 7 × 7 Reduce #7×7
256 64 128 128 64 32 32 32
512 64 256 384 64 32 32 32
Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2463 9 of 22
3x3 conv, 64 Residual module, 64 3x3 conv, 128 3x3 conv, 128
filter concatenation
Residual module,
3x3 conv, 128 3x3 conv, 128
filter concatenation
Inception module,
(H/4, W/4) Inception module,
filter concatenation
Inception Inception
module, module,
512 512
Figure 5. Diagram of the proposed model architecture. Each convolutional layer is followed by a
batch-normalization layer [22] and the ReLU activation function, except for the last 1 × 1 convolutional
layers of each sub-networks. The output of the residual modules and the transposed convolutions are
concatenated before being fed to the next layer.
Previous layer
1x1 conv
Figure 6. Diagram of the inception module. The number of filters used for each layer is given in Table 3.
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Previous layer
1x1 conv
3x3 conv
Figure 7. Diagram of the residual module. The number of filters for the 1 × 1 layer and the 3 × 3 layer
is the same, e.g., 64 for the top residual module appearing in Figure 4.
The problem with this approach is the addition of new hyper-parameters αi that are to be tuned
manually to scale properly the different losses and to maximize each task’s performance. Instead of
such manual tuning, we applied the method from [16] which considers the homoscedastic uncertainty
of each task to allow the combination of the different losses as:
1 1
L= 2
Lbce + 2 Lmse + logσbce + logσmse (2)
σbce 2σmse
The parameters σbce and σmse in (2) are learnable and automatically optimized during the training
of the model using the back-propagation algorithm. By using the same model weights for different
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tasks, multi-task learning can have a regularization effect. In our experience, this regularization effect
proved to be sufficient and no additional regularization (as weight decay or dropout) was necessary
(the validation loss drops until convergence after a similar number of epochs than the training loss,
as is illustrated in Figure 8).
Figure 8. The evolution of the training and validation loss during the training of the model.
A particularity of our training method is that, for each sample, the loss is computed in one single
pixel due to the sparsity of the rain gauges used as training targets while it is usually computed on
all pixels of the predicted image for semantic segmentation problems. Due to this restriction, when
we trained the model by placing the targeted rain gauge measurement always on the same pixel
location, i.e., in the center of the patch, the model estimation images suffered from a gridding effect.
This problem was corrected by applying a random translation to the patch around the targeted pixel,
allowing training of the model on different pixel locations.
Finally, the model was trained using a batch size of 128 and the Adam optimizer with a starting
learning rate of 10−3 divided by 5 every 2 epochs and using early stopping. The training was done
on one RTX 2080 Ti using the library PyTorch. Our model started to converge after about 8 epochs
(Figure 8), with each epoch taking approximately 2 h.
4. Results
results section, all these scores were computed individually for each test gauge and then all of them
were averaged.
Table 4. The classification scores equation, value range and optimum value. The F1 score is calculated
from the precision P and the recall R.
Table 5. Contingency table between the observations and the estimations, recording the number of
true negatives tn, the number of false negatives f n, the number of false positives f p and the number of
true positives tp.
r=0 r>0
r=0 tn fn
r>0 fp tp
Table 6. The regression scores equation, value range and optimum value. yi is an observation and ŷi is
its estimation. The Spearman rank correlation is the Pearson correlation of the rank of the observations
and the estimations.
For the evaluation of instantaneous precipitation, we computed the classification and regression
scores on the test gauge measurements from the test timestamps, without balancing the dataset
(i.e., using all measurements). The estimation was made using as input only the rain gauge
measurements from the training and the validation gauges. The model was trained on 32 × 32 pixels
patches but, for the evaluation on the test set, we could use as input the complete area of our study
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by taking a patch of 360 × 352 pixels (fitting very easily in the memory of a single RTX 2080 ti),
thus making the estimations for all the test gauges at once. For comparison, we also trained two
additional models, one without the rain gauges as input (called the satellite model) and one without
the satellite as input (called the gauges model), allowing quantification of the contribution of each
modality to the performance of the multimodal model (also called the satellite and gauges model,
in the following section). As a reference point, we also compared the performance of our model to a
geostatistical interpolation method of rain gauges. For that, we use ORdinary Kriging (ORK) with a
linear variogram model, using the 20 closest measurements, to reduce computation time, at a very
limited cost in performance. This method was used in [12], where a comparison was made between
different radar-gauge merging methods and the ORK interpolation of rain gauges. More complex
climatological variograms (i.e., Gaussian, exponential and spherical) have been tested in [12] but
without any significant observed performance improvement, which is consistent with the results
in [23].
Figure 9. Classification scores vs boundary decision for the satellite and gauges model, computed on
the training and validation data.
ORK is not suited for instantaneous precipitation detection and is expected to give a very high
False Alarm Rate, rendering the comparison of ORK rain detection performance with our models
rather useless. For this reason, we developed a rain detection ORK method by applying a rain rate
threshold r thresh under which every ORK estimation are set to zero. The rain rate threshold r thresh is
optimized on the validation gauges.
