Telefilter SAW Resonator Specification TFR 433M 1/5: Measurement Condition

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tfr433m.doc version 1.0 16.08.


VI TELEFILTER SAW Resonator Specification TFR 433M 1/5

Measurement condition
Ambient temperature: 23 °C
Input power level: 10 dBm
Terminating Impedance at fc*:
for input: 50 Ω || 0 pF
for output: 50 Ω || 0 pF


The minimum of the pass band attenuation amin is defined as the insertion loss ae. The centre frequency fc is the frequency of the minimum of
the passband attenuation amin. The tolerance for the resonant frequency also includes a centre frequency shift due to the temperature coefficient
of frequency TCf in the operating temperature range and a production tolerance for the resonant frequency fR.

Data typ. value tolerance/limit

Insertion loss ae = amin 1,3 dB max. 1,8 dB
(Reference level)

Resonant frequency fR 433,820 MHz ± 75 kHz

Parallel capacitance C0 3,0 pF -

Motional resistance R1 13,96 Ω -
Motional inductance L1 61,4 µH -
Motional capacitance C1 2,2 fF -
Unloaded quality factor Qu 1199 -

Operating temperature range - - 10°C... + 70 °C

Storage temperature range - - 30°C... + 85 °C
Temperature coefficient *** TC - 0,036 ppm/K²
Frequency aging ** IfAI 10 ppm/yr

Phase ϕ -20 ..... + 20 °

*) The terminating impedances depend on parasitics and q-values of matching elements and the board used, and are to be understood as
reference values only. Should there be additional questions, do not hesitate to ask for an application note or contact our design team.
**) Frequency aging is the change in fR with time. Typically aging is greatest first year after manufacture, decreasing in subsequent years.
***) ∆f(Hz) = TCf(ppm/K²) x (T-T0)² x fTo(MHz)


checked / approved:

Potsdamer Straße 18
D 14 513 TELTOW / Germany
Tel: (+49) 3328 4784-0 / Fax: (+49) 3328 4784-30
E-Mail: [email protected]
VI TELEFILTER reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and/or information contained herein without notice. No liability is
assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information.
tfr433m.doc version 1.0 16.08.2002

VI TELEFILTER SAW Resonator Specification TFR 433M 2/5

Construction, pin configuration and 50 Ω - matching network

(All dimensions in mm)

5.0 SQ -0.1

7 5

433 M
R P34
1 3

Date code

pin 1 ground pin 5 ground date code: year + week

pin 2 output pin 6 input M 2000
pin 3 ground pin 7 ground N 2001
P 2002
pin 4 package ground pin 8 package ground ....

50 Ohm test circuit 1

6 2


6 2

Potsdamer Straße 18
D 14 513 TELTOW / Germany
Tel: (+49) 3328 4784-0 / Fax: (+49) 3328 4784-30
E-Mail: [email protected]
VI TELEFILTER reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and/or information contained herein without notice. No liability is
assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information.
tfr433m.doc version 1.0 16.08.2002

VI TELEFILTER SAW Resonator Specification TFR 433M 3/5

Stability characteristics

After the following tests the filter shall meet the whole specification:
1. Shock: 500g, 18 ms, half sine wave, 3 shocks each plane;
DIN IEC 68 T2 - 27
2. Vibration: 10 Hz to 500 Hz, 0,35 mm or 5g respectively, 1 octave per min, 10 cycles per plan, 3 plans;
DIN IEC 68 T2 - 6
3. Change of
temperature: -55 °C to 125°C / 30 min. each / 10 cycles
DIN IEC 68 part 2 – 14 Test N
4. Resistance to
solder heat (reflow): reflow possible: twice max.;
for temperature conditions, please refer to the attached "Air reflow temperature conditions" on page

tape & reel: IEC 286 - 3, with exception of value for N and minimum bending radius;
tape type II, embossed carrier tape with top cover tape on the upper side;
max. pieces of filters per reel: 3000
reel of empty components at start: min 300 mm
reel of empty components at start including leader: min 500 mm
trailer min 300 mm

Tape (all dimensions in mm)

W : 12 ± 0,3
Po : 4 ± 0,1 Do Po P2

Do : 1,5 + 0,1 E
E : 1,75 ± 0,1
F : 5,5 ± 0,05 D1
G (min) : 0,75
P2 : 2 ± 0,05 G

P1 : 8 ± 0,10 P1

D1(min) : 1,5
Ao : 5,30 ± 0,1
Bo : 5,30 ± 0,1

CT : 13,0 ± 0,2

W 2

Reel (all dimensions in mm)

A : 330
W1 : 12,4 + 2
W2 (max) : 18,4 A

N (min) : 50
C : 13 +0,5/-0,2

W 1

The minimum bending radius is 45 mm. The mounting surface of the filters faces the bottom side of the embossed carrier tape.
Markings on the filters can be read if the upper side of the carrier tape is regarded with the sprocket holes on its right.

Potsdamer Straße 18
D 14 513 TELTOW / Germany
Tel: (+49) 3328 4784-0 / Fax: (+49) 3328 4784-30
E-Mail: [email protected]
VI TELEFILTER reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and/or information contained herein without notice. No liability is
assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information.
tfr433m.doc version 1.0 16.08.2002

VI TELEFILTER SAW Resonator Specification TFR 433M 4/5

Air reflow temperature conditions

1st and 2nd air reflow profile

Name: pre-heating periods main-heating periods peak temperature
Temperature: 150 °C - 170 °C over 200 °C 255 °C ± 5 °C
Time: 60 sec. - 90 sec. 20 sec. - 25 sec.

Chip-mount air reflow profile

temperature / °C

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
time / sec.

Table for temperature vs. time during the air reflow process

Tolerance of temperatures: ± 5 °C

time / sec. temperature / °C time / sec. temperature / °C

0 23 140 160
10 34 150 161
20 46 160 164
30 60 170 170
40 80 180 180
50 103 190 205
60 121 195 230
70 134 200 255
80 143 205 230
90 150 210 205
100 154 215 180
110 156 220 165
120 158 230 140
130 159 240 120

Potsdamer Straße 18
D 14 513 TELTOW / Germany
Tel: (+49) 3328 4784-0 / Fax: (+49) 3328 4784-30
E-Mail: [email protected]
VI TELEFILTER reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and/or information contained herein without notice. No liability is
assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information.
tfr433m.doc version 1.0 16.08.2002

VI TELEFILTER SAW Resonator Specification TFR 433M 5/5


version reason of changes name date

1.0 generate specification Pfeiffer 16.08.2002

Potsdamer Straße 18
D 14 513 TELTOW / Germany
Tel: (+49) 3328 4784-0 / Fax: (+49) 3328 4784-30
E-Mail: [email protected]
VI TELEFILTER reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and/or information contained herein without notice. No liability is
assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information.
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