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PLATFORM Potentials and Challenges

Article · January 2018


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3 authors, including:

Sumardi Sumardi
Universitas Sebelas Maret


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2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549


Potentials and Challenges
Anggri Muhtia1*), Suparno2), Sumardi3)
Universitas Sebelas Maret
*[email protected]

The emphasis of educational instruction has shifted from teaching to learning where the role of
teachers is not knowledge transmitters but the facilitators, knowledge navigators, and co-learners.
Advanced technologies have a place in the shifting of teacher roles, for example the Internet
technology which enables online learning to be held to enhance the teacher roles in facilitating
learning. Online learning integrated into face-to-face learning which is called blended learning is
believed to be more beneficial than online learning or face-to-face learning alone. However,
despite the substantial benefits of blended learning frequently mentioned, teachers are still
reluctant in implementing blended learning in their practices. This literature study reviews several
papers studying the potentials and challenges of blended learning using Schoology as an online
learning platform. The purpose of the study is to find out the potentials and the challenges of
blended learning using Schoology. It is expected that the findings will raise teacher awareness
about the importance of bringing technologies in their practices, encourage teachers to utilize
online learning platforms such as Schoology in blended learning environment, and draw attention
of education practitioners and any relevant parties to participate in addressing the challenges of
blended learning to improve students‟ learning experiences.

Keywords: blended learning, Scholoogy, potentials, challenges

Introduction aspects of education, like transforming the

In the digital era when technologies rapidly field for students, restructuring the educator
develop, people indulge in many roles, developing changes in approaches to
conveniences that the technologies have teaching, and remodeling classrooms.
provided. Communication and interaction Computer and Internet technologies
become easier due to the invention of have introduced a new learning method,
Internet technology and sophisticated namely online learning method, which has
communication devices. These have some flourished since the late of 20th century. It is
effects on various fields including education believed that online learning method can
as well as teaching and learning. Low (2017) answer learning issues that are difficult to be
stated that teaching and learning is addressed by a traditional face-to-face
emphasized on learning rather than on learning method. However, online learning
teaching where the role of teachers will be alone is considered not sufficient because
the facilitators, knowledge navigators, and there are some disadvantages of this kind of
co-learners rather than the knowledge learning method. Epignosis LLC (2014)
transmitters. The shifting of teacher roles stated that it is rather difficult to acquire
could be eased by the advanced practical skills through online learning
technologies, and teachers as well as because such skills require hands-on
education practitioners can enhance their experience. Online learning may also cause
roles in facilitating learning by utilizing the health problems like eyestrain and bad
technologies. Bernard (2017) suggested that posture in addition to a sense of isolation it
new technologies like artificial intelligence can create. Moreover, learners have different
and educational software have changed some styles of learning, different preference of


Anggri Muhtia, Suparno, Sumardi
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

learning strategies, and different response to practices in blended learning environment,

one teaching method. Providing learners while the secondary data were from articles
with more than one learning environment is and books which were used to support the
the best option for gaining good results of topic of this study. The second step was
teaching and learning. It can be carried out classifying the data. The data collected from
through combining two different learning the research papers and articles were related
methods, such as face-to-face learning and to the use of Schoology in language teaching
online learning. Such combination of and learning practices, which focus on its
learning methods is called blended learning. potentials and challenges. After classifying
Some experts have suggested the the data, the next step was analyzing the
concepts of blended learning. Littlejohn and data, and the last step was drawing
Pegler (2007) asserted that the most recent conclusions based on the data analysis.
term „blend‟ has been linked to e-learning so
blended learning is the mixture of e-learning Findings and Discussion
and traditional instructional methods. Bersin The learning methods in blended learning,
(2004) defined blended learning as namely face-to-face learning and online
“traditional instructor-led training learning, both supplement each other. The
supplemented with electronic formats” (p. combination of these learning methods can
xiv). Meanwhile, Garrison and Vaughan potentially enhance the quality of learning.
(2008) defined blended learning as “a design Thorne (2003) stated that blended learning
approach whereby both face-to-face and can provide the right learning at the right
online learning are made better by the time and in the right place for each learner,
presence of the other” (p. 5), and the which make learning more accessible and
combination of offline and online learning personalized. Epignosis LLC (2014) claimed
enables the one to compliment the other. It that “students who complete online
can be inferred that in recent days blended coursework followed by interactive, face-to-
learning is defined as an instructional face class activities have richer educational
approach that combines offline learning experiences” (p. 70). However, Thorne
method with online learning method, and (2003) stated that blended learning requires
each learning method is the supplement to enthusiasm, energy and commitment that
one another for better learning quality. many do not possess. The other challenges
Regarding the aforementioned are the limited information about the proper
consideration that blended learning is the implementation of blended learning,
effective learning method compared to face- insufficient infrastructure to support blended
to-face or online learning method alone, this learning, lack of IT literacy in students and
study aimed at capturing the potentials and teachers, and other impacts like overwork on
challenges of blended learning especially teachers‟ part and cognitive load on
using Schoology as the online learning students‟ part (Winstead, n.d.).
platform. Schoology as a learning management
system (LMS) has been used by various
Methodology institutions in many countries for online
This paper used a literature study as the learning and blended learning. Byrd (2013)
method of collecting data, which involved listed the advantages of Schoology including
several steps. The first step was collecting the easiness of use, the security for student
data related to the topic of the study from safety, and the efficient tools and resources
primary and secondary resources. The for teachers. Catapano (n.d.) mentioned the
primary data were taken from several advantages of Schoology based on its
research papers studying the use of features. There are, however, disadvantages
Schoology in language teaching and learning of Schoology that include the tendency of


