M.B.A ( 2019 PATTERN ) Finance
M.B.A ( 2019 PATTERN ) Finance
M.B.A ( 2019 PATTERN ) Finance
vi) Capital budgeting is ______.
a) Preparing a capital expenditure budget
b) Planning Capital expenditure
c) Planning and evaluation of capital expenditure
d) Planning of expenditure
vii) Capitalisation means ________.
a) amount of equity capital b) amount of debt
c) total amount of capital d) retained earning
viii) The amount of working capital which changes according to seasonal
fluctuation is called as ______.
a) fixed working capital b) net working capital
c) gross working capital d) fluctuating working capital
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Calculate : [10]
i) Current Ratio
ii) Quick Ratio
iii) Debt to Equity
iv) Inventory to working capital
v) Current Asset to fixed Asset
b) Differentiate between Cash Flow statement & Fund Flow Statement.
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