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International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388


Numerical modeling and experimental measurements

of a high speed solid-cone water spray for use
in fire suppression applications
S.S. Yoon , J.C. Hewson a, P.E. DesJardin b, D.J. Glaze c,
A.R. Black a, R.R. Skaggs d
Sandia National Laboratories, Fire Science and Technologies, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque,
NM 87185-1135, United States
Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260, United States
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN 47907, United States
US Army Research Laboratory, AMSRL-WM-TB, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066, United States

Received 23 April 2004; received in revised form 28 July 2004


Experimental measurements and numerical simulations of a high-speed water spray are presented. The
numerical model is based on a stochastic separated flow technique that includes submodels for droplet
dynamics, heat and mass transfer, and droplet–droplet collisions. Because the spray characteristics near
the nozzle are difficult to ascertain, a new method for initialization of particle diameter size is developed
that assumes a Rosin–Rammler distribution for droplet size, which correctly reproduces experimentally
measured Sauter and arithmetic mean diameters. By relating the particle initialization to lower moments
of the droplet statistics, it is possible to take advantage of measurements without substantial penalties asso-
ciated with the greater experimental uncertainty of individual droplet measurements. Overall, very good
agreement is observed in the comparisons of experimental measurements to computational predictions
for the streamwise development of mean drop size and velocity. In addition, the importance of modeling
droplet–droplet collisions is highlighted with comparison of selected droplet–droplet collision models.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 505 284 8400; fax: +1 505 845 3151.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.S. Yoon).

0301-9322/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1370 S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388

1. Introduction

Rapid fire suppression is a necessity for modern vehicle crew compartments and for enclosures
containing critical equipment susceptible to fire damage. For these applications, high-momentum
sprays are useful for quickly dispersing condensed-phase suppressants to the fire and the sur-
rounding compartment to minimize the thermal insult to its occupants. The current paper focuses
on the predictive modeling of a specific nozzle, typical of those that might be used to provide sup-
pression in a compartment in a matter of seconds or less. Droplet size and velocity measurements
are presented to help develop the appropriate initial conditions for this nozzle and to aid in eval-
uating the model.
One of the challenges in modeling the injection of these sprays is the initialization of the drop
size and velocity using Lagrangian separated flow modeling approaches. The atomization proc-
ess that occurs as the spray leaves the nozzle is particularly difficult to describe. Several authors
(Yoon et al., 2004c; Widmann et al., 2001) reported the difficulty associated with the optical
access in the region where countless droplets surrounding the exiting liquid slug (or core).
High-resolution measurements and high-fidelity modeling (DesJardin and Gritzo, 2002) of the
near-nozzle flow provide significant insight into the various processes in this region. Among
the relevant processes are turbulent fluctuations in the condensed phase (Wu et al., 1991,
1992), shear driven (Kelvin–Helmholtz) instabilities (Reitz and Bracco, 1982; Wu et al., 1986),
boundary layer effects (Hoyt and Taylor, 1977a,b; Yoon and Heister, 2003, 2004a,b) and cavi-
tation (Bergwerk, 1959). While there has been extensive progress in this area, accurate prediction
of the droplet initial conditions from a given nozzle geometry is not yet possible and therefore
semi-empirical prescriptions of initial droplet size and velocity are required for numerical simu-
lations of sprays.
The initial condition approach pursued in this study is a novel Monte Carlo sampling tech-
nique using a prescribed Rosin–Rammler distribution for drop size. Although there are distri-
bution functions that can sometimes reproduce experimental measurements more accurately, it
was found that the mathematical simplicity of the Rosin–Rammler distribution makes it a
powerful tool for parameterizing initial conditions in terms of experimental measurements of
the arithmetic and Sauter-mean diameters. In this paper, we describe the use of a spatially
varying Rosin–Rammler distribution as an initial condition for spray simulations. The
dispersion coefficient (q) and the mean diameter (X) for the distribution are extracted from
the experimental data for the arithmetic mean diameter, D10, and the Sauter mean diameter,
In the following sections, the modeling approach and experimental arrangement are summa-
rized, with special attention on the initial and boundary conditions for prescribing the spray initial
droplet size. Simulation results using this new inlet condition treatment are then presented and
compared to the experimental measurements.

