EGP Essay Structure Exercise

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Names: Amyza, Lisa & Yani Block: 3 Date: 17/07/2019 1 of 3

Q: To what extent is health and well being the

responsibility of the individual?
Implicit meaning:
Why is looking after health and well being the responsibility of individuals?

Explicit meaning:
How far is health and well being the responsibility of the individual?
Paragraph Structure Write Sentences
Introduction Background It is the individual's responsibility to maintain good health 2 of 3
Information since they are with it all the time and it plays a crucial part in
their well being.

Argument/ It is true that health and well being are the responsibility of
Opinion every individuals.

Main points This is because humans have the power to decide and control
what they want, knowing the benefits of being healthy and
their contribution to society.

Body 1 Point Humans have power to choose and make decisions.

Explain All individuals have the power to choose the type of life they
want to live.
Elaborate Making our own decisions whether it was a positive move or
not. People also have power to control themselves.

Example(s) For example, impact our life. Bad habits such as spending too
much time watching television, eating too much junk food. It is
your choice and you are the one who decide whether you want
to create healthy habits and accept responsibility for your
behaviour and you'll see positive changes in your life.

Link Hence, life is full of choices and we have the power to make
the wise decisions.

Body 2 Point Knowing the values of taking care of the health as well as well
being, yes it is the individual's responsibility.

Explain Taking care of health and well being gives us many benefits
such as prevention against diseases, reduces pain and injury,
improves mood, boost energy and most importantly increases
the chance of a longer life.

Elaborate By acknowledging the values of staying healthy it creates a

sense commitment amongst individuals and also strive them to
live a meaningful life that is fulfilling not only for self but
others too.
Example(s) For example looking forward to more time with loved ones is
reason enough to keep walking. In a case study reported by
The American Council on Exercise showed that those who
walked just 30 minutes each day significantly reduced their
chances of dying prematurely, compared with those who
exercised infrequently.
Link Hence, this shows that health as well as well being is the
responsibility of an individual.
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