Muhammad Izwan Bin Ros Zulkeflee 1811170224 Atx-C

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Muhammad Izwan Bin Ros Zulkeflee 1811170224 ATX-C

Pioneer Status Basic Computation

YA 2018 RM’00 RM’000

Business 1 (non-pioneer) 142
Business 2 (non-pioneer) NIL
Business 3 (pioneer) NIL
Business 4 (pioneer) – RM300,000
- 70% of RM300,000 210
- Less: non-pioneer current year loss (210)
- Less: pioneer loss NIL
- Exempt pioneer income NIL
Aggregate Statutory Business Income 142
Less: Unabsorbed non-pioneer loss brought forward (25)
Net Aggregate Statutory Business Income 117
Interest Income 80
Aggregate Income 197
Less: Current year non-pioneer business loss (179)
Less: Current year pre-pioneer business loss (18)
Less: Approved donation (NIL)
- 30% of business 4 pioneer SI 90
Total Income / Chargeable Income 90
Income tax payable at 24% 21.6

YA 2019
Business 1 (non-pioneer) 120
Business 2 (non-pioneer) 50
Business 3 (pioneer) – RM70,000 NIL
- 70% of RM70,000 49
Business 4 (pioneer) – RM500,000 NIL
- 70% of RM500,000 350
- Less: non-pioneer current year loss NIL
- Less: pioneer loss brought forward (99)
- Exempt pioneer income 300
Aggregate Statutory Business Income 170
Less: Unabsorbed non-pioneer loss brought forward (22)
Net Aggregate Statutory Business Income 148
Interest Income 132
Aggregate Income 280
Less: Current year non-pioneer business loss NIL
Less: Approved donation (Restricted to 10% of Aggregate Income) (28)
- 30% of business 3&4 pioneer SI 171
Total Income / Chargeable Income 423
Income tax payable at 24% 101.52

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