Velocity Field in A Twin-Screw Extruder PDF
Velocity Field in A Twin-Screw Extruder PDF
Velocity Field in A Twin-Screw Extruder PDF
Summary Velocity measurements inside the screw channels of a co-rotating, self-wiping, twin-screw
extruder were carried out. A laser Doppler anemometer (LDA) system was used to mea-
sure tangential and axial velocity components in the translational region of one of the
screws of a twin-screw extruder. The velocity measurements were carried out using heavy
corn syrup at different screw speeds and for two forwards conveying elements differing
in their pitch. It was found that velocity profiles in the translational region were sub-
stantially affected by the pitch of the screw element, however, screw speed (30–90 r.p.m.)
did not have a significant effect on the shape of the velocity profiles. The range of veloc-
ity values in a 14 mm pitch screw element was wider than that in a 28 mm pitch screw
element. Experimentally measured velocity profiles were compared with predictions of a
one-dimensional model, which showed that the model underpredicted the velocity values,
for the 14 mm pitch element.
Keywords Corn syrup, laser Doppler anemometry, Newtonian fluid.
screw channels of a single-screw extruder were transfer flow, was also detected with the LDA
obtained either by tracing particles or ink inject- technique.
ed in the flow (Choo et al., 1980; Eccher & This paper reports velocity measurements
Valentinotti, 1958) or by using a non-invasive under isothermal conditions for a Newtonian
technique such as NMR (McCarthy et al., 1992). fluid in the translational region of a co-rotating
Eccher & Valentinotti, using photographic tech- twin-screw extruder, for two different forwards-
niques, reported some cross-wise circulatory conveying screw elements, differing in their pitch.
motion within the screw channel. The correctness The effect of screw speed on the measured veloc-
of the shallow-channel theory in a single-screw ity distribution was also examined. Although
extruder was confirmed by Mohr et al. (1961). most food materials have a non-Newtonian
Numerical results obtained using a finite- behaviour, a Newtonian fluid was chosen as a
difference method were found to be in reasonably model fluid for the initial investigation reported
good agreement with velocity measurements per- in this paper. Future investigations will include
formed in deep-channel screw elements by Choo model non-Newtonian fluids.
et al. (1980).
Few data for experimentally measured velocity
patterns have been published for a twin-screw Materials and methods
extruder. Karwe & Sernas (1996) showed that
Experimental set up
laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) can be used to
measure velocity distributions in a twin-screw The experimental set up consisting of a twin-
extruder using model fluids. They measured axial screw extruder and a laser Doppler anemometer
and tangential velocity profiles in the translation- system is shown schematically in Fig. 1. A four-
al region of a twin-screw extruder using corn beam 300-mW argon-ion LDA system (Dantec
syrup for a 28 mm screw element at a fixed screw Measurement Technology, Inc., Mahwah, New
speed of 30 r.p.m. The tangential velocity pat- Jersey) was used to obtain the velocity data.
terns were compared with numerically predicted Using this apparatus two velocity components
profiles of Chiruvella et al. (1996). The measured can be measured simultaneously. The movement
values were higher than the numerically predicted of the laser probe, which was used to focus the
values. laser beams at a desired location in the screw
Karwe et al. (1997) have reported velocity mea- channel, was controlled by a 3–D traverse inter-
surements in the nip region of a twin-screw faced with a micro-computer. Details of the LDA
extruder. The measured velocity distributions measurement technique and the experimental
indicated a three dimensional flow. Leakage flow apparatus have been described by Karwe &
between the two screws, sometimes referred to as Sernas (1996).
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 1997, 32, 241–253 © 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd
Velocity field in a twin-screw extruder S. Bakalis & M. V. Karwe 243
© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd International Journal of Food Science and Technology 1997, 32, 241–253
244 Velocity field in a twin-screw extruder S. Bakalis & M. V. Karwe
back end of the left screw shaft. The encoder gave Dz 1 2 sin2 u
a 2.5 VDC pulse for every 0.72 degrees of shaft Da
5m !
1 2 m2 sin2 u (1)
rotation (500 pulses per revolution) and a 5 VDC
pulse at every full rotation. This signal was where Da is the distance the laser probe is moved
received by the flow velocity analyser (FVA, in in the air; Dz: is the distance the intersection point
Fig. 1) and it was combined with the measured of the laser beams is moved in the medium hav-
velocity data. A reference position of 08 was set ing refractive index m; and u is the half angle
when the left screw lobe was vertical, as shown in between the two laser beams in air 5 98.
