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El 2ul: Dynamics of Linear systems tHemewor + | Solubens OM Lets weite xieH)= aAxh), with oN Az c le yeas as BAe chavcteristic equation at A is 1a te So, the eigenvalues Dee oe qe (Al>\ ie & 2 eS ee [a\=\)- cowreapon ding £0 oS chen, I= xy, = ae Moa dws, os lake \ 2 Koger = 0. ont ee : — an eigeneckor of A So, 4he specific v, above is an example eo HR vector thak we seer. BV, Cannot be ny represented by a digital @ compuker , which cannot: yepresenk wrakimahl numbers Thus, the compuker tr smulakes with the \ikial conditim x)= Wrd where 9 Yepresents Ahe numerical evcor. There may be -fotion numeral ewvorsg in Cach Hme skeb. Thus, a cemcompuker simulabion wil) shov \2ca9lt Gor example’) nibs decreasing with ond then increasing taittcont a2 Loud. This behavior is expected because the equilibrium powt o for A is a saddle node. bs) nia nen." K Ca 1d sysop (9 aft 1s. Siogallove only if- Ais Singulay, Rubee wesrrsio Apis not: Sy ee from (iy, $0, 2 = BHD X® = xe) 2 maa only i x@=0. : @ @ a X= P0080 - by sind 8 +Py sind +0, -) cose & = VES OB - P,SinBO-+ vein’ rer eae v + Casino +(R J -) c0s8) 00 N+ 2%)wW 1. a 5a ee -b, 3108 - p,cos0 © + Ry os8 - (ry -jsind 8 = Ol = -veossin® - bcos” +vsine esd a Dgmme ~ [pgcas©+y-Daad)eo J 3 at ae e ae WD, Se tk Veo ie So ueeo. On eg pcibibrinw powk, as 4 = Oy with cBand uch s ab ae 3 ak . [3 %| aa, OL Cy) ANS Oy es 2 eS Lotok Uinesrizakim — around 120 and M0: éa- # £| S (6x) + -| (d4) qh e ) Gp => 269 a\6% = sea FFI ee 0) From the defination o& 5 ter along the candilake solukb™M, we see thet ofthe Fine cost + (ces #) Sint ° "| -Stobsint@- cost cost | = 5 =@ ag: oO > [?| Se TP tas ws ve a Solublen \ ewhen wlh=VH=! then ~ Ve must caer @ 5 Ca hs ths, @ 4s veally a solution +o @) hen wb)= We! 7 aw) , at (8a) (8%) = ae Le ees Le RtAlcs lis is an ITD System. ayy - [ele Se ae @ @ a8 2 et, eS nd ("ra el otha tboe ee a Lee Ce C % =-e Fx, Sete $0, eee 1) ego 15 Wegiitd Aculinn cohen lore ts ste central “06a = 2 pee me When the compuker has a faulty clock , ib Senplements ~ the control inpub- Zuw- url) = gt oe ee a) -y() Lees Se oe is westherresulting Cs 4 stem Gyr&en sol -6 x= € — "_ & is a solubim +o the Albove system (hy repeating the Calealations for the Seat port). thas, pup x =F(x,0), we hove ee a SnD Oe eter rex, OL 2 ae ————— Linearization avound Ge: ex ae 5 : § at Bia (5) = Bln SO + Ceo > (60) = (2e'x)bx + er &*e) §y @ 0 5, the fiest amd setond columns oo the stabe-tonsitim vnatrix “Ble t,) ave the solukions LH) with the mbal conditims att) = [6], ana xt-{"} respectively, lus, for the homogeneous system pebO tr = a ae we see thot the solution wit, ic. xtt=[\) ne xe= [0 08 ae depends aul om x,- forthe jinbale canes x (te) = [PY we have Dota ee eee Daye 3 x0) Mp Ga c pa ee abt) rE) 0. ee te + PO on: aioe freer t cr glety]® Pr ates) abi = (ee ea eee Ges z x = tet ee _ arb bo) \ a 7 ghee u ee ee 266-6) alts) Nee Core ai ema agce or O yee es From veriakion of constants: - JO-0 4 $e ax@+ wf 6) 84,0[2]sat + + fo 21 $2) (ea) dé = [outa dist oO where L&D is the vowcl, clumn=2 element ~ ot $69. 4 ” a) a ina . -=.- el we av z = [-rget tere 4. jeg? ng et: ar 3 =a i (integration hy parts) © We con vestuk€ the claim in the broblem as: 12) Te) & TANTE)=$ Gl Ve)N Te)= then Te)¢ Te. $0, ik vemoins +0 show thet if Ye) + Te) then TENN Te) = B. We prove this claim by contradiction. LekS subpose that the sets T(z) and TE; are rok equal Band thet F2)0 Ted +p. > 42,6 TRIN TED. So other words, 2 O (bu, do Zs tor somes bi, -£,F 2S $ bx, te) 22 Bor some ty, f t20 2) B (tr Pro = G boar , Foo 2p 3 Ble bee > Fltsa tr) bleu she) 2 = 2 Bub we axe deoling with LTT Systems. So: titer’) Ast), 1 and eee 2) tee. S pie waite be = toe Fat 2 Ee ee But this means 2, € TR) 1-€. 2% 6 o port ot the unordered traieckory through 2 By definition , 26 TD rant, it 2= Bbs;t.)2, = elhttee Ps So, ths means, ¥2e 1G) = ehlbr-tse) — phlbr-bee) pe =be 2-€ a2 eKbe 2, eae, : 2 z- eM mM for sume * . $0 eer Clement of Ne is also an element of UG), es ED e 72) But by vepenting the above axauments We tn also show FZ) e Gp). ——

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