ASSESSMENT 1 SITXHRM001 Coach Others in Job Skills
ASSESSMENT 1 SITXHRM001 Coach Others in Job Skills
ASSESSMENT 1 SITXHRM001 Coach Others in Job Skills
Q2: What techniques can you use to identify Amy’s specific coaching needs?
Answer:- You notice he is not using correct manual handling techniques to move cartons or bulky
items. He is not following organisational procedures for handling stock.
Q3: What communication techniques can you use when discussing Amy’s needs with him?
Answer:- Be friendly, Be clear, and be open minded.
Q4: Your discussions have identified that Amy needs coaching on how to correctly lift and
carry boxes. He understands how to use a truck trolley and where the stock is to be stored
in the storeroom. The correct procedure was explained to him some time ago, but he has
forgotten it. Explain the overall purpose of the coaching session to Amy.
Answer:- You know this is a work health and safety issue and must be addressed quickly before
he injures himself.
Q5: Where can you find information to support your coaching session?
Answer:- Broadly, people seek help with the following:
Mental preparation
Application writing
Resume writing
Interview self-promotion
Interview questions.
Being on a selection panel.
Q6: What steps will you follow when delivering coaching to Amy or any of your other
colleagues? Briefly explain what occurs at each step in these key principles of training.
Answer:- Step One: Analyse
Collect and interpret performance data and segment employees by performance. Identify
unique performance gaps for the individual employees who will be coached, then drill into the
root cause behaviors behind each gap . Prioritize the highest impact opportunities for
improvement. Ensure that the organization is using the best metrics, ones closely aligned to the
desired behaviors – they’re essential for measuring change.
Step Two: Prepare
Before a session, set the coaching session objective, focusing on one or two behaviors per
meeting. Plan the interaction, anticipating objections and preparing to overcome them.
Consider what feedback to deliver – for example, employees believe corrective feedback does
more to improve their performance than positive feedback, by a three-to-one margin – and be
respectful of individual characteristics or needs . Coach to behaviors, rather than metrics:
Helping an employee learn to show empathy during a customer interaction is far more effective
than simply telling him to improve his Customer Satisfaction score by five points.
Step Three: Conduct
During the session, ask questions to open the dialogue, share perspectives and insight and
determine options to move forward. Coaching is a two-way communication process that
requires that the supervisor and the employee both be fully engaged and motivated .6
Q7: You decide to develop a simple coaching plan to make sure you cover all necessary
information and skills. Complete the table to describe how you will deliver your coaching session.
Use your workplace or training environment’s organisational procedures when completing the
plan or research correct lifting and carrying procedures.
Coaching plan
Speaking more effectively in With this topic we learn how to build confidence
group settings. in group.
5 Career exploration. With this we can find more career opportunities.
7 Becoming a better listener or With this topic you can present yourself better in
mentor. front of others.
Resources required: including large and small equipment, stock, ingredients,
documentation, machinery.
Q8: What other details do you need to discuss and confirm with Amy if the coaching is not
going to be delivered immediately?
Answer:- You need to discuss a simple coaching plan to make sure you cover all necessary information and
skills. Complete the table to describe how you will deliver your coaching session. Use your workplace or
training environment’s organisational procedures when completing the plan or research correct lifting and
carrying procedures.
Q9: Choose one topic or step from your coaching plan and write how you will explain that
topic/step to Amy.
Answer:-Improving team meetings: It is the single most important thing a manager can do as a leader
to improve team meetings. It's surprising how many managers are proud to proclaim their dislike of
meetings, but to achieve significant results, solve problems, make decisions, inform, inspire,
collaborate, and motivate, managers need to work with people.
That means occasionally getting those people together in a room or on a conference call and talking to
them. Managing isn’t about sitting in the office with the door shut sending emails. As a leader, try
looking at meetings as the manifestation of leadership. It’s leadership showtime, not something to
dread like a trip to the dentist.
Q10: What are two questions you can ask after explaining and demonstrating the correct
procedure to check Amy’s understanding?
Answer:-1. Do you understand everything properly?
2. Any question regarding the conversation?
Q11: How can you allocate time to deliver coaching to Amy while still completing your duties?
Answer:- Decide where you will not spend time: Given that you have a limited time budget, you will
not have the ability to do everything you would like to do regardless of your efficiency.
Strategically allocate your time: Boundaries on how and when you invest time in work and in your
personal life help to ensure that you have the proper investment in each category. and relationships.
Set up automatic time investment: Just like you set up automatic financial investment to mutual
funds in your retirement account, your daily and weekly routines should make your time investment
close to automatic.
Aim for a consistently balanced time budget: Given the ebbs and flows of life, you can’t expect that
you will have a constantly balanced time budget but you can aim for having a consistently balanced
Q12: Amy has received coaching and has practised the skill several times. You observe that he
initially completed the procedure correctly but is now tending to bend his back more each
time he lifts or lowers the boxes. He is completing all other steps as per the organisational
procedure correctly, especially when carrying the load from the delivery point to the
You are about to give him feedback on his performance. Write what you will say to Amy
when giving him feedback.
