Simulation of Tool Vibration Control in Turning, Using A Self-Sensing Actuator

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Simulation of Tool Vibration Control in Turning,

Using a Self-Sensing Actuator

Dynamic Systems Group, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University
of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa ([email protected])
(Received 27 June 20061 accepted 28 August 2007)

Abstract: Besides reducing the restricting effects of tool vibrations on productivity, work-piece surface finish
and tool life, it is desirable to handle lack of space for sensors at the tool tip and the cost of control systems
in turning processes in an effective way. This work considers these two aspects by exploiting the concept of a
self-sensing actuator (SSA) in the simulation of tool vibration control. The tool holder structure, in its passive
as well as active state, is modeled as a supported cantilever. A feedback filtered-x least-mean-square (LMS)
algorithm is chosen to compute the control action. A known technique, which consists of pre-filtering the
inputs to the LMS-algorithm maintains the stability of the control system. The self-sensing path is modeled
and illustrated. It consists of the transmission of the tool tip displacement to the SSA where it is sensed by
converting it into a voltage signal. A considerable reduction of 93% of the displacement r.m.s. values of the
tool tip, was obtained when simulating this control system.

Key words: Tool vibration, active control, self-sensing actuator, turning process


In machining, and particularly in turning processes, tool vibration is a problem that com-
monly has to be dealt with, mainly because of its constraining effect on productivity, work-
piece surface finish and tool life. This vibration constrains productivity since the selection
of cutting parameters is restricted to values lying in a region in which they guarantee a stable
but not the most productive operation (Chen et al., 19931 Yeh and Lai, 1995). Tool vibration
affects the surface finish of work pieces during cutting owing to the relative motion of the
tool and the work piece (Cheung and Lee, 2000). Compression and friction during chatter
are additional sources of energy dissipation, which promote flank wear on the cutting tool
and reduce tool life (Chiou and Liang, 2000).
Control over tool vibration can be approached, by using passive methods in which ei-
ther structural stiffness is added to the lathe or a tuned vibration absorber is applied to the

Journal of Vibration and Control, 14(7): 999–1019, 2008 DOI: 10.1177/1077546307085389

1 2008 SAGE Publications Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore
Figures 3, 4, 6–8, 10–11 appear in color online:

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process (Tarng et al., 20001 Lee et al., 2001). However, active control has become a favored
method since significant advances have been made in the development of micro-positioning
actuators over the past decade. These developments allowed a choice between semi-active
and fully active vibration absorbers. Semi-active means that the control force is located
between the primary and absorber structure, whereas active means that the control force is
applied more directly, between ground and the primary structure directly (Pratt and Nayfeh,
1997). The type of actuator considered in this work is a piezoelectric one. An earlier example
of active tool vibration control, in turning processes, which also made use of a piezoelectric
actuator is represented by Choudhury et al. (1997). Examples of active tool vibration control
are represented by the work done by Andrén et al. (2003) and Pan and Su (2001). They re-
spectively used adaptive filter and adaptive control methods to handle process uncertainties.
In the control of tool vibrations, the problems other than process uncertainties are the
lack of space around the tool tip and the additional cost of a sensor to pick up the tool
displacements. This work shows through simulation that these two problems can be solved
when a self-sensing actuator (SSA) is employed in the control system. Piezoceramics can be
used in this fashion, because it is possible to exploit the piezoelectric and reciprocal effect
simultaneously. Besides the piezoelectric effect of piezoceramics, i.e. the generation of a
voltage if a force load is applied to such a material, it also exhibits a reciprocal effect, which
consists of undergoing a change in length when a voltage is applied across its electrodes.
This means that the piezoactuator can simultaneously function as a sensor, i.e. as a SSA.
The possibility of functioning as an SSA has already been investigated by Dosch and Inman
(1992) and was then covered in further detail by Anderson and Hagood (1994). In turning
processes, this principle can be used as a SSA in a closed-loop tool vibration control system.
Therefore, by using an SSA instead of a separate actuator and sensor, the abovementioned
problems can be overcome.
This work addresses critical issues in the simulation of tool vibration control in turning
processes, using a SSA. The paper answers the main question of how the displacement of the
tool tip, as a result of both the cutting force and the actuator force, can be measured when
the SSA is placed at an offset from the tool tip. In this case, one could anticipate that models
representing the force displacement relationships between the tool tip and the actuator and
vice versa, would play a significant role in the simulation. The paper therefore shows how
the actuator structure of the passive tool holder as well as the sensing path of the SSA may
be modeled. It furthermore describes how these models, in the form of IIR-filters, can be
incorporated into the feedback-filtered-x least-mean-square (LMS) adaptive algorithm. The
stability problems associated with the IIR-filter are dealt with by using the principle of pre-
filtering the error signal with the poles of the passive tool-holder structure (Vipperman et
al., 1993). Another critical question, that this paper addresses, is what signal should be used
to represent the cutting force during the simulation. Pertaining to this question this work
gives details of how a representative cutting-force signal is obtained from a practical turning
process and then processed for use in the simulation of tool vibration control. The results of
a simulation of the control system give an indication as to what extent the attenuation of tool
vibration is possible.