2. Experimental apparatus

The water spray used for the purpose of model evaluation is produced using a converging noz-
zle manufactured by Spraying Systems Co., Wheaton, IL. The internal converging angle is
S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388 1371

approximately 40, and is followed by a constant-diameter section of length 3.31 mm as shown in

Fig 1(a). The water spray is directed horizontally, as shown in Fig. 1(b), with a liquid core speed
of U = 80 m/s, a diameter of d = 2 mm, a mass flow rate of m_ ¼ 0:25 kg/s, and a liquid and gas
temperature of T = 300 K. The nondimensional parameters pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi are Re = Ud/m = 142,857, We =
qU2d/r = 174,387, Weg = qgU2d/r = 215, and Oh ¼ l= qdr ¼ 0:0023. Since Weg > 40, the spray
is in the atomization regime (Reitz, 1978).
Radial profiles of particle sizes and axial velocities were measured with a Phase Doppler
Particle Analyzer (PDPA) at the Army Research Laboratories. Measurements were conducted
at four axial locations, beginning at x = 48 mm and continuing to x = 250, 480, and 810 mm
downstream of the spray nozzle. These distances correspond to 24, 125, 240 and 405 in terms
of distances normalized by the nominal nozzle diameter. Results are presented in terms of
quantities averaged at a given downstream distance and radial location. At each location, data
was collected for a fixed time, 5 s, in an attempt to determine the number density of particles
at that location. We report results for radial locations where approximately 10,000 particles

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of the nozzle geometry, (b) Near-field view of the high-pressure water spray.
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per second were counted; statistics at other locations are insufficient for reporting results.
Uncertainties for the averaged particle diameters and velocities are estimated to be 10–15%
in accordance with our experience; these uncertainties are likely dominated by systematic

3. Computational model

Simulations are conducted using the Vulcan fire simulation code, which has been extended to
handle the dilute multiphase flow physics found in evaporating and reacting sprays (DesJardin
and Gritzo, 2002). The spray model is coupled with the Navier–Stokes solver, which is based
on a Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) formulation employing a standard k–e turbulence
closure model (Jones and Launder, 1972). The gas-phase flow is calculated on an Eulerian stag-
gered Cartesian grid using the SIMPLEC method (Patankar, 1980).
The condensed phase evolves using a Lagrangian approach based on the stochastic sepa-
rated flow model (Faeth, 1983, 1987). Evolution equations for collections of droplets with
similar sizes and initial conditions, denoted as parcels, are used to reduce computational cost.
A sufficient number of parcels are used to ensure an adequate resolution of the spray physics
and the measured droplet statistics. Statistical variations in droplet size and velocity are im-
posed as initial conditions to simulate the liquid jet breakup process, of which phenomenon
was experimentally shown by Sallam and Faeth (1999) and Sallam et al. (2002). The parcels
are advanced under the influence of modeled turbulent fluctuations in the gas-phase

3.1. Conservation of mass

The correlation by Ranz and Marshall (1952a,b) is used for the evaporation model,
dm lf 2 1=2 1=3
¼ pD 2 þ Re Scf lnð1 þ Bm Þ ð1Þ
dt Scf 3
where m is the droplet mass, D is the droplet diameter, Scf = mf/DM is the film Schmidt number,
DM is the mass diffusivity, Re ¼ qg d j ~ up  ~ug j =lg is the droplet Reynolds number, and
Bm = (Yf  Yg)/(1  Yf) is the Spaulding or mass transfer number that characterizes the concen-
tration gradients at the film interface. In these and all subsequent expressions, the subscripts ( )g
represent gas properties, ( )d represent droplet properties, and ( )f represent droplet film properties
for the thin-film approximation of the liquid–gas interface at the droplet surface.

3.2. Conservation of momentum

The momentum equation for a small rigid sphere in a non-uniform flow is derived by Maxey
and Riley (1983). As discussed by Faeth (1987), if the ratio of particle to gas densities is large
(i.e. ql/qg  1.0) then the predominant forces generally consist of the drag and body forces lead-
ing to a relatively simple form of the momentum equation,
S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388 1373

duD p
m ¼ qg D2 C D j ~ug  ~
uD j ð~
ug  ~uD Þ þ mg ð2Þ
dt 8
where ~
uD is the droplet velocity and ~ug is the gas phase velocity around that particle and qg is the
gas phase density. The last term on the right hand side is the body force term due to gravity. The
coefficient of drag, CD is modeled using the standard drag coefficient relations for a sphere in a
uniform flow (Faeth, 1987; Maxey and Riley, 1983).

