QUESTION: Discuss The Importance of Sociology of Education To Both Teachers and Students
QUESTION: Discuss The Importance of Sociology of Education To Both Teachers and Students
QUESTION: Discuss The Importance of Sociology of Education To Both Teachers and Students
A Professional Teacher.
In all ages and human times ever since out erect and restless species appeared upon the planet,
men have been living with others of their kind in something called societies. Prior to the
emergence of sociology the study of society was carried on in an unscientific manner and society
had never been the central concern of any science. It is through the study of sociology that the
truly scientific study of the society has been possible. Sociology alone studies social
relationships, society itself. Sociology is interested in social relationships not because they are
economic or political or religious or legal but because they are at the same time social. Sociology
study how the relations combine, how they build up smaller or greater systems and how they
respond to changes and changing needs or demands. Therefore the study of sociology is
essentially analytical. Sociology because of its bearing upon many of the problems of the present
world has assumed such a great importance that it is considered to be the best approach to all the
social sciences. Notably, sociology tells us how to become what we want to be (Giddings, 2011).
It is in this context therefore, this paper has analyzed the concept of sociology of education and
Emile Durkheim as a social scientist was the first person who indicated the need for a
social in character and in its functions and that as a result the theory of education relates more
clearly to sociology than any other science. He emphasized that education is not a static
discipline which studies education sociologically, with the premise that it recognizes education
as a social fact, a process and an institution, having a social function and being determined
socially. Thus, educational sociology could appear only when it accepted the social nature of
The sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences
affect education and its outcomes. It is most concerned with the public schooling systems of
modern industrial societies, including the expansion of higher, further, adult, and continuing
and pedagogical techniques of the inculcation and management of knowledge and the social
reproduction of personalities and cultures (Hallinan, 2012). It should be noted that sociology of
education is concerned with the relationships, activities and reactions of the teachers and students
Sociology of education is a source of educational goals and objectives. In regard to this, Hunt
(2013) found out that students are enlightened on how the education process in society is like.
With this knowledge, teachers are able to know what is supposed to be taught to learners and at
what time based on their levels of learning. Therefore, sociology of education can streamline
learners to remain focused in their studies until they acquired their dreams and visions in life.
Preparation for Life
Through sociology of education, teachers get to understand the nature of society the learners are
being prepared to live and play active roles and improve it. Regarding this, it enables teachers to
sensitize and enlighten developments within a society. According to Hallinan (2012), the
socialization between teachers and students enables educators to know the society in which their
learners are prepared to live in and thus train them on the best ways they are supposed to live in
their respective societies. For instance, those communities who live near water bodies are taught
on migrations of fish and the agricultural communities are taught the best agricultural methods
Moreover, sociology of education prepares one for a lifetime of change by developing one’s
appreciation of diversity, love of learning, writing and study skills, and knowledge base about
human behavior, social organization, culture, and social change (Hunt, 2013). If an individual is
the type of person who does not necessarily follow the crowds, but is always fascinated by their
behavior, the type who is truly interested in what is going on in the world; therefore, sociology of
Understanding of Behaviour
Sociology of education’s prime benefit is gaining a greater understanding of the complex and
confusing yet charmingly simple nature of humans, and the societies in which we organize
ourselves. By studying societal behaviour we can make comparisons, attempt to solve issues and
gain a rational understanding of some of society's more frustrating habits. By focusing on the
external forces that affect values, attitudes and behaviors, sociology of education helps us better
understand ourselves and the motivations of others around us (Giddings, 2011). While we are all
creatures of the various groups, organizations and governments in our environments, we are also
their creators. Sociology of education provides the tools and skills we need to take a more active
role in creating, participating in, advancing and managing such groups. Since Human
relationships are very complex, sociology of education helps teachers to be aware of certain
outcomes of a group’s behavior, and to understand that attitudes, values and beliefs of those
around them hence enhancing effective teaching and learning process. Regarding this, teachers
are able to understand children’s backgrounds and why they act the way they do. Thus, it
provides the necessary tools to overcome many obstacles brought by students in institutions of
Sociology of education helps teachers to understand group behaviour among learners. That is
why Marker (2013) asserted that teachers need to understand the behaviour of learners for
effective planning to facilitate teaching and learning process. For instance a teacher teaching in a
community where the dwellers of that society cherish women inheritance may try to convince
students against this practice by for example teaching dangers of HIV/AIDS that can be spread
through the practice, the course of effects to the society and the nation at large. Therefore,
sociology of education enables both teachers and students to deal with any situation that may
Sociology of education helps teachers to understand the relationships and interactions within the
school and the community and how they affect the teaching and learning process. For example,
in some communities that believes that girls having higher education like university education
are all immoral (Ballantine, 2017). Regarding this, teachers can try to convince parents more
especially during general meetings on the need to educate all genders to their highest levels of
The teachers get to know how the school affects the society and vice versa. For example,
according to Lowie (2010), cultural beliefs affects the way the school is run whereas knowledge
acquired at school might affect the home situation. In some communities, it is unacceptable for
girls to wear shorts for physical education. On the other hand, learners who are made to believe
that education will lead them to white collar jobs may find it is difficult to carry out manual
Enhances Objectivity
Sociology of education helps us look more objectively at our society and other societies. It
directs attention to how the parts of society fit together and change, and the consequences of that
social change. We are faced with an ever increasingly complex and rapidly changing social
the conceptual tools and methods for understanding the social milieu, whether it is expressed in:
group attitudes, values, behaviors, and political processes of workers, families, organizations,
will therefore, help one not only understand what is going on, but assist him/her in adapting or
coping with societal change (Brookover & Erickson, 2013). It should be noted that change in is
inevitable and expensive. The need for change ought to be communicated effectively and the
gradual process embraced starting from an individual then to the society at large.
Broad Skillset
The skills developed during sociology of education course are applicable to many areas of work.
In his view, Ballantine (2017) denoted that improved critical faculties allow students to make
rational and measured decisions in the interest of fairness, whereas a synthesis of group and
independent projects provide students with skills of teamwork, self-dependence and autonomy.
Furthermore, Sociology of education occasionally offers the chance of studying abroad, instilling
Human culture has been made richer by the contribution of sociology of education. The social
phenomenon is now understood in the light of scientific knowledge and enquiry. According to
Lowie (2010), most of people harbor the comfortable delusion that one’s way of doing things is
the only sensible if not only possible one. Sociology of education has given us training to have
rational approach to questions concerning oneself, one’s religion, customs, morals and
institutions. It has further taught us to be objective, critical and dispassionate. It enables human
beings to have better understanding both of themselves and of others. By comparative study of
societies and groups other than his/her existence, life becomes richer and fuller than it would
otherwise be. Sociology of education therefore, impresses upon teachers and students the
Finally, education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the
mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense education is the process
by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one
generation to another. Therefore, teachers in educational institutions ought to direct and facilitate
the entire educational systems to create a conducive environment that can accommodate smooth
teaching and learning process for holistic betterment of students and the society at large.
Ballantine, J.H. (2017). The sociology of education: a systematic analysis. New Jersey: Prentice
Hall Inc.
Brookover, W.B., & Erickson, E.L. (2013). Sociology of education. Illinois: Theory Dorsey
Durkheim, E. (1895). The rules of sociological method. New York: Halt Press.
Hallinan, M.T. (2012). Handbook of the sociology of education. London: Springer Press.
Hunt, M.P. (2013). Foundations of education, social and cultural perspectives. New York: Halt,
20(1a), 1-68.