Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying: Effects and Prevention Measures

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016

ISSN : 2454-1362 ,

Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying: Effects

and prevention measures
A. M. Chandrashekhar1 , Muktha G S2 & Anjana D K3
Assistant. Professor, Dept of computer science and Engineering, Sri Jayachamarajendra
College of Engineering, Mysuru, India.
MTech Student, Computer Engineering, Dept of computer science and Engineering, Sri
Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysuru, India.

Abstract 1.1 Legal definition

Cyberbullying is specified in legal dictionary as
With the advancement in technology, online “activity that uses information and communication
harassment is also becoming more prevalent. technologies to support deliberate, continuous, and
Cyberstalking and cyberbullying are two such social aggressive conduct by an individual or a group of
problems where a user is deliberately and people, that is intended to harm someone, physically
persistently abused online. These issues have created or emotionally”[1].
new challenges for the detection, and prevention of
such phenomenon as it is inadequate to just use the The practice of cyberbullying or cyberstalking is
traditional methods such as identification by not limited to kids or adolescents, the practice is
witnesses and enforcing restraining orders. The recognized by the same meaning when it is done by
cyber stalkers and cyberbullies disguise themselves adults also. The contrast in age groups refers to this
using the Internet without the fear of any online abuse as cyber stalking when committed by
consequence and target victims. adults towards adults. Common strategy used by
In this paper we examine the nature and cyberstalkers or cyberbullies are accomplished in
extent of cyberstalking and cyberbullying and their public platforms, social networking sites or online
impact on the victim’s mindset. This study can help data sites and are intended to intimidate a target's
in figuring out some means for preventing such salary, reputation, privacy, security or employment.
online abuse. Conduct may involve persuading others to pester the
target and trying to influence a victim's online
1. Introduction interaction. Cyberstalkers usually try to hurt the
stature of their victim.
Cybersecurity is a major issue for business
organizations and individuals alike. The Internet has Motivation to perform cyber harassment [2]
increasingly become a platform for online predators, comes from due to different reasons. These reasons
wherein one party in a relationship seeks to control, can range from harasser seeking entertainment to
ill-treat, exploit, or hurt the other party by boredom to personal vendettas, and also include:
harassment. Cyberstalking is the convergence of
stalking and cyberspace wherein over a period of • Revenge
time the stalker gains access and control to a victim. • Fear
Cyberbullying is the repeated, intentional and often • Jealousy
anonymous act done to hurt another person through • Anger
text messages from a cell phone, e-mail, social • Righteousness
networking web sites, chat rooms, and instantaneous • Bigotry
messaging. It can be committed by a single person or • To get the attention of the target or others
a gang of people. Anyone can become a target of
cyberstalking. Cyberbullying usually refers to kids or Sometimes the cyber harasser has no motive at
adolescents being the victims or targets—more all, and the victim was targeted just because they
specifically students of public or private schools are were in the wrong place at the wrong time. It
the victims. When cyberbullying includes observing becomes a cybercrime of convenience.
someone furtively, following and targeting people’s
online activities, it is called as cyberstalking. Along with trying to figure out the motives behind
these online harassment problems, it also necessary

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 ,

to know how severely such acts impact the victim.  People who spend a lot of time on the
Sometimes the victims get so depressed that they Internet
might consider committing suicide or taking revenge  People who’ve attempted to break up with
on the attacker in the cruelest means possible. The someone or divorce them
victim might lose his/her own mental stability. So,  Employers (by fired ex-employees)
there is high need of incorporating a system which  People who know or have been introduced
detects online harassment like cyberstalking and to or who have worked with mentally ill
cyberstalking. With the presence of such systems individuals (who often form unhealthy or
these issues can be highly reduced. abnormal obsessions or liking for someone

2. Literature Survey 2.2 Areas of victimization:

Handbooks to guide the public, professors and The recent use of cell phone apps and increase in
parents conclude, "Cyberbullying is being brutal to use of smartphones have made cyberbullying more
others by dispatching or posting hurtful posts using accessible. It is regarded that cyberbullying through
a mobile phone or the internet." Investigation, these platforms will affect the victim to a greater
legislation and schooling in the field are under extent than the usual more stationary internet
process. Basic definitions and general rules to help platforms. Along with this, the amalgamation of
identify and manage what is regarded as abuse of e- Internet access and cameras and the instant
media and electronic intercommunications have been availability of these new generation smartphone
identified. Cyberbullying involves iterated intrusion technologies have led to a different type of bullying
with the intention to hurt the victim. that was not present earlier. People who are bullied
through online means experience a broader range of
2.1 Types of Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking bullying than those encountered elsewhere[3][4].

