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The document discusses a training program on conscious dying and end of life care.

The training program is structured into different sections that cover topics like the luminous energy field, death experiences, end of life rituals and more.

Some of the sections covered in the training include understanding the luminous energy field, the death experience, end of life rituals and ceremonies.

Teachers Manual

Dying Consciously

The Greatest Journey

The greatest journey is to help the dying and their families so

that the dying process can be met with grace and dignity.

Alberto Villoldo, PHD. Linda Fitch, Dean

The Four Winds Society Institute of Energy Medicine

Dying Consciously: The Greatest Journey - Training

Overview of the Program. 15 minutes

Introduction to structure for the training – demo;
participate; teach; personal introductions

Section One
Luminous Energy Field (LEF)
Description and Sensing for self
Exercise – sensing the Luminous Energy Field 1 ½ hours
Opening Wirococha and sensing for self
Around another and sensing with Wirococha
Show DVD

Two Glues – Sensing Chakras

Finding Chakras - self
Cleansing Chakras – self
1 hour
Finding Chakras – partner
Cleansing Chakras – partner

Section Two Over Break –

Must understand the LEF and death experience to be ½ hour
Write Eulogy

Lifting Luminous Energy Field

Demo 2 hours
Work in groups of 5

Section Three
Time of Death – Great Life Review
Show DVD 2 ½ hours
Pick a partner and work with them (1 hour each)
Sacred Witness – hearing and listening

Section Four
Cleansing the Chakras - 7- Chakra Illumination
Deepening and Release points – on wrist 2 ½ hours
Decoupling Fight & Flight
Show DVD
Section Five
Learn Great Death Spiral
Practice 2 hours
Show DVD

Steps – Review 30 minutes

Section Six
Importance of Ceremony and Ritual 1 hour
Ceremony and the Human Brain
Support of the Living
Show DVD

Section Seven
Resources 30 minutes
DVD; Donations; Web Site
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068

Dear Dying Consciously Teacher Training graduate,

Congratulations on becoming a graduate of the Dying Consciously teacher training! We are

thrilled that you will be bringing the traditional rites and sacred healing practices that have been
so missed in our culture to your students, clients, friends, and loved ones.

It is our deepest hope that offering this training to others will enrich your personal and
professional life and our cultural experience of dying, bringing beauty and light to thousands of
people who are transitioning beyond this physical life.

As you move on to train others in the work of Dying Consciously, please know that the Institute
for Energy Medicine, the 501 (c) 3 that sponsors this training, will continue to offer you support.
The IEM was established to promote and preserve the traditional healing practices and sacred
wisdom of the Americas.

We invite you to continue visiting our website at, where we offer free
educational DVDs, maintain a volunteer list, share personal stories about giving the death rites,
and announce future trainings. We also have a complete list of resources on death and dying
that is updated on the website. Should you have suggestions or additional resources for our
website, please e-mail them to [email protected].

Included in this packet are materials you may reproduce as necessary for clients and future
students. In addition to the Teachers Manual, there is an awesome section that includes a brief
description of the resources on our webpage, testimonials, and information on how to support
this work through financial donations.

As you continue to offer this great healing work to others, please consider you represent the
voice of the IEM and encourage your benefactors to include the IEM in their annual charitable
giving plans. By supporting the IEM, you will help assure that ouroutreach programs will
continue to make a difference in the world. Further information about how to donate is included
in this packet. Through our combined energy, we can truly transform our world.

Many blessings to you and please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of service to you.

Warm regards,

Linda Fitch and Alberto Villoldo

Board members and faculty
Institute for Energy Medicine
Four Winds Society Agreement

This Agreement is between The Four Winds Society, Inc., a Florida corporation, hereafter
referred to as “Four Winds” and the Institute of Energy Medicine a Utah Not for Profit
organization and hereafter referred to as IEM and ____________________, hereafter
referred to as “the Teacher,” acting on behalf of the Teacher as an individual or as an
authorized officer or agent of a business and/or corporation, located in
___________________________(State or Province), ____________________ (Country).
Four Winds, IEM, and the Teacher desire to enter into this Agreement in recognition of the
desire of both parties to maintain the ethics, integrity and continuity of the proprietary
information that is the property of Four Winds specifically. Based on this intent, and for good
and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, it
is hereby acknowledged, understood and agreed by both parties that:

The training(s) received in the Dying Consciously; The Greatest Journey Teacher Training
contains copyrighted and proprietary information (“Proprietary Information”) belonging to and
being shared by Four Winds for the express purposes of the training and practice of these
techniques throughout the world.

In recognition of the desire of the Teacher to teach said Proprietary Information and the
willingness of Four Winds and IEM to allow dissemination of its Proprietary Information, the
parties agree as follows:

I) The Teacher shall be licensed to teach to students individually or classes of students

collectively, all the information imparted to them and learned by them through their student
participation in the Dying Consciously; The Greatest Journey Teachers Training, Training
Manual and Dr. Alberto Villoldo’s personal lore and literature.

II) In exchange, the Teacher agrees:

a) to present the Four Winds material in a pure, unadulterated fashion as given in the
Teachers Manual, and to credit Dr. Alberto Villoldo’s and Linda Fitch’s research and
books as the source and origin of these materials.
b) to only teach the given material to interest groups related to Death and Dying.
c) to the branding of materials as intellectual property and will only use branded and
copyright material through coordination with the Four Winds (picture, written material,
titles, font, art work).
d) under no circumstances to reproduce any of the Teachers Manual except explicitly
marked handouts.
e) to NOT certify or teach other individuals to become teachers for the Dying Consciously;
The Greatest Journey.

III) The Teacher further agrees that any damages sustained by Four Winds as a result of
any grossly negligent or willful violation of the above provisions are difficult if not impossible
to determine. Therefore, the Teacher agrees that should the Teacher negligently or willfully
violate the terms of this Agreement the Teacher shall pay to Four Winds the sum of
$10,000.00 (USD) as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, per violation and any future
violation(s) plus court costs, attorney fees and any other costs or expenses accrued by Four
Winds in pursuing its rights under this Agreement.

Teacher Agreement - Page 1 of 2

Four Winds Society Agreement
IV) The Teacher further agrees he/she shall not, without express written permission from
Four Winds, utilize any lists, past or present, including but not limited to: mailing, email,
student and/or advertising/promotional lists belonging to Four Winds, or usurp any Four
Winds contacts in any locale, or use any Proprietary Information after termination of this
Agreement. Any violation of the foregoing shall be subject to the same liquidated damages
as listed in Section III above.

V) This Agreement shall be in full force and effect for a period of five years from the date
first listed below. The Teacher agrees to execute a new Agreement upon expiration should
the Teacher so desire to continue to teach or resume teaching the Four Winds Proprietary
Information. The burden shall be upon the Teacher to contact Four Winds to re-execute a
current Agreement. In the event the Teacher elects not to resume teaching and to execute a
new Agreement upon expiration of the term of this Agreement, the Teacher shall immediately
return all Proprietary Information in Teacher’s possession to Four Winds, and the IEM and
agrees to be bound by the provisions of paragraphs III and IV hereof for a period of four (4)
years after the termination of this Agreement.

VI) The Teacher warrants full authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of Self and
the Teacher’s assigns, partners, corporation(s) in all various corporate forms, heirs, personal
representatives, employees, spouses, practitioners, students and any and all others within
the Teacher’s knowledge. The Teacher agrees the rights extended under this Agreement are
for the teaching of Four Winds Proprietary Information and this Agreement precludes and
prohibits publication or other resale of said Proprietary Information by the Teacher or anyone
acting by or through the Teacher.

VII) This Agreement shall be construed and enforced under the laws of the State of
Florida, USA. The Teacher agrees to make her/himself available to the courts and Due
Process procedures under that jurisdiction, the laws of any other State, Province or Country
to the contrary notwithstanding. The Teacher understands he/she voluntarily relinquishes
legal rights possibly available under a different jurisdiction. The Teacher agrees to present
him/herself to the Courts of Florida in a timely manner at the Teacher’s own expense.

Both parties understand the terms and conditions contained herein and warrant full authority
in their respective representatives to execute this Agreement.

This Agreement is signed and duly executed this day of .

Representative: _________________________________________
The Teacher

Representative: _________________________________________

The Four Winds Society, Inc.

Date: ________________________________________

Teacher Agreement - Page 1 of 2

Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068

On behalf of the Institute for Energy Medicine, we would like to sincerely thank you for
considering donating to our efforts. The Institute of Energy Medicine is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit
educational and research organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the traditional
healing practices of the Americas for the benefit of all.

Our current projects include:

• Dying Consciously: an educational website, scholarship, and training program dedicated

to helping people die consciously. We provide a free step-by-step educational DVD.
• Munay-Ki: educational website, programs, and gatherings to promote healing and
wisdom through the giving and receiving of the sacred rites of the Q’ero of Peru. The
Munay-Ki community actively supports the Sanctuary Project.
• Sanctuary Project: preserves the wisdom teachings of the Peruvian indigenous
community through video documentation, research, and direct financial support of the
• Scholarship program: supports training and travel fees for students studying traditional
energy healing methods.

If you have been touched by the work of Dying Consciously and would like to make a tax-
deductible financial contribution to support website maintenance, scholarships, free DVD
production and mailing costs, and other administrative costs of the program, please send a
check or money order made out to the “Institute for Energy Medicine” to the address listed
below. Please write “Dying Consciously” clearly in the memo section of your check, or you may
make a general contribution to the Institute to forward our greater mission, allowing us to direct
the funds to an area of greatest need.

Please indicate if you would like to honor a loved one by including their name. A listing of
donors and honorees will be added to our website, so please indicate if you or your honoree
should remain anonymous.

Our sincerest thank you,

Linda Fitch and Alberto Villoldo

Board members and faculty
Institute for Energy Medicine

Dear Graduate,

Please feel free to contact me anytime you would like Four Winds marketing
support or materials. I can supply you with DVDs, brochures, post cards as well
as scheduling Healing the Light Body senior staff talks in your area, if there is

In an effort to keep our branding and image consistent, I am also here to support
your outreach efforts by supplying you with branded photographs, logos and
artwork for your Dying Consciously marketing materials.

Please note that you need to use the materials we provide in any marketing
pieces you do so there is consistency, brand and site recognition.

Congratulations on this exciting journey! Please contact me with any request or


In love and light,

Jaya Morrissey

P.O. BOX 680675 PARK CITY, UT 84068

PHONE: (435) 647-5988 OR (888) 437-4077 FAX: (435) 647-5905
[email protected] WWW.THEFOURWINDS.COM
Dying Consciously
The Greatest Journey

Section One
Luminous Energy Field
Section Two
Lifting the LEF
Section Three
Great Life Review
Section Four
Cleansing the Chakras
Section Five
The Great Death Spiral
Section Six
Ceremony and Ritual
Section Seven
Section Eight
Class Materials

Dying Consciously The Greatest Journey

If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide
unto the body of life. For life and death are one, even as the river and
the sea are one.
Kahlil Girban (1883-1931)

The Four Winds Society Institute of Energy Medicine


Dying Consciously: The Greatest Journey

I am a trainer for a project as part of the Institute of Energy Medicine. This project is
to assist someone through the dying process.

This training is very experiential. Once you have had the experience you will be able
to work more effectively with the person dying.

Our western model is learn by information and understanding first… the ancient
models are learned by experiencing them.

Nine out of ten luminous bodies return naturally. Most deaths happen naturally just
as birth does. We will learn to help the 5-10% that may need assistance and to be
fully present for someone that crosses.

Introduction and Mission Statement Page 1 of 2

Mission Statement
Dying Consciously; The Greatest Journey is a service dedicated to helping people
make their final transition. It is designed for all persons involved in the dying
process: the individual, family members, friends, hospice workers and support
groups. It offers a message of hope that helps to bring dignity and peace back to the
dying process for all involved. The goal of the Dying Consciously Project is to teach
the skill s to end life with grace.

Dying Consciously is based on the great death rites practiced by the ancient
traditions, that held the secret of conscious death. These rites allow us to understand
the kind of psychological and emotional closure needed throughout the death
process. They provide specific steps to bring reconciliation and healing both to the
loved ones and to the person dying.

A key element of this program is volunteers who are available to assist the individual
or family through the dying process, as well as comprehensive online resources
which include a step-by-step guide to assist loved ones and others through the dying

The online resources are available at no cost. Our volunteers are available at no
charge, by e-mail or telephone to assist in understanding this program.

In addition, we teach the Dying Consciously work in communities and end of life care
facilities around the world as well as create partnerships with institutions and teach
staff and professional care givers to render spiritual assistance and healing to
individuals and their family.

Dying Consciously has been trained in the following organizations:

Lyn ch Ledge, Bristol, CT—
Harmony Family Wellness Center, Vancouver, Canada
Body and Soul Heath and Fitness, Vancouver, Canada
Drishti Point Radio Show, Vancouver, Canada
The Goddess Temple of Orange County, CA
The One Heart Center, Monticello, FL
Green Valley Spa
Unity Church, Vancouver, Canada
The Cornelia Knott Wellness Center, Orange, CA
Orthopedic Institute of Orange County, CA

Introduction and Mission Statement Page 2 of 2

Dying Consciously The Greatest Journey

Luminous Energy Field

Your essence was not born and will not die. It is neither being nor non-being. It
is not a void nor does it have form. It experiences neither pleasure nor pain. If
you ponder what it is in you that feels pain of this sickness, and beyond that
you do not think or desire to ask anything, and if your mind dissolves like vapor
in the sky, then the path to rebirth is blocked and the moment of instant
release has come.
Zen Buddhist Bassui (1327-87)

The Four Winds Society Institute of Energy Medicine

Luminous Energy Field


The Luminous Energy Field 2

History of the Luminous Energy Field 2

The Luminous Energy Field at the Time of Death 3

Two Binding Forces – Glues 4

Sensing the LEF – Sensing Exercise 5

Cleansing the Chakras 6

Chakra Exploration Exercise 8

Sacred Space (Optional) 9

– an Island of Tranquility for the Dying
– Creating Sacred Space
– Sacred Space of Noosphere

The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 1 of 11

The Luminous Energy Field
In order to talk about the journey of death it helps to understand the Luminous Energy
Field. It is that essence or soul that we all possess.

History of the Luminous Energy Field

Indian and Tibetan mystics who documented the existence of the Luminous Energy
Field thousands of years ago described it as an aura or halo around the physical body.

In the East, mandalas depict the Buddha enveloped by blue and gold bands of fire. In
the West, Christ and the Apostles are shown with luminous halos around them.

In the mystical literature, the Apostle Thomas is said to have glowed with the same
radiance as Christ.

Native American legends speak of persons who shimmered in the night as if lit by an
inner fire.

The Andean storytellers recall a ruler who sparkled with the light of the dawn.

The Luminous Energy Field is shaped like a doughnut with a narrow axis or tunnel
(called a torus), less than molecule thick, in the center. It is perceived as an aura of
energy and light that surrounds and informs our physical body; a translucent, multi-
colored bubble of light that extends about the width of your outstretched arms and down
into the earth about a foot.

