Philippine Christian University: College of Business and Technology
Philippine Christian University: College of Business and Technology
Philippine Christian University: College of Business and Technology
Strategic Management and Total Quality Management
Vision: A distinctively strong Christian University integrating Faith, Character and Service in building up and enhancing the quality of life.
Mission: We, at Philippine Christian University, a church-related academic institution, commit ourselves to provide an education that will enhance the development of Christian
character, promote academic excellence and the highest quality education, be responsive to Philippine needs and conditions, become responsible stewards of God’s creation
and resources, foster international understanding and goodwill and support the ecumenical movement.
Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO): In line with the university vision//mission, the institution is expected to produce graduates who:
1. Demonstrate Christian Faith
2. Engage in life long – learning
3. Exhibit 21st century skills
4. Practice servant leadership
5. Exemplify academic excellence
6. Respond to national and global needs and conditions
Vision: A Christian leader, research-oriented, community-centered and driven with passion for quality.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduce the main principles of business and social excellence. It is aimed at generating knowledge and skills among students to use
models and quality management methodology for the implementation of total quality management in any sphere of the business. Discussions will
include the philosophy, methodology and system of tools to create and maintain a mechanism for an organization’s continuous improvement in
aspects such as processes products and services.
COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLO): At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
Learning Teaching-Learning
Week Specific Learning Outcome (SLO) Learning Content (LC) Assessment Tools Resources
Activities (TLA)
(LAT) and References (TLR)
Explains and relate the VM of PCU to HRM VM. PCU Vision-Mission, HRM Reflection Activity Reflection essay: University Student
Vision-Mission Share ideas on how Manual
Relate the PCU and HRM VM to PLO (Program the PCU/HRM VM
Learning Outcome) and to CLO (Course Learning Program Learning Outcome/ Self-Introduction PLO/CLO can be Classroom posters of
Outcome) Course Learning Outcome internalized and PCU and HRM
1 Presentation of class realized. vision/mission
Practices the habit and proudly sing the PCU PCU Hymn rules and
Hymn regulations, Oral recitation of Course Outline
Overview of the course expectations and VM
course requirements
Comply with class rules and regulations,
expectations and course requirements. Requirements and Singing of PCU
class policies Hymn
Explain the important differences between making 1. The Hospitality Service Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
products and serving guests. Strategy Discussion Presentation Michael C.
The Basics of Wow! Case Study Homework/ TOTAL QUALITY
Discuss the importance of meeting the hospitality The Guest Knows PPT Presentation Quiz MANAGEMENT FOR
guest’s expectations. Best HOSPITALITY AND
2 a. Meeting Customer TOURISM.
Identify the different components of the guest Expectation
experience b. The Guest
c. Components of
Guest Experience
d. Nature of Services
e. Guest Expectations
f. Quality, Value and
Cost Defined
g. Importance of
Know the three generic strategies for positioning Meeting the Guest Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
products and services. Expectations through Discussion Presentation Michael C.TOTAL
Planning Case Study Activity QUALITY
Illustrate the organizational planning cycle and a. Three Generic PPT Presentation Seatwork MANAGEMENT FOR
how its different elements result in the Strategies Class Aprticipation HOSPITALITY AND
establishment of the hospitality organization’s b. The Hospitality TOURISM.
3 overall strategic plan and service strategy. Planning Cycle
c. Assessing the
Organization Itself
d. Developing the
Service Strategy
Explain why service setting or service Setting the Scene Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
environment is important. For the Guest Discussion Presentation Michael C.
Experience Case Study Homework/ TOTAL QUALITY
4 Describe how service environment factors a. Creating the PPT Presentation Quiz MANAGEMENT FOR
moderate or affect the responses of guests, “Show” Class Participation HOSPITALITY AND
according to the Bitner Model. b. Setting as a Part TOURISM.
of Service
c. A Model: How
the Service
Affects the
d. The Service
Discuss the importance of hospitality Developing the Lecture Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
organizations to service success. Hospitality Culture: /Discussion Presentation/ Michael C.TOTAL
5 Everyone Serves! Case Study Assignment QUALITY
Explain how organization communicates its a. The Importance of PPT Presentation Activity MANAGEMENT FOR
culture to its employees. Leaders Class Participation HOSPITALITY AND
b. The Importance of TOURISM.
c. Beliefs, Values, and
d. Communicating the
Know different process of 2. The Hospitality Service Staff Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
7 recruiting employees who Staffing for Service Discussion Presentation/ Michael C.
will give excellent guest a. The Many Employees of Hospitality Industry Case Study Seatwork TOTAL QUALITY
service. b. HR Six-Step Process PPT Presentation Class Participation MANAGEMENT FOR
Discuss the importance of c. Employing the Best to Serve Your Guests HOSPITALITY AND
a diversified workforce to TOURISM.
hospitality organizations
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Date of Revision – 02/21/2020
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Identify the methods and Training and Developing Employees to Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
principles used by Serve Discussion Presentation/ Michael C.
hospitality organizations to Case Study Activity TOTAL QUALITY
8 train and develop their a. Employee Training PPT Presentation Quiz MANAGEMENT FOR
employees. b. Developing a Training Program Class Participation HOSPITALITY AND
c. Training Methods TOURISM.
d. Employee Development
Explain how hospitality Serving with a Smile: Motivating Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
9 organizations motivate Exceptional Service Discussion Presentation/ Michael C.
their employees to provide a. Motivating Employees Case Study Homework TOTAL QUALITY
outstanding guest service. b. The Needs People Have PPT Presentation MANAGEMENT FOR
c. The Rewards People Want HOSPITALITY AND
Discuss how modern d. Rewarding Employees for Performance Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
hospitality organizations e. Linking Performance and Rewards Discussion Presentation/ Michael C.