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2.1. Requirements to Consider

Three equally important aspects need attention for the simulation of tool vibration control.
They are firstly the question of a representative cutting-force signal, secondly the decision
about a suitable actuator, and thirdly the requirement of an effective control method.
As this work deals with the simulation stage of vibration control, a signal was needed
which could represent a typical cutting force in the turning process. To meet this need, the
cutting force of a practical turning process was measured and the signal stored. This signal
constitutes the source of vibration during simulation.
The decision about which actuator would comply with the requirements of the applica-
tion under consideration was mainly based on the criterion that it should be self-sensing. The
reasons for this criterion are the lack of mounting space at the tool tip and the additional cost
of an otherwise separate sensor. Another requirement emanated from the nature of the turn-
ing process, which requires actuators that can control the vibration from high cutting forces
at a high frequency. All these requirements for an actuator could be met by a piezoelectric
type of actuator, which would satisfy the main need of serving simultaneously as an actuator
and a sensor. The first purpose of the sensor is to pick up the resultant displacement of the
tool tip, which can be used as feedback in a closed-loop control system. As the SSA is a
collocated sensor-actuator pair situated at an offset from the tool tip (Figure 1), it will not
be able to capture the true displacement of the tool tip. It will only sense a voltage, which
is also influenced by the dynamics of the passive tool-holder structure. Therefore mathe-
matical models of the passive tool-holder structure will be involved in the simulation of the
control system. The position for the actuator at an offset from the tool tip requires the struc-
tural modes participating in the direction of the cutting force to be included in these models.
Their digital representations should therefore be in the form of IIR-filters. These models are
the elements of a dynamic flexibility matrix, which relates forces at two points of interest
to their respective displacements. The two mentioned points of interest are the tool tip and
the connecting point of the actuator and tool-holder. These are the points where internal and
external forces respectively act in and onto the passive structure. The need for mathemati-
cal models can be satisfied numerically by generating a finite element model of the passive
tool-holder structure in MSC-Patran and running a modal analysis in MSC-Nastran.
The third of the abovementioned aspects is the requirement for an active control method.
It is most important that such a method should have the property of being adaptive, owing to
the random and non-stationary nature of a turning process. A control algorithm often recom-
mended in the literature on active vibration control because of its simplicity, is the filtered-x
LMS (Fuller et al., 1996). Because this algorithm makes use of an adaptive filter it is suited
to dealing with the abovementioned type of tool vibrations induced by the cutting force (An-
drén et al., 2003). For the use of this control method, two problems have to be addressed.
The first one is directly linked to the choice of the filtered-x LMS control algorithm. The use
of infinite impulse response (IIR)-filters for the models, which form the elements of the dy-
namic flexibility matrix of the passive structure, introduce stability problems in an adaptive
control algorithm such as the chosen LMS-type. This problem will therefore require stabiliz-

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Figure 1. Tool-holder clamp with tool holder, self-sensing actuator (SSA) and work piece.

ing measures in the control system. The second problem, also linked to the LMS-type algo-
rithm, is that a reference signal should be available to the adaptive filter and its algorithm. In
the application to tool vibration control, the tool tip displacement, due to the control action
and cutting forces should serve as a reference signal, but it cannot be measured. In relation
to the first of these two problems, Vipperman et al. (1993) propose a technique, which is
mentioned in the previous section and is used to avoid the stability problem. It involves the
pre-filtering of the error signal, which is the tool tip displacement resulting from both the
actuator and the cutting force input into the tool holder. The second problem is overcome by
using a feedback version of the filtered-x LMS algorithm as proposed by Kuo and Morgan
(1996), so that the need for a reference signal is met. This is possible because the cutting
force measured for simulation purposes is close to being a narrowband disturbance.

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Figure 2. Tool holder with strain gauges (SG) .SGs 1 to 4 in full-bridge measure the thrust force1 SGs 5
and 6 in half-bridge measure the feed force1 SGs 7 and 8 in half-bridge measure the cutting force.