There is a continual flow to the Luminous Energy Field. As well as flowing clockwise
around the body there is also a vertical flow up and down through the spinal cord and
down into the earth, re-entering the body through the feet.

Reservoir of Living Energy:

The Luminous Energy Field is a reservoir of vital force—a sea of living energy as
indispensable to our health as the oxygen and nutrients carried by the bloodstream.
These energies are the purest and most precious fuel for life. When the vital reserves
are depleted through illness, environmental pollutants or stress, we suffer disease. We
can ensure our health and vitality and extend our active, healthy years by replenishing
this essential fuel.

The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 2 of 11

When the brain shuts down, the electromagnetic field surrounding the body dissolves
and the Luminous Energy Field then begins to disengage from the body.

Through time the Luminous Energy Field can become clouded with dark pools of toxic
energy from unprocessed, negative emotions. In this case, the death process can
become prolonged. The steps of the Death Rites show us how to cleanse the Luminous
Energy Field through the chakra system so it becomes clear and can glow again with

When the Luminous Energy Field is ready to disengage, the Eighth Chakra envelops
the other seven chakras and forms an egg–shaped orb. This orb travels through the
central axis of the Luminous Energy Field to become one with Spirit again. It is much
like a doughnut squeezing through its own hole. This hole is the dark passageway often
reported by those who have had a near-death experience. This passage of the golden
orb occurs very quickly once the Luminous Energy Field disengages from the physical

The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 3 of 11

Two Binding Forces—Glues
The Luminous Energy Field (LEF) has two binding forces or glues that keep it
connected to the physical body: the electromagnetic field and the chakra system.

1) Electromagnetic field.
The electromagnetic field is the primary glue that holds the Luminous Energy Field to
the physical body. It surrounds the body and is generated by electrical activity of the
nervous system. If the spinal nerves were laid down end-to-end, they would create a
single strand that would wrap around the globe three times. The Right-Hand Rule
determines the direction of the magnetic field as it revolves clockwise around the body.
The human energy field is a mirror of the Earth's magnetic field which streams out of the
North Pole and circumnavigates the planet to re-enter again through the South Pole.
The torus of high energy particles trapped by the Earth‘s magnetic field is called the Van
Allen Radiation Belt.

When the electrical activity in the brain ceases the electromagnetic field dissolves and
the human aura is no longer present. This electromagnetic field is often measured by
Electroencephalography (EEG), especially when someone is thought to be in the
process of dying and yet being kept alive by mechanical means. If the EEG is "flat", it is
said that there is no electrical process going on in the brain and people are most often
taken off life support so that they may die.

This does not mean, however, that the Luminous Energy Field detaches and journeys
back to Spirit. Shortly before death, the doorway between the worlds opens and it is
believed that this portal shuts down 40 hours after the last breath. For this reason, many
earth traditions require that the physical body not be moved or touched for 40 hours in
order for the Luminous Energy Field to complete its journey home.

2) The Chakra System

The chakra system is the second glue which secures the luminous energy ÿeld to the
spinal column. The chakras are like giant screws that hold the Luminous Energy Field to
the physical body. As death approaches the chakras loosen and the Luminous Energy
Field breaks free from the physical body. The Eighth Chakra expands to the shape of a
translucent egg, holding all seven chakras within it and exits through one of the chakras.
There can be a glow to this golden orb hours after death and it is possible that it may
stay connected to the physical body even after burial.

The Eighth Chakra is called the "source of the sacred" because it is unaffected by the
death of the body. It is the architect of the body and when set free goes about its
business of creating a new body. When we open the Eighth Chakra we create a kind of
sacred space. We leave behind the affairs of ordinary life, the bustling world of meetings
and schedules . It allows us to enter our quiet inner-world where healing takes place.
Our burdens become lighter and we can be present with others and ourselves.

We will explore the LEF first so you have an experience of it then work with the chakras.

The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 4 of 11

Sensing the Luminous Energy Field—Exercise

o To give students the opportunity to sense the LEF

o Bring awareness and sensitivity to working within another‘s energetic field:

Not seeing through our physical eyes, but through our perceptions
in multiple ways.
We've always been 'seeing' in various ways all our lives, and haven‘t been
filtering it in this new way.
We all have a primary sensing mechanism already in place and we
can learn to sense in other ways as we will - seeing, feeling, hearing,
knowing, sensing, etc.

Exercise: Do Demo
Get permission to go into the other‘s field
Sense for their luminous body, sensing three to four inches from the physical body;
notice how it feels.

1. First slowly approach your partner‘s LEF at the belly pointing fingers like a knife.
Move it slowly toward their LEF and ask what they feel.

2. Th en weave hand in from side, parting the LEF.

3. Have them expand gently using their breath while your hand is on the inside of
the LEF.

4. Gently pull hand out.

Repeat at belly, heart, forehead and top of head.

Find a partner and practice.

Sharing afterwards – how important it is to not interfere with their process.

(This may include not judging or making comments).

Teaching: to share afterwards

- feeling the body other than area working
- very personal – or intimate
- may not feel anything
- may feel warm or unbalanced
- importance of breath to maintain rapport
- psychogeography - how to shift closer or further away as needed for safety

**Can tell story about dancer and older skeptic –“good for her but not me”.

The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 5 of 11

Clensing the Chakras Exercise—Second Glue
Regardless of where we were born, everyone has a skeleton with the exact same
number of bones. In the same way, we all share the same luminous anatomy which
includes the chakras and the acupuncture meridians.
The word chakra means ”wheel" in Sanskrit. The chakras are swirling disks of
energy that spin three to four inches outside the body and link to our spine and
central nervous system. The chakras are a direct pipeline to the human neural
They rotate clockwise in the same direction that the spiral arms of the galaxy revolve.

Each chakra has a unique frequency that we perceive as one of the seven colors
of the rainbow. The chakras in a newborn child display their pure color from red
in the first chakra to violet in the seventh.
As we grow older the color in our chakras becomes dull. The trauma and loss in
our lives leave their toxic residues behind. The sludge that adheres to the
chakras does not permit them to vibrate at their pure frequency, and physical
aging is accelerated. When the chakras are cleared they spin freely and vibrate
with their original purity again.
We clear the chakras so that the toxic energy accumulated through our lives as a result
of trauma does not keep the luminous Energy Field earthbound. The more cleansing
that is done the better. Legend and lore tells us that we must go back to all the places
we have loved or experienced pain until we can come to closure. Not clearing this toxic
energy will hinder us from going across to the other side. When cleansed, we still
experience the emotions, the pain, however they do not shackle us. The cleansing
process combusts the toxic energy in the chakras and erases imprints from the
Luminous Energy Field.


The Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immune System is the matrix by which information flows

from the soul into the matter through the chakra system and therefore the Psyche
(soul), the Central Nervous System, the Autonomous Nervous System, the endocrine
system and the immune system can interact via neuropeptides, hormones, cytokines
and interleukins.

The perception and interpretation of the outer and inner environment determines
function and behavioral responses at the cellular level as well as at the level of the
whole organism. The perception and interpretation of these stimuli is as "good" as our
filters are, meaning our imprints are created based on our perception of an event. The
chakras are cleared to shift the cellular response.
Finding the Chakras:
The first chakra is located at the base of the spine near the tailbone and we work with it

The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 6 of 11

above the pubic bone. Place your hand over the first chakra about two inches away
from the skin. Cleanse the chakra by slowly spinning your hand counterclockwise.
(Spiral hand towards right shoulder). Explore the inside of this funnel of light and sense
the toxic energy flowing out and release this energy into the earth. When this funnel of
light seems clear, spin the chakra in its natural direction by slowly turning your hand
clockwise about five to ten times.
The second chakra is located four fingers below the navel, the third at the solar plexus,
the fourth at the center of the chest, and the fifth at the hollow of the throat. The sixth
chakra known as the third eye, is located in the middle of the forehead, and the seventh
at the very top of the head. The eighth chakra is approximately one foot above the
We will take the time on your body in the next exercises to; find the chakras, cleanse
counterclockwise – release heavy energy to the earth, and rebalance to natural spin.

The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 7 of 11

Chakra Exploration Exercise²6HHLQJDQG6HQVLQJ(QHUJ\
Chakra Introduction- Basic Anatomy

Chakras Anatomy
o Swirling cone shaped vortexes of energy which connect to spine and
come out 1-3 inches in front of body.

o The closer to the body the more exact the location.

o Spins clockwise when receiving energy/ counterclockwise when


Guide them … First on self then if time in pairs

On self/pairs you will be sensing chakras

Find self/partners‘ chakras / guide one at a time

How does it feel – hot – cool – cold?

Does it pull you in – push you away?

Go closer to the body and then further out from the body – what do you notice?

Now guide them...

Reach in and release counterclockwise.

Release all heavy energy to the ground.

Rebalance clockwise.

If pairs - Switch positions and repeat this with your partner.

The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 8 of 11

(Optional, Depending on Group Working With)

Sacred Space—an Island of Tranquility for the Dying

Sacred space protects your loved one from disruptive outside energies. It holds them in
a “halo” of light.

During the dying process every feeling is amplified. Painful events from the past, the
confusion of dying, and the grief of family members in the room all add to the chaos.
When you hold a loved one within your Eighth Chakra, you are creating an island of
tranquility. The Eighth Chakra is that part that connects with the rest of the world. In
that calm, it is possible for the dying person to regroup, recognize loved ones, and make
their transition to the other side with ease. Being in the sphere of sacred space will
empower the dying to be present when they cross or to die consciously.

Creating Sacred Space

Sacred space is a healing sphere that is pure, holy and safe. We can create sacred
space and summon the healing power of nature anywhere on Earth. Much of our fear
and pain derives from the feeling that the world is not a safe place for us. Within sacred
space everyone is protected.

When we open the Eighth Chakra we create a kind of sacred space. We leave behind
the affairs of ordinary life, the bustling world of meetings and schedules. It allows us to
enter our quiet inner-world where healing takes place. Our burdens become lighter and
we can be present with others and ourselves.

Sacred Space of the Noosphere

In this powerful space of the noosphere, the bridge between the personal and the global
opens. To create this sacred space, we utilize the light of the Eighth Chakra, which
resides outside the physical body but within the Luminous Energy Field.

The power of sacred space is amplified many times when we expand this radiant orb
and rest within it. It is that part of us that is always one with God.

a. Open this sacred space by imagining your Eighth Chakra like a small radiant sun
above your head, an orb the color of the rising sun.
b. Bring your hands over your chest into prayer pose.
c. Slowly raise your hands, still in prayer pose, until they are above your head.
d. Sense your fingertips entering the globe of the Eighth Chakra. Sense how this
spinning sun yields and opens to you.
e. Very slowly, like a peacock opening its fan, expand the circumference of this
brilliant orb to envelop you by turning your palms outward and then extending
your arms, bringing them down to your sides. Now bask in the light of your Eighth
Chakra that surrounds you.
The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 9 of 11
This orb can then be extended to envelope your loved one, like enfolding her within a
blanket of light. When you expand this sacred space around a loved one it allows her to
be held in stillness and quiet and shields her from the static of the world.

It is important always to close sacred space after you have completed your healing
work. Gather the luminous orb of your Eighth Chakra to its place above your head and
bring your hands back to prayer pose.

The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 10 of 11

Teaching Tips

The Luminous Energy Field Section One – Page 11 of 11

Dying Consciously The Greatest Journey

Lifting the Luminous Energy Field

Out of life comes death, and out of death, life,

Out of the young, the old, and out of the old, the young,
Out of waking, sleep, and out of sleep, waking,
the stream of creation and dissolution never stops.
Greek Philosopher Heracleitus (540-480 BCE)

The Four Winds Society Institute of Energy Medicine

Lifting the Luminous Energy Field


Lifting the LEF 2

Lifting the LEF Demonstration – Teacher 3

Lifting the LEF Steps 4

Lifting the Luminous Energy Field Section Two - Page 1 of 5

Lifting the Luminous Energy FieldLifting the Luminous Energy
Introduction: Now that you have had the opportunity to sense the chakras, that are one of
the glues that hold the Luminous Energy Field to the physical body, and a chance to feel
someone else’s Energy Field we will do one more exercise so you have a chance to
experience the energy field. We are going to disengage the chakras and lift the Luminous
Energy Field.

Experience the lifting of the Luminous Energy Field. (An option would be to do
demonstration ONLY depending on group skill and knowledge. If you demonstrate
only then spend more time on the feedback from the demonstration person on what
it feels like).

We will lift the luminous body from the physical body….which creates an experience of

Lifting is an opportunity for the Luminous Energy Field to be bathed in love and light. It can
reset the Luminous Energy Field … allow it to reorganize. It is very safe and gives us a
se nse of feeling the Luminous Energy Field.

Reasons why we do it:

1. It loosens everything up
2. Separates the blueprint from the form (the grip of the blueprint gets tighter as we
get older) so it is good for you.
3. Sense what the Luminous Energy Field feels like to be separated from the physical
4. Must understand the LEF and separating experience to be present for another

Exercise – (Optional):
Have them write their own Eulogy (what is read at the funeral or memorial)

If appropriate to share:
Historically the death rites were traditionally done in ancient times so that an individual
could take the Sun and the Moon as their parents … parents who never abandoned them.

Founder of the Four Winds Society, Alberto Villoldo says that the first few times that he did
this exercise, he did not feel anything. All he felt was cold….he was working in Peru on
the death canoe at Machu Picchu. About the tenth time he again felt nothing. He was
working with a powerful healer named Eduardo. Alberto finished and went back to the
circle and Eduardo motioned for him to come to him…and then he pointed to the stone and
Alberto Villoldo was still there….so he tried to get back into his body….wiggle in….and
then he sat up….and realized that he still wasn’t in his physical body so his Luminous
Energy Field laid back down and Eduardo started rewinding the chakras and Alberto
Villoldo came back into his body.

