Nyse Cit 1997
Nyse Cit 1997
Nyse Cit 1997
Money Well Lent Since 1908
of manufacturing activity which CIT has financed over the span of 90 years. As Financial Information 22
technology and consumer — the steadfast theme has been — Money Well Corporate Data 63
10 150 1.0
5 0.5
0 0 0.0
93 94 95 96 97 93 94 95 96 97 93 94 95 96 97
solid performance
Financial Highlights
Total debt $ 15,315 $ 14,606 $ 13,570
Preferred capital securities 250 — —
Stockholders’ equity 2,433 2,075 1,914
Reserve for credit losses 236 221 206
Key Ratios
Return on average stockholders’ equity 14.0% 13.0% 12.1%
Return on average earning assets 1.70% 1.57% 1.46%
Net credit losses (% of average finance receivables) 0.59% 0.62% 0.50%
Efficiency ratio 41.6% 42.7% 43.1%
Reserve for credit losses (% of finance receivables) 1.33% 1.30% 1.30%
Past due 60+ days (% of finance receivables) 1.67% 1.72% 1.67%
Debt to stockholders’ equity and preferred capital securities 5.71-1 7.04-1 7.09-1
Several noteworthy events took place in the “Habits and customs may change, markets may Ittleson suggested, the intelligent extension of cred-
United States in 1908, some more noteworthy shift from one economic level to another; it is the hallmark of CIT, a company that continues to
than others. For instance, in the business arena, products may enjoy wide use for a few years help fuel the expansion of a growing nation.
the Westinghouse Company introduced con- and be superseded by entirely new and better Nine decades after its founding, CIT is stronger
sumers to the first electric toaster. Hoover vacuum products; but credit—the commodity in which than ever. This past year was the most successful in
cleaner salesmen went door-to-door for the first we deal—is ever in demand...it is our primary our 90-year history, culminating in our 10th consec-
time to sell their product. The Ford Motor job to control and safeguard its use, because utive year of increased earnings. Financial highlights
Company marketed the “Model T” as the first only then will it grow with the growing needs for the year include:
truly affordable automobile. of an expanding nation.” • Record earnings of $310.1 million, up from $260.1
In Washington, DC, Union Station, now Henry Ittleson, Founder million in 1996;
deemed a national historic landmark, was officially • Net income per diluted share was $1.95, up from
dedicated. Statewide prohibition became law in Georgia. Jack Johnson $1.64 in 1996;
became the first African-American to win the heavyweight boxing • Total managed assets were $22.3 billion, an increase of 12 percent over
championship and the Chicago Cubs defeated the Detroit Tigers in the the $20.0 billion reported the prior year;
World Series, marking the last time the Cubs reached that pinnacle. • New business originations of $8.1 billion were also a record.
And on February 11th of that same year, Henry Ittleson, a young CIT’s financial success in 1997 resulted chiefly from our diligent
entrepreneur with roots in the retailing industry, founded the focus on fundamentals, including asset generation, revenue growth,
Commercial Credit and Investment Company in St. Louis, Missouri. improvements in operating efficiencies and “best in class” credit quality.
Ninety years and several name changes later, The CIT Group’s pur- Continuing a trend from its earliest days, CIT remains committed to
pose remains essentially the same as it did then—that is, to provide a a business strategy that incorporates a dogged attention to detail,
diverse range of quality financing products and services to individuals prudent lending practices and superior credit risk management.
and businesses throughout the nation. Then and now, in good times and
bad, credit remains “the commodity in which we deal.” And, as Henry
new opportunities
Initial Public Offering “Continuing a trend from its earliest days, CIT learned that there is great value in longevity—that
On November 13, 1997, The CIT Group listed remains committed to a business strategy that customers value the economic and philosophical
its common stock on the New York Stock Exchange incorporates a dogged attention to detail, pru- commitment we have made to their industries.
(NYSE:CIT), highlighting the completion of a very dent lending practices and superior credit risk Subsequent pages in this Annual Report are devoted
successful Initial Public Offering (IPO), and opening management.“ to highlighting some of our relationships—over
yet another chapter in the history of CIT. Analysts, Albert R. Gamper, Jr., President and CEO time—with customers and markets.
institutions and individuals took the CIT story to Whether it consists of providing equipment financ-
heart and invested in our permanence, our performance and our poten- ing for long-term customer Arnold Machinery Company, a home equity line
tial. Our IPO was one of the brightest moments of my 10 years at CIT and of credit for an expectant couple in Minnesota, or a string of freight railcars
I was especially pleased that nearly 50 percent of our employees elected for the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company, the CIT busi-
to purchase stock in their Company—investing their own money in a ness model that exists today can be described by five specific characteristics.
Company that benefits from their hard work and commitment. As a
further encouragement to enhance shareholder value, all employees were CONSISTENCY – We strive for and maintain the highest level of consistency
given stock options. As a result, employees represent one of the largest in our financial performance, in customer service, and in our approach to
blocks of CIT stock ownership. the marketplace. CIT is a consistent lender in good and bad times. And
we deliver all of our financial products and services with the same level
Longevity of effort and responsiveness.
Implicit in Henry Ittleson’s quote is the suggestion of permanence.
In 90 years, the American socio-economic landscape has changed QUALITY – CIT’s success is derived from a standard of excellence above
dramatically, companies have come and gone, economies have risen and the norm, with a quiet confidence that continues to raise the bar on
fallen, and consumption trends have shifted again and again. As these individual and organizational performance as goals are met. We hire
changes have occurred, CIT has remained a steady source of credit for quality employees, manage quality assets, produce quality earnings, and
American business owners and individuals. As an organization, we’ve maintain a quality balance sheet. For us, there is no compromise on quality.
largest lenders to the construction, aerospace and recreation vehicle
industries. We are one of the largest factoring companies in the industry
and a significant player in the retailing, corporate aircraft and railcar leas-
ing industries. In many markets, CIT has achieved a substantial presence.
Looking Ahead
Our job today at CIT is to build upon our strong platform and
take advantage of our new status as a public company. I would stress
to you, our shareholders, the same themes I expressed recently to
another group of shareholders—the CIT employees. In 1998, we will be
challenged to:
consumer lender may well be scale. In CIT’s case we have achieved Albert R. Gamper, Jr.
significant leadership positions in a number of markets. CIT is one of the President and Chief Executive Officer
Selected Financial Data AT OR FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993
Results of Operations
Net Finance Income Net finance income $ 887.5 $ 797.9 $ 697.7 $ 649.8 $ 603.9
In Millions Total operating revenue(1) 1,193.3 1,042.0 882.4 824.2 737.7
$1,000 Salaries and general operating expenses 428.4 393.1 345.7 337.9 282.2
800 Provision for credit losses 113.7 111.4 91.9 96.9 104.9
Net income 310.1 260.1 225.3 201.1 182.3
Net income per diluted share $ 1.95 $ 1.64 $ 1.43 $ 1.28 $ 1.16