Thermal-Spray (Metallized) Coatings For Steel: Robert A. Sulit

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Chapter 4.

Thermal-Spray (Metallized) Coatings for Steel
Robert A. Sulit

Introduction and deposited to form a laminar TSC on a prepared

Thermal-spray coatings (TSCs) are used substrate (Figure 1a).
extensively for the corrosion protection of steel and
iron in a wide range of environments. The corrosion
tests carried out by the American Welding Society and
the 34 and 44 year marine-atmosphere performance
reports of the LaQue Center for Corrosion Technology
confirm the effectiveness of flame-sprayed aluminum
and zinc coatings over long periods of time in a wide
range of hostile environments.1, 2, 3 The British Stan-
dards Institution code of practice for the corrosion
protection of steel specifies that only TSCs give
Figure 1a. Thermal spraying.
protection greater than 20 years to first maintenance
for the 19 industrial and marine environments consid-
ered and that only sealed, sprayed aluminum or zinc
gives such protection in sea water immersion or splash
In Federal Highway Administration laboratory
and field trials of low VOC coatings for the protection
of steel bridges, 85/15 Zn/Al, 99.9 Zn, and 99.9 Al
TSCs demonstrated the best corrosion performance
among 34 coating systems. Metallized coatings have
zero VOC. Conclusions are based on 6.5-yr. panel
testing in a severe marine exposure site and 5-yr
panel testing on three bridges in different but severe
corrosion environments.5 The 85/15 Zn/Al over SSPC
10/NACE 2 near-white metal blast is estimated to
reach 5-15% degradation in a severe marine environ-
ment in 30 years.
The current industry standard for the applica-
tion of TSCs is SSPC CS 23.00, Specification for the
Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of
Fig. 1b. Arc spraying 85/15 on the interior of a 7 ft. diam.
Aluminum, Zinc and Their Alloys and Composites for
pipe over the Missouri River in Montana. Courtesy
the Corrosion Protection of Steel.6 The qualifications
Montana Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation
for metallizing contractors are specified in the SSPC-
QP series of qualification procedures for coating
The material used may be in the form of a powder or
wire. The thermal spray gun generates the necessary
heat by using combustible gases or an electric arc. As
Thermal Spraying
the materials are heated, they are changed to a plastic
Thermal spraying is a group of processes in
or molten state, atomized, confined, and accelerated
which the thermal-spray feedstock material is heated,
by a compressed gas stream to the substrate. The
atomized, and propelled by a conveying gas stream
Figure 2. Typical arc-spray installation.

particles strike the substrate, flatten, and form thin ization may occur. The high particle temperatures
platelets (splats) that conform and adhere to the produce metallurgical interactions and/or diffusion
irregularities of the prepared substrate and to each zones after impact with the substrate. These localized
other. reactions form minute weld spots with good cohesive
and adhesive strengths.
Electric Arc Spraying
TSCs of zinc, aluminum, or their alloys, are Safety
used infrastructure corrosion-control applications, Potential thermal-spraying hazards include
primarily applied by the electric arc thermal-spray exposure to vapors, metal dust, fumes, gases, noise,
process. Arc spraying production rates are 3 to 5 times and arc ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Uncontrolled metal
faster than flame spraying concomitant with less dust is an explosion and inhalation hazard. Improperly
energy cost. used thermal-spray equipment can create potential fire
In the arc-wire process, two consumable wire and explosion hazards from the fuel gases and a
electrodes that are insulated from each other automati- potential electrical shock hazard from the electrical
cally advance to meet at a point in an atomizing gas and electronic equipment and charged wire spools.
stream. A potential difference of 18 to 40 volts applied Follow proper safety precautions to minimize hazards.
across the wires starts an arc that melts the tips of the Operators must comply with the procedures in the
wire electrodes. An atomizing gas stream, usually safety references, the manufacturer’s technical
compressed air, is directed the arc zone, shearing off information, and Material Safety Data Sheets. A
molten droplets that form the atomized spray. summary of thermal-spray safety information may be
The arc spray system is shown in Figure 2. found in SSPC CS 23.00A, Part B: Guide 8.
Wire electrodes are fed through wire guides and into
the contact tips. The atomizing nozzle conducts the Thermal-Spray Coatings (TSCs) for the
compressed air and directs it across the arc zone. Corrosion Protection of Steel
Insulated power cables connect the gun to the DC
Aluminum, zinc, and their alloys provide both
power source. Arc guns also include mechanisms for
barrier and galvanic protection; barrier protection when
feeding the wire at a controlled rate. Contact tips are
applied in non-through-porosity thickness, galvanic
sized for a particular wire diameter. A trigger switch on
protection when applied in a through-porosity thick-
the gun controls the wire feed, compressed air supply,
ness. Zinc’s greater chemical activity provides greater
and electric power. During the melting cycle, the feed
galvanic protection than aluminum. Aluminum’s lower
wire is super heated to the point where some volatil-

