Vibration Assisted Tapping
Vibration Assisted Tapping
Vibration Assisted Tapping
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
Abstract: Abrupt breakage of the taps is repeatedly come across during tapping threads, especially when
tapping on difficult to machine material like titanium. In the present study, regression models and artificial
neural network (ANN) were developed to predict tapping torque on titanium alloys while performing axial and,
axial and torsional vibration-assisted tapping (AVAT and ATVAT). For the development of predictive models,
tapping speed, axial vibration amplitude and ratio of forward-backward movement were considered as model
variables in both the cases. General full factorial design of experiments was carried out in order to collect torque
values and this data is input for model construction. In regression and ANN, different models and algorithms
were tested for optimum predictions. The performance of the regression mathematical model and ANN model
were compared with experimental outputs. The comparison indicates that the ANN model predictions are closer
to the experimental outputs compared to the regression model predictions. This model can be used for predicting
the tapping torque and on the basis of this breakage of taps can be avoided. The details of experimentation,
model developing strategies, testing, and performance comparisons are presented in the paper.
Keywords: Titanium alloys, vibration-assisted tapping, torque, regression model, ANN.
1. Introduction
Excessive torque is one of the main causes for abrupt breakage of tap inside the predrilled hole during
internal thread tapping [1,2]. Nevertheless, it is understood in the earlier investigation that controlled axial [3-8]
and torsional [9-14] vibrations in tapping helps to reduce the maximum torque and force to an acceptable level,
and eventually improves the tap life. But only a few studies adopt the vibrations variables in analytical models
Nowadays machining field is significantly interested in the use of regression analysis and ANN for
prediction and analysis of results. This includes studies on surface roughness [16-21], tool wear [18,22-24], tool
chip interface temperature [25], heat affected zone [19,26], cutting force [20,27], profile accuracy [28] and
cutting tool stress [29] in the earlier publication. The artificial neural network (ANN) is one of the most
powerful modeling techniques based on a statistical approach, which has been applied to modeling complicated
processes in many engineering fields, such as material science [30], aerospace [31], automotive, energy [32,33]
and manufacturing [34]. With ANN, a predictive model can compensate for the limits of conventional predictive
control based on the linear model and can predict the non-linear model more accurately. Reddy et al. [35] have
shown that an ANN can perform highly complex mappings on nonlinearly related data by inferring subtle
relationships between input and output parameters. The basic advantage of ANN is that it is not necessary to
postulate a mathematical model at first or identify its parameters. An ANN learns from the data obtained from
experiments and recognizes patterns in a series of inputs and output data sets without any prior assumptions
about their interrelations. In the past few years, ANN has been developed to model different correlations and
phenomena of alloys [31,34,36,37]. Powar and Date [36] have shown that, the ANN can be successfully used in
the field of material science for the prediction of the microstructure and mechanical properties of heat treated
components with a correlation coefficient (R) over 90%. Malinov and Sha [37] had shown that the fatigue
behavior and the corrosion rate can also be predicted as functions of the alloy composition and environmental
This paper therefore focuses on investigating the suitability of torque predictive models based on
