Dynamics of Machinery Laboratory
Dynamics of Machinery Laboratory
Dynamics of Machinery Laboratory
1. Determination of influence co-efficient for multi degree freedom suspension system(– Bifilar & Trifilar).
2. Determination of torsional frequencies for compound pendulum and flywheel system with connecting rod.
3. Whirling of shaft - Determination of critical speed of shaft with concentrated loads.
4. Balancing of rotating masses & reciprocating masses.
5. Vibrating system (Spring Mass system) – Determination of damping co-efficient of single degree of
freedom system.
6. Motorised Gyroscope-Verification of laws -Determination of gyroscopic couple.
7. Governors - Determination of sensitivity, effort, etc. for, Hartnell governor.
8. Cam - Study and drawing profile of the cam.
9. Determination of transmissibility ratio - vibrating table.
10. Transverse vibration – Determination of natural frequency and deflection of cantilever beam and Fixed
11. Study on types of Gear Trainsmission
12. Study on types of Dynamometers
List of Experiments Page No.
Experiment No. : 1
Apparatus required: Main frame, Bifilar plate, Weights, Stopwatch, Threads, etc.
Formula used:
Time period, T = t/n
Natural frequency, fn = 1/T Hz
1 b g
Radius of gyration, k =
2π f n L
where, b - distance of string from centre of gravity
L - length of the string
n - number of oscillations
t - time taken for N oscillations
1. Select the bifilar plate.
2. Fix the plate with the nylon string to the hook on the frame.
3. With the help of chuck tighten the string at the top.
4. Adjust the length of string to desired value.
5. Give a small horizontal displacement about vertical axis passing through its center.
6. Start the stop watch and note down the time required for ‘n’ oscillation.
7. Repeat the experiment by adding weights and also by changing the length of the strings.
8. Do the model calculation
Radius of gyration = ……….
Bifilar Suspension
Viva Questions
1. Explain the term Suspension.
2. Why do we need suspension in a system?
3. What do you infer from this experiment?
4. What are the factors affecting the oscillation?
5. Why does the system come to a stop when oscillated?
Apparatus required: Main frame, Chucks 6 mm diameter, Circular plate, Strings, Stop watch, etc.
Formula used :
Time period, T = t/n
Natural frequency, fn = 1/T Hz
1 b g
Radius of gyration, k =
2π f n L
where, b - distance of a string from center of gravity of the plate,
L - Length of string from chuck to plate surface
n - number of oscillations
t - time taken for N oscillations
1. Hang the disc from chucks with 3 strings of equal lengths at equal angular intervals (1200 each).
2. Give the disc a small twist about its polar axis.
3. Measure the time taken for ‘n’ no of oscillations with the help of stop watch.
4. Repeat the experiment by changing the lengths of strings and adding weights.
Tabular column:
Sl. Length Added No. of Time for n Time Radius of Natural
No of string mass oscillation oscillations period gyration frequency
. L (m) m (kg) n t (sec) T (sec) k (m) fn (Hz)
Radius of gyration = ……….
Viva Questions:
1. What is Moment of Inertia?
2. Define Mass and Weight.
3. Define Centre of Gravity.
4. What do you understand by Centre of percussion?
5. Name a few applications of Suspension system.
6. Experiment No. : 2(a)
Aim: To determine the radius of gyration and mass moment of inertia of the given rectangular rod
Apparatus required: Vertical frame, Rectangular rod, Stop watch, Steel rule, etc.
1. Measure the length of the rod using steel rule.
2. Suspend the rod through any one of the holes.
3. Measure the distance from point of suspension to the centre of gravity of the rod.
4. Give a small angular displacement to the rod & note the time taken for 10 oscillations
5. Repeat the step by suspending through different holes.
Formula used:
Time period theoretically, T = t/n sec (n = 10)
Experimental time period T = 2((k2 + L12)/gL1)
where, k = experimental radius of gyration and k = ((gL1T2/42) – L12)
L1 = distance from point of suspension to centre of gravity of rod
L = total length of the rod
Theoretical radius of gyration, kt = L/12 = 0.2866L
Radius of gyration = ……….
