Mini Projects - PSO Course - June2020

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Tech in PESE Subject: Power System Optimization

List of mini projects

Gr. 1: Write MATLAB program to simulate the following unit commitment problem using
particle swarm optimization technique.

Three generators with generation capacity P1 , P2 and P3 having cost function of

F1 = 500 + 10 P1 + 0.002 P12 $ / hr , F2 = 300 + 8 P2 + 0.0025 P22
and F3 = 100 + 6 P3 + 0.005 P32 $ / hr
$ / hr
respectively are needed to be allocated to meet total load demand of 500 MW, 600 MW and 300
MW respectively for consecutive three hours. The limits of the generator units are as follows
100 MW ≤ P1 ≤ 600 MW , 100 MW ≤ P2 ≤ 400 MW and 50 MW ≤ P3 ≤ 200 MW

Consider the initial position of the variables for particle-1 corresponding to P1 , P2 , P3 , U 1 , U 2 , U 3

are 500, 300, 100, 1, 0, 1 and position variables for particle-2 corresponding to P1 , P2 , P3 , U 1 , U 2 ,

U3 are 400, 200, 100, 1, 1, 0. U 1 , U 2 and U 3 are commitment variable of the units corresponding
to unit-1, 2 and 3 respectively. The value of variables U is either 1 or 0. 1 stands for running
condition of the unit and 0 stands for off-line condition of the unit. Note that start-up cost of the
units are ignored for the mentioned problem. (After updating position variables for U at the end
of 1st iteration, do round off the values to obtain either 1 or 0)

Gr. 2: Write MATLAB program to simulate the following economic load dispatch problem
using binary coded genetic algorithm

Three generators with generation capacity P1 , P2 and P3 having cost function of

F1 = 561 + 7.92 P1 + 0.001562 P12 $ / hr , F2 = 310 + 7.85 P2 + 0.00194 P22 and $ / hr

F3 = 78 + 7.97 P3 + 0.00482 P32 $ / hr respectively are needed to be allocated to meet total load
demand of 850 MW. Consider initial value of generation for P1 , P2 and P3 are 300 MW, 200 MW
and 300 MW respectively.

Gr. 3: Write MATLAB program to simulate the following economic load dispatch problem
using particle swarm optimization technique

Three generators with generation capacity P1 , P2 and P3 having cost function of

F1 = 561 + 7.92 P1 + 0.001562 P12 $ / hr , F2 = 310 + 7.85 P2 + 0.00194 P22 and $ / hr

F3 = 78 + 7.97 P3 + 0.00482 P 3
$ / hr respectively are needed to be allocated to meet total load
demand of 850 MW. Consider initial value of generation for P1 , P2 and P3 are 300 MW, 200 MW
and 300 MW respectively.
M.Tech in PESE Subject: Power System Optimization

Gr. 4: Write MATLAB program to simulate the following economic load dispatch problem
using gradient search method

Three generators with generation capacity P1 , P2 and P3 having cost function of

F1 = 561 + 7.92 P1 + 0.001562 P12 $ / hr , F2 = 310 + 7.85 P2 + 0.00194 P22 and
$ / hr

F3 = 78 + 7.97 P3 + 0.00482 P32 $ / hr respectively are needed to be allocated to meet total load
demand of 850 MW. Consider initial value of generation for P1 , P2 and P3 are 400 MW, 300 MW
and 150 MW respectively.
Power loss of the system is given by Ploss = 0.00003 P12 + 0.00009 P22 + 0.00012 P32

Gr. 5: Write MATLAB program to simulate the following economic load dispatch problem
using lamda iteration method

Three generators with generation capacity P1 , P2 and P3 having cost function of

F1 = 561 + 7.92 P1 + 0.001562 P12 $ / hr , F2 = 310 + 7.85 P2 + 0.00194 P22 and
$ / hr

F3 = 78 + 7.97 P3 + 0.00482 P3
$ / hr respectively are needed to be allocated to meet total load
demand of 850 MW. Consider initial value of generation for P1 , P2 and P3 are 400 MW, 300 MW
and 150 MW respectively.
Power loss of the system is given by Ploss = 0.00003 P12 + 0.00009 P22 + 0.00012 P32

The mini projects are allocated to the groups consecutively as follows

Gr. 1: 19-23-210, 211, 216 (Avg CPA: 8.22)
Gr. 2: 19-23-205, 209, 213 (Avg CPA: 7.68)
Gr. 3: 19-23-203, 204, 206, 215 (Avg CPA: 7.4)
Gr. 4: 19-23-201, 202, 217, 218 (Avg CPA: 7.3)
Gr. 5: 19-23-207, 208, 212 (Avg CPA: 7.22)

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