From the results in Table 7, we can see that when used alone, the rain gauges modality is much
better than the satellite modality for precipitation detection. The ratio POD/FAR is particularly better
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for the gauges model and the CSI, GSS, HSS, HKD and F1 metrics, which are less dependent to the
classes frequency than the ACC, bring the same conclusion. Despite this clear domination of the
rain gauges modality, the satellite and gauges model obtain better results than gauges only, proving
the benefits of our multimodal approach. When comparing the multimodal model to the gauges
model, the POD is slightly lower but the FAR and POFD get a net improvement. These results are
in line with our expectations. Indeed, the rain gauges offer us direct precipitation measurements,
but their spatial sparsity decreases their ability to detect precipitations occurring on a small area
(typical of convective precipitations) and their ability to detect accurately the precipitation area limits.
Adding the three infrared satellite channels allows for detecting precipitation in an indirect way but
with a higher spatial resolution and reduces the shortcoming of the rain gauges modality stemming
from their spatial sparsity. Our multimodal model and our gauges model is performing better than
the reference kriging method. The fact that the gauges model is outperforming the kriging estimation
imply that our model is particularly suited for rain detection.
Table 7. Classification scores computed on the test set, for the model using both modalities (Satellite
and gauges), the model using only the rain gauges (Gauges) the model using only the satellite channels
(Satellite) and ordinary kriging using a precipitation detection threshold (ORK with threshold) and
without applying any threshold (ORK).
Table 8. Regression scores averaged on the automatic test stations. The ME, the MAE and the RMSE
are expressed in mm/h.
training/validation set. We also excluded climatological gauges lacking measurements on the test
days, leaving us with a total of 138 climatological rain gauges for the evaluation (Figure 12).
Figure 12. Location of training and validation automatic rain gauges (used as input) and climatological
rain gauges (used for evaluation), in Belgium.
To compute the daily precipitation quantity (in mm) from our model’s precipitation rate
estimations (in mm/h), we averaged all instantaneous precipitation rate estimations of each test days
for which there is no missing data (154 days out of the 182 test days are complete) and multiplied them
by 24 h. As a reference, we compute the daily precipitation estimation from the kriging interpolation
of the automatic rain gauges in a similar fashion. The detection scores (Table 9) and the regression
scores (Table 10) have been computed on all available data. We have also separated the test days in two
hydrological seasons, winter and summer, in order to evaluate the difference in performance between
these two seasons (Tables 11 and 12).
Our multimodal model performs the best for the daily precipitation detection (Table 9). The results
of the gauges model come in a very close second. This is evidence that for daily precipitation estimation,
the spatial variability of the precipitation field can be small enough to be accurately estimated from a
dense network of rain gauges. Quite surprisingly, the satellite model performs also remarkably well,
even surpassing by a large margin the kriging results. Stratiform precipitating clouds, typical of winter
precipitation events, have less spatial variability than summer convective precipitating clouds. For this
reason, we expect precipitation detection results to be better in the winter than in the summer, which
is corroborated by the results of the rain gauges interpolation with the kriging method (Table 11).
Surprisingly, the inter seasonal results difference is very small for the multimodal and the gauges
models while the satellite model shows greater seasonal variability in its results.
As previously seen in the evaluation of instantaneous rain rate estimation, the results for daily
precipitation quantity estimation in Table 10 shows that our model benefits from the merging of the
satellite and rain gauges information. Unlike the results of Table 8, the satellite model performs rather
poorly compared to the gauge modality, which means that the poor performance stems from its bad
precipitation detection performance (Tables 7 and 11). While our models were outperforming the
kriging results for the precipitation detection, the kriging method shows slightly better performance
for estimating daily precipitation quantity on all test days (Table 10). When looking at the seasonal
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results (Table 12), we see that our multimodal model performs best in the summer, confirming that
satellite information improves precipitation estimation for convective rain.
Table 9. Daily precipitation detection scores averaged on the climatological test gauges, for the
test days.
Table 10. Daily precipitation regression scores averaged on the climatological test gauges, for the test
days. The ME, the MAE and the RMSE are expressed in mm.
Table 11. Daily precipitation detection scores averaged on the climatological test gauges, for the test
days and separating the year into two hydrological seasons. The summer season starts on the 1st of
April and finishes on the 30th of September.
Table 12. Daily precipitation regression scores averaged on the climatological test gauges, for the test
days and separating the year into two hydrological seasons. The summer season starts on the 1st of
April and finishes on the 30th of September. The ME, the MAE and the RMSE are expressed in mm.
5. Discussion
Compared to previous ML studies [4,9,10], we have introduced a multiscale, multimodal and
multi-task DL model for precipitation area detection and instantaneous rain rate estimation from
geostationary satellite imagery and rain gauges.