Compound Pendulum
Viva Questions:
1. What is Oscillation?
2. Name of a few applications of oscillation.
3. What is a simple harmonic oscillator?
4. What is acceleration dude to gravity?
5. What is radius of gyration?
Aim: To determine the Moment of Inertia by oscillation of flywheel and connecting rod.
1. Measure the centre to centre distance of connecting rod. Also measure inner dia of both side of
connecting rod.
2. Measure the weight of connecting rod and flywheel.
3. Attach small end of connecting rod of shaft.
4. Give oscillation of connecting rod.
5. Measure time taken for 5 oscillations and calculate time period tp1.
6. Remove the connecting rod from the shaft and again attach the big end of the connecting rod of shaft.
7. Again measure time taken for 5 oscillations and calculate time period tp2.
8. Calculate Moment of Inertia of connecting rod.
9. Repeat the procedure and take mean tp.
10. Attach flywheel to other side of shaft and repeat the same procedure as above.
Formula used:
Moment of Inertia is given by,
I = mk2
where, m – Weight of connecting rod
k – Radius of gyration of connecting rod
Radius of gyration is given by,
k2 = h (L - h)
h = (h1 + h2) / 2
h1 + h2 = d1/2 + L + d2/2
L = (L1 + L2) / 2
L1 = g(tp1/2)2 and L2 = g(tp2/2)2
where, L – Centre to centre distance of connecting rod
d1 – Diameter of big end of connecting rod
d2 – Diameter of small end of connecting rod
L1 – Distance of big end from the center of connecting rod
L2 – Distance of small end from the center of connecting rod
tp1 – Periodic time of oscillation at big end
tp2 – Periodic time of oscillation at small end
Experiment No. : 3
Aim: To determine theoretically the critical speed of the given shaft with the given end conditions.
Apparatus required: Disc, Shaft, Motor, Tachometer, Whirling measurement device, etc.
The speed at which the shaft runs so that additional deflection of the shaft from the axis of rotation becomes
infinite is known as critical speed.
Normally the centre of gravity of a loaded shaft will always displace from the axis of rotation although the
amount of displacement may be very small. As a result of this displacement, the centre of gravity is subjected to
a centripetal acceleration as soon as the Shaft begins to rotate. The inertia force acts radially outwards and bend
the shaft. The bending of shaft not only depends upon the value of eccentricity, but also depends upon the speed
at which the shaft rotates.
Formula used:
m1 g d 4
Deflection, considering the weight of the shaft only, δg = 5 ( )
384 EI
m2 g l 3
Deflection, considering the weight of the disc only, δd = 1 ( )
192 EI
where, m1 = mass of the shaft per unit length (consider as uniformly distributed load)
m2 = mass of the disc
d = diameter of the shaft
l = length of the shaft
E = modules of elasticity of the shaft
I = moment of inertia of shaft in m4
Frequency of whirling due to weight of shaft = fns =
Frequency of whirling due to weight of disc = fnd =
√ δd
Resultant frequency of whirling,
1 1 1
= 2+ 2
f n fn g fn d
Natural frequency, fn = K√(EgI/wl4) Hz (Theoretically)
Whirling speed, N= fn x 60 RPM
w = weight/unit length in N/m
l = effective length of the shaft between supports in m
K= constant (2.45)
1. Mount the shaft at fix end and couple with motor.
2. Switch on the motor so as to rotate the shaft and hence disc at a particular speed.
3. As the speed is increased the axis of rotation of the disc will deviate from the shaft axis.
4. The deflection is tabulated at different speeds.
5. Repeat the same procedure with shafts of different diameters.
1. Moment of inertia
2. Weight of solid shaft
3. Natural frequency
4. Critical speed
Thus the critical speed of the given shaft with the given end conditions were determined.
Whirling of Shaft
Viva Questions
1. Define a forced vibration in general terms.
2. Define and use a phasor.
3. What is harmonic distribution force?
4. What is moment of inertia?
Experiment No. : 4(a)
Aim: To balance the given rotor system dynamically with the aid of the force polygon and the couple polygon.
Apparatus required: Motor, Rotor system, Slotted discs (4 nos.), Steel rule, etc.