2.2. Assumptions

This work represents a preliminary investigation for the implementation of SSAs in turning.
Various assumptions were made of which the validity will become clearer during future
practical implementation. These assumptions are however believed to be reasonable.
2 The cutting process (CP) causes a cutting force at the tool tip and there is no feedback
from the controlled tool tip to the CP, i.e. the control system has no influence on the
cutting force.
2 The tool holder acts like a cantilever, which is supported by the SSA at an offset from the
tool tip.
2 The structure is lightly damped and a proportional viscous damping model is sufficient.
2 In the envisaged implementation stage the sensing circuit will be of a full-bridge type.
Here, the bridge is assumed to be balanced, i.e. the branch of the bridge parallel to the
branch containing the SSA, contains an impedance component equal to that of the SSA.


Strain gauges mounted on a turning tool holder (Figure 2) were connected in bridge circuits
and served as transducers to measure the cutting force. The signal data acquired were then
post-processed so that they could be used as a typical vibration source in the simulation of
the control system.
The cutting was done, by using a Mitsubishi TNMG 160408 UTi20T uncoated-carbide
tool insert on EN 19 steel with the following cutting parameters:

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Depth of cut: 1 mm
Feed: 0.3 mm/rev
Cutting speed: 1.40 to 2.07 m/s

The cutting parameters were chosen from a region recommended by the insert manufac-
turer for that specific insert and work-piece material. However, the parameters were selected
as low as possible to avoid being forced by reducing the work-piece diameter to make large
changes in the speed on the lathe. The cutting speed was then chosen so that the total time of
cutting-force measurement was kept as short as possible and corresponded to an insert life
span of 95 minutes of cutting time.
The static cutting force was calibrated on the tool holder by means of mounted strain
gauge circuits. The cutting force was thus assumed to be a result of the tool holder’s dis-
placement only and the influence of the tool holder’s inertia on this force was neglected,
which is believed to be a conservative approach. The calibration was performed by mea-
suring voltages, 1 i , while applying three different known forces in the jth direction and zero
force in the remaining directions.
Using the three different force/voltage pairs, each coefficient ai j in the jth column of the
calibration matrix A was determined three times from the relationship defined as

v 3 Afc 2 (1)
1 2T
where the force vector fc 3 f c x f c y f c z and the average were then taken for each
coefficient. The force vector signals, fk , could then be obtained from the measured voltage
signals vk 3 [v1k v2k v3k ]T with

fk 3 A41 vk 2 (2)

where the subscript k refers to the signal sequence at time tk and will henceforth be used
as such. Furthermore, only the force contributions in the direction of the cutting force were
used in the simulation.
Post-processing of the calibrated signal was done, by removing the drift and noise con-
tribution of the amplifier in the measurement line by passing the signal through zero-phase-
distortion high-pass and notch filters. The post-processed force signal can be used for sim-
ulation purposes. An IIR-filter representing the modal model of the passive tool holder was
applied to the cutting force signal that was obtained after calibration. This filtering is done
in order to deliver displacement values. The abovementioned filter and force signal together
constitute the vibration source used for the simulation of control over the tool vibration of a
turning process.
In this work, two tool-holder structures are considered. One is the tool holder equipped
with strain gauges (as in Figure 2) and not supported by an actuator, and the other is the tool
holder supported by an actuator. The first one is the tool holder used for the measurement
of the cutting force. The second tool holder is the passive structure used as a model in the
simulation of the vibration control system. The tool holder which was used for cutting-force
measurements has its modes at frequencies differing from those of the passive tool holder
shown in Figure 1, because the tool holder used for measuring the cutting force was not
supported by an actuator whereas an actuator did support the passive tool holder used for

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Figure 3. Power spectral density of the tool-tip displacement signal due to cutting force.