Table 1. Estimated Service Life of Aluminum TSCs.

Table 2. Estimated Service Life of Zinc and 85/15 Zn/Al-Alloy TSCs.

Table 3a. Predicted Service Life for Selected Thermal Spray Applications(A).

chemical activity, adherent oxide film, and higher wear predicted service life of TSCs for selected USACE
and temperature resistance as compared to zinc, applications.
provides longer term protection along with high-
temperature and abrasion/wear resistance. Sealing and Topcoating TSCs
TSCs of aluminum, zinc, and their alloys have
When zinc is alloyed with aluminum, the zinc-
porosity ranging up to 15%. Interconnected porosity
rich spray material forms an effective corrosion-
will extend from the surface to the substrate when the
resistant coating, having the attributes of both elemen-
TSC is applied at less than a non-through porosity
tal components. 85/15 Zn/Al alloy and pseudo Al-Zn
thickness. Sealing fills the porosity extending the
alloy, produced by arc spraying Al and Zn wires, can
service life of the TSC. Sealing is accomplished by
be used to maximize their alloy performance over their
applying thin sealer coatings that will penetrate into
individual performance. In this case, the corrosion
and are absorbed into the pores of the TSC or natu-
resistance of zinc is combined with the severe-
rally by the oxidation of the sprayed aluminum or zinc
environment and high-temperature resistance of
filling the pores with a tightly adherent oxide layer. The
aluminum. When cut to expose the substrate steel, or
seal coat must be applied before significant natural
when applied in a through-porosity thickness, these
oxidation occurs to be effective. The pigment particle
TSCs will retard corrosion through cathodic protection.
size for colored sealers must be small enough to flow
easily into the pores of the TSC, nominally a 5-
Selecting TSCs fineness grind per ASTM D 1210.11
The selection of TSCs should be based on the For service temperatures > 250oF [120oC], a
service environment and the desired service life: Table high-temperature resistant coating such as an alumi-
1 illustrates the service life for aluminum TSCs and num pigmented silicone sealer is required.
Table 2 the service life for zinc and zinc/aluminum Sealed TSCs are preferable to topcoated
alloys.9 TSCs. Sealed TSCs should be topcoated only when:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has (1) the environment is very acidic or very alkaline, i.e.,
experience with 85-15 zinc-aluminum alloy coating when pH is outside the range of 5 to 12 for zinc and
(0.016 in. [400 mm]) providing 10 years of service in zinc alloy TSCs or 4 to 9 for aluminum and 90/10 MMC
very turbulent ice- and debris-laden water.10 Table 3a TSCs; (2) the metal is subject to direct attack by
shows typical service lives of paint coatings and specific chemicals; (3) the required decorative finish