Lifting the Luminous Energy Field Section Two - Page 2 of 5

Lifting the LEF Demonstration — (Teacher):

Open sacred space (optional)

Place a shroud/scarf over the person’s eyes

Open Eighth Chakra

Disengagement: Loosen field

Disengage chakras counterclockwise bottom to top

Lifting Process: Teacher gently loosen Luminous Energy Field

All peel luminous body from around person
All lift in unison five to eight inches above the body
leave up two to three minutes

Accessing Cord: When cued by leader

One person gently reach one hand in, and feel cord at umbilicus

Return to Body: Together taking cue from leader

Lower Luminous Energy Field back down
Leader rewind chakras clockwise - crown to root
uncover face
talk to the client, check in
tell to take a breath, feel hands and toes
All press the Luminous Energy Field back onto body
Person at feet really pull them in

Close Eighth Chakra

Teacher Pieces:

**How we hold space is key to this work. Do not allow yourself to get distracted.

**Rotate so that everyone gets a chance at each position.

Supplies for process:

Blanket/Poncho to define space

Light weight shawl/scarf/eye cover

Lifting the Luminous Energy Field Section Two - Page 3 of 5

Lifting the LEF Steps
To Include with Eulogy
Set sacred space:
Open directions – very stable – very local (for whole group process unless they
take a long break- like dinner, or they relocate) – (Optional)
1 Cover the person’s eyes with shroud/scarf
Open Eighth Chakra
2 Important not to touch body while doing process so that you don’t jerk someone out
of their process.
Read the eulogy – memorial (read by leader) (Optional)
Kitchen talk – pay attention to the eulogy and say things that are reflective of the
person. Tune into the person and see if there is anything that you get that could be
helpful to them. Joke. Laughter. (Optional)
Prayer – “Great Spirit….take my brother/sister and hold him/her sweetly. Help
him/her to find his/her way home…. back to you from which he/she was
creating…. home to a place of peace” (Optional)
3 Disengage the chakras – Leader disengages the chakras counterclockwise
starting with the first chakra up to the seventh chakra.
4 Lift the Luminous Energy Field - loosen the Luminous Energy Field from around
the person and lift it up being very conscious and aware as you do so… follow the
leader and each other. Lift up about six to eight inches above physical body. Hold
the luminous field up for two to three minutes.
5 Sense cord – one person will gently feel the cord that connects the Luminous
Energy Field to the physical body.
6 Return Luminous Energy Field to Body – Watching the leader for cue – lower the
Luminous Energy Field back to the physical body. Press it in making sure that the
field is fully back. Leader rewinds chakra clockwise starting at the seventh (crown)
down to the first. Make sure that the person is fully back. The person at the feet
makes sure that the person is fully back into the body.
7 Continue to hold space – while the person reorganizes and comes back. Then
allow them to share their experience and fully come back.
Close Eighth Chakra

Summary – Everything you are doing, sensing the Luminous Energy Field, Lifting
the Luminous Energy Field is to give you an “experience” of it.

The next step will be to discuss and experience how the Luminous Energy Field
relates to the dying process.

Lifting the Luminous Energy Field Section Two - Page 4 of 5

Teaching Tips

Lifting the Luminous Energy Field Section Two - Page 5 of 5

Dying Consciously
The Greatest Journey

Great Life Review

The Peace of the Wild Things by Wendell Berry

When despair grows in me and I wake in the middle of the night at the
least sound,
In fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water and
the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with
forethought of grief.
I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind-stars waiting for their light.
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

The Four Winds Society Institute of Energy Medicine

Contents of Section Three—Great Life Review


Great Life Review 2

Suicide 5

Great Life Review Section Three – Pa ge 1 of 6

Great Life Review
Introduction: Lifting the Luminous Energy Field gave you the opportunity to experience a
little of what happens naturally in the death process. We are going to spend a little time
talking about some of the research from near death experiences and look at historical
traditions and what they also teach about what happens at the time of death.

Our intent in looking at all of these is to be of service or assistance for someone who is

An extraordinary phenomenon occurs at the moment of death. When neural activity

ceases and the brain shuts down, a portal opens between dimensions. The veils
between the worlds part enabling the dying person to enter into the world of Spirit
(heaven, eternity). When a person has unfinished business in this world, he or she is
unable to step easily through this opening. We cannot carry our worldly identity into the

Ask and pause to see the raise of hands:

Who has ever lost a job? A house? A relationship? A loved one? A child?

Remember that dying represents the loss of the job, the husband, the wife, the friends,
the family, the house, and the loss of everything that they know.

If a person is weighed down by incomplete business and strong negative emotions tied
to unresolved issues the passing can become more difficult and it can then be more
difficult for those that remain.

Near Death Experiences and Life Review:

Some people who have had a near–death experience recall a panoramic life review—
very detailed and comprehensive—even though it occurred in only minutes of Earth

Ne ar Death Experiences (NDE) are very recent phenomena. Earlier than 30-40 years
ago if you had a NDE you typically died. Modern medicine has allowed NDE to happen.
Now research shows that almost five percent of the US population has had a near death

ASK and pause for raise of hands: “Who here would not be alive today without
modern medicine?”

The first NDE recorded was by Plato about a soldier in battle who woke up on top of a
pylon of bodies before they were burned.

We’ll talk about Dr. Raymond Moody’s work on NDE from his revolutionary 1975 book
Life after Life and the similarities to what you will be learning.

Great Life Review Section Three–Page 2 of 6

If someone is "dead‖ over 4-5 minutes typically they do not come back. This is a very
short time to map the other side.

We will be looking at and using the historical Indigenous Teachings. We will be using
ancient traditions created by cultures that use the death rites and work with them –
various Earth Traditions. Buddhist traditions, the Egyptian book of living and dying,
Shamanic teachings, Native American traditions all talk about the same landscape.
When we transition, we want someone who has explored this landscape as a guide.

Of course the teachings are useful and practical but they are only ― teachings. We still
want to have the experience so we understand what the person is crossing is going
through and to help us be more present with them as they cross.

Sharing with group:

“Who has had a Near Death Experience?”

……. Get stories from everyone who raises their hands…….. look for patterns of great
life review, going to the light, and bardo plains.

After sharing:

Many people remember these experiences of going to the ―light – and of a great
review of life‖

Much of the lore and NDE experiences are similar …. That the person goes through a
dark tunnel where they are met by beings of light (usually deceased family or friends)
and experience an in depth life review, recapitulation or judgment day. In shamanic
teachings they say you go back and revisit every place you have unfinished business.

In the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying prayers are read to the deceased after crossing
to assist them in going to the light.

Raymond Moody, one of the foremost investigators of near–death experiences, states:

―The judgment in the cases I studied came not from the beings of light, who seemed to
love and accept these people anyway, but rather from within the individuals being
judged.‖ We are the accused, the defendant, the judge, and the jury all at once. How
ready are we to forgive ourselves?

In this great life review …. we are judge, juror, and accused. Not the beings of light …
but ourselves … where we could, should, would have done things differently if we had
the knowledge we do now. (May happen in three seconds)

In the literature from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, life review occurs in the bardo
planes. We go through a dark tunnel and are met by celestial beings to face our
judgment day. It is in these domains where we cleanse, a very slow process of soul-
searching that may provoke painful memories and deep emotions. It is important to deal
with whatever unfinished business is revealed out of the past as it is those issues that

Great Life Review Section Three – Page 3 of 6

become heavy or dark in the Luminous Energy Field.

We all know how an older person will have memories from when they were much
younger but can’t remember leaving the stove on? This life review is a natural process
of getting older.

We also want to experience the importance of the life review to understand through
experience what is happening to our love done or individual who is going through the
death process.

Exercise Great Life Review: 20 minutes each person

1. Pick a partner. Make a pact of confidentiality or disclosure. Partner as a witness

… not about fixing anything just listening. The partner can hold complete
stillness or silence.

2. Great life review – not in linear. Sitting by the river of life and allow the memories
to come floating down.

Notice textures, fragrances, feelings. Tap into the energy … qualitative versus

Times you disappointed yourself … deceit, secrets, lies … beauty ... service.
Regrets, stories for grand kids, what you are grateful for and would do over if you

Be totally open to what might come floating by..

Surrender to being surprised …

Examples: goat – scape goat for the family

Tug boat – full of garbage
Black sheep – terrified
Five year old caught in the rapids

3. After you are complete make a commitment to forget your partners story.

Kubler Ross says working with dying people teaches us how to live. Having the
opportunity to tell one’s story is very important. It is the equivalent of doing your life
review before you actually die. It is about saying the ―I love you’s," and "I forgive you’s‖
that have not been expressed during the course of a lifetime. You would be surprised at
the healing power of these simple words. They are very difficult to say from the other
side. So it is important to say them while we can.

20 minutes
Ring Bell – to trade
Surrender to being surpised

Great Life Review Section Three – Page 4 of 6

Sudden Death
Within the ancient teachings there are different levels that the individual soul (Luminous
Energy Field) journeys through on the way home.

If someone dies unconsciously they may be on one of these levels. When at these
places there is "no time” and legend has they are doing their healing work.

The shamanic teachings offer a way to assist them in their healing if you are interested
in exploring this avenue.

Great Life Review Section Three—Page 5 of 6

Teaching Tips

Great Life Review Section Three – Pa ge 6 of 6

Dying Consciously The Greatest Journey

Cleansing the Chakras

“So death will come to fetch you?” “No, not death, but god himself.
Death is not the horrible spectre we see represented in pictures.
The catechism teaches that death is the separation of the soul
from the body; that is all. I am not afraid of a separation which
will unite me for ever with god”

From St Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)

French nun and mystic from Counsels and Memories

The Four Winds Society Institute of Energy Medicine

Contents of Section Four—Cleansing the Chakras


A Guide to your Chakras 2

Cleansing all Seven Chakras 3

Decoupling Fight and Flight 5

Cleansing the Chakras Section Four – Page 1 of 7

A Guide to Your Chakras

Body Aspects Psychological Aspects

8) Eighth Chakra 8) Eighth Chakra

Architect of Body

7) Crown 7) Crown
Skin, Brain, Hormonal Balances Selfishness, Integrity, Wisdom

6) Brow 6) Brow
Brain, Eyes, Nervous System Reason & Logic, Intelligence,
Empathy, Depression, Stress
Disorders, Denial

5) Throat 5) Throat
Throat, Mouth, Neck, Esophagus Manifesting Dreams, Creativity,
Communication, Faith

4) Heart 4) Heart
Circulatory System, Lungs, Love, Hope, Surrender to
Breast, Heart, Asthma, Immune Another, Compassion, Intimacy

3) Solar Plexus 3) Solar Plexus

Stomach, Abdomen, Liver, Courage, Power, Expression
Pancreas, Storing & Releasing
Energy, Spleen

2) Sacral 2) Sacral
Digestion, Intestines, Kidneys, Power, Money, Sex, Control,
Urinary Tract, Sexual Potency, Fear, Passion, Self -Esteem,
Adrenaline, Lower Back Pain, Sexual or Emotional Abuse,
Menstrual Pain, Loss of A ppetite Inherited Parental Issues, Incest

1) Base 1) Base
Physical Foundation, Elimination Feeding, Shelt er, Safety, Ability
of Wastes, Rectum, Legs, Feet, to Provide for Oneself
Testosterone & Estrogen

Cleansing the Chakras Section Four – Page 2 of 7

s Cleansing All Seven Chakras

(Refer back to section one)

Many of the ancient teaching talk about the Luminous Energy Field separating from the
physical body and going to the “light”. The Luminous Energy Field disengaging is a
very natural process and transition to death.

Ancient teachings talk that when someone dies:

The body returns to the earth – what has always belonged to the earth;
Our knowledge returns to the top of the mountains – what has always belonged
to the mountains; and
The essence of who we are or the Luminous Energy Field returns to the stars –
what has always belonged to the heavens.

We clear the chakras so that the heavy energy accumulated through our lives as a
result of trauma. The more cleansing that is done the better. Not clearing this heavy
energy will hinder them from going across to the other side. The cleansing process
removes the heavy energy in the chakras and erases imprints from the Luminous
Energy Field.

Finding the Chakras: (Remember you did on yourself already)

The first chakra is located at the base of the spine near the tailbone and we work with it
above the pubic bone. Place your hand over the first chakra about two inches away
from the skin. Cleanse the chakra by slowly spinning your hand counterclockwise.
(Spiral hand towards right shoulder). Explore the inside of this funnel of light and sense
the toxic energy flowing out and release this energy into the earth. When this funnel of
light seems clear, spin the chakra in its natural direction by slowly turning your hand
clockwise about five to ten times.

the second chakra is located four fingers below the navel,

the third chakra at the solar plexus,

the fourth chakra at the center of the chest,

the fifth chakra at the hollow of the throat.

the sixth chakra , known as the third eye, is located in the middle of the forehead, and

the seventh chakra at the very top of the head.

Exercise: Cleansing all Seven Chakras with Another Person

1. Open Eighth Chakra to hold safety and let everyday life fall away

2. Start with lowest (first) chakra remove all the heavy energy going counterclockwise.

Cleansing the Chakras Section Four – Page 3 of 7

Work as long a necessary until the chakra spins clean and feels light.

3. Rebalance going clockwise when complete.

4. Move to second chakra and do same cleansing and rebalancing taking what ever
time needed.

5. Go back to first chakra and cleanse and rebalance – many times the heavy
residue to energy will trigger more to come up in the lower chakra or may flow
“down” to the lower chakra(s).

6. Continue to move up the body – next to third chakra and cleanse and rebalance
taking what ever time is needed. When complete check first chakra – cleanse
and rebalance and second chakra.

7. Next chakra would be the fourth (heart) to cleanse and rebalance when
complete. Then going back to first chakra to cleanse and rebalance, second
chakra cleanse and rebalance and third chakra to cleanse and rebalance.

8. Continue to fifth to seventh chakras, as above. Cleansing and rebalancing each

chakra and cleansing and rebalancing all lower chakras from the first up to insure
the Luminous Energy Field is full of light.

9. Complete with decoupling fight or flight – which may also be done any time
through the process or done several times in the process. (optional to teach)

10. Close Eighth Chakra

Cleansing the Chakras Section Four – Page 4 of 7

Decoupling Fight Or Flight (Optional)

When wounded early in life it makes the world a very “unsafe” place, a hostile world.
When the world is unsafe, we trigger fight or flight in the body.

Fight or Flight response gets stuck when we are traumatized. There are people who
have been in this state for all of their lives.

Decoupling disengages this dynamic in our bodies. It allows us to relax and begin
to engage with the world from a different place.

Fight or Flight response – you want a fully functioning Fight and Flight where the
automatic sympathetic nervous system response enables us to run from danger
Adrenals pump adrenaline and cortisol hormones into system
Heart rate increases pumping more blood to the extremities
Sy mpathetic nervous system engages - all focus to limbs- for flight

Originally we would actually run from the tiger and that released the response
The hormones would be actually used and balance brought back to the system
Parasympathetic nervous system would come back on line
Sending nourishment to the life-giving properties of internal organs
Allowing ease and rest – the physical body needs to sleep deeply to recharge

In the modern world- lots of unidentified stressors

Response initiated but not able to run so never released
Many people live in a constant state of underlying fear
Not able to relax or sleep restfully

With constant fight or flight engaged

Our adrenals get exhausted – they are on overtime. Cortisol affects our memories and
High Blood Pressure
Poor digestion,
On edge nervous systems
Many clients have had this state for 20-40 years.
The trigger never leaves.
Fight or Flight response is triggered just by thinking of an event.

Cleansing the Chakras releases what created the original flight

System gets stuck on even if stimulus cleared
Do decoupling to release the response
May take two to three times of decoupling to really hold off
Takes a week or so for client to tell all the effects of the decoupling

Cleansing the Chakras Section Four – Page 5 of 7

Decoupling Demo:
They need to feel it to experience it.
Show class holding your hands in the air, what you are going to do
Place both hand under the body at the same time
May be easier on the person you are working with to put the hand under the heart

Open Eighth Chakra

First Step- one hand under heart– the heart is the great drum of the
body - attuning the client to that
Sense the heart coming to rest in your palm - releasing the tension.
Breathing will change.

Second step- place other hand under second chakra

Still holding the heartbeat of the earth- attuning the client to that heartbeat.
Sense the second chakra coming into rhythm and balance with the heart.

Close your Eighth Chakra

Have client sit up and share their experience.