Figs 2(a) and 3(a). This was arbitrary. However, For sinu « 1
it was not important where the 08 position was Dz sin u
selected as it did not affect the results. From the <m5
Da sin b (2)
encoder position, the axial location in the screw
channel where velocity data were obtained was In the derivation of eqn 1 the refraction of the
known. The right screw shaft had a phase laser beams at the interface between the Plexiglas
difference of 908 with respect to the left shaft. and the corn syrup was neglected because their
Hence, the orientation of one screw lobe auto- refractive indices are very close to each other, i.e.
matically defined the orientation of the other mplexiglas 5 1.507, mcorn syrup 5 1.49.. The error due to
screw lobe. the approximation in eqn 2 was about 0.5%.
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 1997, 32, 241–253 © 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd
Velocity field in a twin-screw extruder S. Bakalis & M. V. Karwe 245
taken at the point where the four beams focused no-slip boundary condition. Thus, near the screw
on the inner surface of the barrel. The error in the flight, the only non-zero component of the fluid
determination of z 5 0 position was estimated to velocity is Ux*. As can be seen from Figs 2 and
be about 0.4 mm which is about half the size of 3, angular positions of 08 and 1808 correspond to
the measurement volume formed by the intersec- measurements close to the screw flight tip. This
tion of the four laser beams. This will cause some was confirmed by the results shown in Fig. 5.
uncertainty or shift in the z direction. The top of Close to the screw flight tip (08 and 1808) the
the screw flight has a finite width (0.5 mm) which experimentally measured Ux* value was very
is larger than the width of the intersection volume close to the calculated solid body velocity Us at
(≈ 0.2 mm). Therefore, the zero encoder position the screw tip (Ut 5 V Dt, V the angular speed of
may get slightly shifted to left or right within the screw, Dt the screw tip diameter, 30.7 mm).
different data sets. This was corrected by shifting Since the barrel of the extruder does not move,
all the data sets by an appropriate phase shift. To the velocity of the fluid close to the barrel should
calculate the phase shift, the position of the screw be zero, except when a screw flight passes by.
flight in each data set was identified at the encoder This was experimentally confirmed as shown in
angle where the first data point was obtained. This Fig. 5. Velocity values between the flights are
position was slightly different in different repeti- close to zero near z 5 0 (barrel).
tions. An average encoder position was taken as The data presented in Fig. 5 are scattered. This
the correct position of the screw flight and all the scatter was observed close to the barrel and the
data set were shifted so that the first data point screw root in a number of repetitions. The scatter
appeared at the same encoder position. in the data reduced substantially when the
In Fig. 5 the Ux* (5 Ux/Us) and Uy* (5 measurement location was moved away from the
Uy/Us) are plotted against the angular position of barrel wall and the screw root, as will be seen in
the left screw shaft, for one screw channel of a 14 the subsequent figures. The reasons for scatter
mm pitch screw element, near the extruder barrel near the walls are not clear. It could be due to
(z 5 0), at a screw speed of 90 r.p.m. Here Us is partial cutting of the measurement volume by the
the screw root velocity (Us 5 V Ds, V the angu- walls.
lar speed of the screw, Ds the screw root diame- In Fig. 6, Ux* and Uy* are plotted vs. angular
ter, 21.26 mm). For all the figures in this paper, position near the screw root, for a 14 mm pitch
data from three repetitions are superimposed. The screw element, at a screw speed of 90 r.p.m. Here,
screw rotates only along the x direction. Near the the velocity of the fluid should be close to the
screw flight, the velocity of the fluid should be velocity of the screw root due to the no-slip
close to the velocity of the screw flight due to the boundary condition. Since the screw rotates only
© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd International Journal of Food Science and Technology 1997, 32, 241–253
246 Velocity field in a twin-screw extruder S. Bakalis & M. V. Karwe
along the x direction, Uy* should be zero and In Fig. 8, variations of Uy* vs. angular posi-
Ux* should be equal to the calculated screw root tion for 14 and 28 mm screw elements are plotted
velocity, as seen from the experimental results. at a screw speed of 90 r.p.m. and at z 5 –2.32
In Fig. 7, the variations of Ux* with angular mm. Since the screw rotates only along the x
position are plotted for 14 and 28 mm pitch screw direction, close to the screw flight the Uy* values
elements, at a screw speed of 90 r.p.m. and at z were close to zero. The magnitude of Uy*
5 –2.32 mm, which is approximately half-way smoothly increased and became maximum in the
between the barrel and the screw root. The max- middle of the channel. No significant difference
imum for the tangential velocity is seen to occur between the Uy* velocity profiles in 14 and 28
closer to the screw flights. This velocity value mm pitch screw elements could be observed.
