Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying: Effects and Prevention Measures
Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying: Effects and Prevention Measures
Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying: Effects and Prevention Measures
to know how severely such acts impact the victim. People who spend a lot of time on the
Sometimes the victims get so depressed that they Internet
might consider committing suicide or taking revenge People who’ve attempted to break up with
on the attacker in the cruelest means possible. The someone or divorce them
victim might lose his/her own mental stability. So, Employers (by fired ex-employees)
there is high need of incorporating a system which People who know or have been introduced
detects online harassment like cyberstalking and to or who have worked with mentally ill
cyberstalking. With the presence of such systems individuals (who often form unhealthy or
these issues can be highly reduced. abnormal obsessions or liking for someone
Seven Types of Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking are While most cases are considered to be
briefed below cyberbullying, some teens argue that most events are
simply drama. Percentage of where the teens are
1. Trolling and Flaming: This category includes being Cyberbulled is shoen in figure 1. For example,
posting mean spirited, rude or angry messages Danah Boyd writes, “teens regularly used that word
2. Excluding: For malicious reasons leaving [drama] to describe various forms of interpersonal
someone out of an online group. conflict that ranged from insignificant joking around
3. Masquerading: Creating media profiles in to serious jealousy-driven relational aggression.
Facebook, Twitter or other social networking sites as Whereas adults might have labeled many of these
someone else in order to damage the reputation of practices as bullying, teens saw them as
the victim. drama. Drama among teens has existed for years but
4. Mobbing: A group of people forming a gang now that it is easier to share information through
and sending hundreds of text messages to the social media, it seems that simple drama gets out of
victim’s system. This is similar to the Denial of control”[5].
Service problem.
5. Denigrating: Posting or sending some cruel
and embarrassing material like personal text, photos,
etc. about the individual to others and demeaning the
person in other’s view.
6. Outing: With the intent of embarrassing or
harming a person, posting or sending out private
information about someone without that person’s
7. Harassing: Repeatedly sending unwanted
messages to another person.
Cyber stalking can touch anyone, including adults.
Children, however, are popular victims. Other people
who might be victims of cyberstalking include:
Handicapped persons Fig. 1: Percentage of the teens being Cyberbulled
The elderly
Stalker (Bob) and a Monitor see Figure 2. Bob and the focus of research in these disciplines. What
Alice are linked by a communication channel which characterizes all three problems is their adversarial
can be accessed by the Monitor. The goal of Bob is nature. In the Cyberstalker's problem the Stalker is
to harass Alice while the goal of the Monitor is to the adversary and the other two collaborate to detect
record any such activity. In the traditional and record any harassment.
cryptographic terminology, Bob wants to establish a
(virtual) harassment channel, while the Monitor
wants to track it and record its content.
replace the agent by a closed-circuit television storage device (see Figure 7). The storage device has
camera and a recorder to monitor the sessions see two modules.
Figure 5. Although both these solutions provide
evidence of stalking, they offer only a weak binding
of the stalker to the session. To strengthen the link,
evidence from the actual TCP/IP packets received
could be helpful.
not alter them in any way. Keep electronic [5].Machine Learning Solutions for controlling
copies, not just print-outs. Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking by Zinnar Ghasem, Ingo
3. Save any information that suggests a violent Frommholz, Carsten Maple, University of Bedfordshire.
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4. If the harassment continues, contact the
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harasser's Internet service provider[32]. The Department of Computer Science, Mewar University,
ISPs prohibit using their service for abusive Chittorgarh, India Dr. Ekata, Associate Professor, Deptt.
purposes. An ISP can often intervene by of Applied Science, Krishna Institute of Technology,
directly contacting the stalker or closing his Ghaziabad, India
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5. Keep a record of your contacts with ISP mid-atlantic university.
officials or law enforcement officials.
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7. If the target is afraid to act, find help [9].A.M.Chandrashekhar and K. Raghuveer , “Intrusion
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4. Conclusion CFP1308R-ART, ISBN Number: 978-1-4673-2907-1.
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can mentally and physically affect the victim and Effective Technique for Intrusion Detection using Neuro-
there can be dangerous consequences to such Fuzzy and Radial SVM Classifier”, The Fourth
harassment. These online harassments are felonies if International Conference on Networks &
they involve a “credible threat”. If the victim is in Communications (NetCom-2012), 22~24, Dec-
fear for his/her own safety or the safety of his/her 2012.
family members then it is called a credible threat. [11].Tracking cyberstalkers: a cryptographic approach by
The threat is made with the obvious intention to Mike Burmester, Peter Henry, Leo S. Kermes, Department
perform the threat and cause harm. It does not matter of Computer Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee
whether the person who made the threat actually
[12].A.M.Chandrashekhar and K. Raghuveer,
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significant problem for schools and society in Using Corrected KDD Cup Dataset”, IEEE International
general. Therefore this paper outlines the nature and Conference on Communication and Signal Processing
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today's society and provides solutions to put a brake [13].A.M.Chandrashekhar and K.Raghuveer, “Hard
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