can be obtained only with a topcoat; and (4) when subjected to marine and de-icing salts. Reinforcing
additional abrasion resistance is required. Topcoat steel in concrete can be zinc sprayed to retard corro-
materials must be compatible with the TSC material, sion. Reinforced concrete bridges and highways,
sealer, and the intended service environment. Never especially in those in marine and freezing environ-
topcoat an unsealed TSC. ments where de-icing salts are used, commonly suffer
from chloride intrusion into the concrete followed by
Examples reinforcing steel corrosion and concrete spalling. Zinc
There is a history of aluminum and zinc TSC TSCs are used for reinforcing steel protection prior to
corrosion protection for structural steel work: buildings, pouring the concrete. Zinc TSCs are sprayed directly
bridges, towers, radio and TV antenna masts, steel on bridge concrete substructures to provide a sacrifi-
gantry structures, high-power search radar aerials, cial protection coating or to be a secondary anode
overhead walkways, railroad overhead line support when electrically connected to an impressed current
columns, electrification masts, tower cranes, traffic cathodic protection system.
island posts, and street and bridge railings. In marine applications, ship structural areas
Zinc TSCs complement hot-dip galvanizing and components are preserved with aluminum and
and should be considered when fabrications are zinc TSCs. The U.S. Navy uses aluminum TSCs in
excessively large or otherwise cannot be hot-dip new ship construction and in the overhaul, repair, and
galvanized. Zinc TSC should also be considered for maintenance of ship structures and for a wide range of
repairing galvanized coating damaged during the shipboard components, especially those in topside and
fabrication process (e.g., welding, cutting and joining wet spaces.13 The British, Australian, and New
areas) and for maintenance recoating. Here, a zinc Zealand Navies use a duplex zinc (base) and alumi-
TSC is particularly advantageous because it ensures num (top) TSC system. Commercial shipping and
the uniformity and reproducibility of the galvanized barges have used TSCs to preserve ship superstruc-
coating thickness. tures and a range of topside and interior components.
Wellhead valve assemblies, for offshore use,
TSC Cost
have been thermal-spray coated for salt atmosphere
This section contrasts paint and TSCs based
protection since the 1950s. Aluminum TSCs are used
on cost and expected service life.10 Both paint and
for high-temperature corrosion protection of flare
TSCs may be used to provide corrosion protection.
stacks. Aluminum and zinc TSCs have been used for
The use of TSCs is preferred on the basis of fitness-
external protection of oil and propane gas storage
for-purpose for a few specific applications including
tanks. TSCs have been used to protect pipelines
corrosion protection in very turbulent ice- and debris-
against many environments. Pile couplings, valves,
laden water, high-temperature applications, and zebra-
sewer covers, industrial gas bottles, and other small
mussel resistance. TSCs may also be selected
industrial items are candidates for TSCs.
because of restrictive air pollution regulations that do
The interior of steel hopper rail cars for hauling coal
not allow the use of some paint with excessive VOC
have been sprayed with aluminum for sulfuric-acid
emissions. For all other applications the choice
corrosion protection and with aluminum composite for
between thermal spray and paint coatings should be
both corrosion and abrasion protection. Steel car
based on cost.
exteriors have been sprayed with zinc for atmospheric-
Whenever possible, coating selection should
corrosion protection.
be based on life cycle cost. Because of their some-
Zinc TSCs are used to protect potable water
what higher first cost, TSCs are often overlooked. To
pipelines and storage tanks as specified in ANSI/
calculate life cycle costs the installed cost of the
AWWA D-102-78, American Water Works Association
coating system and its expected service life must
Standard for Painting Water-Storage Tanks.12 Alumi-
be known. Life-cycle costs for coating systems are
num and zinc TSCs are used on sluice gates in
readily compared by calculating the average equiva-
irrigation systems and canal lock gates in shipping
lent annual cost (AEAC) for each system under
Sealed aluminum and zinc TSCs improve the
The basic installed cost of a TSC system is
corrosion resistance of steel bridgework and railings

Table 3b. Stepwise Procedure.

calculated by adding the costs for surface preparation, etry and surface considerations in the structural design
materials, consumables, and thermal spray applica- and during fabrication/assembly, accessibility for
tion. The cost of surface preparation is well known. surface preparation, coating application, and in-service
The cost of time, materials, and consumables may be maintenance and repair. Design guidance documents
calculated using the “stepwise” procedure shown in suitable for thermal-spray systems are listed in the
Table 3b. reference section.4, 10, 14, 15

Table 4. Deposit Efficiency of Thermal Spray Process Standards

Processes. There are two thermal-spray process stan-
dards for the corrosion protection of steel in the U.S.
and one ISO standard. These are also listed in the
reference section.6, 13, 16

Inspecting Thermal-Spray Coatings

Inspection Requirements
The requirements and methods for inspection
of thermal-spray coatings should be considered during
Other factors that increase the cost of thermal- the initial design and implemented/updated during the
spray and other coating jobs include the costs of fabrication and assembly of steel structures and their
containment, inspection, rigging, mobilization, waste components. The TSC system requirements for initial
storage, and worker health and safety. application and in-service performance should be
established to parallel to other inspection require-
Design Guidance and Process Standards ments. Inspection should be based on inspecting and
documenting the major planning, production, and
Design Guidance maintenance and repair actions for the life-cycle
Applying TSCs for the protection of steel support of the structural and components of the TSC
structures and components requires comparable system. The flow chart (Figure 3) shows the key
design considerations as that for high-performance thermal-spray inspection events for a project. The
paint-coating systems, i.e., material selection, geom- construction and initial application phase includes the