Answer:- Is everything going well?
Did you face any problem during the task?
One of the main responsibilities of a manager is providing feedback that supports their staff’s learning
and development. Just as important is being able to provide this feedback on an ongoing basis – not just
when the employee's annual performance review comes around. Constructive feedback is especially
vital when there are issues that require staff to improve on mistakes or shortcomings, without stirring up
negative feelings.
Q13: It’s two weeks later and you have been observing Amy move boxes of stock into the
storeroom. You are very pleased to see that he is using correct lifting and carrying
techniques. However, this is a larger than normal delivery with many boxes to be
transferred to the storage area. It will take him over an hour to transfer them all if he
carries them individually. It will also be a physically strenuous task. What supportive
assistance or advice can you give him in this situation? Write what you would say to Amy.
Answer:- You know this is a work health and safety issue and must be addressed quickly before
he injures himself.
Q14: As the coaching is related to workplace health and safety procedures, a formal record of
the training must be kept. Complete the training evaluation and progress report with
details about Amy’s coaching.
Training evaluation and progress report 4 – Above standard
Trainee: Amy 3 – Meets standard
Trainer: Linda 2 – Improvement needed
1 – Unacceptable, more training
Date: 20/05/20
Objective of training/coaching: Improper manual
handling. 0 – Not responding to training
Q15: You conduct exactly the same coaching session with another relatively new employee,
Renee, the next time stock is delivered. This session doesn’t go as smoothly as Amy’s.
Renee watches your demonstration but has difficulty describing the steps and associated
knowledge immediately afterwards. You demonstrate and explain the procedure again and
ask her to complete the task. She performs the task but not to the required standard. She
misses a number of details, such as positioning her feet correctly, holding the box in the
correct position against her body and using her feet to change direction. You demonstrate
and explain the process again and ask her to go through the steps verbally. Again, she has
difficulty describing the task. She performs the task to a higher standard in the next
demonstration, but it is still not at the required standard.
What could be causing Renee to have difficulty verbally explaining and performing the task?
Answer:- 1.Lack of ability
1. Resources
If your employee is lacking the time, money, personnel, or supplies to complete a task, he
won’t be able to complete it, no matter how much he wants to. This is probably the easiest root
cause to address, but you should also tell the employee that he should have come to you with
his problem sooner instead of trying to make it work without the proper resources.
2. Skills
Sometimes a performance problem is a simple lack of skills. Perhaps the employee was
promoted before he was ready, or a new set of job duties has been assigned. Hopefully some
extra training or mentoring can solve this performance problem.
2.Lack of Motivation.
3.Lack of confidence.
Q16: After discussing your concerns with a supervisor, you find out that Renee is shy and
doesn’t like to be put under pressure to learn or demonstrate new skills in front of her
colleagues. What can you do to help Renee successfully learn this important skill?
Answer:- Preparation
Preparation is responsible for 90% of negotiating success. The more prepared you are preceding a
negotiation, the more likely it is that the result of the negotiation will be acceptable for all parties
involved. The 2 most important things to do during preparation are: Firstly, make sure to have all the
information that you can about the forthcoming negotiation. Secondly, think about the negotiation
process from the beginning to the end and be fully prepared for any eventuality.
Good negotiators are normally very patient. They focus mainly on getting agreement on all the parts of
the contract that the two parties have in common before they go on seeking for cordial ways to settle
the other issues. Besides, it is important to prepare good questions to ask to clarify and understand each
point. This will help to avoid confusion later.
Active Listening
Negotiators have the abilitiy to listen attentively to the other party during the conversation. Active
listening includes the ability to read body language as well as verbal communication. It is vital to listen
to the other party to find areas for compromise during the meeting. Instead of spending most of the
time in negotiation while defending his viewpoint, the experienced negotiator will spend more time
listening to the other party and find clues for further debate.
Emotional Control
It is important that a negotiator has the ability to keep his emotions under control during the
negotiation. Negotiating on sensitive issues can be frustrating and allowing emotions to take control
can worsen the situation during the meeting..
Verbal Communication
Skilled negotiators must be able to communicate clearly and efficiently to the other party during the
negotiation. If the negotiator does not state his case clearly, it can lead to misunderstanding and an
unfavorable result. During a bargaining meeting, an effective negotiator must have the skills and tact to
clearly point out his desired outcome as well as his logical perception.
Problem Solving
Employees with good negotiation skills have the capability to find a variety of solutions to problems.
Instead of concentrating on his desired goal for the negotiation, the individual with skills can focus on
problem-solving, which may lead to a breakdown in communication and therefore benefit both sides of
the issue.
Ethical standards and reliability in a skilled negotiator stimulate a trust for effective negotiation to take
place. Both parties in a negotiation must trust that the other side will keep up with promises and
agreements. A negotiator must have the skills to implement his promises after bargaining ends.