3.3. Conservation of energy

The droplet temperature evolution is a balance between convection and evaporation. The drop-
let thermal energy can then be expressed as
mcv;d ¼ Q_ c þ Q_ e ð3Þ
_Qc ¼ pd lf cp;f ðT g  T Þ 2 þ k Re1=2 Pr1=3 lnð1 þ Bt Þ ;
Prf F ðBt Þ Bt
_Qe ¼ mh
_ v;f
In these expressions, Prf = mf/af = cp, flf/kf is the film Prandtl number and hv, f is the heat of vapor-
ization. A ‘‘thin-skin’’ model is used and conditions at the droplet surface are obtained iteratively
by equating heat flux to the droplet with droplet heating and enthalpy associated with vaporiza-
tion (Faeth, 1987). The relationship between the quasi-steady state film temperature and the fluxes
to the droplet are modeled by the Spaulding heat transfer number, Bt ¼ ½1 þ Bm
f  1.

3.4. Collision, breakup, and turbulence models

Droplet–droplet collisions occur during the atomization of a liquid jet. For some applications,
accounting for these collisions may be important in reproducing observed mean drop sizes down-
stream of primary atomization. Collisions of pairs of computational parcels are treated using a
statistical process description. The procedure starts by checking to see if two parcels occupy
the same computational cell. If they do not share the same cell then it is assumed that collisions
cannot occur. If they do share the same cell then the parcel containing the larger drops are des-
ignated as the collectors and parcel containing the smaller drops designated as the donors. The
expected frequency of collisions between by one collector with all the droplets is assumed to obey
the collision-criteria suggested by Ko et al. (2003). This approach only accounts for either drop-
let–droplet ÔbouncingÕ or ÔcoalescenceÕ, and not droplet–droplet ÔshatteringÕ effect that produces
additional drops. The ÔshatteringÕ effect may become important for the head-to-head colliding
sprays (Georjon and Reitz, 1999). Since all droplets are moving in the same direction in our spray,
the ‘‘shattering’’ is highly unlikely to occur. The Taylor Analogy Breakup (TAB) Model of
OÕRourke and Amsden (1987) is adopted to indicate the significance of droplet breakup in this
study. The model assumes a direct analogy between the oscillation of a droplet and a forced
spray-mass-damper system (OÕRourke and Amsden, 1987).
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Turbulence models are introduced at the parcel and sub-parcel level to account for the effect of
local fluctuations in the velocity field while the rest of the thermo-physical variables are approx-
imated by their corresponding time averaged values. The velocity-fluctuation models serve to
increase the droplet dispersion, mimicking the effects of unresolved turbulent eddies. These
unresolved turbulent motions are significant for the present high-pressure spray that generates
substantial turbulent kinetic energy. These unresolved turbulent motions are decomposed into
parcel and sub-parcel models.
The parcel turbulence model accounts for the effects of turbulent eddies perturbing the parcel
trajectory and is based on the random walk model of Gosman and Ioannides (1981), as modified
by Shuen et al. (1983). This model essentially perturbs the gas velocity ~ ug in Eq. (2) by an amount
randomly selected from a Gaussian distribution over the velocity scales expected based on the tur-
bulent kinetic energy.
Within a parcel, the spatial distribution of particles is assumed to be of Gaussian form. The
standard deviation of this spatial distribution evolves with time for each parcel at a velocity,
u0p , with the evolution equation for ~
~ u0p being essentially Eq. (2) except that the velocities are re-
placed by ~ up and the fluctuating gas velocity in the manner of Zhou and Yao (1992); the buoyant
term is also neglected in particle dispersion since it acts equally on all particles.

3.5. Initial conditions

To represent conditions at the nozzle exit, presumed-shape droplet size and velocity distribu-
tions are often used. There are many known droplet size distribution functions such as normal,
log-normal, root-normal, Rosin–Rammler, Nukiyama-Tanasawa, and log-hyperbolic (Babinsky
and Sojka, 2002). For the majority of the simulations presented here, initial droplet sizes at the
injector location are chosen from prescribed PDFÕs using the Rosin–Rammler distribution. The
Rosin–Rammler cumulative distribution function (CDF) is:
Z D   q 
CDF ¼ f ðDÞ dD ¼ 1  exp  ð4Þ
0 X
qDq1 D
f ðDÞ ¼ q exp  ð5Þ
so that the droplet diameter is obtained using a uniformly distributed random number, RN, with
1 1
D ¼ X ½lnð1  RNÞ
q ð6Þ
where X represents characteristic droplet size and q is an empirical dimensionless constant to spec-
ify the distribution width, sometimes referred to as the dispersion coefficient. It should be noted
that the parcel size distribution will differ from the above particle size distribution as shown in
Fig. 2.
There is a factor of D3 difference between the size distribution PDF of individual particles and
modeled parcels of particles, f(D)parc = D3f(D)part, because the submodel parameter, PPP (number
of particles per parcel) is based on a fixed mass per parcel which weights the droplet distribution
S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388 1375