Anggri Muhtia, Suparno, Sumardi
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

students to get distracted, the limited account tool, and the implementation of Schoology
that can be opened on one computer at the helped improve students‟ achievements.
same time, and low moderation of student Schoology increased students' motivation
comments and discussions (Byrd, 2013). As and developed students‟ positive attitudes
Schoology is a closed system, any posts toward learning outside classroom, increased
uploaded on Schoology would not be shared interaction between teachers and students,
with people outside Schoology, and students and increased students‟ engagement in
are rather difficult to build their social media learning. Students, however, still
relationships because it is moderated by encountered technical problems like the
teachers (Catapano, n.d.). trouble in submitting answers to quizzes and
Those potentials and challenges the failure in recording the scores.
mentioned by some experts correspond to Çepik, Gönen and Sazak (2016) in
the findings of several studies investigating their study entitled “ELT Instructors’
blended learning to improve student learning Attitudes towards the Use of Blended
experience. Most of the studies discussed in Learning in Tertiary Level English
this paper were carried out to see some Language Programs” also found out that
aspects dealing with writing course. In her blended learning using Schoology as the
article entitled “Enhancing College Students’ online learning platform provided more
Proficiency in Business Writing via opportunities for interaction between
Schoology” Sicat (2015) mentioned that teachers and students, students and their
most students in her study are digital natives peers, as well as students and materials.
who enjoy and grow up with technology and Furthermore, it allowed teachers to create
gadgets, so the use of Schoology has made online practices with automatic marking,
them enjoy the lessons. The use of producing automatic results to the students
Schoology as an LMS increased students‟ and enabling the teachers to track the
self-confidence and responsibility because progress of their students‟. As the learning
they had to monitor the LMS for the management system, schoology provided
materials uploaded. The assigned activities teachers with tools to upload materials in
encouraged the students to think more various formats like text files, audio files,
critically. Nevertheless, a few students were images, videos, and links. Some Challenges
reluctant to use learning management in the use of blended learning include the
systems such as Schoology because of lack of training, inadequate infrastructure,
various problems like poor access to and lack of technological knowledge.
internet, unstable connections, inadequate In the article entitled “Analysis the
computer knowledge and skills, and personal Use of Schoology E-Learning towards
issues such as less motivation and Students’ Learning Motivation Enhancement
responsibility. It is suggested that Schoology in STKIP Surya” Rosalina (2018) claimed
as a learning management system should be that most students got motivated because the
utilized only as the supplement to the use of Schoology was easy, favorable, and
traditional teaching method. challenging at the same time. Although the
In the article entitled “E-learning course in her study was not writing, this
Implementation in Foundation English study showed that Schoology used as the
Class: Learners’ Perspectives and Learning online learning platform in blended learning
Achievement” Low (2017) stated that the use environment increased students‟ motivation.
of Schoology in the class where the study Another paper entitled “Blended Learning
took place was because the class was quite and Teaching Writing: A Teacher Action
large and the chances for students to practice Research Project” written by Camahalan
English were limited. The students perceived and Ruley (2014) revealed that blended
that Schoology was a good language learning learning using Schoology has built students‟


