Lady Fair Apron

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Lady Fair Apron

Originally published
in Coats & Clark’s
Book No. 116, Gifts
for All Occasions,

Makes a wonderful hostess gift!

last shell. Ch 3, turn.
Row 4: Starting shell in first sc, sc in center of next
shell, shell in next sc (2 shells over shell made); * sc
in next loop, (ch 5, sc in next loop) 4 times; shell in
next sc (2 shells over shell made). Repeat from *
across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 5: Sl st to center of next shell, * (sc in center of
shell, ch 5) twice; (sc in next loop, ch 5) 4 times.
Repeat from * across. Ch 3, turn.
Repeat Rows 2 through 5 for pattern. Work even in
pattern until total length is about 17 inches, ending
with Row 5 of pattern. Ch 5, turn.
Row 1: * Sc in next loop, ch 1, sc in next loop, ch 2.
Repeat from * across, ending with ch 2, dc in last sc.
Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Make 121 sc evenly spaced across row. Ch 1,
‣ Knit-Cro-Sheen - 4 balls No. 15 Shaded Pinks* Row 3: Sc in first sc, * skip next 2 sc, shell in next sc,
‣ Steel crochet hook No. 7 (1.65mm) skip next 2 sc, sc in next sc. Repeat from * across (20
‣ 1½ yards ribbon, 1½ inches wide shells). Ch 3, turn.

*or 600 yards any brand size 10 crochet thread Row 4: Make 2 dc in first sc (starting half shell
made); * sc in center of next shell, shell in next sc.
Instructions Repeat fro * across, ending with 3 dc in last sc
Starting at lower edge, make a chain 30 inches long, (ending half shell made). Ch 1, turn.
having 6 ch to 1 inch.
Row 5: Sc in first dc, * shell in next sc, sc in center of
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, * ch 5, skip next 3 ch, next shell. Repeat from * across, ending with sc in
sc in next ch. Repeat from * across until there are 49 top of turning chain.
loops. Cut off any remaining chain. Ch 3, turn.
Last 4 rows: Repeat Rows 4 through 5 twice. Break
Row 2: Make 4 dc in first sc (starting shell made); sc
in next loop, 5-dc shell in next sc (shell group made); off and fasten.
sc in next loop, * (ch 5, sc in next loop) 4 times; (5-dc EDGING
shell in next sc, sc in next loop) twice—another shell Attach thread to base of first shell at lower edge,
group made. Repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn. working along opposite side of starting chain, sc in
Row 3: Sl st to center of shell, * sc in center of shell, ch at base of shell, * skip next ch, shell in next ch,
shell in next sc, (shell between 2 shells made); sc in skip next ch, sc in ch at base of next shell. Repeat
center of next shell (ch 5, sc in next loop) 4 times; ch from * across. Break off and fasten.
5. Repeat from * across, ending with sc in center of

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