Seven Types of Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking are While most cases are considered to be
briefed below cyberbullying, some teens argue that most events are
simply drama. Percentage of where the teens are
1. Trolling and Flaming: This category includes being Cyberbulled is shoen in figure 1. For example,
posting mean spirited, rude or angry messages Danah Boyd writes, “teens regularly used that word
2. Excluding: For malicious reasons leaving [drama] to describe various forms of interpersonal
someone out of an online group. conflict that ranged from insignificant joking around
3. Masquerading: Creating media profiles in to serious jealousy-driven relational aggression.
Facebook, Twitter or other social networking sites as Whereas adults might have labeled many of these
someone else in order to damage the reputation of practices as bullying, teens saw them as
the victim. drama. Drama among teens has existed for years but
4. Mobbing: A group of people forming a gang now that it is easier to share information through
and sending hundreds of text messages to the social media, it seems that simple drama gets out of
victim’s system. This is similar to the Denial of control”[5].
Service problem.
5. Denigrating: Posting or sending some cruel
and embarrassing material like personal text, photos,
etc. about the individual to others and demeaning the
person in other’s view.
6. Outing: With the intent of embarrassing or
harming a person, posting or sending out private
information about someone without that person’s
7. Harassing: Repeatedly sending unwanted
messages to another person.
Cyber stalking can touch anyone, including adults.
Children, however, are popular victims. Other people
who might be victims of cyberstalking include:
 Handicapped persons Fig. 1: Percentage of the teens being Cyberbulled
 The elderly

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 ,

2.3 In social media language. Keza MacDonald writes in The

Cyberbullying can take place on social media sites Guardian that sexism exists in gaming culture, but is
such as Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. "By 2008, not mainstream within it.
93% of young people between the ages of 12 and 17
A study from National Sun Yat-sen University
were online. In fact, youth spend more time with
observed that children who enjoyed violent video
media than any single other activity besides
games were significantly more likely to both
sleeping. There are many risks attached to social
experience and perpetrate cyberbullying.
media sites, and cyberbullying is one of the larger
risks. One million children were harassed, threatened
2.6 In search engines
or subjected to other forms of cyberbullying on
Facebook during the past year, while 90 percent of Information cascades happen when users start
social-media-using teens who have witnessed online passing on information they assume to be true, but
cruelty say they have ignored mean behavior on cannot know to be true, based on information on
social media, and 35 percent have done this what other users are doing. Information cascades can
frequently. 95 percent of social-media-using teens be accelerated by search engines' ranking
who have witnessed cruel behavior on social technologies and their tendency to return results
networking sites say they have seen others ignoring relevant to a user's previous interests. This type of
the mean behavior, and 55 percent witness this information spreading is hard to stop. Information
frequently. According to a 2013 Pew Research study, cascades over social media and the Internet may also
eight out of 10 teens who use social media share be harmless, and may contain truthful information.
more information about themselves than they have in
the past. This includes location, images, and contact Cyberstalkers use Google bombs (a term
information. applicable to any search engine) to increase the
eminence of favored posts sorted by the most popular
The most recent case of cyber-bullying and illegal
searches, done by linking to those posts from as
activity on Facebook involved a memorial page for
many other web pages as possible. Google bombs
the young boys who lost their lives to suicide due to
can manipulate the Internet's search engines
anti-gay bullying. The page quickly turned into a
regardless of how authentic the pages are, but there is
virtual grave desecration and platform condoning gay
a way to counteract this type of manipulation as well.
teen suicide and the murdering of homosexuals.
Photos were posted of executed homosexuals,
According to Nelson, a lawyer against internet
desecrated photos of the boys who died and supposed
crimes, “cyber bullying is often very serious,
snuff photos of gays who have been murdered.
including stalking and death threat. I can say
Along with this were thousands of comments
anything I want. It’s impersonal. Face to face is a
encouraging murder sprees against gays,
little intimidating”[7-10] Cyberbullying incidents
encouragement of gay teen suicide, death threats etc.
have been reported all over the world by many new
In addition, the page continually exhibited
stories. Cyberbullying also takes various forms and
pornography to minors. In order to protect children,
electronic communication tools - from email, mobile
it’s important that personal information such as age,
phone, listserve, to websites. Once such example of
birthday, school/church, phone number, etc. be kept
cyberbullying is of a 15 year old boy from Canada
confidential [6].
who became an unwilling celebrity when a film he
made of himself emulating a Star Wars fight scene
Cyberbullying can also take place through the use
was posted on the Internet by some of his classmates.
of websites belonging to certain groups to effectively
Millions of watchers downloaded the two-minute
request the targeting of another individual or group.
clip. He was so humiliated he sought counseling, and
An example of this is the bullying of climate
his family has launched a lawsuit against his
scientists and activists.
tormentors” (Snider & Borel, 2004).
2.5 In gaming
Sexual harassment as a form of cyberbullying is 3. Proposed system
common in video game culture. A study by
the Journal of Experimental Social This section discus the different problems
Psychology suggests that this harassment is due in
3.1 The Cyberstalker's problem:
part to the portrayal of women in video games. This
harassment generally involves slurs directed towards The Cyberstalker's problem[11] is a three party
women, sex role stereotyping, and overaggressive communication game involving a Victim (Alice), the

