Slum Project

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Rajiv AwasYojana (RAY) scheme was launched in June 2011 by the Government of India to bring all
existing slums, notified or non-notified within the formal system and enable them to avail the basic
amenities that is available for the rest of the city. A Slum Free City Plan of Action (SFCPoA) envisages the
objectives of RAY. SFCPoA encompasses two major strategies (i) Curative Strategy, a plan to bring about
the improvement of the existing slums through the participation of the existing slum dwellers and (ii)
Preventive Strategy to prevent the formation of future slum. The concept of Slum Free City could be
achievable only through inclusive approach in development or relocation with the slum dwellers. Hence
detailed socio economic survey, has been carried out in Coimbatore city by NITTTR, Chennai, in
accordance with the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board. This executive summary reports the exact
condition of slums in Coimbatore Corporation and suggestions to the upliftment of slum dwellers in terms of
urban infrastructure development, way to overcome economic barrier and disaster risk.


Coimbatore is a major industrial city in India and the second largest city in the state of Tamil Nadu. It is the
administrative headquarters of Coimbatore District. It is known as 'Manchester of South India’, situated on
the banks of the Noyyal River and surrounded by the scenic Western Ghats. The city has a major industrial
centre known for textile, engineering firms, automobile part manufacturers, and IT companies. In addition, it
has well developed infrastructure in the field of    
education, health care and tourism. In 2010 1971 356368 70063 24.5
the Coimbatore Corporation area limit was 1981 700923 344555 96.7
1991 806321 105398 15.0
extended from 105.6 sq km to 265.36 sq km,
2001 930882 124561 17.0
which is encompassing 100 wards. Three 2011 1601438 670556 72.0
municipalities (Kurichi Muncipality,
Kuniyamuthur Muncipality, Gowndampalayam Muncipality) and seven town panchayats (Sarvanampatti
town panchayat, Kalappatti, Vellaloor, Vadavalli, Thudiyalur, Veerakeralam, Perur) and two village
panchayat (Chinnayamplayam village panchayat, Villangurichi village panchayat) were added to the
corporation. The total extent of the Local Planning Area is 1277 with a population of 21,51,466 as
per 2011 Census. The population of Coimbatore city has grown from 47,007 in 1911, 16.01 lakhs in 2011.
The population has increased 34 times from that it was in the year 1911. There had been some
considerable fluctuations in population growth, during the past decades due to enhanced employment

opportunities. Influx people are denied essentials service such as clean water, electricity and health care –
even though they may live close to these services because of economic background. Too many are forced
to live in dangerous and exploitative place in ramshackle dwellings and overcrowded settlements that are
highly vulnerable to disease and disaster and face a constant threat of eviction.


The preparation of Slum-free City Plan will broadly involve Slum Redevelopment/Rehabilitation Plans
based on (a) Survey of all slums – notified and non-notified; (b) Mapping of slums using the state-of-art
technology; (c) integration of geo-spatial and
socio-economic data; and (d) identification of
development model proposed for each slum. 
Base maps to an appropriate scale would be a
pre-requisite for the preparation of Slum
Redevelopment Plan/Slum-free City Plan. The
following steps have been meticulously
followed for the preparation of Slum-free City 
Plan for Coimbatore City.
Identification and inventory of all slum
clusters of all descriptions in the urban
agglomeration with the help of available 
data from TNSCB and the concerned 
corporation, along with the Google images. 
Conduct of Slum Survey based on the
detailed formats provided by TNSCB which 
was modified after few trials in the Slum 
survey with mutual agreement with TNSCB, after due training of trainers, training of survey personnel
/canvassers and canvassing. For the purpose of community mobilization, the interaction with the l
Mayor and elected Ward Councilors was made. They have helped a lot in sensitization of the
community problems through canvassers selected from the sourced slum or nearby slum pockets.

Entry of data from Slum Surveys in the web-enabled MIS application (provided by Tamilnadu Slum
Clearance Board), compilation and collation of data, preparation of Slum-wise, City and State Slum
Survey Database and Baseline Reports.
Integration of Slum MIS with GIS Maps to enable the preparation of GIS-enabled Slum Information
System that is to be used for the preparation of meaningful Slum Development Plans and Slum-free
City Plan using a city-wide approach.
For each slum identified as untenable, Slum Redevelopment Plan has been prepared based on models
like PPP development, infrastructure provision only, community-based development etc. This decision-
making has been done with the involvement of the community after community mobilization and
dialogue for deciding the model to be adopted, through a well-organized consultative meeting.
Inventory of all possible vacant lands in each zone of the urban agglomeration that could be used for
slum redevelopment/ rehabilitation development purposes.


