G10 - Quotation Marks
G10 - Quotation Marks
G10 - Quotation Marks
you report the exact words John used. The second sentence
We use quotation marks with direct quotes, with titles
contains an indirect quote, which is a paraphrased version of
of certain works, to imply alternate meanings, and to write
what John said. Quotation marks are used only with direct
words as words.
The quoted text is capitalized if you’re quoting a source, you should still put the quote between quotation marks
complete sentence and not capitalized if you’re quoting a unless you plan to paraphrase it.
marks in American English; dashes, colons, and semicolons Direct quotations come in two different forms: run-in and
almost always go outside the quotation marks; question marks block. Run-in quotations are shorter and they are formatted the
and exclamation marks sometimes go inside, sometimes stay same as the surrounding text. Block quotes, are long quotes
outside. that are separated from the surrounding text. Usually, they
them off from the remaining text, even though they are direct
You can write about the same thing without using the quotation), and stick to it.
The first rule of using quotations is that once they’re opened, never placed within quotation marks.
know where the quote starts and where it ends. But that’s an United States, the rule of thumb is that commas and periods
Quotations and Capitalization “There was a storm last night,” Paul said.
Sometimes, the text inside quotation marks is capitalized, Peter, however, didn’t believe him. “I’m not sure that’s
other times it isn’t. Capitalization of the quoted material exactly what happened.”
start the quote with a capital letter: Question marks and exclamation points have their own rules.
the quote: Sandy asked them, “Why do you guys always fight?”
“The problem with opinions,” Paula explained, “is that Did the dog bark every time he heard Sandy say “I’m bringing
everyone has one.”
punctuation and capitalization, but what if the quote you want quotation marks.
““The Dementor’s Kiss” is my favorite chapter in the whole that it’s better to italicize words used as words rather than put
your word processing program. But if you do it like this, Some writers put quotes around words they want to distance
everything will look much better: themselves from. Quotation marks used this way are
anything about air quotes, you know that they should be used
Other Uses of Quotation Marks: Titles of Short Works, in moderation. The same applies to scare quotes.
Words as Words, Scare Quotes You might see quotation marks used instead of parentheses for
a couple of other uses. Depending on the style guide you’re She told him bonjour (good day) when they met.
compositions (most of the other style guides). Titles of books, She told him bonjour, “good day,” when they met.
used for quotes within quotes. But that’s not all they can do—