Fig. 2. Comparison of size distribution for individual particles and parcels of particles, for q = 3 and X = 50 lm.

by a factor proportional to 1/D3 (i.e. PPP ¼ m_ total ðDtinj per parcelÞ=mpart ), as shown in Fig. 2. To
obtain the desired particle size distribution, it is the scaled parcel distribution that must be imple-
mented in the spray model. This difference by a factor of D3 yields the following parcel
1 D
CDFparc ¼ f ðDÞparc dD ð7Þ
N 0

3 D
where f ðDÞparc ¼D q exp  ð8Þ
Here, N is a normalization factor, which is evaluated as follows:
Z 1  
3 3
N¼ f ðDÞparc dD ¼ X C þ 1 ð9Þ
0 q
Substituting Eqs. (7) and (8) into Eq. (9) yields the incomplete Gamma function, P(3/q + 1, D*q),
where D*q is the non-dimensional diameter defined as D* = D/X. In general, the incomplete
Gamma function is defined as (Press et al., 1992):
Z x
CDF ¼ P ða; xÞ ¼ expðtÞta1 dt ð10Þ
CðaÞ 0
Its inverse function can be obtained using the algorithm developed by Didonato and Morris
(1986) with the given inputs, a (=3/q + 1) and P(a,x). Solving for x is equivalent to solving for
D* = x1/q.
1376 S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388

The moments of the Rosin–Rammler drop-size distribution can be expressed as

Z 1  
n n n
D f ðDÞRR dD ¼ X C þ 1 ð11Þ
0 q

With this Eq. (11), the algebraic and Sauter-mean diameters can be parameterized in terms of the
Rosin–Rammler parameters X and q. The mean diameter, D10, is written as:
D10 ¼ X C þ 1 ð12Þ

Similarly, the Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) can be written as:

X 3C þ 1
D32 ¼   ð13Þ
2 2
X C þ1

The variation of D32, D10, and their ratio as a function of the dispersion coefficient, q, in the Ro-
sin–Rammler distribution is shown in Fig. 3. The locus of points defined by the curves in Fig. 3
allow one to identify X and q given D10 and D32, both of which are relatively easy to obtain exper-

Fig. 3. Analytical expressions of average droplet size (D10), Sauter Mean Diameter (D32), and their ratio with the given
Rosin–Rammler distribution function.
S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388 1377

imentally. The dispersion coefficient is first identified from the ratio D32/D10 and X is then deter-
mined from either D10 or D32. Note that X is not equivalent to D10 except when q is unity or infin-
ity. The dispersion coefficient, q, can be obtained as a function of the radial location when D32
and D10 are provide by experimental measurements.
There is an additional difficulty in using the presumed shape distribution parameterized by
various measured mean diameters. The difficulty arises because the initial jet breakup occurs
over a finite distance so quantities such as D10 and D32 are not well defined too close to
the nozzle. Furthermore, the numerous droplets in this region obscure the optical access
and, thus, it does not allow sufficiently accurate measurements. To overcome this difficulty,
we have taken measurements as close to the nozzle as reliably possible, at 48 mm downstream,
and used these to define our initial droplet distribution at that location. As will be discussed in
Section 4, even at this location, there is substantial radial variation in the droplet size distri-
bution. To account for the radial variation in the droplet size distribution, the injection is pro-
vided as a series of concentric injections at the radii corresponding to the measurements, with
an appropriate flow angle. The mass flow rate at each radial location is made proportional to
the experimentally measured mass flow rate. The measured flow rate is determined to be pro-
portional to the number of particles passing through the probe volume multiplied by their
average axial velocity times their mass appropriately weighted by the number of particles pass-
ing through the probe volume of the concentric injections. The parameters selected for the
Rosin–Rammler distributions will be presented in the following section along with the data
on which they are based.
An alternative approach is to extrapolate the droplet distribution parameters back to the nozzle
and use the presumed Rosin–Rammler distribution as the initial condition at the nozzle location;
this approach will be discussed in Section 4.