Design Phase
Design Specification or Job Order
__.,.. Construction Phase & Initial Appllcallon Phase .,.. In-Service

' ( What J( Element J( Requirement ) (.__ _H_o_w_ __,)

Follow design Table 1: 1· Periodic

guidance in TSC System Per Specification Manufacturer's .,.. inspection &
the Section 6 Requirements or Job Order Certtficate reports
... and
Clean with Visual &
Tests, no fines water sheen
I per Rer (a) V1sua1 &
) 2· Repair pe1

JRS Section 11
Job Referooce Per Specification Visual & Profile Tape
Standard per or Job Order and/or Profilimeter
.... Section 15.2,
Ref. (a) Spray Attachment to
Parameters the JCR
JAS & start of Recorded
each shift inJCA
OCCP #7.1 & V1sual &
7.2(a) JCR Step 5

1·2 mlllf required Visual &

& validated JCR Step 6
For flame Visual &
Abbreviations & Reference spraying JCR Step 7
JCR Job Conlrol Record per Ret. 6
JRS Job Reference Standard per Ref. 6 QCCP Visual &/or
QCCP Quality Control Checkpoint H 7.2(b)·(d) JCR Step 8
Rqmt. Requirement
OCCP Visual &/or
TSC Thermal-Spray Coating
117.2·7.9 JCR Step 9
Ref 6 SSPC CS 23.00 Part B: Gutde
Per Specification ASTMD4541 ~
or Job Order sell·aligmng tester

Per Specifrcation Visual &lor

or Job Order JCR Step 10

Per Specification Visual &/or

or Job Order JCR Step 11

Flow Chart of the Key Inspection TSC Events for a Project

Figure 3. Flow chart of the key inspection TSC events for a project.

Table 5. Inspection Requirements.

application process and quality-control checkpoints should be harmonized with other project inspection
detailed in SSPC CS 23.00.6 requirements to minimize inspection time and re-
sources. Refer to SSPC-PA Guide No. 5, Guide to
It is important to note that the TSC procure-
Maintenance Painting Programs, for additional infor-
ment contract or the job order must specify the inspec-
mation.17 Repair TSCs per ANSI/AWS C2.18, Guide for
tion requirements, i.e., the acceptable parameters and
the Protection of Steel with Thermal Sprayed Coatings
measurement methods per Table 1 of SSPC CS 23.00.
of Aluminum and Zinc and Their Alloys and Compos-
If inspection requirements and methods are not
specified, the inspection and corrective action for
deficiencies cannot be contractually binding on the
TSC System Requirements and Applica-
tion Process
Proper surface preparation is mandatory to the
Design Phase successful application of a TSC. Accordingly, if sepa-
Establish TSC system requirements and rate contractors perform the surface preparation and
inspection acceptance tests comparable to Table 6 in thermal spraying, the suitability of the surface prepara-
SSPC CS 23.00. The design engineer, in the contract, tion should be approved by the TSC applicator. The
should define the TSC specifications, application procurement contract should account for this interac-
process, and inspection and acceptance requirements. tion among the owner’s inspector and the surface-
The contract specifications should be based and preparation and thermal-spraying contractors.
balanced (traded off) with the project engineering The major production and QC activities shown in
requirements, and construction schedule on a life- Figure 4 are taken from SSPC CS 23.00.6 The
cycle basis. The design should specify the key (man- applicable Section and Quality Control Checkpoint
datory) inspection items, acceptance values, and their (QCCP) numbers are noted in the lower right-hand
sequence in the construction, overhaul, or repair corner of each process action. A summary of the key
schedule. The thermal-spray inspection actions should production step follows.
also be integrated into the overall project inspection
schedule. Surface Preparation
The steel substrate should be prepared to (1)
Construction Phase white metal finish, SSPC-SP 5/NACE 1, for marine
During the construction phase, the key inspection and immersion service, or (2) the minimum of near-
events include surface preparation, thermal-spray white metal finish, SSPC-SP 10/NACE 2, for other
equipment setup, TSC application, and sealing or service applications.
sealing and topcoating. The in-process QC check- The steel substrate shall have, at a minimum,
points are those cited in SSPC CS 23.00.6 an angular profile depth ≥ 63 mm (2.5 mils) with a
sharp angular shape. There is currently no standard
In-Service method for measuring the angularity of the blast
Establish the TSC in-service inspection profile. However, a “metallographic examination of a
actions and schedule to conform to the anticipated successful bend coupon” can be used to evaluate the
wear and degradation for the service environments angularity suitability of the blast.
and wear/abrasion duty cycles. The TSC inspection The profile depth shall be measured according