the simulation. Moreover, the additional mass of the strain gauges, strain gauge protection
and cabling influenced the dynamics of the tool holder used for the cutting-force measure-
ment. The tool holder only passes those frequency components of the cutting force, which
are near the frequencies of the tool holder’s modes participating in the cutting force direc-
tion. Therefore the tool holder acts as a mechanical filter. The measured signal is the one that
was passed by the tool holder used for the cutting-force measurement, which has modes at
lower frequencies than the equivalent modes of the passive tool-holder model used for sim-
ulation purposes. Therefore the measured cutting-force signal had frequency components
corresponding to the frequency of the participating mode of the tool holder used for its mea-
surement. These frequency components were shifted to the frequency range of the equivalent
mode of the passive tool-holder model in order to obtain a new, adapted cutting-force signal.
The adapted cutting-force signal mentioned above was passed through an IIR-filter rep-
resentation of T11 3s4, as mentioned before, which is the transfer function between the cutting
force, f 1 3t4, exerted on the tool tip and the displacement of the tool tip (see Figure 1) due
to the cutting force. This filtering produced a displacement signal, d3t4, which is the dis-
placement contribution of the cutting force to the total displacement of the tool tip. The
power spectral density of this signal is shown in Figure 3. In this vibration-control approach
signal, d3t4, is regarded as narrowband1 a feedback version of the filtered-x LMS-algorithm
could therefore be used for tool-tip vibration control. Figure 4 shows that the probability
distribution of the signal, f 1 3t4, is a Gaussian process for the first 367 500 samples but indi-
cates a nonlinearity during the two passes thereafter. This process nonlinearity was observed
to occur during different passes on three different lathes. No precise explanation of this
phenomenon has as yet been found. It may be due to an interaction between the cutting
parameters chosen and radial play on the spindle bearings.

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Figure 4. Probability density estimate of cutting-force signal. First pass (solid line), second pass (dotted
line), third pass (crossed line) – each pass is equivalent to 367 500 samples at Fs 3 15000 Hz.


Modeling is here started in the s-domain because literature most commonly deals with mod-
eling theory for the control of structures in this domain.
The tool-holder structure and the inactive SSA, positioned as shown in Figure 1, consti-
tute a passive structure. The vertical tool-tip displacement is here called DOF 1 (first degree-
of-freedom) and the vertical displacement of the actuator tool-holder connecting point is
called DOF 2 (second degree-of-freedom) as shown in Figure 5. DOF 2 was introduced be-
cause the SSA senses only the displacement of DOF 2, from which the displacement which
here needs to be controlled, i.e. DOF 1, can be constructed mathematically. The shown
passive structure has several modes. A constant or a finite impulse response (FIR) filter with
only a few coefficients is therefore not sufficient to model the transfer behaviour from forces
as inputs to DOF 1 and DOF 2 as outputs.
Modal models are used here to model the passive tool-holder structure and incorporate
its modes. The first model, T11 3s4, also mentioned in the previous section, is a model rep-
resenting the contribution of the cutting force at the tool tip, f 1 3t4, to the displacement that
would occur at the tool tip, r1 3t4. The second model represents the contribution of the force
at the actuator structure’s connecting point, f 2 3t4, to the displacement, r1 3t4, at the tool tip
and is denoted as T12 3s4. The third model is T22 3s4. It is part of the term in equation (4)
which is the contribution of the force, f 2 3t4, at the connecting point to the displacement of
the connecting point, r2 3t4. Specifically in this work, which is a simulation using a self-
sensing actuator, T22 3s4 serves as a model in the contribution of f 2 3t4 to the displacement,

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Figure 5. Tool holder and actuator with cutting and actuator forces.

r2 3t4, which is equivalent to what the SSA measures, as in equation (4). The displacements
at each DOF, r1 3t4 and r2 3t4, is caused by the joint influence of the two forces f 1 3t4 and
f 2 3t4 at these two points. So two equations are necessary to model the displacements of
DOF 1 and DOF 2 because of the forces at these two points. They are given as follows in the

R1 3 T11 3s4F1 5 T12 3s4F2 (3)

R2 3 T21 3s4F1 5 T22 3s4F2 2 (4)

and because of symmetry, T21 3s4 3 T12 3s4. Three modal models are therefore needed to
model the passive tool-holder structure and incorporate its modes.
In the frequency domain, the relationship between displacement vector R and input force
vector F, may be described by the dynamic flexibility matrix as
1 241
R 3 452 M 5 j5C 5 K F 3 T354F (5)
1 2
and with 1 3 66 1 2 66 2 7 7 7 66 N , where 66 i is the orthonormal modal vector of the ith mode,
using modal coordinates
3 4
R 3 1Z 3 1diag 1T F2 (6)
35i 4 5 5 2 j8 i 5i 54
2 2

where Z is a vector of modal coordinates and where 5i is the natural frequency, and the
constant 8 i represents the viscous modal damping ratio of mode i respectively. A modal
damping ratio of 8 i 3 0701 (Preumont, 2002) has been used throughout. The frequency
responses T11 3 j54, T12 3 j54 and T22 3 j 54 are elements of the dynamic flexibility matrix,