1. Mount the discs on the rotating shaft as per the given conditions: location, angular position and plane of
2. Select the plane A as reference plane.
3. Find out the balancing masses and angular positions using force polygon, and couple polygon using the
reference plane.
4. Fix the balancing masses (calculated masses) at the respective radii and angular position.
5. Run the system at certain speeds and check that the balancing is done effectively.
6. If the rotor system rotates smoothly, without considerable vibrations, means the system is dynamically
Sl. Planes Mass Radius Centrifugal Distance from Couple
No of mass m (kg) r (m) Force Ref. Plane ω mrl (kg-m2)
1 Plane of the masses
2 Angular position of the masses
3 Force polygon
4 Couple polygon
Result: Thus the given rotor system has been dynamically balanced with the aid of force polygon and couple
Viva Questions
1. What is static balancing?
2. What is dynamic balancing?
3. What is an unbalanced system?
4. How to make a system to be completely in balance?
5. What is axis of rotation?
6. Experiment No. : 4(b)
Aim: To balance the given rotor system dynamically with the aid of the force polygon and the couple polygon.
1. Initially remove all weights, bolt from the system
2. Start the motor, give different speeds. Observe vibration on the system, note down the speed.
3. Repeat it for different speeds, note them down.
4. Add some weights on piston top, either eccentric or co-axial. Start the motor, fix at earlier tested speed.
5. If vibrations are observed, one of the following has to be done to remove the unbalance
- Either remove some of the weights from Piston, run at tested speed and observe.
- Add weights in opposite direction of crank, run and observe vibrations at tested speed.
- Combination of both the above.
Sl. Crank Speed Mass (gms) Angular
No. N (rpm) m1 m2 = (m1 + m2) N velocity,
= 2N/60
Thus the given rotor system was dynamically balanced with the aid of the force polygon and the couple
Experiment No. : 5
Aim: To calculate the undamped natural frequency of a spring mass system
The setup is designed to study the free or forced vibration of a spring mass system either damped or
undamped condition. It consists of a mild steel flat firmly fixed at one end through a trunnion and in the other
end suspended by a helical spring, the trunnion has got its bearings fixed to a side member of the frame and
allows the pivotal motion of the flat and hence the vertical motion of a mass which can be mounted at any
position along the longitudinal axes of the flat. The mass unit is also called the exciter, and its unbalanced mass
can create an excitation force during the study of forced vibration experiment. The experiment consists of two
freely rotating unbalanced discs. The magnitude of the mass of the exciter can be varied by adding extra weight,
which can be screwed at the end of the exciter.
Formula used:
Stiffness, k = load/deflection N/m
Experimental natural frequency, fn(exp) = 1/t Hz
Theoretical natural frequency, fn(the) = 1/2√(g/) Hz
Determination of spring stiffness
1. Fix the top bracket at the side of the scale and Insert one end of the spring on the hook.
2. At the bottom of the spring fix the other plat form
3. Note down the reading corresponding to the plat form
4. Add the weight and observe the change in deflection
5. With this determine spring stiffness
Determination of natural frequency
1. Add the weight and make the spring to oscillate for 10 times
2. Note the corresponding time taken for 10 oscillations and calculate time period
3. From the time period calculate experimental natural frequency
Sl. Weight Deflection Stiffness Time for 10 Time Experimental Theoretical
No added (mm) k (N/m) oscillation period natural frequency, natural frequency
. m (kg) t (sec) T (sec) fn(exp) (Hz) fn(the), Hz
Thus the undamped natural frequency of a spring mass system was calculated.
Experiment No. : 6
Aim: To determine the active and reactive gyroscopic couples and compare them.
Apparatus required: Gyroscope, Tachometer or Stroboscope, Variable voltage transformer, Rotating disc with
a light reflecting sticker for stroboscope speed measurement, etc.
Formula used:
Mass moment of inertia of the disc, I = md2/8
where, m - mass of the disc and d - dia of the disc
Angular velocity of the disc, ω = 2πN/60
where, N - speed of disc in rpm
Angular velocity of precession, ωp = (π/180) x (φ/t)
Reactive gyroscopic couple, Cr = I.ω.ωp
Active gyroscopic couple, Ca = W x L
where, W - weight added = mg and m = mass of the weight added
L - distance between centers of weight to center plane of disc
1. The disc is made to rotate at a constant speed at a specific time using variable voltage transformer. Fix
the rotor at vertical position. Adjust the balance weight and dimmer at zero position.