3.6. Computation details

All simulations run for a duration of two seconds on a 1.2 m · 0.8 m · 0.8 m domain. A
52 · 43 · 43 cartesian grid is employed, except for the grid sensitivity study presented later, with
grid stretching employed to enhance the resolution nearer the spray. The flow is essentially steady
after 0.2 s and statistics are collected from 0.2 to 2.0 s at intervals of 0.0002 s. Parcels are injected at
a rate of 133,333 per sec; the average mass associated with each parcel is approximately
1.875 · 106 kg of water. The number of droplets per parcel is dependent on the droplet diameter,
as determined in the previous section, and sufficient to account for the initial mass associated with
the parcel.

4. Experimental and simulation results

Measurements of the droplet diameters and velocities were obtained as a function of radial
location using the PDPA at four downstream locations. We first report measurements at the first
location, 48 mm, which are used as initial conditions for the simulation. We then report measure-
ments and simulation results at further downstream locations.
1378 S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388

4.1. Measurements near the nozzle

The downstream location closest to the nozzle at which measurements could reliably be made is
48 mm. Measurements there at five radial locations are presented in Table 1. The arithmetic mean
diameters are in the range of 30–55 lm. This data along with the known flow rate, nozzle charac-
teristics, and results of the analysis in Yoon and Heister (2004a) can be used to characterize the
initial jet breakup. The particular converging nozzle geometry selected is known to minimize liq-
uid turbulence in the approach to the nozzle orifice, but a low level of turbulent fluctuations will
remain. These turbulent fluctuations can lead to internal boundary layer growth and develop-
ing turbulence. Yoon and Heister (2004a) show that the critical Weber number,
Wet ¼ qU 2 d2 =ðrRed2 Þ, for the breakup to be characterized as turbulent is roughly 20 for this type
of nozzle. Here, q is the liquid density, U is the bulk flow velocity, d2 is the momentum thickness, r
is the surface tension and Red2 is the Reynolds number based on U and d2. A conservative analysis
assuming that the boundary-layer growth starts at the corner between the converging nozzle and
constant-diameter section of the nozzle leads to an estimated Weber number for the jet of 22. This
is just above the critical value for the transition to turbulent jet breakup identified in Fig. 11 of
Yoon and Heister (2004a). Further, the ratio between the mean droplet diameter and the nozzle
diameter, on the order of 0.025, falls close to the turbulent limit observed in Yoon and Heister
(2004a). Therefore, we can characterize this breakup process as a predominantly turbulent breakup
Two trends for the droplet diameter as a function of radius are evident in the measurements at
48 mm. First, the average diameter increases with radial location. The variation of the mean diam-
eter with radial location will be discussed in the following section along with results from other
downstream locations. Second, the shape of the droplet diameter distribution changes, as is indi-
cated by the changes in the ratio D32/D10. The effect of this on the droplet distribution is best
shown through the droplet diameter distributions that are plotted in Fig. 4. In Fig. 4, it is evident
that there are a larger number of small droplets along the centerline, leading to the smaller arith-
metic mean. As the radius increases, the droplet distribution appears less skewed, with a reduced
number of smaller particles at larger radii. Also shown in Fig. 4 are the Rosin–Rammler distribu-
tions, used to initialize the spray, that are obtained for the values of D32 and D10 shown in Table 1.
The agreement between the Rosin–Rammler distribution and the measured droplet size distribu-
tion is quite reasonable; the greatest discrepancy is the inability of the Rosin–Rammler distribu-
tion to reproduce the sharper peak along the spray centerline. In the simulations, the droplet sizes

Table 1
Experimental data and model parameters at x = 48 mm
y [mm] 0 5 10 15 20
D10 [lm] 32.29 43.33 43.08 43.86 54.76
D32 [lm] 68.92 71.19 69.71 64.95 71.19
D32/D10 2.134 1.643 1.618 1.481 1.300
q 1.288 1.747 1.784 2.043 2.651
C(1/q + 1) 0.925 0.891 0.890 0.886 0.889
X [lm] 34.91 48.63 48.40 49.51 61.71
m_ [kg/s] 0.130 0.028 0.064 0.016 0.012
S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388 1379

Fig. 4. Comparison of the droplet size distribution between Rosin–Rammler model (solid-line) and the experimental
data (bar-graph) at x = 48 mm for various radial locations.

are randomly sampled from the distributions shown in Fig. 4 and parameterized in Table 1 using
the techniques described in Section 3.5.
Another form of initial condition that we considered was the use of the measured droplet dis-
tribution. The reason that this method was not selected to provide the final simulation results are
two-fold. First, the apparent noise in the distribution, especially at the radial location of 20 mm, is
a concern. Second, data on moments of the diameter are much easier to obtain with good accu-
racy than are droplet size distributions. Therefore, we focus on the feasibility of using the pre-
sumed-shape distribution-function method because it is likely to be more generally applicable.