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66 i 66 i
T354 3 7 (7)
352i 4 52 5 2 j8 i 5i 54

These modes were obtained from an eigenvalue extraction by means of the Lanczos method
using MSC Nastran.
The passive tool holder structure was modeled in MSC Patran as a cantilever supported
by the SSA at an offset from the tool tip similarly to the configuration in Figure 5. The
PTJNR-2020-16A tool holder was modeled with 6312 hex-8 elements in a finite element
method (FEM), such that the 20 7 20 mm cross section consisted of 10 7 10 elements. Those
nodes corresponding to the points of contact when clamped in the tool post of a Colchester
Student lathe with 6977 mm overhang were constrained in all translational and rotational
directions. In order to account for the SSA connected to the tool holder, a grounded spring
and a point mass were modeled and added at the SSA’s point of connection to the tool holder.
With respect to this point of connection the overhang of the tool holder is 3174 mm. The point
mass was obtained from
m3 2 (8)
329 f 42

where K a and f are the stiffness of 120 kN

mm and resonance frequency of 27 kHz, re-
spectively, specified for the SSA. The values for this point mass and spring stiffness were
those specified in technical data for the Pst 500/10/15 VS 18 actuator (from Piezomechanik
The clamping position of the tool holder as shown in Figure 1 is equivalent to the position
when the cutting force was measured with the strain-gauged tool holder as described in the
previous section. This position was at an increased distance from the tool tip to provide
space for strain gauges. For the purposes of vibration control simulation, the same clamping
position is used. However, the simulations are based on tool-tip displacement sensing that is
done not by means of strain gauges but by means of a SSA instead.
Figures 6 to 8 show the FEM-calculated frequency response functions of the three mod-
els. Whereas the frequency responses in Figures 6 and 8 are typical for collocated input-
output pairs, the frequency response shown in Figure 7 is typical of a non-collocated input-
output relationship because it is not showing an anti-resonance behind the second mode
resonance. It can be seen that the magnitudes of the frequency responses at the resonant
frequencies correspond to the residual values in Table 1.
The residuals, 6 i j 6 i j , of the three modal models are given in Table 1 with the subscript, j,
referring to the respective DOF. These graphs as well as the residuals, from Table 1, indicate
that modes above the chosen participating mode, mode 2, have magnitudes less significant
than the magnitude of mode 2.


This section shows how the active actuator is incorporated into the structure with the rela-
tionship between the voltage applied to the actuator and the force generated by it, based on a
derivation by Preumont (2002).

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Figure 6. Frequency response of tool-holder collocated cutting-force path with cutting force as input and
tool-tip displacement as output (first five participating modes of which the first is invisible).

Figure 7. Frequency response of passive tool-holder forward path with actuator force as input and
tool-tip displacement as output (first five participating modes, of which the first is invisible).

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Figure 8. Frequency response of passive tool-holder collocated actuator path with actuator force as
input and actuator extension as output (first five participating modes, of which the first is invisible).

Table 1. Natural frequencies and residual values of passive-structure models.

Mode i 5i
29 [Hz] 6 i1 6 i1 of T11 354 6 i1 6 i2 of T12 354 6 i2 6 i2 of T22 354
1 285976 070002 070002 070002
2 415277 2178427 671581 177361
3 976476 1278141 4174122 071556
4 13735 278190 4077420 071953
5 14412 473376 4175224 075343

If a voltage, u, is applied to the actuator, its unconstrained extension is

3 ga u2 (9)

where ga is the gain of the actuator, ga 3 nd33 , with n the numbers of layers in the stack
actuator and d33 a piezoelectric constant in [m/V].
The piezoelectric load along a line of action coaxial with the actuator is considered in
the same fashion as if it were a thermal load. It is computed as

f p 3 K a 2 (10)

where K a is the stiffness of the actuator. The actual load on the tool-holder structure at
point 2, f el2 3t4 will be proportional to the relative expansion, i.e. the elastic change in the

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length of the actuator. The elastic change in the length is the difference between the actual
displacement of point 2, r2 3t4, and the unconstrained expansion, 3t4, for the given applied
voltage, u3t4. Therefore f el2 3t4 is given as

f el2 3t4 3 K a 3r2 3t4 4 3t447 (11)

If f p is handled in the same way as a thermal load, it can be made part of the stiffness
force vector of the homogeneous equation of motion of the passive structure, so that the
element of that vector corresponding to DOF 2 is equal to f el2 3t4. If the f p term of f el2 3t4 is
then brought to the right-hand side of the initially homogeneous equation of motion for the
passive structure, the equation of motion then becomes