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 ,

Stalker (Bob) and a Monitor see Figure 2. Bob and the focus of research in these disciplines. What
Alice are linked by a communication channel which characterizes all three problems is their adversarial
can be accessed by the Monitor. The goal of Bob is nature. In the Cyberstalker's problem the Stalker is
to harass Alice while the goal of the Monitor is to the adversary and the other two collaborate to detect
record any such activity. In the traditional and record any harassment.
cryptographic terminology, Bob wants to establish a
(virtual) harassment channel, while the Monitor
wants to track it and record its content.

Figure 4: The man-in-the-middle problem: Alice and Bob

have to establish a private and/or authenticated
communication channel in the presence of Eve.

In the Prisoner's problem, Alice and Bob conspire

Figure 2: The Cyberstalker's problem: The Monitor has to establish a subliminal channel. For this problem,
to capture harassment data exchanged by Alice and Bob. they are the adversary. The Warden's goal is to make
sure that their communication channel is subliminal-
3.2 Prisoner's Problem: free. In the man-in-the-middle problem, Eve is the
adversary. Eve's task is to undermine the privacy
This problem is related to the classical Prisoner's and/or authenticity of the communication between
problem [12-14] in Steganography (Information Alice and Bob. Alice and Bob want to establish a
Hiding) which also involves three parties. In this private and/or authentication channel to secure their
case, Bob is incarcerated, Alice is free and the communication.
Monitor (Wendy) is a Warden see Figure 3. Alice
has hatched out an escape plan and visits Bob with The Cyberstalker's problem focuses on capturing
the intention of passing on details of her plan. Any harassment data rather than direct prevention of
exchange of information must take place in the harassment, while the other two problems focus on
presence of Wendy. To succeed, Alice must hide her prevention. This makes it easier in some respects to
escape plan in what appears to be innocuous deal with cyberstalking at least from a cryptographic
information. If Wendy detects that secret information point of view. The main difficulties are the forensics
is hidden in their communication then the Bob's aspects of (i) the data capturing process and (ii) the
escape will be thwarted. The channel that Alice and verification of the captured data. Security is based on
Bob want to establish is called a subliminal (or the data's evidentiary value.
covert) channel.
3.4 A Cyberstalker Monitor system

Next the secure solutions to these problems are

considered. These will be based on a monitoring
Figure 3: The Prisoners's problem: Wendy has to
system that captures harassment data in such a way
prevent Alice from sending Bob a covert message. that both the capturing process and the data will be
admissible evidence in a criminal court.
3.3 Man-in-the-middle problem:
The Monitor is a tool meant to complement
The man-in-the-middle problem is a similar traditional forensics tools[15-18]. It may not directly
problem that has been extensively studied in identify the stalker, but will allow investigators to
Cryptography. In this case the Monitor is the uncover patterns of behavior, trails to computers that
adversary (Eve) see Figure 4. Eve may be passive the stalker may have used, and other potentially
and simply eavesdrop on the communication relevant forensic data that would have been
between Alice and Bob, and/or active. An active discarded otherwise.
adversary can corrupt messages sent to Bob (or
Alice) by Alice (Bob) or impersonate one party to First approach: a low-tech analog solution
the other.
The last two problems are fundamental to To have a law enforcement agent alongside the
Steganography and Cryptography, and define their victim to monitor cyberstalking sessions is an
respective threat models. Dealing with them has been obvious solution. A more practical solution is to

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 ,

replace the agent by a closed-circuit television storage device (see Figure 7). The storage device has
camera and a recorder to monitor the sessions see two modules.
Figure 5. Although both these solutions provide
evidence of stalking, they offer only a weak binding
of the stalker to the session. To strengthen the link,
evidence from the actual TCP/IP packets received
could be helpful.

Figure 7: The Monitor has a transparent network bridge,

a Recorder and a Validator.