Coimbatore Corporation is divided into five zones. Each zone is having 20 wards. Totally 215 slums have
been identified for the enumeration purpose under RAY scheme. Coimbatore city has a total of 319 pockets
of slums with 46650 households. Out of 319 slums 44 slums were developed already under various
schemes by TNSCB and local body, and 60 slums S.
Name of the Slum
No. of House
No Slums Holds
are not taken for the survey due to non
1 Developed Slums by TNSCB 44 5964
cooperation of slum dwellers. Hence, the Slums not surveyed under RAY
investment is planned only for the surveyed 2 due to non cooperation from 60 10749
Slum Dwellers
slums. 3 Surveyed Slums under RAY 215 29937
  46650
Details of the slums in Coimbatore (both notified
and non-notified) have been collected from the Coimbatore Corporation through Tamil Nadu Slum
Clearance Board. The slum population of the Corporation
   
constitutes nearly 16% of the total population of the
   
Corporation. The largest slum of the city Nanjundapuram Ittery
   
has a population of 4631 persons and is situated in ward No.
95 of South zone. Because of IT, Educational institution and other Industrial growth, the migration to the
city is high. High rents, prohibitive land prices, very limited or no access to credit facilities for the urban

poor, and lack of credit worthiness have been the important factors contributing to the growth of the slums
in Coimbatore Corporation area. Estimated statistics from the socio economic survey shows there are
29937 slum households in Coimbatore Corporation of 3.42 area

Basic definition of Slum clearly categories based on the housing condition and surrounding environment.
Housing disadvantage is a complex concept. It usually refers to the adequacy of the structure and
associated services; but it may also include aspects 
  
of security of tenure and affordability. Three most 
1 Pucca 5439 18
common indicators of housing adequacy are: (a) 2 Semi Pucca 23689 79
Space per person, (b) Permanent Structures and (c) 3 Kutcha 809 03
Housing in compliance with local standards. Main   
objective of the slum development programmes is to provide decent shelter and minimum acceptable size.
Kutcha and Semi pucca households need to be transformed to Pucca structure with due consideration of
the land ownership. In Coimbatore Corporation around 25000 households are Semi Pucca & Kutcha
category which needs to be transformed to Pucca structure.

Water is one of the great necessities of human life. A supply of clean water is absoultely necessary for life
and health. Yet many people of the world do not have access to clean water. Households in informal
settlements use less than half of the amount of water
as the average usage in the same cities, owing to 
 
 
poorer availability and greater costs. Irregular water North Zone 2599 431
supply leads to spend excess amount towards East Zone 1628 374
procuring water for potable purpose. The median West Zone 3765 388
South Zone 17826 2318
water price in informal settlements is almost five
Central Zone 4119 125
times the average price. In Coimbatore Corporation   
87.6 % of households are not having Individual water supply facility. There is a highest demand for water
supply connection in the Central zone which is having 0.42%

The difference among the levels of services largely owes to the availability of revenue. Cities in developed
countries have 32 times as much money per person to spend on infrastructure and other urban services as

cities in leeast developeed countries. In Coimbatorre Corporationn, the corporaation made faacility to collect the
solid wastte from the slums in differeent frequencyy namely dailyy, alternate daays, once in fortnight.
f Totaally 85
slums aree not having the facility too dispose thee solid wastee. In Coimbattore Corporattion slums 622% of
householdds are not haaving the indivvidual toilet faacility. Infrasttructure improovement with proper facilitty and
uninterruppted water suppply for sanitaation is must for
f the improvvement.

Tenability analysis forr the Coimbaatore Corporaation slums has

h been caarried out as per the standard
proceduree. Tenability analysis
a clearrly shows thee majority fallls in the statuus of fitness of land for human
habitation. A total of 999 slums are falling under thee category of untenable.