In Section 4, we compared the performance of our multimodal model against each modality
used individually and the kriging interpolation rain gauge data, for instantaneous precipitation rate
estimation and total daily precipitation estimation. The results allowed us to assess the strengths
and weaknesses of each modality as well as the ability of our multimodal model to benefit from the
combination of the two modalities, and outperform the kriging results for instantaneous precipitation
rate estimation.
The rain gauges model provides good precipitation estimates where the density of the rain gauges
network is high enough (e.g., in Belgium) but may still fail to catch very local precipitation events,
typical of convective rains. If the rain gauges are too sparse, the precipitation estimates from rain
gauges alone becomes very poor (e.g., in the Netherlands). Its performance is also lower compared to
the kriging interpolation, indicating that further work should be considered to improve the integration
of the rain gauge information into the DL model. For example, NN applied to point cloud data should
be considered [24].
The main difficulty of the satellite model is to distinguish non-precipitating clouds from those
with a very low precipitation rate. On the other hand, this modality does not suffer as much as the
rain gauges modality from spatial variation in its performance due to local in situ measurements
dependence and is also better at recovering small precipitating clouds.
By combining each modality, our multimodal model can avoid the shortcomings of each modality
and combine their strengths. The rain gauges allow the multimodal model to improve the accuracy
of the precipitation rate estimation and to better distinguish low precipitation clouds from those not
raining, while the satellite strongly improves the estimation in areas with a very sparse rain gauges
network and detects the small precipitating clouds missed by the rain gauges.
When looking at the performance for daily precipitation quantity retrieval in the summer, our
model performs better than the rain gauges interpolation results obtained from the ordinary kriging
interpolation of the rain gauges. However, the results of our model in the winter are worse compared to
those obtained with the kriging interpolation of the rain gauges. This difference in the results between
the winter and the summer confirms that the satellite modality has difficulty to treat low precipitation
from stratiform rains but is an added value for convective rain. Also, for the precipitating area detection
task at the daily scale, our model is performing much better than the kriging interpolation of the
rain gauges.
The performance of our model is not only coming from its multimodality, but is also due to
our careful choice of DL architecture. Indeed, where other studies used a shallow fully connected
NN [4,10], we used a deep multiscale convolutional NN able to learn spatial dependence in its input at
different scales.
Another novelty of our model is its multi-task aspect, giving an additional performance
enhancement and allowing us to use a single model for both tasks, i.e., precipitation detection and
precipitation rate estimation. This lies in contrast to previous ML studies [9,10] which used two
different models for each task.
The results presented in this paper motivate further research in the application of DL to
precipitation estimation. For example, one could restrict the model to only use the satellite modality
and explore the benefits of using additional satellite channels, to obtain a global precipitation
estimation from the complete geostationary window of MSG. Also, further work could be done
on the multimodality aspect of our study, the radar being the obvious choice for the next modality
to use.
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6. Conclusions
In this study, we demonstrated the effectiveness of Deep Learning (DL) for multimodal rain
rate estimation. For this purpose, we took advantage of state-of-the-art semantic segmentation
techniques from DL and multi-task learning to develop a DL model able to estimate instantaneous
rain rate from GEO satellite radiometer scans and automatic rain gauges measurements. Compared to
existing rain gauges interpolation techniques and previous methods for rainfall retrieval from satellite
radiometer data, our model can efficiently combine both modalities and to reduce each of their own
individual downsides. More specifically, the rain gauges, which are the most direct devices for rainfall
measurements, allow our model to recover accurate rain rate values while the satellite infrared channels
improve the spatial resolution of the estimation and recover the small convective precipitations patches
missed by the rain gauges because of their spatial sparsity.
Using automatic rain gauges for comparison, our multimodal model detects precipitation areas
with a POD of 0.745, a FAR of 0.295 and a CSI of 0.564. It also estimates precipitation amount with a
MAE of 0.605 mm/h and a RMSE of 1.625 mm/h for instantaneous rates.
Our model’s ability to efficiently combine different modalities and its promising results motivates
further research in the application of cutting-edge DL techniques for Quantitative Precipitation
Estimation (QPE).
Author Contributions: S.D. had the initial idea for the study while A.M. (Adrian Munteanu) proposed the
multimodal approach and A.M. (Arthur Moraux) brought the multi-task aspect. A.M. (Adrian Munteanu)
proposed the main architecture of the model which was further refined by A.M. (Arthur Moraux).
A.M. (Arthur Moraux) developed the learning strategy, the software implementation and wrote the article.
S.D., B.C. and A.M. (Adrian Munteanu) revised and commented the article.
Funding: This research was funded by the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium and the Solar Terrestrial
Center of Excellence.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thanks all the external organizations providing us the data used in this
study, i.e., EUMETSAT for the SEVIRI data, and Société bruxelloise de Gestion de l’Eau (SBGE), Vlaamse
Milieumaatschappij (VMM), Service d’Etude Hydrologique (SETHY), the Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch
Instituut (KNMI) and the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) for the automatic rain gauges data.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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