A Comparative Study of Crystal Structures and Inclusion Properties of Fluorinated Triazines
A Comparative Study of Crystal Structures and Inclusion Properties of Fluorinated Triazines
A Comparative Study of Crystal Structures and Inclusion Properties of Fluorinated Triazines
Three perfluorinated host compounds of the triazine type, namely 2,4,6-tris(pentafluorophenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine (1), 2,4,6-tris(pentafluor-
othiophenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine (2) and 2,4,6-tris(pentafluorophenamin)-1,3,5-triazine (3), were synthesized differing only in the linking heteroatom
(O, S and NH) between the triazine core and the pentafluorophenyl groups. The crystal structures involving compounds 1, 2 and their inclusion
compounds are dominated by a variety of fluorine interactions (phenyl-perfluorophenyl, C–H F, F F, C–F pF). However, in the structure of 3,
possessing additional hydrogen atoms of the linkage NH-groups, the formation of hydrogen bonds is favoured, whereas fluorine contacts are less
apparent. Investigations by powder X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis revealed substantial differences in the host–guest interactions
of the inclusion compounds.
# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 31 6314241; fax: +49 31 631 3993. A comparison of compounds 1–3 (Fig. 1) revealed
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Hulliger). substantial differences in the crystal structures and inclusion
0022-1139/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K. Reichenbaecher et al. / Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 127 (2006) 270–276 271
Table 2
Phenyl-pentafluorophenyl contacts in crystal structures of inclusion compounds
of 1–3
Atoms Centroid– Angle (8)
phenyl(A) pentafluorophenyl(B) centroid
1 p-Xylene C31 C4 4.17 30.8
2 Mesitylene C56 C35 3.59 12.4
C47 C23 3.70 15.7
C47 C29 3.66 16.0
3 Mesitylene C56 C3 3.75 20.7
C93 C24 3.67 20.6
Phenyl and pentafluorophenyl groups are given by one carbon atom A and B of
Fig. 1. Molecular structures of perfluorinated triaznes. each group. The centroid is calculated based on six atoms and the angles are
determined between the centroid–centroid line and the normal of the phenyl
properties caused by the replacement of the linkage atom
oxygen by sulfur or NH-group. All three compounds yielded
inclusions with typical guest molecules summarized in Table 1. molecules are accommodated in channels showing a van der
Inclusions of 1 crystallized all in the same structure, whereas 2 Waals cross section of 7.6 3 Å2. The channel wall is mainly
showed channel inclusions exhibiting various crystal packings made up by stacked pentafluorophenyl groups. Short host–
depending on the guest molecule. In the case of 3, major guest interactions formed by CH3-groups involve weak C–
differences between crystal structures of inclusions were H O (2.9 Å, 117.88) [12] as well as C–H pF hydrogen bond
observed, which seems to be caused by the hydrogen atoms of type interactions investigated by solid-state NMR [11].
the NH-group. Consequently, the crystal structures and Measured phenyl-pentafluorophenyl contacts do not show
inclusions of 1 and 2, on one hand, and that of 3 will be typical values of phenyl-perfluorophenyl stacking (Table 2).
discussed separately. Therefore, this feature seems to be caused by the hydrogen
interactions of the CH3-groups.
2.1. Crystal structures of the solvent free compounds and Compound 2 formed channel-type inclusions with p-xylene,
inclusions of 1 and 2 p-chlorotoluene, p-methylbenzotrifluoride (host:guest ratio:
1:2) and mesitylene (host:guest ratio: 1:1) featuring a larger
A previous paper [11] dealt with the crystal structure of the size.
