Teaching Profession Compilation

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Defining A Teacher


What is a teacher?

A teacher is a unique profession that creates a direct impact onto its client –
referring to the students. Teachers can see their work in action, see the changes they
affect and in so doing, they witness firsthand their goals coming to fruition. A teacher is
one that aspires to educate, to inspire, to learn and to affect positive charge. It is a
profession that requires love, compassion, patience, endurance, positivity and
commitment. It is a lifetime profession that knows no end for if learning is a life-long
process, so does teaching.

A teacher is more than a job but a commitment. A commitment to impart

knowledge to every individual, to inspire and to motivate them to keep moving forward
and to see they reach the success their hearts had been longing for. A commitment to
continuously be the role model of every dreaming child. A commitment to impart lessons
that will last a lifetime, not only academically but lessons of life. A commitment to ignite
passion and desires of a person that has been in slumber or hopeless for some
reasons. A commitment to leave an indelible mark that lasts a lifetime and make sure it
is something one carry with as they face life challenges that may drag them down deep
into ground. It is more than a job but a covenant to remain as someone else’s guardian
till he or she get pass through life hardships until they can stand up on their own.

A teacher long for change. A change for the betterment of life, of a child’s life. It
has the goal to make a difference. Not a difference to put others at risk or danger but a
difference that secures a bright future for everyone. Teachers are the potters, the
engineers that shape the future of every person. They had the job to equip every
student to whatever possible circumstance they might stumble upon in the future. They
bring them into a world where they can freely discover the talents, abilities, skills and
capabilities they can do. They allow them to know how to fight their weaknesses and
use it as a weapon to get through a dilemma. They bring them into a world where they
can do what they want and be want they want to be, without getting discriminated,
judged, controlled and discouraged but rather, they are motivated, encouraged and
mold them into a brave, persistent individuals full of optimism in reaching their dreams.

A teacher is but a bridge at which they send the student to which end they want
to be at. The end at which they can find success and triumph.
Defining A Teacher


Teachers Change Lives

It is not an exaggeration to say that a great teacher can change a student’s life.
There are an endless amount of great teacher stories that attest to the benefits of a
strong relationship between an educator and pupil.

As some of the most influential role models for developing students, teachers are

responsible for more than just academic enrichment. If you want to be a great educator,
you must connect with your pupils and reach them on multiple levels, because the best
teachers are committed to their students’ well-being both inside and outside the
classroom. By forging strong relationships, educators are able to affect virtually every
aspect of their students’ lives, teaching them the important life lessons that will help
them succeed beyond term papers and standardized tests.

It is not always easy to change a student’s life, which is why it takes a great
teacher to do so. Some just need an extra push like the student whose math grade is
just a few points shy from the A that will give them a 4.0 GPA; others may be going
through something troubling in their personal lives and need someone to talk to.
Whatever the student needs to help them excel, a life-changing teacher will be there for

While you will spend your entire career learning the different ways you can
change your students’ lives, here are three aspects that are directly affected by great

1. Education

A great teacher makes learning fun, as stimulating, engaging lessons are pivotal
to a student’s academic success. Some students who are more prone to misbehavior,
truancy or disengagement are more dependent on an engaging teacher. Making your
classroom an exciting environment for learning will hold the students’ fascination, and
students learn best when they are both challenged and interested. It’s part of motivating
students, which may not be easy, but which will benefit students immeasurably in the
long run.

2. Inspiration

Have you ever had a teacher who inspired you to work harder or pursue a
particular goal? Were you inspired to become an educator by one of your own great
Defining A Teacher

Inspiring students is integral to ensuring their success and encouraging them to

fulfill their potential. Students who are inspired by their teachers can accomplish
amazing things, and that motivation almost always stays with them. Inspiration can also
take many forms, from helping a pupil through the academic year and their short-term
goals, to guiding them towards their future career. Years after graduation, many working
professionals will still cite a particular teacher as the one who fostered their love of what
they currently do and attribute their accomplishments to that educator.

3. Guidance

Teachers can also be a trusted source of advice for students weighing important
life decisions. Educators can help their pupils pursue higher education, explore career
opportunities and compete in events they might otherwise have not thought themselves
able to. Students often look to their teachers as mentors with experience and
knowledge, and, as an educator, you will almost definitely be asked for advice at some
point during your career.

Did you know that one in four students drops out of school or that every nine
seconds, another student drops out? Dropping out is a decision that students won’t
likely come to you about, but an adept teacher can notice the indications that a student
is struggling and intervene before it’s too late. Aside from educating them on the hard
facts about dropping out, teachers can also help assess the problem and figure out an
alternative. In such situations, teachers undoubtedly have the ability to change the lives
of students.