regression analysis and ANN. The models for torque prediction were developed with the tapping speed, axial
vibration amplitude and ratio of forward-backward movement as the vibration assisted tapping process
parameters. The input–output data required to develop both regression models and ANN models have been
obtained through multi-level general full factorial design of experiments. The developed models have been
tested for their prediction accuracy with new process parameter combinations. The comparison of the main and
interaction effects of the process parameters of the regression and ANN models has also been demonstrated in
the paper. The details of this work are presented in the following sections of this paper. 1 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
2. Experimental Details
The block diagram of the setup employed in the present study to carry axial and torsional vibrations is
illustrated in Fig.1. In the present work, piezoelectric device along with generator was used for axial vibrations
and CNC controller was used for torsional vibrations. The piezoelectric device was fixed on dynamometer with
help of holding fixture and then the whole assembly attached to work table. The tapping was carried out on
cylindrical workpieces made of Ti-6Al-4V by right hand taps. The experimental strategy used in this experiment
was general full factorial design, as shown in Table 1. In this experiment, there were three controlled variables
investigated, including axial vibration amplitude, tapping speed and ratio of forward to backward movement
(RFBM) with different level, as shown in Table 2. Each variable had two replications; therefore, the total
numbers of experimental trials were 48. This replication permits to obtain more precisely estimate the effect. In
this experiment, the orders in which the individual trials of the experiments are to be performed are randomly
Table 1 – Experimental design using general full factorial design and results
Trial no. Levels of input factors Response - Torque (
Std. Run Amplitud Speed RFBM Experimental Regression % ANN %
Order Order e (RPM predication error Predication error
(µm) )
26 1 0 50 1.5 148.1 154.0 4.0 152.30 2.76
45 2 14 75 0.0 159.1 153.0 3.9 160.75 1.03
34 3 6 75 1.5 103.1 93.0 9.8 104.15 1.01
40 4 10 75 1.5 93.2 105.2 12.9 94.25 1.11
28 5 0 75 1.5 108.1 118.6 9.8 107.60 0.46
27 6 0 75 0.0 169.9 164.5 3.2 171.50 0.93
32 7 6 50 1.5 143.3 129.7 9.5 142.80 0.35
46 8 14 75 1.5 142.3 140.9 1.0 143.15 0.59
29 9 0 100 0.0 202.4 214.1 5.8 203.85 0.71
41 10 10 100 0.0 172.3 174.3 1.2 171.70 0.35
38 11 10 50 1.5 133.7 142.8 6.8 132.90 0.60
31 12 6 50 0.0 162.1 165.2 1.9 161.65 0.28
33 13 6 75 0.0 126.1 124.4 1.3 125.45 0.52
39 14 10 75 0.0 119.3 127.0 6.4 119.80 0.42
35 15 6 100 0.0 183.3 172.6 5.8 181.70 0.88
44 16 14 50 1.5 183.1 179.3 2.1 184.10 0.54 2 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
36 17 6 100 1.5 173.0 145.4 9.4 171.55 0.85
47 18 14 100 0.0 196.1 199.4 1.7 198.90 1.41
25 19 0 50 0.0 209.9 204.0 2.8 210.50 0.29
48 20 14 100 1.5 187.8 191.5 2.0 188.95 0.61
30 21 0 100 1.5 174.3 172.3 1.1 173.50 0.46
37 22 10 50 0.0 153.5 168.6 9.8 153.75 0.16
42 23 10 100 1.5 147.7 156.7 6.1 147.90 0.14
43 24 14 50 0.0 201.3 195.5 2.9 203.05 0.86
11 25 6 100 0.0 180.1 172.6 4.1 181.70 0.88
16 26 10 75 1.5 95.3 105.2 10.4 94.25 1.11
24 27 14 100 1.5 190.1 191.5 0.7 188.95 0.61
10 28 6 75 1.5 105.2 93.0 11.6 104.15 1.01
23 29 14 100 0.0 201.7 199.4 1.1 198.90 1.41
20 30 14 50 1.5 185.1 179.3 3.1 184.10 0.54
3 31 0 75 0.0 173.1 164.5 5.0 171.50 0.93
5 32 0 100 0.0 205.3 214.1 4.3 203.85 0.71
19 33 14 50 0.0 204.8 195.5 4.5 203.05 0.86
21 34 14 75 0.0 162.4 153.0 5.8 160.75 1.03
12 35 6 100 1.5 170.1 145.4 8.7 171.55 0.85
2 36 0 50 1.5 152.3 154.0 1.1 152.30 0.00
7 37 6 50 0.0 161.2 165.2 2.5 161.65 0.28
18 38 10 100 1.5 148.1 156.7 5.8 147.90 0.14
22 39 14 75 1.5 144.0 140.9 2.2 143.15 0.59
9 40 6 75 0.0 124.8 124.4 0.3 125.45 0.52
4 41 0 75 1.5 107.1 118.6 10.8 107.60 0.46