2. The motor is started at 1 – 20 V.
3. The speed of the (N) disc is measured using a tachometer or a stroboscope.
4. A weight /mass is added on the extending platform attached to the disc. This will cause an active
gyroscopic couple and the whole assembly (rotating disc, rotor and weight platform with weight) is
standing to move in a perpendicular plane to that of plane of rotating of disc. This is called gyroscopic
5. The time taken (t) to traverse a specific angular displacement (φ = 45°) is noted.
6. Repeat the procedure for different weighs and rotor speed.
Sl. Speed of Weight Time taken for Active couple Reactive couple
No disc added 60° precision Ca (N-m) Cr (N-m)
. N (rpm) m (kg) t (sec)
Thus, the active and reactive gyroscopic couples were determined and compared.
Viva Questions
1. Name a few applications of gyroscope.
2. What is the basic principle behind gyroscope
3. How do you make a system to stay in equilibrium along its CG?
4. Discuss the effect of gyroscopic couple on a two wheeled vehicle when taking a turn.
5. Explain the application of gyroscopic principles to aircrafts.
6. Experiment No. : 7
Aim: To find the stiffness, sensitivity and effort of the spring using Hartnell governor.
Hartnell governor is a centrifugal type spring controlled governor where the pivot of the ball crank lever
is carried by the moving sleeve. The spring is compressed between the sleeve and the cap is fixed to the end of
the governor shaft. The ball crank is mounted with its bell and the vertical arm pressing against the cap.
Formula used:
Fc1 = m ω12r1 (N) and Fc2 = m ω22r2 (N)
ω1 = 2N1/60 rad/s and ω2 = 2N2/60 rad/s
S1 = 2Fc1 (X/Y) N and S2 = 2Fc2 (X/Y) N
r2 = r - R(X/Y) (mm)
Sensitivity = (maximum speed-minimum speed)/mean speed = (N1-N2)/N
Effort = (spring force at maximum speed - spring force at minimum speed)/2
Spring stiffness = (S1-S2)/R N/mm
where, m= mass of the ball (m = 0.18 kg)
ω1 & ω2 = angular speed of governor at maximum radius and minimum radius respectively in
r1 & r2 =maximum and minimum radius of rotation
Fc1 & Fc2 =centrifugal forces at ω1 and ω2 in N
X = length of the vertical ball arm of lever in m
Y = length of the horizontal ball arm of lever in m
S1 & S2 = spring forces at ω1 & ω2 in N
1. Keep the speed regulation in zero position before starting the motor.
2. Increase the regulated output gradually till the motor takes the critical speed and immediately control the
speed of the governor
3. Maintain the speed for each and every graduation as required to take the direct reading
Thus the stiffness, sensitivity and effort of the spring using various governors were found.
Viva Questions:
1. What is the function of a governor? How does it differ from that of a flywheel?
2. What is the stability of a governer?
3. What is hunt?
4. The power of a governer is equal to ----------
5. Which of the governer is used to drive a gramophone?
6. Define the sensitiveness of a governer.
7. Explain the term height of the governor. What are the limitations of a Watt Governor?
8. State the different types of governors. What is the difference between centrifugal and inertia type
Experiment No. : 8
Aim: To study the profile of given cam using cam analysis system and to draw the displacement diagram for
the follower and the cam profile.
A cam is a machine element such as a cylinder or any other solid with a surface of contact so designed as to
give a predetermined motion to another element called the follower. A cam is a rotating body importing
oscillating motor to the follower. All cam mechanisms are composed of at least there links viz: 1.Cam, 2.
Follower and 3. Frame which guides follower and cam.
Specification :
Diameter of base circle =150mm, Lift = 18mm, Diameter of cam shaft = 25mm
Diameter of follower shaft = 20 mm, Diameter of roller = 32mm, Dwell period = 180
Type of follower motion = SHM (during ascent & descent)
Cam profile:
Cam analysis system consists of cam roller follower, pull rod and guide of pull rod.