 
  
 
 
No. of No. of No. of N of
No. No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Slums Householdds Slums Houuseholds Slums Households Slum
ms Households Slums Househholds Slums Hoouseholds

Tenable 15 1498 13 1400 13 1589 699 13767 06 10997 116 1


Untenable 11 1101 4 2
228 22 2176 444 4059 18 30222 99 1
            


The RAY guidelines stresses

s on the prioritization of slums on the basiss of assessm
ment matricess. The
parameterrs used in maatrix include BPL, SC/ST poopulation and infrastructuree. As per the RAY
R guidelinees the
slums of the Coimbattore Corporattion are addressed by thhe three interrelated paraameters nameely (i)
Povverty, (ii) Vuulnerability off housing annd (ii)

% Infrastructure deeficiency. During the field survey
5% 1x1
5% 1x2 the enumeratorss collected soocio-economicc data
2x1 of each
e slum dw
wellers and slum profile daata for
13% 22%
1x3 eacch slum throough respecttive questionnnaire.
2x2 Bassed on thesee field data, poverty, hoousing
37% 7% vulnnerability andd infrastructure deficiency for all
tenaable and unteenable slums have been worked
out and discusssed in detail. This arrangeement
would help authorities to prioritize interventions in slums for improving
i thee observed deeficiencies. Such a
prioritization is all the more
m necessaary because funds
f are limited and the limited
l funds when deployed on
mined priority areas and services
s will maximize beenefits. The matrix
m was developed on eight

parameters under two components and each parameter was given weights and the scores were generated.
Around 5 % of the slums in Coimbatore Corporation come under the category of delisting and 28% of slums
come under the category of less vulnerability and poor infrastructure. Hence focus need to be towards
providing basic infrastructure to improve the environment of slums. There is a need for immediate attention
in improving the housing condition for 20 slums.

  

  
  
1 002 Anna Colony -Thudiyalur Tenable 2x2 154
2 003 PattathuArasimmanKovil Veethi Part -I Tenable 2x2 30
3 003 PattathuArasimmanKovil Veethi Part - II Untenable 2x2 7
4 004 Kalaingar Nagar Untenable 2x3 128
5 026 Gandhi Veethi - Vattamalaipalayam Tenable 2x2 38
6 026 MeenatchiAmman Koi lVeethi -Ambedkar Nagar Tenable 2x2 279
7 028 Chinnametupalayam AD Colony Tenable 3x2 38
8 028 Anna Nagar Tenable 2x2 53
9 031 Kumaran Nagar Tenable 2x1 31
10 031 KVK Nagar Untenable 2x2 55
11 031 Periyar Nagar Tenable 3x3 148
12 040 Avarampalayam - PattalammanKoil Street Untenable 2x3 266
13 040 Chinnasamy Nagar Pallam Untenable 2x2 62
14 040 Vivekananda Nagar Untenable 1x3 94
15 041 AmbedkarVeethi Tenable 2x2 53
16 041 IyyavuVeethi Tenable 2x2 52
17 041 KakkanVeethi Tenable 2x3 204
18 041 Rabindranath Tagore Street - Part I Untenable 3x2 57
19 041 Rabindranath Tagore Street - Part II Untenable 3x2 62
20 041 RajarathinamVeethi Tenable 2x2 41
21 042 UdayampalaymHarijan Colony Tenable 2x2 105
22 043 JeevaVeethiUrumandampalayam Tenable 2x1 141
23 044 Karuppusamy Nagar Untenable 2x1 212
24 044 V.O.C Nagar Ext and Velusamy Nagar Untenable 1x2 114
25 046 Old Sathy Road Untenable 2x3 44
26 047 Arthnur Amman KoilVeethi Tenable 2x2 131
 
27 032 Ambedkar Nagar Tenable 2x2 239
28 032 Lenin Veethi Tenable 2x2 90

29 033 Pudhu Colony Tenable 2x2 180
30 033 RathinagiriVeethi Tenable 3x2 21
31 033 ShastriVeethi - Kalapatti Tenable 2x3 85
32 034 Kalappatti Nehru Nagar Tenable 2x2 11
33 034 Nehru Nagar PalliVeethi Part - I Untenable 2x2 1
34 034 Nehru Nagar PalliVeethi Part - II Tenable 2x2 1
35 034 Veeriampalayam Gandhi Veethi Tenable 2x2 152
36 034 Veeriampalayam Nehru Veethi Tenable 1x2 26
37 035 Kallimedu Tenable 3x2 43
38 035 Stalin Nagar Tenable 2x2 37
39 056 Anna Nagar - Peelamedu Untenable 2x3 59
40 061 Anna Nagar - Ondipudur Untenable 2x3 25
41 061 NoyyalBannari Amman Nagar - Ondipudur Untenable 2x3 30
42 062 CMC Colony - Neelikkonampalayam Tenable 2x2 156
43 064 CMC Colony - Vardharajapuram Tenable 2x3 260
 