Table 6. TSC System Requirements and Acceptance Tests.

TSC System Requirements

Surface Preparation Acceptance Tests
TSC Sealer or Sealer and Topcoat

SSPC-SP 10/NACE Smooth and uniform. Smooth and uniform. VIsual according to
No. 2 minimum A No blisters, cracks, loose No runs, sags, lifting, pinholes, SSPC·Vis 1
particles. or exposed steel. or overspray,

Angular-profile depth Profile tape or micrometer depth

~ 63 ~m [2.5 mils! gauge according lo ASTM 0

Specify blasting media Specify feedstock Specify pa1nt(s) Manufacturer's

certiftcete a and MSDS

Coating Thickness c Coating Thickness SSPC-PA2

Minimum: _f.Jm [._mil!] Minimum: --~m [ _m1ls]
Maximum: _~Jm [ _mils) Maxlmum:_f.Jm [._mils)

Portable tensile bond ASTM 0 4541 °

( ~ Table 2values)
Minimum: __MPa [._psi]

Compan1on coupon bend lest: E Bend test

Condition of substrate surface preparation and TSC Metallographic examlnatron

Interface and morphology (structure) F of companion coupon

No peeling or delamination TSC Cut Test G

Other as speCified by the Contract Other as specified by the Contract

A For cnt•cal surfaces and marine and underwater service, clean to a white metal finish (SSPC·SP 5/NACE No. 1) with ~ 63 ~m ]2.S mils) angular profile,
The owner !houtd specify the minimum required blast quality and Its validation according to Seation 5, Job Reference Standard. The angularity or the blast profile
can be determ1ned by a metallographic analysis of a companion coupon.
B Verification Ihat the manufacturers or suppliers provide a certificate or affidavit that
(1) the blasting media conforms to SSPC-AB 1 for mineral and slag abrasive or SSPC-AB 3 for newly manufactured or re'Tlanufactured steel abrasive:
(2) the TSC-feedstock chemical composition, obtained from a representative sample of each heat duMng the pouring or subsequent processing, conforms to
Appendix" C. SSPC CS 23.00; and
(3) the sealer and topcoat paints are formulated for the co11tract specmect thermal-spray coating. The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) pro\llde supporting
phys1cal and chem1callnformalion.
C Measure the TSC thickness according to SSPC·PA 2. Calibrate the Instrument using a calibration wedge near the contrac'. specified thickness placed over a
representative .sample or the contract specified abrasive blasted steet. or a pre~ared bend coupon. or both.
0 Specify the ASTM 0 4514 self-adjusting portable tensile lnslfument to be used (Type Ill or Type IV) and Its minimum aoce~table value for the Job Reference Standard
and the job work surfaces.
E The bend test Is a macro system test for proper surface preparation. equipment set-up. and spraying parameters. Specify mandrel diameter to be used For the
contract TSC thickness.
F Metallographic analysis of a companion coupon may be specified to establish the suitability or the surface preparation, TSC application, and/or porosity or the TSC
G TSC cut test should be rnade by a tool culling through the TSC to the steel surface, The TSC Is defective If any pan or the ooating lifts off the surface.

Figure 4. Key production and quality control checkpoints (QCCPs) for applying thermal-spray coatings.

to ASTM D 4417, Method C (replica tape, x-coarse, 38 10 cm2 (1.6 in.2). The spot measurement may not
to 113 mm [1.5 to 4.5 mils]), or Method B (profile depth measure the peaks and valleys of the TSC.
gauge), or both.18
Use clean dry angular blasting media. Mineral
and slag abrasives shall be selected and evaluated
according to SSPC-AB 1, steel grit to SSPC AB-3.19, 20
Table 7 lists the blasting media and mesh size found
suitable for TSCs on steel substrates.