1. Set the cam at 0° and note down the projected length of the pull rod
2. Rotate the can through 10° and note down the projected length of the pull rod above the guide
3. Calculate the lift by subtracting each reading with the initial reading.
1. The cam is run at gradually increasing speeds, and the speed at which the follower jumps off is
2. This jump-speed is observed for different loads on the follower.
1.Cam profile
Sl. Angle of Lift Lift + base circle radius
No. rotation (mm) (mm)
2. Jump-speed
Sl. No. Load on the Follower, Jump-speed
F (N) (RPM)
Graph: Plot the displacement diagram and cam profile is also drawn using a polar graph chart. The Force Vs
Jump-speed curve is drawn.
Thus the profile of given cam using cam analysis system was studied.
Circular Arc Cam & Follower
Viva Questions
1. What is a track follower?
2. What is dynamic bearing capacity?
3. What is yoke in this sytem?
4. Define dwell region
5. Define ststic load capacity.
Experiment No. : 9
Aim: To determine transmissibility of forced vibrations and to analyze all types of vibrations with its frequency
and amplitude.
1. Attach the vibrating recorder at suitable position with the pen hidden slightly pressing the paper.
2. Attach the damp unit to the stud.
3. Start the motor and set required speed and start the recorder motor.
4. Now vibrations are recorded to the vibration recorder.
5. At the resonance speed, the amplitude of the vibration may be recorded as merged over one another.
6. Hold the system and max speed little more than the reasonable speed.
7. Analyse the recorder frequency and amplitude for both damped and undamped forced vibrations.
Formula used:
Transmissibility = FTR / F
= max force on bars / max impressed force
FTR = S x Xmax
where, S - Stiffness of spring = 180 N/m
Xmax - amplitude of vibration
F = mr
where, m - Mass of beam = 7.2 kg
- motor speed
Thus the transmissibility of forced vibrations was determined.
Viva Questions
1. What is law of Transmissibility?
2. What are the different types of vibrations
3. What is Stiffness?
4. Define Stiffness and Toughness.
5. What is the use of the absorber in the system?
Strain gauge is bound on the beam in the form of a bridge. One end of the beam is fixed and the other end is
hanging free for keeping the weights to find the natural frequency while applying the load on the beam. This
displacement causes strain gauge bridge to give the output in mill-volts. Reading of the digital indicator will be
in mm.
Formula used:
Natural frequency = 1/2(g/) Hz
where, = deflection
Theoretical deflection = Wl3/3EI
where, W = applied load in N
L = length of the beam in mm
E = young’s modules of material in N/mm2
I = moment of inertia in mm4 = bh3/12
Experimental stiffness = W/ N-mm
Theoretical stiffness = W/ =3EI/l3 N/mm
1. Connect the sensors to instrument using connection cable.
2. Plug the main cord to 230v/ 50hz supply
3. Switch on the instrument
4. Keep the switch in the read position & turn the potentiometer till displays reads “0”
5. Keep the switch at cal position and turn the potentiometer till display reads 5
6. Keep the switch again in read position and ensure at the display shows “0”
7. Apply the load gradually in grams
8. Read the deflection in mm
Cantilever beam dimensions: Length = 30cm,
Breadth = 6.5cm
Height = 0.4cm
Sl. Applied Deflection Theoretical Experimental Theoretical Natural
No. mass (mm) deflection stiffness stiffness frequency
m (kg) T (mm) k (N/mm) k (N/mm) fn (Hz)
Thus the natural frequency of transverse vibration of the cantilever beam was determined.
Viva Questions
1. What are the other types of beams?
2. What is natural frequency?
3. What is the differential eqn of motion for a transverse beam?
4. What are the types of loads?
5. Name a few methods of determining a force acting upon a body.
Experiment No. : 10(b)
Aim: To study the transverse vibrations of a simply supported beam subjected to central or offset concentrated
load or uniformly distributed load.
Apparatus Required: Truss bearings, Fixed beam, Weights, Stop watch, etc.