Cleansing the Chakras Section Four – Page 6 of 7

Teaching Tips

Cleansing the Chakras Section Four – Page 7 of 7

Dying Consciously The Great Journey

The Great Death Spiral

The Rabbi who said, “Repent the day before thy death,” was asked by his
disciples how they could follow his advice, as man was unable to tell upon
what day his death would occur. He answered, “consider every day thy
last; be ever ready with penitence and good deeds.”
Jewish Talmud Shabbat 153A

The Four Winds Society Institute of Energy Medicine

Contents of Section Five—The Great Death Spiral


Granting Permission to Die 2

The Great Death Spiral 3

The Great Death Spiral - Demonstration 5

The Great Death Spiral – Diagram 6

Order of the Great Spiral 7

Steps of the Death Rites 8

Summary of Steps 8

Handout – The Great Death Spiral and Summary of Steps

The Great Death Spiral Section Five – Page 1 of 9

Granting Permission to Die

An important step in the Death Rites is giving a loved one permission to die.
Without receiving permission to die, a loved one might cling to life, enduring
unnecessary suffering.
Permission from those closest to the person carries the most weight, even if it is a
personal friend or confidant and not an immediate family member.
Many times the family members who have the hardest time letting go are the ones
who have the most unfinished business with the dying person or who may have the
most issues around their own death.

Example :
Countless cases talk about the importance of this step. Dr. Villoldo tells the story
of a student who sat beside her dying mother for weeks. The mother was unable to
let go, despite the fact that she was in a great deal of pain and could no longer eat.
The student had cleansed her mother's chakras, and she and her sister had begun
to forgive each other and heal the lesions of the past. She finally said, “Mother, we
are here with you and love you very much. We want you to know that we will be
okay. Even though we will miss you, it is perfectly natural for you to go. We will
treasure all of the beautiful moments that we had together, but we don’t want you
to suffer anymore, or to continue to cling to life. You have our full and complete
permission to die. You know that we will always love you.” A few hours later her
mother took her final breath and died peacefully.

The Great Death Spiral Section Five – Page 2 of 9

The Great Death Spiral
Introduction: You have all the tools in place with the life review, knowing the
chakras and having them cleansed. The last piece we are adding is The Final
Rites are performed after the person has died. You release the Luminous
Energy Field and seal the chakras immediately after death so that it does not re-
enter the physical body by the energy residues in the body.

Steps – We use the heart as the key chakra to release since it is the first
organizing principal of the body. In Chinese the heart houses the spirit or shun.

Imagine that you are making a great spiral with the heart as its center as you follow
these steps. Consult the diagram provided to perform these rites accurately.

1) After your loved one stops breathing, disengage the chakras.

Ideally this step should be performed immediately after the person passes
and in any case, no later than forty hours after the final breath. Immediately
after death the chakras begin to release the luminous threads that once
connected them to events from the past. The rhythm of the chakras change
and you can feel the frequency and vibration of each chakra increase. They
begin to disengage from the body that can be hampered by the sludge
within them. If this is the case, the rites of the Great Spiral will assist in
loosening the chakras and setting the Luminous Energy Field free.

Because the energy in the chakras is changing very rapidly, we

disengage them following the arc of a spiral, with the heart at the
center. Each chakra must be spun counterclockwise.

This is done by placing your hand over your loved one’s heart chakra,
spinning your fingers counterclockwise three or four times to unwind this
center. Continue the same process at the solar plexus, then the throat, next
the second chakra, then the sixth, next the root chakra, and last the crown
in the steps described below.

2) Draw a spiral with your hand as you move to the third chakra or solar
plexus, repeating the procedure above.
When you have unwound the third chakra, go back to the heart, feel that
chakra, and retrace the spiral down to the third and up to the throat chakra.

3) Repeat with each chakra, returning to the heart after you disengage
each energy center.
The last chakra that you release will be the crown. By this time you will have
drawn a great spiral over the person’s body multiple times. Your loved one’s
Luminous Energy Field may exit through any one of these seven chakras. It

The Great Death Spiral Section Five – Page 3 of 9

will naturally be drawn to the one most ready for the journey.

NOTE: In most cases, the Luminous Energy Field exits immediately after
the chakras have been disengaged and it becomes unnecessary to perform
steps five and six.

4) If necessary, push energy through your loved one’s feet to “nudge”

the Luminous Energy Field free.
Place the palms of your hands on the soles of your loved one’s feet, so that
your right palm is resting on the left foot, and vice versa. Visualize energy
gushing out of your hands into the body. The Luminous Energy Field
sometimes adheres to the chakras even after they have been unwound and
this step helps it break free from the body. You will move it up to the Eighth

5) If necessary, draw out the Luminous Energy Field.

Move to the person’s head and cradle it in your hands. Hold the head gently
for a few moments, letting them know that it’s okay to let go. Let your loved
one know that you will be fine and express your love for them. Remember
that your loved one can still hear you, so speak these words softly yet firmly.
Draw your hands back, exerting gentle pressure on the head, and draw out
the Luminous Energy Field through the crown chakra. You will feel a
tremendous surge of energy as the Luminous Energy Field becomes free of
the body.

6) In performing this final step, you will seal the chakras.

Sealing the chakras keeps the Luminous Energy Field from returning to a
lifeless physical form. You can use holy water or an essential oil for this.

In the Christian traditions one finds a similar practice associated with the
last rites, except that the meaning of these rites has largely been forgotten.

We will just demonstrate the Great Death Spiral next. It is an amazing experience
to have your own Luminous Energy Field sent out. I have had this experience my
self in my training and teaching. If you would like to experience it I highly
recommend the experience for yourself.

Please contact the Four Winds for their class The Shaman’s Journey; Living and
Dying which is a four day class.

The Great Death Spiral Section Five – Page 4 of 9

Next Step: The Great Death Spiral Demonstration
Demo (ask who is most afraid)

Then teach (demonstrate)… with handout.

May not feel anything. Intention is to learn the technique…

Go over the handout and the timing explaining the process.

Do the demonstration in Silence and then go over it again with the handout

Show sealing the chakra’s on your own body.

The Great Death Spiral Section Five – Page 5 of 9

The Great Spiral - To Be Used Only After Death
Cycle 1: Cycle 2: Cycle 3:
Disengage the 4th Chakra Disengage the 4th and Disengage the 4th, 3rd
(counterclockwise) 3rd Chakras and 5th Chakras

Cycle 4: Cycle 5: Cycle 6:

Disengage the 4th, 3rd, Disengage the 4th, 3rd, Disengage the 4th, 3rd, 5th,
5th and 2nd Chakras 5th, 2nd and 6th Chakras 2nd, 6th and 1st Chakras

Cycle 6:
Disengage the 4th, 3rd, 5th,
2nd, 6th, 1st and 7th Chakras
Great Spiral Notes:
1. Start the process by rattling primarily around the heart
area, connect and be present.
2. Each cycle is done separately. Begin the process with
Cycle 1, starting with the heart chakra and proceeding as
shown in each diagram ending the process with Cycle 7.
3. Disengage the chakra (counterclockwise) until the
energy flow is smooth and easy (this loosens the energy
body) then proceed to the next chakra.
4. Nudge the feet (towards the 7th chakra), if necessary
to move the energy body. (Not touching physically)
5. Inform the energy body that, it is okay to go.
6. Once the energy body has left the physical body seal
all the chakras by placing a "+" (using oil or florida water)
on each of the chakras, starting with the 7th chakra and
finishing with the 1st chakra. (If working with someone
who has passed.)

The Great Death Spiral Section Five – Page 6 of 9

Order of the Great Spiral

The Great Death Spiral Section Five – Page 7 of 9

Steps of the Death Rites

Death is the ultimate journey of liberation. We want to complete our unfinished

business and be prepared to enter infinity. We want to take the steps to journey
home as cleanly as possible. Shortly before death, the doorway between the
worlds opens. Many indigenous cultures believe this portal shuts down forty hours
after the last breath. Ancient teachings show us the way, describing the terrain and
giving directions. In Western culture there are not many teachings for after we die.
Most of these have been drawn on brief visits during near death experiences. The
spiritual men and women of Tibet and the Americas, however, have explored the
landscape beyond death in great detail.

Summary of Steps
1. Great Life Review and forgiveness. The healer plays a significant role in
supporting the dying person in going through their life review process and finding

2. Cleansing of the chakras. Help clear the chakras so the toxic energy
accumulated through life does not keep the luminous body earthbound. The
luminous body wants to heal and there is much sweetness available.

3. Giving permission to die. Let the dying person know that there is no reason to
worry about those left behind so they do not cling to life and endure unnecessary

4. Great Death Spiral. These are the rites performed after the person has died.
Disengage the chakras through the Great Spiral, setting the Luminous Energy
Field free to go on the great journey.

The Great Death Spiral Section Five – Page 8 of 9

Teaching Tips

The Great Death Spiral Section Five – Page 9 of 9

Dying Consciously The Greatest Journey

Ceremony and Ritual

I entered the
world. Barefoot
I leave it. My
coming, my
going two
happenings that
got entangled.


Just as when
weaving One
reaches the
end with
fine threads
so is the life
of humans.


The Four Winds Society Institute of Energy Medicine

Contents of Section Six—Ceremony and Ritual


Ceremony and Ritual 2

Ritual and the Level of Soul 2

Rituals throughout Life 2

Rituals for the Time of Death 3

Tools Used for Ceremony 4

Ceremony from Ancient Traditions 5

Rituals after Death 5

Ceremony and the Human Brain 6

6 - Ceremony and Ritual Section Six – Page 1 of 7

Ceremony and Ritual

Introduction: You have learned about the Luminous Energy Field and steps to help a
person transition through doing the great life review, cleansing the chakras and the
great death spiral once they have taken their last breath. Ceremony and ritual should
be started immediately to help a person die not only a peaceful death, but a sacred
death, bringing reconciliation and acceptance to the loved ones as well as to the person
dying. Rituals help to heal the pain of letting go while at the same time connecting us
with something much greater than earthly concerns.

Ritual at the Level of Soul

There are four levels through which the healing practitioner engages the world. These
levels correspond to the four domains of vibration and light:

1) the realm of the physical (our body)

2) the realm of thoughts and ideas (mind)
3) the realm of myth (soul)
4) the realm of spirit (energy)

With ritual and ceremony, we work at the soul level. Albert Einstein once said that the
problems we face in life cannot be solved at the place in which they were created.

At the realm of myth (soul), language is poetry, music, stories and fairy tales, symbols
and images. When we engage in this realm where ordinary language is inadequate, we
work as close as we can to the essential realm of spirit. This is the realm talked about in
the ancient traditions of the Buddhist, Egyptian and Celtic and reported by individuals
who have had Near Death Experiences (documented by Raymond Moody). It is in this
realm that we can shift, through ritual and ceremony, from dying in a place of fear to a
place of peace.

Rituals Throughout Life

Rituals are a major part of our lives. According to theologian Tom Driver, ituals
R are
primarily instruments designed to change a situation .” Rituals transform one state of
being into another. They carry us from childhood into adulthood, from membership in
our family of birth to the creation of a new family through marriage. Rituals can be
complicated but they can also be very simple and personally meaningful. They can be
part of a larger religious system or they can be created solely for a specific need. We
are all familiar with the many traditions surrounding the wedding ceremony or the
celebration of a birth.

6 - Ceremony and Ritual Section Six – Page 2 of 7

Rituals for the Time of Death
Rituals for death can come in many forms. A person’s religious background plays an
enormous role in what happens at the time of death. Each faith tradition has its beliefs
and symbols which often define the process of death itself and the place of God in this
experience. When death is near, even people who have not practiced in adulthood often
want to hear what is familiar to them from their childhood. From there, we can expand
into more personalized rituals or create new rituals to assist them.

a) Water is recognized universally as a symbol of cleansing and purification. In

addition, it has healing properties, by its very nature as one of the 4 traditional
elements. Many religious traditions use water for the rite of baptism even at the
time of death. It can be used to help the dying person prepare for death and
be yond, s uc h a s the s prink ling of hloy wa te r” or “spiri t water” and the cleansing
of the body after death.

b) Other natural substances that can be used are holy oils or ointments for
anointing to sanctify the body and to assist the soul in its journey.

c) A ritual familiar to many is the breaking of bread together.

d) These rituals are usually accompanied by specific prayers read aloud by the

Take the known traditional rituals and make them into something personal and
meaningful for the loved one and the family.

There is a wonderful book by Megory Anderson called Sacred Dying, Creating Rituals
for Embracing the End of Life that covers in detail many of the unique rituals Anderson
performs and creates. Examples of these are: letting–go rituals, rituals for unresolved
issues such as anger, remorse, or sadness, and purification rituals

6 - Ceremony and Ritual Section Six – Page 3 of 7

Tools Used for Ceremony
Tools are used to create a peaceful soothing atmosphere that will help the dying person
and all present to sense the Divine Presence. The rituals tune into the senses and
should be appropriate to the dying person’s wishes and spiritual orientati on. These are
general suggestions:

LIGHTING: Soft lighting or burning candles can bring feelings of peace and safety.

AROMAS: Burning sage, scented candles, incense, fragrance of flowers can have a
calming effect. (When people are dying their sensitivity to odors is acute; make
sure the dying person does not have a negative reaction.)

HOLY OBJECTS: Set up an altar and arrange spiritually meaningful articles or pictures
on it.

MUSIC: Appropriate music will soothe and inspire. Certain instruments of sound, such
as drums or bells, are used in many traditions. Sounds of nature can be very
healing. Dying Consciously offers a CD with beautiful harp music that
compliments our work. All of the proceeds from the CD go into supporting the
Dying Consciously Projec t. Music, known by the ancients and now recognized by
modern scientists, is a powerful tool used to bring comfort, relaxation, and relieve
anxiety, and pain. As an integral part of our Dying Consciously project, we no w
offer this music to be played for the person in transition in the final days.

PRAYER: Specified oral prayer according to the tradition, recitation of psalms, reading
of scriptur es. In Islam the Qur’an is read and when the final moments arrive there
is complete silence.

SILENCE: Always remember that silence is very important. It is good to remember the
value and necessity of simply sitting in silence with the dying person.

The most important thing to remember is that this time is for the person dying. If rituals
are created with that in mind and rooted in love and compassion, then there is no right
way or wrong way to do things. Be aware that rituals can help us see things more
clearly and bring to the surface issues holding very deep feelings that have been buried
in our unconscious.

placing flowers out on a silver tray with prayers and then give to the ocean
telling stories
creating pictures or stories and put in coffin or on an altar

6 - Ceremony and Ritual Section Six – Page 4 of 7

Ceremony from Ancient Traditions
Many ancient traditions and religions have rituals around dying. The two main
ceremonies used by shamans are the despacho and fire ceremony.

