Senior High School: Learning Module in

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Learning Module
personal Development

Community Curriculum
Extension and Instruction

Research and

Innovations Faculty
Learning Module in Physical Science

About this Module

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Learning Module in Physical Science

Table of Contents

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Learning Module in Physical Science

Name:_______________________________________ Grade Level: _____

(Week No.16-17)
Developing a Career Plan
Learning competency/ies: prepare a career plan based on his/her personal
goal and external factors influencing career choices

This lesson aims to:

a. Identify ways on how to develop a career plan; and

b. prepare a career plan based on his/her personal goal and external factors
influencing career choices.

List the possible ways on how to achieve your career. Those specific ways
should start with C.A.R.E.E.R. Your answers can be a word, a sentence or a


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Learning Module in Physical Science

Directions: Read the questions/statements carefully, and select the best

1. It consists of activities and actions that you take to achieve your

individual career goals.
A. Career B. Career Development C. Career Planning
2. These are expert persons we seek advice from about our career decisions,
options and concerns.
A. Friends B. Family C. Career Advisors
3. A step of the career planning process where you put all the pieces of
information about yourself and your carefully collected career
information together as best as possible to produce a list of career-related
goals and options.
A. Self-Assessment B. Decision Making C. Evaluation
4. A step of the career planning process where they keep track of their
career progress throughout their lifetime.
A. Self-Assessment B. Decision Making C. Evaluation
5. A step of the career planning process which revolves around the
thoughtful consideration, reflection, and evaluation of your interests,
personality characteristics, values, and skills through a variety of
A. Self-Assessment B. Decision Making C. Evaluation

Have you been asked what do you want to be when you grow up? Do you
still remember what your answer is?
This module will help you achieve that dream of yours by discussing
career planning and career development. This will help you hit your target with
the proper ways of planning for your future, or provide you a better view of what
your career should be based on your personality.

Career Development

What is Career Planning?

Career planning consists of activities and actions that you take to achieve
your individual career goals. It is way by which one can achieve goals &
ambitions successfully. It is a difference between success & failure which
always leads to satisfactory results.

Career Planning Process- is simple process of self analyzing, self-

upgrading & self-improvement which leads you towards success. There are five
steps to active career planning:

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Learning Module in Physical Science

 Self-Assessment
 Exploration and Research
 Decision Making
 Taking Action
 Evaluation

Self-Assessment- revolves around the thoughtful consideration,

reflection, and evaluation of your interests, personality characteristics, values,
and skills through a variety of methods, such as the use of a whole host of
career-related tools and instruments.

Exploration and Research - The career planning component consisting of

exploration and research is all about being in information gathering mode. This
is the time to explore, collect, and organize all available resources to eventually
begin analyzing them to see what top options arise.

Decision Making - The decision-making step of the career planning

process is when you put all the pieces of information about yourself and your
carefully collected career information together as best as possible to produce a
list of career-related goals and options.

Taking Action - is one of those things that’s easier said than done. This
stage is about literally being proactive with your career plans and following
through with what you’ve decided on doing.

Evaluation - After you have made your career-related decision(s) and

identified your goals, keep in mind that many of the folks who achieve career
success are the ones who continually evaluate and assess their status. They
keep track of their career progress throughout their lifetime.

Tips for building a Career

 Realize your goals

 Never Stop Learning
 Ask, Listen and Learn
 Fulfill Your Current Job
 Build Your Network
 Prepare Yourself

Importance of Career Planning

Why career planning is important?

Second chances are very rare so we have to capitalize on the opportunity

available to us. “If You Don’t Plan You Don’t Succeed”

We live in a competitive world, which follows the policy of Survival of the

fittest a.k.a ‘The Law of the Jungle’, where those who are weak are crushed by
the mighty. Career Planning is a tool that makes a person Competitive.

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Learning Module in Physical Science

If an individual conducts a research, this results to an increased

awareness in the field of interest. If he/she strives day and night to achieve his
vision, there will be more Chances of becoming a dignified and a respected
professional, less chances of becoming the ‘Rotten Tomato’

Sources of Career Planning

Often students seek out knowledge for Career Planning from various
channels. Some of these channels are:

 Family & Friends (guidance from Family elders, cousins & good friends)
 Changing Market Trends (observation)
 Professional Counseling (Teachers, Professors & other various
 Mass Media (Talk Shows, Radio, etc)
 Following in the Shoes of Role Models (Influence)

Making a Career Plan

A career plan lists short- and long-term career goals and the actions you can
take to achieve them. Career plans can help you make decisions about what
classes to take, and identify the extracurricular activities, research, and
internships that will make you a strong job candidate.