10 enhance guest service by f. Clarifying Employees’ Roles Case Study Activity TOTAL QUALITY
empowering employees. g. Setting Goals PPT Presentation Seatwork MANAGEMENT FOR
h. Providing the Right Direction HOSPITALITY AND
i. Motivation, Employee Satisfaction, and TOURISM.
Guest Satisfaction
Determine how, when, and Involving the Guest Co-Creation of Value Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
11 why hospitality a. Guest Co-Create Value Discussion Presentation/ Michael C.
organizations encourage or b. Strategies for Involving the Guest Case Study Activity TOTAL QUALITY
empower guest to help c. Guest Participation PPT Presentation Quiz MANAGEMENT FOR
provide their own guest d. One Last Point: Firing a Guest HOSPITALITY AND
experience. TOURISM.
Enumerate the importance and uses of 3. The Hospitality Service Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
information to hospitality organizations. Delivery System Discussion Presentagtion/ Michael C.
13 Communicating for Case Study Assignments TOTAL QUALITY
Differentiate ways in which information enhances Service PPT Presentation Exercises MANAGEMENT FOR
the service product and setting. a. The Challenge of HOSPITALITY AND
Managing TOURISM.
Describe the impact of the Internet on Information
communication with guests and employees. b. Information and
the Service
c. Information and
the Service
d. Information and
the Delivery
e. Decision Support
f. The Hospitality
Organization as
Discuss how to plan, design, analyze, and check Planning the Service Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
the hospitality organization’s service delivery Delivery System Discussion Presentation/ Michael C.
system. a. Planning and Case Study Homework TOTAL QUALITY
Designing the PPT Presentation Quiz MANAGEMENT FOR
14 Identify the uses of cross-functional organizational Service Delivery HOSPITALITY AND
design to deliver a service product. System TOURISM.
b. Developing the
Service Delivery
c. Planning Techniques
d. Targeting Specific
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Problem Areas in
Know how to offset the wait’s negative effects by Waiting for Service Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
managing the value of the experience provided to a. Capacity and Discussion Presentation/ Michael C.
the guest. Psychology Case Study Activity TOTAL QUALITY
15 b. Queuing Theory : PPT Presentation Seatwork MANAGEMENT FOR
Managing the Reality HOSPITALITY AND
of the Wait Lecture/ Case Analysis TOURISM.
c. Service Value and Discussion Presentation/
the Wait Case Study Activity
PPT Presentation Seatwork
Measure the effectiveness of service delivery and Measuring and Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
of the overall guest experience. Managing Service Discussion Presentation/ Michael C.
Delivery Case Study Homework TOTAL QUALITY
Determine the costs and benefits of the different a. Techniques and PPT Presentation Quiz MANAGEMENT FOR
16 methods for acquiring guest opinions. Methods for HOSPITALITY AND
Assessing Service TOURISM.
b. Measuring Service
Quality After the
c. Finding and Using
the Techniques that
Describe the guest respond when they fail to meet Fixing Service Failures Lecture/ Case Analysis Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
their expectations. a. Service Failures: Discussion Presentation/ Michael C.
Types, Where, and Case Study Activity TOTAL QUALITY
Identify the recovery methods for handling a Why PPT Presentation Exercises MANAGEMENT FOR
17 service failure. b. The Importance of HOSPITALITY AND
Fixing Service TOURISM.
c. Dealing with
Service Failures
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d. Recovering from
Service Failures
Discuss the overarching framework of the three Service Excellence: Lecture/ Final Ford, Robert C.,Sturman,
Ss—Strategy, Staffing, and Systems. Leading the Way to Discussion Examination Michael C.
Wow! PPT Presentation TOTAL QUALITY
18 Know the importance of innovation and managing a. Strategy MANAGEMENT FOR
change. b. Staffing HOSPITALITY AND
c. Systems TOURISM.2012
d. Hospitality and
the Future Pages 479-498
e. Leaders and the
f. It begins and it
ends with the
I. Suggested Readings:
Total Quality Management: Key Concepts and Case Studies. D.R kiran
Total Quality Management: Strategic Planning. Stephen George
Total Quality Management: Concepts, strategy, and Implementation for Operational Excellence. Sunil sharma
Total Quality Management and Strategic Planning. Stephen George and Arnold Weimerskireh
a.) Regular attendance is expected of all students. Absence due to illness or injury should be reported to your instructor immediately.
b.) Students who anticipate the necessity of being absent from class due to emergency cases or major religious observance must provide notice of the absence
to the instructor.
Control Number – CBT-OBE-001
Date of Revision – 02/21/2020
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