44 006 EdaiyarPalayam - Harijan Colony Tenable 2x2 80
45 006 Gandhji Nagar Near -Vivekandha Nagar Part-I Tenable 1x2 28
46 006 Gandhji Nagar Near - Vivekandha Nagar Part-II Untenable 1x2 20
47 006 KamarajNagar - Harijan Colony Tenable 2x2 66
48 007 Mullai Nagar Untenable 2x2 136
49 007 Prabhu Nagar Untenable 2x2 393
50 008 EdaiyarPalayam - Meenakshi Amman KovilVeethi Tenable 2x2 103
51 009 Ambedkar Nagar Untenable 2x2 57
52 009 Ashok Nagar East Untenable 2x2 22
53 009 Ashok Nagar West Untenable 1x2 198
54 009 Driver Colony Untenable 1x2 193
55 009 Kamarajar Nagar Untenable 1x2 109
56 009 Karunanidhi Nagar Untenable 1x2 312
57 009 MariyammanKovilVeethi Tenable 1x2 34
58 009 PN PudurKuttai Untenable 1x2 37
59 010 Gohulam Colony 7thStreet. Pallam Untenable 1x3 60
60 015 Balan Nagar PallaSalai Untenable 3x3 26
61 015 Mullai Nagar PallaSalai Untenable 2x3 30
62 015 New ThillaiNagar - Slum Area Untenable 1x3 45
63 015 ValliammalKoilStreet - Maruthamalai Untenable 1x3 35
64 016 Indira Nagar Untenable 1x3 135
65 017 AjunurHarijan Colony Tenable 2x3 25
66 017 ArunthathiyarVeethi - Veerakeralam Tenable 2x2 50
67 017 Balaji Nagar Pallam Untenable 3x3 55

68 017 VinayagarKovilVeethi - Kalveerampalayam Tenable 2x2 47
69 018 Ajay Mugarji Street Untenable 2x2 47
70 019 KalaingarKarunanidhi Nagar Untenable 1x2 45
71 020 Anna Nagar Sugar Cane Main Road Untenable 1x2 104
72 020 Ex Servicemen Colony Untenable 1x2 34
73 020 MGR Nagar Untenable 1x2 83
74 020 MuthumariammanKoil Street Tenable 2x2 249
75 020 Tank bed line Tenable 2x2 122
76 021 Kamarajapuram Tenable 2x2 639
77 024 MacrikanRoad - R.SPuram Tenable 1x2 90
78 024 SundaramVeethi Tenable 2x3 56
 
79 077 ChokkanpudurSelvapuram E.B. Colony Untenable 2x3 31
80 077 MasaniammanKoilVeethi Untenable 2x3 112
81 077 Jeeva Lane Tenable 2x2 351
82 077 Karupannan Lane-1 Tenable 2x2 57
83 078 DevendirarVeethi North Tenable 2x2 299
84 078 Kempatty Colony Tenable 2x2 388
85 078 PonniVeethi Tenable 2x2 27
86 078 Selvapuram - Perur Main Road Tenable 1x3 16
87 078 SoliyaVellalar Street North Tenable 1x2 67
88 085 ChettiVidhi Main Road Untenable 1x2 90
89 085 KardikoilVeethi Untenable 2x2 66
90 085 KuppannanThottam Untenable 2x3 50
91 085 MGR Nagar - Sundamuthur Road Tenable 1x1 62
92 085 PommanChettiVeethi Untenable 1x3 27
93 085 South of Perur TNSCB Scheme and Road Slum Tenable 1x2 1439
94 085 VaishiayalVeethi Untenable 1x2 26
95 086 North of Perur TNSCB Scheme and Road Slum Tenable 1x2 2171
96 087 Adisakthi Nagar Untenable 2x2 45
97 087 Bharathi Nagar Untenable 3x3 13
98 087 Gandhi Nagar Untenable 2x3 100
99 087 Jeeva Nagar Untenable 3x3 90
100 087 QuiathMillath Street Untenable 3x2 104
101 087 Kurunchi Nagar Untenable 1x3 66
102 087 Palakad Main Road Untenable 1x2 17
103 087 Part of ward 21 Tenable 2x2 245
104 087 Periyasamy Street Untenable 3x2 261
105 087 Satham Nagar Untenable 2x2 100
106 087 Thiruvalluvar Extension Untenable 2x2 227