A. The despacho for the dead is known as the Aya despacho and can be done with
the dying person and family members and friends, or can honor the loved one as
an after-passing ritual. A despacho is a prayer bundle composed of layers of
tissue paper holding representations of the dying person’s life. This bundle is
offered to the fire as a symbol of transformation. It is a joyful way to honor the
loved one’s experiences and let them go. (Instructions in the Resource Section)

B. A burning candle in some ceremonies is sufficient, and for the despacho a

fireplace or outdoor fire will be necessary. Wait until the fire is friendly ” before
approaching it—flames subdued and safe to be near. Only then, approach the
fire in silence and make your offering of the despacho. Then put your hands
briefly through the fire three times—drawing the energy of the fire into your belly,
your heart, and forehead. This procedure is not meant to be sensational or
dramatic; it is a form of prayer focusing your attention and energy upon

Rituals after Death

We can look to the person’s religious beliefs and practices for guidance. Steps for this
transition may include making symbolic changes in the room, honoring the body by
washing it, clothing it and preparing it for the funeral. Begin the mourning period by
planning the pre–funeral ceremonies.

Different spiritual traditions observe different mourning periods and different

periods of time after death for handling the body. It is important to respect the
individual’s and family member’s practice when giving these rites.

6 - Ceremony and Ritual Section Six – Page 5 of 7

Ceremony and the Human Brain
The Brain's Influence on Death

The human brain is divided into four "sub–brains" that have developed at different
evolutionary stages of life. Each sub–brain governs a different aspect of human nature.

The Reptilian or Lizard Brain: Not much different from the primitive brain that powered
the dinosaurs. Its primary functions are survival and reproduction. It maintains and
regulates the machinery of the human body including temperature and breathing. This
region evolved millions of years ago and contains the brainstem, medulla and
cerebellum. This brain knows how to die in the same way it knows how to be born.

The Limbic or Mammalian Brain: Requisites for survival became more complex with
the rise of mammals. This brain is oriented toward the preservation of the organization
or organism. It is very controlling and its primary goal is to extend life. Over time this
brain became the prime driver of human experience with its four emotionally laden
response programs: fear, feeding, fighting, and sex. Religion and law are both products
of our limbic brain and are designed to control the impulses of this region. Regressive
behavior can be observed in individuals operating out of this brain in times of crisis. The
goal of this brain is avoid extinction at any cost. The body knows how to die but the
limbic brain overrides this. Nothing can stand in the way when the fear of death is

The Neocortex or the New Brain of Science and Individuality: This brain first
appeared 100,000 years ago in an unexplained evolutionary quantum leap. It provided a
logical, rational thinking cap for the superstitions and ritualistic thinking of the limbic
brain. It works to make sense of it all. The emergence of the neocortex was the dawn of
what is called mind for with it came the ability of the brain to reflect upon itself. It is the
brain of language allowing us to define and communicate the experience of our senses
and inner life.

The God–Brain: This part of our brain is of Spirit transcending individuality and seeking
oneness with everything. It is located in our foreheads above our eyebrows and
Buddhist monks who enter into the state of bliss—called Samadhi—display neural
activity almost exclusively in this region. For the God–Brain, time is fluid, running
backward and forward as if in a dream.

It is important in the death rites that we address all levels of the brain. We do this
through ritual and ceremony.

The reptilian brain will guide us through the process, the neo-cortex will try to make
sense of what is happening, and the limbic brain will process emotions. Through the
steps of the death rites, fear from the emotionally laden limbic brain is bypassed and
becomes still.

The god-brain, recognizing the sacred, knows the way home and leads to liberation.

6 - Ceremony and Ritual Section Six – Page 6 of 7

Teaching Tips

6 - Ceremony and Ritual Section Six – Page 7 of 7

Dying Consciously The Greatest Journey

Know, beloved that we
cannot understand the
future world until we know
what death is; and we
cannot know what death is
until we know what life is;
nor can we understand
what life is until we know
what spirit is-the seat of
the knowledge of God.
Muslim Medieval Mystic
Al-Ghazali (1058-1111)

The Four Winds Society Institute of Energy Medicine

Contents of Section Seven—Resources
Sacred Space of the Ecosphere 2

Prayer for Creating Sacred Space 3

Bands of Protection 4-5

Glossary 6-8

Aya Despacho 9-11

More Information Available 12

Resources Section Seven – Page 1 of 12

Sacred Space of the Ecosphere

In this space, awareness exceeds that of the self to summon and embrace all of
creation. The opening of this sacred space is essentially an invocation, calling the
spirits of the four cardinal directions—South, West, North, and East—and Mother
Earth and Father Sky.

Begin by facing the South direction and then each direction in turn, repeating the
following procedure: Smudge – fan smoldering sage or incense—or blow scented
water. Then hold your arm up, the palm of your hand facing outward and recite the
appropriate verse of the invocation calling upon the archetype representative of
that direction. The archetypes are more than symbols, they are primordial energies
or spiri ts having qualities and powers of their own. We summon serpent in the
South, jaguar in the West, hummingbird in the North and eagle in the East. When
summoning Mother Earth actually touch the ground where you stand. When
summoning Father Sky reach to the heavens.

When we have finished our healing work, sacred space must be closed. Follow the
same procedure as for the opening, acknowledging the four directions, Mother
Earth and Father Sky. Thank the archetypes for being with us—serpent, jaguar,
hummingbird, and eagle—and release their energies to return to the four corners
of the Earth.

This sacred space may be open for weeks during the dying process and should be
refreshed each week. After death and the rituals that may follow, Sacred Space
should then be closed in the same way as opening Sacred Space.

Resources Section Seven – Page 2 of 12

Prayer for Creating Sacred Space

To the winds of the South
Great Serpent,
Wrap your coils of light around us,
Teach us to shed the past the way you shed your skin,
To walk softly on the Earth.
Teach us the Beauty Way.

To the winds of the West
Mother jaguar,
Protect our medicine space.
Teach us the way of peace, to live impeccably
Show us the way beyond death.

To the winds of the North.
Hummingbird, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Ancient Ones
Come and warm your hands by our fires
Whisper to us in the wind
We honor you who have come before us,
And you who will come after us, our children’s children.

To the winds of the East.
Great eagle, condor
Come to us from the place of the rising Sun.
Keep us under your wing.
Show us the mountains we only dare to dream of.
Teach us to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.

Mother Earth
We’ve gathered for the healing of all of your children.
The Stone People, the Plant People,
The four-legged, the two-legged, the creepy crawlers,
The finned, the furred, and the winged ones.
All our relations.

Father Sun
Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to the Star Nations.
Great Spirit, you who are known by a thousand names
And you who are the unnameable One.
Thank you for bringing us together
And allowing us to sing the Song of Life.

Resources Section Seven – Page 3 of 12

Bands of Protection

Optional: If you choose to give bands as added protection.

Open Eighth Chakra. Use a mesa stone, pi stone, chumpi stone or item of sacred
significance. Ac cess your band as you run their chakra front to chakra back/click
/return then do same other direction.

Stone # Pathway of Stone Say to Person

It is my honor to install these Bands of Protection. They

#1 hold on crown are woven into your luminous body. Receive this gift from
the Inka lineage.

R ainbow spout of energy coming out of crown weaves into

#1 crown to C7 click in rainbow cord, runs down to C7, the base of your neck .

F rom there it bifurcates into gold and silver channels

#2 C7 to front of secondchakra blending the masculine and feminine. Running down your
spine and literally wraps around your body.

W eaving a black band, covering your first and second

chakras filled with rich moist soil of the mother,
rich dark feminine,
#2 weave black band plant the seeds of your becoming,
seeds of all your dreams.

Weaving a deep crimson band

s urrounding your third chakra
#3 Third chakra that nourishes and protects you
weave red band filled with the water of the mother, her blood
waters the seeds of your becoming,
allowing them to germinate .

Weaving a beautiful strong golden band

surrounding and protecting your heart
#4 Forth chakra filled with the golden light of the sun,
weave gold band the fire of Inti Taitaprotecting and nourishing your new
plants, helps you to mature into your becoming

Weaving a silver band

#5 Fifth chakra around your throat chakrafilled with the light of
weave silver band grandmother moon,
who protects you while you sleep,
and the silver wind blowing off the sacred mountains,
blowing all the seeds to the far corners of the earth .

Resources Section Seven – Page 4 of 12

Weaving the white band
#5 Seventh chakra surrounding your sixth chakra weaving to your crown,
weave up to crown filled with the pure white light of spirit,
allowing spirit to inform us,
allowing all our dreams to manifest.

Press on crown Rainbow light cascades over all your bands,

#5 lightly run hands down filling them, nourishing them,
bands making them solid and whole.

#5 Hold stone on crown. Take a moment and feel your black band
other hand in front of chakra (connect to the black rich earth - allow that to fill your
black band)

You feel it filling Do you feel it…. Good

#5 follow expansion with your Using your breath expand that band


Using your hands Weaving a golden filament throughout your bands,

weave a golden filament creating a strong protective tapestry
through their expanded

Follow them in Using your breath allow your bands to come in close
to your body, integrating fully into your luminous field.

Hold shoulders and looking These bands are now woven into your luminous
at them field. They will be there always as an automatic protection
You may feed them your intention and your breath.

Close Eighth Chakra.

Resources Section Seven – Page 5 of 12

ACUPUNCTURE MERIDIANS: Rivers of light that run along the surface of the skin connecting
energy points of the body. They are the veins and arteries of the Luminous Energy Field analogous
to the circulatory system of the physical body.

ANAMCARA: Gaelic term meaning soul-friend. One who journeys with the dying as a spiritual
coach giving comfort and support.

ANCESTRAL ALTAR: A designated place honoring family members who have passed on as a way
of coming to peace with them. Usually photographs or personal articles symbolic of their lives are
placed thereon.

ARCHETYPES: More than symbols, they are primordial energies or spirits representing the
organizing principles of the Universe. Each has a life and powers of its own and when summoned
assist us on our healing journey.

AROMATHERAPY: Certain fragrances or incenses known to have healing properties used

therapeutically with the sick.

BARDOS: In Tibetan tradition, term commonly used to denote the intermediate state between
death and rebirth. Domains of the afterlife where souls go through a life review and purge
themselves of unfinished business or unresolved traumas that may be keeping their luminous
bodies earthbound.

CELESTIAL BEINGS: Benevolent archetypes of a spiritual lineage who guide souls without
judgment or expectations in the fulfillment of their original destinies.

CHAKRAS: Swirling disks of energy spinning clockwise several inches outside the body that link to
our spine and central nervous system. Each has a unique frequency perceived as one of the seven
colors of the rainbow. Through the chakras we are able to cross over from the world of matter into
the sphere of energy.

CUSTOMARIES: Centuries-old library of records giving detailed information on the customs of

Europe’s earliest hospices.

DEATH RITES: Birthing into the world of Spirit. Assist the dying find strength, guidance and
spiritual fortitude to embark on the greatest journey of life, the return to infinity. (See rites)

DEATH SPIRAL: Rite performed after the person has died. The Luminous Energy Field is released
by disengaging the chakras, then sealing them to prevent the spirit from re-entering the physical

DESPACHO: Ancient ritual of prayer to create balance and harmony in the world as well as in all
aspects of our lives. Prayer bundles containing symbolic elements are assembled and offered to
the ceremonial fire of transformation. When done with the dying, representations of the person’s life
are placed in the prayer bundle as an expression of gratitude and celebration.

ECOSPHERE: In this sphere of sacred space, we invoke the spirits of the four directions and step
into a worldwide environment to embrace all of life.

ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD: Generated by the nervous system and surrounding the body about
an arm’s width. It is the primary glue that holds the luminous body to the physical body.

ENERGY MEDICINE: Healing practices of spirit and light on the Luminous Energy Field (LEF)
surrounding the physical body not on the body itself. When healing takes place in the LEF, the
physical body is transformed so that it ages differently, heals differently and dies differently.

Resources Section Seven – Page 6 of 12

ENLIGHTENMENT: Awakening with radiant clarity to the reality that we are already essentially
perfect. Accessible to all.

FATHER SKY: The Great Spirit or God, the Creative Life Force.

FOUR CARDINAL DIRECTIONS: Literally, they enable us to get our bearings in the material world
– North, South, East and West. In the shamanic tradition, these directions personalize qualities and
energies represented by archetypal spirits. They hold respective meanings and wisdom teachings
that comprise a map for the soul’s healing journey.

GLUES: Two binding forces that connect the Luminous Energy Field to the physical body: the
electromagnetic field and the chakras.

GNOSTIC BOOKS: Scriptures coming out of monastic communities of the third and fourth
centuries in the regions from Syria to Egypt. Helpful in understanding our ancestors’ attitudes
towards death. Never became part of the official Bible.

GREAT AWAKENING: Total and complete enlightenment.

HUNGRY GHOSTS: Psychological demons representing all unfinished business that―haunt. the
consciousness of a person going through the dying process. Forgiveness dissolves them into thin

IMPRINTS: Records of our personal and ancestral memories stored in the Luminous Energy Field.
When negative emotions that accompany trauma are not healed they form imprints containing
instructions that predispose us to repeat those events.

INFINITY: Prior to time itself. A state of spiritual liberation as we no longer exclusively identify
ourselves within time or with a physical form threatened by death.

LOWER WORLD: The primordial Eden which legend says we’ve all lost. Archetypal, energetic
domain where our lost soul parts remain in grace and innocence and are protected.

LUMINOUS BEINGS: Medicine people of the spirit world who lived on this planet many thousands
of years ago - now part of the great matrix of life. They have risen to the level of angels and, as part
of our medicine lineage, provide us with knowledge in how to become angels ourselves.

LUMINOUS BODY: See Luminous Energy Field - terms interchangeable. Luminous body‖ is the
more poetic or anthropomorphic expression used in certain contexts.

LUMINOUS ENERGY FIELD: A translucent, multicolored orb surrounding and informing our
physical body. It contains a template of how we live, how we age and how we might die. All our
personal and ancestral memories are stored within it.

LUMINOUS THREADS: Fibers of energy and light extending out of and beyond the luminous body
into other fields, such as the luminous matrix of the universe. They span the fabric of time anchoring
in infinity.

MOTHER EARTH: Archetype representing the life-giving earth and metaphorically residing deeply
within it – the very personification of the earth.

NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE: Persons who have clinically died, or close to death, and returned to
life, perhaps due to resuscitation made possible with modern medicine. They give strikingly similar
reports on a journey toward the light. Various sensations may include feeling of levitation and
detachment from the physical body.

NEURAL NETWORK: The nervous system of the human body.

NOOSPHERE: In this sphere of Sacred Space, we share in global consciousness to envision the
fulfillment of humanity’s highest potential.

Resources Section Seven – Page 7 of 12

ORIGINAL SELF: The perfect self that exists outside of time - never left the Garden of Eden, still
speaks with God and does not die. Remembers all former incarnations but knows you are not any
of those persons but much more. It informs you beyond genetics and personal histories allowing
access to possible destinies.

PHOWA: Tibetan meditation practice to merge one’s consciousness with the wisdom mind of the
Buddha thereby avoiding negative thinking.

PRACTIONER OF ENERGY MEDICINE: One who assists in the empowerment of persons to heal
themselves and accompanies them in their healing journey.

PRAYER WHEEL: The touching or spinning of a prayer wheel, accompanied by visualization and
meditation, is considered a powerful practice in the Tibetan tradition. Means of purifying the mind of
negative karma in order to bring healing and peace especially at the time of death.

PURGING: Process of cleansing and atonement the soul goes through in the bardo beyond death
in order to return to the light.