4.2. Liquid-core breakup length

As shown in Fig. 1(b), the fluid slug exiting the orifice is quickly atomized and generates numer-
ous droplets; no lengthy slug of fluid is observed. The high Weber number (i.e. We = 174,387) is
responsible for the behavior of a short liquid core. If the Weber number had been relatively low,
the liquid core length (Lc) would have been extended (i.e., Lc > 100). Traditionally, the Rayleigh
instability analyses (Rayleigh, 1878; Weber, 1931; McCarthy and Molloy, 1974; Sterling and Slei-
cher, 1975) are often used to predict the breakup length, Lc, approximated as Lc U/xm where
xm is the maximum growth rate. This type of approach is known to work reasonably well for low-
speed jets. Sometimes, this method can also be applied to high-speed jets (Sallam and Faeth, 1999;
Sallam et al., 2002; Hoyt and Taylor, 1977a) because the larger wavelengths are affected by
1380 S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388

Fig. 5. Two different turbulent jets at different Weber number. (Above) Highly atomizing jet with short breakup length
at ‘‘very’’ high Weber number; the jet investigated in this report. (Below) Moderately atomizing jet with long breakup
length at moderately high Weber number; the jet investigated in Sallam et al. (2002).

Rayleigh instability while the smaller wavelengths are affected by other instability sources (i.e.,
Kelvin–Helmholtz type instability, boundary-layer instability, turbulence etc.). However, this
method for estimating the jet breakup length is not applicable to ‘‘very’’ high-speed jets where
the Weber number exceeds We > 100,000. The reasons are as follows: First, droplets are quickly
formed and thus there is no lengthy liquid core. Second, there are no larger-scale disturbances; the
small-scale disturbances dominate the flow physics, which cannot be predicted by the Rayleigh-
type instability analysis. For these reasons, the breakup length of our jet is not comparable to
the jet breakup length of Sallam et al. (2002). The liquid-core at very high Weber number (i.e.
We = 174,387) is quite short (i.e. Lc < 4 or 5d) while that of Sallam et al. is much longer (i.e.
Lc > 100d). It is highly likely that the breakup length is scaled by the momentum thickness, d2,
since the small-scale, which determines the overall droplet size, is comparable with d2 of the
boundary layer instability (Yoon and Heister, 2004a). The schematic shown in Fig. 5 explains
the difference between our very high-speed jet and Sallam et al.Õs (2002) moderately high-speed jet.

5. Results and discussion

5.1. Downstream spray evolution

Measurements of D10 and U, the arithmetically averaged particle axial velocity, are shown at
250 mm, 480 mm, and 810 mm, downstream of the nozzle in Figs. 6 and 7 along with the data from
48 mm. Measurements can be compared with the simulation results in Figs. 6 and 7. In general
the simulations agree well with the measurements, except for a slightly under-predicted spray cone
angle. The local jet spreading rate greatly depends on the local turbulence modeling (Pope, 1978).
S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388 1381

Fig. 6. Radial distributions of axial droplet size at various axial locations. Symbols are experimental data and lines are
the computational results.

Fig. 7. Axial velocity distribution at various axial locations. Symbols are experimental data and lines are the
computational results.
1382 S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388