Below are some helpful steps to guide you in creating a career plan
customized to your interests and ambitions. Still have questions? We are here to
help -- set up an appointment with a Career Advisor to get started or review
your plan.

8 Steps to an Effective Career Plan

Identify Your Career Options. Develop a refined list of career options by

examining your interests, skills, and values through self-assessment. Narrow
your career options by reviewing career information, researching companies,
and talking to professionals in the field. You can further narrow your list when
you take part in experiences such as shadowing, volunteering, and internships.
MIT students can log in to access My Plan, an online self-assessment tool
offered through our office, can be a useful starting point.

Prioritize. It's not enough to list options. You have to prioritize. What are your
top skills? What interests you the most? What's most important to you?
Whether it's intellectually challenging work, family-friendly benefits, the right
location or a big paycheck, it helps to know what matters to you -- and what's a
deal-breaker. We provide skills and values assessments -- set up an
appointment with a Career Advisor to take advantage of this service.

Make Comparisons. Compare your most promising career options against your
list of prioritized skills, interests and values.

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Learning Module in Physical Science

Consider Other Factors. You should consider factors beyond personal

preferences. What is the current demand for this field? If the demand is low or
entry is difficult, are you comfortable with risk? What qualifications are required
to enter the field? Will it require additional education or training? How will
selecting this option affect you and others in your life? Gather advice from
friends, colleagues, and family members. Consider potential outcomes and
barriers for each of your final options.

Make a Choice. Choose the career paths that are best for you. How many paths
you choose depends upon your situation and comfort level. If you’re early in
your planning, then identifying multiple options may be best. You may want
several paths to increase the number of potential opportunities. Conversely,
narrowing to one or two options may better focus your job search or graduate
school applications.

Set "SMART" Goals. Now that you’ve identified your career options, develop an
action plan to implement this decision. Identify specific, time-bound goals and
steps to accomplish your plan. Set short-term goals (to be achieved in one year
or less) and long-term goals (to be achieved in one to five years).

 Specific -- Identify your goal clearly and specifically.

 Measureable -- Include clear criteria to determine progress and
 Attainable -- The goal should have a 50 percent or greater chance of
 Relevant -- The goal is important and relevant to you.
 Time bound -- Commit to a specific timeframe.
Create Your Career Action Plan. It’s important to be realistic about
expectations and timelines. Write down specific action steps to take to achieve
your goals and help yourself stay organized. Check them off as you complete
them, but feel free to amend your career action plan as needed. Your goals and
priorities may change, and that's perfectly okay.

Meet with a Career Advisor. Our advisors are here to help you make effective
career decisions. Make an appointment on Handshake to talk about your career
options and concerns.

Career Development Plan Template

Name: Date:


Self-assessment Summary Details:

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Learning Module in Physical Science

Career Motivation:

Skills and Competencies to be developed:

Vison of Future Career Directions:

Short-term(1 year)

Medium Term (2-5 years)

Long- term (5+ years)

Self-Check Activities
My Career Goal
Directions: It is very important to have a “SMART” career goal in making a
career plan. Below are different careers that most students will pursue, make a
“SMART” career plan in each career.





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Learning Module in Physical Science

Key Concepts
 Career is an occupation or a profession, that one undertakes for a long
period of his life time & derives monetary benefit from it
 Career planning consists of activities and actions that you take to achieve
your individual career goals.
 Career Planning Process- is simple process of self analyzing, self-
upgrading & self-improvement which leads you towards success.
 There are five steps to active career planning:
o Self-Assessment
o Exploration and Research
o Decision Making
o Taking Action
o Evaluation
 A career plan lists short- and long-term career goals and the actions you
can take to achieve them.
 8 Steps to an Effective Career Plan
o Identify Your Career Options
o Prioritize.
o Make Comparisons
o Consider Other Factors
o Make a Choice
o Set "SMART" Goals
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Your Career grow with
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o Meet with a Career Advisor
Learning Module in Physical Science

Direction: Write your own Career Plan to obtain your career choice.

Enrichment Activities
Career Plan Reflection (Journal Writing)
Direction: Write a reflection paper on developing your own career plan.

Online resources:

For inquiries, contact us:

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