RAINBOW BODY: Acquired when chakras are not dulled by illness or trauma but are clear, glowing
with their original radiance and emitting the pure colors of the rainbow.

RECAPITULATION: Life review made during the dying process or in the bardo beyond death.

RIGHT HAND RULE: Determines the direction of the magnetic field as it revolves clockwise around
the body.

RITES: Assist us on our journey to wholeness bringing meaning to change as part of the healing
process or to celebrate the seasons of our lives.

RITUAL: Symbolic practice having spiritual meaning and potential for healing. Helps us remain
connected to nature, to each other and to heaven and earth.

SACRED SPACE: Our quiet, inner world, a healing sphere that is pure, holy and safe. It is where
we meet the Divine and access luminous healers and the archetypes of the four directions.

SHAMAN: Self-realized person, a seer and healer, who has discovered the ways of Spirit through
inner awakening. A path of power and direct engagement with the forces of Spirit in its own domain.

SLUDGE: Toxic obstructions due to trauma that block the flow of energy in the Luminous Energy

SPIRIT FLIGHT: Ritual in which one symbolically dies and journeys to the world beyond death.
Way of learning the path to infinity while still having a body to return to and of preparing for the final
death from which there is no return. Called ―ou t of the body‖ experience in the West.

SYMBOLIC DEATH: Requires that one no longer identifies with the mortal ego. Journey into a
divine reality that has become an archetypal symbol of transformation - found in every culture of the
world. (See Spirit Flight)

TONGLEN: Tibetan meditation practice to overcome fear of suffering through connecting with the
suffering of others and thereby awakening inherent compassion.

TORUS: The Luminous Energy Field is shaped like a doughnut, known in geometry as a torus, with
a narrow axis or tunnel in the center less than a molecule thick.

TOXIC ENERGY: Negative energy in the Luminous Energy Field due to unfinished business in this
life or trauma that has not healed.

VAN ALLEN RADIATION BELT: Torus of high energy particles trapped by the earth’s magnetic
field which streams out of the North Pole and circumnavigates the planet to re-enter at the South

Resources Section Seven – Page 8 of 12

Aya Despacho
The Aya Despacho is another way to lovingly assist our cherished one to die consciously.
The ceremony provides deep celebration for the life of the individual who is in the process
of or has already departed and brings energetic closure. The intention of the Despacho is to
create a rainbow bridge between the worlds, to ease the process of crossing over.

The Despacho, which is similar to a mandala, is a traditional Andean ceremony that brings
balance and right relationship. Using various ingredients, the Shaman and participants build
a three dimensional design that is usually enclosed in a circle. As symbolic elements and
prayers of gratitude are added, the Despacho comes alive with the energy of creation. There
are several types of Despachos and ingredients vary according to the purpose.

During an Aya (meaning death) Despacho ceremony, the Shaman works with the family
and friends of the individual dying or already departed, encouraging them to share their
prayers and reminiscences. Favorite food is served, favorite jokes told, and tears flow
freely. Any unfinished business or remaining heavy energy is represented symbolically in
the Aya Despacho. This heavy energy becomes food to send the beloved on.

It is simple to create an Aya Despacho for your loved one:

For the despacho, you will use seven different colors of paper. Several pieces of tissue
paper works will. You are creating a rainbow of colors and layers.
Begin with a large piece of black paper (This will be the “wrapping” for your
offering. Think of it as a present).
Fold the paper into thirds one way and then thirds the other way so you have 9
squares. Re-open the paper.
Working within the center square you begin to layer the burnable objects.

Since you are creating a ceremony for a loved one who is dying, or has died, the process is
a bit more structured than with other Despachos. You will want to build separate layers to
honor each of the worlds through which your loved one has traveled or will journey to in
the future.

Main Contents and Their Meaning:

A drop or two each of red and white wine – Offerings to the Earth and Heavens
Qintus (K’intus) – Typically in Peru they use three Cocoa leaves but you can utilize
three small leaves from your native trees. We often use Bay leaves.
Red and White Carnations – red for the earth and white for the mountains. Place a
red and white carnation petal on top of the Qintu (K’intu) – the snow covered
mountains reaching to the heavens on top of the Earth. You will inform each Qintu
(K’intu) with your prayer as you work.
Sugar – represents sweetness and love

Resources Section Seven – Page 9 of 12

Now create the following layers with the colored paper, your prayers and ingredients:

1. Begin with the black paper – This layer represents the Lower World, the unmanifest
and potential. Each element added is a symbol of the unmanifest.
Place sugar in the four directions, using breath and intent.
Place your first set of Qintus (K’intu) onto the paper.
Add seeds (sacred coca seeds are used in Peru) and animal fat (fuel).
Add representation of the masculine and feminine.

2. Add the red paper – To represent the Pachamama or Earth. In gratitude to the
Pachamama add the following:
Lots of chocolate – like most of us, Pachamama LOVES chocolate.
Candles (not white, as they are for the mountains)
Red wine – to say thank you to Pachamama. Pass it around so that others may
sprinkle it over the creation.
Photo of person
Sprinkles – to celebrate life
Herbs, such as sage

3. Next the green paper – Representing the present world of reality. In gratitude to this
level of reality add:
Animal fat for fuel
Fruit, raisins, dates – spirits of our ancestors, our blood lineage
Alphabet noodles – language, our spoken words
Garbanzos, peanuts – all food our mother provides, our nourishment
Quinoa - sustenance
Tables, little figures etc. – aspects of everyday life
Dollar – money; abundance in the next place
Magnet - to attract our prayers
Seeds - of the earth
Cinnamon stick - for the spices of the earth

5. Add the blue layer of paper – Representing the sky, clouds, sacred mountains. In
gratitude, add:
Clouds – cotton balls
Silica – magnetic qualities
White corn
White beads – air spirits
White grains
White feathers
Feather – flight

Resources Section Seven – Page 10 of 12

6. Next the purple paper – This represents the rainbow layer. This represents the colors of
the chakras and the rainbow bridge that is used by the departed to cross over. In gratitude,
Sea shell – container for the intent of the Despacho
Inside the Shell – a figure that connects the human and the sacred. This matches the
departed with his or her cosmic twin.
Multi-colored wool or Rainbow ribbons - to represent the rainbow bridge
String – to surround the Despacho as a circle of life
Confetti – joy

7. Then the gold or yellow paper – Represents vision, alignment with destiny and
becoming one with the stars. Place a new layer of Qintus (K’intu) here and add:
Copal-golden incense to carry our dreams
Silver and Gold leaf – the knowledge of Spirit and of the mystery of the moon
Gold and Silver Flutes – the music in our lives
Starfish – as above, so below

8. This last layer of paper is white – Covering all layers. It is the layer of
oneness/nothingness. There is nothing to do here - honor it with your intention.
When you have placed all your items in the Despacho, the corners of the large paper are
then folded over the contents so that they all overlap at the center.

The Despacho is now a smaller square. The Despacho is tied without flipping it over so all
the prayers are sustained. Add one Quintu (K’intu) to the top for forgotten prayers.

The Aya Despacho is burned (for quick transformation) within a short time after
completion. When the Despacho is placed into the fire participants do not look towards the
flames until after the offering has burnt. This symbolizes non-attachment to the outcome
and release of all claim to that which was given away. It is also a way of honoring all those
who "dine" on the offering and assist the loved one with their crossing.

Resources Section Seven – Page 11 of 12

More Information Available
Please Visit for the following resources:

1. Complete written and video of Dying Consciously processes and


2. Testimonials from graduates

3. Volunteers who offer personal coaching by e-mail and phone

4. Books and Video materials listing on Death and Dying

5. Online organizations and websites on Death and Dying (approximately

40 listings)

6. Information on donating and volunteering

7. Information on upcoming trainings

8. Listing of certified Dying Consciously teachers

(A copy of the Resources page is attached to the end of this manual)

Dying Consciously The Greatest Journey

Class Materials

Yea, though I walk
through the valley of
the shadow of death, I
will fear no evil: For
thou art with me; Thy
rod and thy staff they
comfort me.

From the Hebrew


The Four Winds Society Institute of Energy Medicine

Contents of Section Eight—Class Materials


Schedule for Talk

Schedule for Training

Dying Consciously Flyer

Handouts – to be copied by the Teacher

Care of Living

Cleansing All Seven Chakras

Donation Letter

Evaluation Form

The Great Death Spiral

Mission Statement

More Information Available


Prayer for Creating Sacred Space

Steps of the Death Rites

Student Certificate

The Greatest Journey—Death and Rebirth—Talk
Intro – Welcome

Death – part of every spiritual/shamanic practice

10 min. Overview:
Steps at last transition
1. LEF
Importance of them now (changes in medicine/ insurance/ home deaths
and openness)
2. Brains role with death
3. Specific Steps
4. Death as an Ally
5. Rebirth

30 min. (if under 20) Groups introductions – if over 20 then name and one word
Anything particular that drew you tonight?

1) LEF
15-20 min. Overview:
Concept (2 glues) and Open
Opening the Eighth Chakra
Vital Life Force – Reservoir of fuel
Accumulates Sludge Over Time

45 min. Sense LEF – own and with another, weaving into field
15 min. Open Eighth Chakra around self and another
30 min. Cleanse Chakras

2) Brains Role with Death – 20—30 min


3) Steps: 15 min.
Recapitulation – every things up
Cleanse Chakras
Permission to Die
Great Death Spiral – (refer back to web)

4) Death as an Ally – your story

5) Rebirth – death teaches us how to live. To be totally present with life.

6) Misc –
Resources – web site, DVD

Your training…..

HLB – sending any info… get cards…. etc.

Dying Consciously: The Greatest Journey—Training

Overview of the Program. 15 minutes

Introduction to structure for the training – demo; participate; teach; personal

Section One
Luminous Energy Field (LEF)
Two Glues – Sensing Chakras
Finding Chakras - self 1 ½ hours
Cleansing Chakras – self

Description and Sensing for self

Exercise – sensing a partner‘s Luminous Energy Field

Finding Chakras – self

Cleansing Chakras – self / partner

Section Two Over Break – ½ hour

Must understand the LEF and death experience to be present
Write Eulogy (Optional)

Lifting Luminous Energy Field

Demo 2 hours
Work in groups of five

Section Three
Time of Death – Great Life Review
Show DVD 1 hour
Pick a partner and work with them
Sacred Witness – hearing and listening

Section Four
Cleansing the Chakras - Seven Chakra Illumination
Decoupling Fight & Flight (Optional) 1 hour
Show DVD

Section Five
Learn Great Death Spiral
Demo 1 hour
Show DVD

Steps – Review 30 minutes

Section Six
Importance of Ceremony and Ritual 2 ½ hours
Ceremony and the Human Brain
Support of the Living
Show DVD

Section Seven
Resources 30 minutes
DVD; Donations; Web Site
The Greatest Journey is a service dedicated to helping
people make their final transition. It is designed for all
persons involved in the dying process: the individual,
family members and friends. It offers a message of hope
with easy to follow steps: it is possible to bring dignity and
peace back to the dying process.

The Greatest Journey shows us that we can come to the end

of a life with grace.

The Great Death Rites practiced by historic traditions allow

us to understand the kind of psychological and emotional
closure needed. They provide specific steps to bring
reconciliation and healing both to the loved ones and to the
person dying.

Take this opportunity to learn more about the Greatest

Journey and the resources available. For more information

The Great Migration (detail) © 2007 Melinda Allec

Location Here

Date and Time Here

Presenter Bio Here


PO Box 680675 Park City, UT 84068

Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068

Care of the Living

While attending to the dying is imperative, attending to the living is perhaps even more important.
After the passing of a loved one, it is essential to have a period of mourning, of grieving, and even of
celebrating the loved one. This process allows us AND the loved one to let go, so she can continue
on her journey.

In many traditions, a photograph or article of the loved one who has passed is placed on an ancestral
altar. There we can celebrate our memories of her in the way she would like us to and thank her for
the lessons she has taught us. Whatever rituals we create during this time of loss will help to set her
free—and ourselves at the same time.

Various traditions allot different amounts of time for the mourning period. In the shamanic tradition, a
half moon is set aside for the process of grieving. After this period, it is done. We know that what has
belonged to the Mother, the physical body, has returned to the earth; and what has belonged to the
Father, the spirit, has returned to the heavens. The period of mourning in the days following the
passing of a loved one lets us celebrate life without death continuing to stalk us.

If an individual has a difficult time letting go of the person that has passed it would be worthwhile to
have them contact a Healing the Light Body graduate for assistance in their closure process. The
graduate can also insure the person that has passed has crossed over fully and completely.

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068
Cleansing All Seven Chakras
Many of the ancient teaching talk about the Luminous Energy Field separating from the physical body and going to the
ligh t”. The Luminous Energy Field disengaging is a very natural process and transition to death.
Ancient teachings talk that when someone dies:
The body returns to the earth – what has always belonged to the earth;
Our knowledge returns to the top of the mountains – what has always belonged to the mountains; and
The essence of who we are or the Luminous Energy Field returns to the stars – what has always belonged to the
We clear the chakras so that the heavy energy accumulated through our lives as a result of trauma. The more cleansing
that is done the better. Not clearing this heavy energy will hinder them from going across to the other side. The cleansing
process removes the heavy energy in the chakras and erases imprints from the Luminous Energy Field.
Finding the Chakras: (Remember you did on yourself already)
The first chakra is located at the base of the spine near the tailbone and we work with it above the pubic bone. Place your
hand over the first chakra about two inches away from the skin. Cleanse the chakra by slowly spinning your hand
counterclockwise. (Spiral hand towards right shoulder). Explore the inside of this funnel of light and sense the toxic energy
flowing out and release this energy into the earth. When this funnel of light seems clear, spin the chakra in its natural
direction by slowly turning your hand clockwise about five to ten times.
the second chakra is located four fingers below the navel,
the third chakra at the solar plexus,
the fourth chakra at the center of the chest,
the fifth chakra at the hollow of the throat .
the sixth chakra , known as the third eye, is located in the middle of the forehead, and
the seventh chakra at the very top of the head.
Exercise: Cleansing all Seven Chakras with Another Person
1. Open Eighth Chakra to hold safety and let everyday life fall away
2. Start with lowest (first) chakra remove all the heavy energy going counter clockwise. Work as long a necessary
until the chakra spins clean and feels light.

3. Rebalance going clockwise when complete.

4. Move to second chakra and do same cleansing and rebalancing taking what ever time needed.
5. Go back to first chakra and cleanse and rebalance – many times the heavy residue to energy will trigger more to
come up in the lower chakra or may flow "down” to the lower chakra(s).
6. Continue to move up the body – next to third chakra and cleanse and rebalance taking what ever time is needed.
When complete check first chakra – cleanse and rebalance and second chakra.
7. Next chakra would be the fourth (heart) to cleanse and rebalance when complete. Then going back to first chakra
to cleanse and rebalance, second chakra cleanse and rebalance and third chakra to cleanse and rebalance.
8. Continue to fifth to seventh chakras, as above. Cleansing and rebalancing each chakra and cleansing and
rebalancing all lower chakras from the first up to insure the Luminous Energy Field is full of light.
9. Complete with decoupling fight or flight – which may also be done any time through the process or done several
times in the process. (optional to teach)
10. Close Eighth Chakra

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068

Dear Donor,

On behalf of Dying Consciously: The Greatest Journey, we would like to sincerely thank you for considering
contributing to our efforts. Dying Consciously is a project under the Institute of Energy Medicine, which is a
501 (c) 3 non-profit educational and research organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the
traditional healing practices of the Americas for the benefit of all.
(Tax ID Number: 208673016 & Exemption Number: N31070)

As you have been touched by the work of Dying Consciously, we would deeply appreciate a tax-
deductible financial contribution. You donation will support website maintenance, scholarships, free
DVD production and mailing costs, and other administrative costs of the program.