TSC Requirements
Feedstock and TSC Thickness. The TSC feedstock
material and thickness should be selected according to
intended service environment and service life. The
minimum and maximum TSC thickness shall be
measured in accordance with SSPC-PA 2.21
Figure 5. Line and spot measurement procedures.
(1) For flat surfaces a measurement line shall be
used. The average value of five readings taken in Portable TSC Tensile Bond Instrument and Measure-
line at 1.0-in. (2.5-cm) intervals shall be deter- ment. The TSC tensile bond shall be measured
mined. The line measurement measures the peaks according to ASTM D 4541 using a self-aligning
and valleys of the TSC. portable adhesion test instrument or equivalent. The
(2) For complex geometries and geometry transitions minimum TSC tensile bond value may be specified
a measurement spot shall be used. The measure- according to Table 8. Higher values may be specified.
ment spot should have an area of approximately One portable tensile-bond measurement shall

Table 7. Blasting Media and Mesh Size Found Suitable for TSCs on Steel Substrates.

be made about every 500 ft2 (50 m2). If the tensile (b) Surface preparation per contract specification.
bond is less than the contract specification, the (c) Spray 7-12 mils [200-250 mm] thick TSC. The
degraded TSC shall be removed and reapplied. TSC should be sprayed in crossing passes
For nondestructive measurement, tensile force laying down approximately 3-4 mils [75-100
shall be measured to the contract-specified tensile. mm] per pass.
The tensile force shall then be reduced and the tensile (d) Bend coupons 180˚around a 0.5-in. [13-mm]
fixture removed without damaging the TSC. diameter mandrel.
(2) Bend test passes if, on the bend-radius (see
Bend Test. The bend test (180o bend on a mandrel) is Figure 6), there is (a) no cracking or spalling or (b)
used as a qualitative “system test” for the proper only minor cracking that cannot be lifted from the
surface preparation, equipment setup, and spray substrate with a knife blade.
parameters. The bend test puts the TSC in tension. (3) Bend test fails if the coating cracks with lifting from
The mandrel diameter for the threshold of cracking the substrate.
depends on substrate thickness, coating thickness,
and mandrel diameter. Table 9. Bend-Test Cracking Threshold: Mandrel Diam-
eter vs. Zn TSC Thickness.
Table 8. Minimum Tensile-Bond Requirements (per
ASTM D 4514 using a self-aligning portable test

TSC Cut Test. The TSC cut test should consist of a

single cut 1.5-in [40-mm] long through the TSC to the
substrate without severely cutting into the substrate.
All cuts should be made with sharp edge tools. The
chisel cut should be made at a shallow angle. The
bond should be considered unsatisfactory if any part of
the TSC along the cut lifts from the substrate.
Bend-Test Procedure for TSC Thickness Range 7-
12 mils [175-350 mm].
(1) Spray five corrosion-control bend coupons and TSC Finish. The deposited TSC shall be uniform
pass the following bend test: without blisters, cracks, loose particles, or exposed
(a) Use a carbon steel coupons of approximate steel as examined with a 10x loupe.
dimensions 2 x 4 to 8 x 0.05 in. [50 x 100 to
200 x 1.25 mm]. TSC Porosity. If required by the purchaser, the

maximum allowable porosity and the metallographic contracted work.
measurement method to be used for the evaluation (2) The JRS shall be made in representative environ-
shall be specified. Note: Porosity measurements are mental conditions spraying with or without enclo-
not used for in-process quality control in metallizing for sure as appropriate.
corrosion protection of steel. However, porosity (3) Thickness and tensile-bond measurements shall
measurements may be used to qualify thermal-spray be made according to Figure 8. The JRS is
application processes and spray parameters. unsatisfactory if any measurements are less than
the contract-specified value.
(4) The JRS is used as a pass/fail reference for the
applicator’s in-process QC and the purchaser’s
(5) The preparation and the use of the JRS for in-
process QC and the inspector’s pass/fail reference
standard should be agreeable to both the pur-
chaser and TSCA.

Figure 6. TSC bend test: pass and fail examples.

TSC QC Measurement Procedures and Instruments.
The suitability of the TSC thickness, portable tensile
bond, bend test, and cut-test measurement proce-
dures and instruments shall be validated during the
contract pre-award validation.

