Code 3

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import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def naca0012(x):
Calculates the y-coordinate of a NACA 0012 airfoil at a given x-coordinate.

x: x-coordinate (0 <= x <= 1)

y: y-coordinate

yt = 0.12 * (0.2969 * np.sqrt(x) - 0.1260 * x - 0.3516 * x**2 + 0.2843 * x**3 -

0.1015 * x**4)
return yt

def generate_c_grid(num_points_x, num_points_y, x_farfield, y_farfield):

# ... (Implementation of C-grid generation)

# Generate grid points on the airfoil surface

# Generate grid points on the far-field boundary
# Connect grid points using algebraic or numerical techniques

return x_c, y_c

def transform_to_o_grid(c_grid_x, c_grid_y):

# ... (Implementation of algebraic transformation)

# Use algebraic or numerical techniques to map C-grid to O-grid

return x_o, y_o

def solve_poisson(x, y, omega):

Solves the Poisson equations using the Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR) method.

x: x-coordinates of the grid points.
y: y-coordinates of the grid points.
omega: Relaxation factor.

# ... (Implementation of the SOR method, applying boundary conditions and

updating grid points)

def visualize_grid(x, y):

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(x, y, 'b.')
plt.title('O-type Grid Around NACA 0012 Airfoil')

# Main script
num_points_x = 121
num_points_y = 33
x_farfield = 5.0
y_farfield = 2.5
omega = 1.8
tolerance = 1e-6

c_grid_x, c_grid_y = generate_c_grid(num_points_x, num_points_y, x_farfield,

x, y = transform_to_o_grid(c_grid_x, c_grid_y)

while not converged:

solve_poisson(x, y, omega)

visualize_grid(x, y)

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