Reference Sheet: Chaos Chaos Special Rules

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Chaos Chaos Special Rules

Marines given over to the dark powers  Each Squad may pick one Chaos Allegiance Bonus
of Chaos. (Choose 1 per squad)
 Power armour marines have Heavy Armour
Khorne—roll an additional cc dice
 Terminator armoured marines have Superheavy armour
Nurgle— 5+ invulnerable save
Slannesh—+1cc  Tzeentch marines can only be armed with Bolt weaponry

Tzeentch— Firebolts +1 to Kill shooting  Only the 1-5 CP tokens are used
Undivided— +1 CP (total) each turn
 Bolt Weaponry will jam on any double (not just overwatch)


Troop Type Chaos Total Points 4 AP’s + CP
Action Points Points Terminator

Move Forwards 1 square 1* 1*
Move Backwards 1 Square 1* 1*
Move Sideways 1 square 1* -

turn 90 degrees 1* 1*
turn 180 degrees 1 2
Fire weapon 1 1
Fire Heavy Weapon 2 2
Set overwatch/Guard 1 1

Open/close Door 1 1
Clear Jam 1 1
Close Assault 1 1

Pick up an object 1 1

Weapon Range Dice Kill Notes

Bolter Ul/12 1 6 Overwatch, sustained fire
Combi Bolter Ul/12 2 6 Overwatch, sustained fire
Combi flam 12 area 4 Fire as Bolter, and once as flamer, persistent

Combi melt 6 1 2 Fire as Bolter and once as melta, Bulkheads 4+

Auto cannon UL/12 2 5 Heavy Weapon, Overwatch, 10 shots, 2AP to reload
Bolt Pistol 12/12 1 6 Overwatch, sustained fire
Plasma Pistol 12/12 1 4 Cool down—If fired 2AP’s in a row firer killed on a 1.

Modify the score to kill Heavy Armour by –1, Lt Armour by –2, to a minimum of 2+. No modification for Superheavy Armour



Model Assault Dice Notes

Terminator 1D6
CSM 1D6-2

Aspiring Champion +1 Re,roll command points.


Power sword Parry

Lightning claws 1D6 May re-roll dice

Khorne Ax +1 destroys doors on 4+, bulkheads 6

Power Maul Opponent knocked back one square

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Squad Compositions

Force Description

There is no such thing as a ‘standard’ Chaos retinue, however some remnants of their old formations still persist.

A terminator armoured retinue will normally comprise of

1 Aspiring Champion with Combi Bolter and Power Sword

1 Heavy Weapon Chaos Space Marine, armed with an Autocannon and Power Fist

3 Chaos Space Marines with Power Mauls and Combi Bolters


Chaos models in Terminator armour may be replaced with 2 Power Armoured Chaos Space Marines, armed with
either a Boltgun or a Bolt Pistol and Chain Axe

The weaponry chosen by CSMs also varies much more widely than true Space marines. Every third marine in a

squad may swap their standard weaponry for a combi weapon.

Thus a Chaos retinue could comprise of

1 Aspiring Champion in terminator armour armed with Lightning claws

1 Heavy Weapon CSM in terminator armour armed with an Autocannon

1 CSM with in Terminator Armour, with Power Sword and combi-flamer

2 CSMs in Powered Armour with Bolt Pistols and Chain Axes

2CSMs in Powered Armour with Bolt Guns





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