could be determined by the no-slip condition and Since the mass flow rate and the cross-sectional
thus is the same for both screw elements, since areas are the same for both screw elements, it is
both rotate at the same angular speed. The not surprising that the Uy* velocity profiles for
velocity values, for both screw elements, smooth- both screw elementa are similar, especially in the
ly decreased towards the middle of the channel, middle of the screw channel.
where the value of the Ux* was minimum, but The variations of dimensionless velocity, for
not zero. In the case of the 14 mm pitch screw the 14 mm pitch screw element are plotted in Fig.
element, the velocity profiles were steeper, when 9, at screw speeds of 60 and 90 r.p.m., at a fixed
compared to the 28 mm pitch screw element. depth (z 5 – 2.32 mm). It can be seen from the
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 1997, 32, 241–253 © 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd
Velocity field in a twin-screw extruder S. Bakalis & M. V. Karwe 247
figures that no significant difference could be In Fig. 11 Uy* velocity values are plotted along
observed between the velocity profiles for this the z direction for a 14 mm pitch screw element
range of screw speeds. This implies that the axial at an encoder position of 90 degrees, at different
pressure gradient in the 14 mm pitch screw ele- screw speeds. Since the boundaries (screw root
ment was small when compared to a 28 mm pitch and barrel) do not move along the y direction
screw element. Uy* is zero.
In Fig. 10, the Ux* profiles are plotted along The velocity field in the translational region in
the z direction, within the screw channel at the a co-rotating twin-screw extruder is similar to the
encoder position of 90, which corresponds to the flow in the screw channels of a single-screw
middle of screw channel, for the 14 mm pitch extruder (Chiruvella et al., 1996). Therefore, the
screw element, at different screw speeds. The lines flow can be considered as the superposition of a
in the graph represent third order polynomials drag and a pressure flow. The drag flow is pro-
obtained from a least square fit to the experi- portional to the screw speed. The pressure flow is
mental data. The purpose of these lines is just to a function of the die opening. Since the extruder
show the trends of the three velocity profiles. is fully filled, the net flow rate depends on the
Near the barrel (z/H 5 0) Ux* is zero, since the screw speed for a fixed die. Therefore both com-
barrel is stationary. Near the screw root (z/H 5 ponents of the flow depend on the screw speed,
–1) Ux* takes the value of the screw root veloci- but in a different way. This implies that the con-
ty, which is close to one. The velocity profiles at tribution of the pressure flow, for the examined
different screw speeds are not significantly range of flow rates was negligible in the 14 mm
different from each other. pitch screw element.
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248 Velocity field in a twin-screw extruder S. Bakalis & M. V. Karwe
In Fig. 12, Ux* velocity profiles are plotted ment are higher than those generated in a 14 mm
along the z direction for a 28 mm pitch screw ele- pitch screw element, for the range of the screw
ment, at an encoder angle of 90 degrees, for speeds considered here.
different screw speeds. In this case the velocity In Fig. 13, the Uy* velocity profiles are plotted
profiles seem to be significantly different when against z/H for a 28 mm screw element for
compared with those for the 14 mm pitch screw different screw speeds. As expected the velocity
element. The maximum velocity seems to occur values are zero at the boundary and maximum in
away from the screw root. The effect of the pres- the middle. The screw speed did not significantly
sure flow is evident in this case. This implies that affect the velocity profiles, though velocity magni-
the pressure gradients in a 28 mm pitch screw ele- tudes were different because of different flow rates.
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Uj experimental 5
2 Ux sin f 1 Uy cos f 2 Us sin f (6)
Figure 14 Downchannel and axial coordinate systems.
1H2 2 U sin f
Z channel diminish, and the assumptions employed
Us sin f s
(4) in the one dimensional model become valid.
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