Munay Ki - Transformational Fire Ceremony: Sacred Space

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Munay Ki - Transformational Fire Ceremony

The fire ceremony is a key practice of the Munay Ki. Bringing in the light and warmth of
the fire germinates the seeds that have been transmitted into the Luminous Energy Field.

Sacred Space
1. Prepare a place that is quiet and calm - open Sacred Space by calling in the
four directions, the earth, and the heavens.
2. Prepare to do sacred work - take a few deep breaths to release the everyday
world and drop into the vibration of the sacred.
3. Light the fire - you may choose to light a candle, group of candles, or a
bonfire outdoors.

Germination of the Seeds

1. Take a place by the fire and open Personal Sacred Space.
2. Enter the vibration of the rite you have received.
3. Looking into the fire with a soft gaze, use your hands to draw the energy of
the flame into your body. Draw the energy of fire into your heart, your
chakras, or any area of the body that is associated with the rite you are
working with.
4. Pause for a moment and allow the light and warmth of the fire to penetrate
into your being. Invite spirit to germinate the seeds to release their power and
beauty. Spend the time that feels appropriate to you.

1. Close personal sacred space, and the directions, earth, and sky.
2. Put out the fire if working with a candle, or let the bonfire burn down

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