107 087 ThiruvalluvarNagar - Thirumoorthy Nagar Untenable 2x2 231
108 088 AllagasiThottam Tenable 1x2 96
109 088 Boer Street Tenable 1x2 362
110 088 Dalfactory Street Tenable 1x2 131
111 088 Grosscut - 1 Tenable 2x2 40
112 088 KaliyappaGounder Street Tenable 1x2 49
113 088 Kottamedu Untenable 2x3 33
114 088 Manikara Street Tenable 1x1 43
115 088 Muventhar Nagar Tenable 1x2 120
116 088 Upplithidu Tenable 1x2 34
117 088 Vellaler Street Tenable 1x2 94
118 089 Anna Nagar Tenable 1x2 46
119 089 Harijana Colony 89 Tenable 2x2 116
120 089 Kamarajar Colony Tenable 2x2 51
121 089 NTP_Street Tenable 1x1 257
122 089 PajaniKoilVeethi Tenable 2x2 108
123 089 Periyar Nagar Untenable 3x2 43
124 089 Vaikkalpalayam Tenable 2x2 104
125 091 Nethaji Nagar Tenable 2x2 53
126 091 Parvathi Nagar Tenable 2x2 72
127 091 Sathya Nagar Tenable 1x1 105
128 091 ThottaRayanKoil Line Tenable 1x2 21
129 092 Anna Nagar Tenable 2x2 38
130 092 BatharakaliyAmmanKoilStreet Tenable 1x1 35
131 092 Madurai VeeranKovilVeethi Tenable 2x1 22
132 092 Narasimmapuram Tenable 1x1 170
133 092 Senthazhail Nagar Tenable 2x2 295
134 092 Sugunapuram East Tenable 1x2 310
135 092 Sugunapuram Hills Tenable 1x3 399
136 092 SugunapuramvinayakarKoil Street Tenable 1x2 147
137 092 Vinayakarkoil street Tenable 1x1 127
138 093 BagavathiNagar - Periyar Tenable 2x2 135
139 093 Amman Colony Part - I Tenable 2x2 36
140 093 Amman Colony Part - II Untenable 2x2 12
141 093 Gnanapuram Tenable 2x2 91
142 093 MaduraiveeranStreet - Periyar Tenable 2x2 122
143 093 MarriyammanKoilVeethi Tenable 2x1 260
144 093 Periyar Nagar Tenable 2x2 256
145 093 Sriram Nagar Tenable 1x2 23
146 094 Kurchi Boyer Veethi Tenable 2x1 154
147 094 Machampalayam(Harijan Colony) Tenable 2x1 316

148 094 MariammanKoil Street (Machampalayam Road) Tenable 2x1 347
149 094 UppiliarThittu Untenable 2x2 220
150 095 AnaimeduDharka Line Untenable 3x3 31
151 095 Anaimedu Untenable 3x3 386
152 095 Balusamy Naidu Street Untenable 2x3 206
153 095 BhajanaiKoil Street Tenable 1x2 64
154 095 KurchiGandiji Road Tenable 3x2 480
155 095 Kurchi Silver Jubilee Street Part - I Tenable 3x2
156 095 Kurchi Silver Jubilee Street Part - II Untenable 3x2
157 095 NajundapuramIttery Part - I Untenable 2x2 356
158 095 NajundapuramIttery Part - II Tenable 2x2 695
159 095 PlaniyappaGounderStreet - Pudu Street Tenable 2x2 31
160 095 Podanur Fish Market Untenable 1x2 54
161 095 Polachi Main Road Tenable 2x2 144
162 095 PollachiRoad 1.Anna Nagar West Untenable 2x3 81
163 095 VannaraPettai Tenable 2x2 68
164 096 Kurchi Round Road – KuriappanPalliVeethi Tenable 1x1 252
165 097 Bharathi Nagar Tenable 1x2 21
166 097 Gandhi Nagar Lower - KelPakuthi Untenable 2x3 88
167 097 Gandhi Nagar Middle Untenable 1x3 25
168 097 Gandhi Nagar Upper - MelPakuthi Untenable 2x3 90
169 097 Indira Nagar Untenable 2x2 25
170 097 J.J. Nagar East - KolapadiPakuthi Untenable 2x3 71
171 097 J.J. Nagar West - KolapadiPakuthi Untenable 2x3 334
172 097 KaruppurayanKovilVeethi Untenable 2x1 8
173 097 Pillayarpuram Tenable 1x3 714
174 097 Thirumurugan Nagar Untenable 2x2 8
175 098 Noorpath Colony Tenable 1x1 219
176 098 Panchayath Office Road Part - I Tenable 2x1 30
177 098 Panchayath Office Road Part - II Untenable 2x1 71
178 098 Uthami Nagar Tenable 1x1 168
179 099 SupparyanMuthali Street Tenable 3x2 127
180 100 Carmel Nagar Part - I Tenable 2x3 10
181 100 Carmel Nagar Part - II Untenable 2x3 51
182 100 Echanari - Harijan Colony Tenable 2x2 92
183 100 EchanariPadasalaveethi Tenable 1x2 57
184 100 Echanari Railway Gate Untenable 1x3 27
185 100 J.J. Nagar - Ganesspuram Tenable 2x1 26
186 100 KalluKuli Untenable 1x2 43
187 100 KattuNayakkan Part (Part – I) Tenable 1x2 25
188 100 KattuNayakkan Part (Part –II) Untenable 1x2 11