The model currently used has a shortcoming to predict the turbulent kinetic energy predicting (Pai
and Subramaniam, 2004), which eventually leads to underprediction of the local jet spreading
rate. From Figs. 6 and 7 the long time evolution of the spray can be observed. There is a clear
segregation of the smaller particles in the inner region of the spray while larger particles are able
to move to the outer regions of the spray. Thus the reduction in the number of smaller particles
closer to the centerline observed in Fig. 4 continues throughout the majority of the spray evolu-
tion. However, at the farthest downstream distance measured, the distribution of droplets be-
comes substantially more uniform with radial location. The segregation of small droplets near
the centerline can be attributed to the competition between turbulent dispersion and entrainment
of air by the spray. Droplets that are dispersed by turbulent fluctuations will move outwards from
the center, but their outward motion will be countered by the air entrainment. Air entrainment
causes a radially inward velocity in conjunction with the spatial acceleration of the jet. Small par-
ticles, those with smaller particle Stokes number, will better follow the mean gas motion which
drives them to the spray centerline. Larger particles are less affected by the air entrainment and
will follow more ballistic trajectories subject to initial velocity vectors arising from the jet breakup
process and turbulent dispersion.
Farther downstream, the inward entrainment velocities are reduced to the point where smaller
particles are substantially dispersed from the centerline. This is shown 810 mm downstream in Fig.
6 where the mean droplet diameter becomes more uniform.
The simulations capture the relative dispersion of the larger and smaller particles with good
fidelity, both in the early development where the segregation process is strong and later when
more uniform dispersion is predominant.
Also presented in Fig. 7 are the measured axial droplet velocities. These show the reduction in
the particle velocity associated with the spreading of the spray and the transfer of momentum to
the gas through drag forces. The water spray transfers momentum to the surrounding air and in-
duces a flow, determined from the computational results, with Reynolds numbers on the order of
105. The air near the spray centerline is accelerated substantially more than that near the spray
edge so that the outer droplets experience greater continuous drag and are slower. The measure-
ments are compared with the simulated droplet velocities in Fig. 7. While the general agreement is
good, there are certain characteristics of the predicted velocity profiles, at least at 480 mm, that
indicate points of concern when collecting statistics using the present stochastic-separated flow ap-
proach. Of specific concern is collection of relatively large particles into a single parcel. Large par-
ticles are relatively rare, but they have a large Stokes number. The large Stokes number means
that they easily reach the outer regions of the jet with substantial momentum; these large particles
are the cause of the greater particle velocities at the edge of the spray, relative to the measured
values. Because the SSF model transports large particles as a group, their effect is magnified.
Increasing the total number of parcels, and thus reducing the particles per parcel will tend to
ameliorate this effect, but there will always be a region near the edge of the spray where statistical
uncertainty increases in association with a reduced number of parcels reaching that region. In Fig.
8, the snapshots of the spray are shown. Relatively large droplets are formed as the flow evolves
downstream due to coalescence events. The contour color is scaled in Fig. 8 based on the droplet
axial speed. It is shown that the droplet speed is reduced in the downstream direction due to drag.
Fig. 9 illustrates the time-averaged gas-phase velocity field in a plane through the jet centerline,
with a superimposed contour plot indicating the relative particle number density. The gas is ini-
S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388 1383

Fig. 8. Instantaneous snapshot of spray calculation at t = 1.0 s using Hybrid collision model. Contour color indicates
droplet axial speed in [m/s]. Symbol diameter is proportional to droplet diameter.

Fig. 9. Gas velocity vectors in the z = 0 plane, indicating centrally-directed entrainment. Superimposed contours
indicate the local particle number density.

tially accelerated through aerodynamic drag interaction with the spray droplets, which decelerate
and give up part of their momentum. Both the initial cone angle of the spray and the turbulent
mixing of the accelerated air with the slower-moving air outside the spray are responsible for
the widening of the velocity profile at downstream locations. The inward-directed velocity vector
at the edges of the spray will certainly influence the smaller particles, which have a smaller aero-
dynamic velocity relaxation time (Crowe et al., 1998). These smaller particles will be preferentially
swept toward the centerline of the spray, which may partially explain the previously observed
increase in mean droplet size in the radial direction.

5.2. Grid sensitivity analysis

All simulations are run for t = 2.0 s, with time-averaged statistics being gathered from t = 0.2 s
up to t = 2.0 s. The interval between samples is Dtstat = 0.0002 s, so that all statistics are based on
1384 S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388

9000 realizations. The computational domain size extends 1.2 m · 0.8 m · 0.8 m, and a nonuni-
form grid is used to provide enhanced resolution near the spray. Three resolutions are tested,
including a coarse grid of 42 · 33 · 33, a medium grid of 52 · 43 · 43, and a fine grid of
67 · 53 · 53. Results for the medium and fine grid resolutions are similar enough to be deemed
essentially grid-independent, and so the medium resolution is used for all subsequent work to keep
simulation costs affordable.

5.3. Effect of evaporation model

In Fig. 10, droplet size distribution results are shown for both an evaporating spray and a non-
evaporating spray at axial locations of x = 480 mm and x = 810 mm. The overall size distribution
trends are unchanged at both axial stations, although a counterintuitive increase in mean droplet
size is observed in the outer portions of the spray at x = 480 mm. Close inspection of the simula-
tion results indicate that this is attributed to the complete evaporation of a large number of ini-
tially small droplets, which biases the overall average toward the larger droplets.

5.4. Effect of collision model

Some limitations of the OÕRourke collision model have been reported (Ko et al., 2003). Colli-
sion probability in the OÕRourke model is somewhat mesh-dependent. In addition, the model
ignores the preferred directional effects of droplets, and thus collision-criterion detects too many
collisions. In the current case, overly frequent collision events yield overly predicted droplet size as

Fig. 10. Effect of evaporation model.

