SIGUIL-VETM-F-TEC-AWWA0-001-R1 11/19/2019 - 3:27 PM Page 1 of 1 Form: FRP-AWWA-M45-R3

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ROW 87


PROJECT: Aek Sibundong
Item Symbol Units Value
Diameter DN mm 2,000
Stiffness Class SN Pa 2,500
Design Pressure PN Barg 10.0

Pipe Parameters
Outer Diameter OD mm 2,044.5
Total Wall Thickness tt mm 20.8
Interior Liner Thickness tL mm 1.0
External Layer (Top Coat) Thickness ttc mm 0.3
Reinforced (Structural) Wall Thickness t mm 19.5
Hoop Tensile Modulus EH MPa 17,648
Hoop Flexural Modulus E MPa 27,323
Calculated Nominal Total Wall Stiffness STIS Pa 2,625
Hydrostatic Design Basis HDB % Strain 0.66
Long Term Ring Bending Sb % Strain 1.35
Permitted Long Term Deflection δd/D % 5

System Parameters
Pressure Safety Factor FSpr - 1.8
Maximum Surge Allowance Sa x PN 1.4
Bending Safety Factor FSb - 1.5
Buckling Safety Factor FSbuckling - 2.5

Load Parameters
Working Pressure Pw Barg 10.0
Additional Surge Pressure Ps Barg 4.0
Vacuum (0 to -1) Pv Barg -1.0
Vehicle Traffic Wheel Load P kN 20
Direction of Passing Traffic Across/Parallel Across
Vehicle Axle Type Single/Tandem Single
Vehicle Axle Spacing - m 0.0
Length of Tire Footprint tl m 0.25
Width of Tire Footprint tw m 0.50

Installation Parameters
Minimum Burial Depth (Pipe Crown) hmin m 12.5
Maximum Burial Depth (Pipe Crown) hmax m 13.0
Ground Water Level (Pipe Crown) hw m 13.0
Trench Width (Pipe Springline) Bd m 3.2
Backfill Category (SC1, SC2, SC3, or SC4) - - SC2
Backfill Type (Sand/Gravel) - - Sand
Backfill Compaction Level SPD % SPD90
Backfill Compaction Description - - Moderate
Backfill Weight gb kN/m3 18.0
Native Soil Description - - Medium
Bedding Coefficient Kx - 0.1
Deflection Lag Factor DL - 1.5

Values for Calculations

Backfill Correction Factor due to Buoyancy Rw - 0.85
Dry Backfill Constrained Modulus at hmin Msb MPa 13.90
Dry Backfill Constrained Modulus at hmax Msb MPa 14.04
Native Soil Modulus Msn MPa 10.30
Native Soil/Backfill Ratio at hmin Msn/Msb - 0.87
Native Soil/Backfill Ratio at hmax Msn/Msb - 0.86
Trench Width/Diameter Bd/DN - 1.60
Soil Support Combining Factor at hmin Sc - 0.92
Soil Support Combining Factor at hmax Sc - 0.92
Composite Constrained Modulus at hmin Sc x Msb MPa 10.92
Composite Constrained Modulus at hmax Sc x Msb MPa 10.97
Shape Factor Df - 6.5
Maximum Allowable Long Term Deflection Δya/D % 13.47

Deflection Prediction at Minimum Depth

Vertical Soil Load at hmin Wc kPa 225.0
Load Width Parallel to Direction of Travel L1 m 14.63
Load Width Perpendicular to Dir. of Travel L2 m 8.35
Impact Factor If - 1.00
Live Load at hmin WL kPa 0.2
Predicted Deflection Δy/D % 4.92
Deflection ≤ Minimum (δd/D , Δya/D) Yes/No YES

Deflection Prediction at Maximum Depth

Vertical Soil Load at hmax Wc kPa 234.0
Load Width Parallel to Direction of Travel L1 m 15.20
Load Width Perpendicular to Dir. of Travel L2 m 8.64
Impact Factor If - 1.00
Live Load at hmax WL kPa 0.2
Predicted Deflection Δy/D % 5.10
Deflection ≤ Minimum (δd/D , Δya/D)? Yes/No NO

Pressure Analysis
Pipe Pressure Class Pc Barg 12.48
Actual Pressure Safety Factor FSa - 2.25
Pc ≥ P w ? Yes/No YES
Maximum Pressure with Surge Pw + P s Barg 14.00
Actual Surge Safety Factor FSa - 1.25
FSsurge x Pc ≥ (Pw + Ps) ? Yes/No YES
Working Strain due to Internal Pressure epr % 0.2939
Bending Strain due to Max. Permitted Def. eb % 0.3342
Rerounding Coefficient rc - 0.6667
Rerounded Bending Strain eb x rc % 0.2228
epr / HDB - - 0.4453
(1 - eb x rc / Sb) / FSpr - - 0.4639
epr / HDB ≤ (1 - eb x rc / Sb) / FSpr ? Yes/No YES
Achieved Safety Factor - - 1.88
eb x rc / Sb - - 0.1650
(1 - epr / HDB) / FSb - - 0.3698
eb x rc / Sb ≤ (1 - epr / HDB) / FSb ? Yes/No YES
Achieved Safety Factor - - 3.36

Buckling Analysis at Minimum Depth

Correction Factor for Depth of Fill Rh - 1.02
Water Buoyancy Factor Rw - 0.67
Load for Typical Installation Wtypical kPa 373
Critical Buckling Pressure qc kPa 751
Achieved Safety Factor FSa - 2.01
FSa ≥ FSbuckling ? Yes/No NO
Load for Traffic Installation Wtraffic kPa 273
Achieved Safety Factor FSa - 2.74
FSa ≥ FSbuckling ? Yes/No YES

Buckling Analysis at Maximum Depth

Correction Factor for Depth of Fill Rh - 1.02
Water Buoyancy Factor Rw - 0.67
Load for Typical Installation Wtypical kPa 384
Critical Buckling Pressure qc kPa 753
Achieved Safety Factor FSa - 1.96
FSa ≥ FSbuckling ? Yes/No NO
Load for Traffic Installation Wtraffic kPa 284
Achieved Safety Factor FSa - 2.65
FSa ≥ FSbuckling ? Yes/No YES

11/19/2019 - 3:27 PM Page 1 of 1 Form: FRP-AWWA-M45-R3

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