Codification (Law) - Wikipedia PDF
Codification (Law) - Wikipedia PDF
Codification (Law) - Wikipedia PDF
Ancient Sumer's Code of Ur-Nammu was
compiled circa 2050–1230 BC, and is the
earliest known surviving civil code. Three
centuries later, the Babylonian king
Hammurabi enacted the set of laws
named after him.
United States …
Recodification refers to a process where
existing codified statutes are reformatted
and rewritten into a new codified structure.
This is often necessary as, over time, the
legislative process of amending statutes
and the legal process of construing
statutes by nature over time results in a
code that contains archaic terms,
superseded text, and redundant or
conflicting statutes. Due to the size of a
typical government code, the legislative
process of recodification of a code can
often take a decade or longer.
1. See Chinese law.
2. For the most part, the Sale of Goods
Act 1979 retains the wording and
section numbers of its 1893
1. Weiss, Gunther A. (2000). "The
Enchantment of Codification in the
Common-Law World" . Yale Journal of
International Law. 25 (2).
2. Lord Scarman on codification [1]
3. Sauveplanne article on codification
4. Public Law No: 113-287, To enact title
54, United States Code, "National Park
Service and Related Programs", as
positive law.
5. USC table of contents
6. see 26 USC 7201
7. Peters, Life of Benedict XV, pg. 204.
8. Ayrinhac, ‘’General Legislation’’ §55.
9. Pietro Cardinal Gasparri, preface to the
CIC 1917
10. Manual of Canon Law, pg. 47
11. Manual of Canon Law, pg. 49
12. Peters, Life of Benedict XV, pg. 205.
13. Entry for 'canon law, new code of'.
1910 New Catholic Dictionary.
/ncd/view.cgi?n=1909 . 1910.
Accessed 14 April 2016
14. La Due, William J., J.C.D.: The Chair of
Saint Peter: A History of the Papacy
(Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1999), pg.
15. Ap Const. Providentissima Mater
Ecclesia Benedict XV, 27 May 1917
16. Dr. Edward N. Peters,
"A Simple Overview of Canon Law" ,
accessed June-11-2013
17. 1983 Code of Canon Law Annotated,
Canon 6 (pg. 34)
18. Dr. Edward Peters, ,
accessed June-9-2013
19., "New Canon Law Code
in Effect for Catholics ", 27-Nov-1983,
accessed June-25-2013
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