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Blood flow Distribution through Artery Branches

With proper CT scan reports arterial branches can be modeled in three dimension. A study is
done on the arteries of upper limb of human which showed precise anatomical resemblance and
was validated by experts1 (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 Blood flow velocity through multiple branches of upper limb artery

These simulations can be done for any arterial branch and hemodynamic parameters like-
i. Wall pressure,
ii. Wall shear stress,
iii. Blood flow velocity,
iv. Flow turbulence,
v. Blood residence time, etc.

Using these parameters, abnormality in any branch can be easily found without any invasive
procedure. Artery walls experiencing abnormal pressure can be identified from the simulation
result. Also, the flow divergence at the bifurcations and the distribution of flow rate through the
arteries can be observed.
2. Simulation of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
5% of grafts are generally destined to become occluded within 1 year and 10% of them within 5
years2. One of the most important determinants of successful bypass surgery is the flow field
geometry and flow distribution in the neighborhood of the junction of the arteries. Most of the
time pre-operation studies are done using invasively or by observing dye flow. To avoid these,
CFD can be used by extracting data from CT scan images3. Detailed studies are done to
investigate progression of coronary disease and the choice of the most appropriate surgical

Figure 2 Designing different kinds of bypass grafts before operating to find the
best procedure.
1. Quanyu, W., Xiaojie, L., Lingjiao, P., Weige, T. & Chunqi, Q. SIMULATION ANALYSIS OF
BLOOD FLOW IN. 29, 1–8 (2017).
2. Song, M., Sato, M. & Ueda, Y. Three-Dimensional Simulation of Coronary Artery Bypass
Grafting. 993–998 (2000).
3. Hajati, O., Zarrabi, K., Karimi, R. & Hajati, A. CFD Simulation of Hemodynamics in
Sequential and Individual Coronary Bypass Grafts Based on Multislice CT Scan Datasets.
641–644 (2012).
4. Ballarin, F. et al. Numerical modeling of hemodynamics scenarios of patient-specific
coronary artery bypass grafts. Biomech. Model. Mechanobiol. 16, 1373–1399 (2017).

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