host compound 1, showing that triazine molecules are arranged The crystal structure of 2mesitylene (space group P21/n) is
in layers, which are stacked congruently along the a-axis. built up by layers, which are formed by host and guest
Compound 2 features similar properties. Here, triazines build molecules, where one guest is surrounded by four triazines
up two different layers that are stacked alternating along the a- (Fig. 2). These layers are stacked congruently along the b-axis
axis. Neither compound 1 nor 2 show specific interactions. with a distance of about 7.9 Å, generating channels with van der
Molecules are closed packed featuring F F distances in the Waals cross section of 3.1 5.5 Å2 which are smaller
range of 2.6–2.8 Å. compared with the inclusions of 1 (see above). Moreover,
Compound 1 is known to form channel-type inclusions with unlike 1( p-xylene)0.5, where the guest molecules are located
guest molecules such as p-xylene, p-chlorotoluene and p- around a centre of symmetry, the channels of 2mesitylene are
methylbenzotrifluoride showing a host:guest ratio of 2:1. All unsymmetrical, where one side of the channel wall is built up
these inclusions crystallize in the same structure with the by fluorine atoms. Thus, in contrast to 1, the channel wall of the
triclinic space group P1̄. Triazines are stacked congruently present structure shows a higher density of fluorine atoms
along the a-axis featuring a distance of about 6 Å. Guest giving rise to a higher number of short F H contacts (2.4–
2.8 Å) between host and guest molecules (Table 3).
Table 1 2Mesitylene shows phenyl-perfluorophenyl stacking with a
Host:guest ratios for inclusions of 1–3 with various guest molecules centroid–centroid distance of 3.6–3.7 Å and angles of 12–168
1 2 3
(Table 2), which is within the limit of reported values [2].
Xylene 2:1 1:2 1:1 2.2. Crystal structures and inclusion properties of 3
Toluene – 1:2 1:1
Mesitylene – 1:1 1:1
Benzene – – 1:1 Unsolvated single crystals of 3 (obtained by sublimation)
4-Methylbenzotrifluoride 2:1 1:2 crystallized in the space group P21/n. The structure features a
Dioxane – – 1:2.5 congruent stacking of triazines along the a-axis with a distance
In the case of 1 and 2, the ratios were determined by thermogravimetric analysis of 7.8 Å. Similar to the host compounds mentioned above,
while the inclusions of 3 were analysed by NMR. compound 3 does not show a three-fold symmetry. An essential
272 K. Reichenbaecher et al. / Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 127 (2006) 270–276
Fig. 4. Crystal structure of 3mesitylene: (a) view along the channel of the inclusion; (b) motif showing the host–guest interaction.
Three different positions of guest molecules were found. One structure, which could be rebuild by sorption of guest
dioxane molecule (guest 1), involving atom O1, features a molecules from the gas phase.
centre of symmetry (Ci), while the two remaining dioxane Inclusion compounds 2mesitylene and 3mesitylene,
molecules (guest 2 and guest 3) both possess a three-fold obtained by isothermal evaporation, were exposed to the
inversion axis (C3i). Guest molecules 2 and 3 are stacked vacuum for 1 h. The resulting solids were analysed by powder
alternatively with triazines along the c-axis following an order X-ray diffraction. Afterwards, these solids were used for
of guest 2–host–guest 3–host (Fig. 5b). Guest 1 is located sorption experiments, carried out in a closed flask, in which the
between two host molecules in the (a,b)-layer and forms host (powder) and the guest component (liquid) were kept in
hydrogen bonds with the amino group of the hosts (O H: open separated glasses. After 4 days of exposure solid phases
2.1 Å, N–H. . .O: 1608), which can be classified as strong were analysed by powder X-ray diffraction.
interaction [14] (Fig. 5a and Table 3). Thus, each host is In all three cases, desorption of guest molecules leads to
surrounded symmetrically by three dioxane molecules. the structure of the corresponding unsolvated host compound,
Noteworthy, this relation leads to a three-fold symmetry of having lost its specific channel architecture (Fig. 6). However,
the host molecule, which is only seen in this structure. Fluorine these channel structures were rebuilt by sorption of guest
interactions could not be observed here, which might be molecules from the gas phase. This occured at relative low
avoided in favour of strong hydrogen bonds. temperatures (performed at 25 and 50 8C) for all three cases
indicating a rather low energetic activation to convert the
guest free to the channel structure. A comparison of guest free
2.3. Sorption properties and channel structure showed, that only weak F F contacts
are broken while more intensive host–guest interactions, such
In the previous paper we have described the reversible as phenyl-perfluorophenyl, C–H pF or C–H O contacts,
sorption property of 1( p-xylene)0.5 [11]. Here, desorption of are generated.
the guest molecules leads to a complete collapse of the channel
Fig. 5. Crystal structure of 3(dioxane)2.5: (a) stacking along the c-axis (order: guest 2–host–guest 3–host); (b) hydrogen bonds of the NH-group with 1,4-dioxane.
