Uav Ugv 2
Uav Ugv 2
Uav Ugv 2
ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019, 10–14 June 2019, Enschede, The Netherlands
Disasters such as floods, large fires, landslides, avalanches, or forest fires are often inevitable and cannot be fully prevented, but their
impact can be minimized with sound disaster management strategies aided by the latest technological advancements. A key factor
affecting these strategies is the time, where any delay can result in dramatic consequences and potentially human losses. Therefore, a
quick situation report of the disaster is highly demanded, but still not an easy task because - in most cases - a priori known spatial
information like map data or geo-databases, are outdated. In addition, visual and geometric information on the current situation is
needed to help rescue teams and first responders. From this point of view, we came up to the main idea of the joint research project
ANKommEn and its extension ANKommEn 2 (german acronym for Automated Navigation and Communication for Exploration).
The project idea embodies an exploratory investigation to be smart in providing correct and timely geodata that can help in
emergency cases; especially in support decision making in emergency risk management. For this purpose, automated unmanned
systems, both ground (UGV) and airborne (UAV), are being developed to provide up-to-date information of rescue scenarios.
Figure 3: Nav-Com-Stack
The other solution uses an offline photogrammetry pipeline 4. POINT CLOUD PROCESSING AND
based on Agisoft Photoscan's Python API (Agisoft, 2019) was CLASSIFICATION
implemented to enable high quality results in variety of formats.
The process is automatically triggered after the last image of a Point cloud data is collected using Velodyne VLP 16 sensors
survey is saved by the drone. The method first aligns all the (see Figures 2 and 4). On both, ground and aerial vehicles, the
available images using the features from the individual image. data processing is done onboard (see Figure 3).
The GPS info available in the images stored as ExifTags is First step in data processing pipeline is registration of the actual
further used to aid in the alignment process. Once the images sensor data within a common frame of reference. In a first step
are aligned, a dense cloud is generated. The images are ortho- the actual reading from the sensor is pre-aligned using
rectified and an ortho-mosaic is generated. The process exports GNSS/IMU. Since the obtained position and orientation
the results in various different formats including the dense cloud (hereafter a combination of translation and orientation is
and ortho map which is later used in the web services to referred to as pose) may be corrupted due to noise or shading
visualize (Figure 10). effects, a fine registration step is applied afterwards.
Incoming scans are matched to a local reference map. An earth
fixed reference is obtained using Graph-SLAM approach, which
relates a locally constructed pose graph with a global one
(Schmiemann, 2017). Interconnecting both, mainly based on
time information, and minimizing the residual in least mean
squares sense, leads to an optimal alignment and eventual a
reference pose can be obtained, which transforms the local
Pose-Graph into a common frame of reference (e.g. UTM).
The mapping approach illustrated above, works well for single
vehicles, but tends to non-consistency, if multiple maps are
generated by independent agents. To generate more consistent
maps, matching algorithms were developed and implemented.
Main challenges in this domain include handling of unorganized
point cloud data, the huge amount of points per map and
generation of meaningful features to match with little overlap
and huge difference in perspective.
To achieve accurate matching performance, semi supervised
learning algorithms were utilized. Feature learning is performed
directly on point clouds using PointNet (Qi, 2016), which
originally was designed for classification tasks. The structure
can be subdivided into two components.
For each point within the map a representation is learned, which
then is pooled, to derive a global feature for the complete map.
Figure 10: The relative integrity of the maps generated from Those map-wise features are then fed to a classifier, which can
SLAM in reference to the PhotoScan after registration be trained e.g. to approximate a probability distribution over
class affiliation.
As can be seen from the Figure 9 qualitatively, the ortho-map We use the feature abstraction layer only and train with triplet
from the Photoscan is the most consistent in comparison to the loss, which aims to minimize feature distance to positive
SLAM based solution. This advantage comes at the cost of matches whilst maximizing feature distance to negative matches
computational resources required to for the processing. SLAM (Arandjelovic, 2015). A match can then be found by querying
solution which uses the 3D reconstruction on the other hand is the nearest neighbors within a given set of database maps and
slightly worse but has the advantage that the map is available thresholding. Figure 11 exemplary shows four different maps of
for the user to see in real time which can be critical in some overlapping areas, which shall be merged, whereby color
scenarios. The relative integrity of the Slam based solution can encodes height.
be quantified by taking Agisoft ortho-map as the ground truth.
The deviations of all the object locations from Figure 10 are
then averaged and calculated for all the methods. The results are a) light red b) yellow
presented in Table 1. It’s clear that the planar assumption results
in the highest error and when the elevation is considered by
taking into account the sparse or dense cloud, the relative
integrity is much better.
