Sr. No. Location (In KM) Name of Settlement/Villages

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KD5 :Final Feasibility Consultancy Services for Preparation of Feasibility Report for Construction of Bridges including

Report including Schedules Approaches on Tamu – Kyigone – Kalewa Road Section from km 0.00 to km 149.70 in Myanmar

Sr. no. Location Name of Settlement/Villages

(in Km)
22 81.6 YanmyoAung
23 86.9 Kaontha
24 89.4 Khontar
25 95.6 Kanhla
26 99.8 Kanoo
27 101.1 SonelarMying
28 103.1 KanTharYar
29 107.9 Nann Han Nwe
30 108.8 Sakhangyi
31 113.3 Nanbaho
32 115.9 Maw Like Kalay
33 117.0 In DaingKalay
34 118.5 In DaingGyi
35 121.7 Kyi Gone
36 128.1 Itaya Site Khin
37 130.4 Nat Kyi Gone
38 132.0 Yanan Chang
39 134.6 KyaukKar
40 136.2 KbayaeMyaing
41 139.6 Chaung Chin
42 140.8 Doe Pin Chaut
43 142.5 ThitChaut
44 144.2 NwarSwe
45 146.0 Nat Tet
46 150.0 Kalewa Town


The details of the bridges on the project section are:
Steel Bridges - 69 nos.
Under Construction - 2 nos.
Existing RCC bridges on approaches – 3 nos
Other Bridges - 72 nos. (Not in scope)
The E & SIA report was prepared after thorough interaction with the engineering section of the
consultants so that the negative impacts on the environment and human population could be
avoided as far as possible. Some of the important findings of the study are as follows: -
1. There will be no loss of bio-diversity as no rare plant or animal species are going to be
affected by the present project.
2. No Sanctuary or National Park is located within 10 km radius of the bridges.
3. No historical monuments are located near the bridges.
4. The most important factors, which need continuous attention and assessment during the
construction phase, are the ambient air quality, the water quality and the noise level. The
ambient air quality of the study area is good. The quality of the ground water is good for

MEA 7-2

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