189 100 Madurai VeeranKoil Street - Metur Tenable 2x2 57
190 100 MuthuMariyammanKovil Street Untenable 1x2 27
191 100 ThannirThottam Untenable 2x3 32
 
192 045 Balusamy Nagar Untenable 2x2 113
193 045 Damu Nagar Tenable 2x2 52
194 045 Kamarajapuram Part - I Tenable 2x2 100
195 045 Kamarajapuram Part - II Untenable 2x2 105
196 045 Kannappa Nagar Tenable 2x1 26
197 045 NarayanaGounder Street Untenable 2x1 28
198 045 Teachers Colony Untenable 2x2 26
199 048 Anna Nagar Untenable 2x2 89
200 048 V.O.C Nagar Untenable 1x2 66
201 048 Ex.Serviceman Colony Untenable 1x3 41
202 049 Chinnaraj Nagar Untenable 1x2 92
203 049 Kallukuzhi Tenable 2x3 252
204 049 Sampath Street Untenable 1x2 26
205 050 7thStreet Bridge Near Slum Untenable 2x2 36
206 050 Hosimin Nagar Untenable 1x2 437
207 051 Sastri Nagar Untenable 1x3 294
208 052 Siddaputhur Part - II Tenable 2x1 158
209 052 Siddaputhur Part - I Tenable 2x2 509
210 053 Dhanalakshmi Nagar Untenable 2x2 254
211 053 KarupakalThottam Untenable 1x2 184
212 070 KulathumeduVaikkal Untenable 2x2 67
213 071 Majeed Colony Untenable 2x3 343
214 082 Ukkadam Untenable 3x3 779
215 072 Kadalakarasanthu Untenable 3x3 42
 
 

 
Out of 215 surveyed slums, 99 slums are found to be located in objectionable zone. This
constitutes 10586 of the households. Around 32.02 acres of vacant lands are identified by TNSCB,
Coimbatore for the resettlement of the untenable slums. Currently Tamil Nadu slum clearance board is
constructing 13440 tenements for the slum dwellers under JNNURM scheme. These tenements will be

sufficient to accommodate untenable slums. Densification of low density slums will also help in creation of
land vacated by resettled slums. Option of relocation depends upon the availability of land and number of
slum dwellers. Residential density and FSI to analyse whether the slum would be able to take additional
population that may be shifted in case of necessary resettlement of nearby untenable slums/ high density
slums. As per the Guideline, around 100 housing units can be built in one acre land. Hence the
requirement of the land for the curative measures is around 10 acres. The remaining land may be used for
the preventive measure at Coimbatore region. The Resettlement phasing for un tenable slums and
Improvement of the infrastructure and livelihood have been indicated.

 
Only 99 slums are falling under the unstable land tenure thereby indicating that the remaining 116 slums
have mostly patta.