17 42 10 100 0.0 171.1 174.3 1.9 171.70 0.35
14 43 10 50 1.5 132.1 142.8 8.1 132.90 0.60
13 44 10 50 0.0 154.0 168.6 9.5 153.75 0.16
1 45 0 50 0.0 211.1
204.0 3.4 210.50 0.29
8 46 6 50 1.5 142.3 129.7 8.9 142.80 0.35
6 47 0 100 1.5 172.7 172.3 0.2 173.50 0.46
15 48 10 75 0.0 120.3 127.0 5.5 119.80 0.42
Table 2 – Factors and their levels
Factor Notation Unit Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Amplitude A µm 0 6 10 14
Tapping Speed Ts RPM 50 75 100 --
RFBM Φ -- 0 1.5 -- --
3. Prediction models
3.1 Regression Model (RM)
The regression examination method has three paths to follow which are experimental investigations,
mathematical methods and statistical analysis [38]. A researcher is always keen to put forward the relation
between independent variables to govern the optimal solution for objective function with the help of coefficients
of the independent variables. These regression coefficients were projected using the experimental data and
mathematical methods. In the present investigation, a whole analysis was done using the experimental data in
Table 1. Fig. 2 shows a descriptive model building strategy. In the beginning, the best subset regression method
is used to analyze the independent variables and their interactions and higher order terms using MINITAB 16
software. This is the most efficient and effective way to develop accurate models with few trams as possible.
The purpose of doing this is finding the significance of higher-order terms and kept them as low as possible.
Such a low term model is easier to test again in replication as well as in cross-validation studies, less costly to
put into practice in predicting and controlling the outcome in the future and easier to understand. Then the
models are gauged to finalize the best model by the criteria of standard Error (S), coefficient of determination
(R2), adjusted coefficient of determination (𝑅 2), and Mallows’ Cp statistic. The best subset model is checked
with a general regression analysis and further evaluated by t-test, f-test, Durbin-Watson test and residual plots. If
model is failing on the tests, go for a next best subset model and repeat the cycle. Finally, the predicted values of
regression model are compared with the actual experimental data. 3 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
Specially, with a sample of n observations of the dependent variable Y, the regression model [39] can
be expressed as,
𝑛 𝑛 𝑚 𝑛 𝑛
Where, Y is theresponsevariable (tapping torque), n is the number of factors (3), 𝐶0 is the free term, 𝐶𝑖 is the
linear effect,𝐶𝑖𝑖 is the squared, 𝐶𝑖𝑗 and 𝐶𝑖𝑗𝑘 are the interaction effect and 𝐸𝑟 is the residual.
Evaluation (criteria)
Standard Error (S)
Start Best Subset Regression Coefficient of determination (R2)
Adjusted coefficient of determination ( 2)
Mallows’ Cp statistic
Go for next
best model
Not OK
Model Testing
Model Predication Check model
Compare with OK t-test, f-test & Durbin- Select Best
with General
Experimental data Watson test Regression Model
Residual Plots,
learns from given examples by constructing an input-output mapping in order to perform estimations. Each
neuron in the input layer represents one independent variable and the neurons in the hidden layers are only for
computation purpose. The function of hidden layer neurons is to detect the relationship between network inputs
and outputs. Each of the output neuron computes one dependent variable. All the neurons of the network are
connected by the weight that expresses the effect of an input set or another process element in the previous layer
on the output. The connection weighting and bias values are initially chosen as random numbers and then fixed
during the training process. The input layer receives input data and after processing, sends them to the hidden
layer. The hidden layer processes the data and sends a response to the output layer. The output layer accepts the
response and produces the result.