Job Reference Standard (JRS). The JRS is a job site

pass/fail reference standard representative of the Figure 7. Job reference standard configuration (JRS).
whole job or major sections of the job. The JRS is
should be prepared by the TSCA at the pre-award job Job Control Record (JCR). SSPC CS 23.00A, Part A:
conference to demonstrate and validate the TSCA’s Specification, presents a JCR that covers the essential
surface-preparation and thermal-spray application job information. The JCR lists information on the TSCA,
processes. The JRS should be used as a “comparator” the purchaser, TSC requirements, safety precautions,
to evaluate the suitability of the application process. surface preparation and abrasive blasting media require-
Figure 7 illustrates the configuration of a JRS. ments, flame- and arc-spray equipment and spraying
The JRS shall be made on a steel plate approxi- procedures and parameters. The JCR also lists the 11
mately 18 x 18 x 0.25 in. (46 x 46 x 0.60 cm). Note: production steps and their check-offs. The check-off list
For structural steel, the reference standard does not may be used as part of the inspection procedure.
need to be more than 0.25 in. (0.60 cm) thick because
steel does not thermally distort when TSC is applied. Thermal-Spray Coating Applicator (TSCA)
When the actual work is less than 0.25 in. (0.60 cm) Qualification
thick, the JRS should be made from material of a There is one published and one standard in
thickness representative of the job. preparation for the qualification of TSCA:
(1) The JRS shall be made with the actual field (1) ASTM D 4228-95, Standard Practice for Qualifica-
equipment and the process parameters and tion of Coating Application of Coatings for Steel
procedures (surface preparation; thermal spraying; Surfaces provides a standard qualifying method
sealing or sealing and topcoating; and the in- for coating applicators to verify their proficiency
process QC checkpoints) that shall be used for the and ability to attain the required quality for


D_o_o_D-- ·
-- -

1. Divide the area into four quadrants. 2. Measure thickness, 5 tn-line at about
1-inch, (2.5 em) intervals near the center
of a 45° diagonal line.

Pulling Force Type IV

Tensile 4. Repeat & record measurements
' Specimen
'' In each of the four quadrants.


3. Measure tensile bond at the center of each

quadrant per ASTM D 4541 with self-aligning
Type Ill hydraulic or Type IV pneumatic
portable test instrument.

Thickness and Tensile-bond Measurements for JRS Qualification

Figure 8. Thickness and tensile-bond measurements for JRS qualification.

Table 10. Recommended Personnel Qualification Requirements & Minimum Required Experience per SSPC-QP 6.

application of specified coatings to steel surfaces specifications.

including those in a safety-related area in a (3) Be knowledgeable of and skilled in using inspec-
nuclear facility. tion equipment to measure and validate the
(2) SSPC-QP 6, Standard Procedure for Evaluating TSCA’s conformance to the purchasing contract.
Qualifications of Thermal-Spray (Metallizing) (4) Submit timely oral and written reports to the
Applicators, (in preparation) describes a method purchaser.
for evaluating the qualification of thermal-spray
(metallizing) applicators (or firms) to apply ther- More information is also found in SSPC’s The
mal-spray coatings in accordance with SSPC CS Inspection of Coatings and Linings: Handbook of Basic
23.00. Requirements and auditing criteria are Practices for Inspectors, Owners, and Specifiers.22
included for the surface preparation, thermal
spraying, and sealing or sealing and topcoating of Summary
components/assemblies in the shop and complex Thermal-spray coatings are used for the
structures in the field. This procedure is applicable corrosion protection of steel and iron in a wide range
to a fabricating shop, shipyard, or other entity that of environments. TSCs of zinc, aluminum, or their
applies coatings in the shop, even though provid- alloys are used for infrastructure corrosion-control
ing coating application services is not the primary applications and are primarily applied by the electric
function. TSCA must have equipment, materials, arc thermal-spray process. The current industry
and application and in-process QC procedures to standard for the application of TSCs is SSPC CS
meet SSPC CS 23.00. Table 10 lists the personnel 23.00.6 The qualifications for metallizing contractors
qualification requirements and minimum required are specified in the SSPC-QP series of qualification
experience. procedures for coating contractors.7