Please visit to donate online or send a check or money order made out to
the “Institute for Energy Medicine” to the address listed below. Please write “Dying Consciously”
clearly in the memo section of your check. Please see for a list of
projects the Institute for Energy Medicine sponsors.

Dying Consciously
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068-0675

Please indicate if you would like to honor a loved one by including their name. A listing of donors and honorees
will be added to our website, so please indicate if you or your honoree should remain anonymous.

Our sincerest thank you for your contribution and insuring this work is available at little or no charge to others,

Linda Fitch and Alberto Villoldo

Board Members and Faculty
Institute for Energy Medicine

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068

Evaluation Form
Dying Consciously
The Greatest Journey

Please give us your feedback on this session. We would like to know what worked and
what could be improved. Signing your name is optional.
1. How was the session overall?

2. Do you have any feedback for the teacher?

3. What did you like best about this training?

4. What can we improve next time?

5. Would you be interested in donating to the Institute for Energy Medicine?

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068

The Great Spiral - To Be Used Only After Death

Cycle 1: Cycle 2: Cycle 3:
Disengage the 4th Chakra Disengage the 4th and Disengage the 4th, 3rd
(counterclockwise) 3rd Chakras and 5th Chakras

Cycle 4: Cycle 5: Cycle 6:

Disengage the 4th, 3rd, Disengage the 4th, 3rd, Disengage the 4th, 3rd, 5th,
5th and 2nd Chakras 5th, 2nd and 6th Chakras 2nd, 6th and 1st Chakras

Cycle 6:
Disengage the 4th, 3rd, 5th,
2nd, 6th, 1st and 7th Chakras
Great Spiral Notes:
1. Start the process by rattling primarily around the heart
area, connect and be present.
2. Each cycle is done separately. Begin the process with
Cycle 1, starting with the heart chakra and proceeding as
shown in each diagram ending the process with Cycle 7.
3. Disengage the chakra (counterclockwise) until the
energy flow is smooth and easy (t his loosens the energy
body) then proceed to the next chakra.
4. Nudge the feet (towards the 7th chakra), if necessary
to move the energy body. (Not touching physically)
5. Inform the energy body that, it is okay to go.
6. Once the energy body has left the physical body seal
all the chakras by placing a "+" (using oil or florida water)
on each of the chakras, starting with the 7th chakra and
finishing with the 1st chakra. (If working with someone
who has passed.)

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068
Mission Statement
Dying Consciously is a service dedicated to helping people die consciously. This means that we seek
to maintain consciousness intact through the journey of death and beyond and bring dignity and
peace back to the dying process. Dying Consciously offers easy to follow steps through the final
transition and is designed for all persons involved in the dying process: the individual, family
members, caregivers, and friends.

Dying Consciously is based on the great death rites practiced by the ancient traditions. These rites
allow us to understand the kind of psychological and emotional closure needed throughout the death
process. They provide specific steps to bring reconciliation and healing both to the loved ones and to
the person dying.

A key element of this program is volunteers who are available to assist the individual or family
through the dying process, as well as comprehensive online resources which include a step-by-step
guide to assist loved ones and others through the dying process.

The online resources are available at no cost. Our volunteers are available at no charge, by e-mail or
telephone to assist in understanding this program.

In addition, we teach the Dying Consciously work in communities and end of life care facilities around
the world as well as create partnerships with institutions and teach staff and professional care givers
to render spiritual assistance and healing to individuals and their family.

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068

More Information Available

Please Visit for the following resources:

1. Complete written and video of Dying Consciously processes and teaching

2. Testimonials from graduates

3. Volunteers who offer personal coaching by e-mail and phone

4. Books and Video materials listing on Death and Dying

5. Online organizations and websites on Death and Dying (approximately 40 listings)

6. Information on donating and volunteering

7. Information on upcoming trainings

8. Listing of certified Dying Consciously teachers

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously - The Greatest
Journey is a free service dedicated
to helping people die consciously. Death is not a topic most people
This means that we seek to maintain want to acknowledge, much less
consciousness intact through the discuss. Understanding death and
journey of death and beyond. It is allowing it to become like a dialog
designed for all persons involved in with a lover, allows us to be fully
the dying process: the individual, alive. Our mandate is to dream
family members, and friends. It the world into being, so we must
offers a message of hope that it is first clear those places where we
possible to bring dignity and peace are stalked by death - to be fully
back to the dying process and present and awake while we
teaches us how to do this with easy When a dying person retains his awareness after death, he enters dream. We must clear the "death"
to follow steps. the light easily. My mentor compared this light that is part of our genetic makeup,
to the dawn breaking on a cloudless morning, a state of primordial part of our karmic story and let go
In the West, we no longer remember purity - immense and vast, defying description. of the old stories and
how to die with grace and dignity. uncompleted business.
The Journey: The Work of Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
We typically shuttle the dying off to Otherwise, we unconsciously
hospitals where death is considered continue to dream our old dream.
At this time, numerous places around the world are experiencing the
a ‗disease‘ and extraordinary death of old paradigm structures and maps – in government, economics,
measures are taken to prolong life at To experience Dying Consciously,
health care, housing, religion, and politics. This deathing is a necessary
all costs. Families do not know how with a loved one through their final
and natural part of the rebirth of a new paradigm.
to come to closure with the passing transition, or for yourself - at the
of a loved one. Many people die in symbolic, is an incredible gift.
We feel that this month‘s newsletter is the perfect time to feature our
fear, with unresolved issues, not Thank you for being open to
stunning new website: ― Dying Consciously – The Greatest Journey.‖
having said the ― I love you's‖ and ―I exploring the possible gifts this
Linda Fitch, Dean of the Light Body School, has lovingly stewarded this
forgive you's‖ that would be so medicine has to offer.
project that will ―
assist the person making the journey beyond death do so
healing for themselves and their in a peaceful manner, full of light.‖ The website serves as a
families. We have tried to make With much love, Linda Fitch
comprehensive shamanic hospice and includes a step-by-step guide, an
death invisible, thinking that if we Dean of the Healing the Light
available free DVD and brochure to share with others, suggested reading,
ignore it long enough, it will go Body School
organizational support, and a volunteer resource list of Four Winds
away. graduates who can assist with death rites.
The message of The Greatest In our featured ceremony section we are pleased to share the Aya
Journey is that we can come to the Despacho process. The Aya Despacho is a deeply loving way to honor
end of a life with grace. Its purpose our family member‘s passing and help launch their journey with greater
is to assist the person who is making ease. We also visit the East Class of our Healing the Light Body School
the journey beyond death to do so in where the Great Death Rites are taught as a reminder that we can
a peaceful manner, full of light. The journey to face death while living. As Alberto so eloquently puts it: ―
great death rites practiced by the maps are useful in death, but they are more important to help us
Shamanic traditions allow us to understand the mystery of being alive. Once we understand the
understand the kind of psychological continuity of life throughout eternity, we attain freedom. Death ceases to
and emotional closure needed. They stalk us, and we discover a self that dwells in infinity.‖
provide specific steps to bring
reconciliation and healing both to the
person dying and their loved ones.

The goal behind the Dying

Consciously Website and free DVD
is to provide the Dying Consciously
We encourage you to honor that which is dying in order to allow what is
work as a gift. Previously only a
to be born.
select few knew the steps and
wisdom of how to assist someone
Peace and Blessings,
through their final crossing. There
are resources listed on the site to
help all involved prepare medically, The Four Winds Staff
emotionally, and spiritually. Another The Despacho, which is similar to
key element of this program is a list a mandala, is a traditional Andean
of volunteers who are available to ceremony that brings balance and
assist the individual or family right relationship. Using various
through the dying process via the ingredients, participants build a
phone or e-mail. three dimensional design that is
usually enclosed in a circle. As
symbolic elements and prayers of
gratitude are added, the
Despacho comes alive with the
energy of creation. There are
In the Healing the Light Body School, ― East‖ class, our students learn several types of Despachos and
specific processes that bring more mindfulness and flexibility to the way ingredients vary, according to the
in which they perceive the world. They identify and work with their own purpose.
perceptions and projections so that they are consciously dreaming
beautiful and powerful dreams, instead of nightmares. To further free up During an Aya (meaning death)
their luminous energy fields in preparation for destiny work, students also Despacho ceremony, the healer
learn & practice the Great Death Rites so they are not bound in time. In works with the family and friends
addition, they learn how to provide this sacred service to the dying within of the individual dying or already
their community. departed, encouraging them to
share their prayers and
reminiscences. Her favorite food
is served, favorite jokes told, and
tears flow freely. Any unfinished
In many indigenous cultures, the Shaman helps to midwife the dying into business or remaining heavy
the afterlife by performing death rites. These Great Death Rites were energy is represented
ancient maps that held the secret of conscious death. Today, in symbolically in the Aya
communities all across our planet, Four Winds trained students render Despacho. This heavy energy
spiritual assistance and healing to both the loved one who is passing and becomes food to send the
to his or her family. beloved on.
The Dying Consciously free DVD is
designed for all persons involved in Through the process, the loved one is encouraged to tell their life story in
the dying process: The individual, a new way – one that weaves together the major themes of their journey.
family members, and friends. It This "life review" can be both tremendously healing and liberating for all Just as when weaving
offers a message of hope, with easy participants. The family become sacred witnesses and support the loved One reaches the end
to follow steps that help to bring one in forgiving themselves and others. The healer also promotes healing With fine threads woven
dignity and peace back to the dying by encouraging the family to give permission for their loved one to die – throughout,
process. releasing them with love and forgiveness. In this way, the deathbed So is the life of humans.
becomes an oasis of peace.
The Buddha
The Final Rites are perhaps the most important part of this process, and
ideally begins before a loved one passes. The healer cleanses the
Empty-handed I entered the world luminous energy field of the dying person so that a lifetime of dense
Barefoot I leave it. material in all of the chakras can be combusted. After death, the chakras
My coming, my going are disengaged and the luminous field is set free.
Two simple happenings
That got entangled. We learn to sit with death so we are available for life. Our long term goal
is to teach the Dying Consciously work in communities around the world. Dying Consciously, The Greatest
Kozan Ichigyo If you are interested in attending the Dying Consciously portion of the Journey is a project of the
East class, please contact Ruby Parker. independent 501(c)3 not–for profit
Institute for Energy Medicine.
For more information about the Great Death Rites or to locate a Four
Yea, though I walk through the Winds graduate volunteer who can assist your family member to die To speak with our staff about
valley of the shadow of death, I will consciously, please visit For more becoming a donor, please e-mail
fear no evil: For thou art with me; information on our professional training programs, including the Healing [email protected]
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort the Light Body School, please contact Judy McCarthy, Associate Dean of
me. the Healing the Light Body School or Danielle Bryan, HLB Coordinator. To make donations online,
please visit
From the Hebrew Bible,
Twenty-third Psalm or mail your donations, with check
made out to "Institute for Energy

Dying Consciously
Institute of Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068-0675

…Thank you for the teaching, but

most importantly, I thank you for the
web site, Dying Consciously. I
recently worked with a cancer
patient and as my client became
more dependent on pain medication
I was able to refer my client’s sister
to your web site. Her sister called
and thanked me over and over for
my assistance and the website
which helped a family that didn’t
know the language of emotions to
speak their love.

The most precious thing I hold in my

heart is when her sister told me that
she was able to see for the first time
the “beauty and grace of her sister’s The beautiful artwork for Dying
soul” while she was dying. How Consciously is titled The Great
blessed we are that you offered this Migration. The artist, Melinda
information to us…” - Bonnie Allec is one of our Healing the
S. Light Body graduates. Her
inspiration for this painting was
received while exploring the life
When we resolve our unfinished business and embark on our own and death principle. It is a visual
personal healing journey we are able to make death an ally in our lives. representation of a map to the
When Death Comes
heavens through the eyes of
Death gives us a unique perspective on life, keeping our priorities straight Nature. Melinda donates a portion
and our life in balance. We want to heal by experiencing symbolic deaths of each sale to support the Dying
rather than literal death whenever possible. Many people say that cancer Consciouly project.
When Death comes has been their wake-up call to claim life before their final transition.

Like a hungry bear in autumn; In the Western world we have not been good with endings. We have not
known ― how‖ to let something go with grace and beauty. Whether a
When death comes and takes all the relationship or job, when we experience a symbolic death, we are re-
bright coins from his purse informed about what is really important in life; motivating the changes
necessary for us to be really alive, present and awake.
To buy me, and snaps the purse
shut; As we make death our ally, it is also important to learn how to cleanse the
toxic, negative energies from our luminous energy field since we never To purchase a copy of "The Great
When death comes know when death will knock at our door. This is the knowledge learned Migration," please contact the
and experienced through the Healing the Light Body School journey. artist, Melinda Allec.
Like the measle-pox;
Do a recapitulation of your life, seeing it in detail. An easy way
When death comes [email protected]
to do this is imagine you are sitting by a river and allow the
memories to float downstream. This review process doesn‘t
Like an iceberg between the happen chronologically but allows all the places of unfinished
shoulder blades, business to arise. Be open and surrender to what might float by,
you will be surprised. One student noticed a ― goat‖ come down
I want to step through the door full of the river which didn‘t make any sense to her, until she realized
curiosity, wondering; she was always the ― scapegoat‖ in her family dynamics. If you
can share this life review with a close friend who would be your
What is it going to be like, that sacred witness, even better.
cottage of darkness?
I personally used the death rites
Let the emotions that might come up wash through you and to release my mom 39 hours after
And therefore I look upon everything
allow your life to be held at the energetic level, not the personal. she passed… It was powerful and
Realize you are at this moment the judge, jurors, and accused. I truly was able to feel her and say
As a brotherhood and a sisterhood
Forgive yourself and others. Take this opportunity to allow all to good-bye at that time.
be cleansed. If you would like to, write it down and then burn it
And I look upon time as no more
in a ceremonial fire. The key to this step is forgiving yourself I would be interested in being a
than an idea,
and others. resource. It's such a sacred gift to
And I consider eternity as another share with someone.

