Process Modeling For Industry 4.0 Applications
Process Modeling For Industry 4.0 Applications
Process Modeling For Industry 4.0 Applications
Abstract—The term Industry 4.0 derives from the new (fourth) are (semi-) autonomous and can be equipped with advanced
industrial revolution enabling suppliers and manufacturers to computing power or AI (Artificial Intelligence).
leverage new technological concepts like Internet of Things, Big
Data, and Cloud Computing: New or enhanced products and Industry 4.0 comprises the following terms or technological
services can be created, cost be reduced and productivity be concepts:
increased. Similar terms are Smart Factory or Smart
Manufacturing. The ideas, concepts and technologies are not • Embedded Systems (ES) / CPS (Cyber-Physical Sys-
hype anymore - they are at least partly reality, but many tems): Networks of IoT devices that interact physically
software specification and development aspects are still not with its environment, e.g. industrial robots with sensors
sufficiently covered, e.g. standardization, specification and and actors need physical input and provide physical
modeling languages. This paper presents an Industry 4.0 process output. ES and CPS are can also be equipped with digi-
modeling language (I4PML) that is an extension (UML profile tal interfaces. An ATM is an example for an embedded
with stereotypes) of OMG’s BPMN (Business Process Model and system.
Notation) standard. We also describe a method for the
specification of Industry 4.0 applications using UML and I4PML. • Internet / Cloud of Things (IoT / CoT): Physical ob-
jects or components like ES or CPS that contain soft-
Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing; Internet-of-Things; IIoT, ware and are connected to a network (Internet connec-
Internet-of-Services; Business Process Modeling Language; tivity) and typically to a Cloud application creating op-
BPMN; Industry 4.0 Process Modeling; I4PLM; UML; Profile portunities for new services through integration of the
physical and the digital world, e.g. automatic monitor-
I. INTRODUCTION ing. The “things” can be any items, e.g. a conveyor belt
in a factory. In the context of Industry 4.0 the term In-
Industry 4.0 is part of the high-tech strategy of the German dustrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is used.
Federal Ministry for Education and Research [1], [2]. The term
Industry 4.0 derived from the 4th industrial revolution and is a • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) / Internet of Ser-
technology-oriented concept mainly for the manufacturing do- vices (IoS) / Cloud Computing (CC): Service-oriented
main but can be interpreted more generally and applied to any and cloud-based infrastructures and applications have
value chain organization. advantages concerning scalability, elasticity, reliability,
performance, device and location independence and
The 4th industrial revolution means a paradigm shift in in- more. Service models are for example Infrastructure as
dustry: The first industrial revolution brought the mechaniza- a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Soft-
tion of production, the second industrial revolution was about ware as a Service (SaaS). Cloud applications can also
mass production and the third industrial revolution means the be categorized in private, public or hybrid Cloud.
digitization (electronic component, computer and IT. Industry Products for CC are available as open or closed source
4.0 enables suppliers and manufacturers to leverage new tech- software systems [5], [6].
nological concepts like CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems), Inter-
net of Things and Cloud Computing (CC): New or enhanced Important topics like Big Data and Business Intelligence
products and services can be created, cost can be reduced and are also part of Industry 4.0, but in order not to go beyond the
productivity can be increased [3]. scope of this short introduction, the concepts mentioned above
are considered sufficient for the understanding of the idea of
In the discussions about Industry 4.0 the term Smart Facto- Industry 4.0.
ry [4] is mentioned quite often and even if the word smart
might be open to debate, the main point is clear: The idea is to The terms Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing
create a network with decentralized decisions and technologi- (CC) imply a technology-oriented standpoint, e.g. devices and
cal components with enhanced capabilities that can interact other electronic things play an active role in an environment
with each other and with human in real time. The components and usage context that is connected (to the Internet). But when
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2016 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE)
• The creation of process models with the Industry 4.0 PreMa system is part of the supplier’s new ICT-oriented busi-
Process Modeling Language (I4PML) takes the tagged ness strategy of becoming a full-service partner for its clients.
elements from the previous step and leads to a com-
A conveyor belt needs to be monitored and maintained to
prehensive and formal model of the business process.