1. Fix the beam into the slots of truss bearings and tighten.
2. Apply the concentrated load centrally or offset, or uniformly distributed.
3. Allow the beam to vibrate.
4. Note the time taken for 10 oscillations, and calculate the time period and hence natural frequency.
5. Compare the experimental frequency with theoretical frequency.
6. Repeat the procedure for different loads.
Formula used:
Time period of oscillation, T = t/10
Natural frequency found by experiment, fexp = 1/T Hz
where, t = time taken for 10 oscillations
For concentrated load,
Defection at the center, T = concentrated load.
Defection at the load point, T = Wx2y2/3EIl for offset concentrated load.
where, W = load applied on the beam in N = Mg
M = mass of the load in kg
I = moment of area = bd3/12
b = width of the beam
d = depth of the beam
l = length of the beam
For uniformly distributed load,
Defection at the center, T = 5wl4/384EI for uniformly distributed load.
where, w = load per unit length in N/m = mg
m = mass of the load in kg/m
Natural frequency of transverse vibrations, fn = 1/2(g/) Hz
Tabular column:
Sl. Mass Theoretical Theoretical Time taken for Experimental
No. added deflection natural freq. 10 oscillations natural freq.
m (kg) T (m) fn (Hz) t (sec) fexp (Hz)
Diagrams: Simply Supported beam with the given load and parameter.
(c) Unifromly distributed load
Thus the transverse vibrations of a simply supported beam subjected to central or offset concentrated load or
uniformly distributed load was observed.
Viva Questions
1. Define truss
2. How to you determine the natural frequency of a fixed beam?
3. Define stiffness of a beam.
4. Compare and contrast mass, specific mass and effective mass
5. How do you represent stiffness and give its formula for fixed beam?
6. Experiment No. : 11
A gear train is formed by mounting gears on a frame so that the teeth of the gears engage. Gear teeth are
designed to ensure the pitch circles of engaging gears roll on each other without slipping, this provides a smooth
transmission of rotation from one gear to the next.
The transmission of rotation between contacting toothed wheels can be traced back to the Antikythera
mechanism of Greece and the South Pointing Chariot of China. Illustrations by the renaissance scientist
Georgius Agricola show gear trains with cylindrical teeth. The implementation of the involute tooth yielded a
standard gear design that provides a constant speed ratio.
Some important features of gears and gear trains are:
The ratio of the pitch circles of mating gears defines the speed ratio and the mechanical advantage of the
gear set.
A planetary gear train provides high gear reduction in a compact package.
It is possible to design gear teeth for gears that are non-circular, yet still transmit torque smoothly.
The speed ratios of chain and belt drives are computed in the same way as gear ratios. See bicycle
A gear train is called a simple gear train, if the axes of the gears are connected by revolute joints to the
fixed link. The geometric representation of a gear train with one gear pair is shown below. In the figure the solid
model of the gear train (and its simulation) is also shown. The circles drawn as centerline is the known as the
pitch circle of the gear. The linear velocity of the point of contact P, is the point where the relative velocity
between the two links is zero (there is pure rolling and no sliding between the toothed surfaces). The gear ratio
R23 is defined as:
Where n1j is the angular speed of link j with respect to the fixed link 1 expressed in rpm. Velocity of point P is:
Where dj and rj are the diameters and radii of the pitch circles of the gears.
From the law of gearing for the gears to be in mesh, the diametral pitch, which is the ratio of the number of
teeth over the pitch diameter must be the same for two mating gears: e.g.:
Where Tj is the number of teeth on gear j. In European countries rather than the diametral pitch, Module, m ,
which is the ratio of the pitch circumference to the number of tooth (pd j/Tj), is used. Unit for diametral pitch is
in 1/inch and the unit for module is mm.
We define that the gear ratio as positive when the two gears in mesh are rotating in the same direction and
negative if they are rotating in the opposite direction. As seen in the figure above, if P is in between the fixed
centres, the gear ratio will be negative and such gear pairing we shall call “external mesh”. If the pairing is as
shown below., The point of contact is outside the fixed centres and the gear ratio is positive. Such gear pairing
will be called “internal mesh” .
A simple gear trains the axes of each gear was connected to the fixed link by revolute joints. A gear train
is called a planetary gear train if there are some gears whose axes are not fixed. The velocity ratio between the
rotating links will be different than the gear ratio. They can produce large changes in speed using very few
gears. They are used in differentials, computing devices, in automatic car transmission and in a variety of
instruments where a high speed ratio between the input and output is required within a small space (i.e. in heavy
duty tractors, hoists, screw drives etc) and/or when a speed change without disengagement of the input and
output (i.e. automatic gear boxes) is required.