And I think of each life as a flower,

as common
It was not hard to do the death
As a field daisy, and as singular, rites, and it felt natural to do so. I
felt privileged to have the chance
to do these rites for my father. I
am so grateful to you all for
And each name a comfortable music Take any memories, including those you might still struggle teaching me this work and making
in the mouth, with, to ceremony! You could hold a fire ceremony or make an it available on the dying
Aya Despacho listed in the featured ceremony with the intention consciously website.
Tending as all music does, toward of honoring, letting go of, and making closure of these old
silence, pieces. If you need more assistance in releasing you can For more testimonials, visit:
always contact one of the Light Body graduates listed on the
And each body a lion of courage, Dying Consciously Website nials.htm
and something
It may be helpful to go through an actual re-enactment of your
Precious to the earth. own deathbed scene with a group of close friends so you have
the opportunity to say the ―I love you‘s‖ and ―
I‘ll miss you‘s‖ to
When it‘s over, I want to say; all my those in your life.
Death is a doorway and for every shamanic tradition this doorway must
I was a bride married to amazement. be experienced to understand it. To simply read about it, is not sufficient.
We must experience it on the symbolic in order to assist another who is
I was a bridegroom, taking the world at the final crossing; or to be totally present for our own lives and rebirth a
into my arms. new world. When we realize death can be our ally, we are able to be fully
present in life, we become pillars of calm in the middle of the storm of
When it‘s over, I don‘t want to life. We become peace and stillness for ourselves and our family.
wonder If you are interested we invite you to contact us to learn and experience
for yourself the steps to death and place of rebirth. For more information
contact Ruby Parker at [email protected]. What, I pray you, is dying? Just
If I have made of my life something
what it is to put off a garment. For
particular, and real.
the body is about the soul as a
garment; and after laying this
I don‘t‘ want to find myself sighing
aside for a short time by means of
and frightened,
death, we shall resume it again
with more splendor.
Or full of argument.
-St. John Chrysostom
I don‘t want to end up simply having
visited this world.

Mary Oliver
Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Prayer for Creating Sacred Space Park City, UT 84068


To the winds of the South
Great Serpent,
Wrap your coils of light around us,
Teach us to shed the past the way you shed your skin,
To walk softly on the Earth.
Teach us the Beauty Way.

To the winds of the West
Mother jaguar,
Protect our medicine space.
Teach us the way of peace, to live impeccably
Show us the way beyond death.

To the winds of the North.
Hummingbird, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Ancient Ones
Come and warm your hands by our fires
Whisper to us in the wind
We honor you who have come before us,
And you who will come after us, our children‘s children.

To the winds of the East.
Great eagle, condor
Come to us from the place of the rising Sun.
Keep us under your wing.
Show us the mountains we only dare to dream of.
Teach us to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.

Mother Earth
We‘ve gathered for the healing of all of your children.
The Stone People, the Plant People,
The four-legged, the two-legged, the creepy crawlers,
The finned, the furred, and the winged ones.
All our relations.

Father Sun
Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to the Star Nations.
Great Spirit, you who are known by a thousand names
And you who are the unnameable One.
Thank you for bringing us together
And allowing us to sing the Song of Life.

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068
Steps of the Death Rites
Death is the ultimate journey of liberation. We want to complete our unfinished business and be
prepared to enter infinity. We want to take the steps to journey home as cleanly as possible. Shortly
before death, the doorway between the worlds opens. Many indigenous cultures believe that forty
hours after the last breath this portal shuts down. The soul then has to travel through all the planes
where those who have not died consciously go to purge.

Maps show us the way, describing the terrain and giving directions. In Western culture there are not
many maps for after we die. Most of these maps have been drawn on brief visits during near death
experiences. The shamans of Tibet and the Americas, however, have mapped the landscape beyond
death in great detail.

Summary of Steps
1. Great Life Review and forgiveness. The healer plays a significant role in supporting the dying
person in going through their life review process and finding forgiveness.

2. Cleansing of the chakras. Help clear the chakras so the toxic energy accumulated through life
does not keep the luminous body earthbound. The luminous body wants to heal and there is much
sweetness available.

3. Giving permission to die. Let the dying person know that there is no reason to worry about those
left behind so they do not cling to life and endure unnecessary suffering.

4. Great Death Spiral. These are the rites performed after the person has died. Disengage the
chakras through the Great Spiral, setting the Luminous Energy Field free to go on the great journey.

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously
a subsidiary of

Institute of Energy Medicine

This is to certify that


Has attended Training in

Dying Consciously: The Greatest Journey
as instructed by a Certified Teacher of the Institute of Energy Medicine

_________ ____________________ _____________________

Date Printed Name Signature
Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068

I went to visit my 95 year old grandfather in the hospital and we had a very sweet visit,
knowing that it was most likely the last time we may see each other on this side. I told him
about my workshop and asked him if I could clean out his chakras. Although it was a foreign
concept to him, he agreed (he would do anything for his granddaughter). I opened sacred
space, opened my wiracocha, and did the cleaning out as described in the [Dying
Consciously] DVD. I could feel immense heat at these chakra points which I found interesting.
Later in the evening, my father went to visit and when he came home he said 'boy, grandpa
was really chatty tonight and had almost a glow about him'. I said it must be because I cleaned
out his chakras. My dad laughed... but what a beautiful beginning for me and this work. Thank
you from the bottom of my ever expanding heart for offering up this beautiful work for so
many in need.

Much love and peace, Alaina

I wanted to share with you a couple instances where I have used the dying consciously
method with my clients.

One story is about a woman leaving us after a long time living with cancer. I worked in tandem
with a mutual friend and acupuncturist who assisted with her pain and balancing. I did
multiple sessions with her on various end-of-life questions, resolution of issues, etc. Crossing
her over was a blessed and satisfying experience for me as well, knowing that she went well
with resolution in a number of complex relationships.

Love and seasons blessings, Kitty

I personally used the death rites to release my mom 39 hours after she passed… It was
powerful and I truly was able to feel her and say good-bye at that time. I would be interested in
being a resource. It's such a sacred gift to share with someone.

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068

"Thank you—It was the right time for me to look at the DVD you sent me some time ago. I am
so grateful for your work, the intention, clarity, beauty, and simple useful wisdom is much
appreciated. I will soon contact local "volunteers" to help me, an only child, let go of my
Mom—and help my Mom let go."

She has been hovering between for some time now...

Thank you for your generosity, Carol

Nettie, a healing client I had worked with for several years, was dying of Leukemia. I
received a call that the family needed help so I drove out to be with them, taking my
notes on the Great Death Rites & the recapitulation and forgiveness processes because I
thought they might be important.

I have been present for other people’s deaths before yet this was so completely different.
I encouraged the family to fully “be” with their loved one, to releas e her and let her know
that they would take care of each other. She was able to share her life review with her
children and grandchildren, out of which came such admiration & forgiveness for life-
long grudges & misunderstandings.

Once Nettie was ready, we could all feel her energy and her breathing change. Only four
hours had passed, but with such beauty and intention, Nettie’s work was done. I
continued to clear her chakras, removing anything that was still stored energetically that
would hinder her passing. When she no longer felt afraid, she asked me to help her
leave. Her breathing became shallow and her face turned to the light. As I started the
Great Death Spiral, the family held hands around Nettie. Many of us were able to see her
milky-white Luminous Energy Field lift and gently release.

What a graceful and meaningful death; what a blessing that I was able to bring this gift
that your training has given me into the world. Having experienced “death as an ally”
myself during our work, I knew the way home and was proud to guide another!

Thank you from my heart, Ellyn Rosenthal.

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Dying Consciously Project
Institute for Energy Medicine
P.O. Box 680675
Park City, UT 84068

With the unexpected loss of the patriarch of our family, there were so many words that were
left unspoken. To come together in ceremony, honoring and remembering how he touched our
lives helped all of us tremendously through the grieving process. Together, we were able to
express our love and gratitude for all he brought to our lives and were able to come closer as
a family which was so important to him. Not only did we express our love for him, but said
things to one another that we thought we could never say - this alone brought decades of
healing. Our family has never been spiritual so we were concerned about how the
process would be received. By the time we were halfway through the aya despacho ceremony,
there wasn't a dry eye in the house and everyone involved was fully engaged and touched
deeper than we could have imagined. All of us have been transformed profoundly by this
experience and feel better knowing that the full expression of our prayers, love and gratitude
for all he brought to our lives were buried with him.

- The Family of Harold H. Corhan

Saying a final farewell to a loved one can be a heart breaking and heart opening process. As
a clergy person, I have often found people uncomfortable and ill at ease with the dying.
Religious communities know how to memorialize someone after they die. They are often at a
loss to help those that are dying, their family and friends move through the last months and
days with grace, love and deep healing.
The Dying Consciously program gives a simple, heart opening vocabulary of words and
experiences to companion everyone during the dying process. Death can be a beautiful
culmination of life for all involved as we learn how to honor the deep truths of a dying
person’s whole life and our relationship with them. Allowing ourselves to be in each other’s
true presence is the greatest gift we can share, and the Dying Consciously program helps this
happen. Its wisdom teaches us how to open our hearts and souls to each other as we walk
together towards a last earthly breath. It is a beautiful gift that provides ways to become fully
alive in the midst of dying.

Rev. Peg Stearn

UCC Minister

© Copyright Institute for Energy Medicine 2010

Teaching Tips

Approchable / Credible

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 1 of 18

Credibility and Approachability

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 2 of 18

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 3 of 18
Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 4 of 18
Teaching Tips

Points of Focus

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 5 of 18

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 6 of 18
Teaching Tips


Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 7 of 18

BLIP = breathing level indicates permission

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 8 of 18

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 9 of 18
Teaching Tips

Peripheral Sight

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 10 of 18

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 11 of 18
Teaching Tips

Pause and Look Intelligent

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 12 of 18

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 13 of 18
Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 14 of 18
Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 15 of 18
Teaching Tips

Voice Speed and Volume

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 16 of 18

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 17 of 18
Group Wizardry
A five-day interactive workshop on group communication techniques.

Five days of learning and practicing the latest innovations with Group Dynamics, Presentation Skills,
and Behavioral Coaching. Taught by Michael Grinder, the world’s foremost expert in the area of non
verbal communication. The last day includes an opportunity to get personal coaching on DVD from
Michael Grinder.

Prerequisite and audience—No previous experience is necessary.

Group Dynamics Certification

The New Science of Presenting to a Group

This is an intensive and comprehensive training. Each session includes interactive work that will build
the skills indispensable to any kind of group work: successful meetings, training sessions,
presentations, and facilitation. Over the duration of the training, you will be completing weekly
competencies and documenting your skills with video coverage.

Prerequisite and audience—No previous experience is necessary. Even if you are a seasoned
presenter, this is new material

Corporate Coaching
Do you need a little help to steer your corporate culture, motivate your employees and in general
create a stronger, more creative workplace?

Our professional coaches train you and your management personnel to do accurate peer observation
and give high-quality specific feedback.

Teaching Tips Section Nine – Page 18 of 18


Luminous Energy
Field (LEF)

Lifting the LEF

Great Life Review

Cleansing the Chakras

Great Death Spiral

Ceremony and Ritual


Class Materials
A Grief Observed, By C.S. Lewis

A Place of Healing: Working with Nature and Soul at the End of Life, By Michael Kearney, Spring Journal Books

Advice on Dying: And Living a Better Life,

By His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Jeffrey Hopkins, Ph.D., Atria Books

The American Book of the Dead, By E. J. Gold and Claudio Naranjo

Attending the Dying: A Handbook of Practical Guidelines

By Megory Anderson, Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, London

Being with Dying: cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death
By Joan Halifax; Available at Amazon

The Book of the Dead: The Hieroglyphic Transcript and Translation into English of the Ancient Egyptian Papyrus of Ani,
By E. A. Wallis Budge, Random House Publishers

Companioning the Dying, By Greg Yonder

Death: The Great Adventure

By Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, Lucis Publishing Company, NY

Does Death Really Exist, By Swami Muktananda, Siddha Yoga Publication

Dying: A Natural Passage

By Denys Cope, RN, BSN, MSS, Online at

Dying: A Natural Passage: A Bedside Manual for Being with Dying
By Denys Cope, RN, BSN, MSS, online at

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day
By James Wasserman and Raymond O.Faulkner, Chronicle Books

Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying.
By Patricia Kelly and Maggie Callanan, Bantam Books in Arrangement with Simon & Schuster

The Grace in Dying: A Message of Hope, Comfort, and Spiritual Transformation

By Kathleen Dowling Singh, Harper San Francisco

Graceful Exits: How Great Beings Die

By Sushila Blackman, Shambhala Publications, Inc.

How We Die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter

By Sherwin B. Nuland, Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, New York City

Jewish Views of the Afterlife

By Simcha Paull Raphael, Rowman and Littlefield

Liberation through Hearing in the Bardos: The Tibetan Book of the Dead
By Susan Barber, Online at

Life After Death

By Deepak Chopra, Harmony Books, a division of Random House, New York City

Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon

By Raymond A. Moody, Jr., Harper Collins

Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children

By Bryan Mellonie & Robert Ingpen, Bantam Books, A Division of Random House, NY

Living and Dying with Grace

Counsels of Hadrat’ Ali Translated by Thomas Cleary, Shambhala Publications

Living When a Loved One has Died

By Earl A. Grollman, Beacon Press, Boston, MA

Meetings at the Edge: Dialogues with the Grieving and the Dying, the Healing and the Healed
By Stephen Levine, Doubleday Books, New York City

Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval
By Alberto Villoldo, Hay House Publishing

Methods for Immortality; Death: Beginning or End?

By Dr. Jonn Mumford (Swami Anandakapila Saraswati), Llewellyn Publishing, MN

The Mountains of Tibet, a childrens’ book

By Mordicai Gerstein, Printed in Mexico (Available from Amazon).

The Needs of the Dying (previously published as The Rights of the Dying: A Guide for Bringing Hope, Comfort,
and Love to Life‚ Final Chapter)
By David Kessler, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.

The Next Place

By Warren Hanson, Waldman House Press

No Death, No Fear: Comforting Wisdom for Life.
By Thich Nhat Hahn, Riverhead Books

On Death and Dying: What the dying have to teach doctors, nurses, clergy, and their own families.
By Elisabeth Kubler–Ross, MD, Scribner Publishing under license by Simon and Schuster

Peaceful Death Joyful Rebirth: A Tibetan Buddhist Guidebook

By Tulku Thondup, Shambhala Publication

The Practice of Tonglen: Transforming Confusion into Wisdom

By Pema Chodron, Online at

Sacred Dying: Creating Rituals for Embracing the End of Life,

By Megory Anderson, Marlow and Company Publishers

Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art of Alex Grey

With Ken Wilber and Carlo McCormick, Inner Traditions International, Rochester, VT

Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas
By Alberto Villoldo, Harmony Books

The Shamanic Guide to Death and Dying

By Kristen Madden, Spilled Candy Books.

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

By Sogyal Rinpoche, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation by Hearing in the Intermediate States.
By Graham Coleman with Thupten Jinpa, Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

Trauma Through a Child’s Eyes, by Peter Levine, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California

The Ultimate Journey: Consciousness and the Mystery of Death

By Stanislav Grof, M.D. The Mulitidisciplinary Association for Psychedlic Studies

Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences,
By Peter Levine, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California

What Helped Me When My Loved One Died

Edited By Earl A. Grollman, Beacon Press, Boston, MA

Who Dies? An Investigation of Conscious Living and Conscious Dying

By Stephen Levine, Random House, New York City

Wild Comfort: The Solace of Nature

By Kathleen Dean Moore.

Do you know of other references that should be listed?
Please contact us at [email protected]

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