Anggri Muhtia, Suparno, Sumardi
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

enthusiasm in learning and improved the internet, unstable connection, and inadequate
outcomes on writing skill. technological knowledge and skills;
insufficient infrastructure; and lack of
Conclusions training. In several articles, it is emphasized
Blended learning is seen as a new hope for that Schoology should be utilized only as the
quality learning, but despite its potentials it supplement to the traditional teaching
possesses some challenges. The potentials method. Since the potentials of blended
and challenges of blended learning are learning needs to be exploited and depend on
discussed more detailed particularly the several aspects, it requires consistent and
blended learning that uses Schoology as the integrated plans in developing effective
online learning platform. As the learning scenarios of blended learning and in
method the potentials of blended learning implementing the scenarios with proper
include its possibility to make learning more strategies.
accessible and personalized and provide
students with richer educational experiences. References
Meanwhile, the potentials of Schoology Bernard, Z. (2017). Here‟s how technology
alone include the easiness of use, the is shaping the future of education.
security for student safety, and the efficient Retrieved from
tools and resources for teachers. When the http://www.businessinsider.sg/how-
online learning platform used in the blended technology-is-shaping-the-future-of-
learning environment is more specific, that is education-2017-12/?r=US&IR=T
Schoology, the blended learning has many Bersin, J. (2004). The blended learning
potentials: making the lessons enjoyable; book: best practices, proven
increasing students‟ self-confidence and methodologies, and lessons learned. San
responsibility; encouraging students to think Francisco, USA: John Wiley & Sons,
more critically; overcoming issues of the Inc.
class with big size; increasing students' Byrd, A. (2013). Shoology (Review).
motivation; developing students‟ positive Retrieved from
attitudes toward learning outside classroom; http://newtech.coe.uh.edu/tool-
increasing interaction between teachers and name.cfm?toolid=160&toolname=Scho
students, students and their peers, students ology.
and materials; increasing students‟ Camahalan, F. M. G., & Ruley, A. G.
engagement in learning; allowing teachers to (2014). Blended learning and teaching
do administrative tasks more easily; building writing: A teacher action research
students‟ enthusiasm in learning; and project. Journal of Instructional
improving students‟ achievements. Pedagogies, 15, 1-13.
The challenges of blended learning in Catapano, J. (n.d.). Schoology: a learning
general include the lack of enthusiasm, management system overview.
energy and commitment that could possibly Retrieved from
happen, limited information about the proper http://www.teachhub.com/schoology-
implementation of blended learning, learning-management-system-overview
insufficient infrastructure, lack of IT Çepik, Ş., Gönen, K., & Sazak, M. K.
literacy, and other impacts like overwork on (2016). ELT instructors‟ attitudes
teachers‟ part and cognitive load on towards the use of Blended Learning in
students‟ part. These challenges are quite tertiary level English language
similar when Schoology is used as the online programs. International Journal of
learning platform in blended learning, which Human Sciences, 13(1), 1715-1730.
include the students‟ reluctance in using the doi:10.14687/ijhs.v13i1.3719.
online platform due to poor access to


Anggri Muhtia, Suparno, Sumardi
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

Epignosis LLC (2014). E-learning:

concepts, trends, applications. Retrieved
Garrison, D. R., & Vaughan, N. D. (2008).
Blended learning in higher education.
San Francisco: USA: John Wiley &
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Littlejohn, A. & Pegler, C. (2007).
Preparing for Blended e-Learning.
Madison Ave, New York: Routledge.
Low, P. (2017). E-learning implementation
in foundation English class: learners‟
perspectives and learning achievement.
International Journal of Computer
Theory and Engineering, 9(4), 285-289.
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2017.V9.1153.
Rosalina, M. (2018). Analysis the Use of
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Enhancement in STKIP Surya.
Indonesian Journal of Science and
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Sicat, A. S. (2015). Enhancing college
students‟ proficiency in business writing
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Thorne, K. (2003). Blended learning: how to
integrate online and traditional
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Winstead, S. (n.d.). 6 Disadvantages of
blended learning you have to cope with.
Retrieved from


Anggri Muhtia, Suparno, Sumardi

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