Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use
Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use
Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use
;; Creates the list of points for selected curve (LINE, PLINE, SPLINE)
according to the iteration distance.
;; by maripali for Eng-Tips December 17, 2017
;; Lower left corner point Upper right corner point of the curve
(setq LLP (vlax-safearray->list mn)
URP (vlax-safearray->list mx)
;; Start analysis
(repeat Count_X
(setq P1 (list (+ (car LLP) (* deltaX i)) (1- (cadr LLP)) (caddr
P2 (list (+ (car LLP) (* deltaX i)) (1+ (cadr URP)) (caddr
CP1 (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo curve-obj P1)
CP2 (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo curve-obj P2)
Suman Kilania
AXIS BANK Account No. – 015 010 100 536 035 015010100536035
IFSC – UTIB0000015