Defining A Teacher


Teachers Are Role Models

A role model is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness,
live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. A role model is someone we
admire and someone we aspire to be like. We learn through them, through their
commitment to excellence and through their ability to make us realize our own personal
growth. We look to them for advice and guidance.

A role model can be anybody: a parent, a sibling, a friend but some of our most
influential and life-changing role models are teachers.

My Teacher, My Hero

When you think of the type of teacher you'd like to be, who comes to mind? The math
teacher that helped you conquer fractions? The English teacher who wrote great
comments on your stories? The teacher that helped you discover a new sport, hobby,
talent--or maybe even nudged you down your current career path?

Interested in developing your skills as a teacher? Explore online education short

courses designed to give you an in-depth understanding of various skills in teaching.

Those are the teachers we're celebrating through our YouTube channel, My Teacher,
My Hero External link . Together, we're paying homage to the teachers that have played
such an integral part in shaping our lives, and to their importance in shaping the next
generation of educators.

“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” — Marlene Canter, My Teacher My

Teachers follow students through each pivotal stage of development. At six to eight
hours a day, five days a week, you as a teacher are poised to become one of the most
influential people in your students’ life. After their parents, children will first learn from
you, their elementary school teacher. Then, as a middle school teacher, you will guide
students through yet another important transition: adolescence. As children become
young adults, learning throughout middle school and into high school, you will answer
their questions, listen to their problems and teach them about this new phase of their
lives. You not only watch your students grow you help them grow.

“We think of teacher-heroes that taught us the academics but we don’t often think of
those teachers that taught us life’s lessons.” — Maria Wale, My Teacher My
Hero External link 
Defining A Teacher

Much of what students learn from their greatest teachers is not detailed on a syllabus.
Teachers who help us grow as people are responsible for imparting some of life’s most
important lessons. During their initial school years, students encounter, perhaps for the
first time, other children of the same age and begin to form some of their first
friendships. As a teacher, you will show your students how to become independent and
form their own relationships; you will carefully guide them and intervene when
necessary. School is as much a place of social learning as academic learning, and this
is true, not only in our early years of education, but all the way through college. Armed
with a supportive and well-educated administration, there is no limit to the influence a
teacher can have on one, or many, students' lives. Though a teacher’s influence on the
social sphere of school lessens as students mature, those early lessons still have an
effect on how they will interact with others in the future.

Teachers are founts of experience. They have already been where their students are
going, undergone what they will go through and are in a position to pass along lessons,
not only regarding subject matter, but lessons on life.


Defining A Teacher


Becoming A Teacher
What Makes A Good Teacher

Some people are born to teach, whilst others must constantly strive to reinvent
themselves and recreate their lessons in the perpetual pursuit of perfection. It is an ever
evolving yet challenging and lifelong learning environment of which we are an integral
part. This article attempts to summarize top qualities of a good teacher, looks into what
makes a good teacher, and provides ideas on becoming a better teacher.

What Makes A Good Teacher?

Creating a positive learning atmosphere and developing a good rapport without showing

favoritism. Having the ability to engage and involve students with your personality.

 Being patient – for slow learners, ‘needy’ students requiring attention and those
lacking motivation.
 Clarity – answering questions in a clear and concise way.
 Organized – punctual, producing well-planned lessons with suitable material.
 Sense of humor – miming and body language often require this quality, without
resorting to circus antics.
 Adaptable – being resourceful.
 Imaginative – in creating and adapting teaching materials and also empathizing
with students in building rapport.
 Becoming A Teacher. One Teacher = Many Roles
 Controller - the person in control of class management.
 Assessor – checking and deciding the method of giving feedback e.g. error
 A Resource – this is especially the case in developing countries, where there are
 Coach – encouraging class participation, especially for shyer students.
 Tutor – in one-to-one teaching.
 Organizer – instruction of students for activities and providing feedback.
 Facilitator – for student interactive communication.
 Counselor – solving any language learning problems.
 An instructor – in the traditional sense on language points such
as pronunciation, vocabulary or grammar.
 A provider of experiences – in order for students to practice the four skills they
require, as many language examples as possible are needed.
 A model – particularly for pronunciation.
 A motivator – balancing activities to achieve language targets and student
Defining A Teacher

 An authority – students rely heavily on teacher pronouncements and so

generalizations should be avoided/explained as such.
 An arbiter – balancing fluency with accuracy in assessing error correction.
 An examiner – continuous monitoring and testing.
 A disciplinarian – essential to maintain class control.
 A balancer – a sliding scale which constantly changes.
 A mentor – giving language insight to another culture.
 A prompter – without taking away the initiative from the student e.g. role-play
activity vocabulary support.
 A participant – e.g. discussion.
 A performer – with suitable behavior according to the activity being undertaken.
 Rapport builder – recognizing, listening to, respecting and being even-handed
with students, in a professional manner.