M8r 5 C9r 5 Kr 3 f (12)

where f p is an element of the force vector f and M, C and K are the mass, damping and
stiffness matrices respectively of the passive structure, which in this way also incorporate
the mass of the actuator and its stiffness K a . When substituting r2 3t4 in equation (11) with
modal coordinates, one obtains
6 N 7
f el2 3t4 3 K a z i 3t46 i2 4 ga u 7 (13)

From equation (6) one can see that the modal coordinates, z i , in the frequency domain are
3 4
Z354 3 diag 1T F3547 (14)
35i 4 5 5 2 j8 i 5i 54
2 2

For the ith mode, equation (14) becomes

1 5 Ndof

Z i 354 3 2 6 Fl 3542 (15)

35i 4 52 5 2 j8 i 5i 54 l31 il

where Ndo f is the number of degrees-of-freedom. Then for Fl 354 3 0

l 3 p, Z i 354
8 9
6i p
Z i 354 3 Fp 3547 (16)
52i 4 52 5 2 j8 i 5i 5

In order to derive a relationship between the applied actuator voltage, U 354, and the force,
Fel2 354, exerted by the actuator on the structure at point 2, equation (13) becomes
6 N 7
Fel2 5 Z i 6i
3 Ka 2
4 ga 7 (17)
U i31

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Substituting the modal coordinates Z i of equation (16), and using Fp 354 as the excitation at
point 2, equation (17) becomes
6 N 7
Fel2 5 6 i2 6 i2 F p
3 Ka 4 ga 7 (18)
U i31
35i 4 52 5 2 j 8 i 5i 54U

Replacing U on the right-hand side of equation (18),

6 N 7
Fel2 5 6 i22 Fp K a ga
3 Ka 4 ga 2 (19)
U i31
35i2 4 52 5 2 j8 i 5i 54Fp

and simplifying equation (19), the transfer function from U 354 to Fel2 354 becomes
6 N 7
Fel2 5 6 i22
3 K a ga Ka 4 1
U i31
35i2 4 52 5 2 j8 i 5i 54

3 K a ga 3T22 354 4 14 3 K a ga Ta 3542 (20)

where F2 3 Fel2 .


By means of the zero-order-hold all the s-domain transfer functions, T11 3s4, T12 3s4, T22 3s4
and Ta 3s4 were converted to discrete filters in the z-domain and subsequently used as such
T11 3s4, T12 3s4, T22 3s4 and Ta 3s4 are proper transfer functions of which inversions are not
realizable. But because the discrete versions of these models and inversions of some of them
had to be used as part of the control algorithm they were inverted by incorporating their
numerators in an all-pole IIR-filter and their denominators in an all-zero FIR-filter.
In this section, lower-case bold symbols are used for the vectors that represent sample
sequences. All the subscripts k in this section indicate a sample sequence of a signal at time
tk .
Proceeding with the model of the previous section, i.e. the tool holder supported by
the passive actuator, Figure 9 shows how the transfer behavior of the passive structure is
accounted for in the simulation of the control system. That part of the block diagram sur-
rounded by the dashed line constitutes the plant and the SSA, as represented during simula-
tion. In the simulation used in this work, the plant and the SSA, are represented by filters as
shown in Figure 9. In this control system the plant is simulated with the path from the volt-
age, uk , applied as a control input into the actuator and the tool-tip displacement, yk , induced
by the actuator as the plant output. The voltage, vsk , is the voltage sensed by the SSA as a
result of the displacement along DOF 2. The tool-tip displacement due to the cutting force,
f1k , is represented here by dk and the resulting tool-tip displacement is denoted by ek 3 r1k .
The simulation of the voltage sensed by the SSA, vsk , due to the total displacement of the
tool tip, ek , i.e. the sensing path, is that part of the block diagram lying between ek and vsk .

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Figure 9. Block diagram of the tool vibration control system.

