Umingan Profile
Umingan Profile
Umingan Profile
Barangay Area Population Barangay Area Population LAND AREA : 29,753 hectares
(Has.) 2010 (Has.) 2010
Census POPULATION : 67,534(2010 census)
Abot Molina 450.16 1,600 Gonzales 557.94 1,690 NO. OF BARANGAYS : 58
Alo-o 227.13 1,254 Lapaz 455.25 2,198 CLASSIFICATION : 1st class
Amaronan 508.20 1,767 Labuan 212.96 512 TOWN FIESTA : April 4-11
Annam 262.96 617 Lauren 380.74 1,131 INDUSTRIES : concrete aggregates, commercial crops, sash factory, piggery, rice mill
Bantug 370.85 2,059 Lubong 272.96 1,226
Baracbac 1,307.80 818 Luna Este 547.53 973
Barat 337.00 2,268 PRODUCTS
Luna Weste 499.33 753
Buenavista 225.06 563 Agricultural : palay, corn, vegetables (squash, ampalaya, sili, garlic, onion,
Mantacdang 176.00 623
Cabalitian 319.20 886 Maseil-Seil 403.99 1,753 tomato, mungbean, eggplant, okra),
Cabangaran 711.04 980 Nampalcan 479.67 1,111 fruit (mango), root crops (cassava, sweet potato)
Cabaruan 447.00 1,033 Nancalabasaan 282.17 2,340 Livestock & Poultry : carabao, cattle, swine, goat, chicken, duck, turkey, goose
Cabatuan 460.68 1,328 Pangangaan 425.96 800 Tourist destination : Mt. Amorong Falls/Carasacas Falls, Caraballo Mountain
Cadiz 314.64 950 Papallasen 303.24 1,087 Paksayan Falls, Maseil-seil Agro-Tourism
Calitlitan 359.34 741 Pemienta 383.82 1,949
Municipal Officials
Capas 312.47 1,014 Poblacion East 53.00 1,543
Carayungan Sur 383.56 938 Poblacion West 76.13 2,546 Municipal Mayor : MICHAEL CARLEONE M. CRUZ
Carosalesan 361.12 1,180 Prado 751.80 1,051 Vice Mayor : EMIL TRISTAN T. TRINIDAD
Casilan 266.00 576 Resureccion 303.86 674
Caurdanetaan 131.32 1,937 Ricos 636.34 932 Municipal Councilors:
Concepcion 297.68 826 San Andres 324.78 715 1. EMIL TRISTAN T. TRINIDAD
Decreto 294.00 515 San Juan 822.17 1,110 2. MICHAEL CARLEONE M. CRUZ
Del Rosario 252.05 352 San Leon 193.80 1,814 3. PILLAR O. ONIA
Diaz 252.05 352 San Pablo 176.72 466 4. TROY P. RABANG
Diket 417.24 921 San Vicente 561.60 849 5. NEIL B. ANDAYA
Don Justo Abalos 242.96 1,106 Sinabaan 224.49 905 6. WELLY B. NAVALTA
Don Montano 261.20 2,162 Santa Maria 529.83 1,442 7. SIANN LIANDRO M. FERNANDEZ
Esperanza 363.88 1,151 Sta. Rosa 443.55 698 8. DANEKING A. NOBLE
Evangelista 366.27 553 Tanggal 575.68 350 LISANDRO C. GONZALES (LNB PRESIDENT)
Flores 338.20 2.095
Fulgosino 858.80 704
Umingan History The rivers, the brooks the creeks, and streams provided then with pliant of mud fish.
This is Umingan where the rolling hills and verdant plains over peace-loving Filipino The first settlers were the Umingan family who came from the coastal town of
with tranquil mind and reverential abode. Located smugly of the foot of Caraballo Mangaldan. They had their clearings on both sides of river now bears their name.
