The BJP will hold its second townhall discussion in Uttar Pradesh on June 24th to establish a dialogue with the people. The townhall in eastern UP will be addressed by Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey via video conferencing. BJP state president Swatantra Dev Singh and deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya will address the townhall from the party headquarters in Lucknow. Preparations for the eastern UP townhall are in their final stages. Swatantra Dev Singh and state general secretary (organization) Sunil Bansal are taking inputs from district heads and other key leaders regarding the preparations.
The BJP will hold its second townhall discussion in Uttar Pradesh on June 24th to establish a dialogue with the people. The townhall in eastern UP will be addressed by Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey via video conferencing. BJP state president Swatantra Dev Singh and deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya will address the townhall from the party headquarters in Lucknow. Preparations for the eastern UP townhall are in their final stages. Swatantra Dev Singh and state general secretary (organization) Sunil Bansal are taking inputs from district heads and other key leaders regarding the preparations.
The BJP will hold its second townhall discussion in Uttar Pradesh on June 24th to establish a dialogue with the people. The townhall in eastern UP will be addressed by Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey via video conferencing. BJP state president Swatantra Dev Singh and deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya will address the townhall from the party headquarters in Lucknow. Preparations for the eastern UP townhall are in their final stages. Swatantra Dev Singh and state general secretary (organization) Sunil Bansal are taking inputs from district heads and other key leaders regarding the preparations.
The BJP will hold its second townhall discussion in Uttar Pradesh on June 24th to establish a dialogue with the people. The townhall in eastern UP will be addressed by Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey via video conferencing. BJP state president Swatantra Dev Singh and deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya will address the townhall from the party headquarters in Lucknow. Preparations for the eastern UP townhall are in their final stages. Swatantra Dev Singh and state general secretary (organization) Sunil Bansal are taking inputs from district heads and other key leaders regarding the preparations.