There are many variations of connections available in literature [40]. However, this study focuses on only one
type of network, multilayer perceptron (MLP). The MLP Neural Networks consist of neurons, which are
ordered into layers as shown in Fig. 3. The parameters and results of the actual trials shown in Table 1 were
used to make a neural network model for the problem. There are several learning algorithms in ANN. A learning
algorithm is a procedure of adjusting the weights and biases of a network, to minimize an error between the
network output and actual output for a given set of inputs. Back-propagation (BP) algorithm is most popular
learning algorithms for multilayer perceptions. However, BP has the disadvantage of slow convergence to the
solution and also required long training times. Additionally, success of the BP algorithm depends on the user-
dependent parameter [32]. The Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) and Quasi-Newton algorithms are faster than BP
algorithm and use standard numerical optimization methods [41]. The LM is an alternative to backpropagation
for use in training feedforward neural networks based on a nonlinear optimization. LM algorithms use an
approximation of second-order derivatives of the objective function so that better convergence behavior can be
obtained. Moreover, this method provides a better parameter change vector than gradient descent technique.
Quasi-Newton algorithms build up curvature information at each iteration to formulate a quadratic problem. LM
and Quasi-Newton algorithms resolve the some disadvantages of BP mentioned above. ANNs are designed
according to their connection architecture, learning the algorithm, the number of hidden layers, number of nodes
in a hidden layer and transfer function. Also, these design criteria affect the performance of ANNs. 4 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
as follows:
𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑢𝑒 = 553.148 − 10.5433 ∗ 𝑇𝑠 − 48.0338 ∗ 𝛷 − 1.48419 ∗ 𝐴2 + 0.071195 ∗ 𝑇𝑠 2 + 2.83728 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ 𝛷
+ 0.232474 ∗ 𝑇𝑠 ∗ 𝛷 − 0.016352 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ 𝑇𝑠 ∗ 𝛷 + 0.103566
∗ 𝐴3 (2)
The above equation is third-order polynomial regression equation representing the torque as a function of
vibration assisted tapping factors such as vibration amplitude (A), tapping speed (Ts) and a ratio of forward-
backward movement (Φ) with their interaction and higher order terms.
The t-test is used to examine the significance of the individual term involved in the model at the 95% confidence
level. The output from MINITAB 16 (coefficient, SE coefficient, t-value and t-significance) associated with
individual term are presented in Table 4. If the t-significance value associated with individual term are less than
0.05, then those terms statistically significant to the models. The t-significance value of all terms of regression
model (equation number) presented in Table 4 are less than 0.05, it is concluded that every term plays important
role in the equation. The degrees of freedom (DF), mean square (MS) and F-value and F-Significant (ANOVA)
associated with regression model are presented in Table 5. Since the F-Significant in Table 5 is less than 0.05,
there is a statistically significant relationship between tapping torque and the forecaster variables at the 95%
confidence level. Similarly, ANOVA results of the individual term as it were involved in the model summarized
in Table 6. The F-Significant of individual term in Table 6 is less than 0.05. Therefore, all terms included in the
model are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Thus, the developed model is satisfactorily
reliable. 5 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
Table 3 – Subsets Analysis
Sr. Model Parameters
No A 𝑇 𝛷 A2 𝑇 2 A*𝑇 A*𝛷 𝛷 A*𝑇𝑠 * A3 P R2 𝑅2 Cp S
𝑠 𝑠 𝑠
*𝑇𝑠 𝛷
01 × 1 18.7 17 994 29.55
02 × 1 12.6 10.7 1072 30.64
03 × × 2 44.7 42.2 665 24.66
04 × × 2 29.3 26.1 862 27.88
05 × × × 3 63.4 60.9 428 20.28
06 × × × 3 61.0 58.3 459 20.94
07 × × × × 4 73.9 71.5 295 17.31
08 × × × × 4 72.3 69.7 315 17.84
09 × × × × × 5 92.6 91.8 58 9.30
10 × × × × × 5 91.0 90 78.5 10.26