Mountains it lays at the East-South Eastern most part of Pangasinan. It borders the During harvest time many of their relatives and friends came to help them their crop of
town of Lupao on the east and the town of Cuyapo on the south. Both bordering towns rice and corn. Admiring the place some of them decided to stay and made their
are in the province of Nueva Ecija. Umingan is also bordered in the north by the town cleanings too. The settlement of Umingan becomes known far and wide not only of the
of San Quintin and by the town of Balungao on the west. bountiful harvest but also because of the generosity of the family. The bearded old man
Umingan is some two hundred kilometers from Manila and eighty and six kilometers and patriarch of the family was very kind to his “visitors” to whom he gave much as
from the Provincial Capital of Lingayen. Its population of 54,398 as shown the by 2000 they could carry dried and fresh meat of wild pigs and deer free. Visitors going home
Integrated Census is regularly settled and spread in its vast area of 27,083.70 from the Umingan settlement carrying rice and corn when asked where they got all
hectares. With farming as the mayor industry of 90% of the people, the municipality those food stuff readily answered. “From the village of the Umingan’s”. In time the
does not experience much prolonged period of scarcity and want in in-between regular populations of the place increased and soon the criminals and outlaws got tired of their
harvest season. The soil composition is clayed to sandy loam which is favorable to depredations made peace with the settlers and started making clearings, too.
rice, corn, tobacco, sugar cane, peanuts, camote and cassava.
Ninety-seven (97) percent of the town populations are descendents of the sturdy HOW UMINGAN GOT ITS NAME:
Ilocano stock thereby explaining this is an Ilocano town speaking the Ilocano dialect. One day after harvest time, the early settlers got together and held a thanks giving
Three (3) percent of the people are either descendant family from the central and feast to thank the almighty for their harvest, their good health, and the cessation of
coastal town of Pangasinan. Others are from the Tagalog and Pampango origins. lawlessness. Friends and strangers who attend the feast were hilariously happy
There are sprinkling of tongues too but all these minor ethnic groups have now lost because there was plenty of food. Besides, intoxicating drinks of Basi and Nipa wine
their ancestral identity as they all now have been absorbed and melted the Ilocanos from far away Mangaldan flowed freely. In the midst of the happy gatherings, a man of
way of life. consequence stood up from among the celebrations and exclaimed. “Peace be with us
It is in Umingan where nearly all kinds of religious sects are presented, but despite of for the blessings of the Lord Almighty come from us. Abundance is with us and
the different religious beliefs or faith of the people, it has been noted that 85% of the lawlessness has stopped.” In the Ilocano tongue their acclamation is interpreted this
population have true to the Holy Mother, the Catholic Church. This big percentage of way: “Wen, wen nagsardengen iti panagdakdakes, ti riribuk Umingan.” The non-Ilocano
the faithful believers and flowers of the Universal Church is momentously the studying in the group were bewildered. They thought that the people were shouting the name of
manifestation of the Apostolic Zeal of lay brethren and devoted adherences. the place. Since then, Umingan became the name by which the early settlement came
to known even unto this day. The name too is a fitting remembrance of a kind and
EARLY SETTLERS: generous old bearded man, UMINGAN, the patriarch of the settlement.
According to narrative of prominent old residents of the town, Umingan was once Not long after, many more settlers came to Umingan, in due time villages and barrios,
covered by dense forest and very ideal haven of outlaws, coming from different places. then called barangays were established: and finally a government of the municipal
It was hazardous during those early years to enter the thick forest of these outlaws, level was organized.
there were fierce carabaos or simarons, and wild bears venomous snakes and even Umingan was once a town belonging to the province of Nueva Ecija. As then decreed,
cannibals. It was this perilous environment that the early settlers made their forest all towns east of Agno River belonged to Nueva Ecija. Therefore all revenues and
clearing of caingin. reports from those towns thus situated therein were submitted in Cabanatuan, the
The first settlers of Umingan were from different places in the Ilocos Region although capital. During those years traveling to and from Cabanatuan was perilously difficult as
there were some from the coastal towns of Pangasinan, some from the Tagalog there were robbers who waylaid travelers on the day.
Regions and from Pampanga. The pioneers came from Umingan on foot carrying with Later, the municipalities east of the Agno River became incorporated into the Province
them their meager belongings. They brave to perils of the leech-infested muddy roads of Pangasinan.
and trails. Not minding the lurking wild animals and head-hunting in their immediate
environs, the felled big trees with their axes and bolos to make for their cleanings. The
reaped bountiful harvest from their new clearings