1.5 The Origin of Cells Worksheet

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1. Cell Biology (Core) – 1.

5 The origin of cells

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Assignment 1.5
1.5 The Origin of Cells

S. M. Zaigham Zia

S. M. Zaigham Zia
1. Cell Biology (Core) – 1.5 The origin of cells

Understandings, Applications and Skills (This is what you may be assessed on!)

Statement Guidance
1.5.U1 Cells can only be formed by division of pre-existing cells. Students should be aware that the 64 codons in
the genetic code have the same meanings in
nearly all organisms, but that there are some
minor variations that are likely to have accrued
since the common origin of life on Earth.
1.5.U2 The first cells must have arisen from non-living material.

1.5.U3 The origin of eukaryotic cells can be explained by the Evidence for the endosymbiotic theory is
endosymbiotic theory. expected. The origin of eukaryote cilia and
flagella does not need to be included.
1.5.A1 Evidence from Pasteur’s experiments that spontaneous
generation of cells and organisms does not now occur on Earth.

Recommended resources:


Allott, Andrew. Biology: Course Companion. S.l.: Oxford UP, 2014. Print. pp. 45-50

Quizlet vocabulary set for Topic 1.5 The origin of cells

S. M. Zaigham Zia
1. Cell Biology (Core) – 1.5 The origin of cells
1.5.A1 Evidence from Pasteur’s experiments that spontaneous generation of cells and organisms does not now occur
on Earth.

Louis Pasteur designed an experiment to test

whether sterile nutrient broth could
spontaneously generate microbial life. To do
this, he set up two experiments.
● In both, Pasteur added nutrient broth
to flasks and bent the necks of the
flasks into S shapes
● Each flask was then heated to boil the
broth in order than all existing
microbes were killed.
● After the broth had been sterilized,
Pasteur broke off the swan necks from
the flasks in Experiment 1, exposing the
nutrient broth within them to air from
above. http://bcs.whfreeman.com/thelifewire/content/chp03/0302003.html
● The flasks in Experiment 2 were left

1. In which flask(s) would you expect microbes grow?

2. Explain the reasons for your answer to the above question.

3. How does the evidence derived from this experiment refute the idea of spontaneous generation?

S. M. Zaigham Zia
1. Cell Biology (Core) – 1.5 The origin of cells
1.5.U1 Cells can only be formed by division of pre-existing cells.

1. State the three core ideas of cell theory:




2. Aside from Pasteur’s experiments what evidence do Biologists have that cells can only be formed by division of
pre-existing cells? Outline the evidence below:

● Cells are highly complex structures …

● All known examples of growth …

● Viruses are produced from simpler subunits …

● Genetic code is universal …

S. M. Zaigham Zia
1. Cell Biology (Core) – 1.5 The origin of cells
1.5.U2 The first cells must have arisen from non-living material.

If we accept that there were times in the history of the Earth when cells did not exist then it is an obvious point that
‘The first cells must have arisen from non-living material’. The only other possible explanation is that life, in the form
of cells, was transported here from elsewhere in the universe. As illustrated above, it is extremely difficult (and given
our level of technology currently impossible), to generate cells from anything but other cells. So how did the first cells

3. We have evidence and ideas how some of the key problems might have been solved. Outline the following

a. The non-living synthesis of simple organic molecules, e.g. sugars and amino acids

b. The assembly of these organic molecules into polymers

c. The formation of polymers that can self-replicate (enabling inheritance)

d. formation of membranes to package the organic molecules

S. M. Zaigham Zia
1. Cell Biology (Core) – 1.5 The origin of cells
1.5.U3 The origin of eukaryotic cells can be explained by the endosymbiotic theory.

4. State the definition of endosymbiotic theory:

5. As shown by the diagram below there are several key stages in the theory.


a. Outline the formation of the nucleus

b. Outline the endosymbiosis and state the organelles that may well have been formed as a result of the

S. M. Zaigham Zia
1. Cell Biology (Core) – 1.5 The origin of cells
6. Describe the evidence supporting the theory for mitochondria and chloroplasts:


Allott, Andrew. Biology: Course Companion. S.l.: Oxford UP, 2014. Print.

S. M. Zaigham Zia

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