Ta 3z4 in the forward path, i.e. the plant, induces a behavior which is initially divergent and
finally convergent in its step response. Since the poles and zeros of Ta 3z4 are located inside
the unit-circle of the z-plane, one can apply pole-zero cancellation of Ta 3z4 in the controller,
which is that part in Figure 9 outside the dashed line. Tc 3z4 3 Ta41 3z4 is therefore used in the
controller to compensate for Ta 3z4 which induces the abovementioned divergent/convergent
T12 3z4 is a simulation of the plant since its input is the actuator force, f2k , and the tool-tip
displacement, yk , is its output. The displacement at point 2 (see Figure 5) is simulated by
using equations (3) and (4) and solving for r2k . This displacement is due to the forces to
which the structure, including the structural effects of the actuator, is subjected during the
turning process. The voltage sensed by the SSA, vsk , at point 2 is

vsk 3 4Z m 3z42r2k 3 K m r2k (21)

where Z m 3z4 represents the sensing circuit and 2 describes the SSA parameters according to
the notation used by Anderson et al. (1994). The latter two are furthermore accommodated in
the constant gain, K m , since all complex variables cancel out when the impedances appearing
in the sensing circuit are assumed to consist of capacitors only.
Operations exactly opposite to those in the simulation of r2k are then done on vsk in
order to recover the error, ek , which is needed to compute the coefficients of the adaptive
filter W 3z4. This section describes how this computation is done.

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The model of the passive structure’s forward path between a force input at the actuator
position and its contribution to the total displacement of the tool tip as output, has poles and
zeros and is given as

ci z 4i
T12 3z4 3 36 i30
77 (22)
1 4 G3z4

14 g j z4 j

where LC and LG are filter lengths.

The transfer function of the passive structure with the force and the displacement at the
actuator connection point as the collocated input and output respectively, has the same form
as in equation (22) above, and is given as

pi z 4i
T22 3z4 3 36 i30
77 (23)
1 4 B3z4

14 bj z4 j

where L P and L B are filter lengths again.

The error, ek , which is the resulting displacement of the tool tip in the direction of the
cutting force, is given as
ek 3 yk 5 dk 7 (24)

In order to obtain the plant output, yk , a force input from the actuator, f2k , is given to the
plant, T12 3z4. When replacing yk in equation (24) by

yk 3 T12 3z4f2k 2 (25)

ek is obtained with a dependency on the control input, u k , as

ek 3 K a ga T12 3z4u k 5 dk 7 (26)

This is the error, i.e. the resultant displacement of the tool tip. For the sake of simplicity in
this section, it is assumed that Tc 3z4 3 Ta41 3z4 so that Tc 3z4 and Ta 3z4 are perfectly canceled.
To prevent the poles of the passive tool-holder structure from participating in the error signal,
the error, ek , is pre-filtered with the poles of T12 3z4. The new error, e k , becomes

e k 3 31 4 G3z44ek 3 K a ga C3z4u k 5 31 4 G3z44dk 7 (27)

The minimization of e k can be done by finding the coefficients, i , of the adaptive FIR-filter,
that minimize the instantaneous squared error, expressed as the cost function

J 3 i 4 3 ek 2 7 (28)

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This search for coefficients, i , occurs along the direction of the negative gradient,

J e
3 2ek k 2 (29)
wk wk

towards the minima of the quadratic error surface, also known as performance surface. The
coefficients, i , are updated for each time-step, using

wk51 3 wk 4  7 (30)

W 41
u k 3 i xk4i 2 (31)

with LW the adaptive filter length, the derivative term in the above equation is determined
3 K a ga C3z4xk 2 (32)

which is the reference signal, xk , filtered.

Inserting the corresponding terms, the final updating equation (30) for the adaptive filter
coefficients becomes
wk51 3 wk 4 e k K a ga C3z4xk 2 (33)

where  3 2 is a convergence coefficient, computed as in Elliott (2001) as

3 7 (34)
I x k 2

Here x k 2 is the mean-square of the filtered reference signal, x k , as indicated in Figure 9, and
I represents the number of adaptive filter coefficients and

0    27 (35)

One advantage of the LMS algorithm is that the terms in the cost function, such as the term
due to the disturbance by the cutting force, which are not dependent on the adaptive filter
weights, vanish in the gradient.


It was found that if the poles and zeros of the compensator, Tc 3z4, are not accurately placed,
i.e. Tc 3z4  Ta41 3z4, and their real and imaginary parts are 10% closer to the origin in the

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1016 B. H. FREYER ET AL.