avoid costly downtime of the production site and maximizing
the safety and the lifetime of the belt. Belt monitoring services
C. Detailed specification of data elements are for example belt surface inspection, belt rip detection, and
• Data elements must be described in detail usually with belt thickness measurement. Several technological components
a UML domain class model and OCL constraints for like conductor loops in the belt, or devices are used including a
the consistency rules. communication system that involves field engineers among
• The domain class model can consider Industry 4.0 as-
pects like IoT device data sets. The process models use The scenarios for emergency and predictive maintenance
these data objects. are complex and involve components like IoT devices, com-
munication networks, software applications, and storage for big
D. Consistency check of all models data. Also analytic and machine learning (ML) subsystems are
used. The following two sections exemplify the specification
• Reviews of the models after each step mentioned activities of I4PMM (only steps A. and B. are shown).
above ensure the correctness and consistency between
the model elements, e.g. the terminological consisten-
cy. A. Requirements: Basic functional decomposition
Figure 4 shows some requirements for the PreMa system. A
• Corrections of one model or particular elements might Systems Modeling Language (SysML) requirements diagram is
have an impact on other element and require a repeti- used for this purpose.
tion of some modeling steps.
The method (I4PMM) focus on the software requirements
analysis and does not cover the complete system design of a
development project. The outcome is a semi-formal and de-
tailed software requirements specification. Non-functional as-
pect like user experience, are omitted here.
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2016 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE)
Figure 4. Part of the Use Case diagram for the PreMa system (SysML
requirements diagram)
A. Identification of Industry 4.0 aspects and process model- Figure 5. Process model for acquisition of belt operation data using the
ing Industry 4.0 Process Modeling Language (I4PML)
The requirements specification allows the detailed analysis The model shows the belt as an IoT device (partition “Con-
of Industry 4.0 aspects. Here are some examples for the PreMa veyor Belt”). Every 10 min. the operation data is to be acquired
system: (timer start event). If this acquisition is successful then an “end
of Data-set (DS)” is received, otherwise a sub-process for error
• IoT device: Actors or subsystems (see use case dia-
handling is triggered (1 min. timeout). The belt operation data
gram) are candidates for being IoT devices. In this case
set is transferred to a cloud application (pool “PreMa Cloud
the conveyor belt with the sensor devices that transmit
App”) that stores it in a device data store and shows notifica-
belt operation data is identified as such a device.
tions to the user if necessary (Non-interrupting conditional
Since the belt as an IoT device is an active and integral boundary event).
part in the system it is to be modeled as a partition in
The example scenario demonstrates the relevance of busi-
the process model.
ness process management when dealing with mission-critical
• IoT tasks: IoT devices typically interact with the envi- data and processes, distributed components, complex work-
ronment. This leads to actuation and sensing tasks. flows, and different user groups.
Sensing of belt operation data is such an IoT device VI. Conclusion
In the context of a software development project user’s
• Real world or device data objects can be identified needs and business goals should be considered first. Therefore
from a use case analysis, e.g. the belt operation data a concept for an industry 4.0 application is necessary before
need to be buffered so that they can be transferred to any technological investments are made and new hard- or
the cloud app. software is introduced or implemented. This concept (require-
• Real world or device data stores persist data from IoT ments specification) includes the description and modeling of
devices. A cloud application needs to store the belt op- business processes and data structures that are aware of new
eration data in such a data store. components, e.g. IoT devices or Cloud Computing applica-
tions, because aspects like security, usability, availability, reli-
• Private cloud application can be accessed only via au- ability need to be taken into consideration in the early stage of
thorized persons or services. PreMa with its sensitive the development and introduction of Industry 4.0 applications
information runs on a private cloud. systems. Since devices and services play an active part in busi-
The next step is the modeling of the business process for ness processes, specifications must represent their characteris-
the acquisition of belt operation data (including the presenta- tics, but not all the technological details.
tion of notifications to the user) in order to measure the belt The Industry 4.0 Process Modeling Method (I4PMM)
status and predict maintenance cycles. The Industry 4.0 Process makes it possible to consider Industry 4.0 aspects like IoT de-
Modeling Language (I4PML) is used and shows aspects like vices on a non-technological level for business process model-
IoT device, Sensing Task and Data Storage as stereotypes ap- ing introducing a modeling notation based on BPMN2. The
plied to BPMN elements (see Figure 5.). advantages of a semi-formal process I4PML model are:
• Model validation and simulation: Formal (machine
readable) models can be easier validated and simulated
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2016 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE)
than pure drawings. I4PML as an UML profile has a [3] Deutsche Bank Research: Industry 4.0 - Upgrading of Germany’s
formal definition and can be integrated in existing val- industrial: capabilities on the horizon:
idation and simulation tools (s. Figure 6.). PROD/PROD0000000000333571.pdf (visited on March 9, 2015)
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