X 0: "Equilibrium Position"
X 0: "Equilibrium Position"
X 0: "Equilibrium Position"
03 Lecture 1
Spring Constant = k
x = 0 : “Equilibrium Position”
Force Diagram:
Total force: F~
x(t) = a cos !t + b sin !t (4)
where a and b are arbitrary.
This equation (eq. 4) satisfies my equation (eq. 3)!! There are 2 unknowns!
From “Uniquness Theorem”: This is the one and only one solution in our universe which satisfies
the equation!
Finally we have:
x(t) = xInitial cos (!t) (6)
where ! = m, xInitial is the amplitude and cos (!t) accounts for the Harmonic Oscillation.
This is amazing!
This means that we use “the same tool” for the prediction of Higgs Boson, Quark Gluon Plasma,
Gravitational Waves, and the motion of the mass in this example (!?)
We have just solved a problem with an “ideal” spring which follows Hooke’s Law. What is so special
about it? Actually, there is NO “Hooke’s Law”! The law breaks down at some point. But the law
is a very good approximation when we consider small amplitude vibrations.
F (0) = − V (x) = −V 0 (x) = 0 (7)
f 0 (a) f 00 (a)
Taylor’s expansion: f (x) = f (a) + (x − a) + (x − a)2 + · · · (8)
1! 2!
V 0 (0) V 00 (0) 2 V 000 (0) 3
) V (x) = V (0) + x+ x + x + ··· (9)
1! 2! 3!
d 1
F (x) = − V (x) = −V 0 (0) − V 00 (0)x − V 000 (0)x2 + · · · (10)
dx 2
Given V 0 (0) = 0 when x is small enough: F (x) ˇ −V 00 (0)x
This is a remarkable result: “Hooke’s Law” works on “all systems with a smooth potential” (also
V 00 (0) 6= 0) for small oscillations about stable equilibrium!
How small? The condition |xV 000 (0)| ˝ V 00 (0) must be satisfied.
ẍ + ! 2 x = 0
Solution to ẍ + ! 2 x = 0
(1) x(t) = a cos !t + b sin !t where a and b are arbitrary constants
We can write this solution in dierent forms!
(2) x(t) = A cos (!t + °) = (A cos °) cos !t − (A sin °) sin !t where A and ° are arbitrary con-
(3) x(t) = Re[Aei(!t+°) ]
(1) through (3) are the same solution, but written in dierent forms. (3) is a mathematical trick.
In principle:
x(t) = Re[A cos (!t + °) + if (t)]
f (t) is an arbitrary real function.
But if f (t) = A sin (!t + °) amazing thing happens!
arbitrary f (t) f (t) = A sin (!t + °)
“Phoenix function”
1. Cannot be killed by
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