11 × × × × × × 6 96.5 96 11 6.52
12 × × × × × × 6 95.6 94.9 22.8 7.32
13 × × × × × × × 7 96.8 96.2 9.5 6.33
14 × × × × × × × 7 96.5 95.9 12.2 6.53
15 × × × × × × × × 8 97.1* 96.5* 7.4* 6.08*
16 × × × × × × × × 8 96.8 96.2 10.7 6.35
17 × × × × × × × × × 9 97.1* 96.4 9 6.14
18 × × × × × × × × × 9 97.1* 96.4 9.3 6.16
19 × × × × × × × × × × 10 97.1* 96.3 11 6.21
P- Number of terms, R2-Coefficient of determination, 𝑹2-Adjusted coefficient of determination, Cp -Mallows’
statistic and S-Standard error. * Indicates most significant value
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 4a-d Statistics with number of terms; (a) coefficient of determination, (b) Adjusted coefficient of
determination, (c) Mallows’ statistic and, (d) standard error 6 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
Table 4 – Summary statistics for individual term
Terms Coefficient SE Coefficient t-value t-significance
Constant 553.148 16.3378 33.8569 0.000
𝑻𝒔 -10.543 0.4514 -23.3590 0.000
𝜱 -48.034 6.4978 -7.3924 0.000
A2 -1.484 0.0792 -18.7469 0.000
𝑻𝒔 2 0.071 0.0030 23.8784 0.000
A*𝜱 2.837 0.6300 4.5033 0.000
𝜱 *𝑻𝒔 0.232 0.0822 2.8287 0.007
A*𝑻𝒔 * 𝜱 -0.016 0.0078 -2.0844 0.044
A3 0.104 0.0052 19.8782 0.000
The model adequacy is verified by carrying out a residual analysis. In residual analysis, residual plots
are used to examine the goodness-of-fit of the regression model as well as identify any violations of the
underlying assumptions (normality, independence, and constant variance of residuals). If these assumptions are
gratified, then regression model is adequate and residual is structure -less. In the present model, the residuals are
appearing normally distributed (shown in the Fig. 5a-b probability and histogram plots) and generally random
(shown in the Fig. 5c-d, which display the residuals against their fitted values and in their observation order).
The points in the normal probability plot are shown a general form of straight line and it directs the residuals are
normally distributed, see Fig. 5a. If the points on the plot are departing from a straight line, then the normal
probability assumption is invalid.
Similarly, the histogram frequency distribution plot is shown data centered at zero directs the residuals
are normally distributed, see Fig. 5b. If the pattern is shown long tail on one side, it indicates the skewed
distribution, whereas if it is shown the bars far away from each other indicate the outliers. The points in residual
versus the fitted values plot have shown a randompattern of residuals on both sides of zero line and it has
ensured the constant variance assumption, see Fig 5c. In Fig 4d residual versus the order plot has shown the data
according to the observation order and it is helping to find time related effects. A tendency of positive and
negative residuals in the plot (Fig 5d) is pointed toward positive correlation. Correspondingly, Durbin–Watson
test is used to examine the independence assumption on the residuals. At the 95% confidence level, when the
number of variables is three and the number of residuals is forty eight, the upper bound value of Durbin–Watson
test is 1.674 [42]. Durbin–Watson test statistic for this model was 2.25, which is greater than the upper bound
value. Hence, independence assumption on the residuals was satisfied for this model. The results predicted by
regression model are compared with experimental results in Fig 5e. It shows the model prediction presents a
good agreement with the experimental data. 7 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5 a-e; (a) Normal probability plot of residuals, (b) Histogram of the residuals, (c) residual versus the fitted
values, (d) residual versus the order of the data and, (e) Comparison of regression results with experimental
measurements. 8 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
𝑋−𝑋 𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑋𝑁 = 2 −1 (3)
𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 −𝑋 𝑚𝑖𝑛
Where XN is the normalized value of a certain parameter, X is the measured value for this parameter
and Xmin and Xmax are the minimum and the maximum values in the database for this parameter, respectively.