 

Livelihood status is mainly depending upon the educational status of the slum dwellers. Education is not a
problem especially in Coimbatore Corporation. The no. of educational institutions are quite high. However,
only the supply of educational facility does not ensure the education of the children in the slum area. From
the socio economic survey, it has been observed that the population of uneducated people in slum is
varying from 20% to 30%. Only 10% of slum dwellers are having diploma and higher qualification. Due to
the vulnerable and week socio-economic status, school dropouts are more in Coimbatore slums. 40% of
households in slum area of Coimbatore city are getting income of less than Rs. 5000 which is inadequate to
fulfill their day to day requirements.


From the results of the deficiency matrix, the following facts have emerged which play a key role in
formulating the strategies of slum development, in other words, the curative strategies for enhancing the
slum living environment:
Improvement of livelihood of the slum dwellers.
Infrastructure development.

The above two development strategies are playing the vital role to improve the status of living condition of
slum dwellers to meet the basic amenities without any vulnerability.

To improve the livelihood of the slum dwellers, the data from the socio economic survey at Coimbatore city,
further helped to evolve different schemes that would be needed to improve their livelihood income,
living environment, and their education. Based on the discussion with the slum community, the following
three schemes have been evolved and proposed for implementation.

Community development Training Institute

Employment Web portal
Community welfare schemes.

Further, the infrastructure development was analysed with the following parameters like
Development of infrastructure without housing like roads, street light, sewerage, storm water
drainage and Toilet facility.
Development options of in situ development of housing
Remodelling of housing units, and

The parameters in the livelihood improvement and infrastructure development, improvement are
represented with different schemes in curative measures for the formulation of slum development.

The proposed Community Development Training Institute (CDTI) is an Institute under the Tamilnadu Slum
Clearance Board, for the purpose of development of slum community through proper training on skills
required to make them self sufficient to live a moderate life. Thus, major activities envisaged of CDTI are
listed below:

Poverty Alleviation (Supporting communities in savings, credits and loans and community
development plan, etc.)
Community Welfare Assistance in setting up of Community Development Organizations Councils
throughout the State
Promoting Skill Development, Sustainable livelihood and Environmental Management Solving land
and housing disputes in slums to the extent possible.

Citywide slum upgrading the strategies or principles of CDTI are given below:

To play supporting role in community development process in Slums

Slum Dwellers, not CDTI, are the owners and key actors of the process

To coordinate with govt. agencies, NGOs, other civic groups

To promote Skill up gradation, and community based savings

To use finance as a tool for development


Technology has changed the way job seekers search for jobs and employers find appropriate employees.
An employment portal has been developed to empower the slum dwellers to get the appropriate job within
their ward or zone. It also help the employers to identify persons nearby places.

To prepare the Slum Free Action Plan, the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board consults with appropriate
public and private agencies and conducts consultative meetings to obtain inputs from elected people
representatives as well as from progressive citizens. This assures that the document is comprehensive.
This draft Slum Free Action Plan was made available to them for review and comment and a detailed
presentation about the project was given in the consultative meetings.

The following key recommendations based on the detailed socio economic survey and interaction with slum
dwellers in Coimbatore was made to evolve slum free city. It is observed that numbers of slums are
increasing due to the urbanisation process. The slum people must be afforded with improved housing,
amenities and opportunities they need to realise their rights and potential. The following actions must be
taken to

1. Plan out slum improvement strategies with respect to infrastructure in 116slums under RAY in a
phased manner.
2. Improve the livelihood conditions of slum people by properly trained in operation of earth moving
equipments, Motor mechanic, Carpentry, Masonry, Office automation, and Tailoring.
3. Promote development of (a) Community Development Training Institute (b) Affordable Housing (c)
Employment Portal
4. Develop slums with proper approach, local transport, water & electricity, proximity to schools, primary
health centre.

5. Involve different private agencies, NGOs at national/ International level for the supply of housing to the
slum people.

It reveals from the surveyed slum data, out of 29937 households, 16053 HHs need to be intervened at total
cost of Rs.1913.20 crores. Housing is not an obligatory duty of the local body though planning of city is
highly influenced by the housing sector and regulation mechanism. Housing reflects the economy & quality
of life of any urban area. Poor planning mechanism leads to slums & illegal growth. Therefore it is
necessary to form housing strategy for better city and reduce the proliferation of slums, other illegal
developments. For the preventive strategy, based on 2011 census the future house demand has been
arrived. The projected housing demand at the end of 2022 is 8345 households which require cost of Rs.
1010.02 crores. For Coimbatore City total cost is arrived to Rs.2923.22 crores for both preventive and
curative measures.


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