S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388 1385

Fig. 11. Effect of collision models. Comparison is made at x = 810 mm.

shown in Fig. 11. For that reason, the Hybrid-model, which accounts for the preferred directional
effects, is chosen for the current simulation. Mean droplet size profiles both with and without the
use of the Hybrid collision model are also shown in Fig. 11. The droplet size result with the col-
lision model is slightly larger than that without the collision model. However, the collision effect
does not seem to be dominant. When the Hybrid collision model is used, moderate number of coa-
lescence event occurs in a way so that the overall droplet size is not over-predicted. Some diver-
gence behavior is observed at x = 810 mm; larger droplets due to coalescence are better capable of
penetrating outwardly and thus relatively larger droplet size is seen for the collision model result.
This phenomenon indicates that the collision does play some role in characterizing the droplet size
distribution over the domain, even though the collision does not seem to have the dominant effect
for this particular turbulent spray.
Reasonable success has been obtained in matching the simulation results with the experimental
measurements using spray data at x = 48 mm as initial conditions. This, unfortunately, neglects
the dynamics of the near-field portions of the spray. To ascertain the possibility of using the
Rosin–Rammler distribution as an initial condition at the nozzle location, another simulation
is performed where the initial conditions at the spray nozzle are set using the data at
x = 48 mm, averaged over all radial locations. The experimental data from Fig. 4 is used, yielding
a mean droplet size of D10 = 40 lm and Rosin–Rammler model parameters of X = 45 lm and
q = 1.5. Starting at the nozzle, the spray evolves over the distance that would normally comprise
the liquid core breakup and the dense-spray region. The complicated physics occurring within
these regions are neglected except for the fact that the droplet collision model plays a significant
role in this region. Simulation results using these initial conditions are shown in Fig. 12. While the
overall agreement is still fairly good, there is evidence along the centerline at all downstream
1386 S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388

Fig. 12. Single-point injection using the extrapolated initial droplet size at x = 0 mm. Symbols are experimental data
and lines are the computational results.

locations, including at 48 mm, that droplet collisions occurring in the first 48 mm of the simulation
result in a somewhat different droplet size distribution. This highlights the difficulty of extrapolat-
ing back to the nozzle location using measurements from a short distance downstream: the non-
linear nature of the collision process for an expanding spray makes is difficult, though perhaps not
impossible, to predict how the spray distribution will evolve without an iterative procedure.
Because of the satisfactory results obtained using the measured droplet distributions at 48 mm
downstream, we have elected not to pursue such a procedure at the present time.

6. Conclusions

A turbulent water spray is simulated using a stochastic separated flow technique that includes
sub-models for droplet dynamics, heat and mass transfer due to evaporation, and collisions with
possible coalescence. The semi-empirical prescription of initial droplet sizes and velocities used in
this study is a novel Monte Carlo sampling technique using a prescribed Rosin–Rammler distri-
bution that is parameterized in terms of experimentally measured arithmetic and Sauter-mean
diameters. The computational results are compared to the experimental measurements, yielding
the following observations:

(i) The dispersion coefficient (q) in the Rosin–Rammler distribution increases as radial location
increases, indicating a more symmetric and uniform size distribution. The coefficient range
near the nozzle exit (i.e. x = 48 mm) is about 1.40 < q < 2.65.
S.S. Yoon et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (2004) 1369–1388 1387

(ii) A gradation of particle sizes in the radial direction occurs due to different dynamic behavior
of small and large particles. Large particles are dispersed by the spray initial cone angle and
subsequent interactions with turbulent eddies in the entrained air, while smaller particles are
generally swept toward the spray centerline by aerodynamic drag interactions with the
entrained air.
(iii) The droplet size distribution becomes more uniform downstream because most flow mecha-
nisms (such as turbulent mixing and coalescence) approach statistical quasi-steady state.
(iv) Small particles do not have enough momentum to travel a large distance and thus only large
particles exist in downstream locations.
(v) While evaporation does not play a major role at upstream locations, its effect is relatively sig-
nificant at downstream and larger radial locations because droplets are exposed to a drier
environment in the dilute spray region.
(vi) The effect of coalescence is not negligible and has a moderate role in characterizing the drop-
let distribution, especially in trends of droplet size and velocity at larger radial locations.


Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin

Company for the United States Department of EnergyÕs National Nuclear Security Administra-
tion under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.


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