274 K. Reichenbaecher et al. / Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 127 (2006) 270–276
3. Conclusion
Table 4
Crystal data for 2, 3 and their inclusions
2 2Mesitylene 3 3(Dioxane)2.5 3Mesitylene
Crystallisation method Isothermal evaporation Isothermal evaporation Sublimation Isothermal evaporation Isothermal evaporation
in n-hexane in mesitylene in dioxane in mesitylene
Empirical formula C21F15N3S3 C30H12F15N3S3 C21H3F15N6 C31H23F15N6O5 C30H15F15N6
Formular weight (g/mol) 675.42 795.61 624.29 844.55 744.48
T (K) 153 153 373 153 173
l (Å) 0.71073 0.71073 0.71073 0.71073 0.71073
Crystal system Orthorhombic Monoclinic Monoclinic Trigonal triclinic
Space group Pbca P21/n P21/n R3̄ P1̄
a (Å) 9.1975(3) 21.1449(15) 7.7622(5) 18.255(4) 9.6282(11)
b (Å) 19.8966(8) 7.8900(4) 27.823(3) 18.255(4) 11.9830(11)
c (Å) 24.8044(9) 37.882(3) 10.4393(8) 17.130(4) 26.613(3)
a (8) 90 90 90 90 96.523(8)
b (8) 90 97.024(9) 97.904(6) 90 90.152(8)
g (8) 90 90 90 120 90.930(8)
V (Å3) 4539.2(3) 6272.5(7) 2233.1(3) 4943.7(19) 3050.2(6)
Z 8 8 4 6 4
r (g cm3) 1977 1.685 1.857 1.702 1.621
2Qmax (8) 59 52 52 59 50
m(Mo Ka) (mm1) 0.470 0.355 0.203 0.173 0.163
Measured reflexes 53960 42724 19567 15903 10224
Independent reflexes 6308 12063 3981 2905 10224
Rint 0.0454 0.0404 0.0790 0.05 0.1
R1 [I > 2s(I)] 0.0316 0.0341 0.0371 0.042 0.1052
wR2½I > 2sðIÞ 0.0777 0.0798 0.0869 0.1144 0.3017
CCDC 290172 290171 290173 290174 290175
IR (KBr): nmax (cm1) 1644 (perfluorinated arom.), 1490 in Table 4. The intensity data were recorded on a Stoe IPDS
(triazine), 1259 (C–F), 1099(s), 984 (s), 870/835 (s). 13C NMR diffractometer. The structures were solved by direct methods
(acetone-d6): d = 103.0 (C1, t, 2JCF = 20.5 Hz), 137.0 (C2, d, using the programme SHELXS-97 [16]. The refinement and all
JCF = 254.5 Hz), 143.6 (C4, d, 1JCF = 257.0 Hz), 147.0 (C3, d, further calculations were carried out using SHELXL-97 [17]. In
JCF = 252.7 Hz). 19F NMR (acetone-d6): d = 132.2 (F1, d), cases where it was possible to locate the H-atoms from Fourier
150.65 (F3, t), 163.1 (F2, dd). MS m/z (rel. int.): 675 (28.8) difference maps, they were refined isotropically. The non-H
[M] +, 476 (41.4) [MSC6F5] +, 251 (37.4) [M434] +, 199 atoms were refined anisotropically, using weighted full-matrix
(100) [SC6F5], 155 (66.1) [M520]+. least-squares on F2. The corresponding crystallographic data
are summarized in Table 4. CCDC reference numbers 290,
4.3. 2,4,6-Tris(pentafluorophenamino)-1,3,5-triazine (3) 171–175.
5 g (27.3 mmol) pentafluoroaniline and 0.72 g (3.9 mmol) 4.5. Thermogravimetric analysis
cyanuric chloride in 30 ml n-decane were heated at 100 8C for
15 h. The mixture was washed with hot n-hexane and Thermogravimetric data were measured with a Mettler
recrystallized from benzene to yield 37.2% of a white solid. Toledo TGA 50.
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s). 13C NMR (acetone-d6): d = 114.9 (C1, t, 2JCF = 15.6 Hz), This work was supported by the Swiss NFP 47 program,
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