z-plane, an even better vibration control can be obtained. The simulations discussed in this
section were therefore done under the abovementioned conditions.
Simulations were performed with the SSA in two different positions:
2 Position A: The SSA is connected at the bottom surface of the tool holder at an offset
from the tool-holder tip.
2 Position B: The SSA is connected at the bottom surface at the tip of the tool holder.
Initially a sampling frequency of Fs 3 45 kHz was considered for the simulation of
the vibration control system. With the SSA at position A, the percentage reduction of the
displacement r.m.s. of the tool tip was only 88%. It is interesting to note that in order to
increase the performance of the vibration control by decreasing the frequency of the partic-
ipating modes, a mass of approximately 0757 kg would have to be added to the tool holder
close to its tip. This would increase the overall reduction performance of the tool-tip vi-
bration r.m.s. by 3%. It is, however, more appropriate to increase the sampling frequency
of the vibration control system to Fs 3 90 kHz. The reason for choosing this sampling
frequency is to enable the control system to function more accurately due to more accurate
models. The improved accuracy results from a shorter one-sample delay which is introduced
by the zero-order hold when the models are converted from the continuous s-domain to the
discrete z-domain. The choice of the abovementioned two sampling frequencies was based
on the commonly used guideline for the implementation of digital control systems, where
5s 3 29 Fs  105b . Here 5b is the bandwidth of the closed-loop control system. In the
control system, as used in this work, the bandwidth was taken to be equivalent to the highest
participating mode, i.e. mode 2. Thus the lower bound for 5s is 10 5b but at 5s 3 205b ,
T 3s4  T 3z4. This can be seen by inspection of the bode plots of T 3s4 and T 3z4 respectively.
In Seborg et al. (1989) it can furthermore be seen that

lim H 3z4T 3z4 3 T 3s42 (36)

Ts 0

where Ts is the sampling time and

1 4 e4sTs
H 3s4 3 (37)

is the zero-order hold.

Figures 10 and 11 show the tool-tip displacements as the uncontrolled vibrations, d3t4,
and the controlled vibrations, e3t4, in the form of a time domain plot for the actuator in
positions A and B respectively.
Table 2 shows the percentage reductions of the displacement r.m.s. values for the re-
sulting motion of the tool tip, e3t4, with the SSA in the abovementioned two positions. The
results indicate that the percentage reduction of displacement r.m.s. with the SSA in posi-
tion A is higher than with the actuator in position B. When looking at the overall reduction,
however, i.e. from the displacement r.m.s. with the passive SSA at position A to the dis-
placement r.m.s. with the active SSA at position B, one can see that the reduction with the
actuator in position B is higher than with the actuator in position A. When the actuator is in
position B, therefore, the vibrations are reduced by a combination of the increased stiffness

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Figure 10. Cutting-force-induced vibrations, d3t4, and resultant vibrations, e3t4, with self-sensing actuator
below the tool holder at an offset from the tool tip (position A).

Figure 11. Cutting-force-induced vibrations, d3t4, and resultant vibrations, e3t4, with self-sensing actuator
below the tool holder and tool tip (position B).

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1018 B. H. FREYER ET AL.

Table 2. Percentage reduction of displacement r.m.s., from d3t4 to e3t4, after 0.0111 secs.
d3t4 [m] e3t4 [m] Percentage reduction
State of SSA Passive Active
SSA at position A 1707 7 1044 7752 7 1046 93%
SSA at position B 5729 7 1045 5753 7 1046 90%

of the passive structure and the active vibration control. This shows that although having the
SSA at position B is more effective in reducing the overall vibration, the SSA at position A
would be a more practical way to control tool vibrations because it is out of the way of the
tip where the cutting takes place.
Back to Figures 10 and 11 it is clear that they show the overall higher reduction in tool-tip
displacement with the SSA passive at A to the displacement with the SSA active at B.


Resulting from the structural model and the control system chosen, there are two main limi-
tations to this concept.
2 While the system is expected not to be limited to the cutting of specific work-piece shapes
or materials, it is assumed that a specific tool post, tool holder and insert is used in a
single-point turning process and that the clamping conditions are repeatable.
2 The unique feature of this self-sensing concept compared to conventional control with
direct measurement of the plant output, is that here the plant output has to be recovered
from a signal picked up by the SSA. This is done by using models of the structure. The
accuracy of the recovered plant output thus depends on the accuracy of the models. The
results obtained in this simulation are expected to be the best possible results obtainable
in practice because the models used for plant output recovery are identical to the models
representing the plant.


It has been shown through simulation that the concept of a SSA can be applied to the turn-
ing process. IIR-filters were used in the simulation of the tool vibration control system to
represent the discrete transfer functions of the passive tool-holder structure. The stability
requirements for the use of IIR-filters in the mechanical structure of the control system had
to be met by using the known principle of pre-filtering of the error signal with the poles of
the structure. It has been shown that the position of the SSA plays a significant role in the
performance of the control system and that by simulation a displacement r.m.s. reduction of
93% is possible with the SSA in a practical position at an increased offset from the tool tip.

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