Tillage and Mulching Affect On Growth and Yield of Cowpea Grown Following Rice in The Post-Monsoon Season of Northeastern Thailand
Tillage and Mulching Affect On Growth and Yield of Cowpea Grown Following Rice in The Post-Monsoon Season of Northeastern Thailand
Tillage and Mulching Affect On Growth and Yield of Cowpea Grown Following Rice in The Post-Monsoon Season of Northeastern Thailand
Field studies were conducted to assess the effects of tillage and no-tillage with and without mulch
on the growth and yield of cowpea grown following rice in the post-monsson season of Northeastern
Thailand. The results showed that growth and yield of cowpea were not significantly affected by tillage.
There was slightly higher seed yields in tilled plots. This was attributed to tillage operation which is known
to improve soil aeration. Mulch application significantly increased the leaf area per plant, total top dry
weights, tap root length, root dry weight per plant and seed yield of cowpea. This was due to the better ability
of mulched plots in storing soil moisture during the growing season.
Key words : cowpea, tillage, mulching, sequential cropping
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand.
198 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 34 (2)
soil surface
w ater table depth(cm)
7 21 35 49 63 77
Dec. J a n. F e b.
Figure 1 Water table depth fluctuation during the entire experimental period.
14 14
Field Capacity (FC) Field Capacity (FC)
Soil moisture content (% w/w)
10 10
8 8
6 Permanent 6 Permanent
Wilting Point (PWP) Wilting Point (PWP)
4 4
2 2
0 0
7 21 35 49 63 77 7 21 35 49 63 77
Dec. Jan. Feb. Dec. Jan. Feb.
Days after planting (DAP) Days after planting (DAP)
Figure 2 Soil moisture contents at the 0-15 cm depth of the tillage + mulching ( ), tillage + no -
mulching ( ), no tillage + mulching ( ) and no tillage + no mulching ( )
treatments during the entire experimental period.
16 16
14 14
Soil moisture content (% w/w)
4 4
2 2
0 0
7 21 35 49 63 77 7 21 35 49 63 77
Dec. Jan. Feb. Dec. Jan. Feb.
Days after planting (DAP) Days after planting (DAP)
Figure 3 Soil moisture contents at the 15-30 cm depth of the tillage + mulching ( ), tillage + no -
mulching ( ), no tillage + mulching ( ) and no tillage + no mulching ( )
treatments during the entire experimental period.
200 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 34 (2)
35 35
Soil temperature ( C)
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
7 21 35 49 63 77 7 21 35 49 63 77
Dec. Jan. Feb. Dec. Jan. Feb.
Days after planting (DAP) Days after planting (DAP)
Simpson and Gumbs, 1986a; Unger, 1987). In this known to improve soil physical properties. Jensen
study, the soil moisture content of 0-15 cm depth of et al. (1964) reported that tillage operation improved
both mulched plots and unmulched plots could be soil aeration. While Simpson and Gumbs (1985)
remained in the available range (between field indicated that tillage operation provided higher
capacity and permanent wilting point), except percentage of soil macroporosity.
during the last two weeks the soil moisture content
showed below permanent wilting point (Figure 2). Leaf area and total top dry weight
However, the soil moisture content at 15-30 cm Tillage methods did not significantly affect
depth was always above permanent wilting point. the leaf areas and total top dry weights of cowpea
This was attributed to the upward movement of at 15, 30 and 60 days after planting (DAP). The leaf
water from shallow water table (Figure 1). With area and total top dry weight, however, were slightly
soil temperature, mulched plots gave lower soil higher in tilled plots (Table 2). This agreed with the
temperature at 10 cm depth than that of unmulched work done by Gumbs and Lindsay (1993) and
plots, ranging from 0.4 to 2.8°C during the growing Gumbs et al. (1995). Irrespective of mulching,
season. Mulches application reduced soil there was significantly increased in leaf area and
temperature was also reported by Simpson and total top dry weight per plant of mulched plots at 30
Gumbs (1986a). Walker (1969) pointed out that and 60 DAP (Table 2). This could be the result of
even an 1°C difference in soil temperature could the capacity of mulched plots to store more soil
have significant effect on plant growth. During the moisture than that of unmulched plots (Figures 2,
growing period, however, soil temperature in the 3).