TSC Inspector Qualification References

The TSC inspector is a person who is knowledge- 1. Corrosion Tests of Flame-Sprayed Coated Steel:19-
able about the concepts and principles of TSC and Year Report; American Welding Society: Miami, FL.
skilled in observing and measuring conformance to 2. Kain, R.M.; Baker, E.A. ASTM STP 947. Marine
SSPC CS 23. The TSC inspector, at a minimum, Atmospheric Corrosion Museum Report on the Perfor-
should: mance of Thermal-Spray Coatings on Steel; ASTM:
(1) Meet the knowledge requirements of a qualified West Conshohocken, PA.
thermal-spray operator.
3. Pikul, S.J. Appearance of Thermal-Sprayed Coat-
(2) Be skilled in observing and evaluating conform-
ings After 44 Years Marine Atmospheric Exposure at
ance of the application process to the contract
Kure Beach, North Carolina; LaQue Center for Corro-

sion Technology, Inc., February 1966. Maintenance Painting Programs; SSPC: Pittsburgh.
4. B.S. 5493. British Standard Code of Practice for 18. ASTM D 4417. Standard Test Methods for Field
Protective Coatings of Iron and Steel Structures Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned
Against Corrosion; British Standards Institution/ASTM: Steel; ASTM: West Conshohocken, PA.
New York, 1977. 19. SSPC-AB 1. Mineral and Slag Abrasives; SSPC:
5. Kogler, R.A; Ault, J.F.; Farachon, C.L. FHWA-RD- Pittsburgh.
09-058. Environmentally Acceptable Materials for the 20. SSPC-AB 3. Newly Manufactured or Re-Manufac-
Corrosion Protection of Steel Bridges; Federal High- tured Steel Abrasives; SSPC: Pittsburgh.
way Administration: Washington, D.C., 1997.
22. The Inspection of Coatings and Linings; Bernard
6. SSPC CS 23.00. Specification for the Application of R. Appleman, ed.; SSPC: Pittsburgh, 1997.
Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum,
Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corro-
sion Protection of Steel; SSPC: Pittsburgh.
About the Author
7. Qualification Procedures. In Steel Structures
Painting Manual: Volume 2—Systems and Specifica- Robert A. Sulit
tions; SSPC: Pittsburgh. Robert A. Sulit has been involved with thermal-spray
technology since 1977 in the areas of shipboard
8. AWS C2-18A, NACE RPX-2002, and SSPC CS
corrosion control, naval machinery repair, and the
23.00A. Application of Thermal-Spray Coatings
design/installation/operation of mobile/fixed corrosion
(Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and
control shops. Chair of SSPC’s thermal-spray
Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel—Part
committee and the AWS/SSPC/NACE committee for
B: Guide, Draft #2, 2001-10-19.
corrosion protection of steel, he has authored or
9. ANSI/AWS C2.18. Guide for the Protection of Steel coauthored more than 110 technical papers and
with Thermal Sprayed Coatings of Aluminum and Zinc reports and one book, Principles of Radiation and
and Their Alloys and Composites; ANSI: New York. Contamination Control. Mr. Sulit is a former recipient of
10. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineer- the SSPC Technical Achievement Award (2000) and
ing Manual EM 1110-2-3401 Engineering and Design. several other industry honors.
Thermal Spraying: New Construction and Mainte-
nance; 29 January 1999.
11. ASTM D 1210. Test Method for Fineness of
Dispersion of Pigment-Vehicle Systems; ASTM: West
Conshohocken, PA.
12. ANSI/AWWA D-102-78. American Water Works
Association Standard for Painting Water-Storage
Tanks. AWWA/ANSI: New York.
13. MIL-STD-2138A(SH). Metal Sprayed Coatings for
Corrosion Protection Aboard Naval Ships.
14. Steel Structures Painting Manual: Volume 1—
Good Painting Practice; SSPC: Pittsburgh, 2002.
15. NACE Standard RP0187-89. Standard Recom-
mended Practice—Fabrication Details, Surface Finish
Requirements, and Proper Design Considerations for
Tank and Vessels to be Lined for Immersion Service;
NACE: Houston.
16. ISO 2063:1999. Metallic and Other Organic
Coatings—Thermal Spraying: Zinc, Aluminum, and
Their Alloys.
17. SSPC-PA Paint Application Guide No. 5. Guide to


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