G10 - Quotation Marks

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John said he hated when it was hot outside.

Quotation Marks: Rules How to Use Them Correctly

The first sentence contains a direct quote, a quote in which

you report the exact words John used. The second sentence
 We use quotation marks with direct quotes, with titles
contains an indirect quote, which is a paraphrased version of
of certain works, to imply alternate meanings, and to write
what John said. Quotation marks are used only with direct
words as words.

 Block quotations are not set off with quotation marks.

This rule isn’t just for speech. If you’re quoting a written

 The quoted text is capitalized if you’re quoting a source, you should still put the quote between quotation marks

complete sentence and not capitalized if you’re quoting a unless you plan to paraphrase it.


Run-in and Block Quotations

 Commas and periods always go inside the quotation

marks in American English; dashes, colons, and semicolons Direct quotations come in two different forms: run-in and

almost always go outside the quotation marks; question marks block. Run-in quotations are shorter and they are formatted the

and exclamation marks sometimes go inside, sometimes stay same as the surrounding text. Block quotes, are long quotes

outside. that are separated from the surrounding text. Usually, they

appear as a separate paragraph (or series of paragraphs) with a

 In American English, single quotation marks are used
different font, a change in the line spacing, or a wider margin.
for quotes within quotes.
In any case, block quotes don’t need quotation marks to set

them off from the remaining text, even though they are direct

When to Use Quotation Marks quotes.

And in case you’re wondering just how long a quote needs to

Quotation marks are for when you want to use someone else’s
get for it to be a block quote, it varies from one style guide to
words in your writing. Let’s say you want to write about
another. If you have to follow a style guide, you should check
something you heard your friend say. You could do it like this:
it for best practices. If you don’t have to follow a style guide,
John said, “I really hate when it’s hot outside.”
set your own rule (like five lines of text makes a block

You can write about the same thing without using the quotation), and stick to it.

quotation marks, with a couple of changes:

Does punctuation go inside or outside quotation marks? This
Quotation Mark Rules
question mostly refers to the sentence-ending punctuation

marks—punctuation marks that introduce a quote are

The first rule of using quotations is that once they’re opened, never placed within quotation marks.

they have to be closed. The person reading your work needs to

Sentence-ending punctuation is a whole different story. In the

know where the quote starts and where it ends. But that’s an United States, the rule of thumb is that commas and periods

always go inside the quotation marks, and colons and

easy one. What about some trickier quotation mark rules?
semicolons (dashes as well) go outside:

Quotations and Capitalization “There was a storm last night,” Paul said.

Sometimes, the text inside quotation marks is capitalized, Peter, however, didn’t believe him. “I’m not sure that’s

other times it isn’t. Capitalization of the quoted material exactly what happened.”

depends on the material itself—if you’re quoting a complete

Peter was aware of what he called “Paul’s weakness triangle”:
sentence, you should start the quote with a capital letter,
he was half deaf, slept like a log, and was prone to lying.
even if the quote is placed in the middle of a sentence:

Paul saw an argument coming, so he muttered only “But I saw

The exact phrase she used was “There is no way we will get
there in time.” it”; this was going to be a long night and he didn’t want to

start it with a fight.

If you’re quoting a phrase or a part of a sentence, don’t

start the quote with a capital letter: Question marks and exclamation points have their own rules.

He called them “loud, smelly, and utterly annoying,” and he

If they apply to the quoted material, they go within the
closed the door.
quotation marks. If they apply to the whole sentence, they
If you’re splitting a quote in half to interject a
go outside it:
parenthetical, you should not capitalize the second part of

the quote: Sandy asked them, “Why do you guys always fight?”

“The problem with opinions,” Paula explained, “is that Did the dog bark every time he heard Sandy say “I’m bringing
everyone has one.”

Quotation Marks and Other Punctuation Marks

Quotes Within Quotes
So now you know how to deal with quotation marks and form a larger body of work—are emphasized by using

punctuation and capitalization, but what if the quote you want quotation marks.

to take already contains quotation marks? This can happen,

You can also use quotation marks to signify words used as
too. Say you want to write a direct quote in which someone is
words. For example: “inhale” means to take a breath. The
praising their favorite chapter from one of the Harry Potter
quotation marks show that you’re talking about the word
books. Would you do it like this?
itself, not the action of inhaling. However, you’ll often hear

““The Dementor’s Kiss” is my favorite chapter in the whole that it’s better to italicize words used as words rather than put

series,” Tom said. them in quotation marks—different style guides might

prescribe different rules.

It doesn’t work, does it? You might even manage to confuse

your word processing program. But if you do it like this, Some writers put quotes around words they want to distance

everything will look much better: themselves from. Quotation marks used this way are

commonly called scare quotes or shudder quotes. It’s a way of

“‘The Dementor’s Kiss’ is my favorite chapter in the whole
implying that you’re using a term in an unusual way or that
series,” Tom said.
you don’t necessarily approve of it:

See how that worked better? We use single quotation marks

This article was written by a “professional” writer.
for quotes within quotes.
Scare quotes are sort of like air quotes, and if you know

anything about air quotes, you know that they should be used

Other Uses of Quotation Marks: Titles of Short Works, in moderation. The same applies to scare quotes.

Words as Words, Scare Quotes You might see quotation marks used instead of parentheses for

translations. So you can write translations like this:

Besides setting off other people’s words, quotation marks have

a couple of other uses. Depending on the style guide you’re She told him bonjour (good day) when they met.

using, you might use quotation marks to emphasize titles of all

But you can also do it like this:
types of compositions (AP Stylebook), or just short

compositions (most of the other style guides). Titles of books, She told him bonjour, “good day,” when they met.

albums, magazines, newspapers, and other standalone and

bigger bodies of work are usually italicized. Poems, chapters,

Single Quotation Marks
articles—smaller bodies of work, or bodies of work which
We’ve already mentioned that single quotation marks can be

used for quotes within quotes. But that’s not all they can do—

they can also be used instead of parentheses for translations,

but in that case, they don’t have to be separated by commas:

She told him bonjour ‘good day’ when they met.

Highly specialized terms in certain fields can also be written

within single quotation marks:

Many scholars still argue about Lacan’s ‘desire’ and its


You can also see single quotation marks instead of double

quotation marks in headlines of newspaper articles. And of

course, all of these rules apply to American English—single

vs. double quotation marks is a whole different story in British


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