Darasa Letu Online Test Program Civics Form One - Test 1 MARCH-2020
Darasa Letu Online Test Program Civics Form One - Test 1 MARCH-2020
Darasa Letu Online Test Program Civics Form One - Test 1 MARCH-2020
1. For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write
its letter beside the item number.
(i) One of the following is not among the factors affecting national sovereignty
A. Civil wars
B. Poverty
C. natural calamities
D. Pressure group
(iii) A social group of people living together with their own government, language, tradition and
history is called.
A. nation
B. community
C. family
D. government
E. constituency
(viii) Which of the following is the official seal or stamp of the government of Tanzania?
A. Coat of arm
B. Public holiday
C. National identity
D. National anthem
(ix) The supreme power of a nation to make its own decision, and implement the is called.
A. Legislature
B. Boundaries
C. Executive
D. Sovereignty
(x) Which of the following is the national motto of the United Republic of Tanzania?
A. Freedom and Unity
B. Freedom and work
C. Freedom and development
D. People and sovereignty
2. Match the items in list A with the correct response in list B by writing the letter of the
corresponding response beside the item number in the answer booklet.
(b) Name four occasions you know where the national anthem is always sung (8 Marks)
7. Why is it important to respect national symbols? (Mention five reasons) (10 Marks)
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