What Other Attributes Must A Good Teacher Have?

The teacher has to exploit his/her talents as a visual teaching aid to incorporate
mime, gesture and expression to convey meaning and atmosphere in the classroom.
Language modeling is important as students may find video and audio recordings
difficult to understand.

Teacher Talking Time (TTT) should be used productively and the importance of our
voices never under-estimated. Observation skills in assessing student performance and
progress are also vital. Teachers must be culturally aware e.g. Japan has a masculine
collective culture, virtually all classes are monolingual, long-term oriented with a high
degree of uncertainty avoidance.


Defining A Teacher


The Joys of Being a Teacher

by Stacy Zeiger
Fifty percent of new teachers quit the profession within the first five years. This
statistic is not surprising when you consider that teaching is often connected with long
hours and low pay, but it is surprising when you considered all of the joys of being a
teacher. While teaching may be seen as low-paying, thankless jobs by some, those who
stick with the profession see that it has the potential to be one of the most rewarding
jobs there is.

Hours and Pay

At first glance, a teacher's hours are long and the pay is low. While teachers do
spend a significant amount of time on work outside of the actual work day, they are
rewarded with holidays and summers off. That regular time off gives teachers a chance
to refresh and regroup. If a school year did not go well, teachers have an entire summer
to reflect and a new group of students to work with when the school year begins. While
teacher pay is low, as a teacher gains years of experience and takes additional courses,
the pay increases. Very few jobs offer the regular raises in pay many teachers receive.

Personal Fulfillment

Many teachers find personal fulfillment. If you teach a subject you are passionate
about, you get to spend every day talking about something you love and, hopefully,
passing that passion on to others. If you are a creative person, you will find fulfillment
designing creative lesson plans, decorating your classroom and putting together bulletin
boards. Because teachers are required to regularly participate in professional
development sessions and take classes, you also continue to learn new things and
improve your teaching ability. Watching yourself learn and grow as a teacher may build
your overall confidence.

Student Interaction

As a teacher, you get the opportunity to interact with multiple students on a daily
basis. While some of these students may be the most frustrating part of the job, they
may also be the most rewarding. Not only do you get the satisfaction of teaching
children new skills, but you have the ability to improve their emotional well-being. You
can raise a student's confidence by helping him learn to read or solve a difficult math
problem. You can let a student from a broken home know that someone cares just by
giving him a smile in the mornings or a pat on the back for a job well done.
Defining A Teacher

Community Respect

Being a teacher also earns you a large amount of respect from friends, family
members and those in the community. You earn praise and admiration from people who
could never imagine themselves spending the day in a classroom full of middle-
schoolers or who are tempted to run after spending five minutes with a kindergartner.
As a teacher, you even have a nationally recognized week to appreciate you and the job
you do. During back-to-school time and during teacher appreciation week, many
businesses take time to offer freebies and discounts to thank teachers and show their
respect for the profession.


Defining A Teacher


The Heart of Teaching: What It Means to Be a Great Teacher

By Rusul Alrubail

What does it mean to be a great teacher? Of course credentials, knowledge,

critical thinking, and all other faculties of intelligence are important. However, a great
teacher should be much more than credentials, experience, and intelligence.

What lies in the heart of a great teacher?

You are kind: A great teacher shows kindness to students, colleagues, parents, and
those around her or him. My favorite saying is “kindness makes the world go around.” It
truly changes the environment in the classroom and school. Being a kind teacher helps
students feel welcomed, cared for, and loved.

You are compassionate: Teaching is a very humanistic profession, and compassion is

the utmost feeling of understanding and showing others you are concerned about them.
A compassionate teacher models that characteristic to the students with her or his
actions, and as a result students will be more open to understanding the world around

You are empathetic: Empathy is an important trait to have and to try to develop in
ourselves and our students. Being able to put yourself in someone’s shoes and see
things from their perspective can have a powerful impact on our decisions and actions.

You are positive: Being a positive person is not an easy task. Being a positive teacher
is even harder when we’re always met with problems with very limited solutions.
However, staying positive when it’s tough can have a tremendous positive impact on the
students and everyone around us. Looking on the bright side always seems to help
make things better.

You are a builder: A great teacher bridges gaps and builds relationships, friendships,
and a community. Teachers always look to make things better and improve things in
and outside of the classroom. Building a community is something a great teacher seeks
to do in the classroom and extends that to the entire school and its community.

You inspire: Everyone looks at a great teacher and wants to be a better teacher, a

better student, and even a better person. A great teacher uncovers hidden treasures,
possibilities, and magic right before everyone’s eyes.



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