The MATLAB neural network toolbox was used to train the developed network models. In this part of the
study, different ANN models were designed and tested. The successful models are summarized in Fig. 6a-c and
7a-c. For present model construction, 5 different learning algorithms, 4 different transfer functions, 1-3 hidden
layers, and all possible combinations of 4-7 neurons at hidden layer are tried with higher number of epochs. The
dataset was divided randomly into 3 groups. The groups were as follows: one half – training set, one quarter –
validation set and one quarter – test set. The training program was written in such a way that whenever the
program ran, the whole dataset was randomly divided into these three groups of sub data.
In the present study, performance of networks was determined on the basis of standard deviation (σ) and the
average absolute error (Er). Among these models, the fastest model having the best generalization capability
with lower standard deviation and error is selected for prediction of tapping torque. From Fig. 6a-c and 7a-c
shows that, Levenberg– Marquardt algorithm having a high error percentage for first four experiments than the
Batch Gradient Descent algorithm and Quasi-Newton algorithms. But compared to other algorithms, it is having
very low, almost zero standard deviation for 6 or higher number of hidden neurons. Final selected model has
one hidden layer with 7 neurons and Levenberg– Marquardt algorithm (LMA) as the learning algorithm.
Whereas, it has a tan-sigmoid (tansig) and linear (purelin) transfer function between the layers. However,
learning rate was kept at 0.1.
Fig. 6a-c Variation of average absolute error with respect to different number of hidden neurons (a) Levenberg–
Marquardt algorithm (b) Batch Gradient Descent algorithm (c) Quasi-Newton algorithms 9 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
Fig. 7a-c Variation of standard deviation with respect to different number of hidden neurons (a) Levenberg–
Marquardt algorithm (b) Batch Gradient Descent algorithm (c) Quasi-Newton algorithms
The constructed model is now used for the prediction of tapping torque and results obtained were
compared with the experimental results. The results indicate that the ANN model has been successfully applied
to the tapping parameters of Ti6Al4V. The comparison of results is shown in Fig. 8, from the figure it can be
seen that ANN predictions closely follows the experimental values. The validation for the tapping torque values
using ANN has been listed in Table 1. It is clear from Table 1; the percentage of error between the experimental
and predicted values is found that a minimum of 0 and maximum of 2.76. This error is a reasonable one and
shows that the ANN model predicted satisfactory the required tapping torque for titanium material. 10 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
This paper has illustrated performance of tapping process in the presence of controlled vibrations for
titanium alloy. To establish the relationship between the controlled vibrations and the maximum torque in
tapping process, a regression analysis and ANN systematically carried out based on general full factorial design.
The comparisons were made of the above approaches after testing their performance on 10 randomly selected
test cases. This paper also discussed the effect of tapping speed and vibration parameters on maximum torque in
the tapping process. The key findings of this study as follows:
1. Both the regression and ANN approach were seen to be sufficient for estimating tapping torque with very
small test error. However, the maximum prediction error of the regression model was less than 12.9 % and 11 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 09 || September 2016 || PP. 01-13
the average prediction error was less than 5 %. Whereas, with ANN (with the LM algorithm) maximum
prediction error was less than 1.4 % and the average prediction error was less than 0.7 %.
2. The obtained results indicated that the regression and ANN are suitable techniques to construct predictive
models for prediction of required tapping torque in titanium alloys. Consequently models can be used
successfully to avoid the tap breakage.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the partial support provided for this work by National Centre for
Aerospace Innovation and Research, IIT-Bombay, a Dept. of Science and Technology-Government of India,
The Boeing Company and IIT Bombay Collaboration, and Kalyani Center for Technology and Innovation,
Bharat Forge Ltd. Pune.
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