Further data processing is done to increase the Figure 13: Multiple views of the same map (top left / light
comprehensibility of generated maps. Therefore the raw point red map in Figure 11). Top: Feature response with red
cloud data, which only contains positional information and an channel representing linearity, green channel represents
additional channel for intensity, shall be enriched with sematic planarity and blue channel represents verticality. Center:
information. The enrichment process can be subdivided into Result of the clustering process, whereby clusters are colored
three crucial tasks, which are abstraction of geometrical randomly. Bottom: Prediction result for different classes.
features, clustering and predicting semantics. Red: Building, Light Green: High Vegetation, Dark Green:
Natural Terrain, Yellow: Low Vegetation, Gray: Man-Made
For each point, a covariance matrix of the local neighborhood is Terrain, Purple: Artefacts
generated. The ratios of the dominant eigenvalues indicate
spatial relations, e.g. if one eigenvalue is orders of magnitude
greater than all the others, one can assume a one dimensional 5. GEODATABASE MANAGEMENT AND GEODATA
neighborhood in which all points form a somewhat linear shape. DEPLOYMENT
On the other hand e.g. if all three dominant eigenvalues are
equally ranged, one can assume the local neighborhood to form 5.1. Geodatabase: concept and workflow
some kind of ellipsoidal shape (Guinard, 2017).
In every moment during emergencies, the situation can rapidly
With those feature abstractions, clustering algorithms can be change and therefore a large amount of geo-datasets containing
used, to group geometrically homogenous areas. Results of the great number of files and object data should be respected, stored
clustering process, using algorithms introduced by (Landrieu, and analyzed with such a multi sensor – multi platform system
2016), are shown in the center of Figure 13. One can see that as implemented in the research project. In such environment, a
the clustering process produces geometrically homogeneous key challenge is to provide the needed spatial and also non-
areas on different scales, e.g. complete facades of buildings spatial data in an easy way based on accurate and simple
containing multiple ten thousands of points are grouped to a solutions for an identification and retrieval of, often distributed
single cluster, whilst small groups of less than hundred points, and heterogeneous, geodata. From this aspect, thinking in a
e.g. representing a bush, are grouped in single clusters, as well. creation of geodatabases is essential, but the design of a
The result of the last step is shown in the bottom of Figure 13. geodatabase is a critical stage in ensuring its effectiveness and
With the clusters as nodes and their geometric relations as proficiency. If a geodatabase concept is designed incorrectly,
edges, a graph is constructed. Using graph convolutions the data provision will not function to its full potential,
(Landrieu, 2017), a model is trained to recognize structures and essentially creating problems for the users. Therefore we
classify them to semantic classes respectively. concentrate on the design of geodatabases with respect to
pertaining technical functionalities, as well as with a focusing
Within this project, the main datasets include images and point
clouds. From a logical point of view, and to be smart in the data
provision, a classification of the datasets based on data type has
been achieved. For example, RGB images, thermal photos,
orthophotos, DSM, UAV’s/UGV’s Lidar data, etc. Each type
should be stored in a specific folder labelled with the
corresponding ID of the actual mission (Figure 14). One can
store a dataset within Postgres/PostGIS in a spatial database
allowing a smart and easy data access and retrieval, but storing
images directly as raster layer in a PostGIS-database is complex
and still not easy task because the Postgres/PostGIS concept
does not support this issue yet. To overcome this challenge, a
Python based mechanism has been developed to store the
geographic location of the image center points and other image
metadata into Postgres database, and linking them to the
original images. The mentioned mechanism can be structured in
three stages as follow (Figure 14):
Beside databases, geo-web applications need other components Figure 18: A leaflet based web map created for the orthophoto
like: a geoserver for data hosting, a digital basemap to provide of the studied area. The orthophoto is published using
the geographical contexts, operational layers for editing layers, Geoserver and defined as a layer with its own URL, which is
queries, etc. The Figure (17) illustrates the principle of used in leaflet based map.
distributing geospatial information stored in ANKommEn
In contrast, the point clouds are converted directly into the html
file format using Potree Converter1 and can be retrieved as
layers using their URLs (Figure 19).
Potree is a free open-source WebGL (Web Graphic Library) based
Figure 17: Principle of distributing geospatial information point cloud renderer for large point clouds, developed at the Institute of
Computer Graphics and Algorithms, TU Wien.
The presented work was done within the joint research projects Umeyama, U., 1991. Least-Squares Estimation of
ANKommEn and ANKommEn 2 funded by the German Federal Transformation Parameters Between Two Point Patterns”. In:
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy administrated by the IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13.4 (Apr. 1991), pp.
Space Administration of the DLR (ANKommEn - funding code: 376–380. issn: 0162-8828. doi: 10.1109/34.88573.
50NA1518, ANKommEn 2 - funding code 50NA1807).