The simplest form of a planetary gear is as shown. The arm (link k ) can rotate about A0. Link j (which
is called sun gear, if external or ring gear, if internal) is also connected to the fixed link by a revolute joint at
Ao. Link i, which is called the planet gear, is connected to the arm at A by a revolute joint, and links i and j are
gear paired. (In the schematic representation of planetary gear trains side view is usually preferred.)
Planetary gear trains are also called "Epicyclic Gear Train" from the fact that a point on the planet will describe
an algebraic curve which is an epicycloid or hypocycloid. This curve can be represented in parametric form as:
x = a1cosq +a2cosRq
y = a1 sinq +a2sinRq
Where q is the variable parameter (usually the angle of rotation of the arm) a1, a2 and R are constants (R is a
function of the gear ratio, a1 and a2 are the link lengths of the arm and the position of the point relative to the
moving pivot of the planet respectively). Very interesting curves (epi- or hypocycloid curves) can be obtained.
An example is given in below. One field of application of such motion is in mixers where the pedal or blade is
moved on a cycloidal path..
For large force transmission, there is usually more than one planet located symmetrically around the sun gear as
shown in Fig. 6.13. Accurate clearance is required for the operation of such a gear train. The planetary gear
train thus formed is over closed and thus there must be special dimensional requirements (such that all the
planets being equal). In the kinematic analysis of planetary gear trains, one must consider only one planet..
If the motion is to be transmitted between non-parallel shafts, bevel gears are often used. Bevel gears in
kinematic terms are equivalent to the rolling of two cones without slippage. They can be used in simple,
compound or in planetary gear trains. Their kinematic analysis is exactly similar to the cylindrical gears
discussed in the previous sections, however the direction of rotation of the gears does not follow the rules given
for the cylindrical gears.
Figure shows two bevel gears in contact, the angle between the axes of the gears being q. It follows that:
The direction of rotation must be determined by noting that the velocity of the two cones at the point of contact
(P) will be the same. If link 2 is rotating CW when viewed from point O, link 3 will rotate CCW when viewed
from point O. A convenient form of determining the direction of rotation of the gears is to consider an arrow
representing the direction of rotation for each gear. If the arrow is piercing into the paper, one will see the end
of the arrow which will look like a " +" sign. If it is piercing out of the paper, its tip will be seen and it will look
like a "." sign. In the side view of a gear, the arrow showing the rotation of the gear can be represented by the
above two signs. At the point of contact of two gears, the arrow will either pierce into (+) or out of (.) the paper
and on the other sides of the gears it will be the opposite. Hence, the direction of rotation of each gear can be
determined using this convention.
The study on Gear trains and its various applications was satisfactorily completed in this experiment.
Experiment No. : 12
The prony and the rope brakes are the two types of mechanical brakes chiefly employed for power
measurement. The prony brake has two common arrangements in the block type and the band type. Block type
is employed to high speed shaft and band type measures the power of low speed shaft.
Torque, T = W*l in Nm
Power P = 2πN* T/60 in N-m/s
= 2πN * W*l/60* 1000 in kW
Where, W= weights in Newton
l = Effective length of the lever arm in meter and
N = Revolutions of the crankshaft per minute.
The band type prony brake consists of an adjustable steel band to which are fastened wooden block
which are in contact with the engine brake-drum. The frictional grip between the band the brake drum can be
adjusted by tightening or loosening the clamp.
The torque is transmitted to the knife edge through the torque arm. The knife edge rests on a platform or
communicates with a spring balance.
and these tend to turn the dynamometer casing in the direction of rotation of the engine shaft. This tendency is
resisted by the brake arm and balance system that measure the torque.
Brake power = W*N/k,
Where W is weight as lever arm, N is speed in revolutions per minute and k is dynamometer constant.
Approximate speed limit = 10,000rpm
Usual power limit = 20,000kW
i) For torque measurement.
ii) For power measurement.
A relative study on the various dynamometers was made and corresponding power and braking capacity
was studied.