Medical Center Manila - 7 Main Functional Head Nurse Quiz

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Medical Center Manila – 7th Main NAME:

Functional Head Nurse Quiz (1)

1.A sudden redness of the skin is known as:

B. Ambulate the patient for 5 minutes before he
A. Flush retires
B. Cyanosis C. Give the patient a glass of warm milk before
C. Jaundice bedtime

D. Pallor D. Close the patient's door from 9pm to 7am

2.The term gavage indicates: 4. If a patient is injured because a nurse acted

in a wrongful manner, which party could be
A. Administration of a liquid feeding into the held liable along with the nurse?
A. The private attending physician
B. Visual examination of the stomach
B. The nursing supervisor
C. Irrigation of the stomach with a solution
C. The hospital
D. A surgical opening through the abdomen to
the stomach D. All of the above

3. A patient states that he has difficulty 5. Which of the following questions is most
sleeping in the hospital because of noise. appropriate to ask when interviewing a
Which of the following would be an potential candidate for an RN position?
appropriate nursing action? A. What was your last nursing experience?
A. Administer a sedative at bedtime, as ordered B. Are you willing to do overtime on weekends?
by the physician
C. How many children do you have?

D. Do you plan to get pregnant?

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