plant root zone could range from 21 to 33°C. It may
not reach as high as 40°C which is enough to effect Tap root length and root dry weight
the plant growth. Tillage methods did not significantly affect
the tap root length and root dry weight of cowpea
Air–filled porosity (Table 3). Mulched plots had longer tap roots and
Considering air-filled porosity (AFP) at 0, higher root dry weights than that of unmulched
15, 30, 45 and 60 days after planting, the results plots (Table 3). This could be the result of greater
showed that AFP was higher with tilled plots than soil moisture content of the mulched plots (Figures
with of untilled plot (Table 1). Tillage is generally 2, 3). Mulch application increased root dry weights
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 34 (2) 201
Table 1 Air – filled porosity (%) at 0-10 cm soil depth as influenced by tillage and mulching treatments.
Treatment 0 15 30 45 60
Tillage (T)
Till (T1) 30.4 a 28.3 a 31.0 a 37.2 a 45.8 a
No-till (T2) 16.3 b 21.4 b 23.6 b 24.5 b 30.1 b
Mulching (M)
Mulch (M1) 23.6 25.4 27.3 30.8 37.1
No-mulch (M2) 23.1 24.3 27.3 30.9 38.8
Tillage x Mulching
T1M1 30.8 29.6 31 37.4 44.8
T1M2 29.9 27 30.9 37 46.8
T2M1 16.3 21.2 23.5 24.2 29.4
T2M2 16.2 21.5 23.6 24.8 30.7
Tillage (T) ** ** ** ** **
Mulching (M) NS NS NS NS NS
Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.
Table 2 Leaf areas (LA, cm2/ plant) and total top dry weights (DW, g/ plant) of cowpea at 15, 30 and 60
days after planting as influenced by tillage and mulching treatments in the post – monsoon season
of Northeastern Thailand.
Treatment 15 30 60
Tillage (T)
Till (T1) 47.3 0.53 189.2 1.96 532.5 5.3
No-till (T2) 45.4 0.51 180.2 1.8 531.3 5
Mulching (M)
Mulch (M1) 49.8 0.56 214.7 a 2.35 a 632.3 a 6.3 a
No-mulch 42.9 0.48 154.7 b 1.42 b 431.6 b 3.9 b
Tillage x Mulching
T1M1 52.3 0.58 220.2 2.46 649.1 6.5
T2M2 42.3 0.48 158.2 1.46 415.9 4
T2M1 47.3 0.54 209.2 2.23 615.4 6.1
T2M2 43.5 0.47 151.1 1.37 447.2 3.9
Tillage (T) NS NS NS NS NS NS
Mulching (M) NS NS ** ** ** **
Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.
Table 3 Tap root length and root dry weight of cowpea at harvest as influenced by tillage and mulching
treatments in the post-monsoon season of Northeastern Thailand.
Tillage (T)
Till (T1) 17.4 1.34
No-till (T2) 16.4 1.27
Mulching (M)
Mulch (M1) 18.6 a 1.64 a
No-mulch (M2) 15.2 b 0.97 b
Tillage x Mulching
T1M1 19.2 1.7
T1M2 15.5 0.97
T2M1 17.9 1.57
T2M2 14.9 0.96
Tillage (T) NS NS
Mulching (M) ** *
Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 34 (2) 203
Table 4 Seed yields and yield components of cowpea as influenced by tillage and mulching treatments
in the post-monsoon season of Northeastern Thailand.
Tillage (T)
Till (T1) 8.4 8.2 a 18.7 841.5
No-till (T2) 8.2 6.7 b 18.3 804
Mulching (M)
Mulch (M1) 9.1 a 7.6 a 18.9 940.6 a
No-mulch (M2) 7.5 b 6.3 b 18.1 704.9 b
Tillage x Mulching
T1M1 9.2 8.9 18.9 965.8
T1M2 7.5 7.4 18.4 717.2
T2M1 9 7.3 18.8 915.3
T2M2 7.4 6.1 17.7 692.5
Tillage (T) NS * NS NS
Mulching (M) * * NS **
Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.
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