The Recorder captures local host data and network

data. The Validator is a physically secure entity that
stores evidence, integrity data and a cryptographic
key (K). The Monitor operates on the concept of a
session. The session is an integral quantity in this
model. A session is initiated upon the victim's
connection to the network and lasts until the victim
disconnects. During the session, the local host data is
Figure 5: A low-tech solution: harassment data is stored on the Recorder and authenticated using a
captured on a closed-circuit television camera. keyed hash function HMAK with hash function
Second approach: A basic Cyberstalker Monitor
system The hash function produces a digest which is the
evidence integrity data. A symmetric key is used that
A blackbox monitor[19-21] that captures the local is stored in a secured (tamper-resistant) region of the
host data and also the relevant network data is used Validator (and cannot be extracted). A duplicate key
in this approach. (see Figure 6). The local host data is kept in the forensics lab of the law enforcement
includes data on the personal computer of the victim: agency. To validate captured data for use as evidence
the contents of the audio buffer, screen buffer, mouse in court, the data and its integrity validator are
data and keystrokes, so on. Excluding machine extracted and the duplicate key is used to validate the
generated overhead, all the incoming/outgoing data. The cryptographic details of the process of
network packets data are included in relevant validation of the integrity of the evidence data are as
network data. The data is captured and stored in the follows. Let
monitor (most possibly a hard drive) locally.

be the data with case number cn, session number

sn, start timestamps ; , end timestamps ;
, for the local host and Monitor respectively,
and session stream data ; },
formatted in such a way that it can be hashed as a
stream, and let

Figure 6: The Cyberstalker Monitor System captures

be its HMAC digest with hash function SHA-1
and stores local host data and network data.
and key Kcn. The data integrity validator [25] is,
The Monitor contains a transparent network bridge
with connections to the network (Internet) and the
local host (the victim's personal computer) and a

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Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 ,

To validate extracted data, the duplicate key is

used to compute its keyed digest and the result is
compared with the integrity validator for that session.
If the values agree, then the data has not been

Although it might be tempting to send the integrity

validation data (the digest) through the existing Figure 9: The Monitor with a wireless device.
network directly to the forensics lab for secure
storage, this should be avoided because it violates the Additional functionality can be enabled using the
transparency of the bridge. This makes it possible for independent communication channel to make the
the stalker to detect the presence of the Monitor. A system more flexible.Virtual Network
crucial security requirement is the separation of the Computing(VNC) can be used with a high bandwidth
functions of the local host and of the monitor. channel to allow the investigator to remotely monitor
and control the victim's desktop[27-29]. Important
3.5 Securing the Cyberstalking Monitor system information present in session “reports”
(information such as remaining disk space, amount
The symmetric key used in the Cyberstalker of data recorded, etc.) can also be sent to the
Monitor[26] can be replaced with an asymmetric investigator. Snapshots of important events (images
key, e.g., a DSS key. In this case a private key SKcn of text messages) that have been tagged by the victim
is stored in the Validator module and the can also be included in the reports. Finally this
corresponding public key PKcn is stored in the channel can be used to synchronize the clock of the
forensics lab (see Figure 8). This strengthens the Monitor to the clock of the forensics lab. Such
evidentiary value of the captured data and extends enhancements help the investigator to monitor the
the chain-of-custody (secrecy is not needed for the case more closely and then respond in person if
public key PKcn), but does not offer any other required.
significant advantage.
3.6 Responding to Cyberharassment

The Internet cyberstalking law is designed to

prosecute people for using electronic means to
repeatedly threaten, disturb or harass someone

Cyberstalkers can hide their identities when

contacting their victim’s students. Further,
Figure 8: The Monitor with an asymmetric key. cyberharassment can cross over into physical
assaults. Online harassment has led to fights, and in
A significant security advantage is achieved by some cases, stabbings, murder and suicide[30].
separating the duties of the Recorder and Validator. Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying poses unique
For this purpose, an independent communication challenges to officials because:
channel (one that is not associated with the victim in • Police may be hesitant to provide protection
any way) can be used to send the evidence integrity when targets can't identify anonymous
validation (the digest) to the forensics lab, where it is stalkers.
securely logged. For practical purposes we may use
• Assuming online partners will never meet,
wireless communication technology to broadcast
authorities may minimize reports.
securely to a network controlled by the law
• Cyberstalkers can sometimes learn a target's
enforcement agency. Figure 9 illustrates an
true identity, location and routines while the
application which uses wireless technologies.
target can't pinpoint them.
• Cyberstalkers can use cyberspace to
publicly compound a target's distress.
Justice Department recommends advising a target
to take the following steps[31]:
1. Tell the person not to make contact again.
2. Save all communications for evidence. Do

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 ,

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