B2B Assignment - Group8 - Secb

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Different Business/Organization Buying Behavior Model(s) and their

Comparison with Webster and Wind Model.

Submitted by: Group 8
Aishwarya Solanki | Bidisha Pao | Bhavna Chapule | Deeksha A | Deeksha Singh |
Kanika Bhagat

Parameter The Hobbesian Buyer Webster and Wind Model Sheth model of
Model Organizational Buying

Components 1. Input variables 1. Environmental 1. Psychological

2. Output Organizational aspect of an
variables Individual variables individual involved
3. Hypothetical 2. Buying Centre in decision making
Constructs variables 2. Condition
4. Exogenous provoking decision
variables making
3. Process of join
Decision making

Buying Buyer moves from The model introduces the This model believes that
situation extensive to routinized human elements into the joint decision making
problem solving organized industrial buying of the buying center can
behaviour as he is faced and assumes the same buying be influenced by their
by incomplete process for all buying experience
information and limited situations

Level of Three levels of Buying 5 phases of the buying 1. Initiation of the

Buying decision extensive, process need recognition, buying decision
decisions Limited and Routinized determining of specification, 2. Information
response behaviour detection of choice and gathering
choosing of suppliers. 3. Evaluation of
4. Resolution of
conflict among the
parties if any, who
must jointly decide.
Weakness 1. Absence of 1. The model does not Situation factors can be
sharp effectively explain the varied like economic
distinctions specific influence of conditions, labour
between key variables disputes, mergers and
exogenous acquisitions. The model
variables and does not explain their
other variables influence on the buying
2. Some of the process.
not well-
variables are
difficult to
3. Model is
complex and
not easy to

Strength 1. Throws light 1. Comprehensive 1. Illustrates that the

mainly on the 2. Applicable generally buying decision in
behaviour of 3. Analytical an organization is
family buyers 4. Identifies many key a collective
2. States that variables decision wherein
organizational the psychological
buyers can be build-up plays a
appealed on critical role
both personal 2. The six factors
and which expedite the
organizational decision-making
grounds process can be
divided into: three
appertaining to the
characteristics of
the product and
three to the
characteristics of

Robinson, Faris and Wind Model

Factors The Nelson Box Model
Buy classes determining situation in
Components which buying occurs: 1. Elements of organizational
1. New Task behaviour combined with
2. Modified Rebuy consumer behaviour
3. Straight Rebuy 2. Individual, social, organizational
and environmental factors

Buying situation The major implication of this model is The general buying decision includes
that the situation (Buyclasses) play a the decision to initiate a project.
huge role in the buying decision
The technical buying decision involves
actual mechanics of transportation,
drawing up of contracts, final price and
payment negotiations etc.
Buyphases determining the steps to
Level of Buying make an industrial buying decision 1.General buying decision
decisions 1. Problem Recognition
2. Characteristic Determination 2.Concrete buying decision
3. Characteristic Description
4. Search for Sources 3.Decision concerned with appropriate
5. Acquisition of Proposal suppliers and products
6. Evaluation
4.Technical buying decision
7. Selection
8. Performance Feedback

Weakness 1. Product focused, negligent The model takes into considerations the
about services assumptions which can act as a hindrance
2. Lack of importance given to in the real-world situation
sales acquisitions
3. Ignoring the influence of the
supplier on buying decisions

Strengths 1. Focused on buying situation It is worthy of note that the Nelson

2. Relates to all purchase model also captures the individuals,
situations social, organizational and environmental
3. Observes that buyer factors as well as the task and non-task
behaviour changes according factors that influence organizational
to whether a purchase is a buying behaviour
new task, modified rebuy, or
straight rebuy
4. A strong basis for a formal
selection process

1) JORIND 11(1), June, 2013. ISSN 1596-8308. www.transcampus.org/journals;


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