Actividad Ingles Evidencia Nouns

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Junio 01 2020 JULIAN ANDRES 2068884

Due date: Monday, June 1st at 9pm
Plural nouns- prepositions of time and place- there is and there are

I. Actividad de Conocimiento

 Dar click en el siguiente link:,

escuchar y practicar NOUNS a través del video

Plural nouns

 Dar click en el siguiente link

 Ver y poner en practica PLURAL NOUNS -va a necesitar esta información para las
actividades de desempeño.

Preposition of time

 Dar click en el siguiente link:

 Ver y analizar el uso y las funciones de PREPOSITIONS OF TIME

Preposition of place

 Dar click en el siguiente link:

 Ver y analizar el uso y las funciones de PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE

There is – There are

 Dar click en el siguiente link:

 Ver y analizar el usu y las funciones THERE IS and THERE ARE

II. Actividad de Desempeño

1. Listening comprehension
 Click on the following link
 Before reading, do the PREPARATION activity
 Then, listen to the podcast
 After you listen, do the task 1 and task 2
copy here the evidences___

2. Reading Comprehension
 Leer el siguiente texto y contestar las preguntas

Pedro’s house
Pedro is from Potugal. He lives with his parents in Lisbon in an old house by the sea. The house is
not big, but he likes it very much.

There are three bedrooms upstairs; one for his parents, one for his sister and one for him. The
bathroom and the living room are downstairs. In the living room there is a lovely fireplace. Next to
the living room is the kitchen. The kitchen is not modern, but they have a new washing machine.

In the evening, all the family sit in the living room to watch TV and have dinner. At the back of the
house there is a small but very beautiful garden with different plants and flowers. His father likes
to spend his free time there.

Pedro likes to spend most of his time at home in his bedroom. It’s also his study room where he
has a desk and a stereo. He loves his room because he can see the sea from the window. It’s a
fantastic view.

A. Choose from the following statements: True or False (justify the answers)
1. Pedro’s house is old and small.
TRUE: Pedro lives with his parents in Lisbon in an old house by the sea. The house is
not big
2. Pedro usually goes to the beach on his free time.
FALSE: Pedro´s family sit in the living room and the small but very beautiful garden on
his free time
3. Pedro likes his bedroom because is big.
FALSE: Pedro likes his bedroom because he can see the sea from the window. It’s a
fantastic view.

B. Answer the following questions from the text.

1) What nationality is Pedro?
Pedro is from Portugal.
2) What do Pedro and his family do in the evening?
Pedro´s family sit in the living room to watch TV and have dinner, in the evening.
3) What does his father do in his free time?
Pedro´s father in his free time goes to the beautiful garden with different plants and

C. Complete the sentences from the text

1) Pedro’s kitchen is___not modern______
2) There is a ___ lovely fireplace____ in the living room.
3) He can see the sea __from_____ the window.

a. Find all the prepositions in the text.

1) in
2) next to
3) on

3. Practice: the plural nouns

 Click on the link and do exercises

Copiar pantallazo de evidencias aquí_______

4. Practice: prepostion of time
 C.ick on the link below and do the exercises
copiar pantallazo de evidencias aquí___
5. Practice: Prepostions of place
 Click on the link below and do the exercises
Copy and paste the evidence here_____

IV. Actividad de Producto

Trabajo escrito

 Escribir un dialogo en inglés de aproximadamente 70-100 palabras

 Tema: describir su casa y su cuarto- usando (nouns-prepositions of time-place and there is
-there are.)

 Escribir dialogo en este espacio_________

I am Julian, I have a white´s house on the main avenue of the town next to the city of Medellin. My
house has 2 floors and is under a big tree that gives shade to the balcony of my bedroom
I live with my family and my cat. There is a bedroom in front of mine, in which my niece sleeps on
weekends or when my brother comes at Christmas. In this bedroom there are many windows
where the wind enters every day in the morning and the sun warms it in summer.

My cat sleeps in my bedroom, in his bed, between the closet and the chair, and he likes to lie
down on the balcony to watch the street at 3 in the afternoon to the neighbor's cat that passes by
in front of the balcony.

There is an empty wall in my living room, but my mother bought a large painting on Monday to
put it in this space in the house.

Sustento Oral del trabajo escrito

 Grabar un audio de aproximadme 1 minuto máximo 2 minutos donde usted sustenta el

trabajo escrito de forma oral.
 El audio se monta individualmente en TERRITORIUM para la fecha de entrega en el mismo
 Este trabajo se adjunta en el link de EVIDENCIAS en la fecha de entrega.

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